How are women's medical pads treated. Chinese medical pads for women. Medicinal properties of Chinese pads

Minasyan Margarita

Recipes of Chinese traditional medicine have been in demand among different peoples since ancient times. These alternative remedies are all natural and are considered safe. Along with the already popular healing tampons, there are medical feminine pads. What effect they have and what they are - read below.

Types of herbal pads

To date, Chinese medicinal herbal pads on the market are presented in various forms. They, as the manufacturers assure, are able to have a therapeutic effect on a variety of pathological conditions. Among the most popular are:

  1. Fu-shu - has a composition of an impressive number of medicinal plants - 49 items. In addition to this, they are enriched with silver ions.
  2. Ji Mei Shu is another option with a similarly rich lineup.
  3. Vinalight - treatment and prophylactic orientation.
  4. - perform a protective and healing function.

All of the above brands have similar compositions and a wide range of activities.

There are many more manufacturers of Chinese medicines, but it is these brands that have gained a foothold in the modern Russian market. At the same time, products of domestic production begin to appear: ordinary, night and daily pads (Anion, Secrets of Lan).

It is worth noting that these products have earned their recognition in the Chinese market. They are even recommended by China's national health program. Fu shu and Ji Mei Shu are used in the treatment of not only female, but also male diseases.

What is the effect of medical pads?

Such therapeutic pads for women can be considered as a hygienic, prophylactic and therapeutic agent of traditional medicine. They are used for a variety of disorders of the female genital and urinary tract, they can “pull out” stagnant infectious processes, increase the sensitivity of harmful microorganisms to the effects of medicines.

Key areas of action include:

  • antibacterial;
  • antiviral;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • healing (microflora);
  • healing (mucosa of the vagina, cervix);
  • normalizing (local immunity).

It is also claimed that some types of such herbal pads are able to have a curative and preventive effect on sexually transmitted diseases. Such an effect has not been proven, so you should not rely on these products as protection before and after sexual intercourse.

Thus, the instructions for use indicate the possibility of treatment and prevention:

  • infectious and inflammatory diseases of the genital organs,
  • viral lesions of the pelvic organs;
  • endometriosis;
  • adhesive processes;
  • erosion of the cervix;
  • infertility;
  • menstrual irregularities.

Mode of application

The technology of using these medical products practically does not differ from the use of conventional hygiene products. It is simply attached with an adhesive side to the linen for the entire period of the therapeutic activity of medicinal plants that are part of the product. As a rule, this time is limited to 24 hours. When sticking, it is recommended to place most of it on the lesion (urethra, vagina or anus).

The course of application is 20 days. If the therapeutic period falls during menstruation, then the product can be mounted on top of the usual hygienic.

Application in the first 3-6 hours may be accompanied by a number of minor side effects: a slight burning sensation or a feeling of coldness. These symptoms resolve on their own after a maximum of 12 hours. If they are observed for a longer time, then the use of the product should be discontinued.

It should be noted that among the contraindications, only pregnancy and individual intolerance to the components of the product are noted.

  • 400 rub

    Fu Shu pads are used for the prevention and treatment of female diseases. They are an analogue of Zimeishu gaskets. The price is for a pack of 10 pieces.
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    Shuya anion panty liners 290 rub

    Therapeutic and prophylactic pads for daily use. Made from natural and hypoallergenic materials. Designed for the treatment of gynecological diseases. The price is for 30 anion pads per pack.
    Will be available from January 28th.

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The purpose of a woman is a great mission to give life to a new person. But various gynecological diseases lead to big problems that are associated with women's health. Taking all kinds of chemicals and capsules can lead to the opposite effects, it is better to trust traditional Chinese medicine based on medicinal herbs.

Pads on herbs from China

Chinese herbal pads have an excellent healing effect, they combine the ancient recipes of the Celestial Empire and new technologies of Chinese medicine. Chinese women's pads are designed for effective hygiene and for the timely prevention of women's diseases. The constant use of these hygiene products contributes to the normalization of the functions of the genital area and the pelvic organs. Chinese herbal pads strengthen immunity, are able to quickly remove inflammation, itching and burning in the female genital organs.

Chinese herbal pads and tampons

Phytotampons on herbs help cleanse the uterus from harmful microorganisms, heal and rejuvenate the vaginal microflora. These hygiene products effectively regulate hormonal balance, greatly alleviate the condition of a woman during menopause, and have an antioxidant effect. Thanks to essential oils and extracts from medicinal herbs, Chinese women's pads have a powerful antibacterial, analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect.

