The release of all prescription drugs will significantly hit the wallet of Russians. Special Purpose Recipe

On September 22, new rules for dispensing medicines came into force - Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation dated July 11, 2017 No. 403n “On approval of the rules for dispensing medicines”, which regulates the sale of medicines in pharmacies. The document caused a lot of noise and confusion among both patients and pharmacy staff. Today we tried to answer the most important questions about the new order that a simple pharmacy visitor may have.

Does the new order make all drugs prescription drugs?

No. The new dispensing rules only slightly change how certain prescription drugs are sold. It does not impose any restrictions on conventional over-the-counter drugs.

And now you can't just buy a prescription drug?

In fact, selling prescription drugs without a prescription has always been illegal. For this, the pharmacy faces a rather big fine and deprivation of the license. But, as everyone knows, the severity of the law is compensated by the optionality of its implementation. Therefore, a number of pharmacies neglect the rules. However, the emergence of new dispensing rules means close attention to their implementation, and therefore, pharmacies are now more reverent about prescription dispensing.

How do you know if you need a prescription for a drug?

Whether the drug is prescription or not - this is stated in the instructions for use. In addition, such information is always indicated on the packaging. Approximately 70% of all drugs registered in Russia are prescription drugs.

In an ideal world, the doctor knows by heart which drugs require a prescription and which do not. But in the harsh reality, very often such information has to be checked independently. Therefore, when a doctor advises you on any medications, you can check them via the Internet right at the appointment and immediately ask for a prescription.

Prescriptions are written only on special forms. The most common is form No. 107-1 / y. It looks like this:

To check if a drug is a prescription drug, you can go to the site and enter the name of the drug. All prescription drugs on our website are marked "prescription". By the way, not so long ago we had a special label for drugs, the prescription for which remains in the pharmacy.

How is it - "the prescription remains in the pharmacy"?

The pharmacy has a list of drugs that are subject to strict accounting. As a rule, these are medicines containing narcotic or psychotropic substances included in a special list. Prescriptions for such drugs always remain in the pharmacy to control their sale. The turnover of narcotic substances is checked not only by Roszdravnadzor, but also by the structures of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

But now, according to the new dispensing rules, the pharmacy must also keep prescriptions for certain drugs (antidepressants, tranquilizers, antipsychotics, hypnotics and sedatives, as well as alcohol-containing drugs with an alcohol content of more than 15%) *.

"Alcohol-containing drugs"? So, now you need to get a prescription for Corvalol or valerian?

No. Again, the new order does not make prescription drugs. This applies only to prescription drugs. Corvalol, valerian tincture, and many other popular tinctures and elixirs are available over the counter. Accordingly, no one can require a prescription for them, if this is not stated in the instructions for use.

Okay, let's say I have a prescription, but it contains several drugs, and one of them is marked "remaining in the pharmacy." And I want to buy just one. Will they take my prescription?

Yes. Exceptions are made only for annual prescriptions, provided that you do not buy the entire prescribed amount of the drug at one time (this also requires the permission of the doctor who wrote the prescription).

For example, you are prescribed a course of antidepressants for a year, and you only need to purchase one package. In this case, the pharmacy has no right to take your prescription. The pharmacist only makes a note of how much of the drug you bought and returns the prescription.

Can I get medicine if the prescription is not for me?

Yes. Almost all drugs are dispensed simply to the bearer of the prescription. Both the patient himself and his friend, relative, or just an acquaintance can get the drug in a pharmacy. The main thing is the presence of the recipe.

An exception is made only for narcotic or psychotropic drugs. Prescriptions for such drugs are issued on a special form No. 107 / u-NP. It is easy to distinguish from other recipes because it is pink in color. When receiving such drugs at a pharmacy, you must have a power of attorney to receive medicines and a passport confirming that you are the one to whom the power of attorney was issued.

At the same time, the Ministry of Health emphasizes that the power of attorney can even be handwritten. You can write in it that "I trust such and such drugs to receive such and such medicines according to such and such a prescription to such and such a person." And be sure to indicate the passport data of this person. In addition, the date of its compilation must be indicated in it. Notarization of such a power of attorney is not required.

