Strong salivation in a cat. Heart disease in cats symptoms

A good owner is obliged to carefully monitor the health of his pet. Common phenomena can be signs of illness or injury. Such things include excessive salivation, so you need to be careful and know some of the nuances in advance in order to understand why the cat is drooling, is it safe and how to deal with this problem.

What is salivation norms

There are times when it is normal for a cat to salivate. Saliva is an important fluid in the body that performs a number of functions: protects teeth, gums and oral mucosa from damage, facilitates chewing food by lubricating or gluing it, facilitates swallowing, has a bactericidal effect, and much more. That is why, in some cases, copious amounts of saliva should not cause you concern, namely:

  • when the animal sees the food or smells it;
  • during feeding;
  • while chewing food;
  • when she is stroked, and your pet enjoys;
  • current drooling in a cat can be observed when taking tasteless and bitter drugs (for example, but-shpa or medicines for worms);
  • with strong nervous experiences.

The amount of saliva produced usually only rises slightly if the cat is in good health. Usually, saliva can be seen a little on the hair around the mouth, but if the process lasts longer than 10-15 minutes and there is much more saliva, you should start to worry.

The process of salivation or drooling is called salivation., therefore, if you notice any anomalies regarding this phenomenon and decide to consult a doctor, do not be afraid if he diagnoses hypersalivation or ptyalism. These scary words just mean that the cat is drooling from its mouth in more quantities than it should.

Causes of excessive salivation

Before treating your pet, you should figure out why the cat is drooling, in other words, find the irritant and find out why this happens. The reasons why a cat has hung salivation can be very different - ranging from any lesions in the mouth or digestive tract to viral diseases.

  1. Most often this is due to the accumulation of wool in the stomach. Cats are very clean animals, they take care of themselves and often lick themselves.
  2. Already during licking, more saliva may be released than usual, and along with it, wool enters the esophagus, and over time a lump of quite impressive size may collect. And what's with the saliva? It's simple - you need to burp it, and it is difficult to do this without additional saliva.
  3. The next most popular cause is poisoning. If you know your cat well, then you should know that they love to eat what they "caught". Unfortunately, their "trophies" are not always useful and safe, and often cause profuse salivation.
  4. Cats often drool when they have allergies. If for some reason you decide to change the food for your pet, and during the adaptation there is a large amount of saliva, nausea or vomiting, these are signs of an allergy or poisoning.
  5. A foreign body in the throat or esophagus can also cause a large amount of saliva to be released.
  6. If the cat has any mechanical damage in the oral cavity, neoplasms or sores are present there, cheeks or lips are injured, teeth hurt or enamel is damaged.
  7. Viral and oncological diseases.

One of the worst causes of excessive salivation is rabies. Hypersalivation is a symptom of this disease. In addition, the animal may be afraid of the light, be aggressive, or vice versa - overly affectionate, appetite changes, and so on. Rabies is incurable, but it is quite difficult for a cat living in an apartment to catch it, especially since today vaccinations are regularly given to prevent the development of this disease.

Symptoms and signs

Hanging salivation is accompanied by a number of other physiological changes that are not so difficult to notice:

  • at various viral diseases or diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, there is a loss of appetite. That is, if your cat has no desire to eat, but at the same time saliva is secreted in a sufficiently large amount, you should be alert, consult a doctor and take action;
  • if your pet dental problems, oral cavity or digestive system, he may refuse solid food, which he used to eat with great pleasure. Food may fall out of the mouth, the animal may hold its head in an unusual position;
  • behavior may change. Like a person, a cat may experience some discomfort during an illness, and as a result, be irritable and aggressive;
  • vomiting or nausea;
  • it is difficult for a cat to swallow;
  • bad breath may appear;
  • if the cat is in pain or any discomfort in the oral cavity, she will often rub her muzzle;
  • a variety of neurological symptoms may appear.

So, we figured out why a cat has bad breath and drooling, what are the symptoms and what it can lead to. It remains only to figure out what to do to cure your pet.


If you see that a cat is drooling from its mouth in a very large amount, you should immediately contact your veterinarian. Only he can correctly diagnose. There are many reasons for excessive salivation listed above, and depending on them, treatment is prescribed.

A professional will conduct a complete examination, including the oral cavity, and will be able to tell you exactly why your cat is salivating so much and what to do about it. If some foreign object gets into the mouth, pharynx or esophagus, the doctor will be able to quickly remove it, which is very difficult to do at home.

If the cause of a large amount of saliva is any disease, the specialist will prescribe treatment and give recommendations on how to achieve a speedy recovery for your pet.

Here are some tips that you need to know and if possible, if you want to, as soon as possible return to normal saliva production in your pet:

  • the very first thing, it is necessary to hide in a place inaccessible to the cat all substances, medicines and preparations dangerous to her health;
  • give more liquid so that the animal's metabolism is activated and there is no dehydration;
  • foods in the cat's diet should be introduced gradually, it is necessary to start only with liquid food;
  • in order not to aggravate the situation and avoid its recurrence, carefully monitor what you feed the cat: she should not be given bony fish or food, where there may be small hard pieces;
  • if there is any damage in the oral cavity, then it must be treated in a timely manner with disinfectants;
  • When treating your pet's fur for fleas and ticks, put a bandage around the cat's neck to prevent the cat from licking off the preparation from the fur.

