Energy compatibility in marriage. Energy-physiological compatibility of spouses

A study was conducted of several thousand happy couples in order to determine the parameters that affect compatibility and long-term happy relationships.

Astonishing results have been obtained that allow potential compatibility to be pre-determined two unfamiliar people. It has been established that natural energy cycles are of great importance in this compatibility.
We have all heard over and over that everything around, including a person, is a form of energy. Starting from the moment of birth, these energies change cyclically, interact with other energies, and as a result, strengthen or weaken. When two people interact, their energies actually interact.. From physics, we know that energies with different oscillation frequencies can strengthen or weaken each other. Resonance can occur under certain conditions. This is a phenomenon when the amplitude of oscillations of one object increases significantly under the influence of external forces of a certain frequency.

Simply put, the interaction of two people can be compared to a seesaw. If your inner world is a swing, which, due to the characteristics of your birth, can fluctuate with a certain frequency, then the influence of another person with his own frequency will not always rock your swing strongly. And sometimes it will even slow down (see the analogy from life?). Only a very specific frequency and swing phase will increase the amplitude of your oscillations.

There is no doubt that you have already experienced this in your life, when the influence of certain people is especially strong for you, but this influence does not manifest itself in any way on others. Therefore, often others do not understand our emotional state, do not understand that we have found something special in our partner.

In practice, there are several types resonance. For example, emotional(feeling of a near and dear person), intellectual(understanding each other perfectly), sexy. The presence of several types of resonance at the same time gives a very harmonious interaction of two people. We know this state as happy love.

Also, a person is merged into one with other organisms and creatures, creating with them a single system of energy - this is confirmed by modern data of science about the world of living matter. In nature, there is a constant exchange of information at the energy level, covering all life on Earth. Human society, like all nature, exists thanks to the exchange of energies. We go to work in the morning, we talk, we are next to others, and all this time there is a continuous process of energy exchange. There are no people who would only take, just as there are no those who would only give energy. Everyone, depending on their physical and spiritual capabilities, absorbs certain energies from the Cosmos. The higher the spiritual level of a person, the purer and finer the energies he absorbs and gives off.

The auras of houses, trees, animals and everything that surrounds us are of great importance in the process of exchanging energies. Objects created by human labor and thought gain a part of the energy given by their creators, their aura is created from this energy. Interacting with such objects, people unite with it. That is why handmade items made with love are so attractive. Mothers knit clothes for children, and then children in these things feel protected and loved, etc. The result of a person’s labor, done without desire and love, with swearing, abusive words, bears all this. When dealing with such products, people get sick, such things destroy the aura, bring dissonance. Factors such as the air, the quality of food, alcohol, the influence of other people, a tense or harmonious atmosphere can cause the aura to change. When people meet, they exchange part of their energies. A person with a strong aura can completely unconsciously influence a person with a weak aura. And influence both positively and negatively.

Strong people can plant their aura colors on the auras of weaker people and thus dominate them. When a strong person enters the room, this person becomes the center of attention, without having time to do or say anything else. We call such people charismatic. Although a small number of people know that charisma really exists and as something more than just an abstract quality. A group of people with close interests can often form something like a group aura. Since all people are in resonance, that is, they are equally attuned in their body, emotions and mind, their magnetic energy field vibrates harmoniously and in the same color of the aura. We can observe this at various social events. At present, the problem of the influence of people with a strong aura on groups of people is becoming more and more urgent. There are a number of schools in which leadership is given to people with a strong negative aura. Their strong-willed nature imposes their aggressive colors into the auras of weaker people. Even more imbalance is introduced into the life of such people, already inharmonious. Many of them begin to deny certain aspects of human existence, refuse, to the detriment of themselves and loved ones, from human love, the joy of life.

