Compatibility of Sagittarius and Aquarius women in a relationship. Sagittarius and Aquarius: general compatibility. Sagittarius man and Aquarius woman compatibility in love relationships - cons

The union of Sagittarius and Aquarius is considered one of the ideal combinations of zodiac signs. People born under these constellations are unusually similar in spirit, outlook and way of life. They have many common interests and hobbies. The open and friendly Sagittarius attracts the crazy and unpredictable Aquarius. These people are as similar to each other as they are radically different, like opposites. But, despite the differences in character and temperament, representatives of these signs easily find mutual understanding, they seem to complement each other.

The nature of Aquarius is multifaceted, his actions are absolutely unpredictable. He is characterized by a frequent change of mood, from infecting others with fun, sharply turning into melancholy and despondency. Representatives of this sign do not know how to clearly express their feelings, which sometimes makes it difficult to build strong relationships with members of the opposite sex. But with Sagittarius, Aquarius on a subconscious level feel and understand each other. They easily converge in decisions on any, even the most controversial issues, since the level of mutual understanding between them is unusually high.

A happy and long-lasting marriage is foreshadowed by astrologers to the union of these two signs. Although they warn that their compatibility in amorous affairs is not perfect, there are gaps in it that can destroy such a seemingly strong relationship.

Filling these gaps and learning how to solve emerging problems together is what this couple should strive for in the first place. Otherwise, this couple of charming adventurers, always ready to realize their most extravagant ideas together, will find a common language. Representatives of both signs value independence very much, moreover, both their own and someone else's, which is another important factor bringing them together.

Aquarius and Sagittarius are great optimists, they are confident that a cloudless happy future awaits them, and they are trying to do everything possible to ensure that it is so.

Sagittarius Woman

Among the representatives of the signs of the zodiac, the Sagittarius woman is the most straightforward. She always says what she thinks to her face, and it does not matter to her how others will react to it. However, she does not always choose expressions to express her opinion. This lady does not tolerate deception, in any case, she will not calm down until she gets to the bottom of the truth.

So it's best to be as honest with her as possible. A woman born under the constellation Sagittarius is very friendly and sincere, she values ​​​​her independence and is always open to those people who behave towards her honestly and fairly. She has a light disposition, a cheerful and optimistic attitude makes her pleasant to talk to, it is always interesting and pleasant to be with her, because, thanks to her highly developed intellect, this woman is able to support any conversation.

Whatever the representative of this sign does, she does it from the bottom of her heart, and never seeks to harm others, offend a person for no reason or hurt his feelings.

The Sagittarius woman is a very self-confident young lady, she knows exactly what she wants from life, she always achieves her goal, and never doubts her abilities. She is extremely energetic, is in constant motion, tries to help everyone, even unfamiliar people. For this reason, she often has conflicts in the family, because because of her desire to help everyone and everyone, the household is left without sufficient attention from her. Often for this woman, social life, the path to self-realization and to achieving any goals set for herself are more important than personal life and family relationships. Therefore, it often happens that a Sagittarius woman marries at a fairly mature age.

Due to her penchant for adventure and adventure, the representative of this sign simply cannot live without any travel, trips and distant wanderings. During her trip, she rejoices in the freedom that she loves and appreciates so much. These women need a frequent change of scenery, they do not like monotony and monotony.

The Sagittarius woman is very freedom-loving and independent, so a man who wants to connect his fate with her must understand this and not limit her, otherwise there will not be a strong and lasting union between them. She must see in her chosen one a partner equal in intelligence and character. It is precisely such an equal partner that the Aquarius man can become for her. Compatibility in love relationships, according to astrologers, in such a combination of zodiac signs is very prosperous.

A weak-willed and spineless man is unlikely to attract the attention of this young lady. It needs to be understood and accepted as it is. You should not try to remake a Sagittarius woman and impose your opinion on her, this will lead to inevitable resistance and. No matter how dear and close her man is, she will not allow anyone to control her. And in this regard, the Aquarius man will suit her best. Since he also loves and appreciates the freedom of both his own and loved ones. In a relationship with a beloved man, the representative of the constellation Sagittarius is light, natural and open. She is not prone to mannerisms and pretense.

Having married, this woman will be an excellent mistress in the house, she will create a cozy nest for her family and will be devoted to her chosen one. He should understand only that it is not worth encroaching on her personal space, forbidding her to do what she loves or limiting her relationship with friends. A man must learn to trust her completely, and if he allows himself unreasonable scenes of jealousy or interference in her work or pastime, then he risks losing her love once and for all.

The Sagittarius woman, gifted by nature with a bright appearance, outstanding mental abilities, a thirst to learn something new. She needs to be always on the move, in search of adventure and new sensations. Sitting at home by the fireplace with knitting is not about such ladies. It is restlessness, fortitude, courage and a thirst for adventure that attract the Aquarius man to the Sagittarius woman. He likes the openness, sincerity, lack of cunning and lies of the chosen one, who does not pretend to admire the intelligence of her partner and his intellectual abilities. She likes to comprehend the secrets of the soul of her man, she supports his propensity for adventurism and incites him to eccentric and unpredictable actions.

Aquarius Man

A man born under the constellation Aquarius is distinguished by his openness, ease and ease in communication. He is sociable, smart, independent and idealistic. He himself is honest and natural in relations with people, and therefore does not accept falsehood and secrecy in relation to himself. Aquarius is a very freedom-loving and independent person, he does not follow any generally accepted rules if he does not agree with their correctness. For him, the only correct opinion is his opinion, and it is extremely difficult to convince such a person of anything.

If a woman who has feelings for an Aquarius man wants to get him as a husband, then she must remember the main rule - do not encroach on his freedom. You should not limit this man in something, just believe him, because he is a very honest and fair person, you should not get him with suspicions, this will push him away from you. In this regard, he will feel very comfortable next to the Sagittarius woman, since this couple is very similar in temperament and life position.

