How quickly does a tick infect a dog. The dog was bitten by a tick: how to pull it out, symptoms and treatment. advice - "Lasso" from a strong thread

Piroplasmosis is a seasonal disease that is dangerous for dogs and is carried by infected ticks. If detected early, the disease responds well to treatment.

Ticks can become carriers of infectious diseases. Therefore, if a dog is bitten by a tick, you need to observe its condition, behavior and health.

The most dangerous tick-borne disease in dogs is piroplasmosis (babesiosis). Piroplasmas (Piroplasma canis) are the simplest single-celled harmful microorganisms that enter under the skin of an animal along with the saliva of an insect.

IMPORTANT: Dog owners should inspect the neck, head, chest, ears and groin of their pets for trapped ticks after each walk.

A dog or puppy was bitten by a tick - piroplasmosis (babesiosis), is it treated?

The activity of piroplasms is aimed at the destruction of red blood cells. In the body of the affected animal, a critical amount of toxic hemoglobin decay products very quickly accumulates, which disrupts the functioning of all internal organs.

A few days after the bite, the dog's condition can deteriorate dramatically. Sometimes the disease proceeds superacutely. Then the death of the animal occurs without the appearance of pronounced signs of the disease.

You will have to contact the veterinary clinic if, after the bite, the behavior and condition of the dog have noticeably changed. The hospital will take the necessary tests and prescribe a course of specific treatment.

Treatment of priroplasmosis is carried out with the help of highly toxic drugs and is aimed at:

  • disposal of Piroplasma canis
  • reduction of intoxication
  • maintaining the viability of the body

IMPORTANT: The sooner the treatment of piroplasmosis is started, the more likely it is to cure the dog. Recovery at best will last 4 to 5 weeks.

What ticks carry piroplasmosis?

Ticks - carriers of piroplasmosis

The first signs and symptoms of piroplasmosis in dogs

The manifestation of symptoms of the disease depends on its form.

There are 3 forms:

  • acute
  • chronic
  • latent

In the first case ( acute form):

  • the behavior of the animal is clearly changing
  • lethargy, weakness appear, interest in what is happening is lost
  • dog refuses to walk or move at all
  • fever and fever appear, the temperature rises to 42 ° C
  • urine darkens and takes on a dark brown or brown hue
  • mucous membranes become pale or yellow
  • breathing is disturbed - it becomes heavy and frequent
  • possible limb paralysis

The death of the animal occurs on 3-7 days.

Lack of mood and appetite in a dog - the first signs of piroplasmosis

IMPORTANT: The first signs of an acute form of piroplasmosis can be confused with a simple lack of mood and appetite in a dog. However, if the "mood is gone" shortly after removing the tick from the dog's body, you should immediately contact your veterinarian.

At chronic form piroplasmosis, all the symptoms are blurred, from the obvious external signs of the progression of the disease - fatigue and weakness.

A blood test shows a sharp decrease in the number of red blood cells. The death of an animal that is not properly cared for occurs within 3 to 7 weeks from the moment of infection.

In the latent form, there are no symptoms.

IMPORTANT: Piroplasmosis is a disease that cannot go away on its own, without treatment. Without special therapy, the dog will die, and delay reduces the chances of recovery.

How to do a smear for piroplasmosis?

Capillary blood sampling is carried out from the ear of the animal as follows:

  • shave the hair off the inside of the ear
  • treat the skin with a disinfectant
  • make a small incision in the skin
  • a drop of blood is placed on a glass slide
  • form a smear
  • the preparation is dried and stained with Diff-Quick
  • cover with a cover glass
  • examining the sample with a microscope.

IMPORTANT: The results of this analysis can be obtained immediately, at the first appointment.

Blood test and laboratory diagnosis of piroplasmosis in dogs: piroplasmosis under a microscope

The analysis helps in the shortest possible time to identify a dangerous disease, which is characterized by:

  • the presence in the blood of a large number of destroyed red blood cells
  • detection of babesia in erythrocytes

To prescribe treatment, it is important to exclude other similar diseases, namely: leptospirosis, glomerulonephritis, liver damage, poisoning, distemper. For this, laboratory diagnostics is also subjected to urine sick dog. When found in it hemoglobin, the diagnosis is confirmed.

IMPORTANT: If the results of laboratory tests do not confirm the presence of piroplasmosis, however, all signs are present, and the animal has recently suffered a tick bite, it is recommended to repeat the analysis in a day.

Incubation period for piroplasmosis in dogs

IMPORTANT: If the dog has already had piroplasmosis in the wound, or has been injected with prophylactic serum, the incubation period is longer.

