Compatibility Scorpio (female) - Taurus (male). Business Compatibility Taurus Man and Scorpio Woman. Scorpio Woman - Taurus Man: Marriage Compatibility

Are Taurus Man and Scorpio Woman compatible - these two strong and unique zodiac signs? Persistent, stubborn, reliable and loving - this is what can be said about the Taurus man, if you describe him in four words. Mysterious, emotional, passionate and confident - people can say this about a Scorpio woman.

Let's find out the compatibility horoscope of Taurus Man and Scorpio Woman.

Personality of Taurus and Scorpio

From the point of view of astrology, persons born between April 21 and May 22 are called Taurus, and from October 24 to November 22 - Scorpions. Before we get to the question of compatibility, let's take a look at the unique characteristics of each mark.

Taurus personality

One of the fundamental character traits of a Taurus is reliability. She is the one that everyone admires. Set any task before Taurus and you can not even doubt that it will be solved. A man born under this zodiac sign is absolutely reliable and will be a stable support for his companion.

The Taurus man is a traditionalist. He is loyal, emotional and sentimental. A person born under this sign firmly believes in family and social values ​​and follows them under any circumstances. Taurus can be jealous and suspicious at times, but if he's confident in you and your feelings, he'll adjust to the relationship. In relationships with the opposite sex, the Taurus man is loving, caring and romantic. No other sign of the zodiac can compare in tenderness and care with the Taurus in love. If he has found the embodiment of his dream, he will seek stable and long-term relationships. From time to time, Taurus is jealous and suspicious, it all depends on you - if the partner is faithful and responds to his feelings, then the man will learn to cope with bouts of jealousy.

Of the negative character traits of Taurus, it is worth highlighting stubbornness. It is impossible to convince him, whether it is an opinion about food or clothing. Another negative characteristic is stinginess, but this trait can be considered as a guarantee of security and stability.

Scorpio character

The character of the Scorpio Woman is strong, she is a very deep personality, self-confident. Mystery is her second nature, you will never completely unravel such a woman. The enormous inner strength of Scorpio attracts and fascinates. She is very emotional and at the same time sexy. He experiences all moods to the maximum - he is jealous, loves, angry. Women of this sign have a very developed intuition.

It is very difficult for any person to hide their secrets from her. She understands everything at a glance, but at the same time, she is extremely reluctant to give out information about herself. Even the closest friends are often not aware of what occupies her thoughts.

In a relationship, a Scorpio woman is demanding, she gives a lot, but she also expects reciprocal steps from her partner. In love, he shows loyalty, passion, intensity, and is looking for a partner to match himself. Realizing that she was deceived, she can neither forget nor forgive.

Relationship between Taurus man and Scorpio woman

A man born under the sign of Taurus and a woman Scorpio are absolute opposites, so they are drawn to each other like a magnet. And at first, it seems that the emotional and sensual Taurus is perfect for the passionate and sexy Scorpio woman. This couple complements each other with their personality traits, uniting into one whole, and very often has many points of contact in relation to life. For example, regardless of the circumstances, they are very devoted to each other. Both are ambitious and strive to succeed in everything, although Taurus needs to be pushed and stimulated from time to time, but the Scorpio woman will successfully cope with this problem.

In a relationship, both are looking for a combination of loyalty and mutual obligations. Taurus and Scorpio believe in the sanctity of marriage and are faithful to each other. A man born under Taurus will always appreciate the attention and care that a Scorpio woman will gladly show towards him. This couple are good financial partners. Both understand the value of money and, therefore, will never waste money, but will invest it.

If we talk about the sensual side of relationships, then just in such couples love is possible for many years. Love is sensual and passionate, which only those born under the sign of Taurus and Scorpio are capable of. The couple will enjoy every second of passionate, emotional, slow lovemaking, thereby fulfilling each other's physical needs and desires. Their sexual attitude will bring the best to the relationship.

On the other hand, compatibility in the relationship of a Taurus man and a Scorpio woman can be broken by the stubbornness of a man. He does not always perceive the intense emotional activity of his partner properly. And since both sides of the couple are passionate natures, there can be devastating consequences.

