The largest solar power plant in Belarus has been launched. Energy industry of Belarus Solar power plants in Belarus

Next year, the most powerful solar station in Belarus will start operating near Rechitsa.

Since the autumn of this year, the construction of the photovoltaic plant has been carried out by the state production association Belorusneft.

Photo by the press service of Belorusneft

For the implementation of the project, two plots of land were allocated in the Rechitsa district with a total area of ​​110 hectares. 218,430 solar panels will be installed here.

“On average, 1.5-2 thousand panels are mounted per day”, - reported Naviny. by in GPO Belorusneft.

The equipment supplier is the Slovenian company Bisol Group. It is a manufacturer of premium photovoltaic modules and mounting systems and offers a full range of solar energy solutions in more than 55 countries.

The installed capacity of the photovoltaic plant near Rechitsa will be 57.8 MW.

“It will be the most powerful solar station in Belarus”, - say in the State Production Association "Belorusneft".

Currently located near Bragin. Its nominal power reaches 18.48 MW. The solar station was built by velcom. It covers an area of ​​over 41 hectares. 24 million euros have been invested in the implementation of the project.

The total investment in the implementation of the project near Rechitsa will be about 65 million euros. As explained in the State Production Association "Belorusneft", borrowed funds were attracted for the purchase of equipment, and own resources were used for construction and installation work.

The construction of the photovoltaic plant is planned to be completed in May 2017. Since December 2014, a photovoltaic plant with a capacity of 3.75 MW, built by Belorusneft, has already been operating on the territory of the Belarusian Gas Processing Plant in Rechitsa.

Photovoltaic station on the territory of the Belarusian gas processing plant. Photo by the press service of Belorusneft

In total, 31 solar stations operate in Belarus with a total capacity of 41 MW. According to the state program "Energy Saving", Belarus plans to build at least 250 MW of solar power plants by 2020.

The share of green energy will grow

According to the Executive Director of the Renewable Energy Association Vladimir Nistuk, the development of renewable energy sources (RES) in Belarus is irreversible.

“Some say that a nuclear power plant will be launched and you can forget that there is renewable energy. But we must constantly remember that renewable energy is not only a contribution to the energy security of the country, but it is also a contribution to the economic and environmental security of the country. Therefore, no matter what anyone says, the process of developing renewable energy in the country is irreversible,” Nistyuk said.

He recalled that at the time of the appearance of Presidential Directive No. 3 "On priority areas for strengthening the economic security of the state" dated June 14, 2007, a couple of dozen hydroelectric power stations and only two wind turbines were operating in Belarus.

“Today, the numbers show that renewable energy has stepped forward by leaps and bounds,”- said Nistyuk.

According to him, there are more than 3.8 thousand facilities in Belarus with an installed capacity of over 6.2 thousand MW, which produce electricity and heat from renewable energy sources. Including: 31 solar stations, 17 biogas plants, 66 wind power plants, etc.

“This suggests that everything is working in the country today. And most importantly, additional quotas have been allocated, and according to the calculations of state bodies, by 2020 we will reach another 900 MW of installed capacity without mini-CHPs and wood-fired boilers,”- said the executive director of the Renewable Energy Association.

By the beginning of this year, the share of RES in the gross consumption of fuel and energy resources in Belarus amounted to 5.5%. In the total balance of RES, firewood accounts for 54.1%, fuel chips - 25.5%, wood waste - 13.1%, water energy - 1.7%, wind energy - 0.6%. By 2020, the share of RES in the gross consumption of fuel and energy resources is planned to increase to 6%.

The Belarusian mobile operator has built the largest solar park in the country with an area equal to 60 football fields and a total capacity sufficient to provide lighting for the entire Minsk.

The project was implemented near Bragin and serves as an example of alternative development of the victims of Chernobyl disaster territories, informs Velcom.

The volume of investments in the project amounted to 24 million euros. According to the company, this is both a long-term project in a promising market and a contribution to the preservation of the environment.

“The construction of a solar park in Bragin is an important project not only for velcom, but for the country as a whole. The republic not only becomes more energy independent, but also gets the opportunity to reduce the damage caused to the environment, - said Vyacheslav Smirnov, head of the corporate communications department at velcom. – It is also important that thanks to the project there is a revival of the territories that suffered from the Chernobyl disaster and are now considered unsuitable for doing business. The example of the Solar Park proves that unique projects can be implemented in such regions as well.”