Maximum freedom, and you will have a happy and harmonious relationship. In his soulmate, the Aquarius man is looking not so much for a lover as for a friend. A strong foundation for future family relations with him will be the presence of common interests, the ability of a woman to support and understand her husband in any life situation, the absence of greed and obsession with material goods.

In family life with a man born under the constellation of Aquarius, it will never be boring, he is easily carried away by any occupation and is able to carry his whole family with him. He is a great inventor and original. Therefore, it is quite normal for him to unexpectedly pack his bags and go on a trip. And the Sagittarius woman, an adventurer by nature, will fully support him in this regard.

Such alliances, as they say, are made in heaven. More successful compatibility is difficult to find among all the signs of the zodiac. They are kindred spirits, and so much so that they understand each other at a glance. The rapidly developing romance of this unusually harmonious couple often ends in a wedding a few months after they met.

The Aquarius guy is a big romantic, he can often arrange romantic dates for his beloved, give her gifts, literally carry her in his arms. This couple will never be bored together. They are constantly in search of adventure and unforgettable experiences. They are united by mutual love of freedom, they do not limit each other, but, on the contrary, complement each other, their relationship is very harmonious and easy. Family relationships are strong and joyful. Spiritual kinship and intellectual interest will akin this couple, since for both of them material well-being is not so important, so many happy moments from spending time together, the opportunity to give each other happy moments. Such is the compatibility of the Aquarius man and the Sagittarius woman.

Aquarius Woman

A woman born under the sign of Aquarius has a rather complex character. She is calm, restrained in feelings, not jealous and not suspicious. She knows her worth and has a fairly highly developed self-esteem. But, despite the fact that she greatly appreciates her independence and freedom, in marriage such a woman becomes a faithful and devoted friend to her chosen one for many years. Ideal for a woman of this sign can be an alliance with a representative of the stronger sex, born under the constellation Sagittarius. They have a lot in common. They have similar goals in life and a vision to achieve them.

The representative of the constellation Aquarius usually has a developed intuition. It is very difficult to deceive such a lady. She is very inquisitive, she is attracted to everything unknown and new, everything is interesting to her. The man who became her husband will never miss his beloved wife. She will not pester him with jealousy, as she will marry only the man whom she will completely trust, and she will not limit his freedom, since she herself values ​​\u200b\u200bit. What is very important for the Sagittarius man, who greatly values ​​​​his freedom and does not tolerate encroachment in this regard.

The husband of an Aquarius woman will never be ashamed to appear with her in society, as she always looks perfect, has good manners, is sociable and erudite, so she can keep up the conversation and become the soul of the company. But also at home they will never be bored together, this young lady will always find something to do for spending time together with her family.

Sagittarius man

A man born under the sign of Sagittarius is a man of honor, he always acts according to his conscience and nobly. Cruelty in any of its manifestations is alien to him. This man needs variety and freedom in his life. He rarely obliges himself with promises, enters into a serious relationship with extreme caution. Sagittarians often marry at a fairly mature age.

A life partner is chosen carefully and deliberately. He closely studies all the positive and negative qualities of the partner. She must certainly be equal to him both in temperament and in terms of intelligence. She should be a balanced, sociable, humorous woman who loves to experiment, explore something new and interesting, travel. She should not try to re-educate her Sagittarius husband, this is a useless exercise. You either need to accept him for who he is, or, in general, not to enter into a relationship with him. The key to the heart of such a man is lightness and spontaneity. It is important for him in his chosen one, first of all, to see a good and devoted friend.

Compatibility in love relationships Sagittarius Aquarius is very high. This can be an ideal union, a pair of equally interesting people living in peace and harmony. Their house is always warm, joyful, crowded and comfortable. Friends often come to visit them, and hospitable hosts will always be happy to receive them, treat them and entertain them.

This is a pair of like-minded people with similar interests and hobbies that bring together and make their union stronger. They are freedom-loving and appreciate the freedom of a partner. Without encroaching on his personal space. Both of them do not like any restrictions and conventions. They think in their own way and act according to their convictions, not succumbing to the influence of strangers.

The Sagittarius man happily takes part in the many adventures of the Aquarius woman. They are never bored and uninteresting together. They often get out into nature, love to travel, learn something new. In everyday life, the Aquarius woman is not an ideal hostess, tied to the kitchen and pots. She will certainly keep order in the house and fulfill her duties, but without much joy.

We examined the character traits of men and women of such zodiac signs as Aquarius and Sagittarius. We hope that you learned something new and interesting from this article. Now we know that Sagittarius Aquarius love compatibility is very high. Such a union promises to be strong and durable, but, of course, people are different and situations in life also differ. Therefore, a person, regardless of which star he was born under, can make mistakes or unintentional actions. We wish all our readers to be wise and prudent people in life, not to rely entirely on horoscopes, but also to make efforts themselves, improve themselves and never lose heart. After all, life is so beautiful.

This is a couple with excellent compatibility, but their harmony is not unconditional - for a strong union, you need to work on yourself and on relationships, improve, become better. Therefore, a pair of Aquarius women and Sagittarius men is considered one of the most promising for both ordinary everyday well-being and spiritual growth of partners.

Aquarius-Sagittarius compatibility: how to seduce a Sagittarius man?

The Sagittarius man is always open to new things and is in constant search of curiosities. The unusual extravagant appearance of the Aquarius woman and her original character will interest him, and the more Sagittarius recognizes her, the more she will discover virtues and perfections in her. The Aquarius woman is patient with the almost childish antics of Sagittarius, inquisitive, easy-going. For the first time, he will meet a woman who does not seek to drag a promising Sagittarius into the registry office at the first opportunity. She is quite satisfied with an open relationship based on mutual trust. Sagittarius and Aquarius look at many things differently, but the very fact that they generally look and notice the same things, and not look in different directions, will be very important for Sagittarius. At heart, the most frivolous lover of a beautiful life, Sagittarius is a teacher, preacher, missionary. He will be pleased to meet a woman for whom spiritual values ​​are more important than material ones (although Sagittarius himself rarely refuses material wealth). Selflessness, support of his interests, willingness to share his hobbies and patience - these are the weapons of Aquarius in the struggle for Sagittarius.

