chemical vitamins. Chemical structure of vitamins. Physical, chemical and biological properties. II. Water soluble vitamins

Good day, dear visitors of the project “Good IS! ", section" "!

In today's article, we will talk about vitamins.

The project previously had information about some vitamins, the same article is devoted to a general understanding of these, so to speak, compounds, without which human life would have many difficulties.

vitamins(from lat. vita - "life") - a group of low molecular weight organic compounds relatively simple structure and a variety of chemical nature necessary for the normal functioning of organisms.

The science that studies the structure and mechanisms of action of vitamins, as well as their use for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes is called - Vitaminology.

Vitamin classification

Based on solubility, vitamins are divided into:

Fat soluble vitamins

Fat-soluble vitamins accumulate in the body, and their depots are adipose tissue and the liver.

Water Soluble Vitamins

Water-soluble vitamins are not deposited in significant amounts and are excreted with water in excess. This explains the high prevalence of hypovitaminosis of water-soluble vitamins and hypervitaminosis of fat-soluble vitamins.

Vitamin-like compounds

Along with vitamins, there is a group of vitamin-like compounds (substances) that have certain properties of vitamins, however, they do not have all the main features of vitamins.

Vitamin-like compounds include:

Fat soluble:

  • Coenzyme Q (ubiquinone, coenzyme Q).

Water soluble:

The main function of vitamins in human life is the regulatory effect on metabolism and thus ensuring the normal course of almost all biochemical and physiological processes in the body.

Vitamins are involved in hematopoiesis, ensure the normal functioning of the nervous, cardiovascular, immune and digestive systems, participate in the formation of enzymes, hormones, increase the body's resistance to the action of toxins, radionuclides and other harmful factors.

Despite the exceptional importance of vitamins in metabolism, they are neither a source of energy for the body (they do not have calories), nor structural components of tissues.

Functions of vitamins

Hypovitaminosis (vitamin deficiency)

Hypovitaminosis- a disease that occurs when the body's needs for vitamins are not fully met.

Hypervitaminosis (overdose of vitamins)

Hypervitaminosis ( lat. hypervitaminosis)- an acute disorder of the body as a result of poisoning (intoxication) with an ultra-high dose of one or more vitamins contained in food or vitamin-containing medicines. The dose and specific overdose symptoms for each vitamin are different.


Perhaps this will be news to some people, but still, vitamins have enemies - antivitamins.

Antivitamins(Greek ἀντί - against, lat. vita - life) - a group of organic compounds that suppress the biological activity of vitamins.

These are compounds that are close to vitamins in chemical structure, but have the opposite biological effect. When ingested, antivitamins are included instead of vitamins in metabolic reactions and inhibit or disrupt them. normal flow. This leads to vitamin deficiency (avitaminosis) even in cases where the corresponding vitamin is supplied with food in enough or formed in the body itself.

Antivitamins are known for almost all vitamins. For example, the antivitamin of vitamin B1 (thiamine) is pyrithiamin, which causes symptoms.

More about antivitamins will be written in the following articles.

History of vitamins

The importance of certain types of food in preventing certain diseases has been known since antiquity. So, the ancient Egyptians knew that the liver helps with night blindness. It is now known that night blindness may be due to deficiency. In 1330, in Beijing, Hu Sihui published the three-volume work "Important Principles of Food and Drink", which systematized knowledge of the therapeutic role of nutrition and affirmed the need for health to combine a variety of products.

In 1747, the Scottish physician James Lind, while on a long voyage, conducted a kind of experiment on sick sailors. By introducing various acidic foods into their diet, he discovered the property of citrus fruits to prevent scurvy. In 1753, Lind published A Treatise on Scurvy, where he proposed the use of limes to prevent scurvy. However, these views were not immediately accepted. However, James Cook proved in practice the role of plant foods in preventing scurvy by introducing sauerkraut, malt wort and a kind of citrus syrup into the ship's diet. As a result, he did not lose a single sailor from scurvy - an unheard of achievement for that time. In 1795, lemons and other citrus fruits became a standard addition to the diet of British sailors. This was the appearance of an extremely offensive nickname for sailors - lemongrass. The so-called lemon riots are known: sailors threw barrels of lemon juice overboard.

In 1880, the Russian biologist Nikolai Lunin from the University of Tartu fed experimental mice individually all the known elements that make up cow's milk: sugar, proteins, fats, carbohydrates, salts. The mice died. At the same time, mice fed milk developed normally. In his dissertation (thesis) work, Lunin concluded that there was some unknown substance necessary for life in small quantities. Lunin's conclusion was accepted with hostility by the scientific community. Other scientists have been unable to reproduce his results. One of the reasons was that Lunin used cane sugar, while other researchers used milk sugar, poorly refined and containing some vitamin B.
In subsequent years, evidence accumulated, indicating the existence of vitamins. So, in 1889, the Dutch doctor Christian Eikman discovered that chickens, when fed boiled white rice, become ill with beriberi, and when rice bran is added to food, they are cured. The role of brown rice in preventing beriberi in humans was discovered in 1905 by William Fletcher. In 1906, Frederick Hopkins suggested that in addition to proteins, fats, carbohydrates, etc., food contains some other substances necessary for human body, which he called "accessory food factors". The last step was taken in 1911 by the Polish scientist Casimir Funk, who worked in London. He isolated a crystal preparation, a small amount of which cured beriberi. The drug was named "Vitamin" (Vitamine), from the Latin vita - "life" and the English amine - "amine", a nitrogen-containing compound. Funk suggested that other diseases - scurvy, rickets - can also be caused by a lack of certain substances.

In 1920, Jack Cecile Drummond suggested removing the "e" from "vitamine" because the newly discovered vitamin contained no amine component. So "vitamines" became "vitamins".

In 1923, Dr. Glenn King established the chemical structure of vitamin C, and in 1928, doctor and biochemist Albert Szent-Györgyi first isolated vitamin C, calling it hexuronic acid. As early as 1933, Swiss researchers synthesized the well-known ascorbic acid, which is identical to vitamin C.

In 1929, Hopkins and Eikman received the Nobel Prize for the discovery of vitamins, while Lunin and Funk did not. Lunin became a pediatrician, and his role in the discovery of vitamins was forgotten for a long time. In 1934, the First All-Union Conference on Vitamins was held in Leningrad, to which Lunin (a Leningrader) was not invited.

Other vitamins were discovered in the 1910s, 1920s, and 1930s. In the 1940s, the chemical structure of vitamins was deciphered.

In 1970, Linus Pauling, twice laureate Nobel Prize, shocked the medical world with his first book "Vitamin C, the common cold and", in which he documented the effectiveness of vitamin C. Since then, ascorbic acid has remained the most famous, popular and indispensable vitamin for our Everyday life. Researched and described over 300 biological functions this vitamin. The main thing is that, unlike animals, a person cannot produce vitamin C himself and therefore its supply must be replenished daily.


I want to draw your attention, dear readers, that vitamins should be treated very carefully. Improper nutrition, deficiency, overdose, incorrect doses of vitamins can seriously harm health, therefore, for final answers on the topic of vitamins, it is better to consult a doctor - vitaminologist, immunologist.

In addition to proteins, fats and carbohydrates, which form the basis of cells and tissues, some nitrogenous and nitrogen-free organic substances that accumulate in animal tissues during metabolism, mineral elements that play a significant role in the life of the body, it constantly contains especially active, vital substances - vitamins, which are present in very small quantities. Vitamins are not a plastic or energy material, but their deficiency or excess causes profound changes in metabolism. They act as catalysts in the body.

Vitamins are low molecular weight organic substances that act as biological catalysts on their own or as part of enzymes. It is now known that many vitamins perform the function of catalysis as part of enzymes (cofactors). Most vitamins in the body are not synthesized or are formed in quantities that do not meet the needs of the body. The source of vitamins for animals is mainly vegetable feed and, to a lesser extent, bacterial and animal origin.