What else has changed with the new order of drug dispensing?

Now all prescriptions are stamped that "the drug is dispensed." Thus, they cannot be reused. Therefore, if you suddenly need another standard of the drug, you will need to get a new prescription.

Also, the pharmacist is now obliged to inform the buyer about the rules for storing the medicine, its interaction with other drugs, as well as about its method and doses of administration. In addition, a pharmacy employee cannot hide information about the availability of drugs with the same active ingredient, but cheaper. Such a norm existed earlier in the law “On the Fundamentals of Protecting the Health of Citizens” and the Rules of Good Pharmacy Practice, but now it has been duplicated in the order of leave.

* Below is a list of INNs, prescriptions for which, according to the new order, will now remain in the pharmacy. Please note that active ingredients (INN) are listed here, not specific brand names.

aminophenylbutyric acid
belladonna alkaloids + phenobarbital + ergotamine
lithium carbonate
Prudnyak fruit extract

Main photo

We continue to reveal the secrets of the order of the Ministry of Health No. 403n "On approval of the rules for dispensing medicines ...".

Today, the questions of our readers - pharmacists and pharmacists - are answered by Executive Director of the Association of Pharmacy Institutions "SoyuzPharma" Dmitry Tselousov.

I would like to know about the norms for the release of ethyl alcohol in its pure form for external use. In what weight units should it be released now?

The Ministry of Health tried to regulate the issue of dispensing alcohol-containing medicines.

Orders of the Ministry of Health No. 47n dated February 8, 2017 and No. 979n dated December 21, 2016, which are designed to limit the volume of containers of alcohol-containing drugs, do not apply to pure ethyl alcohol, since these orders indicate drugs in the form of tinctures containing alcohol.

Paragraph 23 of Order No. 403n of the Ministry of Health refers to the dispensing of alcohol specifically for external use, since it is hardly possible for a patient to use pure alcohol otherwise. However, this paragraph does not take into account the possibility of packaging alcohol for external use in industrial pharmacies.

I believe that in this situation, with the obvious absence of norms, it is possible to sell ethyl alcohol for external use, registered as a finished medicinal product.

What to do with the maximum allowable norms for dispensing medicines? Sometimes a patient comes with a prescription where they are exceeded...

The prescription should contain a note from the doctor why the patient needs more medicine than prescribed. This applies not only to the maximum allowable rate, but also to the recommended number of drugs per prescription.

If there are no such explanations, the pharmacy worker dispenses medicines within the maximum allowable norm or recommended amount. This must be noted in the recipe. It is necessary to warn the patient and the medical organization about exceeding the norm.

There is a subtle point here: according to the order of the Ministry of Health No. 1175n "On approval of the procedure for prescribing and prescribing drugs ...", such a prescription is invalid, and medicine cannot be dispensed according to an invalid prescription - this is indicated by the same order No. 1175n (if the drug is potent, the pharmacist and pharmacist generally subject to criminal liability).

From the point of view that if we are talking about the usual form 107, you can release the drug and it is enough just to record violations of the prescription in the journal, I do not agree. And I would like to warn experts that the inspectors may also disagree with this. However, Order No. 403n still allows medicines to be dispensed if the excess of the maximum allowable norm and the recommended amount in the prescription is not justified.

By order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development No. 785 of December 14, 2005, which has become invalid, the pharmacy has a stamp “The medicine has been dispensed”. In accordance with order No. 403n, there should be another stamp - "The drug is released." Does the stamp need to be redone?

The meaning of the inscriptions "Medicine dispensed" and "Medicine dispensed" is identical, so the stamp should not be changed.

According to paragraph 16 of Order No. 403n, a pharmaceutical worker informs the person purchasing the drug about the interaction with other drugs. How to do this if the patient is already taking some medications prescribed to him earlier (sometimes he cannot even remember their names)?

Of course, the pharmaceutical worker cannot know what the patient is taking. And the patient himself will not always remember the ornate names of his drugs. In this regard, I believe that advice on drug interactions should be based solely on the instructions for the purchased product.

