Chinese pads for women's diseases. Tampons and pads

Basic principle modern dentistry is a sparing attitude to the tissues of the tooth. Pulp removal should be avoided when pathological changes in it are reversible and its preservation is possible. In such situations, a healing pharmacological effect on the pulp is necessary, which, having stopped the inflammatory process, would prevent its further spread, would stimulate reparative processes.

Medical pads

To solve these problems, apply medical pads. They contain active active substances for various purposes.

Materials for medical pads must:

- have anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial action;

- do not irritate the dental pulp;

- provide a strong sealing of the underlying dentin, communication with the tissues of the tooth, cushioning and permanent filling and sealing materials;

— correspond to physical and mechanical properties permanent fillings lining materials.

Currently, a number of researchers question the feasibility and effectiveness of the use of therapeutic pads in general, and preparations based on calcium hydroxide in particular. This is motivated by the danger of an irritating effect on the pulp, the risk of osmotic injury to odontoblasts, a decrease in the strength of the filling, etc. However, it should be noted that these publications are single character and do not suggest a doctor real alternative when filling deep carious cavities. Therefore, at present, the application of a medical pad should be considered a standard procedure, the refusal of it should be reasoned, and it should be received informed consent patient.

In our opinion, failures in the use of medical pads are associated with an unreasonable expansion of indications for conservative treatment of pathological processes in the dental pulp. We would like to emphasize that the imposition of a medical pad is indicated only in cases where pathological process reversible in the pulp. In this way, therapeutic pads are indicated in the following clinical situations:

– treatment of deep caries;

Treatment of acute focal pulpitis with a biological method;

conservative treatment in case of accidental opening of the tooth cavity (the so-called traumatic pulpitis).

conservative treatment of chronic fibrous pulpitis we consider it inappropriate, since with this disease, irreversible processes occur in the pulp: atrophy cellular elements(odontoblasts, stellate pulpocytes, etc.), dystrophy nerve fibers, growth of coarse fibrous connective tissue. Therefore, in this case it is only possible to translate the process into a long chronic course, reducing the frequency of exacerbations, and in this case it is not realistic to achieve restoration of the pulp.

In addition, one should remember about the "general" and "local" indications for the biological method of treating pulpitis: the patient's young age (up to 40 years), the absence of concomitant general somatic pathology, the location convenient for processing and filling carious cavity, absence significant reduction electrical excitability of the dental pulp (EOM), etc.

Treatment methods aimed at maintaining the viability of the inflamed pulp and restoring its functions involve various ways pharmacological effects. Treatment in such cases is carried out in two stages:

Stage I - cupping inflammatory process in the pulp, the effect on the microflora, the reduction of pain.

For this purpose, drugs that have a strong, but short-term effect are used. Usually they are applied for several days as a medical dressing.

Stage II - stimulation of the formation of replacement dentin, normalization metabolic processes in the dental pulp.

On the this stage drugs are used that have a long, “soft” effect, which do not decompose when they are in the carious cavity for a long time. They are superimposed in the form of a medical pad for temporary or permanent fillings.

In the treatment of deep caries, as a rule, they are limited to the imposition of a medical pad with a long-term odongotropic and antiseptic effect.

Currently, the Russian dental market presents several groups of drugs intended for the application of medical pads.

Therapeutic Chinese pads have on female body incredible healing action and are suitable for the treatment of many gynecological diseases. Chinese healers believe that for healing you need to use only those gifts that nature gives us. Thanks to the accumulated experience of thousands of years, as well as the latest innovative technologies and Chinese pads appeared, which have a healing effect. In this article, we will consider all the features of this product, as well as reviews of gynecologists and patients about it.

Impact principle

Chinese pads contain herbal ingredients that are able to be absorbed through the mucous membrane of the female external genitalia. Evaporating phytoncides have an invaluable effect on the female body. Do not worry about the safety of such products, as they are made only from high-quality sterile materials.

