How to wean a dog to gnaw things, bite, jump on the owner, dig, beg, scratch the door. The puppy chews on the leash: what to do? What to do if soft methods don't work

How to wean a dog from biting and is it possible if we are not talking about a puppy? We note right away that with consistent and regular work, everything is possible. Let's figure out how to wean a puppy and an adult dog from biting.

Dogs have lived side by side with humans for centuries. Even if you do not delve into the materials on history and cynology, you can guess that dogs would be exterminated as a species if they really threatened a person. The truth is that quadrupeds bring too many benefits, which is why people have tamed the dog, learned how to educate and train it.

There are no naturally aggressive dogs. All puppies are born cute toddlers who are drawn to communication and love to play. During the first year of life, the dog acquires experiences that will influence the formation of its character. Like humans, dogs have developed ways to communicate with each other. Since tetrapods cannot speak, they had to learn a more complex language that includes sounds, gestures, body position, facial expressions, ears and eyes.

Dogs tend to bite, so they express feelings, intentions and even positive emotions. The mother constantly licks the puppies, and when they grow up, she allows herself to bite them a little and grab them by the withers. Of course, all this happens for educational purposes or in order to protect offspring, but the essence does not change - puppies from a very early age get used to the fact that biting is normal.

In games and for the purpose of communication, dogs most often grab each other by the withers. In the process of evolution, the skin at the withers of dogs has become thicker, rougher and almost deprived of nerve endings. Therefore, when one dog grabs another by the withers, both animals do not experience much discomfort.

From a very early age, the puppy needs to be made aware that your skin is much more sensitive and bites are unpleasant for you. Of course the baby does not bite painfully, he may look funny or let his teeth in during the game. However, do not forget to express negative emotions in response to a bite, the puppy will grow up and will grab your hands more and more, not seeing anything wrong with that.

Inexperienced owners believe that there are dogs that simply do not tend to bite. Such conclusions are made on the basis of observations of other people's dogs. However, if you observe a pet that does not bite the owner or behaves very gently, it is most likely that he was simply brought up correctly.

Advice: try not to miss the moment of education, as puppies are much more sensitive to the emotions of the owner.

It is more difficult to wean an adult dog from biting, since the habit has already been “rooted”, and the pet itself does not react so sharply to the negative emotions of the owner. Working with adult dogs is complicated by several other aspects: size and strength. You need to be aware that even a light bite from a large and strong pet is enough to cause serious injury.

Types of bites

Bite bite strife. Bites are divided into types:

  • grip- the dog opens its mouth, grabs an arm or leg, but does not clench its jaws. The grip is used by the dog for communication and most often serves to express positive emotions, namely affection. The grip is characteristic of pointing dogs during the game.
  • soft bite- the dog makes a grip with a slight closure of the jaw. This behavior is usually accompanied by a playful mood. Many puppies and even adult dogs love to imitate wrestling.
  • Bite- single grip with jaw closure of varying intensity. Most often, single bites express the fear of the dog, that is, they accompany a passive defensive reaction. After a single bite, the dog tries to quickly eliminate.
  • grip- a single bite, characteristic of some breeds of dogs (fighting, service). The meaning of grip is to hold the subject. This type of bite was deliberately inoculated into escort and guard dogs. Usually the dog will apply the bite to unfamiliar people and animals, giving himself or the owner a few seconds to make further decisions.
  • Attack- a series of bites . Usually the dog bites, intercepting and moving towards the body (neck). Serial attack is characteristic of most dog breeds.

In most cases, soft and light dog bites are not intentional, especially when it comes to puppies and teenagers. On rare occasions, a dog that is very fearful may inflict single bites or show aggression. Even experts have a hard time telling the difference between a single bite and a light grip. The problem is that the types of bites are interpreted according to the consequences, that is, according to the fact of the injuries inflicted.

Usually, with the manifestation of aggression, the dog does not bite easily, but also warns of its intentions. Before applying the bite, the dog snarls, grins, you can see that the hair on the withers rises, and the pet's posture looks tense.

If you have the slightest suspicion that the dog bites due to aggression, it is recommended that you contact a qualified dog handler without delay and solve the problem before it leads to a tragedy.

How to prevent bites

All puppies explore the world using biting and chewing as a communication tool. The puppy tastes all the objects of interest to him and it is almost impossible to avoid this. Naturally, the baby will play with the owner and grab his hands if these actions do not intersect.

While the puppies are close to their mother, they play with each other imitating fighting and biting. After moving to a new home, it is difficult for a baby to rebuild and accept new rules, so education should be gentle and consistent.

From the first day in a new home, every effort must be made to teach the dog to restrain the urge to bite and rough behavior. In the literature on dog training, a lot of methods for raising puppies are described, but some of them turn out to be completely non-working. The problem is that the psyche of dogs is individual. Some puppies quickly absorb the experience, others need several repetitions.

In any conditions, try to remember and follow the tips from this list:

  • Do not tease the dog with your hands or touch the pet's face while playing - such actions not only provoke the dog to bite, but also give him reason to consider a light grip as the desired action.
  • Regularly play with the dog in non-contact methods - communication with the owner is very important in the process of raising a dog. The puppy must understand that he is loved and appreciated. Play with your puppy regularly by throwing him a ball or other toy. Do not forget to praise the ward if he behaves correctly.
  • If the dog grabs your arm or leg, do not try to pull the limb back - when the puppy is already holding something in its mouth, vibration or a sharp jerk leads to a reflex jaw clenching. Unclench the dog's jaws with your free hand and release the limb, act calmly and confidently, first you need to clearly give the “fu” command.