- But what about such a difficult moment as the interaction of medicine with food and drink, because if the patient makes a mistake in it, he can even end up in intensive care? For example, grapefruit juice enhances the effect of the drug several times, and this is an overdose with all its consequences. The most common aspirin combined with orange juice will lead to stomach ulcers. And even tea can negate the effect of antibiotics and iron supplements. What should the pharmacy employee explain if these subtleties are not indicated in the instructions?

Patients choose pharmacy organizations for specialists who can competently provide pharmaceutical consulting services. In part, this information is mastered during training within the framework of the course of pharmaceutical chemistry, and in part it is learned at trainings during training from manufacturing companies. In this case, the pharmaceutical specialist is guided solely by the knowledge base that he has managed to accumulate during his work activity.

- What about the release of immunobiological preparations?

In accordance with clause 8.11.5. “Conditions for the transportation and storage of immunobiological medicinal products”, approved by the Decree of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation of February 17, 2016 No. 19 “On Approval of Sanitary and Epidemiological Rules SP” (registered with the Ministry of Justice of Russia on April 28, 2016 No. 41968), vacation It is allowed to sell immunobiological medicinal products in retail sales provided that they are delivered to the place of their direct use in a thermal container or thermos in compliance with the requirements of the cold chain. That is, the retail sale of immunobiological preparations is allowed subject to the cold chain - this means that if a pharmacy wanted to sell immunobiological preparations, it was obliged to provide the buyer with a thermal container. The ordinance is still in effect. But now, in accordance with order 403n, the drug is dispensed if the visitor has a thermal container.

Is this condition feasible, because a sick person is not required to understand the categories of medicines? And is it worth interpreting it as the right of a pharmacy to refuse a vacation?

Apparently, the pharmacy organization will seek ways to provide the patient with such a container, or at least with cold elements. For example, dry ice packs.

- Will the patient have to pay for the thermal container?

Of course, the patient is obliged to pay for the thermal container, because he must have it in stock.

Expired prescription drugs may not be dispensed unless the prescription expired while the prescription was on deferred maintenance. In such a situation, the release of the drug is carried out without reissuing the prescription. But often, due to procurement and supply problems, drugs reach pharmacies already when both the prescription that was on deferred maintenance has expired and the deferred maintenance period (10 or 15 days) has also expired. Is it possible to release the remedy according to such a prescription without reissuing the document?

Indeed, in accordance with paragraph 6 of the order of the Ministry of Health No. 403n, it is prohibited to dispense medicines under prescriptions with expired validity, except for the case when the prescription expired while it was on deferred maintenance.

Upon expiration of a prescription while it is on deferred maintenance, the medicinal product is dispensed under such a prescription without reissuing it. At the same time, the order does not set the number of days of delay in the validity of the prescription. I believe that the option of serving an expired prescription outside the deferred service period without reissuing based on the above norms is possible. However, it should be remembered that for violation of the deferred service period, the pharmacy organization will be liable as a gross violation of license requirements. And this is a fine under article 14.1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation from 100 thousand to 200 thousand rubles. or suspension of activities for a period of 90 days.

I would also like to draw attention to an issue that remains unresolved. What to do with the minimum assortment if it has a persistent defect? Order No. 403n retains the old norm from Order No. 785 - a drug from the minimum range must be dispensed within five days. But this period does not save the pharmacy. If the check recorded the absence of a drug, a fine is still issued. The jurisprudence is very extensive…

Since September 22, antibiotics have not been sold without a prescription in Russia. So says the order of the Ministry of Health. But in reality, the sale of such drugs looks different.

Russians are increasingly faced with the fact that they are not sold some drugs if there is no prescription or it is issued incorrectly. Pharmacies refer to the new order of the Ministry of Health, which specifies the procedure for the sale of such medicines.

True, the Business FM experiment showed that it is still possible to buy drugs without a prescription, even if one should be available. Autumn, rain, cold. Nothing new: it repeats year after year. Only today it has become difficult to buy drugs for the treatment of this very cold. Since the beginning of October, there have been reports on social networks that pharmacies require prescriptions for antibiotics.
Business FM columnist Ivan Medvedev also faced this.