Gaskets are manufactured according to the latest techniques, using silver ions and herbal solutions. Such components allow you to deal with many gynecological diseases. However, gynecologists do not recommend relying only on them. Every woman should visit the doctor regularly. There are many diseases that Chinese pads cannot cope with. However, their use in preventive measures can have a very good effect.

Silver ions are not in vain part of such a product. This element does not allow viruses and bacteria to develop, as it is able to destroy the membranes of pathological cells, as well as viral DNA. Thanks to this effect, all alien organisms begin to be destroyed.

Chinese medical pads: main properties

Before buying this product, carefully study its properties, and also consult a gynecologist in order not to harm your body.

According to the instructions for use, gaskets have the following properties:

With regular use, the menstrual cycle is adjusted;

Lead to the tone of the female genital organs and organs of the small pelvis;

affect the rise protective functions organism;

They have healing and anti-inflammatory effects;

Influence the microflora of the genital organs;

In what cases can you use

Gynecologists in no case advise self-medication. Don't forget that advanced stages Many diseases cannot be cured using Chinese medical pads. Therefore, before using them, still look at an appointment with a gynecologist.

According to instructions this remedy can be applied in such cases:

Viral, bacterial fungal genitals;

Violations of the cycle of menstruation;

Cystitis and other diseases that are inflammatory in nature;

Cervical erosion;

Fissures of the rectum;

Hormonal failures;

Decreased functions of the immune system;

Decreased female libido.

Are there any contraindications

Ladies who use Chinese pads to treat women's diseases are very pleased with the results. The microflora is really getting better, the unpleasant odor disappears, and the discharge returns to normal. However, not all gynecologists recommend using these pads for all patients. However, there are some contraindications for use:

In no case should such products be used by women with allergic reactions on the herbs that make up the composition, as well as on silver ions;

Also, pads are prohibited for pregnant and lactating women;

Do not ignore these prohibitions, otherwise your sexual health can only get worse.

Instructions for use

Reviews of gynecologists say that Chinese pads will positive effect only if they are used correctly.

Each item is individually sealed. Open it up and stick the adhesive back to your underwear, just like you do with regular panty liners. Try to place the product so that most of it falls exactly on the problematic focus. Use a new pad every day. Please note that such a product is sterilized by gamma rays, so it should be used immediately after the individual packaging has been opened. One pad is able to have an active effect on the female body during the day. After the expiration of this period, positive impact stops. If you're trying to win acute ailments then use two pads daily. However, in this case, Chinese products should only be helper method treatment. In addition, antibiotics and other drugs may be needed.

Zi Mei Shu Chinese pads should be used immediately after you open the individual packaging. After all active substances begin to evaporate immediately, so the product will simply lose its therapeutic effect.

Some nuances

In the first few hours after the start of use, when the pads come into contact with delicate skin intimate areas there may be a slight burning or tingling sensation. Do not worry, such an effect should be present. This indicates that the pads have begun to act. This effect usually lasts about six to ten hours and goes away on its own. In fact, this product is very rare in women, so do not worry. However, if you notice redness on the skin, then immediately stop using this product.

As a rule, the course of treatment lasts about twenty to thirty days. The treatment is so long because the pads contain natural herbs, and the treatment of ailments with their use usually takes quite a long time.

The composition of the drug contains only natural ingredients and silver ions, so it will not be addictive and will have a very mild effect on your body.

Chinese gaskets: reviews

Every day Chinese medical products are becoming more and more popular, and for good reason, because they are really high quality and effective. However, do not hope that they will help you with serious illnesses. Reviews of gynecologists about Chinese pads are ambiguous. On the one hand, the remedy is really effective, especially when providing a preventive effect. However, you should not hope that by using such pads, you will get rid of cervical erosion or other serious illnesses who are being treated operational way or with the help of serious medications.

According to women, this remedy can alleviate the condition during menstruation, and also eliminates bad smell. But it is not able to cope with serious gynecological diseases.