If salivation decreases, the amount of saliva gradually returns to normal, then all the doctor's recommendations are being followed, and your pet is on the mend.


Drooling in a cat is a fairly common phenomenon, but fortunately, its causes are very rarely life-threatening. Most often this happens due to the carelessness of the owners and the curiosity of the animals themselves. But, if you are still faced with the problem of salivation, quick and qualified help from a specialist will help resolve all issues. All that is required from the owner is to be attentive and take care of his cat. During the period of illness, she needs your love in the same way as conventional treatment, it will not cost you anything, but it will help the animal a lot.

Saliva is necessary not only for humans, but also for cats, as it plays a very important role in the process of digestion. If you notice increased salivation in your cat, do not rush to panic. The reasons for this phenomenon can be not only various diseases, but also simple physiological phenomena. To understand why a pet is drooling, you need to understand everything in order.

Where does saliva come from (physiological reasons)

saliva transparent as water

Excessive salivation can occur in the following cases:

  • During or before feeding.
  • With strong moral excitement.
  • At high temperature and humidity environment.
  • Travel by car.
  • Taking medication.
  • Worms vaccine.

But in such cases, this phenomenon quickly and without a trace passes.

You should immediately consult a doctor if you notice that the animal is drooling continuously, and plus there is foam or.

Why does a cat drool when you stroke it?

If, when purring at the hands of the owner, the cat saliva flows - this is a manifestation of love!

You can often notice an increase in salivation at the moment when the owner strokes or caresses his cat. In this case, it comes from pleasure. In this case, the pet's muzzle at the mouth becomes wet, more than usual.

Video where the cat drools from affection

How can you tell if a cat has excessive salivation?

The main symptoms are:

  • Wet muzzle and neck.
  • There are wet icicles on the animal's chest.
  • The cat often swallows saliva.
  • Washes more often than usual.
  • After sleep, wet spots remain on.

An attentive owner will immediately notice this and think about the reasons for this phenomenon.

Pathological causes

For physiological reasons, not a strong release of saliva is considered the norm.

Often the owner does not even notice this. But if this phenomenon becomes too pronounced, then it is urgent to determine its cause:

  1. Oral diseases. This happens when there are wounds in the mouth or if food gets stuck between the teeth. Often the cause of this may be various inflammations in the oral cavity, for example, stomatitis or dental disease. Finding this is easy enough. You can look into the open mouth of a cat, or feel various inflammations with your fingers near the muzzle. There are times when the owner, having opened the cat's mouth, notices foreign body in teeth . If you are able to get it yourself, then this can be done with tweezers or hands. After that, it is necessary to treat the oral cavity with a disinfectant solution to avoid further inflammation.

    If the cat has a lot of hair and she constantly licks, then this may be the cause of increased salivation.

  2. poisoning. If chemical household products, sprays, cosmetics or other things get into the mouth of an animal, this causes an instant protective reaction in the form of copious saliva. Also, if the cat goes for walks regularly, she may eat grass or even insects, which causes a similar reaction. Salivation will be a sign that your pet is throwing up.
  3. . In this case, this phenomenon is very dangerous. To determine this disease in a cat, you need to observe its behavior. The most obvious signs will be: refusal to drink, and pain in the eyes from bright lights. or vice versa, closed and tries to hide in dark places. This disease is dangerous not only for the cat, but also for the owners, since when bitten, the pet can infect people with this disease.
  4. Reaction to drugs. Sometimes we treat cats with flea products. If a cat gets licked of fur that has been treated with drugs, profuse salivation may occur.
  5. Allergy. If you change your cat's food abruptly, you may notice nausea, vomiting, or excessive salivation in your cat. This comes either from adaptation to a new food,. If after a couple of days these symptoms do not go away, this means that this food is not suitable for your pet, and you should immediately change it.
  6. Organ diseases. such symptoms may occur. It can also be the case with cancer of the esophagus or intestines.
  7. Foreign body in the throat. Some owners feed their cats the same food they feed themselves. When a pet eats fish or meat with bones, he is not always able to chew on the bones from such foods, so often they just swallow them. A foreign body in the stomach can irritate the animal's mucosa, causing profuse salivation. The cat often starts to feel sick, she drinks a lot and sits with her head down. This is very dangerous and requires immediate medical attention.

    A foreign body in a cat is clearly visible on an x-ray

  8. Viral diseases. Cats are susceptible to viruses just like we are. If, it flows from the nose and mouth, this indicates the presence of a viral disease.

In any of these cases, only the veterinarian himself can make an accurate diagnosis. Therefore, do not resort to home self-medication. This is dangerous for the cat's health.