To get rid of various ailments, you just need to buy phytotampons, herbal and anion pads, gynecological gels and other health products from Chinese manufacturers. We have favorable prices, discounts and gifts for customers!
You deserve only the best, love yourself and take care of your health!

They are not medicine. There are contraindications. Check with your doctor.

How to properly clean the intimate area? Is it true that pads can have a healing effect?

Olga Alexandrovna Ruzhentseva, a private gynecologist from St. Petersburg, answers questions from readers.

“My friend uses a Femmecup menstrual cup. Can I use it on vacation at the beach or in the pool?

Elena Dobrova, Moscow

Femmecup is a soft reusable menstrual cup made of medical grade silicone. When inserted into the lower part of the vagina, it fits snugly against the vaginal walls, so it does not leak and does not allow secretions and odor to penetrate.

Unlike a tampon, Femmecup does not absorb liquid, but accumulates it. This approach does not change the vaginal microflora, does not dry the mucosa. Therefore, the menstrual cup can be worn up to 12 hours and inserted before the onset of menstruation for "safety net".

Femmecup is great for an active lifestyle. It can be used for swimming, cycling, running and any outdoor sports and games.

“I saw on the Internet information about medical gynecological pads. But I'm afraid to buy: suddenly I run into a fake. What to look for when choosing and how to use these gaskets correctly?

Oksana Chepurnova, Novomoskovsk

— High-quality medical pads should be packed in blister packs and subjected to sterilization.

Gaskets are simple and easy to use. After removing the protective film, it is necessary to stick the gasket to the inside of the underwear so that it comes into contact with the intimate area. It is best to use them at night.

Pads need to be changed daily. The course of prevention and treatment is usually from 10 to 20 days.

“I heard that panty liners interfere with ventilation and can provoke gynecological diseases. Is it really so?

Olga Zubkova, Ryazan

- Gaskets "for every day" can be used for intimate hygiene during the day. Especially during those hours when a woman is at work. But you can’t walk around with one pad all day long. After 4-6 hours of use, too many bacteria settle in this feminine hygiene item, which can become a trigger for inflammation in the vagina. Therefore, it is advisable to change the pads every time you visit the toilet.

In the evening, when all hygiene procedures are available, and even more so at night, there is no particular point in daily pads. Intimate organs should be periodically given a good supply of oxygen. This prevents some vaginal infections.

“I used to wash myself with plain water. Sometimes when bathing I use regular shower gel. But a friend strongly recommends that I buy a special gel for intimate places. How necessary is it?

Elena Z., Lipetsk

- If you are not worried about dryness and discomfort in the genital area, you can continue to use ordinary water. But the usual cosmetic soap and shower gel is better not to use. Products designed to cleanse the skin can change the acidity of the environment in the vagina and provoke, for example, bacterial vaginosis.

You can also purchase a special intimate hygiene product. You don't have to use it all the time. But if for some reason irritation appears in the intimate area, therapeutic and prophylactic cosmetics will help to quickly cope with it.

“Is it true that pregnant women should not wear thongs? I have a period of only 5 weeks, and I am very used to them. ”

Alina Deeva, Arkhangelsk

- Expectant mothers are advised to refuse classic thongs. Their thin strip while walking can carry pathogenic bacteria to the intimate organs. In addition, if the underwear is too tight against the skin, it can interfere with blood circulation and impair oxygen delivery.

The underwear of the expectant mother should absorb moisture well, not squeeze the stomach and allow the skin to breathe. You can use panties made of cotton with the addition of lycra and elastane or microfiber underwear. It is very important that the gusset of the panties must be made of cotton.

If you are completely uncomfortable in any underwear, except for thongs, visit a special store for pregnant women. Now they sell special thong panties for expectant mothers. They are made from 100% natural materials and have a wider band at the back.

“Is it true that there are pads that themselves reveal thrush and vaginosis?”

Galina Pavlova, Moscow

- Not so long ago, test systems were created for home diagnosis of bacterial infections. In appearance, they really resemble gaskets. Testing is pretty easy. A woman is invited to walk from 6 to 12 hours with a pad, inside of which there is an indicator strip. The duration of wearing depends on the abundance of secretions.

Then, the indicator insert is easily removed from the gasket. It must be put in a special case for 10 minutes. After that, you can immediately evaluate the result. A blue or greenish color of the indicator indicates that the woman has changed acidity parameters in the vagina. This means that there is a high probability that she suffers from bacterial vaginosis.

The test for thrush is even easier, literally in 15 minutes. You just need to insert a special tampon into the vagina, and then immerse it in a special liquid reagent. Then the swab is thrown away, and the liquid is placed in a special device. And after 10 minutes the result is ready.


