Thyme ordinary for vivacity and health. Thyme (Thymus vulgaris)

HerbaThymi vulgaris- common thyme herb

Thyme ordinary -thymus vulgaris L.

Lamiaceae family -Lamiaceae (Labiatae)

Botanical characteristic. Common thyme is a semi-shrub with a strongly branched erect tetrahedral stem up to 45 cm in height. The leaves are opposite, small, oblong-lanceolate, with curved edges. The flowers are two-lipped, the calyx is green, the corolla is light purple, less often white. Inflorescence - spicate thyrsus. The fruit is a coenobium enclosed in a calyx, splitting into four lobes (erems). Flowering in June-July, fruiting in August.

Homeland - Spain and southern France. IN Russian Federation cultivated in the Krasnodar Territory, in the southern regions of Ukraine, in the Crimea and Moldova.

The need for raw materials is not fully satisfied.

Chemical composition. The thyme herb contains essential oil, which contains up to 40% thymol, carvacrol, n-cymol, monoterpenoids, sesquiterpene caryophyllene, oleanolic, ursolic, caffeic, chlorogenic, quinic acids, flavonoids are also found in the grass.

Preparation, drying. Harvesting of raw materials is carried out during the flowering period. Mow the plants with mowers at a height of 10-15 cm from the soil. A second mowing is possible in the fall after the plants grow back. Drying and refinement of raw materials is carried out, as for creeping thyme grass. Freshly harvested herbs are used to obtain essential oils.

Standardization. The quality of raw materials is regulated by the requirements of GF XI.

External signs. Raw materials - a mixture of leaves, flowers and pieces of stems up to 1 mm thick. The leaves are small, with a short petiole, entire, oblong-lanceolate, with an edge wrapped down, 5-10 mm long. Under a magnifying glass, numerous, shiny, reddish-brown dots (essential oil glands) are visible on both sides of the sheet.

The color of the leaves is dark green or brownish-green above, grayish-green below; calyx light green; corolla pink, light purple or whitish; the color of the stems is greenish-brown. The smell is strong, pleasant. The taste is spicy.

Microscopy. For microscopic examination Prepare surface preparations of the leaf. Diagnostic value have glands with 8 (sometimes 12) excretory cells located radially. Three types of hairs: 1 (rarely 2)-cellular papillary with a warty surface; 2-3-cell articulated; capitate hairs with a unicellular oval head on a short unicellular stalk. Stomata are diacytic.

Numerical indicators. The content of essential oil (not less than 1%) is determined in 50 g of crushed raw materials (sieve with holes with a diameter of 2 mm) by methods 1 or 2 (SP XI). Distillation time 2 hours. Other numerical indicators: humidity not more than 13%; total ash not more than 12%; stems with a thickness of more than 1 mm, not more than 5%; particles passing through a sieve with holes with a diameter of 0.5 mm, not more than 7%; organic impurities not more than 2%, mineral - not more than 2%.

Storage. Store in the same way as creeping thyme grass (see below). Shelf life 1 year.

Usage. The common thyme herb is used to obtain liquid extract and essential oil. liquid extract is part of pertussin, used as an expectorant and cough softener for bronchitis and other diseases of the upper respiratory tract. The essential oil is part of the liniments, has an antimicrobial effect. Common thyme leaves are used as a spice in Food Industry and also in perfumery.

Common thyme (or thyme) is a perennial shrub with beautiful flowering and pleasant aroma. The plant is low and during flowering it looks like a voluminous bush. From above it is impossible to see the stem and leaves, because they are strewn with small pale pink flowers. Sometimes their shade can change to lilac. The bush has fruits - these are nuts with a delicate smell. The shrub is found in the wild forest, but more often it is cultivated by gardeners. The area of ​​cultivation of thyme is very wide:

  • Africa;
  • America;
  • Russia;
  • Moldova;
  • Ukraine;
  • Germany.

Passionate Lovers useful plants take care of the shrub to take advantage of its healing abilities.