The incubation period of piroplasmosis is 4-15 days

Treatment of piroplasmosis in dogs at home: an effective scheme

IMPORTANT: It does not make sense to administer highly toxic drugs without test results, since they do not even have preventive properties.

Relieve toxicity at home It is possible with the help of droppers of saline solutions. But in a severe case, only a blood transfusion can save the life of an animal, which is impossible to perform at home.

IMPORTANT: If the animal has an average or severe degree of piroplasmosis, then such treatment will not help - the dog will die.

Medications and preparations for piroplasmosis for dogs

Treatment is carried out in a complex, phased manner:

Stage 1Destruction of piroplasm. For this, antiprotozoal agents are used:

  • Veriben, Berenil, Azidine(active substance diminazine) - the least toxic. However, there is a possibility of an individual reaction with instant blocking and brain damage.
  • Imizol, Imidocarb, Pyro-stop(active substance imidocarb) - serious toxic toxic substances.

Stage 2Alkalinization of urine

This stage is necessary to maintain the normal functioning of the kidneys. Intravenously administered bicarbonate of soda, which prevents the formation of hemoglobin crystals in the urine that can clog the channels in the kidneys.
The dog must be allowed to drink soda solution prepared at the rate of 2 g of soda per 10 kg of animal weight.

IMPORTANT: The level of hemoglobin in the urine is monitored every few hours. Soda intake into the body is necessary until the complete withdrawal of hemoglobin from the urine.

Stage 3 - Supportive Treatment

May apply vitamins, diuretics, glucose, drugs to restore blood circulation.

Stage 4 - Blood Cleansing

Can be applied:

  • filtering blood outside the body
  • transfusion

Piroplasmosis in dogs consequences after treatment

  • Imidocarb poisons the nervous system, as a result of the use of preparations based on it, an imbalance of neurotransmitters occurs. There is also a high risk of allergic reactions to the drug. To somewhat reduce its negative impact, atropine and antihistamines are used shortly before the introduction of imidocarb.
  • diminazine has a pronounced neurotoxicity. It is effective in removing piroplasms, but the frequency of complications is so high that they try to use the remedy only in extreme cases.

Complications after piroplasmosis in dogs

  • Due to the destruction of red blood cells, anemia develops.
  • Blockage of the renal tubules by urine hemoglobin crystals leads to kidney failure.
  • Toxic hepatitis is the result of severe intoxication.
  • Oxygen starvation of tissues leads to respiratory failure and the development of arrhythmia.
  • Seizures can be caused by hypoxic brain damage.

Chronic piroplasmosis in dogs, symptoms

Chronic piroplasmosis can develop in a dog in several cases:

Symptoms of chronic piroplasmosis are weakly expressed. Most notable:

  • general weakness
  • fatigue
  • yellowness of mucous membranes

Can a dog get piroplasmosis again?

A dog can get piroplasmosis again. After the disease, the animal remains very unstable and short-term immunity - about 4-6 months. After this period, the risk of contracting piroplasmosis resumes.

Piroplasmosis in a pregnant dog: consequences

Unfortunately, even successful treatment and complete recovery from piroplasmosis of a pregnant bitch does not give any guarantee that the pregnancy will end with normal delivery of healthy puppies, since there is a high probability of miscarriage or stillbirth.

But even if the birth is successful, it is not certain that the puppies will be viable.

After recovery, the dog will definitely need to do an ultrasound. If it turns out that the fetuses are dead, they will need to be surgically removed.

How to restore a dog after piroplasmosis: rehabilitation?

The rehabilitation period is very important for restoring the undermined health of the dog. For a long time after the illness, the animal may experience complications from various systems and organs.

It is important for the owner of the dog to detect changes in the health of the animal in time and consult a doctor as soon as possible. Depending on which organ is suffering, the doctor will prescribe a course of specific supportive and restorative drugs.

IMPORTANT: The recovery period may take several months. At this time, you should try to limit the dog's movements: active games, running, long walks are strictly prohibited.

Until the veterinarian says that the dog is absolutely healthy, you will have to periodically take blood and urine tests of the animal.

What to feed a dog after piroplasmosis?

During the recovery period, the dog's diet should contain minimum amount of protein because it is hard to digest.

For those animals that eat freshly prepared food, suitable cereals, boiled vegetables, fermented baked milk, kefir, veal.

If purchased commercial feed is used for feeding, during the recovery period you will need to choose food for dogs with impaired or sensitive digestion.