Menstruation in women on average occurs within 35 years. If you count all the critical days in your entire life, then they account for about 7-8 years. During this time, the woman is forced to use hygiene products. Their quality is an inexhaustible topic for myths. Until now, it is believed that all gaskets are a source of hazardous compounds, create a greenhouse effect and contribute to the development of infectious diseases. Is it really? How to choose the right hygiene products? How to use sanitary napkins correctly so as not to harm your health? Everything every woman needs to know about pads is in our Buyer's Guide.

Are pads harmful?

There is a lot of controversy about the dangers of pads. This is largely due to the fact that the pads are in very close contact with the mucous membrane and skin of one of the most vulnerable parts of the female body. Many experts believe that they can be harmful, causing dryness, moisture, friction. So, as a result of a study conducted within the SOPHY project in Italy, a link was found between the use of pads and the frequency of gynecological diseases. In its course, 2641 women of different ages were examined, as a result, scientists came to the conclusion that women who use panty liners and sanitary pads are more likely to have candidiasis and vaginosis.

However, not all experts believe that pads can be harmful. At a meeting of the American Society for Microbiology, the results of a study of 225 healthy women who used panty liners for 6 months were presented. It showed that the pads did not affect the microflora. Note that this study is specifically for healthy women.

Nevertheless, all gynecologists unequivocally agree that pads must be breathable, they must not create a greenhouse effect and must undergo mandatory testing for the presence of toxic substances, which are specified in GOST R 52483-2005. In addition, doctors recommend regularly changing sanitary pads (as well as tampons) - every 4 hours. If you have gynecological problems, then it is better to update hygiene products more often.

Types of disposable sanitary napkins

  • Daily pads. They were created in order to ensure the cleanliness of linen in the intervals between critical days and to "insure" before their arrival.
  • Classic thick pads- the most affordable "helpers" on critical days. Their thickness is from 1 to 2 cm, so it will be difficult to leave them unnoticed. However, according to some women, they "give a sense of security."
  • Thin sanitary pads they can be invisible even under tight clothes - their thickness is up to 1 cm. Such pads will be convenient for those who do not want to embarrass themselves with anything due to the arrival of critical days.
  • Flavored pads. They can be both for critical days and for daily use. They are impregnated with special fragrances to mask the natural smell. Women willingly buy them, becoming interested in unusual aromas, and most often they are satisfied with the effect. True, there are also negative reviews: aromas may turn out to be too cloying or too unsuccessfully combined with ordinary smells. However, doctors warn that fragrances can cause irritation and allergic reactions.
  • Medical pads. They are impregnated with decoctions of herbs, which should contribute to the treatment of gynecological diseases. As a rule, they are not drugs. Such goods are offered by distributors of dietary supplements and Chinese cosmetics - those firms that sell products with "healing" properties, but without relevant research.
  • Anion pads. Pads, which, according to the developers, produce negative ions (anions), which kill bacteria and heal the body of a woman. Manufacturers promise an incredible effect: the cure of hemorrhoids, infections, uterine prolapse, normalization of pressure and uplifting mood. The supposed effect of these pads practically cancels trips to the gynecologist, but there are no reliable studies proving their healing capabilities, and the reviews about them come in the most contradictory - from laudatory to disappointed and incredulously humorous.
  • Urological pads. Slightly different from conventional pads, they are designed for women with urinary incontinence. Such ailments can occur during pregnancy, after childbirth or due to inflammatory diseases, so women resort to the help of urological pads. They quickly absorb liquid and help block odor.

However, disposable sanitary napkins are still more popular.

Degree of protection of disposable pads

Gaskets differ in the degree of protection, so in one line you can find options of different sizes and thicknesses. It is indicated on the package in the form of droplets.

The number of drops can vary from three to seven:

  • 3 drops (Light)- for scanty secretions (Always Ultra Light);
  • 4 drops (Normal or Regular)- for normal secretions (Always Ultra Normal Plus or Kotex Young Normal);
  • 5 drops(Super)- for abundant (Libresse Invisible Super, Naturella Camomile Ultra Maxi);
  • 6-7 drops(Night)— elongated pads for the night (Bella Perfecta Ultra, Always Ultra Night).

The more droplets, the more liquid the pad can absorb, and the more sorbent it contains, which absorbs moisture. Pads with absorbency levels of six and seven drops can be used at night, they are the longest and almost completely cover the linen, which is ideal for preventing leakage during sleep.

