How can you learn to get up early in the morning with joy? How easy it is to wake up in the morning and in a good mood

At the moment, for most people, the pressing problem is how to force yourself to get up early in the morning. For some, a cold shower is invigorating. Others prefer to turn off the alarm 15 times, then drink strong coffee and get ready for work with half-closed eyes. In fact, everything is much simpler, it is enough to reconsider your lifestyle, plan your day, eat right, go to bed earlier.

Right morning

To wake up in the morning and stay alert all day long, you don't need to learn tricky ways. It is enough to adopt some tricks.

  1. Start your morning with a little exercise. No one is forcing you to run a 5K cross. in rainy weather, it is enough to actively warm up. These manipulations will help to cheer up, normalize breathing and pulse, speed up metabolism.
  2. Take a contrast shower in the morning, so it's easier to wake up. Replace your usual coffee with cocoa with milk. Its beans contain much more useful elements and a substance that allows you not to fall asleep for a long time.
  3. After waking up and performing the above manipulations, proceed to breakfast. Avoid fatty and unhealthy foods. Breakfast is considered the main meal of the day. Eat healthy cereal cereals with dried fruits, you can afford high-carbohydrate foods. During the day they will all fall apart.

Start a new lifestyle

It is known that there are 2 types of people with their own biorhythm. Some are called "owls", others - "larks". The main problem is that the world we live in fits perfectly with the second type of humanity. "Owls" will have to learn some tricks that will make their existence a little easier.

  1. Keeping records. Get in the habit of writing down your daily plan in a notebook. No need to set rigid boundaries and do everything right on time, jumping above your head. It is enough to navigate according to the records, what to do approximately at certain hours.
  2. Health assessment. Not a rare cause of severe drowsiness and the inability to open your eyes in the morning can be health problems. Most often they are malnutrition or, conversely, a strict diet. If fatigue haunts you all day after waking up, you should consult a doctor.
  3. Division of the day. Review your day and divide it into several parts. Divide your waking hours into morning, afternoon, afternoon, and night. Thus, the complex execution of tasks falls on the first half of the day. This is followed by simple household and household chores and, finally, sleep.
  4. Proper diet. Try to avoid fatty and heavy foods, caffeinated drinks, alcohol 3-4 hours before bedtime. The problem is that the body needs some time to eliminate these toxins. Don't stay up late watching TV shows or playing computer games. It will be much easier for you to wake up.
  5. Invigorating drinks. To wake up on time and not turn off the alarm every time, prepare an invigorating coffee or freshly squeezed citrus juice in advance, as there will be no time for it in the morning. Place one of the listed drinks next to you. With the first call of the alarm clock, drink a liquid, the body will receive a signal that it is time to wake up. In this way, getting out from under a warm blanket will become much easier.
  6. Remote alarm. This method is not the most pleasant, but more effective. Place the alarm clock away from the bed so that you can hear it clearly. As a last resort, connect it to the speakers. In the morning, when the alarm goes off, you have to get up to turn it off.
  7. Good mood in the morning. Make it a habit to go to bed around 10 pm. Do not pay attention to the opinions of others who say that only children go to bed so early. If health is important to you, spit on stereotypes. Taking a hot bath with natural oils and incense will help you fall asleep quickly. Accompany the water treatments with relaxing music. Also, a mug of warm milk with the addition of honey or immersion in the world of fantastic literature will become an assistant for a quick sleep.
  8. natural light. In winter, it is most difficult for a person to wake up, this is due to the fact that the body lacks natural light. The sun rises much later than in summer. This phenomenon prevents the normal awakening of the body. Not so long ago, experts came up with a smart alarm clock. At the appointed time, he begins to call a pleasant melody accompanied by growing light. The reaction of the body to such an action is not irritable, as a result of which the morning turns out to be good.
  9. Smelling salts. It has long been believed that the product helps to cheer up well. Smelling salt was used by rich people, carrying a small container with them. Get it in a specialized store and put it near the bed. Use an alternative way to wake up by installing aroma candles with essential oils. They also have a beneficial effect on the body, making you wake up.

