Venus in Libra in a man: character, compatibility with solar signs. How to seduce a man from Vasilisa Volodina

– Vasilisa, I understood how astrology programs us, regardless of whether we believe in it or not. I read the forecast in a dubious publication and was upset. I understand that all this is not true, it cannot be, but the mood still deteriorated.

- Why did you read a horoscope of unknown origin?

You can believe in astrology or not. Some events cannot be postponed, but you can prepare for them. Winter is coming to Moscow, whether you believe it or not. But you can meet the cold in a bikini, or you can in a warm fur coat.

The horoscope itself describes the behavior of a passive person - how things can happen if we do not work on the situation. And, knowing how things will develop, we can already make our own decisions. You have been warned - and now it's up to you to decide how you will meet the "winter". That is, a horoscope is an opportunity to show how events will develop and what to do in order to take good options from life, and avoid bad ones if possible.

False Predictions

How do the planets influence our lives?

- Most people are accustomed to astrological forecasts for 12 signs of the zodiac - this is a profanity and has nothing to do with real astrology. Because the zodiac sign only describes the position of the Sun in your star chart. And in the horoscope of each person there are 10 more planets located in a certain way, and they all correlate with each other in a special way. Each of these planets is responsible for one of the spheres of life and, based on the analysis of these factors - and these factors are about 50 - allows the astrologer to draw the right conclusion.

The solar horoscope is a very primitive typology. You understand: there are many people, but only 12 signs. Turning to such a horoscope, a person receives distorted information.

- But, you see, each sign of the solar zodiac has basic well-known qualities. Lions are leaders, Aquarians are clever, Libra are fashionistas, etc.

– Yes, they are. But there are still important nuances. Here are Cancer men - they are secretive. There are Cancers with the opposition of the Sun to Neptune - these are loners. There are with the square of the Sun to Saturn - aggressive bullies. There are men with Jupiter sextile to Taurus - these are Cancers clinging to the material. Do you understand? And so on ad infinitum.

Therefore, we cannot talk about the possibility of choosing a life partner for yourself only on the basis of the Solar horoscope.

- But you yourself said in one of the interviews, referring to your husband: patient, detailed Virgos make excellent husbands ...

- Yes, the sun signs characterize a person, but only as far as his temperament is concerned: choleric, sanguine. And in order to understand how events will develop, how a man will show himself with you, what inclinations he has, for this you need to know not just the location of the Sun in the sky at the time of your birth, but consider the entire horoscope. To know the day, month, year - for personal life, and for professional analysis, you still need the exact minute of birth.

- How to distinguish a conscientious forecast from a lie?

- If it is not possible to go to a specialist, choose publications where there is a permanent author, a proven astrologer. Of these author's forecasts, do not trust those where there are specific events, but those that describe the general background of the day, week, month. People often dislike general forecasts. But the more general the prognosis, the more subtle spiritual characteristics it affects, the more truthful it is. Do not believe if you read: "Today your wallet will be stolen or cheated in the store." Believe: "Today you have scattered attention - this can cause errors and deceptions."

Clock with 10 hands

How can planets in the sky affect a person?

- The location of the planets in the sky does not directly affect a person, we are not puppets for someone to pull our strings. A person's horoscope describes - this is such a convenient system of characteristics, a kind of mechanism that shows how a person is structurally arranged, what motives drive him, what they push him to and in which direction he is likely to develop.

Suppose you are accustomed to having lunch every day at three o'clock. And that's how the clock ticked - go to the dining room. The watch is not to blame for this, it is not they who drive you to the refrigerator, they do not cause the release of gastric juice. But the clock shows you that the desire to eat is justified. The clock is a mechanism to help you navigate. Horoscope - the same hours. Imagine such a big clock - with a double dial, 10 hands, and sectors on each dial - 24. This is approximately how a horoscope works.

Astrology is similar to financial analytics - when we understand that there is a yearly cycle, then stocks will skyrocket ... Only astrology is also not a calendar where you can look at whenever you want.

An astrologer is a mathematician who studies individual human cycles. The horoscope does not affect us physically, it is a kind of tool, a set of cyclical methods that allows the astrologer to explore the cycles in a person's life.

Divorce two years

- That is, life is a zebra, the so-called stripes black and white - not a fantasy?

- No, any spheres in a person's life take a certain amount of time. What is related to appetite is the daily cycle. The one with personal life is a three-month cycle. What is associated with major programmatic changes in life has a cycle of up to two years. In three months, Venus overcomes a certain number of signs in the sky, and during this time, for example, a woman completely changes the whole range of her emotional states - during this time we experience the whole set of our emotions.

- And if the streak of bad luck dragged on, did you literally end up on the “island of bad luck”?

- There are some general patterns that apply to everyone - they are controlled by the transits of higher planets. These are the planets with the slowest transit cycles and the longest orbits - Uranus, Pluto, Neptune. They are responsible for the slowest cycles in our lives, for the most serious situations. Some astronomers recklessly deduced these planets from among the planets, but this did not stop them from acting on the maps of people.

So slow planets act for a long time - from a year to two years. You need to understand that if serious processes have begun in your life - a divorce, a job change - unfortunately, this period in your life can last from a year to two and a half years. Less will not work.

Emotional experiences also fall into this story.

If your daughter suffers from unhappy love, you need to understand that she has the right to suffer for a year, this is normal. Now, if a woman is stuck in non-reciprocal love for two and a half years, this is already a doctor. For example, to a psychologist: maybe a girl just likes to suffer and suffer, and that she lives her life unconstructively. This means that the person has survived the time due to him to be tormented. If she works on herself, she can jump out of a problem situation earlier. But if a woman is mired in her suffering for a longer period, this indicates that she is doing something wrong in life.