Description medicinal herb:

  • family Lamiaceae, Lamiaceae;
  • genus - thyme;
  • root - taproot, densely branched;
  • stem - upright;
  • Bottom part stem - tree-like;
  • branches - bushy, herbaceous;
  • the shape of the branches is a tetrahedron;
  • the surface of the branches is pubescent;
  • shoots are short.

The leaves of the shrub are small, oblong shape covered with dots. The color of the leaves is green, and the bud consists of 5 petals.

Thyme is a short growing plant. The spreading bush has become the basis for numerous varieties of garden flowers. Globular inflorescences attract the eye during flowering, they are surprisingly delicate and beautiful.

How to grow thyme (video)

Active ingredients of thyme

  • essential oils;
  • tannic micro-substances;
  • phenolic compounds;
  • terpenes;
  • fatty acid formations;
  • organic pigments.

Useful and medicinal properties of common thyme

Thyme has special studied properties that are used in medicine.

  • antiseptic action;
  • expectorant;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • filming pain syndrome;
  • sedative;
  • calming.

Thyme stops blood loss, normalizes work digestive system, activates sex drive. The plant is used in the composition of funds that help to refuse bad habits: smoking and alcohol. It strengthens the body after major operations, diseases. Unique properties eliminate the penetration of snake venom into the tissues. The shrub solves problems with the nervous system and vascular diseases. Important property thyme - protection against oncology. In the books of ancient healers, it is called the plant of women, it is able to strengthen female body, protect from most dangerous ailments.

Other plant names

The plant is distinguished by a numerous list of names. It is explained by valuable medicinal abilities that attracted home healers from different territories, countries and states. Recipes became the property of the people. The ease of their preparation has made the plant popular for cultivation.

Shrub names:

  • Christian and church: the herb of the virgin, fimial, simian, incense.
  • language translations: chavor, tsebrik, tsimber.
  • dialect derivatives attempting to characterize appearance: kolotovochki, macerzhank, bonnet of the mayor.

The most famous, used as often as thyme, is garden thyme;

Names are not all complete list impossible to bring. In different territories, the grass has its own dialect, a synonym for the scientific name.

How to use thyme (video)

Traditional medicine recipes with common thyme

Thyme is one of the popular herbs in folk medicine. From it create infusions, decoctions, teas, ointments.

  • Tea helps at catarrhal pathologies, passes cough, asthma attacks, muscle spasms. Tea is drunk for digestive problems, funds are raised taste sensations. They improve the work of the gastrointestinal tract, defecation is normalized, spasms disappear and the formation of gases decreases.
  • Baths with healing ingredients used to relieve signs of rheumatism, intestinal diseases, cough with a cold. A plant in the form of baths removes belching, reduces flatulence. The procedure will cure patients with laryngitis, bronchitis and tracheitis.

More often prepare infusions. They are used externally, for rinsing, lotion formulations.


  • Against cough: 1 tablespoon pour 100 ml of boiling water. The liquid is put on fire, heated for 15 minutes. The resulting solution is filtered, boiling water is added to the original volume before taking. Dosage - 1 tablespoon before breakfast, lunch and dinner.
  • For taking healing baths: 100 g of grass is poured into 2 liters of water. The composition is put for languishing in the oven. Cooking time - 40 minutes. After evaporation, the mixture is filtered, added to the bath.
  • Herbal collection From cough. The components of the composition are thyme (10 g), anise (5 g), primrose root (5 g), sundew (5 g), plantain leaves (5 g). All herbs are mixed and poured into a glass of hot boiling water. Start drinking after straining 1 cup in a warm state.

Alcohol tincture

It will take 150 g of fresh grass. It is finely chopped, placed in a glass container. Pour 300 g of water. The bottle is left to ferment for 20 days in a warm room. Shake periodically. For treatment, the strained mixture will have to be divided into small bottles. Tincture rinse the throat to relieve inflammation.

Essential oil

Oil is extracted from thyme from the leaves during the flowering of the shrub. Extraction Procedures:

  • distillation - evaporation;
  • rectification - purification from toxins.