The solar power plant will increase the energy security of Belarus by reducing its dependence on hydrocarbon raw materials. Each hour of the park's operation will allow the country to save from 7,000 cubic meters of natural gas.

The solar power plant in Bragin was built ahead of schedule. The project was completed 4 months earlier. It was no coincidence that they were in a hurry - so that the power plant would "catch" as many sunny summer days as possible.

The power plant occupies an area of ​​more than 41 hectares, and its nominal capacity reaches a record 18.48 MW for Belarusian solar plants.

To interconnect all panels and equipment, more than 730 km of cables have been laid in the solar park, which together exceeds the distance from Minsk to Moscow. The company also built a 4.5 km high-voltage transmission line with 22 towers and a transformer. This made it possible to connect the solar power plant with the Bragin substation.

The solar park should breathe life into the territories affected by the Chernobyl accident and become an example of how polluted land can be used for commercial activities and benefit the local economy. Local contractors will be involved in the operational maintenance of the park.

It is planned that local contractors will be involved in the operational maintenance of the Chernobyl solar power plant.

Recall that earlier reported that the Ukrainian government also intends to use the Chernobyl exclusion zone as an industrial hub for the production of renewable energy. In particular, it is planned to build a giant solar farm with a capacity of 1.4 GW on its territory. An active search for foreign and domestic investors is currently underway to implement the project.

A solar power plant in the Myadel district intends to continue developing alternative energy sources in Belarus. The company's immediate plans include the construction of about 25 biogas plants.

A solar power plant with a capacity of 5.8 megawatts (MW) was built this spring near the village of Rudoshany of the Naroch village council on the site of an abandoned quarry and landfill. Investments amounted to 10.6 million dollars. “50% are own funds, 50% are EBRD (European Bank for Reconstruction and Development) resources received through Belgazprombank,” a representative of Modus Energija told TUT.BY.

The station is located on an area of ​​14 hectares, equipped with 22.6 thousand solar modules. The duration of operation of the power plant in accordance with the business plan is more than 25 years.

All electrical energy will be supplied to the Belarusian energy networks. Taking into account the purchase prices stipulated in the law of Belarus on renewable energy sources, investors hope that the solar power plant will pay for itself in 7 years.

The new station can produce 6.27 million kWh of electricity annually, enough to supply about 3,000 households for this period.

“This is the largest solar power plant not only in Belarus, but also in the region - it is more powerful than any power plant in Lithuania, other Baltic countries or Poland. At the same time, this is Modus energija's largest project abroad,” said the head of Modus energija, Mykola Martyniuk, in a press release.

“Why did you invest in solar energy in the Myadel district in the Minsk region? This is the most active area for attracting investments,” Modus energija notes. In negotiations with the Belarusian authorities " there were no big problems, everything was solved in working order».

In Belarus and other countries, Modus energija has equipped more than one "green" power plant - their total capacity is more than 20 MW. The future plans of the company include development on the scale of the European region. Modus energija received 755.9 thousand euros of net consolidated profit last year, which is 1.9 times more than a year ago (394.7 thousand euros). Revenues Modus energija last year decreased by 9% - up to 7.074 million euros.

At the same time, representatives of Modus Energija hope that the solar power plant will not be the only investment in Belarus in the field of renewable energy. The company is currently working on a biogas project. Modus energija plans to build a network of biogas plants with a total capacity of 25 MW.

Investments in this project are estimated at 100 million euros. The international financial institutions EBRD and IFC are ready to support it with loans. Plus, a Belarusian bank and Modus group can provide financing, Modus energija said.

Where will the installations be located? " All over Belarus”, they say in Modus energija. It is already known about three farms ("Fatherland" - Pruzhany district, "Parokhonskoye" - Pinsk district and "Vasilishki" - Shchuchinsky district), which are part of the "Machulishchi" Agrocombinat by the manager of the President of Belarus. During 2017-2018, eight units will be built on their territory, and the installed capacity will be 8 MW. Payback is estimated " at 7-8 years old».