Vitamins are unstable substances, they are easily destroyed by high temperature, the action of oxidizing agents and other factors. In the absence of vitamins in the feed, diseases develop - beriberi, and with a lack in the diet - hypovitaminosis. In animal husbandry, the phenomenon of hypovitaminosis is common. There are also hypervitaminosis, when the disease is caused by an excess amount of vitamins; in animal husbandry this phenomenon is not typical, but in medical practice it can be the result of excessive use of vitamin preparations. In practice, there are polyhypo(a)vitaminosis - the absence or deficiency of not one, but several vitamins. The main causes of beriberi:

1. Absence or lack of vitamins in the gastrointestinal tract.

2. The presence of antibiotics and sulfa drugs in the feed, which suppress the intestinal microflora that produces some vitamins.

3. The physiological state of the body - pregnancy, acute and chronic diseases, hard work, growth and development of young animals, which increases the need for vitamins. With high productivity (dairy, meat, egg), an increased intake of vitamins is necessary.

4. The presence of antivitamins can also lead to a- or hypovitaminosis. Antivitamins are similar in structure to the corresponding vitamins and, being included in metabolic reactions, lead to disturbances in the normal course of metabolic reactions. For example, dicoumarol is an antivitamin for vitamin K; sulfa drugs - for p-aminobenzoic acid; aminopterin - for folic acid; deoxypyridoxine - for vitamin B 6; pyrithiamin - for thiamine (B 1); pyridine-3-sulfonic acid - for nicotinic acid amide.

Vitamin deficiencies, as a rule, are manifested by non-specific signs of the absence or lack of the corresponding vitamin in the feed. At the same time, it is noted general weakness, lag in the growth and development of young animals, low productivity, reduced resistance to harmful factors environment.

Story. In 1882, the Japanese doctor Takaki made an interesting observation on the crews of two ships (300 people). During the 9-month voyage, one crew received the usual food accepted in the fleet, and the second - additionally still fresh vegetables. It turned out that from the crew of the 1st ship during the voyage, 170 people fell ill with beriberi disease (lack of thiamine (B 1), 25 of them died.

Of the crew of the second ship, only 14 people developed a mild form of the disease. He concluded that fresh vegetables contain some substances necessary for the vital activity of the body.

In 1896, the Dutchman Eikman, who worked as a prison doctor on about. Java, Indonesia, where polished rice was the main food, noticed that chickens fed polished rice developed a disease similar to beriberi in humans. When Aikman switched chickens to a diet of brown rice, recovery came. Based on these data, he came to the conclusion that the shell of rice (rice bran) contains some substance that gives healing effect. Indeed, an extract prepared from rice husks had a curative effect on people suffering from beriberi.

The development of the doctrine of vitamins is associated with the work of the domestic doctor N.I. Lunin (1880). He came to the conclusion that in addition to protein (casein), fats, milk sugar, salts and water, animals need some still unknown substances that are indispensable for nutrition. This important scientific discovery was later confirmed in the works of K.A. Sosin (1890), Hopkins (1906), Funk (1912). Funk in 1912 isolated a crystalline substance from rice shell extracts that protects against beriberi disease, and gave the name vitamin (vita - life, amin - an organic substance containing amine). Currently, more than 30 vitamins are known. The study of their chemical nature showed that most of them do not contain nitrogen or amino groups in their molecule. However, the term "vitamins" is retained and accepted in the literature.

Thus, vitamins are nutritional factors that are present in small amounts in food, ensure the normal course of biological and physiological processes by participating in the regulation of the metabolism of the whole organism.

Department of Education of the Bryansk Region

Professional Lyceum №39

Subject: Chemistry

Subject: Vitamins.


Student gr. #1


commercial agent

Lapicheva A. A.


Yanchenko S.I.

Grade: ___________

Introduction 4
The history of the discovery of vitamins 5
The role and importance of vitamins in human nutrition. Need for vitamins (avitaminosis, hypovitaminosis, hypervitaminosis) 8
Vitamin classification 11
The content of vitamins in foods 21
Industrial production of vitamins 29
Stability and stability during cooking 33
Conclusion 36
Literature 37


Modern human society lives and continues to develop, actively using the achievements of science and technology, and it is almost unthinkable to stop on this path or go back, refusing to use the knowledge about the world around us that humanity already possesses. Science is engaged in the accumulation of this knowledge, the search for patterns in it and their application in practice. It is common for a person as an object of cognition to divide and classify the object of his cognition (probably for ease of research) into many categories and groups; so science at one time was divided into several large classes: natural sciences, exact sciences, social sciences, human sciences, etc. Each of these classes is divided, in turn, into subclasses, etc. etc.

At present, there are many in the world scientific centers leading a variety of chemical and biological research. The leading countries in this field are the United States, European countries: England, France, Germany, Sweden, Denmark, Russia, etc. In our country, there are many research centers located in Moscow and the Moscow region (Pushchino, Obninsk, Chernogolovka), St. Petersburg, Novosibirsk , Krasnoyarsk, Vladivostok ... One of the leading centers in the country Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry named after M.A. Shemyakin and Yu.A. Ovchinnikov, Institute of Molecular Biology named after V.A. Engelgardt, Institute of Organic Synthesis named after N.D. Zelinsky, the Institute of Physicochemical Biology of Moscow State University named after Belozersky, and others. University, Institute of Experimental Medicine of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Institute of Oncology of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences. Petrova, Institute of Highly Pure Biological Products, MZiMP, etc.

In addition to many drugs, in everyday life people are faced with the achievements of physical and chemical biology in various areas of their professional activities and in everyday life. New food products appear or technologies for preserving already known products are improved. New cosmetic preparations are being produced that allow a person to be healthy and beautiful, protecting him from adverse effects. environment. In technology, various bioadditives are used for many organic synthesis products. In agriculture, substances are used that can increase yields (growth stimulants, herbicides, etc.) or repel pests (pheromones, insect hormones), cure plant and animal diseases, and many others ...

All of these above successes have been achieved with the application of knowledge and methods modern chemistry. In modern biology and medicine, chemistry plays one of the leading roles, and the importance of chemical science will only increase.


The well-known word "vitamin" comes from the Latin "vita" - life. Such a name these various organic compounds received not by chance: the role of vitamins in the life of the body is extremely large.

By the second half of the 19th century, it was found that the nutritional value of food products is determined by the content in them mainly the following substances: proteins, fats, carbohydrates, mineral salts and water.

It was generally accepted that if all these nutrients are included in human food in certain quantities, then it fully meets the biological needs of the body. This opinion was firmly rooted in science and was supported by such authoritative physiologists of the time as Pettenkofer, Voit and Rubner.

However, practice has not always confirmed the correctness of the ingrained ideas about the biological usefulness of food.

Practical experience of doctors and clinical observations From time immemorial, the existence of a number of specific diseases directly related to malnutrition has been unequivocally pointed out, although the latter fully met the above requirements. This was also evidenced by the centuries-old practical experience of the participants. long journeys. A real scourge for sailors for a long time had scurvy; more sailors died from it than, for example, in battles or from shipwrecks. So, out of 160 participants in the famous expedition of Vasco da Gamma, which laid the sea route to India, 100 people died from scurvy.

The history of sea and land travel also gave a number of instructive examples, indicating that the occurrence of scurvy can be prevented, and scurvy patients can be cured, if a certain amount is introduced into their food. lemon juice or a decoction of pine needles.

Thus, practical experience has clearly shown that scurvy and some other diseases are associated with malnutrition, that even the most rich food by itself does not always guarantee similar diseases and that in order to prevent and treat such diseases, it is necessary to introduce into the body some additional substances that are not found in all food.

Experimental substantiation and scientific and theoretical generalization of this centuries-old practical experience became possible for the first time thanks to the discovery new chapter in science by the study of the Russian scientist Nikolai Ivanovich Lunin, who studied the role of minerals in nutrition in the laboratory of G. A. Bunge.