Unpleasant smell from the cat's mouth and drool

When a cat yawns, you can smell bad breath

If the cat has an unpleasant smell from the oral cavity, you should, for starters, think about the pet's dental disease. If everything is in order with the teeth, then the reason for the unpleasant odor may be:

  • Diseases of the internal organs.
  • Diabetes.
  • Problems with the intestines and stomach.
  • Cheap cat food.
  • Incorrect growth of teeth.

When a cat has bad breath and profuse salivation, this indicates a foreign body stuck in the teeth or stomatitis. If the cause is not in the feed or the presence of worms, then it is necessary to show the animal to a doctor.

What should I do if my cat is salivating profusely?

Abundant drooling on the face of a cat

The main thing is to immediately consult a doctor. The veterinarian will conduct the necessary studies, take tests from your animal and determine the exact diagnosis. If the reason is simple, then treatment will take place at home. If something serious is revealed, then your cat may need hospitalization and medical intervention.

When you contact your veterinarian, you should be prepared to answer a number of questions about your pet's behavior and nutrition. Some diseases are easy to identify simply by the signs, so to speed up the diagnosis, you need to be attentive to your animal.


After establishing the diagnosis and further treatment, it is necessary to adhere to some preventive measures in order to avoid relapse.


Even if the cat has a great mood and behavior, and, nevertheless, an increased salivation has appeared, it is worth thinking about the possible diseases of your pet. If your pet is dear to you, then give him proper care and attention.

Heart disease, both in dogs and cats, is quite common. They are both congenital and acquired (age-related).


A disease such as heart disease in a dog occurs in 15 cases out of 100. There are congenital heart defects and acquired ones (due to age or excessive physical exertion).

Types of disease

Congenital heart defects include:

  1. open ductus arteriosus. This defect is typical for breeds such as Rottweiler, Poodle, Chihuahua, German Shepherd, Labrador, Doberman Pinscher and others. Treatment of this disease is possible only by surgery. The prognosis is positive, if there are no secondary changes in the right side of the heart muscle.
  2. atrial septal defect. The essence of this defect is the weak development or complete absence of connective tissue between the atria. It is typical for Doberman Pinschers, Boxers and Medium Poodles. Unfortunately, surgical treatment is not practiced in Russia, and therapeutic treatment does not give the desired effect. Animals with this pathology do not live long.
  3. ventricular septal defect. A disease similar to the previous one, differing only in the location of the defect. It is typical for such breeds as the Doberman Pinscher, English Bulldog, Boxer and some others. The prognosis is unfavorable. Animals do not live long.
  4. pulmonary stenosis. This defect affects the Doberman Pinscher, French and English Bulldogs, Mastiff, Dogue de Bordeaux and others. In severe cases of the disease, surgical intervention is possible, but the mortality of dogs after and during the operation is very high.
  5. aortic stenosis (English Bulldog, Boxer, Labrador, Mastiff, Rottweiler). Treatment is similar, the prognosis is poor.
  6. The most severe combined heart disease Fallot's tetrad. He is subject to the English Bulldog. Animals with this congenital disease rarely live past one year.


- Heart vibrations;

- Rapid or intermittent pulse;

- Drowsiness and weakness;

- Gums of a bluish color;

- weight loss.

Cough is not the main symptom in determining heart disease.


It should be remembered that if a dog has a congenital heart disease, and not acquired due to the natural aging of the body, then the prognosis is almost always unfavorable. Most animals die at the age of six months to two or three years.


By and large, the treatment of heart defects in dogs is meaningless, because it is reduced only to maintenance therapy, which only alleviates the disorder of the heart, but does not eliminate the very cause.


Unlike most active dogs, cats are couch potatoes. It is very difficult to notice interruptions in the work of the heart. The percentage of congenital heart muscle defects is very small, no more than 3%. Kittens with this pathology rarely survive to adulthood due to frequent diseases, including infectious ones. As mentioned above, heart disease in cats, as a rule, is acquired after endocarditis suffered during life, and appears closer to old age. This is not immediately noticeable, cats spend little time in active physical activity, so it is extremely difficult for an unprepared owner to notice the beginning of the process.


In cats, the clinical picture is extremely weak, therefore, unlike dogs, the symptoms of heart disease in cats are not always visible to the naked eye. So, a tight stomach, noisy breathing after minor physical exertion can be signs of disorders on the left side of the heart. Fatigue and poor appetite can also indicate heart problems. Cats suffer from hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. Maine Coons, Siberian cats, Sphynxes, Bengals are especially susceptible to this disease.

Cats have the same heart defects as dogs, with the exception of patent ductus arteriosus, which is extremely rare in cats.

Diagnostics of all diseases is complex. It is necessary to conduct an examination using specialized equipment - echocardiography.


Treatment of all heart defects is symptomatic, aimed at compensating cardiac activity. First of all, it is peace, according to the symptoms, a diuretic or laxative, cardiac glycosides, diet, lack of stress and excessive physical activity.

Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy in cats


cardiologist at the clinic "Belyi Klyk" - Mitino

The most common heart disease in cats is what is known as hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM). This is a pathology of the heart, accompanied by a pronounced thickening of the heart muscle (myocardium) and leading to the development of heart failure, up to death.