What does an ideal couple look like: an Aquarius woman - a Sagittarius man?

People around love these sociable, interesting and friendly people. They are never boring, they do not create problems for acquaintances. Perhaps at times they are too noisy and active. Most often, a couple of Aquarius and Sagittarius can be found on an exotic tourist route or at educational and charitable events. At every moment of life, they either seek the truth, or carry it to others. Sometimes it seems that they do not have a personal space in which only family members are allowed. Actually it is not. Sagittarius loves his home to be rich and beautiful. Convinced by a partner, the Aquarius woman will apply all her design talents so that housing is “with a twist” (although she is unlikely to do housework). But admission to their house is really open to many - everyone to whom the couple treats well. They are not fans of quiet family evenings in front of the TV. In an ideal couple, each of the partners receives the fulfillment of their strongest love dreams. Sagittarius finds a woman who understands him perfectly and sexually attracts him, and Aquarius finds a man to lean on.

What are the difficulties in the union of an Aquarius woman and a Sagittarius man?

Problems for a couple may arise not from the side of the freedom-loving Aquarius, as one might think, but from the side of Sagittarius. There are two main difficulties. If they can be solved, the life of the couple can be considered cloudless. The first problem lies in the infidelity of a man. Sagittarius does not refuse an affair with an attractive lady. Moreover, he may not even suspect that his companion may not like it, because she is so free from conventions and prejudices. And Aquarius, each betrayal deeply hurts. For her, freedom is the freedom to love without prejudice, and to love faithfully and for a long time. The second problem concerns Sagittarius' career. Sooner or later, most men of this sign reach the top. And here their features such as the desire to teach, patronizing attitude towards people, nobility, authoritarianism are manifested. Aquarius does not appreciate social authorities. Sagittarius doesn't like it. Aquarius herself begins to tolerate the behavior of her beloved.

Sagittarius tends to idealize a partner. His romantic admiration for the lady of the heart will be the most reliable guarantee of his fidelity. This tool is more effective than appeals to his conscience, discussion of moral standards or threats of divorce. The Aquarius woman has all the data to ensure that the admiration of Sagittarius is eternal. She is so unpredictable and at the same time reliable, she understands Sagittarius so well and at the same time is capable of original thoughts, she suits him so sexually that he will fall in love with her again and again. Aquarius needs to remember from the very beginning of a relationship that sex means more to her man than to her, and not to forget to be not only a good friend for Sagittarius, but also a seductive beauty. When Sagittarius began to climb up the social ladder, Aquarius had to keep up with him. Sagittarius will begin to dissatisfy the many views of Aquarius. If you ignore his discontent, the couple will break up - neither Sagittarius nor Aquarius will receive the usual understanding and support from each other. A good way out is to make a career or become a valuable specialist in your own field. Sagittarius respects authority and will keep authoritarian habits towards a successful woman.

Aquarius woman and Sagittarius man compatibility at work

The union of the Aquarius woman and the Sagittarius man is very promising. They are able to bring any undertaking to a shine. But the couple is still missing something. Most likely hard work. Therefore, having coped with one task, they will begin to look for a way to dodge the next one together. The exception is those works that both perceive as a vocation.

Compatibility of Aquarius woman and Sagittarius man - colleagues or partners

They are proactive and active. Sagittarius will lead the way. Aquarius will be a source of news, original advice and innovative methods for him. With a reasonable distribution of roles, where Sagittarius is looking for patrons and useful connections, and Aquarius communicates with everyone else. The projects they start can become popular and bring them fame.

When the Aquarius woman is the boss, and the Sagittarius man is the subordinate

This is a good business alliance. The Aquarius boss is caring, but gives her subordinates a lot of freedom. Sagittarius is able to set goals and go to them, he tries to make his work successful, not a failure. So they work well.

When the Aquarius woman is a subordinate, and the Sagittarius man is the boss

This is an average combination. Sagittarius will appreciate the dedication of Aquarius and her sincerity, dislike of intrigue and the ability to get along with the team. But he strives for success, and Aquarius will seem too optional to him.

Aquarius woman and Sagittarius man compatibility in friendship

They are great friends. The Aquarius woman is romantic and has charm, but knows how to be "her boyfriend". It is interesting to talk with her on any topic. She will attract Sagittarius with sincerity and loyalty to friendship. And Sagittarius will become an excellent companion for her in the most unpredictable undertakings. In addition, they are united by idealism and faith in the best. Friendship can be short-lived, because Sagittarius will want fresh impressions and new acquaintances. Aquarius knows how to be a friend to many, and Sagittarius does not have enough time for all friends. He can forget Aquarius. The “halves” of this friendly couple should be wary of betrayal: Sagittarius is not averse to having an affair with Aquarius and will be able to seduce her.

A pair of Sagittarius and Aquarius is the perfect union of the two zodiac signs. Both signs are very active, freedom-loving and inquisitive. Having similar character traits and common interests, the couple can easily go on an exciting journey. Interesting adventures, unexplored adventures and learning something new - all this characterizes the interests of their union. In percentage terms, compatibility averages 85%. Combining as one, this tandem can achieve great success, whether it be love, family, friendship or a common business.

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    He is a Sagittarius, she is an Aquarius

    Sagittarius man and Aquarius womanhave very good compatibility. They sympathize with each other and are quite open to communication. Both Aquarius and Sagittarius are optimists in life, both love active pastime, which unites them even more in tandem.

    Known for his rude behavior, the representative of the Sagittarius sign will find in the Aquarius woman a real understanding friend who will not be offended by his criticism. In this pair, a man can not pretend to be someone, but be himself, because this woman appreciates in him his naturalness and naturalness.

    Also in this union, the representative of the air element will become less windy and will begin to take many life things more seriously. Sagittarius, on the contrary, will cease to take everything to heart.

    Relationships in a couple will be most successful if the man is born under the sign of the Dog, and the woman is born under the sign of the Tiger, Horse or Dog.

