Are an Aquarius girl and a Leo guy compatible? Aquarius woman and Leo man compatibility in business. What are Aquarius women like?

Most horoscopes claim that not only a love union, but also friendly and working relationships of people of these signs are distinguished by extraordinary emotionality and energy charge. And no wonder: the Leo man, the Aquarius woman, as a rule, are extraordinary natures, capable of the most unexpected deeds. Sometimes it is difficult to be with them, but it is always interesting. However, all this is in the characteristics of their zodiac signs.

All about Leo man

A person born under the sign of Leo is distinguished by high intelligence, which attracts inquisitive and educated people to him. At the same time, he is persistent and will never submit to someone else's dictate, and this is also appreciated by those around him. It contains many contradictory and mutually exclusive qualities. You can call him an ideal personality if only such traits were present in the character:

But for all the attractiveness of this set of qualities, Leo can cause hostile feelings in someone, since there is a lot of negativity in his character:

  • self-confidence;
  • irascibility;
  • craving for luxury;
  • posturing;
  • love for compliments.

As you know, Leo is the king of animals. A man feels about the same - Leo, who cannot wear his “crown” without pride.

Advantages and disadvantages of the Aquarius woman

Her main quality, which someone considers a virtue, and someone ─ a disadvantage, is a pronounced sexual individuality. At the same time, she can be both passionate and cold, but attempts to question the role of sex in her life cause a violent protest.

A woman born under the sign of Aquarius is also a very ambiguous nature. She is selective in her attitude towards people. But it has many advantages:

This person knows how to be paradoxical in everyday life and in love, enjoys great success with the opposite sex. She is reciprocated, although she does not hide her shortcomings:

  • vanity;
  • intolerance to other people's mistakes;
  • incredulity;
  • inconsistency;
  • squandering.

Perfect Duo: Leo and Aquarius

In a pair of Leo and Aquarius, from the point of view of astrology, compatibility is obvious, since the emotional element of Fire is always next to the changeable element of Air. They correspond to each other exclusively at the energy level, and at the same time everyday contradictions do not matter much. There is a confrontation between them in the zodiac circle, but this does not prevent the representatives of the two signs from creating a stable union in which they support and complement each other.

Such interesting couples can often be found at public events. These are active people who are known as philanthropists. This activity allows Leo to gain public recognition, and Aquarius to find like-minded people.

They often attend social events, and they themselves often host guests at home parties, which they know how to give an original shape. At the same time, the Leo man likes to be in the spotlight, and the Aquarius woman appreciates the opportunity to show imagination and give the event originality.

In such and more serious public events, they look like a harmonious couple.

Common hobbies are the basis for the well-being of the union. Despite the stubbornness and conceit inherent in both, this couple can be happy if there are discoveries, travels, and interesting acquaintances in their lives. Only routine can separate such an unusual union. A calm stable existence is clearly contraindicated for them.

Two people in different relationships

If fate brings these people with such different characteristics together, you can expect their relationship to boil and end with an explosion. But it is not always the case.

Work and career

Despite the complex characters, these people can work well together. The pedantic Leo, who prefers to plan everything and prepare for projects in advance, and Aquarius, who, thanks to her extraordinary intuition, are always ready for clues, this couple is capable of fruitful cooperation.

It will be difficult for them to build a chain of "leader ─ subordinate". But if they understand that the Aquarius woman will lead in the interests of the case, this will make the work most effective. Of course, the pretentious Leo, with his commanding manners, is unlikely to come to terms with this state of affairs. But if he has the wisdom to understand that the boss does not put pressure on him, willingly takes on routine duties, allowing him to show his creative nature, this couple forms a wonderful professional duet.

If an overly demanding guy turns out to be the boss, he will deprive the ally of any independence, she will not have the opportunity to intuitively guess non-standard solutions and implement them. This can end in mutual dissatisfaction and a quick termination of cooperation.


The compatibility of Leo and Aquarius will also affect friendship, which may well begin between people of these signs. They will easily find a common language, meet with pleasure. The Leo man is quite satisfied with the attentive attitude towards him of an interesting smart woman, and the lady sees in a man of an enviable reputation with connections, a defender in difficult situations.

Disagreements sometimes occur between them, but they quickly pass, and do not affect their friendship in any way.

love union

According to the astrological characteristics, Leo and Aquarius are suitable for each other. In their case, the mutual rejection of similar characters will not work. Life for them is filled with colors if passion, unexpected events, meetings, acquaintances appear in it.

A woman, no matter how initiative and independent she may be, needs the support of a powerful man. Like any representative of the weaker sex, she wants to be the object of love, attention and care.