Groups of people united by a strong personality, with a bright creative aura, carry a completely different creative aura. One can understand the appearance of holy people. In the presence of such a holy or enlightened person, people clearly feel such feelings as love, peace. They may not even clearly understand and comprehend these feelings with their minds. Such a person radiates all these qualities, even without doing any important deeds, but only through the influence of his own aura. Those around you can feel it. The mixing of energies during the interaction of people gives the color a certain purity and transparency. If, when mixing energies, auras turn into an inexpressive dirty color, people will turn out to be incompatible. Such communication, instead of benefit, will bring chaos and confusion into their consciousness. For two people to be compatible, their colors must be in harmony. It often happens that a husband and wife are compatible in one or two areas, but completely incompatible in others. This happens because the special wavy shape of one of the auras is in contact with the partner's aura at certain points, and it is at these points that they are compatible. In compatible natures, the color of the aura is in harmony, while in incompatible natures it is not combined.

Emotional compatibility in the aura can be seen as color threads going from the aura of one person to the aura of another (from strong to weak). If, on the contrary, the combination of auras gives a light shade, even if not a dazzling white color, but with an admixture of any color, then this communication will be pleasant and useful. These people can understand and complement each other. Red color appears in the human aura during the manifestation of love. After the establishment of mutual attraction to each other, based on sincere love and interest, pure red color flashes and spreads in those areas of the aura, at the level of which chakras mutual interest occurs. With true love, bright pure red floods all levels. In the presence of only sexual desire, a thick dark red fills the lower chakras to the diaphragm. After sexual contact, pure red, first transformed into the color of a sunbeam, turns into a complementary blue color to pure red and increases the level of energy in all chakras. Dark red, when sexual desire is satisfied, transforms into a complementary dirty green color, enhancing the negative side of the third chakra (envy, jealousy, possessiveness). If the dark red-crimson energy has not been released through sexual contact, it thickens and turns into a painful red-brown color, which causes a desire for despotism and violence. A long-term dark red color in the body settles on the organs and gives rise to diseases. Therefore, it is recommended to process sexual energy. In the East, there are several techniques that use asanas, pranayama, meditation. The author recommends using pure blue visualization for transformation, which makes it possible to send the transformed energy to Vishuddha and strengthen the energies associated with this chakra. Contact, at the level of the aura, between lovers flashes with red energies, attracting the attention of others. Most of all, this red contact becomes noticeable with the physical manifestation of attention to each other (kisses, hugs, etc.).

If all this happens in front of other people, it attracts their attention, which entails the imposition of their energies. As a result, the pure red color fades and changes its shades. If there were unfriendly people nearby who harbored red-brown and other shades of dirty colors (refusal of love in the name of something or someone - money, prestige, etc.), then pure red (in love) is added yellow-green, brown and other colors. A large number of unsuccessful meetings, unhappy marriages, quickly extinguished love can be attributed precisely to these phenomena (this is the evil eye). Therefore, it is recommended to keep your tender feelings, because it is not in vain that they are called that, to keep from prying eyes and not to wear black flowers when going on a date, which absorb all the surrounding colors. In addition to the aura, in the perception of the world of people, a person should be prompted by feelings that repel the unnecessary and attract to useful communication. However, even a sensitive heart can make a mistake, because a person is able to change his emotional state, and the heart will guess and doubt. People with dark energy are usually attracted to people of light, because when communicating, people exchange energies.

The dark ones, harmonizing, feel comfort and a surge of health, while the light ones, giving the energy of love, feel bad and avoid dark people. Therefore, dark personalities have to communicate with their own kind, stay in evil and energy disharmony. If two people meet, approximately equal in energy level, then their common aura, and consequently, the aura of each of them increases, which has a beneficial effect on these people. In the case when the light energies of two people are too different in power, then a person with low energy will feel comfort, insight and activity, and a person with high energy will not feel any drastic changes. A person with powerful white energy can feel comfortable with people like themselves. If there are none, he tends to be alone in his high energy-informational field. Two people with energies of the same magnitude, in whose auras the same color predominates (with the exception of white), are incompatible, because this color enhances their general disharmony. They understand each other, but get tired of communication, become irritable and, like two poles of the same name of a magnet, repel each other.