    It is worth noting that initially the relationship will not be easy, because both representatives of the signs are very different, they will have to get used to the characters for quite some time. In order for this process to go as quickly as possible, each of the partners needs to learn how to give in and find a compromise in a difficult situation.

    The selfish nature of Sagittarius can also destroy harmony. In order for the relationship in a couple to develop successfully, he should moderate his egoism.

    The main character traits of a Sagittarius man:

    • activity;
    • curiosity;
    • the ability to conduct a dialogue on any topic;
    • openness and sincerity;
    • optimism;
    • roughness and harshness.

    The main character traits of the Aquarius woman:

    • charm;
    • sociability;
    • generosity;
    • distraction;
    • irresponsibility;
    • susceptibility to various addictions;
    • variability and unpredictability.


    Love relationships in this couple are born quickly and easily. They are initially attracted to each other, so young people easily find common topics for conversation.

    The Sagittarius guy, like all men, first of all pays attention to the appearance of the girl. She must be a bright and effective personality. He will not meet with an uneducated, arrogant and prudent girl. Also, the guy does not tolerate lovers to argue on everyday topics. He is attracted to energetic and easy-going optimists who are ready to discover new life experiences.

    The Aquarius girl is very selective in choosing a gentleman. She prefers strong, reliable and serious guys. Honesty, openness and determination are the qualities that a girl appreciates in young people. In a relationship, she does not accept complete submission, but at the same time she does not like it when a guy constantly follows her lead.

    It is worth noting that the Sagittarius guy is more serious about life than the Aquarius girl. He tends to complicate things and therefore often worries about his piled problems. The representative of the Aquarius sign always helps her beloved to solve or get around difficulties in a simpler way. She does this unobtrusively and carefully, so that her boyfriend thinks that she herself made the decision.

    Since both signs are quite freedom-loving, in love they try not to limit each other. There is complete trust in the couple, so they both allow the presence of small secrets. Partners value personal space and individuality, so they will never control each other. She appreciates in him his seriousness and thoughtfulness, and he admires her easy disposition.

    If a love relationship has arisen between Sagittarius and Aquarius, then their feelings last for a long time. These two signs are so comfortable in each other's company that very often, after just a few months of dating, they decide on marriage.


    Family relationships between the Sagittarius man and the Aquarius woman are developing in the best way. Harmony and mutual understanding reign between spouses. They are honest and frank with each other, which makes their relationship open and sincere.

    An impulsive spouse sometimes allows himself to show aggression, but a wise wife does not perceive his anger towards her. On the contrary, the Aquarius woman supports her man and believes that he just needs to throw out negative emotions. She will definitely listen to him and reassure him.

    A married couple loves to relax outside the home, because economic affairs oppress them. They are reluctant to do household chores, so in order to finish them sooner, they prefer to do everything together. The Aquarius wife is not famous for her special thriftiness, but Sagittarius in this regard is quite happy with everything.

    In the event of a serious quarrel, the husband and wife try to reconcile as soon as possible and willingly yield to each other. They rarely decide on a divorce, as both realize that it is very difficult to find such an understanding person in life.


    In bed, these two signs are in complete harmony. The Aquarius woman, who loves all sorts of experiments, behaves liberated in sex, which is very flattering to the Sagittarius man.

    He likes that she is not afraid of his criticism and fully reveals herself to him. The Aquarius woman, like no one else, will fit the role of a lover for the Sagittarius man, as she fully satisfies his needs in bed.


    Friendship between a Sagittarius guy and an Aquarius girl is almost impossible. They can be together for a long time and maintain friendly relations, but in the end they will still understand that something more connects them.

    If one of them already has a partner at the time of friendship, then this will not become an obstacle to rapprochement. In most cases, the friendships of this couple end and smoothly flow into love.


    In the working plan, the Sagittarius man and the Aquarius woman form a strong and promising tandem. Working in pairs, they can easily complete any tasks assigned to them. In the business sphere, both of them are a little lacking in hard work.

    If both signs are partners, then their working union will become successful and fruitful. Both Sagittarius and Aquarius are very active and enterprising, they are not afraid to learn something new for themselves. It is best if a man takes leadership and organizational responsibilities. It is better for a woman to engage in the implementation of various creative innovative ideas.

    If the Aquarius woman is the leader, and the Sagittarius man acts as a subordinate, then this union has good prospects. She will easily find a way out of a predicament, and he will try to do his job one hundred percent, because by nature, Sagittarius are in no hurry and act deliberately.

    In a pair of boss-Sagittarius, and a subordinate-Aquarius, the relationship will not develop so harmoniously. It will always seem to a man of the sign of fire that his worker is too frivolous and frivolous. He will appreciate her for her honesty and ability to get along with the team, but she will never entrust serious tasks to the representative of the air sign.

    He is an Aquarius, she is a Sagittarius

    There is a very strong attraction between the Sagittarius woman and the Aquarius man. They have a lot in common - interests, worldview and sociability. They will be drawn to each other even if they are both in a relationship or married. Nothing and no one will stop this wave of feelings running between them, whether it be material wealth or children in their families.

    The attraction between these signs is so strong that even a fleeting, non-committal romance can develop into serious feelings. People of these signs will do anything to be close to each other.

    Also, the compatibility of Sagittarius and Aquarius is influenced by the Eastern horoscope. For the Aquarius sign, the auspicious year of birth is the Goat or the Rat, and the Dragon or the Tiger is more suitable for Sagittarius. The couple will achieve the greatest compatibility if one of the partners is born in the year of the Horse. Sagittarius and Aquarius, born in the year of the Dog, will be endowed with loyalty and devotion, which will also serve as their greater compatibility.

    In order for a couple to achieve an ideal relationship, both partners need to stock up on a sense of humor. It is it that will help smooth out sharp corners in conflicts, and will not allow petty quarrels to develop into a major scandal.

    The main character traits of the Aquarius man:

    • friendliness;
    • charm;
    • craving for novelty;
    • the desire to stand out from the crowd;
    • eccentric and extraordinary behavior;
    • rejection of rules, frameworks, norms.