To learn how to get up early, you need endurance and constant training.

  1. Get up out of habit. Try to get up as soon as the first alarm goes off. Such a move will allow you to bring actions to automatism, awakening will not seem like flour. Practice during the day, close the windows with curtains, turn off the lights and imagine that it is early morning. As soon as the alarm rings, get out of bed and do all the same actions as in the morning, but more clearly and smoothly. Conduct classes 2-3 times a day if possible (about 10 lifts).
  2. Healthy sleep. Do not forget that an adult is supposed to sleep for at least 7 hours. In order to teach yourself to get up early, the first thing to do is to start observing a sleep schedule. Awakening should take place to your favorite music or a neutral calm melody. This will allow the body to wake up normally without unnecessary annoying noises.
  3. Gadgets. Before going to bed, you should not surf the Internet on such devices. If you go to bed at the appointed time and cannot fall asleep for a long time, in this case the brain is in an excited state from the information received from the gadgets. This feature is due to increased brain activity. Information wanders in the subconscious, not allowing you to calm down. To eliminate these aspects, stop using smartphones just before bedtime. Also try to drop all bad thoughts. Tell yourself "I'll think about it tomorrow!".
  4. Lighting. Going to bed, open the curtains in the room. With the help of natural light, it will be much easier to wake up. If you do not have such an opportunity, or it is winter in the yard, turn on the lamp at the first wake-up call in the morning. Such a move will allow the eyes to get used to the light, the body will begin to slowly wake up.

To start waking up early in the morning, you will have to reconsider your schedule, habits and diet. Start waking up with a glass of water, exercise, eat breakfast properly. If possible, take a walk, take a contrast shower, meditate.

Video: how to wake up early in the morning

How many people who justify their nocturnal lifestyle with some mythical properties of the body. I’m supposedly an owl, and my body is designed in such a way that I can’t get up early, but at night I am very energetic. Have you ever wondered why, for example, there are no owls or larks in the army? Yes, because there is a regime! And with him all people are people, and no birds.

Waking up early in the morning or in the afternoon is just a force of habit. It is this lady who makes us take her instructions for personal desires. I first felt this when I stopped adding sugar to my tea. The once beloved sweet drink suddenly became completely tasteless. A month after starting my experiment, I decided to add sugar to tea and was surprised to find that such a drink no longer seemed tasty to me.

If you went to bed late, then getting up early is out of the question. Vicious circle.

The same is true with sleep. At first I got up at 8 o'clock in the morning. When my working day began to depend only on me, I was happy. I could sleep until 10. Then, somehow imperceptibly, my working day began at 11, then at 12 noon. And so I began to get up at 3 o'clock. The later I got up, the more difficult it was to fall asleep early, so the time of going to bed shifted each time. And if you went to bed late, then getting up early is out of the question. Vicious circle. This is how people mutate into owls.

The moment came when I received an offer to host the morning show. This meant that I had to get up at 4:30 in the morning. Of course, I could not refuse such a tempting offer. I had two months to change my routine. Every day I tried to get up a little earlier than the previous one. At first it was difficult - every morning I was ready to give up this idea. But the motivation was very high.

How did I manage to learn to get up early and be cheerful in the morning?

First rule: to get up earlier, you need to go to bed earlier.

Oh, what a difficult task! Going to bed earlier is even more difficult than getting up early. Don't wait until you feel sleepy. Go to bed at the same time.

It will be difficult to fall asleep at first. Use some tricks.

  • Be sure to turn off the lights and all electrical appliances. Darkness will give a signal for the release of a hormone that causes drowsiness. If you watched TV for a long time before going to bed or sat at the computer, then this can delay the release of hormones for a while. Therefore, avoid these activities before bed.
  • Add essential oils to your bedroom. Many people advise using lavender, but I do not like this smell. I add bergamot or geranium oil to the water and spread the fragrance around the bedroom with a diffuser.
  • Don't eat before bed. Your body will try to digest the food, making it harder to fall asleep.