Gaskets have been improving for about a century, each new addition makes the gasket more comfortable and reliable:

  • Wings. They allow you to attach the gasket on the sides - this is an additional protection against leakage.
  • Anatomical shape. Many manufacturers try to fit the shape of the pad to the shape of the body so that it is more invisible under clothing.
  • Velcro. Helps pads to securely attach to underwear.
  • Sides. These are small protrusions along the edges of the gasket that appear when it starts to get wet and prevent the liquid from flowing.
  • Individual packing. It is used in more elaborate pads. Each pad is wrapped in a separate cellophane bag to protect against germs and contaminants. This is very convenient - small envelopes can be put in the pocket of the bag without fear that the gasket will get dirty.

Materials of disposable pads

Upper layer. It is in contact with the skin, so it should be soft, pleasant to the touch and quickly absorb moisture. It can be a non-woven layer made of cotton or microfiber, or a soft porous mesh made of polyethylene. The pores are funnel-shaped so that the liquid easily penetrates inside and does not flow out. Many women prefer the top layer to be made from cotton. They like that it is natural and feels nicer to the touch than polymer mesh. Opponents of "cotton" pads, on the contrary, say that such pads are less absorbent and often cause irritation and allergic reactions.

Middle absorbent layer. Contains absorbent material that turns liquid into a gel. As a rule, this is a combination of cellulose and a superabsorbent (for example, sodium polyacrylate). This layer must always be evenly distributed in the gasket and allow air to pass through in order to avoid the greenhouse effect. Unfortunately, there are often pads in which the middle layer is knocked to one side, of course, this does not speak in favor of the quality of this product.

Bottom layer. Prevents moisture from getting on linen. It is on this layer that Velcro is attached. Some models use ordinary polyethylene as the bottom layer. It is easy to guess that such a gasket will create a humid and warm environment that promotes the growth of bacteria. Therefore, it is better to choose a gasket that will allow air and steam to pass through.

How to use pads correctly?

After a few hours of use, a huge amount of bacteria forms on the surface of the pad, it is they who cause discomfort and an unpleasant odor. On critical days, a woman's body is weakened, and if bacteria get inside, the risk of developing inflammatory diseases increases greatly. Therefore, you need to change the gasket as often as possible, preferably every 3-4 hours. It is best to choose the right level of protection: for heavy secretions, a pad with Normal or Super protection, and for lean days, Light or daily, so that there is no temptation to use it longer than it should be.

We tested popular pads for their intended purpose and found that some of them barely absorb moisture. The tests were carried out in accordance with GOST R 52483-2005, you can see the results in the rating of gaskets.

In order not to endanger your health, it is important to follow a few simple rules:

  1. Wash your hands before attaching the pad. Even if you don't think you're touching the inside, there's always a risk of getting bacteria onto it - especially if you've come in from the street or used the restroom at work.
  2. Store gaskets in a dry place. The most unsuitable place for this is the bathroom, where bacteria can quickly multiply in warm, humid air.
  3. Watch the expiration date. Intimate hygiene products should be used only within the period indicated on the packaging.
  4. Do not take pads from promoters. It is not known what their expiration date is and under what conditions they were stored before falling into your hands.
  5. Do not use medicated pads without your doctor's approval. You don't know how it might affect your condition or interact with other medications, so be careful.
  6. Change pads on time. Don't skimp on your health. As we wrote above, bacteria quickly multiply on the surface of the pads in a warm and humid environment, so for a period of scarce discharge, it is better to buy pads that absorb less, their price is usually lower.

Other types of hygiene products

If you do not like or do not fit disposable pads, then you can opt for other hygiene products.

  • Tampons. This is rolled cotton with a string that is inserted into the vagina and absorbs secretions. There is also a lot of controversy about their safety: some experts say that tampons contribute to the development of gynecological diseases, others say that if they are changed on time, then there is no danger. In addition, it is believed that tampons can contain asbestos, dioxins and cause toxic shock. This myth dates back to the last century. In those days, after bleaching cotton and viscose, harmful impurities could remain in tampons. However, after these substances were discovered, the purification of the original components began to be different. Now, according to a report from the FDA (Food and Drug Administration in the United States), not even trace amounts of asbestos and dioxins are found in tampons.
  • Menstrual cups or mouthguards. Small, reusable silicone cups that, like tampons, are placed inside the vagina and collect menstrual blood. This type of protection is especially popular with women with heavy discharge.
  • Reusable sanitary napkins. These are fabric pads with a replaceable inner layer. Manufacturers are promoting them as a safer way to protect during critical days because the fabric surface is more breathable. Among the disadvantages, according to women's reviews, is the need for frequent (very voluminous and partially manual) washing, a large thickness that is difficult to hide under tight clothing. In addition, it is not easy to buy reusable pads - most often they are available only in online stores.