At the same time, Leo needs to show his masculine charm, he prefers to do this in relation to rebellious ladies.

The desire to be together

Such a game of two hot stubborn can go on for quite some time. It may not continue, but even after parting, memories of an unusual romance will remain for a long time. The reasons for the gap can be the desire of a man to manipulate the chosen one, and the fundamentally cold and independent behavior of a woman.

And yet these signs strive to be together, because:

Confrontation of signs

The relationship of people born under the signs of Leo and Aquarius will never be monotonous and insipid. But, as the horoscope notes, there are pitfalls in them that are difficult to ignore, and sometimes impossible.

For example, Leo really wants a woman not to be so independent, and pay more attention to her partner and home. And lady Aquarius does not intend to obey these requirements and prefers to spend time in society, sometimes without the presence of the chosen one. And this is a suitable occasion for jealousy and quarrels.

There are other reasons for disagreements: the Leo man is not always fair to Aquarius, for example, he considers her hobbies empty and uninteresting. In turn, a woman can accuse Leo of insincerity, of wanting to command her. In such situations, only a common cause can reconcile them and save the relationship.

In addition, the inconstancy of the girl can also make the relationship tense. She is able to change her mind about something several times, sometimes not being able to make the final choice. The naturally disciplined Leo does not understand this. He is annoyed that a partner can make the same mistake several times, and at the same time does not draw the appropriate conclusion, does not recognize mistakes.

The word "love" for these signs has a different meaning. For a guy, this is a synonym for outbursts of passion, an irresistible attraction, and for his partner, first of all, intellectual communication. If we formulate everything that overshadows the union of Leo and Aquarius, it will look like this:

  • frequent lack of understanding;
  • different attitude to communication with friends and to hobbies;
  • Leo's desire to rule Aquarius;
  • manipulating each other;
  • excessive desire to be independent;
  • unwillingness to understand the partner and compromise.

Ways to reach mutual understanding

Astrological forecasts, noting the full compatibility of the Aquarius woman and the Leo man, at the same time suggest exactly what actions and concessions can save this union.

Relations from the very beginning will be harmonious if Leo gives up the habit of forcing his chosen one to do only as he thinks. And a girl should not play on Leo's pride, manipulating his jealousy and ardor.

Both signs, in the name of preserving peace, need to learn to manage their behavior, in case of aggravation of relations, not to put pressure on each other, but to look for ways to reconciliation.

Leo, in order to avoid confrontation, must reckon with the partner's desire for personal space and freedoms, and Aquarius should also refrain from rash acts that strike at Leo's pride.

The impetuous disposition of partners can only be moderated in a trusting relationship. when the Aquarius woman finally understands the nobility of Leo and learns to respect his feelings.

A man should also go towards his beloved, who has extraordinary intuition, and forever abandon attempts to deceive her in some way.

Only such mutual concessions of iconic figures will make it possible to achieve harmonious relations and constant interest in each other.

Compatibility in sex

After mutual recognition, things will certainly come to a pleasant night. This is where the lion's nature of a man and the ability for a lady's fantasy will come into play. Most likely, this finale of a long period of mutual recognition will really bring them closer.

Passion flares up between partners, it boils and deprives of reason. It turns out that partners are very inventive in intimate matters. Both are ready to play a lot of scenarios in bed, in which they alternately are actors and directors. Stormy love scenes take place not only in the bedroom, but also in squares, and in stuck elevator cabins, gym locker rooms. In a word, the initial stage of intimate communication takes place in a state of euphoria.

Leo man and Aquarius woman in bed ─ this is complete compatibility of signs.

Birth of a family

If the relationship of this couple has stood the test of time and turned into a family one, then this is the answer to the question ─ is Aquarius suitable for Leo.

Marriage will be quite prosperous, provided that the spouses are bound not only by family responsibilities. It is quite possible that someday Leo will be dissatisfied with the manifestations of his wife's independence, her unwillingness to devote herself entirely to her husband.

However, the marriage of these signs is rarely hasty, the young spouse had time to understand that the chosen one could not be tied to home life. Moreover, from the very beginning she manifests herself as a clean and skillful mistress of the house, which does not prevent her from devoting a lot of time to her favorite hobby, meeting friends and going out.

There will be claims to the young husband and the newlywed.

The streak of mutual misunderstanding will end when the firstborn appears in the house. It turns out that it is he who will make them give up their ambitions and unnecessary disputes. From now on, Leo considers himself a protector of households and a breadwinner, and the Aquarius woman will consider the role of a tender and caring mother to be her main purpose.

The astrological forecast promises this couple that future life will be favorable to them.

Attention, only TODAY!