Second rule: the first 5 minutes after waking up are very important, make them as comfortable as possible for you.

  1. 1st minute. Immediately after you open your eyes, think about the people close to you and the places where you were incredibly happy. Pleasant memories will set the right mood. My friend likes to imagine her future car in the morning, and the day goes great.
  2. 2nd minute. Stretch - this will awaken your body. Take a few deep breaths in and out - this will saturate it with oxygen.
  3. 3rd minute. Massage the back of the head, temples, eyebrows and earlobes. This will provide a rush of blood to the head.
  4. 4th minute. Rub your palms together. This will improve blood circulation. Rub your body.
  5. 5th minute. Start to rise slowly. Sit on the bed and drink a glass of water. I pour it in the evening and leave it on the bedside table.

Third rule: bright colors and cheerful smells should become your faithful companions every morning.

Hang bright curtains in the kitchen, buy bright dishes. I made a pomander that now hangs in my kitchen. This is a fragrant ball that fills the room. The simplest pomander, which is very suitable for morning awakening, is made from citrus fruits. We take an orange, tangerine or lemon, pierce with a sharp stick and rub with cinnamon powder. We stick clove seeds into the holes. We clean the finished “device” in a warm place for 1.5–2 weeks. After this time, we tie it with a beautiful ribbon and hang it in the kitchen. Citrus pomander will delight with its aromas for about six months.

And be sure before you decide to start getting up earlier, decide for yourself why you need it. Lifehacker has already talked about more than once. But if motivation is not enough, take on board shredder alarm clocks. You put a couple of hundred rubles into the alarm clock, and if you don’t get up at the appointed time in the morning, the alarm clock shreds the banknotes into small pieces.

Waking up on time in the morning is an almost impossible mission for so many people. Getting out of bed turns into slipping, instead of cheerfulness and a feeling of freshness - weakness and drowsiness. How easy it is to wake up in the morning - this problem is relevant for many. Here are some tips on how to learn how to wake up easily and quickly in the morning.

Check your health. Perhaps the feeling of morning sleepiness is a sign of some kind of disease or lack of vitamins and important trace elements: B vitamins, routine, vitamin D, iodine. Check the work of the thyroid gland - many diseases of the endocrine system cause a feeling of drowsiness. In men, drowsiness is one of the symptoms of prostatitis.

Don't forget about the disease of this century - chronic fatigue syndrome. In addition to drowsiness, CFS is also characterized by depression, apathy, and a feeling of weakness. Drowsiness is one of the symptoms of vegetative-vascular dystonia, herpes infection, hormonal disruptions in the body. In some cases, drowsiness is the initial sign of cardiovascular disease.

To improve your health, you need to drink a vitamin complex, boost your immunity, consult a doctor to identify hidden diseases. After the end of the examination, if nothing is revealed, you will be calm about your health.

Think about sleep hygiene

The deeper and calmer your sleep is, the faster your body will recover. Here are some tips on what to do and how to get up easily in the morning:

  1. Organize the best conditions for sleep: get a flat or orthopedic pillow, choose an orthopedic mattress that is comfortable for you.
  2. Ensure that during sleep, the complete absence of light in the room and extraneous sounds. If that's not possible, buy a sleep mask and earplugs.
  3. Remove the TV and laptop from the bedroom - the bed should only be used for sleeping. There should not be any provocative factors in the room, so that you cannot tell yourself - now I’ll just look at e-mail and immediately go to sleep.
  4. Be sure to ventilate the bedroom before going to bed to saturate it with oxygen.

Your sleep rate

Determine your sleep rate. The average person sleeps 7-9 hours on average. Lack of sleep is as bad as oversleeping. If you do not fill up your sleep norm, then lack of sleep will accumulate until the weekend, and on weekdays it will manifest itself as daytime sleepiness, deterioration in concentration, memory.