I want to reassure those who are unable to have children. It often happens that a person begins to deal with the topic of childbearing, and if nothing happens for two months, they start to get scared. Earlier than in a year and a half, you should not worry and run to the doctors. Maybe you are caught in some long cycle of Pluto to the Moon or to Venus - no need to worry. Life develops at its own unique pace. And very rarely this rhythm is frantic and impetuous. Big changes take a lot of time, you need to understand this.

Signs of fate

– How can you understand for yourself that something is wrong in the sky? In life, we also call it “getting up on the wrong foot” - when nothing sticks, everything falls out of hand.

- Every person should pay attention to the signs of fate. If you understand that you are going on vacation, and you are chronically unlucky: tickets are not bought, the hotel is not booked, your favorite car has broken down and does not take you to the country in any way - and you have to make titanic efforts to overcome obstacles - this already speaks of that life is trying to signal to you that the path can be difficult. If from the very beginning something goes very, very difficult, these plans should probably be abandoned.

- Did you yourself have to abandon plans, because the stars did not "give the go-ahead"?

- There was a situation when Sergey and I had to seriously quarrel. According to the forecast, it turned out: separation or parting. And to prevent this from happening, I decide to fly to Egypt for 10 days. Usually we always rest together. And so we arranged for ourselves such an artificial parting, we were very bored. But in life they did not quarrel. And I am very grateful to my husband that he listens to me.

Or here's another case: we wanted to fly away to rest for a week abroad. But I didn't like the sky. We then suffered for a long time and decided to relax in the suburbs. It was just the week when the Icelandic volcano erupted, and the most astrologically difficult day fell on April 10, when the plane with the leadership of Poland crashed.

Marriage horoscope

- Vasilisa, what can you say about the so-called incompatible characters? From the series "Scorpio Taurus is not a friend"?

- All signs are compatible! Just in difficult cases, the husband and wife will have to make more efforts to understand each other.

In the old days, people had a much easier time - no one evaluated compatibility. God gave you an evil wife - so live with her. Marriages are now approached more consciously. And while we now have a greater percentage of marriage failures. If the question arises that in the old days people lived better, it is because there were no options. If they were, they would get divorced. Now astrologers are faced with the task of understanding what compatibility is. Compatibility is how easy it is for you to find a common language with this person. This is an opportunity to immediately communicate with a person on the same wavelength, without making any effort.

- And when we meet a person with whom it is easy for us, we understand: this is our soul mate.

- Each person has an image - and if you are like this image, which person is waiting for. (???) A man is waiting for a woman of a certain type, a woman is waiting for a man of a certain type. It's not just about appearance - it's also about what a person's motor skills are, how dynamic he is in life. For a woman, the image of a beloved man is ruled by Mars and the Sun, for a man - by Venus and the Moon. According to the horoscope, that is, you can tell what kind of man each particular woman needs. A person is already born with a ready-made psychotype - which is only being completed in the process of growth and development. From the birth of a boy, you can understand what kind of wife he should look for parents.

- Not only. Also appearance. Venus is responsible for choosing a partner in the horoscope. If you meet a man who has Venus in Libra, he likes blondes in blue. If in Aries, it is necessary that the hair of his passion be contrasting: red. If in Virgo, let the woman not shine at all: the more inconspicuous she is, the better.

Half Husband

You have an amazing history of meeting your husband. You first got acquainted with the horoscope of the future spouse, and then with its owner ...

- Yes, I made Serezha a horoscope in absentia - at the request of his friend. Even then I became interested: wow, how this stranger and I are ideally suited to each other! And soon they met - they met on the way to the birthday party of this friend. It was 16 years ago, since then we have not parted.

Any person, before choosing a partner for himself, must do this on the basis of an analysis of the horoscope - his own and his chosen one. To understand what the other person would like from marriage, from relationships. This will make it easier to communicate with your partner. The compilation of a horoscope itself, of course, will not improve your compatibility in any way, but it will be useful in order to better understand the person who is next to you.

- Does it help you?

“Humility is key in marriage. I'm quick-tempered, I react sharply to some things. I think Serezha is very slow. He makes me crazy. I consider him a bore. He makes me sloppy. Well, and so on. The speed of decision-making, values ​​is an innate parameter, you cannot work on it. And there are qualities that can be adjusted - goals, attitudes, habits.

- You and your husband turned out to be compatible in work.

He left his profession for you and became your director.

- Yes, this is the rarest case, which is great, because in our time it is impossible to trust anyone. There are families where relatives cannot be trusted. Here everything turned out very naturally - Serezha ended the project that he led. And I asked him to stay with me. This was due to a mystical moment, I called him and realized that I was physically unable to cope with the flow of cases, information that had fallen on me. We have a very close tandem. The only thing is that Sergey is not an astrologer, if he (???) it would help me a lot. But he is well oriented - he is familiar with astrology, for many years (???) - I have been doing this for 17 years.

It's time to write a book!

- And I'm going to do it. It will be about how to please men. And he will inform women that a man is also a creature with needs. The strong half needs different women. One needs a mother, another needs a girlfriend and like-minded person, the third needs a queen, whom he will admire and who will be part of his image. To begin with, in a relationship, a woman must understand what kind of woman he needs and who she is ready to be with this man. If he needs a like-minded person, and you are not at all interested in his work, think carefully about why you need it. If you are getting married, you must choose a role for yourself that you will play for the rest of your life.