The Lithuanian company has already registered two subsidiaries in Belarus - CJSC Kobylovka Biogas and CJSC Parokhonskoye Biogas. By a resolution of the Council of Ministers, they are included in the list of legal entities that have the rights to create installations for the use of renewable energy sources within the allocated quotas. This means that enterprises will be able to sell the generated electricity to the country's general power grid at the so-called "green" tariff. Relative to the Lithuanian investor, the size of the coefficient to the tariff for industrial enterprises will be 1.25. Kobylovka Biogas intends to commission the first 1MW biogas plant as early as next year. The completion date for another five units of the same capacity in the Brest region is 2018.

According to Vecherny Brest, the Lithuanian company undertakes to give Fatherland and Parokhonsky, on whose livestock waste biogas plants will operate, 15% of the proceeds from the sale of generated electricity. The committee on agriculture and food of the regional executive committee calls such conditions "ideal" - provided that they are met.

Modus energija is one of the divisions of the diversified Modus grupė, present on the Belarusian market in several sectors. Firstly, the company is a supplier of BMW and Mini, the Belarusian business includes the companies Autoidea (import) and Unimodus (car center). Secondly, through ModusPark, the Lithuanian investor is developing a network of paid parking lots. Its owner is Kestutis Martinkenas, who in 2015 ranked 28th in the list of the largest Lithuanian businessmen with a fortune of 71 million euros.

Today, in many countries, alternative energy sources are used to power residential buildings and other facilities. In Belarus, a solar battery on the roof of a building is still rare. But soon one of the Minsk educational institutions will switch to 100% use of solar energy. According to Dmitry Mitskevich, the director of Glavenergo, the company responsible for the facility, the new technology will ensure the energy consumption of the entire facility.

Unfortunately, this is only one of three facilities in Belarus that have taken a step towards such an innovation. Clean energy is a great option for houses and cottages that are far from city communications. A person will receive the required amount of electricity regularly, having invested in it only once. And the investment will soon pay off. In countries where sunny days prevail over cloudy ones - in Saudi Arabia, the USA, India - solar power plants have long been operating to supply small towns or settlements.

What prevents Belarusian buildings from using the method of energy supply straight from nature, which has long been mastered in the world, read in the interview.

- How will the new educational institution differ from others?

— Nothing but a noticeable saving of natural resources. In cloudless sunny weather, the station will generate 40 kW of energy, which will supply energy to the entire building. This means that the functioning of lighting, computers, office equipment and other equipment is guaranteed. Even at peak load, the equipment will work smoothly, in addition, the energy released will be in excess. This surplus is for sale. Despite the fact that more than 80% of the total solar energy, the station generates between April and October, the time of year will not affect the efficiency of the installation.

The constructions used have no analogues in Belarus and were brought from Lithuania. They withstand wind and other environmental loads.

May 28, 2013 is the final touches day for the finished object. On this day, the first inclusion of the energy supply of the building was made under the supervision of specialists, employees of the energy supervision. The building will have a modern look with mirror modules on the roof on both sides.

— Are there many buildings in Minsk that use alternative energy sources?

- Today, at the administrative building of the Luch plant at the exit from the station. m. "Park Chelyuskintsev" is about 5-10 panels, issuing 1-2 kW of energy. This mini-station is intended more for demonstration than for practical purposes.

The second object is located on the roof of the parking lot and at the same time the office of Glavenergo on Melezha Street. Its power is 5 kW. This value is able to make a house of 200 sq.m. autonomous, that is, to ensure the operation of the equipment that each of us is used to.

The remaining small modules that can be seen in Minsk are autonomous illumination of traffic lights, signs at pedestrian crossings and other small objects.

— Why are alternative energy sources still not being spread in Belarus?

— The process of installation, design, installation and connection of a solar power plant is a long, strictly recorded process. In order to locate an ordinary station in one of the buildings in Minsk, it is necessary to go through many approval stages.

First, get the architect's permission to ensure that the object fits into the architectural ensemble. After that, get permission from the owner of the building to connect the station. Then ask the executive committee for permission to design and exacting work. Next, you need to prepare a project for the future station. This can be done by a professional electrician. The next stage is the development of structures on which the batteries will be securely fastened. After the documentation is provided to local power grid operators, technical conditions for connection are issued.