Their common aura becomes darker than the aura of each of them individually. If two people have insufficiently developed the same energy centers, while others, respectively, are strongly developed, and if at the same time their total energy level is equalized, then the general aura becomes brighter and, being together, they experience happiness, comfort and inspiration. This combination of people is ideal. They, like two magnets with opposite poles, attract and practically cannot exist without each other. Their souls are in tune, they, like the strings of a harp, radiate the enchanting sounds of magical chords.

aries (13.09 - 19.09)

Aries are well compatible energy with the signs of Water. The best exchange of energy between them will be on the so-called subtle plane, which does not concern the everyday side of life. This is communication with esotericists, clairvoyants, psychics. In addition to their direct talents, they will also support Aries with energy. These are joint meditations and meditative states. It is useful to “be in a fairy tale” together - to be distracted from reality and its worries. If Water is your favorite person, then it does not hurt to take a bath by candlelight together. It is worth dreaming with friends, listening to meditative music and in no case talking about business and problems.

taurus (13.09 - 19.09)

twins (13.09 - 19.09)

Gemini will find energy support from people of the Fire element. Fire gives off the most energy verbally, along with words. It is worth talking with him more, listening to his stories, lectures, speeches. In addition, the more mobile his lifestyle is now, the more he gives off energy, so it is useful to walk and go on trips with Fiery acquaintances. But alcohol (it doesn’t matter on whose side - Gemini or Fire) will do harm, because. Gemini is at risk of picking up negativity. Besides, it is undesirable to meditate together with Fire. In general, the more rational communication with him, the more he will give strength, and the more intuitive and emotional - the less. Do not do charity for Fire and do not take from it - together with your help give your energy or take away the negative.

cancer (13.09 - 19.09)

It is useful for Cancers to communicate with the signs of the Earth for energy. Earth signs will perfectly support with forces at the official “distance” in communication. Secular and social events are places where Cancer can energize from them. In addition, the Earth is open to people of its circle and in an environment where only people of its class, circle, society have gathered around. She exchanges energy well with members of her group, which includes people who are similar in philosophical, religious or esoteric beliefs. And it is also useful to communicate with the Earth abroad and travel abroad with her - far from her homeland, she will give Cancer vigor and a boost of strength.

lion (13.09 - 19.09)

Leos are energetically compatible with Air signs. Air signs give off the most energy in a calm home environment. It is good to invite them to visit or go to their house. Such a guest will bring a joyful, bright atmosphere to the Leo's house. It opens well for energy exchange. Air during intimate conversations. Useful is his help in everyday life and taking care of Leo's domestic needs. Nannies, nurses, housekeepers, cooks of the Air element will add vigor and strength to Leo with their work. And, of course, the best energy partners will be members of Leo's own family.

virgin (13.09 - 19.09)

Virgos are well combined in energy with the signs of Water. Water signs are romantic. They are open to the exchange of energy when they do not think about reality and everyday worries. With them it is useful to relax in nature, but not in a noisy company, but quietly, secluded, preferably by the water. They open up on the energy plane when they dream, listen to meditative or classical music, watch a movie that takes away reality. Communication with Water on the subtle plane is very useful - the clairvoyants of this element will not only solve the problem of the Virgin, but will also give her a lot of strength. Collective meditations with people of Water are good.

scales (13.09 - 19.09)

Libra will restore energy next to people of the Fire and Earth elements. Fiery people give energy when they feel free from restrictions. Therefore, if Libra wants to replenish their strength, let them take friends of the Fire element and go to rest somewhere in nature. The Fire signs also communicate perfectly with Libra on a subtle plane, in the process of any esoteric deeds. The signs of the Earth, on the contrary, do not interfere with restrictions. They will share with Libra forces in business relationships. So, communicating with them, Libra will not only replenish energy, but also solve their business issues.

scorpio (13.09 - 19.09)

Scorpios are energetically compatible with the signs of Fire, Earth and Water. Fiery people help well energetically on a subtle plane - it is useful for Scorpios to turn to psychics and esotericists of this element. Earth signs are open for energy exchange for Scorpios of their circle. If Scorpio participates in the life of some social, religious, cultural or esoteric group, then he should seek energy support there, among like-minded Earth signs. Water signs give off energy when they are happy, having fun, having fun. Scorpio should go with them to a concert, to a nightclub - he will receive a wonderful charge of vivacity.