What is your role in the family?

- I am a bright hostess. I must be outwardly active, socially penetrating, I must make an impression, speak in a loud voice. But at the same time, next to Serezha, I should be soft, play the role of the keeper of the hearth. So far, I think I'm doing my part. Well, if I fail, I will be cruelly expelled from the theater!

Female solidarity

- A question from our readers: why does Vasilisa have the same hairstyle all the time in the Let's Get Married program?

- Because the hairstyle in my life is not the main thing. I like being like this now. I've been all the colors of the rainbow in my life. I am also limited - Larisa and Rosa are next to me, and they have a certain hair color. And what good is it if all three of us sit the same? It will be sad. So let the audience tolerate my hair.

- Of all the hosts of the program, you most often protect women.

- Yes, Rosa and Larisa have a pro-male position. And this is wrong! We now live in a society, I would say, post-war, where a man is extolled. When there are few men, they feel like some great value, and therefore we now have more and more beautiful women - natural selection is taking place. A well-known fact: in those nations where there are more men, women are ugly. Because nature has no reason to improve them. No competition. The more bias towards women, the more beautiful they are, they begin to compete with each other, already from the genetic point of view.

I want to protect women, because our society is arranged in such a way that women are not protected from men. He can turn around, leave, slamming the door, leaving the woman with children and problems. We have too many requirements for a woman. Now, on average, a woman is required that she should be beautiful, well-groomed, she should be smart, preferably educated, she should work, raise children, and at the same time, departing husbands manage to reproach a woman that she should be a good mistress. Men present a 15-page wish list to women, women are much more modest. And if a woman says: “I would like my husband to help me with the housework,”- for some reason, this causes a storm of protest for Larisa and Rosa. And why? A woman works just like him. How is it different? Just because she is physically weaker than her husband? The life of a woman in Russia is now unbearable.

- “Let's get married”: Larisa has life experience, Rosa has psychology, you are an astrologer. Which of these "female" knowledge is the most useful for the fair half?

- Of all our trinity, only I lived in a stable marriage, and let this be the answer to your question.

Wife or mistress?

- How many pairs of participants did you get married?

- 10. This is a lot. Take any marriage agency - I think there is a smaller percentage.

- Remember some record of your program.

- We had one hero - he divorced in the morning, and in the evening he came to the shooting. He was told: if you don’t get divorced and don’t bring us a stamp, we won’t put you in the program - we have no right.

- Do married men often come to you under the guise of bachelors?

- It happens. By the way, this is a separate issue. I urge girls not to date married men. These stories rarely end well. For a girl, this is obviously a game with unequal chances. When a man is torn between his wife and his mistress, the one who sets the ultimatum wins.

It is highly likely that if he left his wife, he will leave you too. I will say this: if your fan has been married three times, girls, immediately turn around and leave. Most likely, this man in the horoscope has a conflict between the Moon and Venus - one personifies the image of his wife, the other - his mistress. The woman who puts the tougher ultimatum wins. Combat strategy.

There is such an old Japanese samurai strategy. If the military leader does not know whether to attack or defend, that is, when a person is faced with a choice of two equilibrium options, he cannot make a choice. He painfully hesitates, rushes about and psychologically begins to collapse. He is paralyzed and practically unable to function. The most mentally safe for a person here is not to make a choice at all. There are girls who also rush about. And they lived with Petya for a long time, and there are children, Vasya is more interesting and richer. And that's what the samurai did: he followed the tactics of the enemy. If he attacks, he will attack; if he retreats, he will run away. In general, whoever delivered the ultimatum first, won. Think of it as a combat strategy. If a man is stuck, you need to clearly set an ultimatum and pronounce the terms. Whichever woman does this, he will stay with the one. It's just that more often this ultimatum is put by the wife.

– In 2015 in the world. The year 2010 of la zisa (????) is very important - at this time it is determined whether it will intensify or disappear.

Now a currency crisis will develop, associated with currency fluctuations. Important events await us in August-September. They are associated with severe currency fluctuations.

- What to buy - dollar or euro? Or some third currency?

– There probably won't be a third currency, but I suspect that by 2012 the dollar will weaken.

Do you make your own horoscopes?

Before big important events. Sometimes it doesn't happen(???). So I needed a mobile phone, I bought it the day before the solar eclipse. So with this mobile everything that can happen happened.

People are not very willing to hear unpleasant things about themselves. Therefore, I work individually, personally and for a lot of money.

- How much is your horoscope?

- A large detailed consultation with a forecast for several years ahead costs from $ 2,000. This is a serious job that wealthy people can afford. And serious - their mistakes will cost them more than consulting an astrologer. A huge number of people contact me, but I am no longer able to help everyone. This is not a fast process, it takes 2-3 days.

Astrology in general is a serious science, the study of its foundations alone takes three years. But it's good that she is. As long as we have astrology, it is possible to control fate.


education: Academy of Management named after Sergo Ordzhonikidze, an economist-cyberneticist by education.

At the same time she graduated from the Moscow Academy of Astrology

marital status: married, has a daughter

Venus is in its own sign here and therefore powerful. This disposition is a sign of sense gratification, friendship with the wealthy, good looks, skillful money-making, attraction to beautiful worldly things such as cars, palaces, arts, flowers, etc. These people are poetic, travel, can have a very successful marriage.