    The main character traits of a Sagittarius woman:

    • honesty and sincerity;
    • purposefulness and ambition;
    • optimism and cheerfulness;
    • creative thinking;
    • straightness;
    • irascibility.


    Between the Aquarius guy and the Sagittarius girl, love arises at first sight. A single meeting for this couple can be decisive, because you don’t need more time to feel your soul mate.

    The Sagittarius girl does not need to make much effort to win the attention of the Aquarius guy. By its nature, it is the owner of those qualities that attract a representative of the air element.

    In order to win the attention of a Sagittarius girl, a guy needs to be cheerful, well-rounded and have a great sense of humor. She cannot stand boring, monotonous and constantly whining guys. Her dream is an active, cheerful, sincere and open young man who will not limit her freedom in a relationship.

    The windy Aquarius guy often gets into unpleasant stories, out of which his beloved helps him. The very same representative of the fiery sign is distinguished by a special irascibility. In a fit of rage, she can say a lot of hurtful words, thereby ruining the mood of her loved ones. The Aquarius guy helps her avoid conflicts, who very gently and delicately smooths out sharp corners and tries to stop his chosen one in time, for which she is later grateful to him.

    Both signs in communication with each other experience comfort and stability. She likes his unpredictability, and he is interested in her assertiveness and courage.


    Aquarius man and Sagittarius woman can be called an ideal couple. Their family relationships can be the envy of many married people. They always understand and support each other. Spouses rarely quarrel, as they do not have mutual claims and reproaches. They never lie or keep secrets from each other.

    It is worth noting that both spouses do not perceive betrayal as a tragedy. They try so hard to maintain harmony in the family that they look at adultery through their fingers.

    This couple cannot be called economic people. Life in their family life occupy almost the last niche. The wife prefers to pursue her hobbies more, and the husband pays all attention to his career and work. Putting things in order in the house, the couple can do only in the event of the arrival of guests. In the usual pace of life, the Aquarius man and the Sagittarius woman try not to burden themselves with household chores.

    Over the years, relationships in a couple only become stronger, so such marriages break up extremely rarely. If it happens that the union nevertheless broke up, then in most cases the Aquarius man and the Sagittarius woman decide to reunite again.


    In terms of sex, this couple has no complaints about each other. The Aquarius man manifests himself as a very resourceful and diverse partner. A Sagittarius woman is not particularly demanding, so she can easily fulfill any of his sexual fantasies.

    For people of these signs, intimate life does not come first, so it will be spontaneous and irregular. In order to warm up attraction in each other, the stars advise the couple to have sex in a wide variety of places.


    A Sagittarius girl usually has many guys among her friends, as she is one of those who believe in friendship between a man and a woman. If the Aquarius guy turns out to be her friend, then she will be especially close with him.

    Other friends will not perceive her as a girl with whom you can start a relationship, but the Aquarius guy will pay attention to her sensitivity and understanding. Relations between young people will develop in the best way, but their character will be far from being friendly.


    In work, the Aquarius-Sagittarius pair has excellent compatibility. Thanks to their determination and activity, they will be able to quickly complete any task. The only thing they should not do is production, since the material results of their work are low.

    If a couple gets the opportunity to become colleagues or business partners, this tandem will achieve great success in working together. They understand each other perfectly and both are aimed at achieving positive results in their work. Neither Sagittarius nor Aquarius will deceive and cunning, since they are honest with each other. An enterprising Aquarius man comes up with various moves and schemes in business, and a woman will make every effort to realize his ideas.

    If the Aquarius man is subordinate to the Sagittarius woman, then the work in their hands will simply boil. The boss will not limit the freedom of Aquarius, which will increase his activity and diligence in working moments. A representative of the air element will like work under the auspices of the Sagittarius lady.

    It will be good business relations for a couple in which the Aquarius man acts as a leader, and the Sagittarius woman becomes a subordinate. The representative of the air element is very loyal to his employees and tries to be equally friendly with everyone. The subordinate of the Sagittarius sign does not quite understand this, as she is used to respecting rigidity and categoricalness in the authorities. However, they do not have conflicts over working moments.

The similarity of views creates a harmonious compatibility of Sagittarius and Aquarius. Partners born under these zodiac signs are similar in passions and worldview. They are open to the world and eager to find new adventures. Not surprisingly, Sagittarius and Aquarius easily establish trust in all areas, whether it's work, friendship, or a love affair. The love horoscope predicts a happy marriage for this couple. However, their compatibility in love is not perfect. There are also pitfalls in it that can destroy the harmony between the signs.

Overcoming them together is the main task of the couple, where he and she are Sagittarius and Aquarius.

Sagittarius and Aquarius: General Compatibility

The Sun in the sign of Sagittarius endows people born in November-December with a light disposition and cheerfulness. These are strong personalities who are not afraid of change, know how to stay on the crest of the wave and sincerely love life. However, there is a certain duality in their character. No wonder the symbol of this Fire sign is the centaur: half man, half horse. In reality, the representatives of the sign also share everything in half: they are half sad, half happy or upset. They never give in to feelings completely, and therefore they are known as notorious cunning.

The question arises: are restless Sagittarius and sensible Aquarius compatible? Oddly enough, yes. Signs fit together emotionally. Although their relationship cannot be called a safe haven of family life, rather, a raging sea. A flurry of emotions and a whirlwind of crazy deeds provides the union of Sagittarius and Aquarius with a combination of the elements of Fire and Air.

Aquarius and Sagittarius should remember that the fire of their compatibility in love can flare up into a real fire, in which the strongest couples often burn out.

To prevent this from happening, it is important for partners to remain calm and not succumb to the temptation to burst into a whirlwind of emotions. Quarrels in a couple, where he and she are Sagittarius and Aquarius, are like a devastating hurricane and can bury love under the rubble of feelings.