Oil improves appetite, boosts immunity, protects against inflammation and infections, special role the oil has in the treatment of the respiratory tract. Slags, microbes that hit genitourinary system. Women create preparations from herbs to reduce pain during menstruation. The oil has its own contraindications: pregnancy, epilepsy, hypertension.

Contraindications and harm of thyme

Funds are not allowed for children in early age, women bearing a child. Other categories of patients who are prohibited from thyme:

  • kidney disease;
  • stomach ulcer;
  • insufficiency of cardiac activity.
  • liver disease.

Growing Thyme

The shrub loves light, but does not prefer moisture. Any excess liquid in the air, soil or on the plant leads to death. Dry seasons and dry soils are ideal for it.

The shrub has a superficial root system, so the ground needs to be prepared by fertilizing the upper layers. Soil preparation:

  • clear of weeds;
  • dig;
  • loosen;
  • apply fertilizer.

For nutrients suitable limestone chips, wood ash. Roots are placed at a depth of 10 cm. The bush itself does not need to be deepened into the ground. Thyme will require support, sometimes it is a decorative support, some gardeners simply put a small peg. Growing thyme is easy. Sometimes thyme is preferred to be grown in home flower pots. But on winter period the roots are placed in a cool place, left at a temperature of 15 degrees. The bush is frost-resistant. Plant growing technologies:

  • seeds;
  • seedling method;
  • cuttings;
  • division of the formed bush.

A complex and lengthy method is seeds. They are placed on the garden bed and covered with earth with a low layer of 1 cm. They are watered and covered with dense covering material, glass, and a mini greenhouse is created. Waiting for sprouts to appear proper care approximately 20 days. Then the glass is removed, care is no different from other flower crops. Thyme is watered, thinned, form a bush. The bush can be divided into 2 years. Fruit picking is carried out in July - August, when the bush is actively blooming and fragrant.

Useful properties of thyme (video)

Healing properties thyme make it an obligatory culture for summer residents. Teas are prepared from the herb, which save from insomnia, relieve pain, relieve cough. For the treatment of ailments, one small bush is enough. You can collect grass annually, pruning will help the plant and its owner.




Rice. 5.42. Common thyme - Thymus vulgaris L.

Common thyme herb– herba thymi vulgaris
thyme oil– oleum thymi
thymus vulgaris l.
Sem. Lamiaceae– lamiaceae (labiatae)

semi-shrub with strongly branched erect tetrahedral stem up to 45 cm in height.
Leaves opposite, small, oblong-lanceolate, with margins curved to the underside.
flowers small (up to 5 mm long), two-lipped, calyx green, corolla light purple, pink, rarely white.
Inflorescence- racemose thyrsus, consisting of numerous false whorls.
Fetus- coenobium, which breaks up into four lobes (erema) (Fig. 5.42).
blooms in June - July, bears fruit in August.





Spreading. Homeland - Spain and southern France. In the Russian Federation, it is cultivated in the Krasnodar Territory, as well as in the southern regions of Ukraine and in the Crimea, in Moldova.

Medicinal raw materials




External signs

A mixture of leaves, flowers and pieces of stems up to 1 mm thick.
Leaves small, short-petiolate, entire, oblong-obovate or oblong-lanceolate, with edges wrapped on the underside; leaf length 5-10 mm, width - 2-5 mm. Under a magnifying glass (×10), numerous rounded, shiny, reddish-brown dots (glands with essential oil) are visible on both sides of the sheet.
flowers small, single or several together. Calyx two-lipped, five-toothed, corolla two-lipped. Pieces of stems of various lengths, up to 1 mm thick, slightly tetrahedral.
leaf color dark green or brownish green above, grayish green below; calyx light green, sometimes at the base upper lip purple;
whisk pink, light purple or whitish; the color of the stems is from greenish-brown to brown with a grayish tinge.
Smell strong, fragrant.
Taste spicy.


When examining the leaf from the surface, slightly sinuous cells of the epidermis of the upper side are visible, often with distinct thickenings and cuticle folding, while the lower ones are sinuous. The stomata are sparse on the upper side, numerous on the lower side, surrounded by two peristomatal cells located perpendicular to the stomatal gap (diacytic type). Essential oil glands are rounded, consist of 8 (rarely 12) excretory cells arranged radially.