Ivan Medvedev Business FM columnist“My wife got sick. She called the doctor to the house. The doctor prescribed antibiotics, in particular, the drug "Amoxiclav". But the doctor wrote it out simply on the letterhead of the hospital, that is, this is not a full-fledged prescription, which, as I accidentally found out, is now of fundamental importance. I went to the pharmacy, where I was told that since September 22, pharmacies have no right to dispense antibiotics without a doctor's prescription, that is, they can dispense antibiotics only by changing them to a prescription.

Another Business FM reviewer was more fortunate. In another pharmacy, they were ready to sell him the same drug just like that, without any prescription.

Mikhail Safonov Business FM columnist"Are you for yourself?" I say yes". She assessed my complexion, said: “500 milligrams for you.” I say: “OK, but do you need a prescription?” She looked at me sternly and said: “Actually, you need a prescription!” I say, "I don't." She says: “How do you buy it? What did your doctor tell you?" And I say: “But the doctor didn’t tell me anything, because the doctor is my friend.” She says, "Well, if your friend takes responsibility, then please buy."

At the pharmacy in the supermarket, next to the Business FM office, there were no problems buying antibiotics either. Why pharmacies do not require a prescription when they should do so, no one could explain. Perhaps they are not afraid of fines, although such violations can even lead to a license suspension for three months. However, the fact remains.

In fact, pharmacies were previously not allowed to sell prescription drugs without an official prescription. And the order of the Ministry of Health, which entered into force on September 22, simply clarifies the rules for their vacation. In particular, the pharmacy now retains the so-called one-time prescription after it has sold the medicine on it. Why this is done, explains the executive director of the Russian Association of Pharmacy Chains Nelli Ignatieva.

Nelly Ignatieva Executive Director of the Russian Association of Pharmacy Chains“If a pharmacy received ten medicines according to all documents, and it has five in the balance, we record this, these are separate accounting documents, therefore, there should be five prescriptions, moreover, correctly written prescriptions. If something is written incorrectly in the prescriptions, again this is a violation. In this system, a doctor, a patient, a pharmacy are involved, and for some reason, responsibility for all violations is currently only assigned to the pharmacy. In fact, the problem is completely different. Our doctors have stopped writing prescriptions and, accordingly, confused all patients, and for some reason patients do not demand their rights to issue a prescription.”

The official prescription must be issued on a standard form, with a seal, indicating the international non-proprietary name of the drug in Latin. The use of specific trade names is permissible if the drug has no analogues. Why doctors violate these rules, David Melik-Guseinov, head of the Moscow Healthcare Research Institute, told Business FM.

Director of the State Budgetary Institution Research Institute of Health Organization and Medical Management“Only 10% come with some kind of recommendation, and about half of these 10%, that is, only 5% of the population, come with correctly executed prescriptions. Doctors, of course, strove not to write prescriptions, because any prescription with a seal and signature is an official document. A document that can be presented in a court of law, a document that can be presented to the executive branch so that they conduct appropriate checks. Therefore, medical workers, doctors very often shied away from the obligation to issue an official prescription.”

Pharmacies, by the way, are also self-willed. They are required to return to customers the so-called multi-dose prescriptions valid for up to a year, which prescribe drugs for the treatment of chronic diseases. In this case, the pharmacy must make a note in such a prescription about the sale of the medicine. But sometimes such recipes are also trying to withdraw. The Ministry of Health wanted to put things in order with the sale of prescription drugs. We wanted the best, but it turned out as always.

Lyudmila Lapa therapist “It can’t lead to anything good, because antibiotics are now - here, for example, I prescribed them today, and the girl says she doesn’t need a prescription. She didn't even ask because she was told she would buy it, no problem. That is, she has some kind of pharmacy nearby, which gives out everything. And now, who is right, who is wrong, it is very difficult to determine. Confusion, in fact, exists. This is an undeniable fact."