When a Leo man and an Aquarius woman, the romance does not flare up suddenly, compatibility is formed gradually or does not occur at all. This couple cannot be called a one-day thing: if a relationship eventually developed, they will last for years and decades. Often, a certain moment in the position of celestial bodies provokes the presentation of an old good friend in a different capacity or to start a light affair at the call of the hunting instinct, not suspecting what will come of it.

If you look at this process through the eyes of an astrologer, the following happens between them. The elements of Fire and Air, necessary for each other on the physical plane, create an initial attraction. In the zodiac circle, the emblems are located opposite, moreover, they are part of the cross of fixed designations. This situation suggests that these two do not hold perseverance on the verge of fanaticism. Everyone defends his position even where views and interests coincide.

The compatibility horoscope believes that the Aquarius woman and the Leo man are too similar to be an ideal couple, however, their chances of forming a strong union are quite high.

Compatibility of characters in the family

A girl and a guy may seem too selfish for compatibility to be successful, it is advisable to know that both the Aquarius woman and the Leo man are by no means as self-confident as they look from the outside. It is the need for constant nourishment of self-esteem that provokes them to work for the public, to win favor. Everyone knows such a feature behind themselves, therefore, if desired, they will understand their spouse quite easily.

Compatibility in marriage implies by no means a safe haven, as they are too emotional, active, they like to be at the epicenter of events. The born owner does not like the fact that the spouse is rarely at home. The partner hardly recognizes her beloved when he is angry, and in response, she is seriously offended that he hid his true essence from her. Attempts to convince, much less correct, are obviously doomed. In such situations, it makes sense to put yourself in the place of an opponent, an almost identical system of values ​​will allow you to quite clearly discern motivations.

A lot of similar hobbies, a craving for a similar lifestyle and a powerful physical attraction can negate virtually any conflict. These are excellent interlocutors who will always find something to say and listen with interest. Not because they do not want to seem ignorant, they are really curious.

Work Compatibility

If the Aquarius woman and the Leo man find themselves in a work collective, the compatibility of these zodiac signs is possible, provided that both strive for equality. He is a real generator of ideas, she, having a developed intuition of the air element, will accurately filter out which of the proposed options will work.

The tandem will quickly fall apart if Leo tries to dominate informally or on duty. As a boss, he is not recommended to look like a despot in the representation of a subordinate, such an approach, perhaps, will partially satisfy personal ambitions, but will in no way benefit the common cause. Under the leadership of the Aquarius woman, he will feel quite comfortable, her management style excludes an orderly tone and pressure on subordinates, she will pay tribute to the innovative proposals of a creative employee.

These unpredictable and restless are suitable activities that involve a change of scenery and creativity. This astrological factor should be taken into account when choosing a direction for a joint business.

How can a Leo man conquer an Aquarius woman?

If the Leo man knows a few secrets that the Aquarius woman will never tell out loud, the compatibility of the zodiac signs increases significantly. If a girl starts a heated argument or behaves even more eccentrically and independently than usual, this indicates that at the moment she is in dire need of support. In which one, guess from the situation, most often it is the need for approval, practical advice, the use of authority and influence, or just warmth.

How can an Aquarius woman conquer a Leo man?

When a Leo man and an Aquarius woman, compatibility often begins with a friendly relationship that imperceptibly flows into the category of love. To successfully implement such a strategy, the main thing is to be able to concentrate all your natural curiosity on the figure of the chosen one, which will certainly flatter his pride.

The fiery symbol is very loving, but first of all, sympathy and interest belong to bright, sociable ladies who are not devoid of delicacy. A dull look, pettiness, obsession, emotional deafness cause His Majesty to be rejected.

Who and how in the family brings up children

Each of the signs, both Leo and Aquarius, are convinced that caring for children is no less important than compatibility in love. Parental duties are not a burden for both of them, communication is a joy, respect for even the smallest little men and their desires is not alien.

In this family, the problem of confrontation between generations is unlikely to arise; children adopt the lifestyle and hobbies of adults before they learn to walk. There are practically no prohibitions and reproaches, but a lot of time and effort is devoted to intellectual and personal development. The rich experience of inquisitive easy-going parents often becomes the first source of information.

The decision to acquire heirs is made, as a rule, at a reasonable age of about thirty years, their birth does not bring radical changes to the usual way. The only problem that is likely to be faced is the hyperactivity of the younger generation, kids are often impulsive and impulsive.

Intimate Compatibility

It would be better if this couple learned a simple formula: sexual compatibility is inversely proportional to egocentrism. In everyday life, an undeclared war for spheres of influence does not subside between them. In bed, they now and then show dominant features, so their compatibility has some features. Manipulation of refusals is a categorically forbidden technique, but other prohibitions do not seem to exist at all.