Pavel Globa. Planets in the signs of the zodiac

Here Venus is in an air sign, in her own house, but also visiting Chiron. Therefore, Venus in Libra will give precisely an aesthetic criterion in love, that is, a tendency to sophistication, the desire for a beautiful form, harmony and balance in feelings. There may also be attachment to one particular form, for example, you may only like blondes.
If your Venus is not afflicted or evil, then you almost always have good taste in most areas - both in matters of art and in choosing a partner. With a strong Venus in Libra, you can be distinguished by aestheticism in everything, mannerisms, even coquetry, try to beautifully frame your feelings. Even in sexual relationships, most likely, you have aestheticism. You appear to be comparing your partners, and in general you may have multiple partners due to a strong need for comparison. In doing so, you compare your feelings for each of them. But I must say that in this case you usually maintain etiquette, it does not come to conflicts. That is, your partners most often find themselves in different areas of life and their paths never intersect. If you allow your partners to cross, then only if you are sure that you will be able to keep the situation in a peaceful state and that this will not cause complications. Most likely, you are attracted to very refined, harmonious, elite or rare partners.
If Venus in Libra is "evil" and Mars is strong, then sometimes there can be foppery, a sharp rejection of what you do not understand and do not want to understand, a disdainful denial of some things, militant aestheticism in an active form.
Venus in Libra gives love to the fine arts: music, poetry, especially art. When considering the formation of an aesthetic system, the criteria for assessing harmony, it is necessary to take into account the influence of Chiron, whose guest is Venus. Chiron is connected with the fact that he projects the images of the subtle world onto things related to the embodied world. Therefore, contact with the environment, in the things of which the images of the subtle world are reflected, and such an environment is precisely art, is good for you. A person who does not know how to draw images of the subtle world is not an artist, but a craftsman. A real artist is always a conductor of subtle images. A work of art affects our consciousness precisely at this level.
Therefore, for you, an environment of beauty, refined harmony and balance is absolutely necessary in the formation of aesthetic criteria, and if these criteria are formed, then they will most likely have a very interesting feature: visiting the theater, opera, ballet, museums and exhibitions. You seem to love to relax in a graceful way. In general, Venus in Libra often gives talent in the field of fine arts. Since Venus is associated with the embodiment of form, it is usually an artistic gift. In order to have a gift in music or poetry, it is necessary that Mercury or Neptune also be manifested. But artistic talent can almost always be given by Venus in Libra alone. Even if there is a weak Mercury and drawing in childhood does not work, then at least you will always like beautiful pictures and things. And if Mercury is well developed in your horoscope and Venus is in Libra, then you will almost certainly take up a brush or chalk from an early age and paint something stubbornly.

Het monster. Planets in the signs of the zodiac

Passionate nature. Happy marriage and good luck in business. By nature, they are endowed with the talent to understand the feelings of others. They hate rudeness. They are looking for spiritual communication, sensuality alone is not enough for them. Often - a talent in music, art. Avoid conflict situations (from them they are nervous and sick). Venus afflicted: lack of conviction. They are replaced by observance of "secular conventions". Women with Venus in Libra need sincere sympathy: their male partners must be gallant and helpful.

Catherine Aubier. Astrological dictionary

Love is measured, thoughtful, wanting to achieve an ideal and perfect union, harmony of feelings. This love is able to go to reconciliation in order to maintain the harmony of relationships. The owner of an astrological chart may even try to pretend to seem happy without being one. He can't stand being alone. Blooming, this feeling, however, never goes beyond the bounds of legality. Loyalty is maintained both through one's own conviction and depth of feeling, and out of the need to keep up appearances. The owner of the card is very sensitive to the appearance and beauty of the face of the person who calls him love. In the event of a crisis in a relationship, he tries to understand the opposite side, but runs in the face of a scandal.

Absalom Underwater. Planets in the signs of the zodiac

Venus gives Libra self-confidence, especially in their aesthetic appreciation.
In the perception of the world, the Venusian Libra is guided by its strong inner sense of harmony, which softens many apparent contradictions, and this sense of harmony is broadcast to the outside world, thanks to which they enjoy common love, although in reality they are rather cold internally.
Only with the high development of Venus in Libra, love for specific people is manifested, and in the absence of elaboration, they are perceived as multi-colored figures in the colorful panorama of the visible world by the Venusian Libra of the world.
With a strong defeat, a very peculiar vision of the world and aesthetics: too much seems ugly (aesthetic snobbery is possible); ethics is not coordinated with society, as a result, bitterness and extreme injustice in assessments are possible.
When worked out, Venus in Libra can indicate an original artist, witty criticism, unexpected beautiful solutions to problems.
This position of Venus always orients a person to his aesthetic sense, which can limit perception (it is difficult to study disharmonious fragments of the world).

Francis Sakoyan. Planets in the signs of the zodiac

For those who have Venus in Libra, marriage and harmonious relationships with others are of great importance. Attractive appearance provides many opportunities for this. For you, manifestations of rudeness and tactlessness are unacceptable, so you have strict attitudes towards social behavior.
In contacts with the environment, spiritual communication is of great importance.
In love, you are waiting for your loved one to become your intellectual interlocutor, equal partner, friend. You are attracted to people with a certain subtlety, delicacy, diplomacy. You value good manners, sophistication, and you are uncomfortable with rude, impudent people.
Money is not a goal, but a means of acquiring beautiful things. They can involve a partner in risky earnings, but the money does not stay with them. They have powerful friends. Propensity for arranged marriage. Often talent in the arts, especially in music. They do not like disputes and disagreements, they can get sick from this. They love recognition and success.
You are tactful, polite, attentive. You have a strong desire to do something pleasant, to understand what your loved one wants. You highly appreciate the harmony of relations, in order to avoid any disagreements or conflicts, you are ready to give in in many ways. You do not like anything controversial, emotionally difficult, you are afraid when these difficulties threaten to be insoluble for a long time, and therefore you try to smooth out the difficulties, so to speak, sweep the troubles under the carpet.
Possible kidney disease, eczema.