N. I. Lunin conducted his experiments on mice kept on artificially prepared food. This food consisted of a mixture of purified casein (milk protein), milk fat, milk sugar, salts that are part of milk and water. It seemed that all the necessary components of milk were present; meanwhile, mice that were on such a diet did not grow, lost weight, stopped eating the food given to them, and finally died. At the same time, a control batch of mice that received natural milk developed quite normally. Based on these works, N. I. Lunin in 1880 came to the following conclusion: "... if, as the above experiments teach, it is impossible to provide life with proteins, fats, sugar, salts and water, then it follows that in milk In addition to casein, fat, milk sugar and salts, there are other substances that are indispensable for nutrition.It is of great interest to study these substances and study their significance for nutrition. "

This was an important scientific discovery that refuted the established position in the science of nutrition. The results of the work of N. I. Lunin began to be disputed; they were tried to be explained, for example, by the fact that the artificially prepared food with which he fed the animals in his experiments was allegedly tasteless.

In 1890 K.A. Sosin repeated the experiments of N. I. Lunin with a different version of the artificial diet and fully confirmed the conclusions of N. I. Lunin. Yet even after that, the impeccable conclusion did not immediately receive universal recognition.

A brilliant confirmation of the correctness of N. I. Lunin’s conclusion by establishing the cause of the beriberi disease, which was especially widespread in Japan and Indonesia among the population that ate mainly polished rice.

Doctor Aikman, who worked in a prison hospital on the island of Java, noticed in 1896 that chickens kept in the hospital yard and fed on ordinary polished rice suffered from a disease resembling beriberi. After switching the chickens to a diet of brown rice, the disease disappeared.

Eikman's observations, made on a large number of prisoners in Java prisons, also showed that among people who ate peeled rice, beriberi fell ill on average one person in 40, while in the group of people who ate brown rice, only one person in 40 fell ill with beriberi. 10000.

Thus, it became clear that the shell of rice (rice bran) contains some unknown substance that protects against beriberi disease. In 1911, the Polish scientist Casimir Funk isolated this substance in crystalline form (which, as it turned out later, was a mixture of vitamins); it was quite resistant to acids and withstood, for example, boiling with a 20% sulfuric acid solution. In alkaline solutions active start, on the contrary, very quickly collapsed. According to its chemical properties, this substance belonged to organic compounds and contained an amino group. Funk came to the conclusion that beriberi is only one of the diseases caused by the absence of certain specific substances in food.

Despite the fact that these special substances are present in food, as N. I. Lunin emphasized, in small quantities, they are vital. Since the first substance of this group of vital compounds contained an amino group and possessed some properties of amines, Funk (1912) suggested calling this entire class of substances vitamins (lat. Vita - life, vitamin-amine of life). Subsequently, however, it turned out that many substances of this class do not contain an amino group. Nevertheless, the term "vitamins" has become so firmly established in everyday life that it no longer made sense to change it.

After the isolation of the substance that protects against beriberi from food, a number of other vitamins were discovered. Great importance The work of Hopkins, Stepp, McCollum, Melenby, and many other scientists contributed to the development of the theory of vitamins.

Currently, about 20 different vitamins are known. Their chemical structure has also been established; this made it possible to organize the industrial production of vitamins not only by processing the products in which they are contained in finished form, but also artificially, by means of their chemical synthesis.


Now we are enjoying sunny days, frequent walks in the fresh air and the upcoming holidays. But even in summer, in this seemingly prosperous period of the year in terms of vitamin supply, we need to make sure that they come in abundance. So, beta-carotene, vitamins C and E protect cells from the harmful effects of the sun, ozone and aggressive oxygen-containing molecules that are formed in the body during increased activity sun. On hot days, with increased sweating, the body intensively loses minerals that need to be replenished. In the table you will find the most suitable products food for the summer season.

The percentage represents the coverage of the daily requirement for the vitamin per 100 g of the product.

Product beta carotene Vitamin C Vitamin E
Apricot Vitamin E -20 percent
Strawberry Vitamin C - 50 percent
Melon Beta-carotene - 50 percent Vitamin C - 20 percent
Carrot Beta-carotene - 100 percent
Pepper Beta-carotene - 20 percent Vitamin C - 100 percent Vitamin E - 20 percent
Green peas Vitamin C - 20 percent
Pumpkin seeds Vitamin E - 50 percent
Black currant Vitamin C - 100 percent
Pine nuts Vitamin E - 100 percent

(developed by the Institute of Nutrition and approved by the Ministry of Health, 1991)

Folic acid, mcg

0-12 months 30- 40 0,4 3-4 10 0.3- 0.5 0.4- 0.6 0.4- 0.6 5-7 40- 60 0.3- 0.5
1-3 years 45 0,45 5 10 0,8 0,9 0,9 10 100 1.0
4-10 years 50- 60 0.5- 0.7 7- 10 2,5 0.9- 1.2 1.0- 1.4 1.3- 1.6 11- 15 200 1.5- 2.0
11-17 years old, boys 70 1.0 12- 15 2,5 1.4- 1.5 1.7- 1.8 1.8- 2.0 18- 20 200 3.0
girls 70 0,8 10- 12 2,5 1,3 1,5 1,6 17 200 30
men 70- 100* 1.0 10 2,5 1.2- 2.1* 1.5- 2.4 2.0 16- 28* 200 3.0
women 70- 80* 0.8- 1.0 8 2,5 1.1- 1.5* 1.3- 1.8 1,8 14- 20* 200 3.0
Pregnant and lactating - in addition to the norm 20- 40 0.2- 0.4 2-4 10 0.4- 0.6 0.3- 0.5 0.3- 0.5 2-5 100- 200 1.0
Elderly (over 60 years old)
men 80 1.0 15 2,5 1.2- 2.4 1.4- 1.6 2,2 15- 18 200 3
women 80 0,8 12 2,5 1.1- 1.3 1.3- 1.5 2.0 13- 16 200 3

*) depending on physical activity and energy consumption

Diseases that occur due to the lack of certain vitamins in food are called beriberi. If the disease occurs due to the lack of several vitamins, it is called multivitaminosis. However, typical clinical picture avitaminosis is now quite rare. More often you have to deal with the relative lack of any vitamin; this disease is called hypovitaminosis. If the diagnosis is made correctly and in a timely manner, then beriberi and especially hypovitaminosis can be easily cured by introducing the appropriate vitamins into the body.

Excessive introduction of certain vitamins into the body can cause a disease called hypervitaminosis.

Currently, many changes in metabolism in vitamin deficiency are considered as a consequence of violations of enzyme systems. It is known that many vitamins are part of enzymes as components of their prosthetic or coenzyme groups.

Many vitamin deficiencies can be considered as pathological conditions arising on the basis of the loss of the functions of certain coenzymes. However, at present, the mechanism of the occurrence of many avitaminosis is still unclear, therefore, it is not yet possible to interpret all avitaminosis as conditions arising on the basis of a violation of the functions of certain coenzyme systems.

With the discovery of vitamins and the elucidation of their nature, new prospects have opened up not only in the prevention and treatment of beriberi, but also in the field of the treatment of infectious diseases. It turned out that some pharmaceuticals(for example, from the group of sulfanilamide) partially resemble in their structure and in some chemical features vitamins necessary for bacteria, but at the same time do not have the properties of these vitamins. Such "disguised as vitamins" substances are captured by bacteria, while active centers are blocked. bacterial cell, its metabolism is disturbed and bacteria die.


At present, vitamins can be characterized as low molecular weight organic compounds, which, being a necessary integral part food, are present in it in extremely small quantities compared to its main components.