A great place where partners can give vent to feelings is the bed. The sexual compatibility of Aquarius with Sagittarius can cause envy in other signs of the zodiac, for example, the modest Cancer. The intimate life in this couple is full of surprises and fantasies come true. Both signs are alien to jealousy and possessiveness, so they do not annoy each other, but completely dissolve in love.

SAGITTARIUS + AQUARIUS - Compatibility - Astrotypologist Dmitry Shimko

Aquarius Man and Sagittarius Woman Compatibility

Compatibility Sagittarius Man and Aquarius Woman

Aquarius compatibility in marriage with the signs Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces

Sagittarius Love Compatibility with Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces

Sagittarius and Aquarius Compatibility

However, the Aquarius and Sagittarius man and woman should take into account the difference in sexuality between them. Physical possession is important to the Fire sign, while the Air partner pays more attention to foreplay and a romantic setting. Having managed to combine all this in the bedroom, Aquarius and Sagittarius will have the perfect horoscope of sexual compatibility.

Friendship between them develops easily and naturally. The eccentric Aquarius, generating a dozen brilliant ideas per minute, and the fearless Sagittarius girl are hardly more compatible than they are. Each of the partners values ​​friendship. They know how to make friends with all their hearts, they will always lend a strong shoulder to a comrade, they will follow each other into fire and into water. Together, representatives of these signs are ready to translate their ideas into reality. However, the joint business of the Aquarius man and the Sagittarius woman rarely leads them to financial success.

In work, Aquarius and Sagittarius also get along great, because both are inventive and active.

But both sin with a similar flaw: they rarely complete the work they have begun to the end. Therefore, for success in the business sphere, both the man and the woman of the Sagittarius and Aquarius signs need reliable assistants under other zodiacs who can turn their brilliant ideas into reality. Violent fantasy and a non-standard approach allow a woman and a man Aquarius and Sagittarius to realize themselves in creative professions. With technical specialties, these signs are "on you".

The eastern horoscope of compatibility by date of birth portends happiness in love to Sagittarius and Aquarius, if the first of them was born in the year of the Tiger or Goat, and the second in the year of the Dog or Rat.

Sagittarius woman and Aquarius man

Esotericism considers the meeting of the Sagittarius woman and the Aquarius man to be karmic. Such couples are made in heaven. Sexual attraction, kinship of soul and mind create an excellent compatibility with Sagittarius for the Aquarius girl. Their acquaintance is often accidental, and the circumstances accompanying this may be the most unimaginable. The romance between these zodiac signs is developing rapidly.

The strength of mind, energy and courage of the Sagittarius woman attracts the Aquarius man. He is impressed by the openness and sincerity of his girlfriend, the absence of flattery and lies in her. Out of respect, he is even ready to agree in many ways with the opinion of his beloved. The girl of this sign is attracted to unexplored expanses and unconquered peaks. Surprise and fantasy in love are important to her, and hardly anyone is more compatible than the unpredictable Aquarius and the inventor Sagittarius.

The secret of their harmony lies in the amazing coincidence of interests and thirst for adventure.

Sagittarius and Aquarius are very sociable, they are rarely found at home, they often attend parties or meet with many friends, travel. Both romantics and dreamers are keenly interested in esotericism, creativity, attaching little importance to money. The similarity of temperaments and way of thinking creates a unique compatibility between the Aquarius guy and the Sagittarius woman. They literally understand the soul mate from a half-word.

In love, partners do not torment each other with unbridled jealousy and suspicion, which Gemini or Aries are capable of.

The relationship between the Aquarius man and the Sagittarius woman is built on trust. They can attend parties together or separately, without getting hung up on prejudice. Calmly relate to friends of the second half of the opposite sex. But they rebel against their communication if they believe that flirting has crept into it. Neither the Aquarius man nor the Sagittarius girl forgives betrayal in love, breaking off relations with an unfaithful lover without regret. Often they are in no hurry to enter into an official marriage, preferring an open relationship with a seal in their passport.

Another cornerstone in the foundation of Aquarius compatibility with Sagittarius is the ability of the woman in this pair to adapt to the environment. Wanting to reshape the whole world in his own way, a man rebels against the need for changes in himself. And for Aquarius, a relationship with a Sagittarius woman is like a balm for the soul: a girlfriend adapts perfectly to the requests of the chosen one, without trying to change him.

Breaking the karmic compatibility in a couple's love relationship can be a rejection of the usual way of life.

Pressure from close people or a born child can induce a couple to make such a decision. According to the horoscope, a couple's attempt to become homebodies rarely ends in success. Gray everyday life reveals the weak sexual ardor of the Aquarius man and the Sagittarius woman's dissatisfaction, the compatibility of which was previously based solely on spiritual kinship.

In the period of forced "domestication" or in adulthood, when the usual entertainments bother, it is important for the pair of Aquarius men and women Sagittarius to maintain the sharpness of love. To do this, they need to look for new horizons both in each other and in the world around them. A woman should stock up on the idea of ​​​​an incredible adventure that will shake up a sad life partner. And then the words “I love” the girls of Sagittarius will not cease to please Aquarius for many years to come.

The reverse side of the inexhaustible thirst for adventure for a pair of Aquarius men and Sagittarius girls is their poor adaptability to housekeeping.

Eternal wanderers, they are the exact opposite of the classic ideal of a family where the wife cooks borscht and the husband hammers nails. It is extremely rare to catch an Aquarius man with a hammer or a Sagittarius woman with a saucepan; however, life does not affect the compatibility of signs. Especially if a caring mother or grandmother periodically feeds a couple with homemade food.

Sagittarius man and Aquarius woman

The compatibility of a girl under the sign of Aquarius and a Sagittarius man is interpreted by a high horoscope. But for this, the guy must stop pulling the blanket over himself. The duality of the Fire sign, imperceptible due to Venus in the character of the representative of the sign, is more pronounced in a man and makes it difficult for him to communicate with people. His chosen one is forced to endure an endless series of claims from her restless partner. Her patience, however, is short-lived, and the relationship is soon broken. In order to prevent disagreements, it is important for partners to learn how to adapt to each other's requests.