Undoubtedly, the Taurus man and the Scorpio woman will be constantly drawn to each other, even if they try to break off the relationship. The commonality of core values ​​and worldview will help overcome many of the obstacles that couples face. So, if your union is in a relationship between a Taurus man and a Scorpio woman, then you have every chance of achieving full compatibility.

Even at an early stage of a relationship, you want to look into the future and find out how suitable a person is for you. How easily and quickly can you build a romantic relationship with him, start a family, and can you put him in difficult situations?

It happens that relationships develop easily and naturally, but it also happens that it is almost impossible to find a common language with a person. Incompatibility according to the signs of the zodiac may be to blame. But this does not mean at all that obstacles cannot be overcome and it is impossible to achieve mutual understanding. If you are aware of the difficulties that may arise between the two signs, then you can easily avoid sharp moments and create a strong relationship.

What kind of relationship can there be between a man born under the sign of Taurus and a woman born under the sign of Scorpio? First of all, it should be said that relations between people are formed based on the peculiarities of their personal development. Regardless of the sign of the zodiac, you can be a person who improves himself by working on his weaknesses, or you can show your character without thinking about the consequences.

The relationship between Taurus and Scorpio largely depends on how these people are brought up, how much they strive for each other and whether they are ready to work on themselves. Two strong people, two strong-willed characters- such relationships cannot be called simple, but they can be fruitful and interesting.

Men born under the sign of Taurus have a strong character. They are endowed with stubbornness and go to the goal, tirelessly overcoming any obstacles.

Due to their perseverance and ability to work, they are often wealthy people. This situation requires a lot of time and effort. They are demanding of themselves and others. Taurus bosses are always fair, but they do not allow themselves to relax, not their team. And they know how to work in a team. With such a leader, it will be difficult to slip away from work, but on the other hand, the reward for the work will correspond to the efforts expended.

In a relationship, Taurus men are constant. They surround the lady of their heart with care and attention. They are generous and do not skimp on compliments or expensive gifts. Next to a Taurus man, a woman can feel like behind a stone wall. But such a man will also have shortcomings. It is difficult to convince him of what he already considers a matter for himself. It is better not to argue with him or do it with the understanding that you have little chance of outarguing. They are heavy to lift. They love constancy and certainty in everything.

The Scorpio woman is feminine in every movement.. She is graceful, knows how to show herself from the best side, knows how to be beautiful. The owner of an extraordinary mind, she can take place as a leader, create her own business or reach the height of the career ladder. As a rule, Scorpios do not like to be housewives and even being the wife of an independent man, they strive for their own independence.

Women born under the sign of Scorpio know how to stand up for themselves. They do not forgive insults, and for a long time they are not able to forget an accidental quarrel. They are rather quick-tempered, but by virtue of life experience they can learn to control their temperament. They are able to appreciate the person who is nearby.

Scorpio women, endowed with wisdom, can turn a blind eye to the shortcomings of their man in the event that his dignity is several times higher and more valuable.

In this case, they are even ready to succumb to the stubbornness of Taurus, not forgetting their own benefit at the same time.

If a true man can be found in a Taurus man, then a Scorpio woman conquers men's hearts with her grace, ability to conduct a dialogue and find the right word at the right moment.

Married spouses

The married life of two strong signs can not be easy. Where the Scorpio Woman, who loves order, points out the shortcomings of life to the stubborn Taurus man, a storm can break out. If no one makes concessions, then the conflict will not be bypassed. In a pair of Scorpio-Taurus, this situation is most likely.

Both signs have a strong sense of jealousy. This is the second reason for constant conflicts in the Scorpio-Taurus pair. The situation can take a dangerous turn if the Scorpio woman, using her feminine charm, begins to deliberately provoke a feeling of jealousy in the Taurus man. And she tends to create provocative situations, especially in those cases when she considers herself offended and in the right to revenge.

The third reason why relationships may not work out is sharp sting of a scorpion. If a woman feels hurt or offended, she can release her sting and do something that she will later regret. This may be an insulting word to the Taurus man or an action that he cannot forgive. And the Taurus man does not forgive willingly. From stubbornness alone, he can finally break off relationships that will be infinitely dear to him. In this pair it will always be difficult to glue the broken. This should be remembered and avoid conflicts.