Vitamins - necessary element food for humans and a number of living organisms because they are not synthesized or some of them are synthesized in insufficient quantities by this organism. Vitamins are substances that ensure the normal course of biochemical and physiological processes in the body. They can be attributed to the group of biologically active compounds that have an effect on the metabolism in negligible concentrations.

Vitamins are divided into two large groups: 1. fat-soluble vitamins, and 2. water-soluble vitamins. Each of these groups contains a large number of different vitamins, which are usually denoted by letters of the Latin alphabet. Note that the order of these letters does not match their usual location in the alphabet and does not quite correspond to the historical sequence of the discovery of vitamins.

In the given classification of vitamins, the most characteristic biological properties of this vitamin are indicated in brackets - its ability to prevent the development of a particular disease. Usually the name of the disease is preceded by the prefix "anti", indicating that this vitamin prevents or eliminates this disease.


General information about vitamins.

vitamins usually called organic substances, the presence of which in small quantities in the food of humans and animals is necessary for their normal functioning.

vitamins participate in many biochemical reactions, performing a catalytic function as part of active centers a large number various enzymes, or acting as informational regulatory mediators, performing signal functions of exogenous prohormones and hormones.

The term "vitamins", i.e. “amines of life” (from lat. Vita – life), owes its appearance to the fact that the first isolated vitamins belonged to the class of amines. However, later it turned out that the presence of an amino group in vitamins is not necessary.

Vitamins are not a special group of organic compounds, so it is not possible to classify them based on their chemical structure, but they can be divided into water-soluble (hydrovitamins) and fat-soluble (lipovitamins).

Water soluble vitamins include:

Fat-soluble vitamins include:

  • carotene (provitamin A),
  • vitamin A,
  • vitamin D
  • vitamin E
  • vitamin K,
  • vitamin F, etc.
Vitamins in cosmetics.

vitamins have not only a local "rejuvenating" effect on the skin, but are absorbed through the skin by the body, exerting on it beneficial effect.

In various local pathological processes due to malnutrition of cells or other causes (destruction of vitamins by microorganisms, etc.), the supply of vitamins to the tissue does not meet its needs. As a result of such a deficiency in the vitamin, the pathological process is complicated. The local administration of the missing vitamin can greatly facilitate and accelerate recovery due to the general stimulating effect on tissue growth.

With regard to cosmetics, this hypothesis should be expanded, since flabbiness of exposed skin areas (face, neck, hands) and early wrinkles depend not only on insufficient supply of vitamins to the skin, but also on the washing out of fat-soluble vitamins during frequent washing with soap or greasing.

Due to the fact that vitamins favor cell stimulation, they began to be used in cosmetics - creams, toilet milk, toilet waters and oils.

vitamins have a very beneficial effect, eliminating sagging, open pores, wrinkles, eczema (especially dry), darkening of the skin. They promote the metabolism of the skin, accelerate and facilitate the absorption by the skin of food products delivered by the blood, and thereby increase its tone: a drop in tone is precisely the result of skin aging and the appearance of wrinkles.

First of all, there was the question of the possibility of assimilation of vitamins by the skin. It has now been proven that the cutaneous route for administering vitamins is unquestionably effective. Hydrovitamins are very easily absorbed by the skin, and lipovitamins need special conditions: the presence of fatty substances in the preparation and always in the form of the thinnest emulsion or, even better, a colloidal suspension.

The expediency of using fat-soluble vitamins in the form of a colloidal suspension or fine emulsion is explained as follows. It is known that when taken orally, vitamins (for example, A and D) can show their effect only when a small amount of fat is introduced together with them. This is due to the fact that vitamins dissolved in fat under the action of bile in the intestines simultaneously pass partly into the state of the smallest emulsion, partly into a colloidal suspension, and only in this form can they be absorbed by the body. In other words - fats are conductors of fat-soluble vitamins.

From this, another conclusion can be drawn: any fat or fat-like substance that the tissue is not able to absorb prevents the absorption of the vitamin. Therefore, the addition of high-melting fats, especially vaseline, vaseline oil, is not rational.

The literature describes the experience of using vitamin-containing preparations in cosmetics, which gave positive results and had a beneficial effect on the elimination of sagging, open pores, wrinkles, darkening of the skin, eczema.

Vitamins along with steroids and phosphatides deserve special attention. The introduction into the skin of such valuable substances, especially combinations of them, is very useful. Cosmetologists should be interested in them as means that greatly increase vitality and maintain its tone.

Vitamin A

Vitamin A(retinol, axerophthol) C20H30OH - fat soluble vitamin. In its pure form, it is unstable, found in both plant products and animal sources. Therefore, it is produced and used in the form of retinol acetate and retinol palmitate. It is synthesized in the body from beta-carotene. Essential for vision and bone growth, healthy skin and hair, normal function immune system etc.

The structure of vitamin A

Retinol can be obtained by us from food or synthesized inside our body from beta carotene.

One molecule of beta-carotene is broken down in the body into 2 molecules of retinol. We can say that beta-carotene is a plant source of retinol and is called provitamin A.

Carotene- plant pigment of yellow-red color.

Retinol has a pale yellow color.

Sources of Vitamin A

Vitamin A(retinol) is found in animal products (especially in the liver fat of some marine fish). Carotene is found in vegetables and fruits (carrots, persimmons, alfalfa, etc.).

Carotene and vitamin A are soluble in fats, withstand heating up to 120°C for 12 hours in the absence of oxygen. In the presence of oxygen, they are easily oxidized and inactivated.

At present, the synthesis of vitamin A has been carried out. In its pure form, these are pale yellow needle-like crystals, with a melting point of 63-64 ° C, insoluble in water, soluble in alcohol and other organic solvents.

Functions of Vitamin A

Vitamin A is part of the visual purple and takes part in the process of vision. With a lack of vitamin A in the body, keratinization of the epithelium of the skin and mucous membranes, damage to the glands is observed. internal secretion and sex glands, the body's resistance to infection is weakened.

Vitamin A participates in redox processes, regulation of protein synthesis, promotes normal metabolism, functions of cellular and subcellular membranes.

The role of vitamin A in cell regeneration. For this reason, it is widely used in the treatment of dermatological diseases, in cases of skin damage (wounds, burns, frostbite), in cosmetics.

Vitamin A in cosmetics

Vitamin A applied in the form oil solution various concentrations both directly inside and in external cosmetics. It gives the skin a good color, softens it, ensures normal activity. Cream with vitamin A is also used for sunburn, seborrheic eczema, burns, frostbite.

Vitamin A dosage: 75,000 i.u. (international units) per 1 kg of cream. The addition of egg or soy lecithin is very good.

The minimum daily requirement for an adult is 1 mg (3300 i.u.) of vitamin A or twice the amount of carotene.

To strengthen and soften the epidermis, you can use a mixture of 44 g of egg yolk and 56 g of glycerin. This mixture contains a lot of cholesterol, lecithin and vitamin A and is used to maintain and renew tissues.

The weak color of the egg yolk indicates a lack of vitamin A in it. Such yolks are less valuable for cosmetic purposes.

Close in action to carotene are some fragrant substances: beta-ionone and citral, which are therefore useful to introduce into the appropriate creams as part of fragrances.

When choosing carotene or vitamin A for medical-cosmetic preparations, it is impossible not to take into account studies according to which it has been established that vitamin A can exert its stimulating effect only in the presence of vitamin D, then vitamin A is equal in activity to the vitamin contained in fish oil. Thus, the value of fortified preparations can be increased by the combined use of these two vitamins.

B group vitamins.

Vitamin B1

Vitamin B1(thiamine) - a heterocyclic compound of the composition C12H18ON4SCl2 - is involved in fat metabolism and tones the nervous system.

In the body, it combines with two molecules of phosphoric acid and forms an active group of the carboxylase enzyme, which contributes to the decomposition of the intermediate product of the breakdown of carbohydrates - pyruvic acid s.

Vitamin B1 is stable when heated in an acidic environment, but quickly inactivated in an alkaline environment.

