Can a crown hurt? The king is under attack! What to do if a tooth hurts under a crown. The healing power of oregano

Sometimes after a visit to the dentist, eating, drinking or not apparent reason toothache under the crown. You should not treat this circumstance without attention, even if the pain is weak, it is advisable to visit the doctor again. Timely treatment will save you from possible complications.

Causes of pain

The crown is put on the pre-depulped tooth, after which the structure is fixed on the dead tooth. If the nerve is removed poorly before the prosthesis procedure, and caries progresses, then inflammation of the nerve may begin, in medicine it is referred to as pulpitis.

Modern dental materials not only protect problem tooth from destructive mechanical and thermal influences, but also serve as a reliable barrier against the penetration of pathogenic microbes.

With pain in a pulpless tooth, it can be assumed that the periodontium or gums are inflamed.

Why does a tooth hurt under a crown? There are a number of reasons why crown pain may occur:

  1. Poor preparation for putting on a crown. Poor quality filling cavity or root canal;
  2. When installing the pin, there may have been a perforation of the root canal;
  3. If the prosthesis is weakly adjacent to the tooth surface or to the gum surface;
  4. Penetration into the root canal of debris from the instrument;
  5. Damage or wear of the material after installation of the crown from which it is made.

If the crown is installed correctly, it should fit snugly against the tooth without leaving gaps and crevices, so food debris cannot penetrate under it. In cases where the crown is damaged or loose, food debris regularly accumulates between the gum (and (or) tooth surface) and the crown. Created favorable environment for the development of pathogenic bacteria. There is inflammation or secondary caries leading to tooth decay. The tooth under the crown suddenly starts to hurt.

Prosthetic material should not put pressure on the tooth either. When inconvenience, the dentist eliminates the problem. If he doubts the quality of the work done, then an additional x-ray of the tooth should be taken.

Separately, it is worth mentioning an incorrectly installed crown. Because of this, the patient may experience the following complaints:

  1. There is pain when biting, slight pressure on the tooth and other actions. In its upper part, purulent contents form at the root, in which case the gum hurts;
  2. Flux (swelling at the base of the tooth), if left untreated, provokes loosening of the tooth;
  3. The fistula is formed due to the accumulation of pus at the top of the root. A hole appears on the gum, in which pus accumulates and exits into the oral cavity, while the person experiences temporary relief.

The reasons, if they are not eliminated in time, will manifest themselves even when installed prosthesis. There is a risk of developing periodontitis (cysts) under the crown. Symptoms of this disease are manifested in the form of pain.

Only X-ray It will help to identify a cavity filled with pus, which is why a timely visit to the dentist is so important when pain and discomfort appear.

If a tooth ached under the crown, then what to do? First, contact your dentist immediately, and if he is sure of natural origin pain, you can use folk remedies.

Treatment of a tooth under a crown

Tooth treatment is carried out depending on the location of the pain. If a living tooth hurts under the crown, and it becomes sensitive to hot or cold, besides, the pain is acute - all this indicates the beginning of the development of caries, which is treated by the dentist. The doctor can drill into the prosthesis and remove the affected tissue. The hole is then sealed with a permanent filling.

With a removed nerve, the pain is aching and radiates to the temple or ear. If there is an installed pin, then an operation is performed to remove the root tip. In the absence of a pin and in the presence of a filling, the crown is opened, the old filling is removed, the space is cleaned, and then medicine is placed in the tooth. After a few days, a permanent filling is placed.

At incorrect installation the prosthesis is deformed, then the gum becomes inflamed. Also, food can get under the crown, which also leads to an inflammatory process. The problem is solved after opening the crown. Here, a complete tooth extraction is possible.

Every time you go to the dentist, ask him to check the condition of the crowns, adjacent teeth, and the condition of the gums. It is advisable to take a panoramic x-ray of the entire jaw every five years.

Folk methods of treatment

Folk methods can only be effective when toothache occurs due to adaptation to the crown of the mucous or bone.

In some situations, only a doctor can help, and the lost time will turn into serious problems with health!