A distinctive feature of this disease is the insidiousness of the development of symptoms and the difficulty in treatment in the later stages.

Blame heredity

The reasons for the development of this disease are still not well understood, however, a number of studies have identified genetically inherited abnormalities that can lead to the development of HCM. It has been proved that representatives of the following breeds are especially predisposed to this pathology: Maine Coon. ragdoll, sphynx, british and american shorthair, scottish fold, norwegian forest cat and possibly some others.

The mechanisms of inheritance of this disease have not yet been fully studied, but it has been proven that, for example, in the Maine Coon breed, HCM is inherited in an autosomal dominant manner. At the same time, special tests (blood tests) are even common abroad for the presence of corresponding deviations in the genotype in cats of this breed. In the UK, for example, one in three Maine Coons are positive for HCM.

Hidden killer

The mechanism of development of this pathology is that as the heart muscle thickens, the volume of the left ventricle decreases, as a result of which the volume of blood pumped through it decreases. Stagnation develops, leading first to an increase in the left atrium, pulmonary veins, and then, in later stages, to the development of pulmonary edema and / or hydrothorax (accumulation of free fluid in the pleural cavity). Moreover, the insidiousness of this disease lies in the fact that the first symptom may be pulmonary edema and / or death. In some cases, symptoms such as shortness of breath (breathing with an open mouth) and poor exercise tolerance may appear in the early stages.

One of the most frequent complications of HCM, sometimes manifesting against the background of the absolute visible well-being of a cat, is thromboembolism. Expansion of the left atrium and stagnation of blood leads to an increased risk of blood clots, which in turn lead to blockage of vital vessels and sometimes death, especially in the case of late seeking veterinary care. Most often, blockage occurs at the level of the femoral arteries, in which case the first symptom will be a sudden paralysis of the pelvic limbs and a pronounced pain syndrome - the cat screams and does not stand on its hind legs. In such cases, the count goes to hours, if not minutes. The sooner the patient arrives at a specialized clinic, the greater the chance of restoring blood flow and minimizing the risk of complications.

Early diagnosis of the disease and its significance

Given all of the above, timely diagnosis is extremely important. The sooner the doctor starts treatment, the longer the patient can live and the less the risk of developing adverse complications.

The most accurate method for diagnosing HCM is ECHO-cardiography - an ultrasound examination of the heart by a cardiologist. However, in some cases, additional chest X-ray and electrocardiography are also important.

During an ultrasound examination, the doctor conducts a series of measurements and calculations, while obtaining clear objective data, on the basis of which a conclusion is made whether the patient has a pathology or not, whether there is a risk of its development in the future.

Moreover, given the increased risks, it is especially important for representatives of the breeds described above to undergo such an examination. Evidence of the particular importance of this problem is, for example, the fact that in Western European countries it is legally prohibited to breed or sell cats of risk group breeds that do not undergo regular examinations by a cardiologist for the presence of HCM (HCM-screening tests). According to the results of such tests (ECHO-KG), a certificate is issued to the cat confirming that it does not have signs of a dangerous pathology. Similar tests with the issuance of a certificate in English are also carried out in our clinic. The results of such tests are recognized by foreign colleagues. As a rule, such examinations in breeding cats are carried out annually, starting from the second year of life.

In addition, if you are the owner of a cat of one of the risk group breeds or have sometimes noticed in your pet (no matter what breed) the symptoms described above and are going to have general anesthesia (for example, for castration or sterilization), it is highly advisable to undergo an examination before anesthesia a cardiologist for the absence of HCM in your pet. Unfortunately, there are cases of serious complications (up to pulmonary edema and death) in the postoperative period (the first 2 weeks after anesthesia) in patients with a latent form of HCM.

Treatment of HCM

If the doctor still detects HCM in a patient, do not despair. There are modern effective treatment regimens for this disease, especially effective when the disease is detected at an early stage. The drug of choice for such patients are, first of all, drugs of the beta-blocker group. also, if necessary, drugs are prescribed for the prevention of thromboembolism, diuretics, calcium channel blockers, ACE inhibitors, etc. However, it is important to remember that the treatment should be prescribed by the attending doctor according to the examination, you should not self-medicate and get involved in "folk remedies". The intake of drugs should be permanent, the patient must be shown for scheduled follow-up examinations and not interrupt the prescribed treatment regimen.

GKMP and tribal business

It is extremely important to understand that if a cat is diagnosed with HCM, you must immediately remove it from breeding plans and check the entire line, in order to avoid further spread of the disease.

Our clinic has accumulated extensive experience in diagnosing and treating patients with a diagnosis of HCM. We have all the necessary equipment and specialists at our disposal to help you with early diagnosis and treatment of this serious disease.


Cats can't complain about how they feel, so their health is in your hands. You should keep a close eye on your animal, and at the first sign of illness, change in appearance or behavior, check to see if the cat is sick. Any deviation from normal behavior is cause for concern.