It will not be superfluous to determine whether you are an owl or a lark. Larks have an easier life, they are naturally better adapted to an early rise. There are not very many biological owls in life - only 2-3 cases per 1000. All other people who consider themselves owls are just disorganized larks. It is important to get back to normal on time.

If you are used to going to bed at 1 am, and you need to get up at 7 and this sleep time is not enough, then you need to shift the time to fall asleep gradually, first at 12 am, then at 11 am. sleep, like melatonin. It causes mild drowsiness, which can be used to fall asleep. The next morning after taking melatonin, you do not feel weakness and drowsiness, it is not addictive.

Sleep cycles

However, sometimes after sleeping for 8 hours, you wake up broken, exhausted and completely incapable of active life. Why is this happening?

Human sleep is divided into cycles, each of which lasts about one and a half to two hours. Each cycle is divided into slow and fast phases. Slow phases are deep sleep, which is of particular importance for the recovery of the body. REM sleep or REM sleep is a more superficial sleep during which a person's intellectual abilities are restored. From the evening in the cycle, the slow phase of sleep occupies a longer duration, by the morning the fast phase of sleep begins to predominate.

If a person is awakened at a time when he is in a slow phase of sleep, he will wake up very hard, with a feeling of drowsiness, weakness. A person comes out of REM sleep very easily. Therefore, to wake up easily, you need to do it in REM sleep.

When you need to fall asleep in order to wake up properly

Previously, official medicine believed that any falling asleep before 12 at night is useful, that the most useful sleep is before 12 at night. In Ayurveda, the period during which the body is completely restored is considered to be the interval from 22 pm to 24 night. That is, a person, in order to be cheerful and fresh in the morning, needs to sleep soundly by 22 in the evening.

Modern methods of calculating optimal sleep and waking times support these settings. That is, if we take the average duration of sleep necessary for a person to restore the body, the time of melatonin production, as well as cyclicity, then it is easy to calculate the optimal time for falling asleep.

If we take the average duration of the cycle at one and a half hours and at 6-8 hours, then on average, a person should oversleep 4-5 sleep cycles. How to quickly wake up in the morning easily? To do this, he must wake up in REM sleep. The REM phase takes approximately 15-20 minutes of the entire cycle. That is, if you wake up in the middle of the cycle, then you will fall into the slow phase of sleep and will feel sleepy, irritated and angry. What is the best time to wake up so that you can get up easily? If the end of sleep falls between cycles, then a feeling of cheerfulness and freshness will come, even if you have to wake up early.

How to wake up in the morning at the right time? Based on this data, many calculators have been developed to calculate the time to go to bed. True, you need to consider that these calculators calculate the time to fall asleep. That is, in fact, a person needs 15 minutes to fall asleep. Therefore, you need to go to bed 15 minutes earlier so that by the calculated time you are already deeply asleep.

What life hacks will help you wake up in the right phase early in the morning

An ordinary alarm clock, depending on the volume, can, of course, wake a person in any phase of sleep. Although everyone probably at least once, but in the morning he found himself in a situation where he wondered in bewilderment how in a dream he managed to bypass all the passwords and turn off all 5 alarms. In the fast phase of sleep, a person can be awakened by any slight noise.

Fitness bracelet

People who are interested have probably met such a gadget as a fitness bracelet with a built-in sleep sensor. The fitness bracelet is not able to calculate the phases of sleep, but it can analyze the quality of sleep. The slow phase of sleep is characterized by a slowdown in cardiac activity, breathing becomes more shallow, pressure decreases. In the REM phase of sleep, all indications change, in addition, a person in the REM phase has muscle activity. The bracelet takes all these indications and analyzes them.

The sound sensor with ultra-sensitive sound recording sensors records the activity of a person during sleep. The more movement and activity, the more likely you are in the active fast phase. Also, accelerometers and a heart rate monitor are built into the fitness bracelet.