Never hit a dog if it already has a grip on you.. Physical violence is an expression of aggression that encourages the dog to take more decisive action - an attack or a bite.

Be that as it may, your first and most important task is to let the puppy know that your skin is much more sensitive than that of your pet's relatives. When training a dog, especially a service breed, it is important to place accents. The pet must clearly distinguish between games and work and understand that biting during entertainment is unacceptable.

Note! During training, for example when arresting, a service dog must be able to bite, attack and hold.

The technique is called “bite inhibition training”. Simply put, in order for a dog not to bite in adulthood, it must be taught to control grip strength in puppyhood. The best and most natural way to learn is to play with other dogs.

If you watch your dog playing with his siblings on a walk, you will see that 80% of the time the dogs are chasing, jumping on each other, wrestling and trying to grab the enemy. During the game, the dogs get carried away and allow themselves to bite the opponent harder. Naturally, the second dog will not tolerate violence and fights back or folds, whines, runs away. While the animals are young and playful, all these situations occur in a staged form and rarely end in fights.

The natural learning process is just one of the reasons why early socialization is so important. Walking in the company of other dogs, the puppy learns and acquires new skills, imitating adult and already trained dogs. Through constant communication with relatives, your pet learns to control his urges, the intensity of actions and physical activity. Even if the quadrupeds have played out strongly, they do not pursue the goal of harming each other.

If you watch dogs play a few times, the training methodology will become apparent. With pets that like to play with their hands, you need to do the same. Play with your dog until he bites you on the arm or leg so that you feel the pressure.

As soon as the bite has occurred, you begin to squeal and whine, depict pain, depression and unwillingness to continue the game. If the dog attacks your legs, start limping or kneel down. Show all your acting talent to shock the pet and let him know that he has committed unacceptable actions.

What if the puppy does not respond to whining and squealing, continuing the attack? In this case, you need to remember who is the leader of the pack. Change your tone of voice abruptly, say loudly: phew, back and stop the game, moving away from the pet. Wait until the puppy comes by itself, and he will come!

When the puppy comes up to you, do not react, keep a stern expression on your face, but do not say anything. As soon as the puppy licks you, lays down in front of you, or begins to apologize in other ways, change anger to restraint, pet the pet with restraint and send him to the place.

The above method is considered the most natural way to train, however it is not effective with choleric dogs. When a puppy starts biting during play or for joy, he physically cannot switch to other emotions. No matter what emotions you show, the dog will think that this is a continuation of the game ... and will continue to attack you.

With choleric dogs, work is built by a different method. The worst punishment for an active dog is to stop the activity. This method is called "timeout". Proceed in the same way, wait for a bite with noticeable pressure, stop the game abruptly and order the dog to go to the place. If the puppy does not hear you, it must be taken by the collar and taken to the lounger.

During this exercise, it is extremely important to maintain complete calm and steadfastness. When the dog is on the bed, give the command to lie down, place and make sure that the pet remains in the prone position for at least a minute. By the way, this exercise will help not only wean the puppy from biting, but also allow you to develop endurance.

Advice: if the puppy got up and ran away, return him to the bed and start the exercises again. At first, this method of education will take a very long time, but will allow the dog to understand that any unwanted actions will lead to negative consequences.

The timeout method works for correcting any type of behavior, its essence is that any positive actions on your part stop as soon as the dog has made a negative action. If the puppy has learned science at home, but continues to misbehave on the street, the technique is adapted. For example, after being bitten on the street, you can tie the leash to a tree, have the dog lie down, move away a bit, and make sure the pet stays in place for 10-60 seconds.

Once you make progress and your pet stops biting, time out should be applied each time the dog's teeth have touched your skin. It is important to take your time and act consistently so that the pet does not feel undue pressure. As mentioned above, the timeout technique helps build endurance. If the dog has gone into a rage, plays and does not pay attention to you, get up abruptly and leave the room.

It is advisable to keep an eye on the pet through the gap in the doorway to prevent the destruction of your things "on emotions". If the puppy has switched aggression to your personal things, sharply pronounce fu and send the dog to the place with a command. In such a situation, it is very important to ensure that your orders are carried out. That is, it is not enough to achieve the termination of the action, it is necessary to bring the matter to the end - to send the dog to the sunbed and keep it on it.

Advice: to protect things from dog attacks, you can play on a long leash. Thus, even leaving the room, you will control the actions of the pet.

What to do if soft methods don't work?

What to do if the dog continues to bite despite all the measures taken? Biting is an unacceptable act, even if the dog has mental problems. If non-contact manipulation does not help, you can try to discourage the dog from biting with unpleasant tastes and smells. Let's just say that the common advice about using pepper is very unwise. Red and even black pepper can cause irreparable harm to a dog's sense of smell.

Tetrapods really dislike the smell and taste of citrus fruits, tea tree, mint and other herbs with a sharp aroma.. If your dog regularly attacks his arms and legs, you should try using aromatic oil. If the dog continues to bite, the skin can be rubbed with lemon juice.