Here are some folk tips:

  1. Rinse your mouth with a decoction of sage. This herb has antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and hemostatic properties. Pour 1 tbsp. herbs 1 cup boiling water and leave for at least 15 minutes. Rinse your mouth with warm liquid. According to the same scheme, oregano is brewed;
  2. Soda and salt will also help with pain under the crown. 1 tsp dissolves in 1 glass of water. soda or 0.5 tsp is taken per glass of water. soda and salt. Rinse the aching tooth with a solution;
  3. In order for the rinsing to be correct, you should take the healing liquid into your mouth so that the aching tooth is completely covered with it, hold it for five seconds in your mouth, and then spit it out;
  4. Take a pill. Surely the dentist warned you in advance that prosthetics can be painful. In this case, if a tooth hurts, medicines such as Nurofen, Tempalgin and others will help;
  5. A pinch of coffee sprinkled on sore spot. This method is good before going to the doctor to calm severe pain. After 20-30 minutes, the pain of the tooth should subside;
  6. Application of calamus root. It must be brewed with boiling water, then cool and rinse the oral cavity so that the diseased tooth is completely under the healing liquid. The decoction is kept in the mouth for up to 15 minutes. It can also strengthen the gums.

Applying folk ways, remember that they are good for high-quality installation of the prosthesis. If there is pain under the prosthesis, visit the dentist.

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are the drug of choice for relieving toothache. These drugs have not only analgesic, but also anti-inflammatory effects. However, prolonged uncontrolled use should be avoided due to the risk of side effects. Rinsing with anti-inflammatory infusions will help not only remove food debris from oral cavity but also relieve pain.

Prevention of pain under the crown

If all the doctor's actions were correct, but the patient has a very low pain threshold, you can take a number of measures to prevent the occurrence of pain after prosthetics:

  1. Regularly brush your teeth in the morning and evening with “brushing” movements, while each tooth and the space between them is processed. Additionally, brush over the surface of the tongue and the inside of the cheeks. First remove food debris with a thread;
  2. It is advisable to rinse your mouth with a mouthwash after brushing. fresh breath, this will eliminate the remaining bacteria;
  3. After eating, so that pain does not develop, rinse your mouth with warm water;
  4. Toothbrush should be changed every 3 months;
  5. The stiffness of the bristles of the brush is selected according to preference. Some people like a hard surface, others prefer a medium hardness. And if you have sensitive enamel then choose soft bristles;
  6. In order not to face pain under the crown, rinse your mouth with decoctions of calendula, sage, chamomile, mint, they not only soothe the gums, but also have an anti-inflammatory effect.

These ways of dealing with toothache will help keep the rest of your teeth healthy. Save painkillers as a last resort.

Treatment of a diseased tooth

In this case, the treatment will last long enough - about two months, since treatment of the focus of inflammation is required. The tooth will most likely be saved and re-prosthesis will be carried out.

AT rare cases you can avoid removing the crown from the tooth and refuse to re-fill the canals. Resection of a poorly sealed root apex is performed by a dental surgeon. The duration of the intervention is from 30 to 60 minutes.

If a flux or cyst has formed, then after opening the crown, the dentist will prescribe treatment with antibacterial and anti-inflammatory drugs. The preservation of the tooth will depend on its condition.

No need to be afraid of re-prosthetics. Strive to save the tooth, not dental crown.

In order for the crown to last for a long time and not cause discomfort, it is necessary to ensure that food does not get under it, do not loosen it and do not press too hard. Good health to you!

The most popular type of prosthetics is the installation of a dental crown. The prosthesis not only restores the destroyed tooth, but also contributes to full recovery its functions. Modern materials allow you to protect tissues from the temperature when eating, and also play the role of a barrier to pathogenic bacteria.

However, after the procedure, patients often re-apply to a specialist due to the fact that the tooth hurts under the crown. A person can face a problem immediately or after a few years: he does not know why he appeared pain syndrome and what to do to eliminate discomfort.

Causes of pain in the tooth under the crown

If a tooth hurts under the crown after prosthetics, then the reason is the improper preparation for the procedure. In 60-70% of cases, the canals are not sealed thoroughly or are poorly cleaned. The reason for the appearance of pain also lies in the process of manufacturing the prosthesis, violations of the rules for turning, or its installation on the tooth. Bacteria can accumulate under the crown if it does not cover the neck of the tooth tightly enough - with a living tooth, there is a possibility of inflammation of the nerve.