Hairs of three types: 1-, (rarely 2)-cellular papillary, straight with a warty surface; at the base, on the underside and along the edge of the leaf there are 2-3-celled geniculate-bent warty hairs;

over the entire surface of the leaf there are small capitate hairs with a unicellular oval head on a short unicellular stalk (Fig. 5.43).

A - epidermis of the upper side of the leaf;

B - epidermis bottom side sheet:
1 - cranked hairs;
2 - papillary hairs;
3 - essential oil glands;
4 - capitate hairs;
5 - bead-like thickening of the cell wall;
6 - folding of the cuticle;

IN - general form sheet.

Procurement and storage of raw materials




blank. Harvesting of raw materials is carried out during the flowering period. Mow the plants with mowers at a height of 10-15 cm from the soil surface. A second mowing is possible in the fall after the plants grow back.

Drying. Drying and refinement of raw materials is carried out, as for creeping thyme grass. Freshly harvested herbs are used to obtain essential oils.

Standardization. GF XI, no. 2, Art. 61.

Storage. Store in the same way as creeping thyme grass. Shelf life 1 year.

Composition of thyme




The chemical composition of thyme

The thyme herb contains

  • essential oil that contains
    • up to 40% thymol,
    • carvacrol,
    • pair-cymol,
    • monoterpenoids,
    • sesquiterpene
    • caryophyllene;

also found in the grass

  • oleanolic acid,
  • ursolovaya,
  • coffee,
  • chlorogenic,
  • cinchona,
  • flavonoids.

Numerical indicators of raw materials

  • Essential oil not less than 1%;
  • humidity not more than 13%;
  • total ash no more than 12%;
  • stems with a thickness of more than 1 mm, not more than 5%;
  • particles passing through a sieve with holes of 0.5 mm, not more than 7%;
  • organic impurities not more than 2%;
  • mineral impurity no more than 2%.

Most respect bright flowers. To grow an exotic plant in your garden, it is important to know the secrets of care. Each plant requires a painstaking approach. The secrets of growing many classes of flowers are the same. In this article, the authors tried to give a selection of tips in order to avoid mistakes when keeping a particular plant. It will be correct to determine for subsequent actions to which class the purchased plant is assigned.

medicinal plants

Thyme or creeping thyme

Thyme. or creeping thyme. or Bogorodskaya grass ( Thymus serpillum) is a perennial small shrub from the Lamiaceae family. The plant forms small tufts and has a strong aromatic smell.

The stem is reddish-brown, branched, creeping along the ground, woody, rooting in places, with numerous ascending flower-bearing and leafy thin short branches.


It grows in the temperate climate of Eurasia, in open sandy places, in dry pine forests. In Russia, it is found in the European part and Siberia. It has many related species, distributed almost throughout Russia. They differ greatly in chemical composition and their value for medical applications has not yet been fully elucidated.

Composition and application

For medicinal purposes, the flower-bearing and leaf-bearing parts of a plant called thyme herb (Herba Scrpylli) are used. Thyme belongs to the old folk medicines. Even the ancient Greeks used this plant for fainting in the form of snuff.

IN pre-revolutionary Russia thyme called " bogorodskaya grass"(this name is preserved in the literature) was used for various diseases: "from chest pain”, “abdominal pain”, insomnia, hard drinking, etc.

Currently, thyme herb in most cases serves as a substitute for the cultivated plant - thyme and is used as an expectorant for coughs, as well as for aromatic baths, compresses and lotions. Although there is no reason to replace thyme with thyme, since active substance thyme - phenol-thymol, contained in thyme essential oil, is absent in thyme oil or is present in it in an insignificant amount.

It should be noted that Thyme, as indicated, is found in many small species and their essential oils can be of different composition.

In addition to fragrant essential oil, the herb contains tannic, bitter and proteins, resin, gum, fat, special pigment and mineral salts.