Planets in signs. The art of predicting. Semira and V. Vetash

You have a good aesthetic taste and a kind attitude towards people that causes sympathy. You have an understanding of art and exquisite entertainment.

Het monster:
Passionate nature. Happy marriage and good luck in business. By nature, they are endowed with the talent to understand the feelings of others. They hate rudeness. They are looking for spiritual communication, sensuality alone is not enough for them. Often - a talent in music, art. Avoid conflict situations (from them they are nervous and sick). Venus afflicted: lack of conviction. They are replaced by observance of secular conventions. Women with Venus in Libra need sincere sympathy: their male partners must be gallant and helpful.

Francis Sakoyan:
For those who have Venus in Libra, marriage and harmonious relationships with others are of great importance. Attractive appearance provides many opportunities for this. For you, manifestations of rudeness and tactlessness are unacceptable, so you have strict attitudes towards social behavior. In contacts with the environment, spiritual communication is of great importance. In love, you are waiting for your loved one to become your intellectual interlocutor, equal partner, friend. You are attracted to people with a certain subtlety, delicacy, diplomacy. You value good manners, sophistication, and you are uncomfortable with rude, impudent people. Money is not a goal, but a means of acquiring beautiful things. They can involve a partner in risky earnings, but the money does not stay with them. They have powerful friends. Propensity for arranged marriage. Often talent in the arts, especially in music. They do not like disputes and disagreements, they can get sick from this. They love recognition and success. You are tactful, polite, attentive. You have a strong desire to do something pleasant, to understand what your loved one wants. You highly appreciate the harmony of relations, in order to avoid any disagreements or conflicts, you are ready to give in in many ways. You do not like anything controversial, emotionally difficult, you are afraid when these difficulties threaten to be insoluble for a long time, and therefore you try to smooth out the difficulties, so to speak, sweep the troubles under the rug. Possible kidney disease, eczema.

P. Globa:
Venus in Libra

Here Venus is in an air sign, in her own house, but also visiting Chiron. Therefore, Venus in Libra will give precisely an aesthetic criterion in love, that is, a tendency to sophistication, the desire for a beautiful form, harmony and balance in feelings. There may also be attachment to one particular form, for example, you may only like blondes.
If your Venus is not afflicted or evil, then you almost always have good taste in most areas - both in matters of art and in choosing a partner. With a strong Venus in Libra, you can be distinguished by aestheticism in everything, mannerisms, even coquetry, try to beautifully frame your feelings. Even in sexual relationships, most likely, you have aestheticism. You appear to be comparing your partners, and in general you may have multiple partners due to a strong need for comparison. In doing so, you compare your feelings for each of them. But I must say that in this case you usually maintain etiquette, it does not come to conflicts. That is, your partners most often find themselves in different areas of life and their paths never intersect. If you allow your partners to cross, then only if you are sure that you will be able to keep the situation in a peaceful state and that this will not cause complications. Most likely, you are attracted to very refined, harmonious, elite or rare partners.
If Venus is evil in Libra, and Mars is strong, then sometimes there can be foppery, a sharp rejection of what you do not understand and do not want to understand, a disregard for denial of some things, militant aestheticism in an active form.
Venus in Libra gives love to the fine arts: music, poetry, especially art. When considering the formation of an aesthetic system, the criteria for assessing harmony, it is necessary to take into account the influence of Chiron, whose guest is Venus. Chiron is connected with the fact that he projects the images of the subtle world onto things related to the embodied world. Therefore, contact with the environment, in the things of which the images of the subtle world are reflected, and such an environment is precisely art, is good for you. A person who does not know how to draw images of the subtle world is not an artist, but a craftsman. A real artist is always a conductor of subtle images. A work of art affects our consciousness precisely at this level.
Therefore, for you, an environment of beauty, refined harmony and balance is absolutely necessary in the formation of aesthetic criteria, and if these criteria are formed, then they will most likely have a very interesting feature: visiting the theater, opera, ballet, museums and exhibitions. You seem to love to relax in a graceful way. In general, Venus in Libra often gives talent in the field of fine arts. Since Venus is associated with the embodiment of form, it is usually an artistic gift. In order to have a gift in music or poetry, it is necessary that Mercury or Neptune also be manifested. But artistic talent can almost always be given by Venus in Libra alone. Even if there is a weak Mercury and drawing in childhood does not work, then at least you will always like beautiful pictures and things. And if Mercury is well developed in your horoscope and Venus is in Libra, then you will almost certainly take up a brush or chalk from an early age and paint something stubbornly.

Catherine Obier:
Venus in Libra
Love is measured, thoughtful, wanting to achieve an ideal and perfect union, harmony of feelings. This love is able to go to reconciliation in order to maintain the harmony of relationships. The owner of an astrological chart may even try to pretend to seem happy without being one. He can't stand being alone. Blooming, this feeling, however, never goes beyond the bounds of legality. Loyalty is maintained both through one's own conviction and depth of feeling, and out of the need to keep up appearances. The owner of the card is very sensitive to the appearance and beauty of the face of the person who calls him love. In the event of a crisis in a relationship, he tries to understand the opposite side, but runs in the face of a scandal.