To the question of what to do if you have not been sold the medicine, there are two answers so far. Either go to the doctor and demand that he write you an official prescription, or look for a pharmacy where prescriptions are not required. As our experiment showed, they can still be found.

According to experts, the new order of the Ministry of Health contains vague wording. The document was signed back in July, but almost three months before it came into force, the department did not conduct explanatory work with doctors and pharmacists. As a result, each pharmacy explained the new rules to the extent of their fear of the inspectors. Relatives of cancer patients were required to have notarized powers of attorney; patients suffering from depression experienced difficulties in buying drugs, and some pharmacies seriously doubted whether to ask customers for a prescription for Corvalol and motherwort?

Panic attack

Patients with depression learned about the new rules when they came to the pharmacy for another pack of pills. “The pharmacist said: we will sell only with a prescription, otherwise we will be fined 40 thousand. I bought the drug in this pharmacy for six months, they already know me by sight, before there was no talk of any prescription. Why didn’t anyone warn me about the changes?” - asks a resident of Saratov Elena. At home, she had two tablets of cipralex left, one and a half should be taken a day, it is not recommended to abruptly quit the drug.

Elena called the private clinic where she is being observed, the next appointment with a psychotherapist is in four days. In an emergency, the girl did not dare to look for another clinic and a specialist. “I started to panic. I rushed to all the pharmacies of the city, at home I climbed the old stash. The pressure jumped to 180. I prayed to all the saints to make it to Saturday and get to the doctor. In the clinic, the patient was given a prescription, the pharmacy took it away when buying the drug. “Now every two months I will have to go to the doctor for a new prescription and pay 800 rubles per appointment,” Elena throws up her hands.

Yulia had a prescription for three drugs - an antidepressant, a sedative and sleeping pills. Trying to buy them, the girl went around several pharmacies and found out that pharmacists understand the new rules in different ways. “The first pharmacy told me that they would take the prescription in exchange for pills. In the second, they gathered a whole meeting, after much deliberation, they sold me two drugs for two months and put a stamp on the prescription “the drug was dispensed.” In the third pharmacy, they sold another drug I needed for a course of only one month and made a note on the prescription by hand. According to Yulia, a year and a half ago, these medicines were freely sold in any pharmacy.

Everyone has their own point

Order of the Ministry of Health No. 403n, which changed the rules for dispensing medicines, came into force on September 22. Palliative care service journalists were the first to tell about the results of the document: in pharmacies in Moscow, Samara, Kurgan and other cities, relatives of oncological patients were required to have notarized powers of attorney for the right to receive narcotic painkillers. Pharmacists read such a requirement in clause 20 of Order No. 403n: “Narcotic and psychotropic drugs of list II are dispensed upon presentation of an identity document to the person indicated in the prescription, his legal representative or a person who has a power of attorney issued in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation for the right obtaining such narcotic and psychotropic medicinal products”. Registration of a notarized power of attorney with a visit to the house of a bedridden patient costs in Saratov from 3.5 thousand rubles and takes time.

A few days after the scandal in the press, the Ministry of Health explained that the new order, on the contrary, should make pain relief more accessible - now not only the patient's close relatives, but also, for example, friends or neighbors, to whom the patient will issue a power of attorney (and it is enough power of attorney in a simple written form). It is noteworthy that the order was signed on July 11, published on September 12, but before it came into force, no one explained the controversial wording to pharmacies. Pharmacists decided to play it safe, fearing checks - especially strict in the case of narcotic substances.

The difficulties faced by patients with depression are caused by item 14 regarding the sale of tinctures and sedatives. The document states that pharmacies are required to store for three months “prescriptions for drugs in liquid dosage form containing more than 15% ethyl alcohol by volume of finished products, other drugs related to anatomical-therapeutic-chemical qualifications for antipsychotics (code N05A), anxiolytics (code N05B), hypnotics and sedatives (code N05C), antidepressants (code N06A) and not subject to quantitative accounting.

- Why not give a specific list of medicines that fall under the order? Why such a "raw" document? Or is everything done on purpose so that you can nail it when checking? - pharmacists are outraged at thematic forums.