Contained in yeast, seeds of cereals and legumes (in the outer shell and germs of seeds), in the liver of animals.

The daily requirement for an adult of vitamin B1 is 2-3 mg.

It is used in emulsion creams with an acidic emulsifier for malnutrition of the skin.

Vitamin B1 takes part in various metabolic processes in the body. Thiamine is a catalyst in oxidative processes of tissue respiration, a regulator of carbohydrate, protein, fat and water metabolism.

Vitamin B1 necessary for the normal functioning of the skin. Experimental data suggest that vitamin B1 relieves the inflammatory response of the skin. In addition, it has an itching effect.

Vitamin B6

Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) C8H11O3N is a derivative of pyridine.

It is phosphorylated in the body and is part of the enzymes involved in fat metabolism and carrying out the transamination of amino acids. It is recommended as a means of promoting hair growth and preventing baldness. Perfectly softens the skin (like a fresh egg yolk).

Vitamin B12

Vitamin B12(cyanocobolamine) С63Н90N14O14PCo.

A feature of vitamin B12 is the presence of cobalt and cyano groups in its molecule, which form a coordination complex.

Vitamin B12 is dark red, odorless and tasteless needle-like crystals, soluble in water.

It has a powerful hematopoietic property. It also works well for photodermatosis, eczema, some forms of dermatitis, etc. Participates in the synthesis of nucleoproteins and purines, enhances the formation of folic acid and increases the oxidation of alpha-amino acids.

Both through the stomach and through the skin (unlike other vitamins), it is poorly absorbed if the "internal factor of Castle" is not present at the same time - a special preparation from the mucous membrane of the pyloric part of the stomach of animals (gastromucoprotein).

Due to the fact that the use of vitamin B12 leads to an increase not only in the amount of hemoglobin, erythrocytes and leukocytes, but also in platelets, its use without medical supervision, especially in cosmetic products, unacceptable, since there is a danger of an increase in blood clotting in cases where this is undesirable.

Pantothenic acid

Pantothenic acid(C19H17O5N) is a member of the B group of vitamins. A compound of dioxydimethylbutyric acid and the amino acid beta-alanine.

Light yellow oily substance, easily soluble in water. Melting point 75-80°C.

Widely distributed in plant and animal tissues. Especially a lot of it in yeast, the internal organs of animals (for example, in the liver).

The biological significance of pantothenic acid as a factor involved in the metabolism is very large. Together with thioethylamine, adenosine and three phosphoric acid residues, it makes up coenzyme A1 (coenzyme A1), which is part of the enzymes that catalyze the oxidation reactions of many organic acids and the acetylation reaction.

Coenzyme A catalyzes big number reactions, in particular the formation of acetylcholine from choline, the oxidation of acetic and pyruvic acids, the formation of citric and fatty acids, sterols, esters, and many other substances.

There are numerous reports in the literature about the very beneficial effect of pantothenic acid (especially in combination with vitamin F).

For skin application it enhances the metabolism in the skin of the face and head and therefore increases the turgor of facial tissues, reduces, and in some cases stops hair loss. Recommended for serious violations blood circulation in the skin of the face and head. Known drug "Panthenol" - pantothenic alcohol, corresponding to vitamin B group.

The lack of pantothenic and folic acids in the body leads to an acceleration graying. With the use of pantothenic acid and panthenol, favorable results can be achieved.

Vitamin P

Vitamin P- a number of substances of the flavonoid group; found in the form of glucosides in many plants: rose hips, citrus fruits, blackcurrant berries, green tea leaves, etc.

Many dyes and tannins of plants have P-vitamin activity:

  • flavones - rutin, quercetin (tetra-hydroxy-flavonol С15Н10О7),
  • quercitrin (found in buckthorn berries - Rhamnus tinctoria);
  • catechins (1-epicatechin, 1-epigallocatechin) contained in tea;
  • coumarins (esculin),
  • gallic acid, etc.

A complex of catechins from the tea leaf (vitamin P itself) and rutin obtained from the green mass of buckwheat and Japanese Sophora flowers have become widespread.

Vitamin P from tea leaves is an amorphous powder of yellow-green color, bitter-astringent taste, soluble in water and alcohol.

Rutin- yellow crystalline powder, odorless and tasteless, difficult to dissolve in cold, but easily in hot water.

Together with vitamin C, vitamin P is involved in the redox processes of the body. Reduces permeability and fragility of capillaries. Used in hair growth products (0.2% vitamin P, 0.3% ascorbic acid from the weight of the liquid or cream), to enhance the metabolism in the skin, to accumulate vitamin C in the tissue, against fragility blood vessels, in many skin diseases accompanied by inflammatory phenomena, eczema, dermatitis.

Vitamin P is non-toxic.

Vitamin PP

The name Vitamin PP comes from the word Pellagra preventive - warning pellagra.

Vitamin PP is beta-nicotinic (beta-pyridinecarboxylic) acid С6Н5О2N or its amide. They are part of the vitamin B complex.

Vitamin PP- white powder, hardly soluble in cold water (1:70) and easily in alcohol. It is part of dehydrases - enzymes involved in the processes of biological oxidation. It is used by the body in the form of an amide compound.

A nicotinic acid participates in the metabolism of sulfur carbohydrates, proteins and in the transformation of pigments. With a lack of nicotinic acid in the body, the skin is very flaky, loses elasticity, darkens, hair falls out.

Due to the ability to dilate blood vessels, vitamin PP improves blood circulation, which has a positive effect on hair growth and skin nutrition.

Vitamin PP successfully used in the treatment of redness of the skin and red acne. It softens the skin well and is similar to egg yolk in this.

The dose of nicotinic acid or its amide is 0.1% in liquid and up to 0.3% in emulsion creams.

The combination with calendula infusion is especially good. It is widely used in hair strengthening products for dry scalp and hair.

Biotin(vitamin H, coenzyme R, factor X, factor N, anti-seborrheic vitamin, skin factor) С10Н16О3N2S - water-soluble vitamin of complex B.

Colorless crystals are easily soluble in water and alcohol. Heat resistant. Widely distributed in nature. A lot of it in the liver, kidneys, yeast.

With a lack of biotin in the body, seborrhea develops ( biotin - anti-seborrheic factor). Takes part in the exchange of carbon dioxide.

Good result with seborrhea gives an aqueous extract of yeast, canned 25% ethyl alcohol. At the same time, the entire complex of hydrovitamins, which exhibit a synergistic effect, is extracted.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C(С6Н8О6) - vitamin C.

The chemical nature and biological action of this vitamin are well studied. Ascorbic acid is one of the links in redox enzyme systems and a hydrogen carrier according to the following scheme:

The presence of an enol group (in the vicinity of the carbonyl) determines the acidic nature of the compound. The carbonyl group and the adjoining alcohol group cause easy dissociation of hydrogen, due to which, when interacting with metals, salts are easily formed while maintaining the lactone ring.

The enol group, which is easily oxidized into a diketo group, is responsible for the very high reducing properties of ascorbic acid.

Of the various isomers of ascorbic acid, the L-isomer is the most active as an antiscorbutic, and some isomers, for example, the d-isomer, do not work at all.

Pure L-ascorbic acid is a colorless monoclinic crystals, easily soluble in water (1:5), worse - in alcohol (1:40), insoluble in most fatty oils, as well as in benzene, chloroform and ether.

Aqueous solutions- strongly acid reaction (pH for 0.1 N solution - 2.2).

Ascorbic acid gives a number of derivatives. Under the influence of oxidizing agents, as well as at high temperatures, it quickly collapses.

Oxidized, turns into dehydroascorbic acid. Wherein vitamin properties substances disappear, and ascorbic acid can again be restored from the dehydroform. Such a transition of ascorbic acid to the oxidized form and vice versa is believed to determine its pharmacological action.

In dry form, ascorbic acid is well preserved.