There is also a tougher, most often disposable method of weaning a dog from biting. It is not recommended to use it unless you have tried all alternative methods. Peppermint mouth freshener is used as leverage. As soon as the dog has bitten you, it is necessary to make an exclamation (whining, squealing) and sprinkle the freshener directly into the dog's mouth. It is important to ensure that the jet is directed strictly into the mouth and traces of the aerosol do not get into the eyes. Experience shows that a single application of the spray is sufficient.

If you have tried all the methods in this article and your dog continues to bite, you need to seek professional help. As the experience of cynologists shows, problems with bites are most often associated not with the character of the dog, but with the wrong approach on the part of the owner. The main goal of cynologists is to teach the owner of the dog to defend the status of the leader and control the pet.

The dog needs to bite

Once your dog has stopped biting your hands and feet, stop early. Let's go back to the first section - quadrupeds need to bite to express emotions. After the puppy has stopped biting you during games and in all other situations, he needs to be taught certain etiquette.

Use rubber toys or special chew bones to get your pet's attention. Give your puppy a little tease and praise as soon as he starts chewing on the toy. When resorting to this method, you need to make sure that the pet always has an object allowed for chewing. So that the puppy does not lose interest in toys, they must be changed periodically. Old toys must be removed to an inaccessible place, and new ones (or previously hidden ones) should be given to the dog. For such substitutions, it is desirable to carry out every 2-3 days, periodically replenishing the assortment with new toys.

Tip: Try to provide your dog with a constant supply of chew toys while he is changing his teeth.

Many temperamental dogs intercept the owner's hand after stroking. If your pet responds with a soft bite to strokes and touches, it needs to be distracted with a treat. When petting a dog with one hand, hold the treats in the fist of the other hand and hold the pet in front of the nose.

The most effective method of avoiding biting, even if not intentional, is to train your dog for non-contact forms of play.. All puppies and even adult dogs love to play. If you throw a ball to your pet, he will not need to grab your hands with his teeth. After a complete change of teeth, the puppy can be played with a toy tug - this is an excellent method of training muscles without contact with the hands.

Important! During the tug, until the puppy is 6-8 months old, your task is simply to hold the toy. Do not pull, let alone yank the toy while the dog is holding it with its teeth.

Dogs with particularly active temperaments should be trained as early as possible. Use all methods to which the dog responds. Combine training with the time-out method until the dog learns to stay in place for 1 minute. Some puppies do not bite the hands of the owners, but often attack the legs. It is hard enough to deal with this kind of expression of emotions. On the one hand, such behavior suggests that the puppy sees you as the leader of the pack, and on the other hand, constant biting is very unpleasant.

Judging by the experience of the owners, there is really only one working technique. Purchase some rubber toys that squeak when squeezed. Always keep such a toy in your pocket or at hand when moving around your home. If you notice that the puppy has begun to hunt, stop immediately, take out the toy and start squeaking. As soon as the dog turns its attention to the source of the sound, throw the toy in the direction of the bed.

In the most optimal scenario, the dog will grab the toy and go to the place to chew on it. In any case, as soon as the pet has reacted to the toy, praise him. This technique is called distraction, it helps to switch the dog's attention and fix positive emotions for the game, and not for the attack.

Important! If your dog only attacks your legs while putting on your clothes, this behavior must be strictly suppressed.

The problem is that the dog attacks in a moment of weakness - when you are busy and distracted. This is no longer a game, but an attempt to dominate - to overthrow the leader and take his place.

Is there a dog in the world that does not have, and never had, at least one bad habit? Doubtful. But such a dog can be obtained by devoting enough time to education and showing resourcefulness. How to stop a dog from chewing on things? Very simple - pick up interesting toys for her and accustom yourself to order. It makes no sense to reinvent the wheel in the fight against bad habits, the main thing is to act confidently, purposefully and repeat the “lesson” with enviable constancy.

Causes of Undesirable Dog Behavior

At one well-known cynological forum, a survey was conducted of owners who are solving a difficult task: how to wean a dog to tear wallpaper and spoil other things? The result of the survey showed that 80% of dogs are engaged in "wrecking" in the absence of people, which confirms the opinion of most zoologists: our four-legged friends spoil things out of boredom and loneliness. Therefore, the first thing the owner of a chewing dog should do is to teach him to be alone, without fear and anxiety. We recommend reading the article: "How to wean a dog from barking, howling and whining", which describes the mechanics of getting rid of the excessive dependence of animals on two-legged members of the pack.

Some dogs ruin things simply because they can't tell them apart from toys. Such pets need to be explained that there are objects with which you can play, and everything else is a taboo for teeth and claws. First you need to choose the type of toys that will be of interest to the dog: a baby who loves to gnaw on latex "tweeters" may not pay any attention to the braided rope. Then show your dog that playing with this object is much more fun than chewing on a boring shoe - run together more often, hunting for a "running" toy, revive it by tying a rope and dragging the "prey" behind you. You can apply an attractive smell to the toy by lubricating it with olive oil or rubbing it with a piece of cheese (the whole toy does not need to be dirty, dogs have a wonderful scent). It is important that toys are always available to the dog in the amount of 3-4 pieces. The rest must be removed. After a while, when the pet is clearly bored with the "squeakers" and animals provided to him, remove them and take out the hidden toys.