Het monster:
Venus in Libra
All beautiful, delicate
I appreciate and cherish.
If you are kind and polite -
I love you too.

A child with Venus in Libra is busy looking for beauty. He is attracted to everything harmonious, calm, balanced, serene, graceful and aesthetically pleasing. This is not just an attraction, he actually needs a cozy environment. He also needs to feel attractive and "collected" in his appearance in order to feel at ease. This does not mean over-accuracy. Artistic confusion is more than possible - for example, the state in which he can leave his room after a commotion, when deciding what to wear and how to prepare for a trip somewhere. But out of the terrifying mess, the child itself emerges - everything is coordinated and each
hair in place.
In his companions, your child will also be inclined to choose
grace. Hooliganism, rudeness and slovenliness make him dislike. He usually greets others with courtesy, even charm, and shows that he loves them by being sweet and considerate. This child is more inclined to reckon with the preferences of his comrades, unless his own preference really matters very much. One thing he will insist on is
to keep everything fair. He is ready to give in and act very nice, but is unlikely to be deceived, at least for a long time.
This child will have a high appreciation for the arts and is likely to show talent in one of its forms (perhaps more than one). Make sure that he has many opportunities to try his hand at various art forms - drawing, painting, dancing, vocal and instrumental music, craft art. Go with him to concerts, to museums, to the theater.

A. Underwater:
Venus in Libra
Venus gives Libra self-confidence, especially in their aesthetic appreciation.
In the perception of the world, the Venusian Libra is guided by its strong inner sense of harmony, which softens many apparent contradictions, and this sense of harmony is broadcast to the outside world, thanks to which they enjoy common love, although in reality they are rather cold internally.
Only with the high development of Venus in Libra, love for specific people is manifested, and in the absence of elaboration, they are perceived as multi-colored figures in the colorful panorama of the visible world by the Venusian Libra of the world.
With a strong defeat, a very peculiar vision of the world and aesthetics: too much seems ugly (aesthetic snobbery is possible), ethics is not consistent with society, as a result, bitterness and extreme injustice in assessments are possible.
When worked out, Venus in Libra can indicate an original artist, witty criticism, unexpected beautiful solutions to problems.
This position of Venus always orients a person to his aesthetic sense, which can limit perception (it is difficult to study disharmonious fragments of the world).

/ Venus in Libra for a man for a woman

Venus in the signs of the zodiac. Venus in Libra for a man for a woman. Venus in the zodiac sign Libra in the natal chart (in the horoscope).

Venus in Libra in the natal chart (in the horoscope).

Venus in Libra rules itself and is strong in this sign. The sign of Libra for Venus is her second abode. Venus in Taurus is more manifested on a sensual, physical level (earth element), and Venus in Libra is a mental level (air element). This means that Venus in Libra expresses itself through contacts with other people, through communication, partnership. The needs of Venus in Libra are to build relationships, to please others, to have a harmonious system of values.

Venus in the birth chart is responsible for the values ​​​​of a person - what he likes, what he loves, what he considers attractive, beautiful. But these assessments are no longer rational, but emotional. Under the influence of Mercury, a person makes rational decisions, and under the influence of Venus, emotional ones. Venus in Libra is also responsible for the emotional evaluation of a person, but Venus in this sign is more rational, because Libra is the air element, and air is the mental level. The mental bias (prudence, rationalism) of Venus in Libra will be most pronounced when Venus is in conjunction with Mercury, when air and earth signs are expressed in the natal chart, and also if Venus has aspects with Saturn or Uranus (tense or conjunction ). In these cases, one should not expect warmth in feelings from a person.

Venus in Libra in tense aspects with Saturn(including connection) will be the most cold, rational. In love, such a person may at first give the impression of being gentle, affectionate, but with closer contact, he is aloof. The aspect with Saturn further cools Venus in Libra, makes it inaccessible, proud, or insecure and closed (depending on other indicators of the natal chart).

Only with a high spiritual level of a person, Venus in Libra, struck by Saturn, can give fidelity and devotion to his partner. If such a person was attracted to you, then his level is easy to check. Because the spiritual level cannot be "read" on the natal chart, you need to ask yourself - am I a highly spiritual person? Your partner cannot significantly differ from you in the level of his spiritual development.

Venus in Libra, if it is harmonious, gives a person ease of communication, tk. endows with charm, the ability to bypass sharp corners in communication, to seek reasonable compromises. Such a person is pleasant to others, even regardless of appearance, he radiates goodwill and charm. And the people around him trust him, they are ready to do more for him than for others. It is believed that for a public figure, a politician is very good to have Venus in Libra (especially in the 1st house, or planets in Libra in the 1st house, or just a harmonious Venus in the 1st house), because. the energy of such Venus disposes the surrounding people to itself and inspires confidence in the ideas that the person promotes.

Holders of a harmonious Venus in Libra may consider themselves irresistible, even if this is far from the case. And even if outwardly such people - both men and women are not very attractive, they still have fans (especially with Venus not affected in Libra and with a harmonious ruler of the 7th house and the 7th house itself).

If Venus in Libra is located successfully in the natal chart, and the ruler of the 7th house or the planet in the 7th house is weak, affected, then a person may have many admirers, but serious, marital relationships may not work out. And it turns out, as in that song, “But I have enough gentlemen, but I don’t have good love.”