The main function of the fitness smart alarm clock is to track the onset of REM sleep, when the body is already ready to wake up. In this alarm clock, the wake-up time can be set to a half-hour range, in which the body should wake up. Initially, at the beginning of the fast phase, the alarm clock gives a preliminary light, quiet vibrating signal that wakes up the body, and then, after some time, when the body is ready to wake up, it gives the main vibrating signal.

Sleep trackers on your phone

The creators of software for smartphones have long turned phones into everything they can, including sleep sensors. Today, more than 50 such applications are sold on the Apple Store and Android Market, all of which use the accelerometers built into the smartphone. All applications function in much the same way. A smartphone with an installed application should be placed near the sleeping person's head on a pillow. The built-in motion sensor will analyze all the movements of a person during sleep, thus distinguishing the deep phase of sleep from the fast active one.

However, these applications also have disadvantages:

  • they give false signals if 2 people are sleeping in the bed or if the cat is also sleeping;
  • during the night reading of information, the smartphone battery can be discharged up to 80%.

How can you help yourself wake up?

So, you woke up on time, but you need to help yourself a little more to recover from sleep. The first 5 minutes after waking up are especially important for creating the right mood:

  • 1 minute - when you wake up, think about something very pleasant and motivating: buying a car, a close vacation, or just about a loved one;
  • 2 minutes - stretch right in bed: this will help straighten the muscles and enrich them with oxygen;
  • 3 minutes - rub your head, neck, ears;
  • 4 minutes - sit on the bed and drink a glass of water, placed in the evening near the bed. The body dehydrates overnight and this will help it return to normal. However, water can be replaced with tea, cola, coffee - depending on your preferences. Orange juice invigorates well;
  • 5 minutes - get up and open the window - let fresh air fill the room while you carry out morning hygiene procedures.

What else will help you wake up easily and get up in the morning? Buy a night light with a timer and turn on the lamp 10-15 minutes before the expected awakening. If the room is bright, getting up will be easy. Turning on the TV on a timer on the news channel or turning on the timer on the music center to pleasant, not intimidating music can also have a positive effect on waking up. Melodies need to be changed, because on average in 2 weeks the brain gets used to them.

List of used literature:

  • Neurology. Handbook of practical doctor. D. R. Shtulman, O. S. Levin. M. "Medpress", 2008
  • National Institutes of Health. NINDS Hypersomnia Information Page (June 2008). Archived April 6, 2012. (English)
  • Poluektov M.G. (ed.) Somnology and sleep medicine. National leadership in memory of A.N. Wayne and Ya.I. Levina M.: "Medforum", 2016.

1. Do not lie in bed, get up as soon as you wake up!

According to Ayurveda, the morning habit of basking under the covers is fraught with drowsiness, apathy and bad mood during the day. Moreover, the longer we do not get up after waking up, the less tone and energy we will have. Dermatocosmetologists also agree with the need for a quick rise: the longer our body stays in a horizontal position, the slower the lymph circulation will “wake up” and the more noticeable will be the morning swelling.

2. The earlier you get up, the easier it is for the body to tune in to wakefulness.

According to the same Ayurveda, it is believed that you need to get up no later than 6 in the morning, this is the easiest way to feel in good shape and avoid the development of many chronic diseases caused by the wrong regimen and lifestyle. Modern chronobiologists adhere to a similar point of view: our internal organs "wake up" at 5-7 in the morning. But, of course, this advice is only good if you went to bed at a normal time: saving on sleep will not add either vigor or health.

3. Immediately after waking up, drink a glass of warm water with lemon.(unless you have low stomach acid).

This should be done 25-30 minutes before breakfast. This will energize you, help the body wake up quickly and. If you develop the habit of doing this every morning, this will help maintain normal weight. In addition, there are a number of studies by doctors and nutritionists proving the undoubted health benefits of such a morning energy drink: it normalizes blood pressure, strengthens the immune system, gently stimulates the digestive system, and prevents the accumulation of uric acid in the body ...