The erotic life of Scorpio and Taurus is always full of variety, passion and surprises. Scorpio women love experiments. They are emotional, demanding and give themselves to their partners with full dedication. For them, their own pleasure and the pleasure of a partner are equally important.

The Taurus man, as a rule, is endowed with great physical strength. He is demanding, hardy, but at the same time gentle. Taurus are very fond of affection. They need long preludes. They tend to be selfish. It is important for them to give pleasure no less than to receive it.

The relationship between Scorpio and Taurus in bed is almost perfect. Based on dedication, reverent attitude towards a partner, passion and mutual understanding, these relationships can last long enough.

Due to the fact that each partner is ready for experiments and new tests of their abilities, sex can become the main thread connecting these two for life.

If we talk about friendship between a Scorpio woman and a Taurus man, then it may be short. Two smart people who will always be interested in each other. Two owners who have a strong sense of jealousy. Sooner or later, their inherent passion will wake up in them and these two will be drawn to each other with terrible force.

In order for friendship to remain friendship, good reasons are needed. Such as the presence of a beloved woman in a Taurus man, for example. These men are distinguished by fidelity and constancy. If Taurus has a lover, he stops looking around. In this case, he can perceive the Scorpio woman only as an interesting person.

A Scorpio woman will not pay attention to a Taurus man if he is below her in social status or is dependent on her. Scorpios do not like to build relationships with those people who are weaker and in some way show inconsistency..

Work Compatibility

If a Taurus man is subordinate to a Scorpio woman at work, then their relationship will develop as long as Taurus has the patience. Scorpios can be merciless. Especially if they understand their impunity. Business relations between Scorpio and Taurus can only develop if both partners show their strength and character. When they feel equal in another, and everyone knows how to defend their position.

Quite common is the union of the signs "Taurus and Scorpio". The compatibility of such partners is quite successful. Representatives of both signs are strong personalities, and therefore passionate love flares up between them, mutual respect reigns. The ideal chosen one for a Scorpio girl should be stubborn, independent, financially secure. All these characteristics are combined in the Taurus man. He is attracted in his companion by the strength of character, harmoniously combined with femininity.

1. What the compatibility horoscope says

2. Taurus man, Scorpio woman married.

3. Sexual compatibility of partners

4. Are there any downsides to the relationship between Taurus and Scorpio?

5. Can partners avoid scandals?

What does the compatibility horoscope say? Scorpio woman, Taurus man - complete opposites

Since these signs of the Zodiac have radically different characters, the love relationship between them is quite problematic. The joint life of such partners can be uncomfortable for both. But, oddly enough, they are made for each other, because only together they manage to improve, reach the heights. Such a couple can achieve a lot, because together they make up one whole.

As a rule, a Taurus man and a Scorpio woman experience a strong sexual attraction to each other. A flame flares up between them, passions seethe. However, all this may end in a tragic separation, painful for both. It will be very difficult for them to be apart. In order for the union to be lasting, filled with love and happiness, partners should show more calmness and balance. Strong relationships largely depend on the fairer sex. She must understand what she wants from her chosen one. Maybe she just does not have enough thrills, or she is looking for fleeting satisfaction. Often such a woman is simply not able to fully appreciate the dignity of the Taurus man. And it’s hard for him to come to terms with the shortcomings of the chosen one.

At the beginning, the girl will be the initiator of the relationship. She knows the secret tricks with which you can achieve the location of any man. She will easily win the heart of Taurus. At the same time, Scorpio will not consider his gentleman as something serious, will not make plans for the future with him. Conquering men, she simply asserts herself. However, in such a relationship, a woman will be very comfortable. If she is not set for a serious continuation, then interest will quickly fade away. But a Scorpio woman, determined to start a family, will receive stability from her companion, he will become a support and protection. In this case, the compatibility horoscope "Taurus and Scorpio" prophesies them a long, strong relationship.