With a tensely aspected Venus in Libra, there can be two extremes, although in any case, the root here is in dislike for oneself, in self-doubt. The first extreme is a strong desire to please, and in order to please others, a person constantly gives up his desires, bears resentment, does not know how to say “no”. Such behavior is more likely to be characteristic of people with a weak, in general, natal chart. The second extreme is self-doubt “covered” by pride and inaccessibility. A person fences himself off from other people because of the fear of not being liked, of not being appreciated, not recognized. He puts on an important look, as if projecting into the world - I am so special, beautiful, fashionable, but I communicate only with the elite, whoever can approach me is not allowed. On dating sites, such people often write - "Before you write to me, look in the mirror." And at first glance it may seem that a person loves himself. But in fact, with such behavior, a person covers up his dislike for himself, it is important for him to be special in the eyes of others, he is too dependent on the opinions of others (who and what will think about him) and he needs special protection in the form of feigned pride and inaccessibility. A self-confident person who loves himself - simple, light, open and friendly, he considers himself a good person and treats all the people around him with respect and kindness - this is the harmonious manifestation of Venus in Libra.

Venus in Libra loves coquetry, flirting, loves to make a good impression. And at a low level of development, a person can flirt right and left - even if he is not interested in someone, he still “turns on” flirting. You can say "nothing personal", he just wants to please absolutely everyone. This can apply to both men and women.

In love, for Venus in Libra at a low level of development, the external form of the relationship, the beauty of the partner, his tastes, belonging to the elite, his origin, his style of dress are of great importance. In a partner, everything should be beautiful, aesthetically pleasing, harmonious, and such a partner should not be ashamed to show others, to go out with him. In general, the wrapper is more important than the content.

At a high level of spiritual development of a person with Venus in Libra it will not be the external beauty of the partner that will attract, but the inner beauty and harmony in the partner and in the relationship itself.

Venus is also responsible for creativity in the natal chart. And often people with Venus in Libra are creatively gifted, but even if they are not seriously engaged in any kind of creativity, they are fond of something. It can be fashion, design, tailoring, knitting, jewelry making, etc. Their hobbies are more likely to be connected precisely with what “pleases the eye”, which is beautiful, but not necessarily practically applicable (especially if the earth element is not expressed in the natal chart).

Venus in Libra woman

Venus in Libra in a woman can also make her windy, frivolous, fickle in feelings, like a man. If a woman has harmonious Venus in Libra, then with a low level of spiritual development, she can use her beauty, charm, or her youth for selfish purposes. With a high level of development, a woman with Venus in Libra will be friendly, diplomatic, well-groomed, gentle, with good taste, faithful to her loved one.

Venus in Libra man

Venus in Libra in a man inclines him to choose outwardly beautiful women, stylish, gentle, sophisticated, diplomatic. Such a man "loves with his eyes." In dealing with women, a man with Venus in Libra can be gallant, courteous, if Venus is not struck by tense aspects. Often with Venus in Libra, a man chooses young and attractive companions. If you saw Venus in Libra in your man's natal chart, do not rejoice. It is certainly good that your chosen one has a strong Venus, but it is good for him, not for you. He will always have a lot of fans and a great choice in love. Only with a high spiritual development, such a position of Venus in a man can give a truly harmonious person in relationships - reliable, benevolent, simple and attentive. At a low level, a man with Venus in Libra is a womanizer, and moreover, the more harmonious Venus he has, the greater his love of love. Although for such conclusions it is also necessary to look at the strength of the Sun and Mars, i.e. sexual temperament of a man with Venus in Libra.

It is worth noting that relationships are important for both sexes, people with Venus in Libra have a need to be close to a partner, they do not tolerate loneliness.

Venus in Libra can be in Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio and Sagittarius. All the characteristics of Venus in Libra will be more pronounced in people with the Sun in Libra. Those. all characteristics Venus in Libra with Sun in Libra you can safely multiply by two!

Venus in Libra Leo and Sagittarius at a high spiritual level - this is the warmest, sincere and open Venus in Libra. Although a person may be more selective in terms of partnerships with the Sun in Leo and Venus in Libra, it is not as simple and easy as with the Sun in Sagittarius. The fiery signs of the Sun add passion to the airy Venus, making it more emotional, reducing the rationality inherent in the air.

Venus in Libra Virgo- the most modest Venus in Libra, but also more prudent, thoughtful. The earthly element of the Sun can restrain the coquetry of Libra, and with harmonious development, a person with such a position of the planets will be caring, devoted, although he may be somewhat dry in the manifestation of his feelings. The earth element, unlike the fiery one, on the contrary, enhances the rationality (calculation, practicality) of Venus in Libra. With a low development, Virgo with Venus in Libra can be a manipulator in relationships, but rather less sophisticated than with the Sun in Scorpio.

Venus in Libra in Scorpio will be more deeply feeling, her attachments will be lasting. Although with the Sun in Scorpio and Venus in Libra, a person of a low spiritual level can manipulate his object of love, trying to bind him with his charm, beautiful words, gallant treatment. Those. Venus in Libra in Scorpio can seem very sweet, trying to make a good impression in order to fall in love with a partner, and when he gets into her network, then they arrange a "fun life" for him and begin to test "how much you love me." Or with such a position of the planets (Venus in Libra in Scorpio, Venus in aspect with Pluto), a person will be inclined to choose such partners who manipulate him. In general, the signs of Scorpio and Libra are the two signs that are the most relationship-oriented of the entire zodiac. Libra carries the symbolism of the 7th house, and Scorpio - the 8th house. And for Scorpio with Venus in Libra, relationships are very important, especially personal, intimate relationships. A Scorpio man with Venus in Libra at a low level is one of the most sophisticated manipulators, a pick-up artist who collects his love victories and is capable of not only betrayal, but even the lowest deeds in order to increase his self-esteem. Scorpio women with Venus in Libra at a low level can be corrupt, preoccupied only with their beauty and money. On a high spiritual level, Scorpio with Venus in Libra can be faithful, devoted, deeply loving his partner, for whom he will be ready for a lot.