Vitamin C affects intracellular respiration, i.e. contributes to the consumption of oxygen by the cells of our body, participates in protein and oxygen metabolism.

Under natural conditions vitamin C found in leaves, root tubers, fruits, vegetables and fruits. Rose hips and black currants are especially rich in them.

constant companion vitamin C is vitamin P- one of the factors contributing to the strengthening of blood vessels.

Vitamin C is found in small amounts in animal tissues. Currently getting synthetically.

Vitamin C is very sensitive to oxidation, to alkalis and high temperatures, to heavy metals, especially copper, whose ions catalytically accelerate the oxidative destruction of the vitamin.

Vitamin C in cosmetics It is used mainly in the form of fruit juices (lemon, rose hips) or a synthetic product in masks, creams, toilet milk.

Vitamin C has been successfully used in dermatology. With vitamin C deficiency, clear hair fragmentation and dry skin begin to develop. These lesions have been shown to heal quickly with vitamin C alone.

Indications for the use of vitamin C - yellow complexion, withered wrinkled skin, freckles. The use of vitamin C in creams leads to almost complete removal freckles.

For cosmetologist vitamin C is of interest as an agent that reduces the content of cholesterol in the skin, which is one of the factors of its aging, and as a whitening agent against freckles, sunburn and age spots.

Dosage: 20 g of ascorbic acid per 1 kg of cream (preferably emulsion with an acidic or neutral emulsifier). The daily requirement of an adult is 50-75 mg.

The use of vitamins in nail polishes, as well as in nail polish removers, is impractical, since horn formation, of which the nail consists, is an accumulation of dead and keratinized cells that are incapable of assimilation processes.

Great difficulties are the preservation of vitamin C in a biologically active state in cosmetic products and its protection from destruction.

One of the methods preservation of vitamin C is the addition of 0.3-0.5% sodium benzoate to cosmetic products. At the same time, the activity of vitamin C is preserved by 75-80% when introduced into an acidic or neutral environment.

Vitamin D

There are currently two main vitamin D sources: D2 and D3.

D2(С28Н44О) is formed from the provitamin ergosterol, common in plants.

D3(С27Н44О) is formed from the provitamin of animal tissues - 7-dehydrocholesterol.

In opening vitamin D played a big role cholesterol. It has been proven that when cholesterol is irradiated in an ordinary atmosphere or under conditions of an indifferent gas (nitrogen), photochemical reactions occur and it acquires antirachitic properties.

The reason for the activation of cholesterol is considered to be a sterol with three double bonds in it in small quantities - ergosterol(С27Н42О). Further work showed that vitamin D, obtained by ultraviolet irradiation from ergosterol, is a polymer or an isomer of ergosterol. It was found that under ultraviolet irradiation of ergosterol, the tautomeric equilibrium of its molecule changes towards the formation of a catalytically acting tautomer, which is vitamin D.

Thus, as a result of irradiation of provitamin, the inactive (enol) form of the molecule is converted into a catalytically active tautomer, which, gradually accumulating, manifests itself by its chemical and physiological action.

Overexposure leads to chemical reaction, transforming the molecule into new form, as a result of which tautomerism disappears, and with it the vitaminogenic action due to it should also disappear.

When over-irradiated, ergosterol gives a number of intermediate and final products, some of which do not have vitamin properties, while others - toxicstyrene - are poisonous. This explains bad influence on the organism of excessive illumination of the body by the sun or other sources of ultraviolet rays (quartz lamp, etc.)

Changes in the chemical structure of sterols and their transition to vitamins are based on the fact that the molecules various substances, absorbing light rays, can undergo chemical changes. In this case, the energy of light rays is converted into the chemical energy of the products of such a photochemical reaction.

In photochemical phenomena, the greatest activity belongs to light rays with a short wavelength, mainly ultraviolet rays. Only those of them cause photochemical reactions that are absorbed by this substance. Rays with a long wavelength are completely inactive.

The vitamin properties inherent in vitamin D are currently attributed to several substances that have a similar structure.

Most studied vitamin D2 -calciferol. All active preparations of vitamin D are obtained by irradiating sterols (ergosterol, cholesterol and their derivatives) with ultraviolet rays.

Vitamin D3 obtained by irradiation of ergosterol.

The formation of vitamin D from sterols under the influence of ultraviolet rays indicates a huge impact on the human body. sunlight as a source of ultraviolet rays.

natural source of vitamin D are fish oil, cod, burbot, salmon, irradiated yeast and milk. Pharmaceutical-derived vitamin D contains mainly D2. Its activity is defined in international or international units (IU or IU). One unit corresponds to 0.000000025 g of pure vitamin.

Vitamin D is not used alone in cosmetic products, with the exception of cosmetics intended for children. However, in minimal doses, it could be useful in cosmetics for any age, primarily as a vitamin A activator.

Vitamin E

Vitamin E(С29Н50О2). Coloring substances of fats (in particular, carotene and chlorophyll) usually accompany an orange-yellow or pale yellow oily, viscous, fat-soluble substance. This substance is called tocopherol or vitamin E.

Chemical structure

Tocopherol is a derivative of the dihydric phenol hydroquinone with an isoprenoid side chain simultaneously bonded to the aromatic oxygen of one of the hydroxyl groups and to the adjacent carbon atom of the benzene ring. The remaining hydrogen atoms of the benzene ring are replaced by methyl groups.

In accordance with the number and place of attachment of methyl groups, α-tocopherol, β-tocopherol, γ-tocopherol and δ-tocopherol are distinguished:

Vitamin E properties

The pour point of tocopherol is 0°C. Tocopherol is distilled under vacuum without decomposition. When saponified, it passes along with vitamins A and D into the unsaponifiable fraction, however, unlike them, it is not destroyed during distillation at 180 ° and 50 mm pressure and is completely distilled.

Tocopherol is very resistant to air, light, temperature, acids and alkalis. Biologically, it is very active, and its deficiency leads to infertility.

Of the factors that destroy vitamin E, the effects of permanganate, ozone, chlorine, and ultraviolet radiation should be noted. The loss of vitamin E activity in fats is associated with the rancidity of those fats in which it is located. This is due to the presence of organic peroxides in fats, which are formed as a result of autoxidation, which leads to the oxidation of vitamin E.

E vitamins found in vegetable oils.

We give data on the approximate content of alpha-tocopherol in some fats:

The use of vitamin E in cosmetics

Tocopherols serve antioxidants in relation to unsaturated lipids, inhibiting the process of peroxide oxidation of the latter.

Antioxidant function of tocopherols is determined by their ability to bind active free radicals appearing in cells (participants in lipid peroxidation) into relatively stable and therefore incapable of chain continuation phenoxide radicals.

Vitamin E injected into creams and lotions for hair care together with vitamin A to soften the skin and improve the nutrition of the skin at the rate of 3% 2% oil solution of alpha-tocopherol or alpha-tocopherol acetate based on the weight of the product.

Known anti-sclerotic properties of vitamin E and its ability to increase the absorption and action of vitamin A.

Vitamin F

Vitamin F called a set of several essential fatty acids that exhibit extraordinary activity. These acids include:

  • linoleic,
  • linolenic,
  • oleic,
  • archaic, etc.

It has long been observed that some animals and vegetable fats have a large chemical and biological activity, so they have been used as a medicinal and cosmetic product since ancient times ( lard, olive and almond oil). In particular, chaulmugrove oil is still considered an effective treatment for leprosy. Fish oil is used to treat wounds, linseed oil with lime water - as a remedy for burns.

It turned out that good action These fats are largely due to the content in them of a more or less significant amount of glycerides of unsaturated fatty acids of the following series:

  • CnH2n-4O2
  • CnH2n-6O2
  • .................. before
  • CnH2n-10O2

Acids of the first row can have triple or two double bonds. These include primarily linoleic acid:

Included in many liquid vegetable oils, mainly linseed, hemp, poppy, sunflower, soybean, cottonseed. It is found in small amounts in animal fats, such as fish oils.