4. Do not forget about such a simple way to wake up faster in the morning, like a contrast shower.

Not necessarily cold: warm water can be alternated with cool, it is the contrast of temperatures that is important: it contributes to the production of endorphins. In addition, such a shower will be an excellent gymnastics for blood vessels (hence, the complexion improves) and will even contribute. And do not forget about aromatherapy: shower products with natural citrus essential oils will invigorate you like strong coffee.

5. Speaking of coffee. It is not necessary to drink it in the morning - you can just ... sniff it.

As scientists have found out Seoul National University (Japan) the smell of freshly roasted coffee beans or freshly ground coffee invigorates even better, and at the same time does not cause nervous tension in the body, unlike drinking the drink inside. They even suggest keeping a bag of coffee beans in your desk drawer to help ward off drowsiness. should not be ignored and cosmetics with coffee aromas(best with natural fragrances): they are just made for the morning!

6. If the bedroom is constantly air-conditioned, place a humidifier next to the bed.

Otherwise, skin cells, instead of recovering at night, will spend all their energy on fighting dehydration. In addition, the optimal level of moisture in the air (about 30%) makes fine wrinkles less noticeable.

7. If you need a boost of energy for a long time - drink a cup of freshly brewed green tea.

The invigorating effect of coffee lasts about four hours, from green tea - twice as long: theine, or "tea caffeine", as it is also called, acts softer and longer than its closest relative, coffee caffeine. In addition, it is an excellent source of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants that improve the functioning of our skin cells and protect them from aging.

9. The easiest and fastest way to deal with morning “bags” under the eyes is with caffeine.

Roll-on eye cream with caffeine or coffee extract (best of all, also with a cooling effect, which is achieved, for example, thanks to menthol), or just cotton pads that need to be soaked in strong freshly brewed coffee, put on your eyelids for 5-7 minutes .

10. To always look good in the morning, sleep on a silk or satin pillowcase.

This technique has always been actively used by Hollywood stars so that their hair is less fluffy, and wrinkles-creases do not form on the skin. And do not forget that if your problem is morning swelling on the face, the pillow should be high enough. You can even sleep on two pillows to ensure the outflow of blood and lymph from the head.

Few people do not know how hard it is to get up for work in the morning. Difficulties with sleep and awakening are one of the problems of our life. If you want to do more, improve yourself, you need to understand how to get up early in the morning and do it without difficulties and breaking your “I”.

Forcing yourself to get up early can be very difficult, sometimes even impossible. All this leads not only to depression, but also to a breakdown during the day, headaches, dizziness, nausea, chronic diseases may worsen, and digestive problems will appear. This list is endless. Also, a bad awakening will affect your work, your efficiency and attentiveness will significantly decrease.

Learning how to get up early is quite difficult for those who do not understand why this is necessary and what are the positive aspects here, as well as for those who are “night owls” by nature. However, effective motivation and a really strong desire will help you cope with all the difficulties and achieve the desired results.

How to get up early in the morning

As mentioned above, learning to get up without problems in the morning, and at the same time be happy and cheerful, is quite difficult, but possible. You need to start small:

Don't look for an excuse to stay in bed. If you start looking for excuses and pretexts, you will never get up earlier;

Don't get up early if you're wasting your time. If you want to get up early just to surf the social network, don't do it. Plan your time for something useful: for sports, reading;

You don't have to change your life drastically. Start getting up 30 minutes earlier and get used to this routine. Over time, add 15 minutes until you reach the desired time;

- Get up immediately after waking up. As soon as you turn off the alarm, you need to get into the habit of getting up and leaving the bedroom right away. Go to the bathroom, and while you carry out all the procedures, you will wake up and be ready for new victories and achievements;

- Train yourself to go to bed earlier. Don't waste time on TV or social media. Go to bed earlier, even if you don't feel like sleeping. Read before bed, and if you are tired, you will definitely fall asleep. If you go to bed late and get up early, it will definitely have a bad effect on your well-being and health in general.