Sometimes the struggle heats up the intensity of passions, allowing you to experience the full range of emotions and feelings. A rich imagination brings an element of the game, the ability to turn fantasies and fetishes into reality. Others prefer to leave any contradictions behind the bedroom door and completely transform into gentle and trusting lovers, discovering facets in themselves and their partner that are extremely rarely seen in everyday life.

Pros and cons of compatibility of these signs

In order for compatibility in love with Leo to develop successfully, the Aquarius woman must take into account the ambition and artistry of the second half, her man is one of those zodiac signs who, first of all, need to save face in public. He will never allow dirty linen to be carried out in public, prefers to smile sweetly, holding anger in his soul. As soon as the couple is left alone, the idyll is suddenly replaced by a quarrel. Openly resenting such duplicity and trying to distance yourself will only exacerbate the conflict.

What was wrong with the lady? The reason is different interpretations of the same actions. A trait of character, which is popularly called suddenness, is often taken by a partner as an extreme degree of optionality, or even worse, neglect. Over time, she begins to feel his moods more subtly, and he, in turn, becomes more tolerant of her unpredictability.

Fiery representatives highly appreciate the honesty and sincerity of the second half, because among the numerous acquaintances there are not so many people who can be trusted. In marriage, hospitality and the talent to organize home parties in such a way that none copy the previous one, and the willingness to give up the lion's share of success without regret, are important. Social activities, going out and traveling are a common core component of leisure activities.

What is the likelihood of compatibility in living together

In the zodiac circle, the symbols are in opposition, creating a strong mutual attraction, while numerous similarities counteract complete fusion. Whether Leo man and Aquarius woman are compatible depends on which of the two forces wins.

Most likely, the union will be difficult, but informative and long-term, it will give a unique chance to look at yourself through the eyes of a loved one, get more inner freedom, promote development and self-improvement.

It seems that Aquarius-man and Leo-woman have nothing in common. Sometimes it seems that these are two opposites. What is the surprise of others when a couple begins to build a love relationship. Some people think that this is all passion and separation will follow very quickly, but such a forecast may turn out to be incorrect.

The compatibility of the zodiac signs of Leo and Aquarius is good, so there is every chance that they will build a strong family. The main thing is to know the negative aspects of the union and try to correct them. Then the couple's relationship will last a very long time, and even after marriage, their feelings "will not fade away." For this, lovers also do not hurt to know each other's horoscope. Understanding the nature of the partner, you can avoid many unpleasant situations in the relationship.

The Leo girl is an attractive and self-confident person. She is smart and charming, so she always gets the attention of guys. She has good taste, so her dress style and manners are always impeccable. Often thanks to this, she builds a good career and successfully marries.

The Lioness woman does not like criticism. If there is a person in her environment who makes comments to her, then the fair sex of this zodiac sign will take revenge on him. After that, she will stop all contact with him.

The Leo woman is an optimist in life. She never despairs and always achieves her goal. The representative of this zodiac sign always understands what she made a mistake and knows how to correct the shortcomings. This helps her achieve good results in life.

The Leo woman knows how to make friends. However, there are not as many friends in her environment as she would like. The fact is that her character is complex and not every person can tolerate a Leo woman for a long time. This makes her unhappy. A woman of this zodiac sign cannot be alone. This can lead to her developing depression. Therefore, she always strives to be in the company of a few friends or relatives.

Lady Leo in her youth begins to dream of great love. She physically feels the need for this feeling. When she has a lover, she is transformed. The Lioness woman will support her loved one in all his endeavors. However, for this he needs to understand his beloved and accept her as she is.

The Leo woman will take her man to all events. She will demand that he take an active part in public life. In addition, the representative of this zodiac sign wants to see a brave and determined man next to her.

The Lioness girl is a passionate person. However, her lover is enough for her. Therefore, the Leo woman is a faithful wife. If she finds out about the betrayal of her lover, she will no longer be able to forgive him.

The Leo girl is a good housewife and a caring mother. Her house is always light and cozy. She will create all the conditions for her husband to build a good career, and her children to grow up smart and healthy.

Characteristics of the Aquarius man

The Aquarius guy is an unusual and cheerful young man. He always stands out from the crowd and never adapts to her rules. The guy of this zodiac sign always has his own opinion. He has a creative mind.

The Aquarius guy is intellectually developed and never rests on his laurels. He loves to learn and has been doing it all his life.

The Aquarius man has many hobbies. Therefore, it is interesting to communicate with him and he always has many friends. He loves noisy companies and exciting trips. He is attracted by everything new and unknown. He never "sits still".