The CnH2n-6O2 series includes linolenic acid, which has three double bonds:

The content of linoleic and lenolenic acids in various fats is shown in the table below:

Name of fats
Oil linen
(from walnuts)
almond -
peach -
black mustard 2
hemp Up to 12.8
poppy 5
sunflower -
peanut -
pork fat 10,7
beef fat -
Cacao butter -
cow butter

The use of vitamin F in cosmetics

unsaturated fatty acids carry out biocatalytic functions in the animal body for the oxidation of saturated fatty acids, thereby participating in the process of assimilation of fats and in fat metabolism skin.

specific action unsaturated fatty acids expressed in the prevention and cure of dermatitis in humans and animals. They strengthen the walls of blood vessels and increase their elasticity, reduce their fragility and permeability, reduce toxic effects from excess secretion thyroid gland increase the body's resistance to infection.

With a lack of these acids in food, there is roughness and dryness of the skin, a tendency to rash. Hair becomes brittle and thin, loses its luster and begins to fall out. The scalp is covered with dandruff. Nails become brittle, cracks form on them.

Vitamin F of plant origin has a biogenic stimulating property, improves metabolic processes, causes epithelialization of injured areas, and restores tissues. When applied to the skin, it penetrates into the tissue, while having a profound effect: it increases the content of estrogen substances and increases hormonal functions in women, leads to a decrease in blood pressure, affects the metabolism of vitamin A, etc.

Linolenic acid is absorbed into the blood 20 minutes after it is applied to the skin.

Vitamin F increases the protective properties of the body in general, and the skin in particular. Dermatological action is also expressed in its ability to increase skin elasticity due to the presence of a carboxyl group and a hydrogen ion and therefore the formation of a strong molecular layer on the surface of the tissue.

Therefore, blocking the carboxyl group (for example, during esterification) leads to a decrease or total loss activity of unsaturated fatty acids.

It has now been established that vitamin F is biologically active unsaturated fatty acids having double bonds in position 9-12 (with respect to the COOH group). The absence of double bonds in acids in this position leads to a loss of activity.

With an increase in the number of double bonds towards the COOH group, the activity of acids increases. The most biologically active are unsaturated fatty acids, which have a cis-configuration inherent in fatty acids that are part of vegetable oils.

The main action of vitamin F- this is the formation of peroxides at the site of double bonds of acids and the dissociation of these peroxides with the release of oxygen. Therefore, unsaturated fatty acids should act as oxygen carriers and are more energetic the more double bonds they have. For cosmetics, vitamin F is an excellent product.

Vitamin F is included in skin cleansing creams, stimulating, fatty, fat-free creams for softening the skin, against cracks in the skin, rashes, sunburn, in hair products (against dandruff and hair loss).

In addition to a number of positive properties inherent in vitamin F itself, it also has the ability to activate the actions of other vitamins (A, D2, E, carotene) contained in vegetable oils.

Sometimes there is a slight irritation of the skin when using highly unsaturated fatty acids in a concentrated form, but at lower concentrations (for example, 10-15%), irritation never occurs. This is all the more important because these acids are usually added to liquid emulsion creams up to 3%, and to thick creams - up to 6-7%.


1. vitamins - These are low molecular weight organic compounds of various chemical nature and structure, which ensure the normal course of biochemical, physiological processes in the body by participating in the metabolism of the whole organism.

2. Vitamin classification

I. By solubility:

    Fat soluble vitamins:

    vitamin A (retinol, antixerophthalmic);

    vitamin D (calciferol, antirachitic);

    vitamin E (tocopherol, anti-sterile, reproduction vitamin);

    vitamin K (phylloquinone, antihemorrhagic).

    Water Soluble Vitamins:

    vitamin B 1 (thiamine, anti-neuritis);

    vitamin B 2 (riboflavin, growth vitamin);

    vitamin B 3 (pantothenic acid, anti-dermatitis factor);

    vitamin B 5 (PP) ( a nicotinic acid, antipellagric);

    vitamin B 6 (pyridoxine, antidermatitis);

    vitamin B 12 (cyanocobalamin, antianemic);

    vitamin C (ascorbic acid);

    vitamin H (biotin, anti-seborrheic);

    vitamin P (rutin, capillary strengthening).

II. Of necessity:

    Actually vitamins(see above)

    Vitamin-like substances:

Possess vitamin action, but partially can be synthesized in the body. Sometimes used as a plastic material for the construction of fabrics. These include folic acid, linoleic acid, inositol, ubiquinone, para-aminobenzoic acid, ornithine, orotic acid, etc.

3. Features of vitamins

    vitamins are not included in the structure of tissues, tk. not used as a plastic material;

    vitamins are not used as a source of energy;

    vitamins are active in low concentrations(daily rate - a few mg);

    they are either not formed at all in the body, or are formed in very small quantities. Miscellaneous organisms have different needs in vitamins.

4. Pathological conditions

    Hypovitaminosis is a pathological condition that develops due to a lack of a vitamin in food.

    Avitaminosis is a pathological condition that develops as a result of total absence vitamin in food.

    Hypervitaminosis is a pathological condition that develops as a result of excessive intake of a vitamin in the body.

Causes of hypovitaminosis:

a) primary (exogenous) causes:

Associated with the characteristics of nutrition and the state of the human body:

    Absence in the diet fresh vegetables and fruits (vitamins C and P);

    The use of exclusively refined products (polished rice, premium bread);

    Use for food exclusively canned food and fast food;

    Eating only plant products (causes a lack of B vitamins)

    Increased body's need for vitamins (pregnancy, lactation, cancer).

b) secondary (endogenous) causes:

They are associated with impaired absorption of vitamins:

    The use of drugs that exhibit antivitamin activity;

    It is observed in acute and chronic intoxications;

    Disease of the liver and pancreas;

    Increased breakdown of vitamins in the intestines.

5. Group characteristics of some vitamins

Functional groups vitamins

Physiological action of vitamins


Increasing the overall reactivity of the body

Regulate functional state organism, central nervous system, metabolism, nutrition and tissue condition

A, C, B 1, B 2, B 5.


Affect the normal permeability and stability of blood vessels, increase blood clotting


Normalize and stimulate blood formation


Stimulate the production of antibodies, protective epithelium

Regulating vision

Adjust sharpness, expand the field of color vision

    Characteristics of fat-soluble vitamins

Group features:

    these vitamins are soluble in fat solvents and insoluble in water;

    they are able to accumulate in the body;

    characteristic is the phenomenon of the existence of vitamers - substances that are somewhat different from vitamins, but also have vitamin activity.

Vitamin A

It was first isolated in 1913. It is a monohydric unsaturated cyclic alcohol, t° pl = 64°C. Soluble in fats and organic solvents. Qualitative reaction: with a solution of antimony (III) chloride - there is a color change from blue to pink-violet. Under mild conditions and under the action of enzymes, retinol can turn into retinal (aldehyde) - this is vitamin A 2. Its activity is lower than that of vitamin A.


    There is weight loss and exhaustion, growth inhibition;

    Dry skin, cracking and keratinization of the skin, dryness of the mucous membrane of the eye (xerophthalmia): no tears are released → dryness of the mucous membrane → edema, inflammation, conjunctivitis. The final stage is night blindness.

    Decreased immunity, increased incidence.

Signs of hypervitaminosis:

Eye inflammation, hair loss, nausea, headaches, exhaustion. Develops within 3-4 hours. The liver of a polar bear, seal, walrus contains a lot of vitamin A.

The biological role of vitamin A at the molecular level:

    Vitamin A regulates the growth and differentiation of rapidly dividing and multiplying cells and tissues (cells of bone tissue, cartilage, epithelium);

    Regulates the normal growth and differentiation of cells of a rapidly growing organism;

    Takes part in OVR (presence of double bonds);

    Takes part in the synthesis of antibodies, i.e. immunoglobulins;

    Takes part in the act of light perception (part of rhodopsin).