Terms and methods of collection

Thyme grass is harvested during the period of full flowering. Usually the grass is pulled out entirely and dried in this form. After drying, the leaves and flowers are threshed and the raw materials are passed through wire sieves to remove the stem parts. Thus, a mixture of leaves and flowers is obtained with a part of small thin twigs, which, with all the care of the sifting, cannot be removed.

Basic requirements for the quality of raw materials

The finished raw material of creeping thyme should consist of a mixture of dried leaves and flowers with an admissible admixture of tetrahedral small twigs. The leaves are green, about 1.5 cm long, with short petioles, entire, various shapes: ovate, oblong or narrow, linear, often pubescent.

The flowers are very small; consist of a brownish-red, two-lipped serrated calyx and a two-lipped corolla of pale pink or bluish-purple color.

The smell is fragrant, aggravated by rubbing. The taste is bitter. Humidity of raw materials should not exceed 13%.

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Family Lamiaceae.

Other names: creeping thyme, Bogorodskaya grass, mainland, common thyme

Creeping thyme (thyme, Bogorodskaya herb) Creeping thyme (thyme, Bogorodskaya herb) Creeping thyme (thyme, Bogorodskaya herb)

Botanical characteristic. Low semi-shrub with a thin stem, creeping, rooted, ending in a lying barren branch up to 15 cm high. Flower-bearing branches are roundish, erect, more or less evenly pubescent, hairy under the inflorescence. The leaves are opposite, short-petiolate, elliptical or oblong-elliptical, entire-marginal, apical leaves are rhombic-elliptical. The flowers are irregular, pink or lilac-pink, bisexual or female, clustered in the axils of the upper leaves in bunches, on the ramifications of the twigs. The corolla of the flower is two-lipped, underlip deeply divided into three segments. The fruit is dry, dark brown. Thyme blooms from spring to autumn, has a strong honey smell.

Spreading. It grows mainly in dry coniferous and mixed forests, in clearings, in clearings, among shrubs, along roads, along the slopes of ditches, in pastures.

Parts of the plant used For medicinal purposes, mainly thyme herb is used. Harvested during the flowering period of the plant, carefully cutting, not pulling out, so as not to damage the root.

Dry in the shade or in attics, in dryers.

Chemical composition. The grass of the plant contains essential oils (0.5 - 1.5%), sortilin, gum, tannins, bitter, anthocyanin substances, resins, flavonoids, organic acids(apple, ursolic, omanol), mineral salts. The essential oil contains up to 30% thymol, 20% carvacrol, as well as borneol, cymoterpineol.

Application in medicine

The plant is used in folk and official medicine. It has an immunostimulating effect, analgesic and diaphoretic, diuretic, depurative, regulating metabolic processes effects, as a result of which it is widely used as an independent remedy or in combination with other plants.

An infusion of common thyme herb has a calming effect on the functions of the central nervous system, activates the secretion gastric juice, work of a pancreas, stimulates appetite, acts hypoglycemic.

In folk medicine, an infusion of herbs is taken for tracheitis, bronchitis, whooping cough, for colds and inflammatory diseases stomach and intestines, with diarrhea and colic, bloating, diseases nervous system, diseases of the joints.

Herbal compresses and poultices are made with articular rheumatism, traumatic and diabetic polyneuritis, paralysis.

Thyme preparations are effective for nighttime urinary incontinence, insomnia, overwork, vitamin C deficiency, radiculitis, polyneuritis.

Herb tincture is used for anemia, tachycardia of hormonal origin, hypertension, uterine bleeding, inflammatory processes in the genital organs.

A decoction of the herb is used externally pustular diseases skin, burns, eczema, fungal infections, allergies, boils. Dry powder is sprinkled on wounds and weeping eczema.


* Infusion of common thyme herb: 1 tbsp. l. dry crushed raw materials are poured with 1 cup of boiling water and infused for 30 minutes, filtered. Take 2 tbsp. l. with 1 tsp. honey for colds 3 times a day after meals.