But a man with such a lady will have a very difficult time. He will not be able to resist the storm of passions that await him in a relationship with Scorpio. A woman will be able to quickly calm her boyfriend. He will have to constantly prove his loyalty, each time coming up with more and more unusual ways. Scorpio cannot live without new experiences, she strives for diversity. Sometimes her excessive emotions can offend Taurus, hurt his male pride. Be that as it may, Taurus and Scorpio have good compatibility in love. Indeed, with such a lady, a man's life is filled with new impressions, bright colors. He gets satisfaction from the relationship. At the same time, he has a hard time, but Taurus is ready to endure for the sake of love.

Are zodiac signs compatible? Taurus man, Scorpio woman married

It seems to uninitiated viewers that the marriage of these two signs is quite promising. Both partners visually look balanced, behave calmly. They just don't like bringing their personal problems into the public eye. They rarely invite guests over. Mutual friends are the exception.

If they stop constantly finding fault with the shortcomings of the second half, then the horoscope "Scorpio woman, Taurus man" will be quite favorable. The wife will keep the family hearth, will become an excellent housewife. The material support of the family will fall on the shoulders of the husband, and he will regularly cope with this task. Such a man is a very hardworking person, besides, patience and endurance are inherent in him. A wise woman will be able to direct these qualities of character in the right direction.

When spouses learn to pay more attention to everyday, everyday issues, their spiritual compatibility will return to normal. As a result, the relationship will become strong, they will be lucky in all matters. Mutual understanding will help partners achieve better results. Both should be interested in each other's successes, follow the achievements of the second half.

What lovers are a Scorpio woman, a Taurus man? Sexual compatibility of partners

For representatives of both signs, intimacy is a sacred sacrament. Their sex life is varied and passionate. In bed, both show sensuality and tenderness. Taurus is able to awaken hidden, bright emotions in his partner. And Scorpio will incredibly like the ability of the gentleman to give her fabulous pleasure and pleasure. By the way, a passionate woman with representatives of other zodiac signs does not find such harmony in bed.

Sensual lovers Taurus man and Scorpio woman perfectly feel what their soulmate wants. The partner allows the girl to feel the depth of feelings and sensations. Scorpio is a power sign. Such a woman loves that the chosen one completely belongs to her. Such a desire does not bother a man. He gives his partner maximum satisfaction, receiving no less pleasure from this. Male Taurus, female Scorpio compatibility in bed is just excellent. Their intimacy is like some kind of magical ritual. After the partners leave the bedroom, it is extremely difficult for them to tune in to their usual life.

Are there any cons in the Taurus and Scorpio relationship?

In financial matters, representatives of signs have many disagreements, but they quickly manage to find compromises. Despite the fact that Taurus is not used to showing his feelings, and Scorpio, on the contrary, is too emotional, spiritually, they sooner or later find harmony. The key problem of this union can be called the jealousy of both partners. At the same time, none of them is looking for adventures on the side.

But from time to time lovers express their suspicions. If the gentleman seeks to find any reason, then his chosen one is able to come up with it on her own. Even if there are no real reasons for jealousy, she will easily see it. In addition, a woman can purposely make Taurus jealous so that he finally throws out all his emotions and feelings. After all, Scorpio cannot imagine life without a storm of passions. On a subconscious level, she wants to provoke her lover into a scandal. This is not at all what is happening in a couple.

Can partners avoid scandals?

When attacks of jealousy in both arise unintentionally, they should deal with it. The woman in this pair is more sensitive and insightful, and therefore the responsibility falls on her shoulders. She will be able to dispel her partner's suspicions, and he will stop being jealous for no reason. However, if a woman herself begins to be jealous of the chosen one, then she loses her sobriety of mind and observation. That is, it is worth learning to maintain objectivity in relationships. Taurus man, Scorpio woman compatibility in love can not be lost if they follow these tips.

However, it also happens that a woman deliberately provokes her boyfriend. In such situations, she should look for other sources of emotions. After all, at one fine moment, a patient and stable Taurus can not stand it. Then he is able to break off relations with an emotional lady, exchanging her for a calmer partner. Scorpio must remember that there are numerous ways to get thrills that do not destroy love relationships.