Therapeutic Chinese pads have an incredible healing effect on the female body and are suitable for the treatment of many gynecological diseases. Chinese healers believe that for healing you need to use only those gifts that nature gives us. Thanks to the accumulated experience of thousands of years, as well as the latest innovative technologies, Chinese pads have appeared that have a healing effect. In this article, we will consider all the features of this product, as well as reviews of gynecologists and patients about it.

Impact principle

Chinese pads contain herbal ingredients that are able to be absorbed through the mucous membrane of the female external genitalia. Evaporating phytoncides have an invaluable effect on the female body. Do not worry about the safety of such products, as they are made only from high-quality sterile materials.

Gaskets are made according to the latest techniques, using silver ions and herbal solutions. Such components allow you to fight many gynecological diseases. However, gynecologists do not recommend relying only on them. Every woman should visit the doctor regularly. There are many diseases that Chinese pads cannot cope with. However, using them in preventive measures can have a very good effect.

Silver ions are not in vain part of such a product. This element does not allow viruses and bacteria to develop, as it is able to destroy the membranes of pathological cells, as well as viral DNA. Thanks to this effect, all alien organisms begin to be destroyed.

Chinese medical pads: main properties

Before buying this product, carefully study its properties, and also consult a gynecologist in order not to harm your body.

According to the instructions for use, gaskets have the following properties:

With regular use, they establish;
- tone the female genital organs and pelvic organs;
- affect the increase in the protective functions of the body;
- have healing and anti-inflammatory effects;

Influence the microflora of the genital organs;

In what cases can you use

Gynecologists in no case advise self-medication. Do not forget that the advanced stages of many diseases cannot be cured using Chinese medical pads. Therefore, before using them, still look at an appointment with a gynecologist.

According to the instructions, this tool can be used in such cases:

Viral, bacterial fungal diseases of the female genital organs;
- ;
- and other diseases of an inflammatory nature;
- ;
- rectal fissures;
- ;
- decrease in the functions of the immune system;

Decreased female libido.

Are there any contraindications

Ladies who use Chinese pads to treat women's diseases are very pleased with the results. The microflora is really getting better, the unpleasant odor disappears, and the discharge returns to normal. However, not all gynecologists recommend using these pads for all patients.

However, there are some contraindications for use:

  • in no case should such products be used by women who have allergic reactions to the herbs that make up the composition, as well as to silver ions;
  • also, pads are prohibited for pregnant and lactating women;
  • doctors strongly do not recommend using products three days before the onset of menstruation and four more for after them.

Do not ignore these prohibitions, otherwise your sexual health can only get worse.

Instructions for use

Reviews of gynecologists say that Chinese pads will have a positive effect only if they are used correctly.

Each item is individually sealed. Open it up and stick the adhesive back to your underwear, just like you do with regular panty liners. Try to place the product so that most of it falls exactly on the problematic focus. Use a new pad every day. Please note that such a product is sterilized by gamma rays, so it should be used immediately after the individual packaging has been opened. One pad is able to have an active effect on the female body during the day. After the expiration of this period, its positive impact stops. If you are trying to defeat acute ailments, then use two pads daily. However, in this case, Chinese products should be only an auxiliary method of treatment. In addition, antibiotics and other drugs may be needed.

Zi Mei Shu Chinese pads should be used immediately after you open the individual packaging. After all, the active substances begin to evaporate immediately, so the product will simply lose its therapeutic effect.

Some nuances

In the first few hours after the start of use, when the pads come into contact with the delicate skin of intimate areas, a slight burning or tingling sensation may be observed. Do not worry, such an effect should be present. This indicates that the pads have begun to act. This effect usually lasts about six to ten hours and goes away on its own. In fact, allergic reactions to this product are very rare in women, so do not worry. However, if you notice redness on the skin, then immediately stop using this remedy.

As a rule, the course of treatment lasts about twenty to thirty days. The treatment is so long, since the pads contain natural herbs, and the treatment of ailments with their use usually takes quite a long time.

The composition of the drug contains only natural ingredients and silver ions, so it will not cause addiction and will have a very mild effect on your body.

Chinese gaskets: reviews

Every day Chinese medical products are becoming more and more popular, and for good reason, because they are really high quality and effective. However, do not hope that they will help you with serious illnesses. Reviews of gynecologists about Chinese pads are ambiguous. On the one hand, the remedy is really effective, especially when providing a preventive effect. However, you should not hope that by using such pads, you will get rid of cervical erosion or other serious diseases that are treated surgically or with the help of serious medications.

According to women, this remedy can alleviate the condition during menstruation, and also eliminates unpleasant odors. But it is not able to cope with serious gynecological diseases.

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