* Decoction of creeping thyme: 2 tbsp. l. chopped dry grass is poured with 1 glass of water and boiled for 1 minute, and then infused for 1 hour in a warm place, filtered. Take 0.5 cup 3 times a day after meals with diabetes, allergies, furunculosis.

* Infusion of common thyme and blueberry shoots: 1 tbsp. l. a mixture of herbs, taken equally, is poured with 1 cup of boiling water and infused for 30 minutes, filtered. Drink in two doses after meals for colds, diabetes, hypertension, anemia, inflammatory processes.

* A decoction of common thyme for baths: 200 g of dry crushed raw materials are poured into 2 liters of water and insisted in a warm place for 2 hours, filtered. Take a bath with a decoction for 12 - 14 minutes with allergies, eczema, boils. On the course - 12 baths every other day.

Contraindications. It should be noted that contraindications to the use of creeping thyme preparations are gastric ulcer, liver and kidney diseases, and pregnancy.

The use of thyme in the diet

Common thyme (creeping thyme) is a valuable food plant. It is used in the preparation of salads, as a seasoning for meat and fish dishes. It is added to pickles, sausages, sauces, to game, brewed as tea.

Salad with thyme

Cucumbers, tomatoes, onions are cut and seasoned with sour cream and salt. Finely chop the thyme flowers and sprinkle them over the salad.

Description of common thyme.

The medicinal herb of common thyme is a semi-shrub 20-50 cm high. The semi-shrub belongs to the family of labiaceae. The stems of the plant are branching, erect, ascending. The leaves of common thyme are densely pubescent, small, curved along the edges. Flowers white or Pink colour, collected in capitate whorls. The fruit of the plant is a nut. Thyme ordinary has a characteristic smell.

Thyme ordinary photo.


Semi-shrub grows in the northwestern Mediterranean. Cultivated in the Crimea as an essential oil plant. At the same time, the plant is quite demanding to care for. So shading of plants during cultivation delays its growth and reduces the content of essential oil in raw materials, and therefore is completely unacceptable.


IN medicinal purposes the herb of common thyme is used. Grass is harvested at the beginning of flowering. For drying, you need a well-ventilated room or a shade in the open air.

Chemical composition.

Medicinal herb common thyme contains essential oil, mineral salts, flavonoids, tannins, thymus saponin, quinic, ursolic, coffee, oleanolic, chlorogenic acids.

pharmacological properties.

The common thyme plant has antiseptic properties can relax the muscles. Medications thyme herbs stimulate motor activity ciliated epithelium of the upper respiratory tract, have pronounced expectorant properties. Thyme also relieves spasms. gastrointestinal tract, hinders the development pathogenic microflora, enhances the separation of gastric juice.


The semi-shrub thyme is used to treat belching, digestive disorders: slow digestion, gallbladder dysfunction, flatulence. Thyme is recommended for tracheitis, laryngitis, bronchitis and bronchopneumonia as an enveloping, antiseptic and expectorant agent.

Outwardly, a decoction and infusions of thyme are used to rinse the oropharynx and oral cavity in inflammatory diseases. They are used as lotions in the treatment of a variety of skin diseases, with them take therapeutic baths.


Medicinal infusion of common thyme herb for coughs.

2 tbsp. spoons of grass pour 0.25 liters of hot boiled water. Heat in a boiling water bath for a quarter of an hour. Then, within 45-60 minutes, cool to room temperature, filter through gauze, squeeze out the used raw materials. Bring to original volume boiled water. Drink 2-3 times a day, 1 tablespoon.

Decoction of thyme herb.

20 g of herbs brew 1/4 liter of boiling water. Then heat in a water bath for half an hour. And then, having cooled for a quarter of an hour at room temperature, filter, and squeeze the raw material. Drink 3-5 times a day for 1-2 tbsp. spoons.


Thyme vulgaris is contraindicated in early childhood, with decompensation of cardiac activity and pregnancy, and essential oil - with hypertension. Common thyme is prescribed with caution in diseases of the kidneys, liver, peptic ulcer 12 duodenal ulcer or stomach in the acute stage.

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