We minimize risks

Since it's much easier to stop your dog from chewing shoes when the shoes are out of sight, buy a lockable nightstand and teach yourself, all family members and guests to always put shoes in the closet. The same applies to all other things that can be hidden - do not leave clothes, children's toys, books, etc. in a conspicuous place. If possible, remove the wires behind heavy furniture, in boxes, under baseboards. During the “absence” of attractive objects, the dog will switch to the toys provided to it, forgetting about shoes and other things. After a couple of months, even finding a forgotten pair of shoes on the floor, most dogs show no interest in them.

distraction method

When you find a dog at the scene of a crime, do not yell at it, do not show your displeasure. Distract your pet so that he does not understand that you are the culprit of what happened. You can discreetly throw something at the dog that will frighten him, but will not hurt him. Or use an ultrasonic repeller (only for animals with a strong psyche). You can rattle something in the next room, squeak with a toy, immediately putting it aside (it is important that the dog does not associate the event with you, otherwise the bully will start using the bad habit as a means to attract the attention of the owner). This method is great for raising puppies or dogs that have just started to mess up.

Punishment: does it make sense?

Timely punishment makes sense - when you see that your pet is tasting a slipper, look at him strictly and say: “No!”. As soon as the baby spit out the thing, give him a toy, saying: "Good, good girl."

After returning from work and finding a destroyed chair, do not scold the dog, this makes no sense. However, you should still show your displeasure - do not talk to the dog, do not stroke it. Remove the traces of the crime and go about your business, ignoring the dog for at least half an hour.

How to wean a dog to gnaw things: furniture and wires

Pay attention to what exactly the dog gnaws - upholstery or wooden parts. If the tree - buy a pet wooden dumbbells designed for retrieval. The dumbbells are made of hardwood, and therefore are safe for animals. A stick brought from the street will shatter into chips under the onslaught of teeth. A sliver can damage the gums, the lining of the digestive tract, or get stuck between the teeth. If the dog prefers to sharpen its teeth on upholstery, buy some ropes and rag toys. To attract attention, apply olive oil to a new toy or rub it with a piece of cheese.

Take your dog for a good walk before leaving home. Let her play enough and get tired so that in your absence the pet sleeps, and does not look for something to do with herself.

When you notice that your dog is chewing on furniture, use the distraction method above.

Until the dog learns to ruin the furniture, limit his movements if he is left at home alone. You can close the pet in one of the rooms or buy a spacious aviary, which will fit bowls of food and water, toys and a sunbed.

Since it is extremely important to wean the dog from chewing on the wiring (the animal can be seriously injured and even die from electric shock, reaching the filling), this is the case where the punishment is fully acceptable. Seeing that the dog reached for the wire, strictly command "No!". If the dog nevertheless took the wire in his teeth, go up to him, growl and perceptibly, but not painfully (it is important to let you feel discontent, and not to harm!) pat the bully by the scruff of the neck.

Exercise to develop the skill of not touching the wires

Cut a piece of wire 15-20 cm long. Wait for the baby to play. Spread pieces of wire throughout the apartment, interspersed with dog toys. Take your pet on a leash and run around with him. Every time the baby reaches for a piece of wire with his teeth, a short jerk follows and the command “No!”. If the baby grabs a toy - praise and a reward in the form of a treat.

Another way is to rub the wires with something tasteless (like lemon juice or water with red pepper). However, it is important to carefully monitor the pet here: some animals completely ignore such a “treat”, continuing to gnaw on the wire. And in small dogs, digestion is too sensitive to take such risks. If you notice that the dog has spat out the wire, smeared with something tasteless, and does not try to lick it, that's all right.

How to wean a dog from scratching the door?

A dog scratching a door has the obvious goal of opening that door. Usually, the owners themselves reinforce this habit in their animals by letting out or letting in a puppy that scratches the door with its claws. Going for a walk, the owner puts a leash on the dog and goes to the door. The pet jumps on the door with its front paws. The owner opens the door and goes out with the dog into the entrance. What happens? The man himself rewards the dog for undesirable behavior by opening the door and releasing it for a long-awaited walk. What to do: put on a collar, stand at the door - the dog jumps on the door, scratches it, jumps around - we stand and wait - jumps, scratches - we stand and wait. We don’t talk to the dog, we don’t pull the leash, we don’t give her any commands - we just stand and wait. The door opens only when the dog sits quietly or stands at the owner's feet for 3-5 minutes. Exposure is gradually reduced to a minute, a few seconds and becomes completely unnecessary when the dog develops another habit: “I stand calmly, do not jump, do not scratch the upholstery - the door opens.” Now the pet will ask to go outside, going to the door and standing near it, sitting or standing, looking at the owner - a wonderful skill.

The same should be done when the dog wants to enter or leave the room, asks to open the door after hearing the bell, etc. We wait until the pet calms down, and only then we open the door.

How to wean a dog from biting?

Almost all puppies and some adult dogs bite the hands and other parts of the owner's body when playing, greeting or attracting attention. This behavior is natural for all dogs, but unacceptable for domestic dogs. First, a light bite can seriously frighten a child. Secondly, today the dog bites his hands easily, and tomorrow he will take it into his head to seriously bite the person who decided to brush his teeth.