Scorpios are the personification of passion, Taurus - serenity. They need each other, although they do not immediately realize it. This union is destined to become difficult and surprising. There is an immediate attraction between them. When a scorpio woman is a taurus man together, they are accompanied by good luck.

Scorpio woman and Taurus man: compatibility as friends

The friendly compatibility of a Taurus man and a Scorpio woman has every chance of lasting for many years. Both signs have constancy, unhurried, a little conservative. They are not very interested in news, prefer to talk about something light and momentary. From the outside, it may seem that there is no depth in their friendships, but this is not so. The Scorpio woman subtly feels the emotions and state of the Taurus man, and she does not need words for this. Taurus, being a bulwark of stability and stability, is able to give a woman peace to a scorpion by its mere presence.

Their friendship is long-term and permanent. However, if a quarrel occurs between Scorpio and Taurus friends for some reason, they will most likely never revive this relationship.

Working Compatibility

The business compatibility of a male calf and a scorpio woman can be overshadowed by suspicion and anxiety. They cannot always honestly and openly agree on the distribution of responsibility and support a colleague. However, if a Taurus man and a Scorpio woman can get around sharp corners and agree, they can achieve good results together.

Working Compatibility: Taurus Man and Scorpio Woman:

Taurus man Scorpio woman can make a good tandem. Both partners are ambitious, interested in money, aimed at success. In their joint business, ideas and inspiration will come from the Scorpio woman, and the implementation will be on the shoulders of the Taurus man. The best option for their cooperation is creativity. In this direction, the Scorpio woman realizes her talents and abilities to the maximum, and the enterprising Taurus will be engaged in monetization.

Scorpio woman is the boss, Taurus man is the subordinate
The insight and flexibility of a Scorpio woman makes her a good boss for a calf. She will not touch his pride and will appreciate his perseverance and hard work. Difficulties can arise due to the excessive suspicion of a scorpion, which is difficult to start trusting subordinates. And in a state of tension, the Taurus man does not work well. The Taurus man is a hardworking, responsible employee, but he needs comfortable conditions. If the boss understands this need of his, then their interaction will become very fruitful.

Scorpio woman is subordinate, Taurus man is boss
This option is not very successful. The head of the Taurus adheres to the rules and norms too much, his conservatism crushes the initiative of active innovative employees, such as the Scorpio woman is. It is extremely difficult for an impulsive Scorpio to feel in so many restrictions. It realizes its potential in a very small proportion. Moreover, career prospects are important for a scorpion girl, and the Taurus man, most likely, will not provide this to her. Without realizing her ambitions, a scorpio woman can start an undercover game full of intrigues and conspiracies against a short-sighted leader.

The love compatibility of a Taurus guy and a Scorpio girl is very great. A passionate, temperamental Scorpio woman attracts a Taurus man. He, being her complete opposite, calms her with his presence, gives wisdom and composure. Each brings to the relationship what the partner strives for, but which is extremely difficult for him to acquire. The raging passions of the scorpion woman fascinate the calf man, but he loves to watch her as if from the side, at a distance, being careful not to come close. She also keeps him in sight, but is in no hurry to approach, fearing that he will cool her ardor too much. Gradually, they will begin to realize the beneficial influence of a partner on them and appreciate the importance of this relationship. Their romance develops slowly, leisurely, leaving a sweet aftertaste after meeting and growing into a true deep affection.

This is genuine sincere love, which requires time and sensitivity, at the beginning of a relationship may go unnoticed. And being unsteady and unstable for a long time, it can disappear due to slight negligence, unfortunate misunderstanding or someone's intrigues.

When the Taurus man, the Scorpio woman realizes that they have met their love, they will be able to create relationships that will suit each of them as much as possible.

The love relationship of this union often leads to marriage. The Taurus man, carried away by the femme fatale scorpion, shows great strength, wisdom, perseverance and patience in order to tame the chosen one. He learns to understand its depth, its secret thoughts, spiritual aspirations and is able to succeed in this. A sensitive girl will appreciate these efforts. To create harmony between them, lovers should learn to give in. A Taurus man should learn to be less stubborn, and a Scorpio woman should learn to be less jealous and reproachful.
Taurus man and scorpio woman compatibility. How to charm a Taurus man

When meeting a woman, a scorpio will not have to apply any tricks and efforts. She is essentially a femme fatale who knows how to captivate men and win their hearts. But if at least some effort is needed with some, then with the calf a strong attraction occurs immediately. It doesn’t even matter whether they met at a social event or collided in a store, how the scorpion woman looked and was dressed. If they start a conversation, a spark runs between them.