Poor quality filling

The most common cause of pain is an improperly performed filling procedure. When the tooth is dead, and the root canal is filled with material not up to the top, then bacteria accumulate in the resulting cavity, which lead to infection and, subsequently, to the formation of a purulent focus.

Another common problem is the loose filling of the canal with a filling substance. In the remaining pores are collected pathogenic bacteria that can quickly cause inflammation. In both cases, the cause of the disease can be identified only with x-rays.

Perforation of one of the channels

The tooth root has one physiological opening - at the top. The other hole is an artificially created perforation. It occurs when improper processing channel, when the dentist's instrument makes perpendicular movements, leading to the appearance of holes.

Also, the cause is incorrect installation of the pin. The pin itself can also make a hole if the doctor makes mistakes when fixing it. Perforation causes sharp pain and bad smell. The patient's gums become inflamed.

Other causes of toothache

Unpleasant sensations are manifested due to medical error, improper care behind the oral cavity, the appearance of wounds on the gums. If you experience discomfort, you should immediately contact a specialist to mild pain when pressed and mild inflammation did not develop into an infection, due to which you can lose a tooth.

The causes of pain can be different:

  1. Breakage of the dentist's instrument due to incorrect procedure or curvature of the root canal. Foreign object remains in the hole during filling.
  2. The crown was placed incorrectly. When the prosthesis is overestimated by bite, the teeth do not close, inflammation occurs over time. If the gum hurts, then the structure either goes under it or does not reach its edge (we recommend reading:).
  3. The pain of the tooth under the prosthesis is associated with inflammation near the root apex and the appearance of pus. Unpleasant sensations arise when the patient tries to bite, chew. When a focus of inflammation is found on initial stage or in chronic stage pain may be absent.
  4. Incorrect turning without cooling adjacent tissues. A doctor's mistake leads to the development of pulpitis.
  5. Periostitis or flux (we recommend reading:). Inflammation of the periosteum, characterized by the appearance of a tumor on the gum. The tooth is removed if there is no way to save it.
  6. If periostitis is not treated, a fistula appears under the crown. Pus accumulates at the top of the tooth root and eventually breaks through the bone and mucous membrane, leaving the oral cavity. The fistula can drag on itself, but become inflamed again with a decrease in immunity.
  7. Cyst - last stage periodontitis. With prolonged inflammation at the top of the root, a tumor forms - a cavity with a fibrous membrane filled with pus. Pain is felt when pressed, the gums periodically swell (we recommend reading:).

Diagnostic methods

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At the stage of prosthetics, an orthopedic dentist and a dentist-therapist work with the patient. If the treatment is incorrect, the patient may need to re-treat the disturbing area. To detect the neglect of the disease, the patient is sent for x-ray or computed tomography, on which depend further actions specialist.


When pain occurs, the dentist directs the patient to take an x-ray. It helps to identify the presence of a foreign body (part of the instrument), the area of ​​tooth damage, the depth of infection. The study helps in assessing the quality of the filling, the fit of the material to the cavity, the treatment plan and the possibility of access to the infected area are determined.

External examination of a diseased tooth

The specialist conducts visual inspection to determine if there is a problem and give a referral for an x-ray. During an external examination, the doctor assesses the condition of the tooth: is it loose, is there swelling, by palpation, the presence of tumors on the gums is detected.

Visually, the dentist can only assess the consequences of inflammation, the correctness of the turning at the junction with the gum, see the fistula, ulcers, but to understand the root cause, you need to do a hardware study.

Is there pain when pressed or bitten?

If it hurts to press on a prosthetic tooth, then the sensations are often caused not by the tooth itself, but by the gums around it. A similar feeling of pain causes a bridge when chewing. This may be due to the fact that the "tooth with a ledge" system was not used in the preparation. The edge of the crown should not lie on the gum, but on the tooth, moreover, with plug-in bridge structures, the gum dries out due to the lack of a root.

Pain when biting may be indicative of carious cavities. It is important not to exclude inflammation resulting from insufficient sanitation of the oral cavity and infection.

The nature of the pain - pulling or aching?