Sources of Vitamin A:

    Vitamin A itself is found in animal products - in the liver, egg yolk, whole milk, cream, sour cream. Sea bass liver contains 35% vitamin A.

    Provitamin A is carotenoids. There are about 70 of them, the most active is β-carotene. Found in red-fleshed vegetables and fruits.

    It is deposited in the liver in the form of esters with palmitic acid (per 100 g of liver - 20 μg of vitamin A).

The daily requirement for vitamin A is 1-2.5 mg for adults, 2-5 mg for children, and 2-5 mg for carotene. An overdose is dangerous.

Vitamin D

In the body it is presented in the form of vitamins D 2 and D 3. It is a crystalline, colorless substance, soluble in organic solvents. Sensitive to UV radiation. Qualitative reaction with SbCl 3 - orange-red compound. With organic acids at the OH - group they form esters.


    Children have rickets. In this case, the softness of the bones is observed, they bend under the weight of the body and acquire an ugly shape. There is a deformation of the bones of the skull. All this is due to the fact that the content of calcium and inorganic phosphate in the blood decreases.

    Decreased muscle tone (atony). The stomach protrudes, up to the development of umbilical hernias.

    With deep vitamin deficiency in children, the appearance of the first teeth is delayed.

    In adults, softening of bone tissue and demineralization of bones. Osteoporosis occurs - increased fragility and fragility of bones.

Signs of hypervitaminosis:

With a large dose - death (calcification of the kidneys, aorta, kidney muscles).

Biorol of vitamin D at the molecular level:

    Promotes the absorption of Ca 2+ and PO 4 in the intestinal walls;

    Participates in the exchange of Ca 2+ between blood and bone tissue;

    Promotes reverse absorption - reabsorption - Ca 2+ and phosphate ions in the kidneys.

Sources of Vitamin D:

Found in animal products, mainly in liver, butter, egg yolk, fish oil, and also in yeast, sunflower oil.

The daily requirement is 12-25 mcg.

Vitamin E

It was obtained in 1922. Provides the development of normal offspring.

Signs of hypo - and beriberi:

    With a lack of vitamin in animals, miscarriage develops;

    Violation of the development of sexual processes (spermatogenesis, ovogenesis).

Biorol vitamin E:

    It is a physiological antioxidant, i.e. it protects cell membranes from peroxidation;

    Stabilizes biomembranes.

Sources of Vitamin E:

    Vegetable oils;

    Cereal seeds, egg yolk, butter, meat, lettuce, cabbage.

It is deposited in adipose tissue, pancreatic tissue and muscles.

Vitamin K

Separated in 1935

Signs of hypo - and beriberi:

In adults, vitamin K deficiency is not observed, but it is very dangerous for children, especially for infants. In this case, the process of blood coagulation is disrupted and as a result, internal bleeding is observed, internal and subcutaneous hemorrhages are formed.

Biorol vitamin K:

    Participates in the processes of blood coagulation;

a) Necessary for the formation in the liver of proteins involved in blood coagulation (regulates the formation of prothrombin).

b) Activates prothrombin, increasing the number of calcium-binding centers in its composition.

    Increases the strength of the capillary walls.

Sources of Vitamin K:

Contained in green crops (spinach, cabbage, mountain ash, etc.). Vitamin K is also synthesized by the intestinal microflora.

The daily requirement for adults is about 1 mg.

    Characteristics of water-soluble vitamins

Group features:

    highly soluble in water;

    these vitamins do not accumulate in the body, they are easily removed from it;

    they either come from food or are synthesized by the intestinal microflora;

    the presence of antivitamers is characteristic;

    according to the chemical structure - heterocycles;

    hypervitaminosis is not typical.

Vitamin B 1

Small, colorless crystals, soluble in water and alcohol, insoluble in organic solvents. When heated, the destruction of the structure occurs after 15 minutes.

Signs of hypo - and beriberi:

Polyneuritis (take-take disease)

    Violation of activity from the side of the central nervous system: memory loss for recent events, hallucinations;

    The activity of the cardiovascular system is disturbed: shortness of breath, tachycardia, heart failure;

    There is a lesion and disorder of the gastrointestinal tract, namely, impaired motor and secretory functions, complete atony of the intestine. This leads to stagnation and rotting of food;

    Water metabolism is disturbed, edema develops

    There is damage to the nerves, pain throughout the nerve, the result is paralysis.

In birds - convulsive throwing of the head.

Sources of Vitamin B 1 :

Widespread in yeast, peas, wholemeal flour, kidney, liver, brown rice, beans, beans, etc. Synthesized by the microflora of the human intestine.

The daily requirement is 1.3-3 mg.

Vitamin B 2

Let's well dissolve in water, solutions have green-yellow coloring. Resistant to heat (withstands boiling for 6 hours), but quickly decomposes when exposed to light.

Signs of beriberi:

Weight loss, stunting, hair loss, non-healing cracks appear in the corners of the mouth, inflammation of the mucosa occurs (“ geographical language”), inflammation of the blood vessels of the eyes (visual impairment), general muscle weakness, peeling of the skin (especially the face), anemia.

Biorol vitamin B 2 :

    Responsible for tissue regeneration;

    Takes part in the oxidation of higher fatty acids;

    It is part of the oxidoreductase class of enzymes.

Sources of Vitamin B 2 :

Contained in dairy products, wholemeal flour, green vegetables, liver, kidneys, meat, egg yolk.

The daily requirement is 2-4 mg.

Vitamin B 3

Signs of beriberi:

    With a lack of vitamin develop dermatitis;

    Hair discoloration occurs;

    Ulceration of the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines;

    Decreased immunity;

    Burning of legs.

Vitamin Sources:

Contained in almost all products, can be synthesized by the intestinal microflora.

The daily norm is ≈ 10 mg.

Vitamin B 5

Not very soluble in water, solubility increases in an acidified environment.

Signs of beriberi:

With a lack of vitamin, rough skin (“pellagra”) is formed, open areas of the skin are affected, as well as the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract. Then the work of the central nervous system is disrupted. Pain in the intestines, nausea, loose stools, psychosis, depression. Such symptoms occur in patients with insufficient protein nutrition (not enough tryptophan).

Vitamin Sources:

Found in potatoes, rice, liver, kidneys, milk, etc. Can be synthesized in the body on the basis of tryptophan.

The daily requirement is 15-25 mg.

Vitamin B 6

Let's well dissolve in water. Resistant to acids and alkalis, but quickly destroyed when heated.

Signs of beriberi:

    Skin lesions, development of dermatitis. In animals, the skin of the tail, paws, ears is affected, hair loss, ulceration occurs;

    There is a disorder hematopoietic system(anemia);

    CNS disorder: epileptic seizures (especially in artificial infants)

Biorol vitamin:

It is part of the enzymes, thereby participating in the metabolism.

Vitamin Sources:

Contained in milk, legumes, cabbage, carrots. A small part can be synthesized by the intestinal microflora.

The daily dose is 2-3 mg.

Vitamin C

In crystalline form it is stable, in solution it is easily oxidized by solutions of iodine, bromine, silver. It is a derivative of carbohydrates. Synthesized in the body of many animals, except for monkeys, bats, humans, guinea pigs.

Signs of beriberi:

    Fragility of capillaries, bleeding gums;

    General weakness;

    Increased susceptibility to infections;

    Soreness of the gums, their swelling and looseness;

    Multiple subcutaneous hemorrhages.

Biorol vitamin:

    It is a source of hydrogen in OVR, it is necessary in the synthesis of adrenaline.

    Participates in the formation of mature collagen.

Vitamin Sources:

Contained in citrus fruits, black currants, rose hips, garlic, onions, needles, etc.

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