After a while, with all their compatibility, efforts will still be required from a scorpion woman. This will happen when it is time to move on to the next stage of the relationship. The Taurus man is so leisurely that he may not propose to his companion for decades. Moreover, you can’t take him impudently, and he doesn’t understand subtle hints. This is where a woman will have to show wisdom, strategic thinking, flexibility and subtle manipulation in order to bring him to marriage. In this, the Scorpio woman is a virtuoso. She will be able to so subtly put into the head of her beloved man the idea of ​​​​the need to start a family that he will consider it his decision.

Taurus man - marriage compatibility - scorpio woman

By joining their destinies in marriage, both partners receive a harmonious union, a close friend, an amazing lover and a faithful spouse. The wife will create a wonderful atmosphere in the house, coziness, comfort. The husband will be able to earn a solid capital. They are happy mascots for each other, together they are incredibly lucky. And if the spouses also strive for development, personal growth, their luck, success, realization reaches its climax.

The Taurus man, thanks to her, learns about the influence of the emotional component on life. Energy development will become for him not an abstract concept, but a really working tool. And the scorpion, under the influence of the calf, will learn to rationally and carefully spend its resources.

A couple of successful, balanced, a little aloof people - that's how other people see them. Often, a Taurus man and a Scorpio woman reliably protect their family and their relationships from prying eyes. Their house is closed to colleagues and acquaintances. The exception is a few trusted family friends. With them they are incredibly hospitable, hospitable, open.

Sexuality and intimate life

With incredible sexuality and sensuality, both signs are very attractive to each other. This couple has great sex - bright, rich, well-coordinated. They know how to enjoy intimacy and give pleasure to another partner. Their intimate life is filled with the magic of unpredictability and passion. With pleasure, they love to watch erotica together, which has an artistic taste and exquisite style.

Sensual music, smells, candles, aphrodisiacs - they use everything that can bring a new note to their sex life.
A Scorpio woman always excites the imagination of her man. She is unpredictable and sexy, sensual and emotional. In bed, he knows how to masterfully play erotic roles, seduce with movements, gait, plasticity.

If love arises between them, there will be no question of marriage. They will definitely enter into a family union. Strong attachment will lead to a logical development of events. Being more impulsive and emotional, besides having a strong possessive instinct, a scorpio woman will push a man to strengthen love relationships and a wedding. In the family, the husband will be the head, and the freedom-loving spouse will voluntarily hand over the reins of government to him. They both understand what they want in a relationship. However, money issues can disrupt the harmony in a couple. They should learn respect and leniency. Marriage will teach wayward women and men to subdue their ego and reduce ambition. Both Taurus and Scorpio should relax and enjoy sharing. Being a workaholic, the Taurus man spends a lot of time at work.

The Scorpio woman is jealous and touchy, but she needs to learn to trust her husband. And also hold back when you want to manipulate your man. Caustic reproaches of scorpions can infuriate any man, even a calm and cold-blooded calf. Taurus is extremely difficult to piss off, but if this has already happened, he becomes very tough and categorical. Such an outburst of rage of a Taurus man can even end in a breakup. A woman should remember this and control her statements.

Possible difficulties in the union of a scorpio woman - a Taurus man

It would seem that a practical Taurus and an emotional Scorpio woman - how can they understand each other? The main misunderstandings are related to money or feelings. Therefore, it is surprising that the main source of problems in this pair is not material or emotional issues, but jealousy. Both are terrible owners and jealous. And although they are also both faithful and reliable partners, jealousy is constantly present in their lives. If a calf needs a reason for jealousy, then a scorpio woman is jealous out of the blue. Moreover, imagining her husband's betrayal where there is not the slightest hint of even flirting, she begins to take revenge. She provokes her man by flirting with others and causing a wave of just indignation and indignation in the body.