Unpleasant sensations depending on the disease may be different. When a tooth pulls, the cause is inflammation of its soft tissues, periodontitis. Pain when chewing appears due to too much deep cavity the tooth from which the nerve is to be removed. If it twitches and gives to the jaw, the problem may be the appearance of a cyst.

Aching sensations appear with an infection in the canals, an incompletely cleaned pulp, perforation, underexposure or removal beyond the root filling material. Pain after installation is a typical reaction to tissue injury.

Tooth treatment

In the presence of discomfort, the specialist finds out the cause of the pain: improper prosthetics, poor-quality cleaning of the channel, the formation of caries or stone, chronic inflammation. Treatment through a crown does not guarantee complete removal infected tissues, so in most cases the design is removed.

Removal of the crown and full sanitation

A few years after the installation of the prosthesis, the tooth under the crown begins to ache or hurt. Is it possible to carry out the treatment without removing the crown? There are 3 options for saving the prosthesis:

AT advanced cases you will have to part with the prosthesis, since it is impossible to carry out high-quality cleaning of the canal. The pain disappears after re-filling, removal of tartar and reinstallation orthopedic construction. The crown is deformed, so you need to make a new one ceramic-metal prosthesis that meets all requirements. When the tooth is completely destroyed, it will be removed by a specialist.

How to relieve pain at home?

If a tooth aches after installing a crown, and the patient cannot get to the doctor, you can relieve the pain at home. Convenient to apply simple means, which are at home or can be easily purchased at a pharmacy without a prescription.

Anastasia Vorontsova

It often happens that after prosthetics, the patient notes discomfort in the oral cavity associated with the presence of pain.

Availability similar condition requires immediate dental attention.

If there is a toothache under the crown, then this is a reason to visit a doctor and go through necessary treatment to rule out possible complications.

Why does a tooth hurt under a crown

In most cases, before installing a dental crown, the teeth are depulped. Subsequently on dead tooth fixation of the dental structure.

If the nerve was not removed before the prosthesis of the tooth, then in the presence of insufficiently well-treated caries, inflammation of the nerve (pulpitis) may develop.

In the case when a depulped tooth hurts , then we can talk about inflammation of the periodontium or gums.

There can be several causes of pain:

  • Insufficient preparation of teeth for prosthetics. Poorly sealed cavity and root canals.
  • If there was a pin installation, then the possibility of perforation of the root canal is not excluded.
  • The absence of a snug fit of the crown to the surface of the tooth and gum, which indicates a poor-quality installation of the denture.
  • A fragment of the instrument entered the root canal.
  • Crown damage or wear.

Poor tooth preparation

Before prosthetics, in most cases, teeth are depulped, followed by root canal filling.

Canal filling is carried out according to certain standards, the implementation of which prevents the formation inflammatory process.

The inflammatory process can develop both when the canals are not filled up to the root apex, or when the filling is not tight enough, with the presence of voids.

Poor installation

With incomplete fit of the crown to the tooth, wear and tear of the prosthesis between the surface of the tooth and the gum, food particles may accumulate, which contributes to the favorable reproduction of pathogenic microflora.

As a result, an inflammatory process and secondary caries begin to develop, leading to tooth decay and decay.

Perforation of the canal walls

Perforation is an artificially created hole in the tooth.

Perforations can result from:

  • Instrumental processing of the canal, when the tool for expansion did not go along the root canal, but moved perpendicularly and passed through the wall.
  • Non-compliance with the techniques and installation of the pin in the root canal.

Tool break

When preparing a tooth for prosthetics during root canal treatment, with insufficient observance of the technique of using instruments by a doctor, the instrument breaks down.

As a result, debris may remain in the channel, which will subsequently cause inflammation.

  • This can happen if the instrument is rotated more than 120 degrees while working in the canal. This is explained by the presence of channel curvature.
  • If the doctor uses instruments that have already been used for root canal treatment, this increases the risk of instrument breakage. In Europe and America, these instruments are disposable and must not be reused.
  • With a strong curvature of the channels. AT this case there is no fault of the doctor, since the treatment of such channels is risky in itself. But it still has to be done.

The whole problem is that it is practically impossible to extract the chip. The presence of a fragment prevents high-quality filling, which leads to the development of an inflammatory process, as a result, a tooth aches under the crown and the gum hurts.