In short, the procedure is so long that there is no desire to deal with this innovative energy source. At this stage, relevance ends.

The unpopularity of alternative energy is supported by the amount that must be spent on connecting the station. As a result, it turns out that it is easier for people to use electricity, which we have in Belarus is relatively cheap, because the user pays the state only a third of the cost of energy consumed. We hope that the process will not stand still. In the Gomel region, 5 sites are already being prepared for the installation of solar stations, there are also plans in the Mogilev region. This is very rare across the country.

“But in Europe, even ordinary homeowners have taken the trend to install solar panels for personal use. And successfully.

Everything is simple in Europe. Helps the principle of one window. The customer is only required to submit the relevant documents for consideration. After that, either permission or refusal is issued. Immediately after that, please proceed with the installation of the station. In Europe, a program for the development of alternative energy has long been adopted. The principle is that the state dates part of the cost of using solar energy from the state budget. (energy is consumed and used only during the day) - about $ 11 thousand. Standard kit - 20 modules, a set of cables, a set of fasteners, an inverter, controllers, discharge accumulators. Everything compactly fits into the conveyor and is mounted within 2-3 days.

— What does the ideal house of the future look like in your opinion?

— A house with a solar station with a capacity of 5 kW and a wind station with a capacity of 5 kW on the roof. This is all that is necessary for a comfortable life and the use of all the devices and benefits of mankind available at home.

Ecology of consumption. Science and technology: The Belarusian mobile operator has built the largest solar park in the country with an area equal to 60 football fields and a total capacity sufficient to provide lighting for the entire Minsk.

The Belarusian mobile operator has built the largest solar park in the country with an area equal to 60 football fields and a total capacity sufficient to provide lighting for the entire Minsk.

The project was implemented near Bragin and serves as an example of alternative development of the territories affected by the Chernobyl disaster.

The volume of investments in the project amounted to 24 million euros. According to the company, this is both a long-term project in a promising market and a contribution to the preservation of the environment.

“The construction of a solar park in Bragin is an important project not only for velcom, but for the country as a whole. The republic not only becomes more energy independent, but also gets the opportunity to reduce the damage caused to the environment, - said Vyacheslav Smirnov, head of the corporate communications department at velcom. – It is also important that thanks to the project there is a revival of the territories that suffered from the Chernobyl disaster and are now considered unsuitable for doing business. The example of the Solar Park proves that unique projects can be implemented in such regions as well.”

The solar power plant will increase the energy security of Belarus by reducing its dependence on hydrocarbon raw materials. Each hour of the park's operation will allow the country to save from 7,000 cubic meters of natural gas.

The solar power plant in Bragin was built ahead of schedule. The project was completed 4 months earlier. It was no coincidence that they were in a hurry - so that the power plant would "catch" as many sunny summer days as possible.

The power plant occupies an area of ​​more than 41 hectares, and its nominal capacity reaches a record 18.48 MW for Belarusian solar plants.

The park consists of 85,000 solar panels that convert solar radiation into direct current electricity. After that, it enters 617 inverters with a voltage of 0.4 kV, which convert it into alternating current. With the help of 10 transformer substations, the voltage is increased to 20 kV. In turn, a powerful transformer brings it up to 110 kV - the level that is necessary for the transmission of electricity to a single network.

To interconnect all panels and equipment, more than 730 km of cables have been laid in the solar park, which together exceeds the distance from Minsk to Moscow. The company also built a 4.5 km high-voltage transmission line with 22 towers and a transformer. This made it possible to connect the solar power plant with the Bragin substation.

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The solar park should breathe life into the territories affected by the Chernobyl accident and become an example of how polluted land can be used for commercial activities and benefit the local economy. Local contractors will be involved in the operational maintenance of the park.

It is planned that local contractors will be involved in the operational maintenance of the Chernobyl solar power plant.

Recall, earlier it was reported that the Ukrainian government also intends to use the Chernobyl exclusion zone as an industrial hub for the production of renewable energy. In particular, it is planned to build a giant solar farm with a capacity of 1.4 GW on its territory. An active search for foreign and domestic investors is currently underway to implement the project. published

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