How to act: when the dog playfully bit your hand, do not pull your hand out, but strictly look the pet straight in the eyes, making a gloomy face and saying “No!”. If the pet has removed its teeth, we continue the game. If not, we turn around and leave, showing the dog that such behavior leads to a lack of attention for at least an hour. It is important to convey the seriousness of the problem to friends and family members so that no one in contact with the dog ever plays with it with their hands and stops playing if the pet has used its teeth.

How to wean a dog from biting if this behavior is associated with aggression

Decorative dogs are not hunters, not guards and not protectors. They are bred by man to enjoy the company of a friendly animal. Therefore, aggression towards other animals or people is unacceptable. If a dog allows itself to use its teeth, biting passers-by, your guests or oncoming dogs, it is important to understand the reason for the aggressive behavior and correct the situation. Depending on the motivation (fear, desire to dominate, protective instincts, struggle for territory, etc.), we choose a line of behavior and correct the dog's worldview. An experienced instructor will help in the fight against aggression, since it is extremely difficult to independently identify the cause of unwanted behavior without special knowledge in the field of dog psychology.

How to wean a dog to beg?

Eating together is part of the pack's way of life, so dogs beg for food to establish themselves in the family, to make sure they are an integral part of it. How we act:

  • we completely ignore all the dog's attempts to get a piece, not paying attention to jumping and sad looks. Particularly persistent pets should be reined in: a strict “No” and a light grip on the scruff with slight pressure on the withers;
  • if the dog stopped “dancing with a tambourine” and calmly sat down nearby, without whining, without jumping and without trying to attract attention, we praise it with a tasty piece, but only after we have finished eating. First, the leader eats, and at the end the rest get their share: “Yes, I recognize you, you are a member of the pack, but you are lower than me in rank, so wait”;
  • if the dog does not stop begging, completely ignore it. In the end, the pet will understand that nothing can be achieved by jumping and whining, and will settle down somewhere nearby (understanding may come in a few days, or maybe in a few weeks, but all this time, eating food is only ignoring the beggar). And now, at the moment when he is already desperate to get a piece, the owner suddenly rewards him with the coveted part of the “booty”. Enlightenment: "Yeah! In order to be shared with me, you just need to do nothing, calmly lying / sitting.

It is important to prohibit all family members and guests from feeding the dog. It is unacceptable to give food from the table (unless a small piece of cheese, vegetable or fruit after all people have finished eating). Sometimes it is advised to lock the beggars in another room, but in this way it is not possible to teach the animal the correct behavior. In addition, by driving the dog away from the table, you seem to be excluding it from the pack for a while, which frightens an innocent pet (after all, it acts according to its instincts). Therefore, it is wiser to be patient yourself in order to withstand the pressure of the “gypsy”, but to teach him the skill: “I lie calmly and wait, they will not forget about me, they will treat me at the end of dinner.”

How to wean a dog to jump on the owner

Jumping, when the dog rests its front paws on the legs of a person, is a way to attract attention. Of course, a decorative baby is unlikely to knock down the owner who has returned from work, but torn tights or dirty stains on clothes are unlikely to please anyone.

As it usually happens: the dog jumps on the person - the person pushes it away with his hand or foot. The dog thinks: “Aha! They paid attention to me and invite me to play!”, - and jumps up again and again.

How to act: the dog jumps on the owner - the person pretends to be a pillar (stretches his arms along the body and stands without changing his position), then leans forward a little, makes a formidable face and says in a strict voice “No!”. Do not stroke, touch the dog with your hands, do not talk to him until he falls on all four paws and stops jumping to his feet. No more is required, the main thing is to always act in this way. It makes no sense to stroke a jumping dog today, greeting it, and scold it tomorrow for the same actions.

How to wean a dog to dig?

Some dogs, especially those with the blood of hunter ancestors in their veins, love to dig. They tear furniture upholstery, floor coverings with their claws, dig up beds. Digging gives them pleasure, this is almost the favorite pastime of the four-legged "getter". To completely ban digging means to deprive the animal of the main joy of life. Give your child an area where it is possible and interesting to dig (hide a toy or a vein bone in the sand). Lead the dog to this place and wait for it to start digging. Praise your pet. Let the dog satisfy his need where it does not harm your property. And in all other cases, when the dog digs in the house or in the beds, severely punish: a formidable “No” and restriction of freedom for 20-60 minutes (a portable enclosure is great).

Competent correction of dog behavior is a long and sometimes very tiring task. Do not think that your pet is a genius, capable of understanding what is required of him in a couple of lessons. But it is also wrong to assume that a dog is impassibly stupid, and it is impossible to teach it anything. If you can’t find the right approach to your pet in any way, invite a professional instructor. His services will cost much less than replacing things damaged by a dog. And your nerves and the trust of a pet that has not become a neurasthenic from constant shouting and punishment are generally priceless.

Every dog ​​owner treats their pet differently. Some forgive them for their petty mistakes, while others keep them in strictness and exemplary obedience. But both those and others may have a question - how to wean a dog to pull the leash for a walk. After all, this causes discomfort to both the owner and the dog, which is why the time that should be perceived as pleasure by both turns into a dull routine.

Is it normal?

Many dog ​​breeders (especially inexperienced ones) perceive a constantly tight leash as something mundane and even funny. They tell their friends what a cheerful pet they have, constantly hurrying somewhere, climbing, not obeying.