Signs of poor tooth preparation

According to statistics, in 60-70% of cases it is poor quality training teeth for prosthetics.

Symptoms of inflammation when standards are violated when preparing a tooth for a crown:

  • Pain under the crown.

Increased sensitivity of the tooth and pain under the crown is associated with the presence of a purulent inflammatory focus.

The formation of pus leads to pressure and bursting of the tissues, causing pain.

When chronic course There may be no pain in the process if there is no pressure on the tooth. When pressure is applied to the tooth, pain occurs.

  • Swelling of the gums, the formation of a flux under the prosthesis also indicate the presence of an inflammatory process on the apical part of the root.

In the presence of pus, pain and tooth mobility may join.

  • The formation of a fistula under the crown is accompanied by swelling of the gums, cheeks and surrounding tissues, and an increase in body temperature.
Photo: Tooth cyst under the crown

Due to periodontal abscess, the resulting pus has strong pressure tissue, causing pain.

With weakened immunity, active formation of pus occurs, which, breaking through the bone tissue and mucous membrane, enters the oral cavity.

As a result, a fistula is formed through which pus comes out and can be swallowed with saliva.

Gradually, the acute phase subsides. The fistula can gradually drag on, but when the immune system is weakened, inflammation develops again.

  • Cyst under the crown of the tooth.

It is an extreme degree of chronic periodontitis.

This is a cavity in bone tissue, lined with a fibrous membrane in which pus accumulates.

Symptoms this complication are: swelling of the gums, pain when biting or pressing on the tooth.

The cyst may periodically increase in size.

Video: "How to relieve a toothache"


If a crown is placed and the tooth hurts, urgent medical intervention is necessary.

This is the only way to save the tooth. Based on the x-ray taken, the doctor will be able to put correct diagnosis and prescribe appropriate treatment.

It must be remembered that if a tooth aches under the crown, then this serious symptom and if you do not go to the dentist, but self-medicate, there is a high probability of losing precious time.

How to relieve the condition before visiting the dentist

In order to relieve pain, dentists recommend the use of medications and non-pharmacological remedies.

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are used to relieve pain medications.

They also have an anti-inflammatory effect.

However, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) long time not recommended due to increased risk development side effects.

For rinsing, you can use:

  • soda solution: Dissolve 2 g of soda in 100 ml of slightly warm boiled water.
  • Infusions: calendula, sage, oak bark, chamomile flowers. One tablespoon of dry plants pour 250 ml of boiling water and heat in a water bath for fifteen minutes.

These remedies can only alleviate the condition, but cannot eliminate the cause that caused the inflammation.

Treatment of a diseased tooth

Treatment should be carried out by a doctor.

  • If the cause of the pain is a developed pulpitis, then the crown will have to be removed and treated. Antibiotics and anti-inflammatory therapy are usually prescribed. After the course of treatment is fully completed, it is possible to carry out repeated prosthetics.
  • In case of poor-quality canal filling, you will also need to remove the crown. Treatment in this case will be quite long and will last approximately two months. It is likely that the tooth will be saved and the crown will be re-installed after treatment. When performing resection of the root apex, it is possible not to re-fill the canals and there is no need to remove the structure. During the operation, the surgeon, through a small hole drilled in the bone, cuts off the focus of inflammation with purulent contents. The operation saves time and eliminates other manipulations, and, which is also important: from unnecessary financial costs.
  • In the presence of a flux or cyst, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory treatment is performed. It is difficult to say whether the tooth will be preserved or not, the result will depend on its condition.
  • Even in the case when the tooth under the crown does not hurt all the time, you still need to see a doctor to rule out tooth decay. If the tooth is already rotted, then the doctor removes the crown, cleans the cavity and puts in its place artificial tooth. This process is quite long and painful.

Only passing full course treatment, you can be sure that with repeated prosthetics, the toothache will not return, but just in case, it is better to change the dentist to a more professional one.

Difficulties that may arise during treatment

  • If the root canal was fixed with a pin, then some difficulties may arise during its extraction. Complications such as perforation, root fracture and, as a result, tooth extraction are not excluded.
  • Carrying out re-sealing of the root canals is possible only after removing the old fillings. Unfilling is a rather complicated procedure, often leading to root perforation.
  • A problematic tooth after unsealing requires the treatment of an inflammatory focus, only after that a second filling is carried out.