Having abandoned mutual reproaches, Sagittarius and Aquarius will achieve good sign compatibility.

Acquaintance of a Sagittarius man with an Aquarius woman happens at ease, from the first minutes they discover in a partner a lot of familiar features, common themes and similar interests. The girl is attracted by the eloquence and unpredictability of the boyfriend. And the guy is led to the outstanding appearance of his girlfriend, a bright personality and a sharp mind of a companion can win him. The couple is easy-going and loves to travel. Parties, grandiose projects, hikes, romantic walks under the Moon, distant wanderings - this is the usual way of life for an Aquarius man and his chosen one under the sign of Sagittarius. Keeping this couple in place is almost impossible.

Their romance develops quickly, but it does not lead to a wedding very soon. The Sagittarius man does not strive for family life, preferring an open relationship, and this is not particularly annoying for the Aquarius girl. She also values ​​her own freedom. In addition, she wants to be confident in choosing a life partner, and with her partner this is impossible. He is so inconsistent and unpredictable.

The danger of a free union lies in the intrigues of the Sagittarius husband on the side, the Aquarius wife is unlikely to forgive his infidelity.

For her, love is based on devotion and loyalty. In order to prevent a break in relations due to a betrayal of a man, it is important for a woman to understand that spiritual kinship does not replace physical intimacy. The sexual compatibility of the Aquarius girl and the Sagittarius man is not the best. For a woman, a community of interests is much more important than a commonality of temperaments. And for a man, sex is not the last thing.

And yet, the percentage of compatibility in the marriage of an Aquarius girl with a Sagittarius man is above average. In family life, signs know how to find an approach to each other. The creative nature of the wife, her eternal desire to rearrange everything around does not meet resistance from her husband. The man, in turn, receives from the wife of Aquarius the support and approval he needs. His life partner does not get tired of laughing at the jokes of his merry fellow and extravagant antics.

The compatibility of Sagittarius and Aquarius in everyday life is quite successful: the girl uses her creative abilities in home improvement, which makes her partner incredibly happy. In his mind, the house is associated with a full bowl, beauty and wealth, and the spouse creates just such a homely atmosphere. There are always many guests in their house.

The danger for the compatibility of an Aquarius woman and Sagittarius may arise if a man of this sign achieves significant career heights.

He will certainly begin to be proud of his status and teach others. His life partner will not appreciate the manifestations of the social hierarchy; for her, material goods are less valuable. In order to maintain mutual understanding in a couple, he is Sagittarius - she is Aquarius, a girl should be more tolerant of her husband's shortcomings. Even better is to keep up with him and achieve recognition, for example, in art. The horoscope of love compatibility advises the guy to pacify snobbery and less often demonstrate his own authority.

Sagittarius and Aquarius compatibility is considered one of the best. Their union is like a fun and exciting game. Both signs love freedom and life in all its manifestations. They understand each other perfectly, notice and appreciate positive character traits.

Together, Aquarius and Sagittarius are ready to make adventures and make incredible plans. It is never boring next to them, Fire and Air interact perfectly.

Characters of signs

As you know, the interaction of the signs of the Zodiac is significantly influenced by their characters. What features endowed the horoscope with the signs Sagittarius and Aquarius?

Sagittarius character

People born under the constellation Sagittarius are born optimists who see the world in rosy tones. They have a lot of hobbies, Sagittarius is interested in religion, esotericism, politics. At the same time, they are freedom-loving, do not recognize the framework and prevailing stereotypes. The motives of Sagittarius' actions are not vile, he is guided by lofty goals and principles. The fight is always open, Sagittarius has many sincere friends, but there are also irreconcilable enemies. Here are the main character traits of the sign:

  • Cheerfulness
  • purposefulness
  • Optimism
  • Sincerity
  • Straightness
  • Love for freedom
  • Activity
  • Generosity.

SAGITTARIUS + AQUARIUS - Compatibility - Astrotypologist Dmitry Shimko

Aquarius Man and Sagittarius Woman Compatibility

Compatibility Sagittarius Man and Aquarius Woman

Sagittarius Love Compatibility with Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces

Aquarius compatibility in marriage with the signs Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces

Compatibility Horoscope - Sagittarius

Sagittarius and Aquarius Compatibility

Compatibility Horoscope - Aquarius

Sagittarius. Compatibility by zodiac sign on

Sagittarians also have negative traits. They are too talkative, they like to brag. Straightforwardness develops into tactlessness; without ulterior motives, they can hurt a loved one, betray someone else's secret. Sagittarius' attachments are shallow, they have many acquaintances, but few real friends. Sagittarians often do not keep their word, do not fulfill obligations, do not like to do things that require painstaking work and patience.

Character Aquarius

The nature of Aquarius is original and ambiguous. These people do not recognize authorities, love freedom, do not build long-term relationships, they have few attachments. At the same time, they are ready to help even strangers; many philanthropists are born among Aquarius. People born under this sign of the Zodiac are avid debaters, they are smart, they love “intellectual exercises”. Relations are always built on equal terms, they do not like to rule, but they will not tolerate pressure on themselves either. Here are the main features of the character of Aquarius:

  • love of freedom
  • Independence
  • Humanity
  • Intuition
  • Intelligence
  • Sociability
  • Realism.

The negative aspects of the nature of Aquarius include exaltation and extravagance, which sometimes go beyond reasonable limits. These people often suffer from depression, have difficulty experiencing life's difficulties. With high intelligence, a realistic outlook on life, they are subject to illusions and superstitions. Aquarius can be vindictive and vindictive if offended.

General sign compatibility

The compatibility horoscope of Aquarius and Sagittarius portends them a happy future. The coincidence of characters, common life priorities, help to quickly find mutual understanding. Both are freedom-loving, do not recognize authorities, their views on life are similar. Sagittarius and Aquarius do not accept pressure on themselves, but they are not going to put pressure on others either. Together they create and create, travel and turn the world upside down. Their relationship is always equal, based on friendship and trust. Aquarius is probably the only sign of the zodiac that doesn't get hurt by Sagittarius' straightforwardness. And who better to understand the desire for independence of the air sign than Sagittarius? Signs always enhance each other's potential, because fire does not burn without oxygen, and air freezes without heat.