Sagittarius (13.09 - 19.09)

Sagittarius will find energy partners among the signs of Air and Water. Air signs come off for energy contact in a calm, homely environment. The first assistants of Sagittarius in maintaining good energy are members of his family. But the guests who come in a good mood to the house of Sagittarius will also share their strength. The help of Air in everyday life (cleaning, babysitting, nurses) will add strength to Sagittarius and bring a bright atmosphere to his house. The signs of Water will be of great help on the subtle plane. It is useful for Sagittarius to turn to psychics, clairvoyants, esotericists of this element, to meditate with Water.

Capricorn (13.09 - 19.09)

It is useful for Capricorns to communicate with the signs of Fire, Water and Air for energy. Fire people give off a lot of energy when they are busy with physical activity. It is good to play sports together with them. Of great benefit to Capricorn's energy will be those who are related to his physical strength: trainers, instructors, massage therapists. Water signs share energy at home. People who help Capricorn in everyday life (nannies, nurses, housekeepers) will give him a lot of strength. The signs of Water give off energy on an intangible, subtle plane - psychics, clairvoyants of the Water signs will not only solve the problem that Capricorn has addressed, but will also restore his energy.

Aquarius (13.09 - 19.09)

Aquarians are energetically compatible with the signs of Fire, Earth and Water. Fiery people transmit energy verbally, with words. It is worth talking with them more, listening to them, going to their performances and lectures. The signs of the Earth are open for energy exchange in a business setting, so Aquarius should start streamlining their lives, remember about unfinished bureaucratic affairs, and communicate with superiors about work. Not only will they not get tired of this, but, on the contrary, they will feel a surge of vigor. Water signs are divided into two groups. Some give energy when they have fun and have fun (an evening with them in company, in a nightclub, at a show will add strength to Capricorn), while others need a comfortable, calm and pleasant environment for this.

fish (13.09 - 19.09)

Stars advise Pisces to communicate more with the signs of Fire. Fiery people give energy when nothing fetters their freedom - neither restrictions, nor employment, nor any rules. With them it is worth getting out into nature, away from the pressure of society. Fire also helps a lot on the subtle plane. Psychics and esotericists of this element will not only deal with the issue that Pisces turned to them with, but will also have a beneficial effect on their energy. But dry, businesslike, official relations, a regulated environment, communication within the framework of subordination will interfere with the exchange of energy.

If you are interested in the topic of relationships and compatibility in terms of energy, then this article is about that.

Human energy in partnerships

Have you ever thought about why lovers become so attached to each other and why after a divorce people feel almost physical pain, as if a part of themselves has simply come off?

The thing is that we communicate not only physically, but also energetically. Physically, we are separated from each other, and energetically the bodies of the spouses are merged into one.

Few people think about the energy of relationships, but this is the very invisible component that forces people to either be close or disperse.

Everything in our world is permeated with energy, and all living beings radiate it. Energy can be compared to music, the energy of each person has a certain color, a certain tone. Therefore, the energy of another person can either suit you, or simply push you away from yourself.

There are people who have more powerful energy than others and more subtle sensitivity. They can feel not only the inner state of those people who are nearby, but also those who are far away. Most people feel only “I want to be around”, or “I don’t want to be around”. But this “I want” or “I don’t want” is precisely determined by the subtle energy interaction between people.

Different energy states of the human psyche

In Vedic culture there is such a thing as the gunas - that is, such a state of consciousness in which the human psyche resides at this particular moment.

Gunas are divided into 3 types.

The first type is called tamas - this is a sleeping state of consciousness, people living in it live as if in a dream, they do not understand why certain events happen to them, they simply go with the flow of life without thinking about anything.

Unfortunately, these people are the majority. They love it when someone takes responsibility for their lives, although, of course, they don’t talk about it openly. In life, they rely on the government, on the boss, on anyone, but not on themselves. And they are always deceived in their expectations. Any instability in life is a tragedy for them. People in tamaguna do not have the energy for some lofty goals and global projects. As a rule, they look older than their years, age quickly, get sick and die early.