Prevention measures

  • In order to carry out prosthetics without subsequent problems, you should contact specialized clinics to qualified specialists.
  • An experienced dentist controls all stages of prosthetics with X-rays. This makes it possible to exclude such moments as loose filling of the cavity and root and underfilling of canals, the possibility of perforation, as well as the presence of granulomas, cysts, etc.
  • Well-installed dental crowns usually last long enough that their owners sometimes forget about it. It is believed that the service life of the most common crowns is approximately 5 years. Subsequently, they may begin various problems associated with the wear of structures, overload, insufficient care of the crown.
  • It is recommended to visit the dentist every six months to keep the condition of the prosthesis, the tooth under the crown and the surrounding gums under control.
  • Five years after the installation of the structure, it would be nice to take an x-ray of the tooth to assess its condition.
  • To avoid the occurrence of complications also allows the correct hygiene care behind the mouth.

Video: “A tooth hurts under a crown. Should I take it off?"

A crown helps to save a broken or repeatedly filled tooth. This prosthesis, which covers the upper surface of the tooth, helps to restore chewing and aesthetic function. In addition, with a crown placed on a support unit, it is possible to strengthen the bridge in order not to place implants. However, what to do if the tooth under the crown suddenly starts to whine? Remove the prosthesis and remove the unit with the root or treat conservatively? Why does inflammation occur in a closed tooth?

Pain under the crown: probable causes

It would seem that the crown reliably protects the tooth from external influences. If the tooth is dead, then there is nothing to hurt at all. However pain possible. How did it happen? What exactly can hurt?

It must be remembered that pain after turning and installing a prosthesis for a short time is quite natural. A person must adapt to a foreign body in the oral cavity. This is especially difficult in the case when prosthetics have been postponed for a long time. Not only are they changing taste sensations and diction, there is discomfort when eating. However discomfort pass quickly.

The appearance of pain after the end of the addiction period indicates inflammation. Living nerve reacts to it aching pain, aggravated by biting hard food. If the pulp is removed, the gums may hurt. There can be several reasons for inflammation.

The tooth was not properly treated

Before installing the crown, the tooth is carefully treated. Depending on the type of prosthesis and the chosen technique, the dentist removes or leaves the nerve alive. In the first case, sensitive fibers are removed from the channels and connective tissue, the canal is carefully sealed. In the second case, the tooth must be cleaned and filled with high quality, there should not be any traces of caries in it.

Incomplete cleaning, the use of poor-quality material to fill the channels can lead to pain.

The cause of future troubles can also be a pulp burn that occurs from contact with a hot instrument, when air-water cooling is not used during tooth preparation.

Toothache under the crown also occurs if the filling mass is not brought to the end of the root canal or has gone beyond the root. An incorrectly installed crown can also cause pain. Elevation of the prosthesis above the line of teeth will lead to injury to the jaw. Such a mistake by the dentist will also affect the work of the temporomandibular joint. The tooth will ache even when the crown protrudes too much above the gum line or is too deep into the gum.

The presence of voids in the filling

A tooth hurts under the crown even if the canal was sealed poorly during the preparation of the tooth for prosthetics. The remaining free space in it will become an ideal place for the reproduction of pathogens. As a result, a periapical abscess will begin - purulent inflammation in the upper part of the root, having the appearance of a granuloma or cyst.

Loose filling of the root will also lead to the development of the inflammatory process. The process will also start at the top of the root. An x-ray will allow the doctor to identify the voids left by the doctor.