The element of Aquarius is air. It is thanks to her that the man of this zodiac sign is freedom-loving. The woman who thinks that she can marry Aquarius or remake him is mistaken. He will never give up his friends and hobbies. It is much easier for him to part with his beloved than to change.

The Aquarius man, if he marries, then this happens in adulthood. At the same time, he binds himself by marriage only with a woman who satisfies his needs.

She must support his hobbies, love to be in society and create an atmosphere at home in which he will never be bored. With such a woman, a man of this zodiac sign can live his whole life.

Compatibility in love between Leo woman and Aquarius man

Compatibility in a love relationship between a Leo woman and an Aquarius man will be good, but only if the Lioness recognizes an equal in Aquarius. From the very first day they meet, the couple will feel attracted to each other.

The Aquarius man cannot help but like the style of the Leo woman and her impeccable taste and manners. He will be conquered by her feminine mind and sense of humor. She will be delighted with his character. The representative of this zodiac sign will like the fact that Aquarius is always cheerful and unpredictable.

The couple will constantly be in society, which both of them like so much. The lovers have a lot in common, but they are also very different. The Leo woman will soon be annoyed by the lack of ambition in Aquarius. The fact is that he does not seek to build a career, and money is of little interest to him. The main thing for him is a job that brings him pleasure. If Aquarius has a small income, then conflicts will constantly occur in a couple. However, if a woman stops constantly thinking about money, then everything will turn out well for the couple.

Despite the fact that representatives of these zodiac signs have good compatibility in love, conflicts regularly arise between lovers. However, they are quickly resolved, since any quarrel for them becomes nonsense compared to the attraction and passion that they experience for each other.

Their relationship is so bright and original that everything else fades before it. Both love to travel, visit and host parties. Therefore, they try to overcome any problems in order to stay together.

Prospects for marriage and compatibility in it

The Leo woman and the Aquarius man are strongly attracted to him, as he is to her. However, their relationship is sometimes difficult. But no difficulties will prevent the couple from arranging a wedding. This will not happen immediately after meeting.

Aquarius appreciates freedom, and the Leo woman is satisfied that her lover is faithful to her and she is in no hurry to take him to the registry office, and also does not interfere with his male friendship even with the fairer sex. It may take a few years before he proposes to her, but eventually it will happen.

In marriage, their relationship will not always develop well. At the household level, they have a lot of quarrels, but they all end in reconciliation. The fact is that everything suits the couple in family life. They have common hobbies, they love to travel and be "in the light." We can say that they live "soul to soul."

When a couple has children, little will change in their lives. They also travel and socialize, but now they do so with their offspring. Leo and Aquarius are great parents. They pay maximum attention to children, and at the same time they do not forget about each other. Love, mutual understanding and respect always reign in their family.

Positive features of the union

The compatibility of an Aquarius man and a Leo girl will, as already mentioned, be good and their union has positive features. Here they are:

  • The couple have common hobbies.
  • They love to be in society, and their couple is always in the spotlight in any company.
  • They learn from each other. The Leo woman, after communicating with Aquarius, adequately perceives criticism, and he stops making impossible promises and takes his words more seriously.
  • The passion between them, as a rule, never fades away.
  • They complement each other. A man generates ideas, and a woman brings them to life.

Negative traits of the union

Aquarius man and Leo woman have negative traits. Here they are:

  • They have different attitudes towards wealth and social status. She wants a man to build a career and earn a lot of money, but for him it does not matter. For the Aquarius man, the main thing is that work brings pleasure. This problem is solvable. A woman needs to reconsider her attitude to money and social status, or she needs to interest a man so that he wants to build a career and earn more.
  • At the first stage of the relationship, she is often jealous of him and on this basis she can make scandals. He will gently convince his beloved of his fidelity, and then the couple will not have such conflicts.

Compatibility in business and friendship

The compatibility of Leo-girl and Aquarius-man in business will be good if their business is connected with innovative technologies or art. They will not have worthy opponents. He will “give out” ideas, and she will bring them to life. The Aquarius man will be interested in working, and the Leo woman will receive a long-awaited income.

Where the woman is Leo, and the representative of the stronger sex is Aquarius, compatibility in friendship is far from ideal. They can be friends, but conflicts often break out between them.

The fact is that the Leo woman wants to be the one and only, even in friendship. The Aquarius man has many friends and he does not distinguish between them. It hurts and annoys her. Their friendly relations will develop if she gives him more freedom and stops "nag".

A love affair between these friends is impossible. Pride does not allow her to have an affair, and the Aquarius man will not insist on intimacy.

The Leo lady is almost perfectly compatible with the Aquarius man, but difficulties often arise in their relationship. If they manage to overcome them, then they can have a strong family.