The second guna is raja guna, rajas. This is a state of mind in which a person is constantly spinning like a squirrel in a wheel and cannot stop.

These people have already woken up, but they think that they will start living later - after they earn money, or after their children grow up. In their life, one goal replaces another, but they cannot live and enjoy life, as they are constantly in the future. Their lives are driven by fear and ambition. They have more energy than those who live in Tamaguna, and they can achieve a lot in life. But, as a rule, they end up very badly, because they just burn out. And they are very unhappy, constantly dissatisfied with what they have.

The third guna is sattva guna, blissful. People in this state of mind are already beginning to be interested in spiritual practices, philosophy, and yoga. They have a more refined psyche and a more flexible mind.

But even here there can be pitfalls. Often people get stuck in false spirituality so much that they cannot then realize themselves in society. For years they go to trainings, attend many seminars, but in life nothing changes globally, there was no happiness, and there is no. Very often people fall out of the state of goodness again into rajas, give up practices and remain disappointed with the spiritual life.

In other words, people live in different Universes of different types of consciousness, and these Universes do not intersect with each other. Therefore, in order for partners to be comfortable with each other, they must speak the same language with each other - that is, their psyche must be in the same guna.

All partnerships of the first three types always occur unconsciously. In other words, the Force of Karma at one time attracts people to each other to work out various karmic tasks or to repay each other's debts. As a rule, all these unions cannot be called absolutely happy. And they can end after the mining is over.

Partnerships in people with strong energy

There is another type of people, very rare. These are people with very strong energy, they can be called Masters. These people came to this world to fulfill certain global tasks, they have a mission. These people are outside the gunas, and they can consciously enter any of the three states of consciousness listed above to perform their tasks.

The common task of all the Masters is to raise people's awareness, because the general development of our Planet as a whole depends on the level of people's awareness. Masters must be able to speak the same language with each person, which is why they are able to consciously enter into any guna and convey the necessary information in the language that a person understands.

Masters are usually men. These people see through the nature of others, so it is very difficult for them to start a family. They understand that they will not be happy in marriage with an ordinary karmic partner. They have a complex personality, women of the first three types will not understand them, and will expect from them what is not interesting to them and is not characteristic of them. Moreover, the karmic partner will interfere with the fulfillment of the purpose of their life. Therefore, such people, as a rule, prefer not to have a family at all.

Very rarely a woman comes as a Master. On the one hand, it is easier for her than for a man, and on the other, it is more difficult. Despite the fact that, by Nature, women strive to be married, it is actually impossible for her to start a family. Men are attracted by her very strong energy, and for her, men are just another headache. She understands that she cannot give an ordinary karmic man what he wants from her. Due to her innate ability to control the mind and emotions, she has more emotional coldness than ordinary women. Men, after some time, begin to be afraid of her, because she sees through them and everything that she says subsequently comes true.

Such a woman has a level of personal energy many times greater than that of an ordinary man, so she cannot have children with a man whose energy level is lower than her own.

Sometimes such a woman can meet a man who is just like her. This happens very rarely, and this is called a marriage from God. Such relationships always arise not for ordinary karmic processing, but in order to help each other in fulfilling a common mission.

Thus, when a person is outside the gunas, on the one hand, it is easier for him to understand people, and on the other hand, it is much more difficult in close relationships. Such people, most often, are single in life.

energy wedding
Regardless of which guna (or even outside the gunas) a person lives in, partners meet each other at a certain time due to karma. Even those people who live outside the gunas are subject to the influence of karma.

Ordinary people think that partners in our lives appear by chance, unexpectedly, on their own. But it's not. Everything happens in accordance with the laws for the implementation of which the planets are responsible. It is the planets that ensure that karma is fulfilled, and astrologers are very well aware of this.

At a certain time, the planets begin to turn on a certain radiation inside a person, and he begins to literally glow energetically, emit certain vibrations that attract the opposite sex to him. I think that if you remember your state before you met your partners, you will surely remember some unusual situations for you, or an unusual inner state.

When potential partners meet, their energies begin to align with each other, and this is perceived as a desire to be near.