Pharmacists suggested that even corvalol, valocardin, tinctures of motherwort, valerian, peony, etc., related to hypnotics and sedatives (code N05C), fall under the new rules. But how do you demand a prescription for a bottle labeled "Over-the-counter"? “In connection with the incoming appeals,” the Ministry of Health explained that it does not encroach on the favorite drops of domestic pensioners. As the agency recalled, drugs are classified as prescription or non-prescription drugs at the stage of state registration, they indicate this in the instructions for use, and the sale rules do not change anything in this regard. OTC tinctures will continue to be sold freely under the new order, but control over prescription sedatives has been tightened.

Petr Sarukhanov / Novaya Gazeta.

sudden dura lex

Most drugs used for depression are stamped on the packaging: "Released by prescription." Neither doctors nor patients were warned that this instruction would become mandatory from September 22. This came as a surprise even to employees of state medical institutions. “My colleagues are shocked. Our patients run headlong around the city, looking for where to get drugs. Moreover, these are the most innocent drugs that are not addictive, but, on the contrary, treat addiction, ”says one of the doctors, who asked not to be named.

According to the doctor, some clinics simply do not have the 107-1/y prescription forms needed to prescribe antidepressants that are not included in the lists of psychotropic drugs with limited circulation. Until now, when prescribing such “light” drugs, doctors often used an ordinary piece of paper from a notebook. The doctor fears that due to additional hassle with prescriptions and a decrease in demand, pharmacies in the outback will stop buying these medicines.

“We have not received any explanatory letters from the Ministry of Health or Roszdravnadzor. Patients began to call us with complaints that they could not buy medicines, we tried to find out the reason and found new rules. Patients and doctors were not ready for this,” says Ruzanna Parsamyan, head of the Saratov headache treatment clinic. - I am for the sale of prescription drugs so that there is no self-medication. But the patient should not have difficulty obtaining this prescription.”

- Neurological patients usually need long-term medication. Now we are treated en masse by patients to whom I prescribed drugs a few months ago. To write out fresh prescriptions for them, I sometimes stay at work until nine in the evening, ”says Nadezhda Zykova, a neurologist at the Avesta clinic.

With the obvious statement that prescription drugs should be sold by prescription, it is difficult to argue. But how prepared are district clinics for the influx of patients? According to official data for 2013, there were 495 full-time positions of neurologists in state medical institutions of the region, including 270 in polyclinics. 402.75 positions were filled, including 80 percent of neurologists in polyclinics. If we count not rates, but living specialists, the picture is even sadder - in 2013, 333 people worked in state medical institutions. There are no particular changes for the better: according to statistics for the past year, 352 neurologists worked in state clinics and hospitals in the region with a population of 2.4 million people, and 60 in private centers. The provision with neurologists was 1.3 per 10 thousand inhabitants.

According to the website of the city polyclinic No. 3, to which I am attached at the place of registration, you can make an appointment with a doctor through the electronic registry. To do this, you must first register on the public services website, then come to the regular registry office with your passport and activate your account. I'm trying to make a phone call. I start calling at 9.40 - the subscriber is busy. At 10.42, approximately on the 97-99th call, I am lucky - a polite girl picks up the phone. Explains that before you can get an appointment with a narrow specialist, you need to take a referral from a therapist. “Can I see a neurologist right away? I would only have to issue a prescription, without it the pharmacy refused to sell sleeping pills, ”I beg. “Yes, you are not the only one,” the girl sighs. - The next appointment with a neurologist is in two weeks, will it suit you?

Next up are antibiotics.

According to representatives of pharmaceutical retail, the state will tighten control over the sale of not only drugs falling under Order No. 403n, but also all prescription drugs. Since the beginning of the year, according to amendments to the Code of Administrative Offenses, fines for the sale of prescription drugs without a prescription have increased: for a pharmacist or pharmacist, the penalty is now 5-10 thousand rubles (previously 1.5-3 thousand), for a legal entity - 100-150 thousand rubles ( before 20-30 thousand) or suspension of activities for up to 90 days. According to experts, the state's actions may cause an increase in prices for the pharmacy assortment, as retailers will try to compensate for the decrease in income from the sale of prescription drugs.