And there's nothing funny about it. This behavior is a sign of bad parenting. Most likely, serious mistakes were made during training, which led to this situation. In addition, this is a challenge thrown by the dog to the owner. And in a healthy union that has existed for thousands of years, a person should always take the position of not just an owner or patron, but practically a god, whom a dog does not need to argue with.

Yes, and harmless such stretching is when a person is clearly stronger than a dog. What if you decide to entrust a child to walk a pet? He simply will not cope even with the average dog, not to mention the large ones. Therefore, this issue must be dealt with more seriously.

Why does a dog pull on a leash?

The answer to this question lies on the surface. And you should definitely know it in order to understand how to wean a dog to pull the leash for a walk.

The dog always wants to run forward without looking back at the owner, who, in her opinion, is walking too slowly. In addition, there is a cold war going on all the time in wolf packs for the opportunity to take a higher place in the hierarchy. The same thing happens in families where the dog appeared. Your pet is not bad or overly ambitious - it's his nature. The strongest and most resolute must be at the head, otherwise the flock will die.

Therefore, the dog subconsciously tests you for strength. And any concessions will lead to the fact that he will check again and again. Retreating time after time, you will completely lose control over the dog - it will simply stop obeying. And it will be much more difficult to interrupt the retreat after several precedents - the dog does not understand why you used to follow her lead, and then suddenly stopped.

So, if the dog pulls strongly on the leash, you should find out as soon as possible how to wean it from this habit.

Excessive softness of the owner

Very often the reason for such a check is the gentleness of the owner. With a tough owner who is used to dominating, the dog is always distinguished by obedience. But a person who loves a dog too much often makes concessions, and over time a whole bunch of problems appear.

In addition, the feeling of guilt often aggravates the situation: "The poor dog sits at home all day, let him run and play." Of course, the argument is good. But this is not at all an excuse for the wrong behavior of the dog on the street.

As mentioned above, it is better to immediately interrupt the series of strength tests than to constantly make concessions that can lead to the most unpleasant consequences.

Now that we have dealt with the main causes of the problems, we can tell you how to wean a dog from pulling on a leash - the methods are quite simple, but at the same time very effective.

Don't pull on the leash unnecessarily

A fairly common way to punish a dog for a walk is to jerk the leash. This is generally the wrong tactic - there is always a risk of damaging the pet's trachea if the jerk is unsuccessful. Yes, the risk is very, very small. But if you pull it 5-10 times for a walk over many years, this will definitely not lead to anything good.

In addition, there is a minus in this punishment in a particular case.

The fact is that it is rather difficult to pull a tight leash, especially if the dog is large. As a result, the owner must first loosen the leash a little before it becomes possible to pull on it. The dog can intuitively draw two conclusions from this. On the one hand, if you constantly pull, then at least for a while, but the leash will give in and you can take a step forward. On the other hand, before there is an unpleasant jerk, the leash will loosen. Therefore, if you constantly pull, then there will be no jerk. As a result, the dog will pull on the leash with a vengeance.

Therefore, try to resort to jerking the leash only in the most extreme cases, for example, if the dog rushed into the roadway or rushed at a person.

Let's get rid of rolls

This is another reason why puppies acquire an unpleasant habit from childhood, forcing owners to look for a way to wean the dog from pulling on the leash for a walk. Reviews on roulettes make inexperienced breeders give preference to this particular option, and not to the classic leash. Yes, and some experienced dog lovers vote with both hands for such a replacement. Indeed, it is very convenient - the tape measure takes up much less space, is easily adjustable - you can give your pet more or less freedom, and a long leash will not drag through puddles and mud.

However, roulettes are often the reason why dogs pull on the leash too much during walks. After all, they get used to it from childhood - you can get more freedom only if you pull the owner harder. Sometimes it works (the host presses the release button) and sometimes it doesn't. But in any case, if you do not pull the leash, then there will definitely not be any positive result.

The result is quite natural - the grown dog continues to pull the leash or tape measure. She has no idea about the mechanism that gives more or less freedom, does not know about the length of the leash in roulette. But she learns very quickly - if you pull harder, you can sometimes get more freedom.

It can be quite difficult to wean her from such a habit. Therefore, it is better not to create a problem by using a leash at least when walking with a puppy in order to instill in him the right habits.

We use a squeaker

A rather humane method that allows you to do without violence, shouting and jerking the leash is the usual squeaker. They are sold not only in dog stores, but also in children's departments (and in the latter case they are much cheaper). Everyone knows a rubber toy that, when pressed, makes a loud sound. Most dogs love them, they are able to chew them for a long time, crush them with their paws and just sit down to extract an unusual squeak.

It is better to buy a small toy that can easily fit in your pocket - a little larger than a matchbox. But you should not give it to gnaw - the dog can simply swallow it and choke, for fun it is better to purchase a larger analogue. But during walks (especially if you are raising a puppy), it must be clasped in the palm of your hand.

It is very easy to use. As soon as the puppy gets too carried away and runs forward or to the side (or maybe, on the contrary, lagged behind, becoming interested in an interesting chip or an amazing bug), pinch the toy so that it makes a squeak. The pet will immediately forget about any other interesting things and run to you. It is not necessary to give a toy, but it is necessary to stroke, praise or even give a small treat (traditionally developing positive emotions for obedience).