If your cat is normally independent, and then suddenly seeks your company and does not leave you a single step, or, conversely, does not leave his place all day, then try to find out what happened. Do not think that purring for a cat is a sign of health. Purring can sometimes indicate pain or discomfort. Unexpected aggressiveness of an always calm and accommodating cat can be caused by pain, fever, concussion, infection, head injury, seizures, diabetic crisis, which requires medical intervention.

A few words about what a healthy animal looks like.

A healthy cat has an excellent appetite, a smooth and shiny coat, a cold and moist nose (during sleep it can be dry and warm), mucous membranes are pink and moderately moist. Vigor and mobility are also signs of the health of the animal. Important criteria for assessing the state of health are temperature, pulse and respiratory rate.

At disease the cat's behavior changes. She becomes lethargic, lies more than usual, looks sad, tries to hide in a quiet darkened place, reluctantly responds to the call or, on the contrary, is too excited, constantly moves around the apartment, meows plaintively or shows aggression. Movements can become awkward, their coordination is disturbed. Signs of the onset of the disease are also fatigue, loss of appetite, perhaps the cat does not eat anything, insomnia, or vice versa - increased drowsiness.

Normal temperature from 38 to 39 degrees (in small kittens - up to 39.6 degrees, and in sphinxes - up to 41.5). A rise in temperature above 40 may indicate the onset of the disease. But we should also not forget that the animal's body temperature rises with excitement and fright, after physical exertion, as well as in hot weather, with poisoning, after electric shock, or due to hyperfunction of the thyroid gland.

Remember, or better yet, write down your cat's normal body temperature at rest.

Pulse reflects the frequency and rhythm of the heartbeat, as well as the strength of the shocks of the heart muscle. At rest, a healthy cat's heart rate ranges from 110 to 150 beats per minute. In large cats and animals leading a more relaxed lifestyle, the heartbeat is slow. An increased pulse occurs with an increase in temperature, with inflammatory processes, physical exertion, with overexcitation, fear and hot weather. In kittens and cats of small breeds, the pulse rate can reach 200 beats per minute, in cats the pulse is less than in cats.

Calculate and record your cat's resting heart rate - this will help you determine in the future if its frequency has changed in a given situation. It is enough to calculate the number of shocks in 15 seconds, and then multiply the resulting value by 4.

Frequency breathing cats are conveniently identified by movements of the chest, abdominal wall or wings of the nose. Normally, it is from 20 to 30 respiratory movements per minute. Kittens and young animals, whose metabolism is more active than adults, breathe more frequently than adult cats, and females breathe more frequently than males. In addition, pregnant or lactating cats breathe at a higher rate than normal. The respiratory rate is also affected by size and genetic factors: small cats breathe more often than large ones, which is explained by a higher level of metabolism and, accordingly, increased heat loss. Changes in your cat's breathing rate can be caused by fear, pain, shock, or respiratory problems. It should also be borne in mind that breathing quickens in hot weather, during physical exertion, and when the cat is excited. The breathing of a healthy animal after exercise is restored in a few minutes. Difficulty breathing can be caused by heat stroke or, in rare cases, a lack of calcium in the blood during lactation in females. An animal can suffocate with heart failure, with inflammation of the genitourinary system, as well as when swallowing a foreign object.

coat becomes ruffled, dull, and there may be increased shedding, discoloration (jaundice) or elasticity of the skin.

A sick cat has discharge (purulent, mucous, etc.) from the nose, eyes, mouth and other organs. Colorless discharge may indicate anemia, yellowish discharge indicates liver damage, bloody discharge indicates serious infection or poisoning, and bluish discharge indicates heart failure or circulatory system disorders.

Nasal mirror (nose) dry, constantly warm (a sign of fever), cracked skin, mucopurulent discharge from the nostrils, the formation of dry crusts, a whitened lobe (a sign of anemia) are sure signs of a cat's illness.

An affected cat may experience various eye discharge(transparent, purulent, mucous, etc.), squinting and lacrimation can reflect pain in the eye, in a number of diseases, yellowness of the mucous membrane, inflammation of the eyelids is observed. With conjunctivitis, poisoning, and some other cases, the eyes are sometimes half-closed by the third eyelid.

Concerning oral cavity. with the disease, increased salivation can be observed, bad breath is noted, the gums and tongue are covered with plaque or sores. The mucous membranes of the mouth, eyelids are pale, cyanotic or icteric.

Digestion may also be violated. The activity of the gastrointestinal tract is changed: vomiting, diarrhea, constipation, painful defecation, accumulation of gases in the intestine are noted. Foreign objects appear in the feces (wool, worms, etc.). Drops of blood in the feces (normally they should be brown) also indicate a serious internal pathology - usually bleeding in the large intestine. Gastric bleeding, or bleeding in the anterior intestine, is evidenced by tarry feces of a dark, almost black color. Clarified feces are a sign of liver disease (lack of bile, etc.). Foamy feces are an indicator of a bacterial infection.