And this is not fiction. Quite often it happens that it is ignorance of the characteristics of each other's characters that leads to the fact that a woman and a man part, although they could find a way to be happy if they knew about some secrets of the zodiac sign, under the constellations of which they were born.

Few would argue with the fact that at present horoscopes have firmly taken their place in the lives of almost every one of us. Compatibility is a serious matter. This kind of knowledge gives a unique chance to look into your own future with one eye and protect yourself from mistakes in love relationships. Both women and men continue to wonder: to believe or not to believe in horoscopes when it comes to love? It is impossible to answer it unequivocally, because each person decides for himself what choice to make in a given situation. But we can say for sure: to learn about some of the features of a loved one, using astrological clues, it is necessary and even useful.

Aquarius Woman: what is she

First of all, it is worth saying that the Aquarius woman is a witty, graceful, graceful and charming person. Nature endows such women with external attractiveness, but they are of particular interest to the opposite sex due to their own mind and intellect. In the crowd, such a girl will always be noticeable: an unusual way of dressing and a slight touch of conformity to fashion trends - this is the feature of Aquarius.

The main distinguishing feature in the character of Aquarius can be called their variability. So, charming and timid at one moment, the very next minute they can really amaze their interlocutor with a fountain of emotions. That is why some men are afraid if a girl is born under the sign of Aquarius. Especially when such emotionality on her part is complemented by extraordinary actions and unpredictable phrases.

Nevertheless, one must pay tribute to the Aquarius woman: she knows how to adapt to any situation and conditions. Fortunately, for this she has a well-developed intuition, which does not fail in important matters. It is not surprising that in the Middle Ages, such representatives of the fair sex were called witches and burned at the stake without regret.

However, in the 21st century there is no place for such actions. And men who are not afraid of a challenge boldly go forward and strive to conquer the inaccessible peak, which is the Aquarius Woman. But at the same time, success can expect them only in one case, if they respect her own space and reckon with their desire to have enough freedom to do as they please. And even if it sometimes looks like a woman has challenged society, her chosen one should take it absolutely calmly and normally.

In the social environment, the Aquarius girl knows how to have beautiful conversations on absolutely any topic. And it is not for nothing that she is considered a master of words, because talking with her is a real pleasure.

Perhaps a kind of "golden rule" in the life of any woman under the constellation Aquarius can be called unwillingness to marry the first comer. Therefore, putting a ring on her finger is very difficult. In order for the relationship to be successful in all areas, Aquarius, from the first days of an affair with a man they like, will learn everything possible and impossible about a potential partner. And perhaps because of this principle, such a woman may never become happy in life, because she perceives marriage as a loss of freedom. And that, in turn, is the main value for a woman.

But the feature of Aquarius can be called absolute and unquestioning fidelity. Therefore, if a woman nevertheless decides to get married, having met her true love, then she will definitely belong to only one man.

What kind of guy does an Aquarius girl need? Astrologers advise you to definitely think about compatibility and give preference to the Leo man. It is he who is able to truly understand this unpredictable woman. In addition, few of the other signs of the zodiac are able to fully accept the fact that the Aquarius spouse will always give a special place in her life to friends.

Usually, the friendly environment of Aquarians consists of the most diverse, dissimilar people. But a woman will manage to find her own approach to everyone and provide optimal assistance with real deeds, but not words. And here one cannot miss the aspect that women of this sign are absolutely honest and never deceive. And they also know the value of promises and know how to keep other people's secrets.

Thus, the unity of these signs can bring both partners to a new level and give them dizzying emotions.

Aquarius Woman and Leo Man: What to Expect

Speaking of spiritual unity and an ideal marital union, it is safe to say that the Aquarius woman should seek her destiny either among Aries or among Lions. However, astrology places more emphasis on Leo. After all, it is they who are able to drown their passion in compliments and adoration. They have the strength to give Aquarius to open up both soul and body, as well as gain wings in order to realize, it would seem, the most daring and extreme dreams.

What can be expected in such a marriage? There are both positive and negative points here. And this is not surprising: rarely in any sphere of life can everything be completely perfect. However, in such a pair, of course, there are more pluses.

So, it is in tandem with Leo that a woman can find refuge from most earthly problems. Also, another aspect in favor of this marriage is the fact that the Lions will never demand daily proof of love and fidelity. Therefore, Aquarius and Leo, tying themselves by marriage, receive that lucky ticket to a bright future, where they can mutually enjoy life and feed each other with strength and positive.

Despite the different views on life in general, these people are guaranteed to get along with each other. And all this thanks to the "convenient" qualities that they possess almost equally. But not everything can be so smooth in such an alliance. The reasons for this are simple - the stubbornness of both partners and the desire to win the throne in many matters.