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> Venus in Libra

Let us turn our attention to the character of the personality, when the main character traits of a person with Venus in Libra are lovingness, harmony, the art of loving.

Venus in Libra horoscope

People with Venus in Libra willingly become attached to their neighbors, each such connection is distinguished by considerable strength and significance. To form harmonious relations and strengthen mutual understanding, they are ready to go to great lengths. If the negative side takes over in their character, then excessive sensuality will develop.

Since the representatives of this group are characterized by loving nature, there is a risk of dispersion of feelings and experiences between people they like. It is very difficult for them to remain faithful to a loved one, as they are overcome by more and more new attractions. Due to the inability to maintain devotion, these individuals become vain and superficial. Which in turn causes them to experience emotional disappointment and dissatisfaction in intimate relationships.

If everything develops harmoniously in the character of people with Venus in Scorpio, then their relationships with loved ones develop too calmly and harmoniously. Losing passion, they begin to experience a friendly understanding for a partner, a kind of sympathy. Gaining wisdom in relationships, such individuals become mentors, trying to help others build relationships and avoid conflict.

Sociability, external and psychological attractiveness of such people allows them to easily establish contacts. They are also distinguished by a great sense of taste, which has a positive effect on their style in clothing and jewelry.

In addition, these are creative people who understand and appreciate art, and subsequently begin to engage in it. This direction of activity is often a priority. Art brings them popularity and recognition. With a harmonious formation of character, representatives of this group become devoted personalities, experience increased sensuality and powerful sexual attraction to the partner.

Even in relationships with close people, these individuals behave according to all the rules of etiquette, intelligence is above all. At the same time, touchiness remains in their character, which becomes the reason for their disappointment in loved ones.

There is also a spirit of chivalry, a certain aristocracy in those personalities, which allows them to live their lives like a holiday. In communication with others, they show themselves to be skillful interlocutors.

Venus in Libra - a characteristic of a person

For the category of people in whose horoscope Venus is in Taurus, feelings play an important role. Emotions do not directly influence the activity, but will become a kind of basis for it. In the emotional sphere, they strive for balance and equilibrium. People are charming, loyal and graceful, who easily establish contacts, create commonwealths and groups.

These are charming, sympathetic personalities. They prefer to spend their leisure time gracefully and aesthetically. In the company they manifest themselves manneredly and coquettishly, and they create an artistic background for their life.

Their penchant for aesthetics does not bypass sexual relations. Debt obligations and work can be treated somewhat dismissively, in a foppish way. What they are not inclined to understand, they are able to reject. Until the last, they will stand guard over order, harmony and understanding.

Such people are attracted by refined, extraordinary and harmonious partners. In turn, they attract attention to themselves with their affability, refined, polite and attractive way. They always find respect in relationships in the work team and friendly company. Marriage is often used as a profitable enterprise that allows them to move up the social ladder.

Feelings of harmony and balance are achieved thanks to a sense of form, the ability to stage a composition and a successful word form. If a negative side of character prevails in a person, then a certain Don Juanism manifests itself in an individual, often causing losses and disappointments. Social and marital ties play a significant role in the lives of people with Venus in Libra.

These are friendly and sociable personalities, capable of directing a lot of efforts to please their neighbor. Their judgments are always rational and practical, in society they always behave at their best. They greatly value luxury and wealth, and are capable of experiencing intellectual inspiration. He often uses his stories and interesting stories to amuse loved ones.

The heightened auditory sensitivity inherent in such people can provoke a physical ailment caused by a high noise threshold. Although they love money, they cannot resist the temptation to spend it. In communication with the opposite sex, they do not experience a lack, they love intimacy.

Communication with a person with Venus in Libra

Representatives of this group are non-conflicting, enter into disputes extremely rarely and undesirably. This is due to their innate vulnerability and slenderness. Regardless of age, feel young and graceful. Some superficiality, alienation is also manifested in them. For the sake of preserving harmony and mutual understanding, they are able to sacrifice their beliefs. Such people are attached sincerely and without calculation. They are distinguished by their lively, sociable nature and loving nature.

As friends, these individuals choose individuals with a philosophical type of thinking and, of course, with a good social status. They are able to successfully choose a partner in marriage, business and play. Often they make profitable connections with wealthy people, they like to collect art collections, they love to travel.

For these people, harmony in relationships with a partner is a vital necessity. Since they are able to empathize, enter into the position of others, appreciate the feelings of others, they find many opportunities for marriage along the way. These people will reckon with loved ones, will always come to the rescue and give valuable advice. The feeling of nobility, justice, love is not in the last place in them.

These people tend to adhere to the canons and norms established by social society. This devotion creates the feeling that these are individuals without their own opinions, without personal life convictions. Although this is not so, they simply need love, respect for their neighbors.

They are not ready to put up with rudeness and rudeness, they do not tolerate such an attitude towards themselves, but they also do not allow themselves liberties. Conduct themselves in accordance with the rules of etiquette. These are romantic, affectionate natures prone to spiritual bliss, for whom only physical blessings are not enough. They consolidate their positions in social society not with financial well-being, but with friendly and business ties.

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