In a few weeks of such training, and sometimes even in a matter of days, the dog quickly understands that the owner is much more interesting than any foreign objects and smells. Therefore, it is better to stay close to him, not to go too far. So if you want to learn how to wean a dog from pulling on a leash, pay attention to this method, which is the most humane and at the same time very effective.

Teaching a puppy to a leash

Of course, as in any other area of ​​training, it is best to start raising a puppy than subsequently trying to correct the behavior of an adult dog.

As mentioned above, first of all, you should abandon the roulette, which generates in the fledgling mind of the pet the connection between the amount of freedom and the tension force. And also get a squeaker toy to develop the right priorities.

Another simple, but quite effective technique is the correct location of the leash. Is the dog running ahead-left? Then hold the leash in your right hand. And vice versa - in the position in front-right, throw the leash to your left hand. At the same time, he should not reach directly to the pet, but pass from behind, in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe knees or shins. In this case, even if the puppy twitches very strongly, he will not be able to give you problems - there will not be enough strength and weight. But the four-legged baby himself will experience discomfort - with a taut leash, he will constantly pull, because the leash will either lengthen (when the owner rearranges the leg), then shorten (when it transfers gravity). He will quickly realize that it is much more convenient to walk when the leash is not tight. And this is exactly what the owner needs.

Can an adult dog be corrected?

Alas, sometimes it becomes necessary to understand how to wean an adult dog to pull the leash. Maybe you have already taken an adult dog or decided to correct the mistakes made during education. In any case, decisive action must be taken. Don't forget to use the squeaker - sometimes it works.

But more often you have to use more drastic measures - a noose collar and a strict collar. Yes, it's cruel to the dog. But very effective. It is possible that it is precisely such moderate cruelty that will subsequently save the life of the dog, accustoming him to discipline and obedience. A strict collar pricks the skin with special teeth when the dog pulls on the leash, and the noose in this situation squeezes the throat.

There is no real danger here - it is more important to deliver a feeling of discomfort than to hurt the dog.

If training didn't work

Alas, sometimes even such harsh measures do not help - the dog (especially the elderly) still pulls on the leash, despite many months of attempts to wean it from a bad habit. In such a situation, it remains only to come to terms with reality.

Try not to let your child go for a walk with a dog - he may not be able to cope with a strong pet.

Also ditch the collar in favor of a harness. Otherwise, due to strong and constant pressure, the pet's throat may be damaged.


Now you know how to wean a dog from pulling on a leash. The effective methods listed above will surely help your pet kick this nasty habit.

This means that your joint walks will become even more pleasant, they will bring maximum pleasure to both you and your pet.

Dog owners often face the problem that their pet pulls hard on the leash while walking. Such behavior does not characterize the curiosity and zeal of the animal, the dog lacks attention. In order to make walks more comfortable for both the owner and the pet in the future, it is important to approach the process of education thoroughly. Let's look at the common reasons why a dog pulls on a leash, and here are some practical recommendations.

Why does the dog pull on the leash?

With constant tension on the leash, pressure is exerted on the neck, as a result of which the dog has difficulty breathing. As a result, a regular walk negatively affects the health of the pet, causing wheezing when breathing and a strong cough.

  1. The dog pulls on the leash in situations where the owner takes it for a walk very rarely. Being outdoors, the pet tends to escape and explore as many places as possible. This gives rise to problems that are quite easy to solve. Take your pet for walks more often. In some cases, the reason why the dog pulls on the leash may be a fright caused by external factors or other animals.
  2. There are certain categories of animals that are taught to pull the leash from an early age. These include police (service) dogs, as well as guide pets helping blind owners navigate the city.
  3. If you have a sled dog, teach it good manners from puppyhood. In the case when you already got an adult pet, it will take time and patience to retrain the correct walk on a leash.
  4. The pet pulls the leash when it shows aggression towards strangers or other animals. In such a situation, the pet may attempt to attack. To avoid such misunderstandings, you need to closely engage in raising a dog (the command “No!”, “Next!”).
  5. By pulling on the leash, the dog shows disobedience to the owner by such behavior. In some cases, such actions can be provoked by various factors. Do not let the animal drag you along for a walk.

The right choice of ammo

The final result directly depends on the selected accessories. Choose a collar that fits your pet. Strongly wide ammunition will cause a heavy effect, and the dog will ignore a light adaptation.

  1. Leash-roulette. A handy accessory. However, to wean the dog to pull on the leash, it is necessary to choose ammunition with a latch. You can not use the roulette in free form, otherwise all the work will go down the drain.
  2. Regular leash. The device is a dense tape. The leash is available in different lengths and widths. If possible, purchase 2 options - a short one for fixing at the foot and a long one (about 2-3 m) for walking.
  3. Leash with handle. The accessory, short in length, is made of a strong tape with a carabiner at the base. The leash is not suitable for training, most often it is used when the animal learns the command “Near!”.
  4. Collar-loop. The device serves as a kind of noose. The noose tightens around the dog's neck when the animal pulls hard on the leash. As a result, the dog slows down. The accessory is often bought by cynologists for training untrained animals of large breeds. The option is suitable if you have bailed an individual older than 1 year.
  5. Strict collar. The tool is also called "parfors". Ammunition is a collar with spikes made of metal. The collar is suitable for adults of large breeds, it is worn in extreme cases of disobedience. An analogue is an electric shock collar (ESHO), which makes the dog obey with the help of micro-impulses (punishment) and vibration (warning).
  6. Collar-halter. Many dog ​​owners refuse this kind of ammunition, but in vain. The halter puts pressure on the animal's mouth when the pet pulls on the leash. As a result, the behavior is corrected without disturbance of breathing, discomfort, pain. It makes sense to take a closer look at this option, but finding a halter (not to be confused with a muzzle!) On sale is quite difficult.