From the side genitourinary system the following abnormalities may be noted: increased urination, urinary incontinence, lack of urination, pain when emptying the bladder, change in color (normal urine is yellow) and amount of urine, unpleasant odor, mucopurulent discharge from the genitals, hunched back, stiff gait, soreness in the lumbar region. A sweet smell from the mouth may also indicate that the cat has problems with the kidneys. Diseases that make it difficult to urinate and pass food can be a tumor, prostate hypertrophy, hemorrhoids, cystitis, urolithiasis.

Breath becomes frequent or, conversely, rare and cautious (with soreness), wheezing, sniffling, coughing, shortness of breath appear. Shortness of breath in a cat can be caused by increased exercise, asthma, inflammation or emphysema, which, in turn, is a consequence of poisoning. Difficulty breathing is observed with pleurisy, heart failure, anemia, heartworms. In older cats, coughing may be a sign of heart failure.

lymphatic system. The enlarged size of the lymph nodes, as a rule, indicates the presence of an inflammatory process. More often, the submandibular lymph nodes are involved in this process, so you should learn to find and feel them.

increased thirst may be associated with colds, diabetes, dropsy, kidney failure, or kidney disease, and if physical weakness and mouth odor are added, this is most likely indicative of uremia.

Vomit develops in response to the ingestion of poisonous herbs into the stomach and in general with poisoning, with helminthic invasion, and travel in transport. Vomiting and increasing physical weakness, combined with constipation, indicate intestinal obstruction and the presence of a foreign body in the intestine.

Jaundice of mucous membranes may be a sign of hepatitis, poisoning, leptospirosis.

Increased salivation occurs when the tongue and oral cavity are damaged, when a foreign body enters the esophagus, with heat and sunstroke, with poisoning and some liver diseases. It can also be a symptom of such a terrible disease as rabies.

But these signs of diseases, as a rule, do not appear all at the same time: usually one sign is most pronounced, and the rest accompany it (in one or another combination). An improvement in the well-being and recovery of a cat can be judged after the disappearance of all painful manifestations characteristic of a particular disease.

The posture of a cat can also tell a lot. A healthy animal rests or sleeps in a relaxed position, straightening the torso and stretching out the limbs. A sick cat takes a forced posture, which helps to reduce pain or any discomfort. In particular, with heart disease, the cat stands with its forelimbs wide apart - this makes it easier to breathe; the cat keeps the damaged limb on weight; with urolithiasis, intermittent lameness is possible on the hind legs on the left or right, respectively, for a diseased kidney, etc.

The above signs are manifested in varying degrees, their combination also varies widely. If there is anything about your cat's physical condition or behavior that gives you concern, call your veterinarian or the nearest veterinary clinic (keep these phones always at hand or in a conspicuous place). Perhaps a telephone consultation will be enough to help your pet.

Many owners of four-legged friends are concerned about why the cat is drooling and what to do about it. For most living beings, saliva plays a big role. Without it, neither the human nor the cat's body can function normally. Fluid is necessary in order to provide a number of important physiological processes.

First of all, saliva protects the gums and oral mucosa. The health of the teeth also depends on it, since the liquid partially softens the mechanical effect on the enamel. Moreover, saliva softens food, which makes it easier for living beings to chew and digest. Without this important liquid, neither man nor cat would be able to swallow solid food normally.

When salivation ceases to be the norm

The secretion of saliva by the body is a natural and even very necessary physiological process. But everything should be in order. This also applies to salivation. Therefore, if the owner of the cat began to notice that the animal is getting too much fluid from the mouth, it is necessary to more closely monitor the health of the pet. If this symptom is accompanied by other signs of the disease, it is necessary to show the cat to the veterinarian.

The owner must remember that excessive salivation in a kitten or an adult animal is a sign of many pathologies. Some of them are fatal and can be passed from cat to person. Therefore, if a pet is drooling from its mouth, this symptom should not be ignored. A trip to the doctor in such a situation should be mandatory.

Most often, diseases that cause increased salivation in a cat can be eliminated fairly quickly. But for this, it is necessary to put the cat in a timely manner with the correct diagnosis and prescribe the correct treatment. This is the only way to get rid of diseases quickly and without complications. You should not delay going to the doctor, as this can cost the cat his life.

How to determine that an animal has increased salivation?

Not every person will be able to immediately see the problem in their pet. Therefore, you should always carefully monitor your cat's health and pay attention to suspicious symptoms and unusual behavior.

To determine that the saliva from the mouth of an animal comes out too abundantly, it is possible on such a basis as a wet chin. This phenomenon will be observed even if the cat does not approach the water for a long time. Sometimes the liquid not only gets on the hair of the chin, but also drips onto the throat and chest.

By the behavior of the cat, it will be clear that not everything is in order with him. The animal will constantly swallow saliva, which causes him great discomfort. In order to somewhat reduce discomfort, the pet will persistently try to wipe its muzzle on everything that comes in its path. In addition, the cat will wash very often.

Looking at the animal, you can see that the cat is drooling quite strongly.

The problem is especially visible in long-haired breeds. If you examine the bedding of the animal, you can see wet footprints.