1. Materials containing calcium hydroxide:

a) chemically cured;

b) light curing.

2. Zinc-eugenol cements:

a) zinc oxide eugenol cements proper;

b) hardened zinc oxide-eugenol cements with filler;

c) zinc oxide eugenol cements with orthoethoxybenzoic acid (EVA).

3. Combined medicinal pastes:

a) ready-made combined medicinal pastes;

b) combined medicinal pastes prepared ex temporae.

Basic clinical requirements for therapeutic pads:

- do not irritate the pulp, hard tissues of the tooth;

- have anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and reparative effect on the pulp;

− possess bactericidal and bacteriostatic action and high adhesion to tooth tissues;

− be plastic.

The method of applying medical pads

Based on treatment indications carious process, traumatic, acute focal, chronic fibrous pulpitis can be carried out in one or two stages. At the beginning, a gentle preparation of the carious cavity is carried out, then the tooth is isolated from saliva cotton swabs or a rubber dam. The carious cavity is washed with a warm, weak antiseptic solution - 0.3% chlorhexidine solution, 2% chloramine solution, dried with sterile cotton balls and a weak stream of air directed at the enamel.

With one-stage treatment, a medical pad is applied at the tip of the probe or trowel. Therapeutic pad should not cover the entire bottom of the carious cavity, because. it has poor adhesion to dentin. The gasket is located at the point of the protruding horn of the pulp or in the deepest part of the cavity. An insulating pad is applied over the medical pad (up to the enamel-dentin border).

With two-stage treatment on the first visit after the preparation of the carious cavity and its drug treatment, drying, at the bottom leave a combined medical pad. The cavity is closed with a temporary artificial dentin dressing. In the absence of complaints, when the tooth does not respond to temperature stimuli, after 7-10 days, electroodontodiagnostics is performed, the temporary filling is removed, the carious cavity is processed antiseptic preparations, dried, then applied medical paste based on calcium hydroxide or zinc oxide with eugenol. After applying an insulating pad, the tooth is restored with a filling.

Materials containing calcium hydroxide

Therapeutic pads based on calcium hydroxide are most commonly used in therapeutic dentistry.

Ingredients: calcium hydroxide pH 12.4 sensitive to atmospheric carbon dioxide, turning into calcium carbonate upon prolonged contact.

With direct coating, due to the high pH, ​​a zone of degeneration and necrosis up to 50-150 microns first develops, then normalization of the blood supply to the pulp, after 1-3 months - the formation of dentinal bridges. In indirect coating, calcium hydroxide promotes the formation of replacement dentin.

Light-curing pads based on calcium hydroxide are more durable and have a bacteriostatic effect. Thanks to alkaline properties, they have an anti-inflammatory, antiseptic effect, stimulate the formation of replacement dentin, but high pH can lead to pulp necrosis, the formation of denticles and petrificates.

Materials containing chemically cured calcium hydroxide include:

Calmecin, Calradent, Calcesil (VladMiVa), Dental lining material (Medpolymer), Calcicur, Calcimol (Voco), Contrasil, Septocalcine ultria (Septodont), Life (Kerr); light-cured: Calcesil LC (VladMiVa), Esterfil Ca (Diaz), Dycal (Dentsply), Bazik-L (Vivadent), Contrasil (Septodont), etc.

Calmecin - consists of a powder (calcium hydroxide, zinc oxide, human blood plasma, sodium sulfacyl) and liquid ( water solution sodium carboxymethyl cellulose).