Features of raising dogs

  1. Consider your steps in raising your pet. Perhaps you didn't pay enough attention to commands. If you have not taught the puppy to walk beside you without pulling on the leash, then it will become more difficult to re-educate him as an adult.
  2. It is not excluded the situation in which you sheltered a grown dog who absolutely does not understand commands. In this case, do not break down on the animal, each time pulling the leash. Start patiently training your four-legged pet without too much aggression, then the result will not be long in coming.
  3. On a walk, go in the direction you need, and not where the dog pulls. Slightly loosen the leash and allow the animal to sniff the area, do not allow more. Continue moving in the direction you want. If the pet accompanies the owner along the way, praise him.
  4. When the dog gets used to the new place and gets used to you, start working out commands with him. After that, go for long walks. If your pet is afraid of other animals or people, while rushing around on a leash, try to distract him with a toy or a learned command.

  1. If you are going to raise a puppy, do not rush into this activity at first. The problem is that at a young age (up to 3 months) the dog must get used to the relatives. If you isolate your pet from such acquaintances, in the future there may be unpredictable consequences in behavior. Once the puppy has become familiar with the street and other dogs, you can start training.
  2. First of all, stop going where the ward is running. When the pet pulls on the leash again, stop. Call the dog with a joyful voice, move in your direction in such a way that the pet accompanies you. Praise the animal, treat the animal with your favorite treat (always carry goodies with you).
  3. Regardless of the number of leashes, the harness must be the same length. If you are walking your pet on a tape measure, make it a habit to use only two positions. In the first case, set the leash to a length of about 2 meters. The second option involves fixing the dog near the owner's legs. Do not use other positions, letting the pet know that there is no point in pulling on the leash.
  4. Don't take out your anger on the animal. Sensing aggression on your part, the dog will try to run away, thereby pulling on the leash. Praise your pet for small successes in mastering the “Next!” command, treat him with goodies. The higher the reward for good behavior, the more clearly the pet will understand what the owner wants from him.
  5. Take frequent walks with your pet, periodically change the direction of movement. In this way, the dog will be able to quickly navigate and follow you. During the first walks, when the pet gets used to the leash, choose relatively quiet places. Such a move will eliminate the influence of external factors that impede the upbringing of a pet.
  6. Do not allow the puppy to run ahead of you, so he asserts himself and takes on the role of leader. Teach your pet to walk nearby. An exception is the situation of accustoming the dog to a leash, give the pet the opportunity to choose the direction of movement and occupation (sniffing trees, etc.).
  7. If you are a happy owner of a large breed dog, and all previous methods of education have been ineffective, in this situation the purchase of a strict metal collar will help. Thanks to the spikes, you will be able to keep the ward at your foot, pronouncing the command "Near!". An analogue of spikes is an electric (shock) collar that operates on microcurrents.

Do not resort to educating the animal by pulling the leash. This technique is unacceptable and is described in many dog ​​training manuals. By exerting a physical impact, the pet remembers the fact that with a loose leash, you can influence him. As a result, the dog stretches forward more than before, wanting to avoid punishment.

Video: how to wean a dog to pull on a leash

Quite often on the street you can meet dogs gnawing on a leash. This problem greatly interferes with the owner of the dog on a walk, because it often deprives him of the ability to control the animal.

Reasons for playing with a leash

Often the dog can perceive the leash as a toy (the impression can be intensified if the dog owner tries to pull the leash out of the mouth and pulls it towards him). Also, the dog can manipulate the leash from an overabundance of activity (after an active walk). Another root of this problem may be situations provoked in early puppyhood: the dog may have been allowed to chew on the leash, or it may not have received the right amount of attention. Dogs also show a tendency to excitability (for example,), which can cause such actions.

How to wean

There are several ways to deal with leash manipulation problems, depending on the cause.

If the dog perceives the movements of the leash as a game, it is necessary to drop it, while ignoring the dog, and very soon he will get tired of manipulating the leash, as this does not bring the necessary results.

If the root of this problem is shortcomings in the early education of the puppy, then it is necessary to act gradually. By choosing a moment when the dog is already interested in the leash, but has not yet begun to manipulate it, and switching it to himself with a treat, the dog owner can achieve good results in a few weeks. If, for some reason, the dog still took the leash in its teeth, you should not try to pull the leash out of the animal's mouth, all the more so to catch up with it, demonstrating your indecision. It is necessary to cover the nostrils with your hand, having previously fixed them - the dog will feel discomfort associated with a lack of air and release the leash, after which it must be rewarded with a treat. It is also acceptable to use leashes made of a material that the dog does not like. Having tried to take it in the teeth, the dog will realize that he does not have a pleasant taste for her and will easily switch to a treat or a game.

The above options are valid measures that can be taken to wean a dog from wagging the leash. However, the best option for the owner would be classes with a qualified instructor.

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