It is very difficult to determine what exactly caused profuse salivation in a pet. Therefore, when such a symptom appears, it is worth contacting a specialist and conducting a thorough diagnosis. Most often, veterinarians conduct laboratory tests, and after that they determine the type of pathology.

Why does a cat drool?

In the case when the cat began to drool profusely, it is necessary to pay attention to additional symptoms. This is important, as they can suggest what exactly caused this phenomenon.

Increased salivation in a cat is often caused by viral infections. The disease leads to sneezing, fever, runny nose and strong salivation. At the same time, viral illnesses are often accompanied by the fact that the animal begins to drink a very large amount of water. Therefore, increased salivation can be considered a completely understandable symptom. In addition, viral infections often cause nausea, which leads to increased secretion of fluid from the salivary glands.

Another reason why a cat drools from its mouth is poisoning. Such a nuisance always causes increased production of saliva, which the cat does not swallow, so the liquid begins to flow out and drip onto the chest. There are many substances that can cause poisoning. Cats and cats are picky enough in food, but they often get poisoned due to stale food.

But not only indigestion leads to increased salivation - a pet can experience chemical poisoning. It can be ordinary household chemicals or means for the destruction of fleas and ticks. Especially dangerous situations are those when the animal gets insecticide poisoning. If the remedy was chosen incorrectly or the dosage was violated when using it, a negative reaction of the body cannot be avoided.

Experts note that teeth and gums often lead to the appearance of such a phenomenon as increased salivation.

In this case, the symptom can be observed both in a kitten and in an elderly animal. In the first case, drooling is due to the change of teeth, and in the second, due to their strong wear and possible gum problems, which are very common in pets that have reached a certain age. If the pet is no longer young, it must be periodically shown to the veterinarian in order to be able to prevent the development of such troubles as:

  1. gingivitis
  2. caries.

For preventive purposes, you can use special vitamins, treats and toys that will clean your teeth and gums, preventing the development of oral diseases.

It is worth noting that if drooling is due to pathologies of the teeth and gums, this can be determined by how the pet will eat. Cats and cats endure even severe pain. They will not cry and complain, but the owner will be able to understand from the special behavior that the problem still exists. The animal not only eats slowly, but also does not allow touching the head, as this will cause him severe pain.

The cause of increased salivation (ptyalism) can also be a foreign object stuck in the mouth. This most often happens with kittens, who during the game can grab something superfluous, and then not be able to get rid of it on their own. Such elements can get stuck:

  • in the throat;
  • in the teeth;
  • behind the cheeks.

In any case, this will cause a strong salivation.

This is how such a problem manifests itself, like a bone stuck in the throat. Therefore, if a cat has hypersalivation, you need to carefully check his mouth and throat, and, if necessary, remove a bone or any foreign object. Often, in such situations, you have to turn to professionals, since it can be very difficult to get rid of a foreign element so as not to harm your pet.

The reason why a cat drools heavily from the mouth can be not only a foreign object in the throat, but also in the esophagus. It can be, for example, a ball of wool. Until the pet gets rid of it, drooling will flow very profusely.

As a fairly rare cause of increased salivation in cats, an anatomical feature of the animal's body is used. The body structure of some cats causes profuse fluid in the mouth. This is not considered a sign of illness, and a pet can live peacefully for many years without feeling any discomfort.

In unusual situations for a cat, her body can react quite unusually. This causes various symptoms, including increased salivation. For example, this may be a reaction to stress, a change in diet, or travel in a vehicle. Cats and cats often don't handle long journeys and new environments very well. This causes various negative reactions of the body, among which there may be increased salivation.

Food that is highly attracted to a pet can lead to increased saliva production. Sometimes there is so much of it that the cat simply does not have time to swallow everything and saliva begins to drip onto the floor.

As for travel in transport, they become a lot of stress for most individuals. Many animals get sick on the road, which is expressed in the form of strong salivation. But this is a temporary phenomenon. As soon as the animal stops shaking and there is solid ground under its feet, excess fluid will cease to be produced in the mouth.

Cats react not only to pleasant smells and tastes.

For example, salivation may increase when taking medications, as well as if the animal is treated with injections of certain drugs. If the cat is not the first time given tablets from worms, which have an unpleasant taste, his salivary glands will begin to react in advance.

Salivation in rabies

The most dangerous reason why a cat drools is the rabies virus. If the animal has not been vaccinated and spends a certain amount of time on the street, infection with such a serious illness is not excluded. It is a deadly disease that can be transmitted from animal to human. For everyone, the rabies virus is incurable.

If a cat has been diagnosed with a similar disease, it will no longer be possible to save a pet. For the first time, the animal is placed in quarantine to exclude any contact with other living beings. The disease is very contagious, so in no case should you touch a sick cat.

It is possible to determine that an animal has rabies by several symptoms. Initially, the cat becomes inadequate. Her excessive caress can change dramatically to unmotivated aggression. The pet's appetite becomes somewhat unusual. The cat will refuse the usual food, but at the same time it will begin to eat what it would never have eaten before.