Partly, he does this unconsciously, trying to arouse passion and attraction.

Marriage, Taurus Man - Scorpio Woman, and Raising Children

The compatibility of a Taurus man and a Scorpio woman will remain very harmonious with the advent of babies in the family. A Taurus man will show himself to be a great father and husband. He will strive to provide his family with everything necessary. And besides this, will spend a lot of time with the children. The Taurus man will set an example, teach them independence, support them in any endeavors.

Children adore their father, respect his opinion and listen to his recommendations. And over the years, their relationship will only grow stronger.
A scorpio woman highly appreciates the dignity of her husband as a father and head of the family. She is a good mother, very caring and attentive to children.

Her emotionality is a disservice to her. Sometimes in the heat of emotions, she can say too much, which she will regret. But children, knowing the nature of their mother, get used to it and do not take offense at her. Children in the family male taurus scorpio woman will be surrounded by love and acceptance.

The relationship between Taurus and Scorpio is a union of two strong personalities. But it is precisely in this, paradoxical as it may seem, that the complexity and even weakness of such an alliance lies. Ultimate feelings, fatal, insatiable passion - this is how the romance between Taurus and Scorpio begins. If they manage not to burn each other out, the relationship, entering the stage of stability, can become very strong. Or ... or, unable to withstand the emotional intensity and parting, both partners will leave a lacerated wound in each other's hearts that does not heal until the last breath.

Whether the relationship will go according to the first or the second scenario is unknown even to the stars - but still a successful outcome is more likely: such deep feelings are worth fighting for. However, the path to meet will be very difficult, since Scorpio and Taurus are so different personalities that they can even be called opposites. However, as you know, the attraction of such people to each other is always the strongest. There is no paradox in this: it is clearly visible to an outside observer that a Scorpio woman is drawn to a person in whom those qualities that are weak in herself are strong. Taurus, on the other hand, conquers the mystical charm of Scorpio - something that the Bull, firmly standing on the mortal earth with all four hooves, is not able to comprehend. But what is obvious to others, for these two is a mystery with seven seals, and they prefer to attribute the extravaganza of suddenly erupted feelings to the call of the flesh. However, they are not so wrong: sometimes it is sexual attraction that brings together representatives of these two signs - it also keeps them from parting, helping to get through all the storms of life.

And there will be a lot of storms for this couple ... Again, it is worth emphasizing: Taurus and Scorpio are equally strong personalities, which inevitably provokes them to rivalry and fight for leadership positions. If, in order to resolve the next conflict, a softer partner would take a step forward and say “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to hurt you,” the stubborn Taurus man and the expressive Scorpio woman will go to different rooms, holding a grudge in their souls. It is this shortcoming - the inability to forgive and give in - that has broken many happy couples. It is impossible to convince the representatives of these two signs; they are incapable of delicacy and flexibility in communication. Result: the enmity of Scorpio and Taurus begins to be attached with the same unbridled passion with which they were initially attached.

The most fatal mistake on the part of Taurus would be an attempt to turn the conflict into a joke. Because for Scorpio, the fact that someone disagrees with him is very serious. Someone lives differently, looks at the world differently?! He is undoubtedly deeply mistaken. Scorpio cannot be criticized, and even more so mocked, even without malice: even if she did not show that it hurt her, you should know that your name has already appeared on her personal list of villains who deserve all the terrible executions that mankind has only come up with. Scorpio will never forgive and disrespectful statements addressed to him. After all, this is not just a woman, but a Woman with the most capital letter. She knows her own worth and demands exceptional respect from those around her.

On the contrary, it is quite difficult to seriously hurt anything. He is down to earth, self-confident and does not attach too much importance to other people's words. Another thing is actions. Disappointing Taurus is dangerous: in anger, he becomes an angry Bull, who will first trample, and then explain why.

However, if you both manage to survive this war, you will be rewarded with the most expensive trophy of all possible: eternal, without exaggeration - eternal love, the flames of which will not be cooled by years. There can only be two winners in the battle of lovers. Let the path to each other be long and thorny, but the harder a person gets something, the more he appreciates it.

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