At the end of September, the government of the Russian Federation approved a national strategy for combating antibiotic resistance, developed by the Ministry of Health. The document provides for restrictions on the use of antibiotics. “Can a person buy antibiotics without a prescription at a pharmacy? It cannot, - believes the head of the department, Veronika Skvortsova. “The need for prescription dispensing has long been fixed by law, but the control that Roszdravnadzor exercises must be tightened many times over.”

Since 2017, control over the dispensing of prescription drugs from pharmacies has been strengthened. At the same time, there is currently no official list of all drugs that must be dispensed strictly by prescription. Everything is controlled by Roszdravnadzor.

Mikhail Khaustov

Pharmacists themselves should focus primarily on instructions for medicines, where there are indications for sale with or without a prescription. As a result, antibiotics, antiviral drugs, modern tranquilizers and antidepressants, as well as “harmless”, according to many consumers, drugs fell into disgrace. Everything is controlled by Roszdravnadzor.

1 What really happened?

The order "On the procedure for dispensing medicines" has been in force in the Altai Territory for more than 10 years.

But since January 1, 2017, Roszdravnadzor, in connection with changes to the law "On the Protection of Consumer Rights", conducts test purchases in pharmacies and severely fines those who sell any of these drugs without a prescription. this is due to changes in the federal. Now any citizen or legal entity can complain that a prescription drug was freely sold to him in a pharmacy.

2 Why are consumers dissatisfied?

People are especially dissatisfied with the fact that now it will be difficult to buy popular painkillers, such as Nise, Nimesil and Ketanov (prescription drug).

3 Why were the restrictions introduced?

The official explanation for the tightening of requirements for dispensing drugs is as follows: the level of self-treatment of citizens is extremely high, and the uncontrolled use of a number of drugs leads to sad consequences for health.

This is especially true of the ability to freely purchase potent drugs, including antibiotics. Taking them without the supervision of specialists undermines the immune system and leads to a decrease in the effect of drug treatment in general.

4 Are pharmacies ready?

The Ministry of Health of the Altai Territory assured that all state medical institutions currently have the necessary stock of various forms of prescription forms, and doctors are ready to prescribe and prescribe drugs.

Cold, flu.

5 Will there be concessions?

  • for chronic patients, it is allowed to set the validity of the prescription up to one year, that is, the doctor does not have to go to the doctor every month for a new prescription. But this is if the course of the disease does not change. However, usually these people are already regularly observed by specialists;
  • contraceptives: first you have to go to the gynecologist, but the doctor can write a prescription for a quarter or even a year, indicating the frequency of his leave.

6 What drugs should be sold by prescription only?

  • antibiotics;
  • neuroleptics;
  • psychotropic substances;
  • ampoule and hormonal (contraceptives and other) preparations;
  • agents for the regulation of blood pressure.

Cold, flu. Medicines.

7 What can be bought without a prescription?

All drugs for the treatment of transient diseases are antiviral and antipyretic.

There is no complete official list of drugs that must be sold strictly by prescription.

8 How to understand: by prescription or not?

If the pharmacy refused to sell you the drug, citing the lack of a prescription, then you can immediately double-check the information. Just ask your pharmacist to give you a prescription for the medicine or look it up on the internet.

In the instructions for each medicine there is a line "Rules for dispensing from pharmacies" and then it is indicated: "by prescription" or "without". That's all.

9 What should be on the prescription?

  • data about the patient (surname, initials and address of residence);
  • surname of the doctor;
  • two seals are put - a doctor and a medical institution;
  • the name of the medicinal product according to INN (international non-proprietary name, and not according to the trade name);
  • in one recipe there can be up to three items with an indication of the frequency of their sale: month, quarter or year.
  • Prescriptions are required to be accepted at any pharmacy in any locality, while personal documents do not need to be presented.

10 How many medicines are sold without a prescription?

Only 30% of drugs registered in the Russian Federation can be sold without a prescription. The use of the rest requires control by the attending physician and the presentation of a prescription form upon purchase.

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