The secrets of "larks" that they use to get up early in the morning

If you stick to all these simple early morning secrets, you will soon begin to notice how you are changing.

  1. A positive attitude will make your day. Wake up every morning and welcome a new day, give thanks for everything you have. Only a positive mood helps to tune in to the best. Do not think about problems and difficulties, they are temporary, do not say bad things. You have received a priceless gift - life, you should not waste it on trifles.
  2. Praise yourself for getting up early and reward yourself with something. Something pleasant can be a great reason to get up early: a very interesting book, meditation, a delicious breakfast. Do something nice for yourself in the morning and make it a morning routine that will be a great motivation for getting up easily.
  3. Set big goals for yourself. Plan the most important things for the morning, this will be a great incentive to get up earlier and do something really important and useful.
  4. Waking up earlier is much better, if only because you don’t have to rush to get ready for work, cook your own breakfast, or run without breakfast at all.
  5. Go in for sports, because good health gives you much more energy, which takes less time to recover.
  6. "Owls" miss such a wonderful gift of nature as dawn. The sky is painted in incredible colors. You can enjoy this gift during your morning run.
  7. Morning is a quiet, calm time when there are no screaming children or cars on the street. At this time, it is nice to read a book, to think about solving upcoming problems. At this time, you can easily collect your thoughts and go to work.
  8. In the morning, you can plan important meetings that will take place in the best possible way. In the morning we are cheerful, and our thoughts are bright. It will be easy for you to get together and make a deal.
  9. Roads without traffic jams. If you go to work earlier, you will not have to stand in traffic jams or travel in stuffy crowded public transport.
  10. Follow the routine. As with nutrition, if you eat at the same time, digestion works perfectly. It also talks about the health of the whole organism. If you go to bed and wake up at the same time, your health will improve.

There are many interesting, but very simple, ways how to get up early in the morning. Set your alarm clock to the tune you hate the most, and put it as far away from the bed as possible. You end up having to get up in the morning to turn off the music.

Every night before going to bed, try to clearly imagine how you wake up in the morning, what a great mood you are, and you are full of strength and energy in order not only to cope with routine tasks, but also to move mountains.

Give yourself penalties for getting up later than the desired time. Do not feel sorry for yourself and do not indulge. Overslept - get punished.

Use services where people wake each other up by mobile phone at the time you specify. On most of these services, it is possible to set your requirements: gender, age and city. Starting the day with an interesting conversation with a stranger - judging by the popularity, this method works for many.

Just one day, overcome your laziness and finally do something that will completely change your life. What meaning can there be in life if it is spent on constant sleep and struggle with oneself?

Extreme measures to force yourself to get up early

If nothing works out for you, you cannot force yourself to get up early, there is an extreme way to get up. On the Internet you can find many programs that will help in this matter. For example, if you oversleep, your computer will automatically start formatting the disk at a certain time.

Instead of the usual melody, put an aggressive song on your phone that will wake anyone up, and connect speakers to it, turn up the volume :). You don't just stand up, you jump up. It will also energize you, because the dream will take off like a hand.

You can also ask relatives to turn on the lights in the room or open the curtains. They may even splash water on you.

In fact, all these extreme measures are stressful for the body. As a result, you will develop a habit that you need to get up quickly in the morning, as something unpleasant may happen.

Getting up early is one of the habits of successful people.

If you follow our advice, very soon you will start waking up earlier and at the same time you will not have any difficulties with this. In addition, soon you will be getting up without an alarm clock - an irritant that can ruin the morning.

Everyone can learn to get up early in the morning without problems if you make it a regular routine. If you have a desire, this is already half the success, and willpower and good motivation will help you achieve what you want. Remember that there are a lot of reasons to get up early, and not a single one.

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