After people enter into a sexual relationship, the energy fusion becomes even stronger, or rather, people literally energetically merge with each other. At this moment, they exchange karma, and if such a union was founded only by attraction on the lower centers, then people exchange bad karma among themselves. Therefore, very often then the habits of partners, or even fate, can change.

Unconscious sexual contacts, especially if they were with alcohol and meat, devastate and pollute the energy. Masters understand this very well, and therefore they prefer not to have sexual contact at all.

People with low moral qualities and with a lot of sexual connections on the lower centers cannot meditate, since all their energy is at the bottom. By the way, for the same reason they cannot think well later, and this is very bad for success in social implementation. Actually, that's why the life of people in tamaguna follows the scenario of food, sex and sleep. It is quite natural that they do not set themselves big goals for life, they simply do not have the energy for this.

Energy Divorce

Physical divorce does not occur immediately, it is always preceded by some time.

First, divorce occurs on a subtle, energetic level. Some reason arises, due to which the energy state of one of the partners changes.

And after that, people internally cease to feel closeness, even if they have felt closeness for many years.

The energy state of a person always changes after sexual contact. That is why, if you want to live in love with a partner, it is very important not to have sexual contacts on the side.

The energy state changes after emotional communication with other people. Therefore, if you and your partner are in high gunas, try to control your communication, avoid empty talk, gossip and people who are heavily immersed in negativity.

Avoid energy trainings if you are not sure of the moral qualities of the person who conducts them, as well as the level of his personal Power. If the person who conducts the training cannot hold the energy of all people, then at such trainings it turns out just an energy vinaigrette. People come out of there with a feeling of energy upsurge, but then all the energy quickly merges, and, according to fate, problems begin that it is not clear how to solve later.

In general, if you want to live in love and happiness, watch very carefully all the factors that can greatly affect the state of your mind and the quality of your personal energy. Since at the very moment when your energy changes and becomes different, an energy divorce will come. And then the onset of a physical divorce is only a matter of time.

Thus, people with different types of psyche build different types of relationships. Happiness in a relationship is very rare, and is possible only if both partners are aware, engaged in spiritual development and understand why they entered into a relationship. If you are going to create a family, do not create it under the influence of emotions, so as not to be disappointed later. First, decide for yourself what is important to you in a relationship.


Brief information about the article.

Finding a partner with whom you will be happy in a life together is not an easy task. One of the important conditions for this is the correct choice of your soulmate. There are many ways to determine the compatibility of a man and a woman. We have already written about. From this article you will learn how to determine the compatibility of partners by year and date of birth.

Eastern calendar compatibility

According to Eastern philosophy, the future of the joint life of a man and a woman is determined by their internal energy. If it coincides with partners, then such an alliance will be strong and durable. If the energy of the partners differs significantly, then, despite the efforts made, it is unlikely that it will be possible to build a strong and happy relationship.

To determine the compatibility of partners by year of birth, you need to find your sign of the year of birth according to the Eastern calendar vertically in the table below, and your partner horizontally. At the intersection, you will receive a digital value corresponding to the degree of your energy connection with your partner.

Deciphering the digital values ​​​​of the degree of energy compatibility

  • 0 - for such a couple, the likelihood of building a good relationship is quite high, since it is easy for them to establish contact with each other. Conflicts and quarrels between partners are very rare. Such relationships can be called comfortable
  • 1 - for such a couple, creating an alliance is very problematic. There are many controversial points between partners, they rub against each other for a very long time. You need to think carefully before deciding to marry. Even with considerable effort, building strong trusting relationships will not be easy.
  • 2 - in such pairs there is a combination of opposite energies. Therefore, relations between partners can be called balanced, they often turn into a strong and long alliance. In such a marriage, contact is established between the spouses and complete harmony reigns. Compatibility here is almost perfect, and lovers will have a long and happy life. Disagreements between partners appear very rarely, and the spouses quickly manage to agree amicably
  • 4 - for this pair, the union is built on confrontation. Therefore, it is very difficult for partners to adapt to each other. There is nothing to say about understanding in such an alliance. Such couples are not recommended to enter into a serious relationship, as these marriages, as a rule, break up very quickly.
  • 5 - conflicts often arise in this union of energies. Partners cannot be together for a long time, as this makes them unhappy. Such people are advised to stay away from each other. You should not even try to build any relationship
  • 6 - the compatibility of such a pair is ambiguous, there may be white and black stripes in the relationship. Partners will be able to maintain a relationship only if strong feelings are present. In this union, couples in which the man and woman are similar in age are more likely to have a successful relationship.