It is impossible to ignore the issue of contradictions in the relationship between Leo and Aquarius:

A woman in such a union is usually indifferent to the opinions of other people and does not seek to build a dizzying career. Whereas Leo is used to being in the first places in life and the professional ladder for him is not an empty word.

Aquarians rarely know how to thank people and are not always able to appreciate their deeds. This of course does not mean that the Woman does not see the obvious. She just does not see the point in constantly praising her partner, expressing her gratitude in a simple way - a good attitude towards him.

Sometimes the cheerful spree of the Aquarius woman with friends can unbalance Leo, who sees this as a reason for jealousy and may want to sort things out and clarify his place in the life of his wife.

The issue of family expenses can become quite painful due to the fact that the Leo man is not used to denying himself anything. Whereas Aquarius is special, quite reasonable in spending and always tries to make purchases in such a way as not to devastate the family budget.

The physical manifestation of love for Aquarius never comes first. Therefore, they simply do not know such concepts as touching and tender dates or life melodramas. Thanks to their rich imagination, Aquarius women are able to turn on a man without much effort and make a real fire.

However, Leo is again the best fit in the intimate sphere for Aquarius. They have so much in common in this area that they can get a response to caresses in a matter of minutes and at the same time be equally happy. And it's not about compatibility. It's just that this metaphysics happens somewhere on a subconscious level, which gives both partners the opportunity to get real pleasure from sex. It is with the help of intimacy that Leo gets rid of his own insecurities, learns to give Aquarius more tenderness and express love in a new way.

The union of airy Aquarius and burning Leo is very unusual in itself. Each of them yearns to love, but continues to remain aloof for a long time and does not let his soul into the territory. Often such unreasonable coldness becomes the cause of violent quarrels. But reconciliation after such quarrels is no less hot.

But the idyll can be broken if the woman is too capricious. This trait is not at all to the liking of the Leo man. He may feel that his pride is being hurt. And the only result in this case is shattered dreams of nightly entertainment. To avoid this, you need to listen to each other as much as possible and stop waging war for the palm in a pair.

Weather at home: a couple of secrets

As mentioned above, this tandem has the right to exist, even though the husband and wife belong to have different features. Their strength in marriage will be that both of them will strive for a long and happy union. And for this they will have to constantly learn and take on the best that is in the partner.

When they talk about marriage, where partners are born under the signs of Aquarius and Leo, then there is no doubt about the expression “opposites attract”. In practice, these two are fascinated from the first seconds, they barely look into their eyes and say a few phrases. And even rare quarrels and misunderstandings can no longer stand in the way of their happiness and harmony. But for this they must listen to each other and talk every day.

The Aquarius woman should learn to properly perceive criticism in her own address. And the Leo man should truly generously endow his beloved with affection and warmth. And we can say with confidence that with each year lived together, such a family will find a “zest” in their relationship and discover something new in them. And wherever such a couple goes - to a social reception or on a trip - they will definitely feel good and comfortable in each other's company. If both are confident that they will receive the support they need, they will feel safe and confident every day.

In addition, Leo usually becomes the main instigator of quarrels. In the absence of sincerity in such relations on both sides, irritation of a mutual nature will systematically accumulate and after a certain time can become a stumbling block. And then the list of grievances, unpleasant situations and disagreements will burn all the bridges in their relationship and break the love ship of Aquarius and Leo.

The basis of this union should be the conscious patience and restraint of both partners. Aquarius and Leo are opposite signs and can complement each other wonderfully if they don't run out of patience before they find a common language.

Aquarius and Leo compatibility: how to seduce a Leo man

The Leo man is proud, loves to shine and wants to see the most beautiful woman in the world next to him. If Aquarius manages to find a balance between extravagance and social conventions, then she becomes charming: elegant, unusual, with a "zest". She needs to pay increased attention to her appearance: the charm that she is endowed with by nature will not save her from failure in the eyes of Leo if he perceives her as an eccentric. But the style of a woman with charm available to her will attract his attention. Some of the character traits of the Aquarius woman will also be attractive to Leo. This is her kindness and sincerity. The lion himself is generous, does not tolerate petty, noble and will not accept a selfish and unfriendly woman nearby. Aquarius has a generous soul, which is a big plus. It’s not bad if Aquarius directs the ability to be keenly interested in people to Leo himself - he is not indifferent to the attention of others. And finally, common interests play an important role. If the Aquarius woman and the Leo man have a significant business for both, it will be easier for them to find a common language.