Therapeutic pad in dentistry is used to stop inflammation, prevent its development, stimulate recovery processes. They have the following requirements:

  • anti-inflammatory and odontotropic (formation healthy cells tooth) effects
  • seal the dentin tightly
  • high adhesion with temporary and permanent filling, insulating gasket
  • inert to the pulp (do not irritate)
  • similar properties to permanent fillings (same shrinkage, resistance to temperatures, environment)

Therapeutic pads in dentistry are used when the processes in the pulp are reversible. These cases include: deep caries, acute focal pulpitis with conservative method treatment, accidental opening of the pulp with subsequent preservation. As you noticed, purulent and chronic forms not listed here. By that time, irreversible changes occur in the pulp: cell atrophy, replacement nervous tissue connecting. It will not be possible to restore the previous functions, only translate chronic process in sluggish with a rare number of exacerbations. Don't forget about additional factors: age of the patient (up to 40 years), ease of access to the filling cavity, low values EDI in dentistry, the absence of serious diseases on the background (heart attack, pyelonephritis, pneumonia, etc.).

Treatment is carried out in 2 stages:

  1. Impact on pathogenic microflora, inflammation removal. Apply "strong" drugs for a couple of days. Used for occasional pulpitis or focal
  2. Stimulation of reparative processes. They act for a long time, do not decompose under the influence of pathological microflora. Tactics used in caries

Classification of medical pads in dentistry

Based on calcium hydroxide

Ca(OH)₂ - alkali c high value pH, decomposes into calcium and hydroxide ions. Dentin adjacent to the pulp is highly permeable and calcium hydroxide preparations reach the site of action where replacement dentin is produced. Because of this, pathogenic microflora does not penetrate to the pulp. Loses positive properties prolonged exposure to air. Presented in 4 forms:

  • aqueous suspension
  • chemically cured cements
  • light-curing polymers

Aqueous suspension- pure calcium hydroxide in water or saline. solution. For contrast in the pictures, barium sulfate is added to the composition. The drug is applied to the bottom of the cavity and dried with a gentle jet. A thin layer is closed with a temporary filling. After a month and a half, hydroxide penetrates into the pulp under the influence of liquid. Therefore, the bandage is changed every 3-6 weeks. Mineral cements cannot be used as a temporary filling due to the chemical interaction between the substances (phosphoric acid and hydroxide). Used as strong remedy on the short period as an accidental opening of the pulp. Preparations: Calcipulp, Calasept, Calcium Hydroxide.

Based varnishes - contain calcium hydroxide, resin, zinc oxide and solvent. The varnish is applied with a cotton swab or brush and dried with a weak jet. Despite good insulating properties, healing effect missing, so the tool is rarely used. Drug: Contrasil.

Chemically cured cements harden after mixing two pastes (ether and hydroxide). Do not change color, do not contact with composites, are pliable. However, they do not chemically bind to dentine, are soluble in alcohol and have varying degrees compression with cements. Therefore, the material is applied thin layer. How the gasket is applied pointwise.

Light curing polymers. Increased strength, easy to use, but not in demand due to the likelihood of burning the pulp and low therapeutic effects.

To summarize, the most effective therapeutic pads in dentistry are chemically cured suspensions and cements.

Zinc - eugenol cements

Contains eugenol - natural antiseptic. Cement acquires final hardness in 10 hours. Do not use with composites due to the action of eugenol. Preparations: Cavitec, Kalsogen Plus.

Combined funds

The paste is prepared by a doctor, depending on the availability of ingredients, the experience of the doctor, the clinical picture.

  1. Odontotropic drugs that stimulate the formation of replacement dentin (fluorides, calcium glycerophosphate, collagen, hydroxyapatites)
  2. Anti-inflammatory drugs (prednisolone, hydrocortisone) and NSAIDs (salicylates)
  3. Antiseptics (chlorhexidine and metronidazole)
  4. Enzymes (proteolytic)
  5. Other means (EDTA, novocaine, dimexide, vitamin solutions)

Preparations: Dycal, Life, Pulpomixine, Calcipulpe.

Dycal, Life - cements that harden when two pastes interact. Are in demand.

Pulpomixine is a mixture of antibiotics and corticosteroids. Normalizes blood circulation, suppresses pathogenic microflora. "First Aid Kit" acute processes in the pulp. Does not help form dentin, used for a couple of days. After removal, odontotropic preparations are applied.