Compatibility of a man and a woman: numerology

Despite the fact that any person is an individual with their own character traits, strengths and weaknesses, with the help of numerological methods you can literally “sort out” each person.

Numerology is a mathematically exact science, so its predictions often come true. To find out the compatibility of your couple, you need to know the full dates of birth of both partners.

Calculation example:

Date of your birth: 01/11/1996. Add up all the numbers: 1 + 1 + 0 + 1 + 1 + 9 + 9 + 6 = 28. Continue adding until one prime number remains: 2 + 8 = 10, 1 + 0 = 1.

Calculate your partner's compatibility number in the same way. For example, his date of birth is 10/10/1994: 1 + 0 + 1 + 0 + 1 + 9 + 9 + 4 = 25, 2 + 5 = 7.

Now add both numbers: 1 + 7 = 8. This is your compatibility number.

So, you have received the compatibility number of your couple. Let's now take a closer look at the meaning of each digit.


This number indicates a strong relationship. In such a pair, both partners set one common goal and go towards it together. In such an alliance, the spouses prefer to do everything together, it is easy for them to agree with each other. Partners are constantly striving to develop and become better.

However, such an alliance also has disadvantages. Both the man and the woman in this pair are strong personalities. Therefore, each of them will strive to dominate, to defend their point of view. This problem can be solved if partners learn to find compromises and listen to each other's wishes.


Such an alliance is very dependent on money. The relationship of such partners is based precisely on something material. Therefore, in such a union, the probability of a marriage of convenience is high. It’s good if both get tired of it, and there is no consumer relationship between the spouses.

In general, the union can be favorable, because in such a couple they respect and accept the interests and desires of the partner. If such a couple is united by a business or some other common business that brings profit, true love can also come into marriage.


In this case, there is a union of two frivolous, creative personalities. They will never be bored with each other, but they will also have to forget about peace. In such an alliance, stormy conflicts will alternate with no less stormy reconciliations.

No one is capable of enduring such an emotional intensity of passions for a long time, therefore, for such a couple, everything can end in a painful separation. Cheating, broken promises, irresponsibility and betrayal - the likelihood of all this is too high for this marriage to be considered successful.


In such an alliance, partners are very comfortable. They choose peace and stability. This is a union of two conservatives, perhaps even monogamous, so such a relationship can last a very long time.

In such a pair, there is spiritual closeness between partners. They strive to give each other only warmth, care and attention, and they prefer to live all the negativity only in the world around them.


This is the number of love. In such a union, as a rule, there is a bright, passionate relationship in which partners are inexorably attracted to each other. Marriage will be favorable if a man and a woman can achieve not only sexual, but also spiritual intimacy.

In this union, it is sometimes important for spouses to forget about their own egoism and learn to listen to a partner, understand his desires and needs.


This is a union of realists. They stand firmly on their feet and never have their heads in the clouds. A man and a woman in such pairs can become ideal business partners, but in a relationship they may lack emotions.

The best interaction option for such a relationship is friendship, and for love, you should look for someone else. If feelings arise in such a pair, they will pass very quickly, giving way to habit and mutual respect.


This is the most harmonious version of the union. Everything is in moderation here - enough love, good sexual compatibility, many common interests, goals and outlooks on life converge. In this pair, partners know how to negotiate, easily compromise, always keep promises made to each other.

Of course, here life in marriage is not always cloudless, but spouses successfully overcome problems: both external (material, related to health or work), and within the family. This union, as a rule, is practically an exemplary couple in the eyes of others.


There is a strong attraction between a man and a woman in this pair, but it can become dangerous.