What does the perfect couple look like: compatibility Aquarius and Leo men

A couple of Aquarius women and Leo men can always be found at public events. They lead an active social life, paying especially much attention to charity: Leo - to get a share of recognition and admiration, Aquarius - because he feels in his element, improving the world together with like-minded people. They are also interested in other social events, and they themselves are the hosts of holidays and parties with great pleasure. Leo gives the idea brilliance and luxury, and he himself reigns in the circle of invitees, and Aquarius knows how to find a “zest” that makes their events original and original. Even non-public, ordinary people of this couple know how to be in the center of crowded events. The Aquarius woman, in alliance with Leo, receives the support of a person who is able to take responsibility for himself and for her. In return, she gives Leo sincerity and kindness. Leo appreciates this, because he suspects (and often rightly) that he is mostly surrounded by flatterers and sycophants.

What are the difficulties in the union of the Aquarius woman and the Leo man

It will be very difficult for the Aquarius woman when she encounters the hypocrisy of Leo, more precisely, with that trait of him that she perceives as hypocrisy. Aquarius is open to all soul and behaves naturally. But the Leo man, who raged a minute ago during a domestic scandal, as if nothing had happened, will smile at the guests who came by chance. For Aquarius, this behavior is unpleasant, she considers him two-faced. But it is unlikely that she will explain this to Leo. He has his own opinion on this matter: concealing his mood for him is a commendable habit of saving face and not dedicating others to things where he did not look very beautiful (and losing his temper, in Leo's opinion, is ugly and shameful). A naive Aquarius woman may at first assume that Leo is smiling because the conflict has been settled. But as soon as the guests go out the door, a bad mood will return to him. This behavior is extremely annoying Aquarius. In retaliation, she will use the weapon she owns perfectly: she will move away from Leo, begin to demonstrate inner freedom, and ignore his bad mood. This will lead to a new round of quarrel, because Leo does not forgive when he is not noticed.

Before you get offended by a two-faced Leo, remember well: Have you ever gotten into an unpleasant situation just because you could not hide your true feelings? Did you get? Well, if you didn't like it and you want to change yourself, then you have before your eyes an example of a different behavior. And if you think that misunderstandings with others from time to time are better than hypocritical behavior, just agree that the other person has an opinion on this and that he experiences awkward situations more difficult than you. In both cases, there is no need to blame Leo and get annoyed with him. But there is no need to pretend like nothing is happening. Both Aquarius and Leo belong to the signs of the fixed cross - the biggest stubborn zodiac. Aquarius must re-stubborn Leo and teach him to solve the problem in the "here and now" style, and not keep a stone in his bosom. Leo can withdraw into himself, move away from the conversation, douse him with icy cold - but Aquarius will be able to find an unusual approach to him and teach Leo to resolve conflicts faster.

Aquarius and Leo Compatibility in Relationships at Work

Both of these signs are stubborn and persistent, and Aquarius is also clairvoyant to the level of clairvoyance and gushing with ideas, and Leo is a leader and a creative person. Can't they work? Unfortunately, they can - in uninteresting, boring, monotonous jobs. In all other cases, they find a common language well and show high professional results.

Compatibility of Aquarius woman and Leo man - colleagues or partners

If they like the job, they work with full dedication. They need to avoid only one thing: the attempts of Leo, even in an equal position, to seize informal power and command Aquarius. In this case, a conflict is possible, up to a complete break in business relations.

When the Aquarius woman is the boss, and the Leo man is the subordinate

Leo is not a very good subordinate. He is diligent, because it is bad to work below his dignity, but he is proud, proud and loves to be in the spotlight. In any case, he will try to make a career. Fortunately, the Aquarius woman is so democratic in a leadership role that Leo does not feel any pressure. She is one of the few people he works well with in the subordinate stage of his career.

When the Aquarius woman is a subordinate, and the Leo man is the boss

The Leo man is the best boss you can imagine: strong, condescending to the weak, confident. Teams under the leadership of the Lions thrive. But not Aquarius! They have a hard time with control, and Leo loves to patronize. Aquarius's attempts to get out of control are perceived as a violation of the working regime and optional, and soon enough Aquarius begins to look for a new job.

Aquarius Woman and Leo Man Compatibility in Friendship

Aquarius woman and Leo man are great friends. Let them have disagreements on many issues, but the same activity, interest in what is happening around, sociability, extroversion allow them to get along well. The Aquarius woman is unusually attentive to her friends, and Leo loves to be treated with attention and interest. In response, he is ready to support Aquarius with his reputation, experience and connections where she recklessly sees no danger. Partners of these signs should be afraid of betrayal. The Aquarius woman is not particularly interested in romance outside of the main relationship, but Leo is able to get carried away by the romantic and unpredictable Aquarius woman.

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