Sometimes a fistula is formed on the gum - a channel connecting the abscess with the outer space (see also:). It remains to figure out what to do. When it hurts to press or bite, and there is no way to immediately go to the doctor, you should try to relieve the pain yourself at home:

  1. The most common folk remedy is rinsing. Soda solution - the most available remedy, its components are always at hand. One teaspoon per glass of warm boiled water - and the rinse is ready. Rinse should be 3 to 5 times a day. Soda will not only soothe the pain, but also disinfect the affected area.
  2. Herbs will help too. Beneficial features Sage has long been used specifically for toothache. A tablespoon of dry grass is poured into 200 ml of boiling water and kept in a water bath for 15 minutes. After cooling, the infusion is used for rinsing. You need to use it often, once every 5-10 minutes, until the pain subsides. Oregano is brewed in the same way. This herb is an excellent antiseptic. Sometimes it can even replace antibiotics.
  3. Calamus baths are also good. The roots are poured with water and brought to a boil. After cooling the broth to the temperature of fresh milk, baths are made. To do this, the broth is simply typed into the mouth and held for 15-20 minutes. Helps relieve pain, especially in field conditions, mashed plantain leaf. It should be put in the ear on the side where the bad tooth is located.

Home remedies are only good for relieving the condition. It will not be possible to cure a tooth with their help, a trip to the doctor cannot be avoided. Only a specialist, a dentist, can prevent complications and try to save a tooth.

It sometimes happens that a tooth hurts under a crown, and the only thing that worries a person at such a moment is how to relieve pain at home?

It would seem that a depulped tooth cannot cause pain, but everything is not as simple as it initially appears. Therefore, the only true way out in this situation is to visit the dentist.

What to do if you can't get to the dentist? How to reduce discomfort? How can you help yourself? In this article, we will deal with these difficult questions.

The reasons

Usually, before installing crowns, the nerve must be removed. An artificial cap is attached to a tooth devoid of sensitivity, which performs the functional and aesthetic properties of the missing tooth.

There are situations when the doctor did not do depulpation before the prosthetics of the tooth. There are certain indications for this, depending on the type of tooth-replacing structure chosen, age and health status. Then inflammation of the neurovascular bundle, called pulpitis, can develop.

Sometimes a dead tooth, in which the nerve was previously removed, begins to hurt under the crown. The cause of such a complication must be sought in the tissues surrounding the tooth. Why are they worried?

  • there is a gap between the tooth stump and the crown;
  • poor quality endodontic treatment;
  • gum disease and periodontitis;
  • pathological changes on the root of the tooth.

Pulpless tooth, provided quality treatment, has no sensitivity, so it cannot bring pain. More often, the pain comes from the periapical tissues located deep in the jawbone.

This happens for the following reasons:

  • not the entire nerve was removed from the canal - sometimes the root system has an atypical structure, while it consists of small branches or is curved. With this arrangement, the nerve is difficult to fully extract and the end fibers remain in the canal. They can give pain;
  • poor quality of filling - in case of leaky filling of the root canal, they penetrate into it from the oral cavity or near-root tissues pathogenic microorganisms, provoking inflammatory processes;
  • breakage of the instrument - they break due to inaccurate and inaccurate work with instruments in the canal of the tooth. It is not possible to extract this fragment and foreign body does not allow dense filling of the root system. Pressing on a tooth causes pain calm state the patient is not disturbed;
  • perforation - with excessively curved canals, the integrity of the wall often occurs if the doctor uses unsuitable tools for work, or works with them without following the established recommendations;
  • periodontitis - the presence of a constant source of infection and periodontal pockets, contributes to the fact that microbes enter the tooth through the edge of the gum. The patient complains that his gums itch. If you do not take action, then after a while the patient may;
  • cyst on the root - the formation at the top of the root gives a pain reaction in case of exacerbation and accession of a purulent infection.

A tooth hurts under a crown: how to relieve pain?

Most often, in a relaxed state of the jaw, nothing bothers, but when chewing, an unpleasant pain reaction occurs.

Help to fight in the tooth:

  • medicinal preparations;
  • phytotherapy;
  • medical manipulations.

Difficulties arise especially during pregnancy, because expectant mother many drugs are banned. They will come to the rescue folk methods based on the anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects of plants. The position is not a contraindication for treatment, on the contrary, the qualified actions of a specialist will help remove the source of pain and will not harm the child.

What to do if a tooth hurts under a crown when pressed?

The right decision would be to visit the dentist, he will prescribe to make an aiming or. After a thorough examination of the x-ray image, the doctor will find what caused the pain of this nature, and will carry out the appropriate treatment.

It should be understood that retreatment of a tooth is not an easy and lengthy process, so you need to be patient. If you leave a tooth covered with a crown without medical intervention, then you can not only lose it. Further development purulent process leads to serious problems.