In such an alliance, one of the partners, as a rule, is strongly obsessed with the other. He literally dissolves in his beloved, losing himself as a person. As a result, the dependent partner sooner or later ceases to be interesting to his other half, and a break is almost inevitable.


This is a very rare variant of an almost perfect union. In such a pair, both partners are very spiritually developed personalities, striving for balance and harmony in everything. If there are no material problems in such a family, there is a great chance that the marriage will last until old age.

The compatibility prognosis for such a union is very favorable if in a couple the man is responsible for everything material, and the woman takes care of the family and home, keeping the hearth.

I would like to say that if you received a negative prophecy regarding your future union, you should not be upset and immediately put an end to the relationship. There are many more ways to check the compatibility of a man and a woman. It is possible that numerologists are wrong about you in this case.

For more confidence, try checking yours with a partner.

It is important that there is mutual understanding and special harmony between a man and a woman. However, not every couple can build such a relationship. Why is it so? It's just that everyone has their own character, which affects the relationship between a man and a woman.

As a rule, temperament depends on the specific sign of the zodiac. That is why we consider compatibility by year of birth and name.

If you know in advance the compatibility between a man and a woman, then it is possible to avoid many life problems. Indeed, sometimes it happens that people do not find a common language among themselves and do not understand why this is happening. Everything is very simple. This does not mean that the loved one is bad. It’s just that sometimes people are incompatible in character, temperament, or they don’t have common interests. Then the first problems in the relationship begin for the couple:

  • no common interests;
  • misunderstanding on the part of one of the partners;
  • character incompatibility.

Compatibility of zodiac signs by date of birth

Not every person understands the signs of the zodiac. For this there is the ability to find out compatibility by date of birth for free. You just need to enter the data of the couple (day, month and year of birth). Calculations by date of birth are taken from the eastern and zodiac calendar.

When all the data is entered, then you can find out for sure whether the partners are suitable for each other, and then they will decide whether it is worth building their relationship further.

We draw your attention to the fact that the eastern and zodiac calendars speak not only about the relationship between a man and a woman, but also about what mutual understanding can be with friends, colleagues or a married couple. As a rule, all advice is of a general nature, but in no case should they be ignored or avoided.

You can find out and check your eastern compatibility horoscope by zodiac signs and years. The compatibility table will help you with this and give you some tips to remember.

Chinese horoscope

A compatibility horoscope can be compiled not only using the eastern or zodiac calendar. There is also a Chinese horoscope, which is compiled solely on the basis of the year. Remember, there is a Pig, Cat, Snake, etc. So we are talking about this.

According to the Chinese horoscope, the year repeats once every 12 years. That is, in order to know the combination of the relationship of the signs of the zodiac, you need to know the exact year of a particular person.

In ancient culture, they paid a lot of attention to the name of a person, since believed in the power of the name. Over time, people became convinced that this was true.

Previously, in many families, parents before the wedding of their children made numerology of numbers, by which it was clear whether it was worth joining the marriage or whether it could be terminated before it was too late. After all, the son or daughter will have to suffer for many more years.

Still, over time, people stopped paying attention to numerology, but sometimes there is a desire to make sure that everything will be fine. Therefore, we offer on our website to find out if the couple is suitable by name.

Astrologers assure that each name carries its own specific energy. It is she who determines the traits of character and attitude towards people around her. It all depends on the comparison of the sounds that are in the person's name.

There is an opinion that the more matches in the names of the pair, the more vivid and harmonious relations they will develop. Each letter consists of a certain number. Then you need to put everything together. It turns out one total number and it gives an idea of ​​the person as a whole.

No, you do not have to calculate all the data to find out about your relationship with your partner. We have a free compatibility test on our website. It is enough to write your names in both fields and you can immediately read the answer.

Not everyone needs the test, but only people who want to know in advance about a specific relationship. It is for people who:

The compatibility test will show all the necessary information that will open your eyes and help you solve some problems.

You can easily build harmonious relationships not only in love, but also in friendship only if you know if you are compatible with your loved one. Therefore, take the test online, look at the table of zodiac signs for months and years, and choose your harmony so that you are always comfortable with each other.

Attention, only TODAY!

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