The union of the signs of Sagittarius and Aquarius is also experiencing dangers. If the flame is blown too much and the air is heated, sparks will fly. Quarrels between partners can destroy everything that has been created over the years. Fortunately, both signs are quick-witted, and they don’t like to provoke scandals. Astrologers advise them to always remain calm, in difficult moments to turn to their natural optimism. It is important to appreciate each other's positive traits. Aquarius respects the truthfulness and honesty of the fiery partner. Sagittarius, in turn, perfectly understands the desire for independence of his air friend.

Influence compatibility in a love relationship and other factors. The date of birth is related not only to the Sun, but also to the Moon. When the Sagittarius ascendant is in Virgo or Taurus, it becomes more mundane and rational, which does not have the best effect on relationships. Cancer makes Aquarius indecisive and Aries too ambitious. Gemini enhance the innate qualities of Aquarius, and Sagittarius is endowed with resourcefulness and a non-standard type of thinking. A favorable birth year for Sagittarius is the Tiger and the Dragon, and the Rat or Goat is suitable for Aquarius. Not bad if one of the partners was born in the year of the Horse. The dog will change the character of Aquarius and Sagittarius, teach them loyalty and affection.

Sexual compatibility of signs

In bed, Aquarius and Sagittarius are also quite compatible. Venus did not reward the air sign with a stormy temperament; for him, spiritual intimacy is more important than physical and sexual. In sex, he takes a passive position, gives the initiative to the partner. Aquarians rarely go to bed on the first date, contact with a person is important for them, without it they will not enjoy sex. Sagittarians are passionate natures, they often start several novels at the same time. Sex is important to them, but it also does not completely replace communication.

Sagittarius get real pleasure from harmonious relationships.

Both signs are ready to experiment, make love in unusual places and in unusual ways. Often their fantasies and hobbies reach perversions. Aquarius and Sagittarius lose their compatibility in love when relationships between partners deteriorate, which immediately affects sex. Aquarius is not one of those signs that will go to put up in the bedroom. Misunderstandings in everyday life affect his sexuality, which is already not too strong. Sagittarius, realizing that a partner cannot satisfy all his passion, can go for treason. At the same time, he will continue to sincerely love Aquarius, perceiving the trip "to the left" as a fleeting hobby.

Sagittarius Man and Aquarius Woman Compatibility

Sagittarius man and Aquarius woman make a great couple. For a guy and a girl from the first minutes of meeting, it becomes clear that they have found their halves. Sagittarius loves Aquarius with his love knocks on the spot. A man is attracted to an original and independent woman. Aquarius admires the strength, honesty of Sagittarius. The straightforwardness of the fire sign seems rude to some, but not to the Aquarius woman. She is able to see a compliment even in a caustic remark.

In an ideal pair, the compatibility of an Aquarius woman and a Sagittarius man is based on trust and equality. Their union is very open, spouses are often seen in society, they travel together, go in for sports and other interesting things. Their house will be opened for many friends. It is always cozy in it, a woman equips a home nest with taste, and a man tries to ensure that there are no material difficulties in the family. Each of them has his friends and girlfriends, personal space, which no one invades.

Problems and ways to solve them

Even in such a harmonious pair as the Aquarius woman and the Sagittarius man, problems arise. If partners get hung up on everyday things, daily routine, they will quickly lose interest in each other. And without real feelings, the family cannot exist. The cold temperament of the wife will push her husband to treason. With all the love of freedom and breadth of views, Aquarians painfully perceive such a situation. If a man is successful, he will want to be appreciated by a woman. But for Aquarius, social status does not matter, because the wife will not admire him.

To solve problems in marriage, the Sagittarius guy and the Aquarius girl should heed a few tips:

  • Live life to the fullest, don't get hung up on everyday issues
  • Women should pay more attention to intimate relationships
  • A man must restrain his passions, with all the breadth of views, Aquarius does not forgive betrayal
  • A man should not expect high marks for his success; for a woman, his sincerity, love, and optimism are much more important.

If friction and misunderstandings appear in the family, it is best for the spouses to go on a trip. New impressions will smooth out problems, Aquarius and Sagittarius will find their compatibility of signs again, thanks to friendship, mutual respect and work on mistakes.

Sagittarius Woman and Aquarius Man Compatibility

Aquarius man and Sagittarius woman are a couple of teenagers who never sit still. For a guy and a girl, life is a continuous adventure. Their meeting and acquaintance quickly develops into a stormy romance, which often ends in a wedding. Moreover, partners can make a decision unexpectedly for themselves. They will want to experience something new, unusual, and marriage is best suited for this.

A married couple is rarely found at home, they constantly travel, go to parties, and do charity work. The motto of Aquarius and Sagittarius is to live happily. A man and a woman are attached to each other, but do not consider it shameful to go out separately. Spouses value each other's freedom, it attracts and brings them together. Relationships are built not on material, but on spiritual values. Both strive to develop as individuals, to know the world, improve intellect and acquire new knowledge. When children appear in the family, mother and father try to give them a good education, harmonious development.

Problems and ways to solve them

Compatibility of a pair of Sagittarius and Aquarius can kill boredom. If they get hung up on material or everyday issues, quarrels arise between them, everyone wants to break out of the daily routine. Problems may be in sexual relations. Aquarius is not a very temperamental sign, a woman lacks passion in bed. Therefore, there are often betrayals in the family. Fortunately, both are able to forgive each other for these small weaknesses.

  • Do not put material issues at the head of relationships
  • Travel more and spend time together
  • Chat with friends, engage in self-development
  • A man should be more proactive in sex
  • It does not hurt a woman to throw up new ideas for family leisure from time to time.

Family problems between Sagittarius and Aquarius are not so significant as to destroy their union. Good compatibility of signs will help to overcome difficulties, live together for many happy years. In the percentage of divorces, this couple is extremely rare.

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