Calcipulpe is composed of filler, hydroxide and barium sulfate. Easy to apply (the kit comes with a syringe), stimulates the growth of replacement dentin. Applicable for deep caries and accidental opening of the pulp.

Medical pads. In cases where the bottom of the carious cavity is close to the pulp, even the most gentle preparation adversely affects the tooth pulp. In these cases, the bottom of the cavity is covered with a medical pad before the application of an insulating pad and before it is carried out. Therapeutic pads are preparations based on calcium hydroxide. It is believed that due to the expressed alkaline reaction the drug normalizes the blood circulation of the pulp and there is an intensive deposition of replacement dentin.

Recent studies have shown that not all problems with medical pads have been solved. The use of therapeutic pads in small cavities weakens the adhesion of the filling to the dental tissues (therapeutic pads do not adhere to dentin). If the medical pad remains not only at the bottom, but also on the walls of the cavity, then it can become a way for microbes to penetrate and develop secondary caries. The material of the medical pad may gradually dissolve and open the way for infection. Particularly problematic is the need to use therapeutic and insulating gaskets under composite materials. Manufacturers of bonding systems often offer to abandon gaskets and replace them with modern adhesive systems. However, it is not denied that the use of calcium hydroxide preparations reduces potential danger infections under the filling. Examples of materials for therapeutic pads are the following

deikal(Dycal). Durable self-curing material, "paste-catalyst" system. Contains 25% calcium hydroxide. Compatible with all filling materials.

Life(Life). Therapeutic pad based on calcium hydroxide.

Calcipulp(Calcipulpe). Paste based on calcium hydroxide. At the bottom of the cavity neutralizes acids released during curing filling material. It is used as a medical pad for deep caries, and also eliminates hypersensitivity teeth treated for an orthopedic crown.

Insulating pads. It is believed that almost all permanent filling materials can cause irritant effect on the dental pulp (for example, composites - due to the toxicity of the organic matrix). There are, however, data on the absence of chemical irritation of the pulp with widely used filling materials. Insulating pads are used not only to protect the pulp from the irritating effect of the permanent filling material, but also to isolate the tooth pulp from the ingress of toxins, reverse isolation of the filling material from the influence of dental lymph, improve seal adhesion (reduce the likelihood of microcracks and marginal cracks due to shrinkage of the permanent filling material ). Insulating pads are used to cover therapeutic pads and root fillers. As with therapeutic pads, the need for insulating pads in the presence of a large selection of adhesive systems is widely debated. Very stringent requirements are imposed on the materials of insulating gaskets: no chemical toxicity, mechanical strength, impermeability to acids and monomers (released components of permanent fillings), low thermal conductivity, good adhesion, thermal expansion coefficient close to hard tissues tooth. Examples modern materials for insulating gaskets, the following can serve.

Ionosil(Ionoseal) is a light-curing glass ionomer cement. Resistant to acids, has good adhesion to dentine and composite materials, tear-resistant and resistant to compression, prevents the development of secondary caries due to the prolonged release of fluorine ions.

Fuji Line(Fuji Lining) is a light-curing glass ionomer cement. Has low shrinkage during curing.

Fuji IX(Fuji 9, Fuji IX) is a classic chemically cured glass ionomer cement.

Ionosite Baseline(Ionosit Baseliner) is a light-curing hybrid glass ionomer cement (more commonly referred to as compomers). Dual-curing material (light curing, classical ionomer reaction). During curing, it expands slightly (by 1-2%), which compensates for the polymerization shrinkage of the composites. By physical properties approximately 3 times stronger than conventional glass ionomer cements.

baseline(BaseLine) - glass ionomer cement. In addition to being used as a cushioning material, it is used for cementing crowns and temporary fillings.

Time Line(Timeline). Light-curing glass ionomer material.

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