In most cases, pressure pain indicates the development of periodontitis, an inflammatory process localized at the root apex.

  1. Unsealing the tooth canal and thorough cleaning of necrotic masses, after which the dentist will re-fill the tooth cavity. When the quality of treatment is confirmed by X-ray, you can start turning and making a new crown.
  2. Resection of the root apex is performed when there is either a cavity with purulent contents surrounding the apical foramen. The advantage of this treatment option is the preservation of the integrity of the crown.
  3. Tooth extraction - such an outcome is possible in complex and advanced cases, when the treatment does not bring results. For example, a crown has been on the tooth for many years, and the patient did not turn to the dentist for treatment in a timely manner.

Folk methods

If a tooth hurts under a crown, you can relieve pain at home, or rather, alleviate it, folk remedies are used for this.

Recipes for making rinses and lotions:

  • soda-salt rinse - 7-10 gr. Pour salt and soda into a glass and pour 250 ml of warm boiled water, mix well to achieve complete dissolution. You can use it as needed, but not less than 3-4 times a day;
  • herbal decoction - pour crushed and dried chamomile flowers with boiling water at the rate of 1 tsp. per 250 ml of liquid, let stand for an hour. Strain through a sieve to remove sediment. By the same method, you can prepare a decoction of sage. It is used for rinsing and as oral baths;
  • Kalanchoe juice - kalanchoe leaves pre-wash, after which you need to squeeze the juice out of them, for this purpose it is convenient to use the spadefoot. Moisten a piece of bandage with the resulting liquid and apply to the sore gum;
  • aloe sheets - the sheet must be cut in half and applied with a juicy surface to the problem area;
  • cloves - soak gauze swab and apply to the inflamed mucosa. If there is no oil, then chewing the fruits of the spice, you can reduce the pain.

Remember, this method temporarily solves the problem, but does not guarantee a cure for the disease. To provide dental care better to see a dentist.

pain pills

To relieve pain from a tooth under a crown, medicines, it is better to use NSAIDs - non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. But their uncontrolled intake is dangerous - a wide range of side effects can cause additional harm to the body, especially it affects the stomach and digestive system.

If the pain is moderate, then take the following drugs:

  • Paracetamol;
  • Acetylsalicylic acid;
  • Metamizole.

In case of severe paroxysmal pain, it is stopped:

  • Nise;
  • Ketorolac.

If, during examination, the dentist detects the presence of pus, then antibiotics are prescribed for treatment. More often used antibacterial drugs a wide range actions from the penicillin group.


In order to relieve pain when a tooth hurts under a crown, and more specifically, to prevent it, you need to be careful about choosing a specialist. A dentist whose skill you are sure of, who has a good qualification, will be most interested in positive outcome treatment.

If the pain arose through the fault of the patient himself, then change your hygiene habits and take into account your mistakes.

  • twice a day and rinsing with water after meals will provide the minimum necessary care for artificial structure;
  • , its use allows you to remove food residues from those areas where Toothbrush cannot penetrate. If the mouth is bridge prosthesis, then the most “dirty” place is the area located between the two supporting teeth, and a powerful water-air jet qualitatively washes the area under the prosthesis;
  • mouthwash herbal decoctions or rinses, as well as the use of flosses and brushes for the tongue, reduces microbial contamination, thereby reducing the likelihood of their penetration under the crown;
  • regular monitoring at the dentist will allow him to notice the beginning changes in time and take the necessary actions.

Crowns have a service life of about 5 years, depending on the type of design chosen. Loosely fitting crowns, or those that are defective and worn, increase the chance that infection will get inside the tooth and cause pain.

Video: how much can a crown cost? When should it be replaced? Dentistry lessons.

Additional questions

A tooth hurts under the crown when pressed after a year

Typically, pressure pain is due to periapical changes involving the apex of the tooth. To determine the exact cause of this condition, contact your dentist. He will conduct an examination and send you for x-rays, and then carry out the appropriate treatment.

Why there is pain in the tooth under the crown from the hot?

In most cases, this indicates the development of periodontitis (most likely). Seek help from a dentist, as pains of this nature do not go away on their own, and in advanced cases can lead to serious complications.

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