A clear symptom of rabies is hydrophobia.

If you bring a sick animal to water, he will begin to tantrum. Despite the fact that the cat will not drink, it will begin to drool profusely. Over time, they will turn into foam. One of the last signs of rabies, which indicates the progression of the disease and the approaching death, are convulsions.

Rabies is a very dangerous disease that cannot be cured. The animal has no chance of surviving after infection, but it is in the power of a person to do so in order to prevent the development of such a scenario. The easiest way to protect yourself is to get vaccinated early. This is a simple and affordable vaccine, which will be a reliable way to prevent a dangerous disease. Pet owners who skimp on vaccinations should be aware that this disease is transmissible to humans. After infection, there is very little time to prevent the progression of the disease.

One of the clear signs of the development of rabies is that the cat is salivating. It is she who is the most dangerous in cats. If it gets on the mucous membrane of a person or penetrates into an open wound, the virus will be transmitted to the owner of the sick animal.

Preventive measures

Increased salivation can be a consequence of banal stress and increased appetite, but sometimes this is what becomes the first sign of the most dangerous ailments. Therefore, when such an unusual symptom is detected, it is necessary to pay attention to the presence of additional symptoms. If increased fluid secretion is accompanied by hydrophobia and inappropriate behavior, you need to be especially careful, as this indicates the development of rabies. In such a situation, the cat should be taken to the veterinarian as soon as possible and quarantined. This is the only preventive measure to prevent infection of other living beings.

There are many diseases that can cause excessive salivation. But in order to prevent their development, you need to take care of timely vaccination. This is the only effective method of prevention.

Salivation is caused by excess saliva dripping from the animal's mouth. Saliva is constantly produced by the salivary glands. Excessive production or secretion of saliva is called hypersalivation (or ptyalism). Oral problems and disorders of the central nervous system are the most common causes of ptyalism and subsequent drooling. It happens that the normal production of saliva may seem excessive in animals with an anatomical abnormality that allows saliva to drip from the mouth. This condition is called false ptyalism. There are many causes of drooling in cats, often harmless, but sometimes very serious.

Normally healthy cats don't drool. However, some pets drool when they are stroked and caressed or about to be fed. The sight or smell of certain foods can make these cats salivate if they find the food extremely appealing and tempting.

Other pets drool when they are very nervous. When a cat feels tense, she will start to over-groom herself, as this helps to calm down. Such licking can contribute to increased salivation.

Also, some cats will start to salivate when they know they are going to be given an unpleasant tasting drug or injected (this is psychological). Well, saliva necessarily begins to flow if the cat is given a bitter and tasteless medicine. For example, no-shpa tablets always cause profuse salivation, as well as deworming drugs.

Some cats suffer from motion sickness (which can cause them to salivate when traveling). Foaming at the mouth may be present in a cat that feels nauseous or vomits (particularly due to the accumulation of hairballs in the stomach).

All of these causes lead to drooling, which is usually mild and short-lived. But if your cat is drooling or foaming at the mouth for no apparent reason, if the saliva persists for more than an hour and a half, or if there are other symptoms, then it's time to call the veterinarian. If salivation is not normal and typical for your cat, and suddenly it starts, this may be a sign that something is wrong with the pet.

Causes of drooling in cats can be:

· Poisoning;

· Infection or damage to the salivary glands, salivary gland cyst;

· Dental problems (gum disease, dental abscess, etc.);

· Foreign object in the mouth;

· Leukemia;

· heart attack;

· Abscess;

· (if, in addition to salivation, the animal behaves inappropriately);

· Pseudo-madness ( false frenzy);

· ( , ), especially if salivation is accompanied by watery eyes and runny nose, sneezing, fever, loss of appetite;

· Heat stroke (hyperthermia);

· oral cavity;

· Portosystemic shunt (liver shunt);

· ;

· Poisoning from certain poisons (such as insecticides, flea sprays, or arsenic);

· Eating certain types of lizards and toads;

· Wasp or bee sting (if the cat tries to hunt and eat these insects);

· Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (inflammation of the esophagus, tumor of the esophagus, hiatal hernia, bloating, stomach ulcer);

· Nausea;

· Botulism;

· Tetanus.


As you can see, there are many different reasons for excessive salivation. When contacting the veterinarian, you will need to provide as much detail as possible about your cat's health, including vaccinations, medications used, possible exposure to toxins, and other symptoms associated with salivation. Your doctor will need to distinguish between drooling caused by difficulty swallowing and drooling from nausea accompanied by smacking and vomiting. It is also necessary to perform a complete physical and neurological examination of your cat, with particular attention to the mouth and neck. Diagnostic tools may include x-rays and ultrasound to determine if there is a problem in the structure of the liver or in any other internal organs. If an immune disorder is suspected, your veterinarian may also want to biopsy tissue and cells.


Your veterinarian will treat the underlying cause of ptyalism once it has been identified and diagnosed. Depending on the cause of the salivation, your veterinarian will want to monitor and examine your cat as often as necessary to make sure the treatment is effective.

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