Prevention of piroplasmosis in dogs: drugs, vaccination, vaccine

There is no effective vaccination against piroplasmosis, but today there is a fairly wide choice of means to protect against ticks: sprays, collars and drops at the withers.

For protection during walks of the “apartment” dog enough spray. Well proven sprays "Frontline" French firm Merial and Russian "Leopard". They need to process the dog on the balcony or on the street. If the animal has thick and long hair, it is necessary to make partings and spray the spray into them.

IMPORTANT: One press of the head sprays about 0.7 ml of spray. For an adult dog, you will need 5-7 clicks per 1 kg of animal weight.

Simply spraying is not enough. Wearing rubber gloves, you need to rub the product into the skin. If the spray remains on the coat, there will be no question of any protection against ticks.

IMPORTANT: Until the product dries, do not allow the dog to lick it off.

Spray treatment is carried out every 3-4 weeks.

If you plan a long stay of the dog in nature (in the forest, in the country, in the village), it would be advisable to put on an insect-acaricidal collar on the animal 2-3 days before the trip. The collar is secure enough. "Kiltix" Bayer (Germany). The size of the collar should correspond to the height and weight of the dog.

For those dogs who live in an apartment, but often walk in parks and squares, use combined protection, however, it is very dangerous to “overdo it” with the application of various means - it is possible for the dog to develop allergic reactions and the formation of a new ineffective substance on the body of the animal as a result of mixing several.

Vaccines Pyrodog from Merial and Nobivak Piro from Intervet give weak immunity but are able to save the dog from death in case of infection with piroplasmosis.

IMPORTANT: Whatever prevention of piroplasmosis is carried out, regular examination of the dog after walking is necessary.

Do cats get piroplasmosis?

The causative agent of canine piroplasmosis, Babesia canis, is harmless to cats, but Babesia felis, also carried by ticks, can be harmful.

Despite the fact that piroplasmosis in felines develops very rarely, and many veterinarians generally deny the possibility of infection, the owners of domestic cats should not lose their vigilance.

Symptoms such as:

  • lack of appetite
  • Bad mood
  • fever
  • dark urine
  • paleness or yellowing of mucous membranes
  • disorders of the gastrointestinal tract

may be the first signs of the development of piroplasmosis and, in the absence of proper treatment, quickly kill the animal.

Why don't mongrels get piroplasmosis?

Mutts, as well as purebred dogs, suffer from piroplasmosis. However, they can get sick with it in a mild form and so often that the immune system is constantly waiting for an attack by piroplasms.

IMPORTANT: In most mongrels, piroplasmosis is in a chronic form. At the slightest weakening of the dog's health, the disease will immediately make itself felt.

Protecting your dog, whether it is purebred or outbred, is within the power of any owner. To prevent infection, it is enough to carefully treat the dog before the walk and carefully examine it after.

If a tick has been found on the body of an animal, it is best to contact a veterinarian immediately, without delay.

Video: A dog was bitten by a tick. Piroplasmosis. Treatment.

May die. You can meet ticks in nature as early as April, so the dog needs to be treated with special means or put on an anti-tick collar. When a tick bites, symptoms and complications in a dog may not appear immediately. If the parasite was found on a pet, first of all it should be properly removed, without leaving the head under the skin. Next, you need to monitor the condition of the pet, with small deviations in behavior, contact the veterinarian. If you do not notice the symptoms of a dangerous disease in time and do not consult a veterinarian, a tick bite can lead to the death of a dog.

Most often, pets become infected from ticks with piroplasmosis. The virus develops within a day or two. How long the infection occurs depends on the age of the pet and the date of vaccination. The first stage of piroplasmosis is manifested by fatigue, apathy and loss of appetite. If the disease was detected in the early stages of development, then it will be possible to cure the disease in a few days.

At the advanced stage, there is a high temperature of up to 42 degrees, urine with blood, bad breath from the pet. There may be shortness of breath, vomiting, yellowness of the eyeballs. If the pet is in serious condition, then the symptoms of the first and second stages are combined together. Convulsive seizures, loss of coordination are noticed, paws may even fail.

In a severe stage, it is rarely possible to save a pet. The duration of treatment is up to three weeks. Seizures can lead to cerebral edema, then the dog will die.

The consequences of a tick bite in a dog

There are a number of diseases transmitted from ticks to animals:

First aid for a dog with a tick bite

If a dog is bitten by an encephalitic tick, then if help is not provided, the animal may die. Infection occurs quickly, as the brain and nervous system are affected. At the first symptoms, the dog is taken to the clinic. After a bite, the pet becomes lethargic, the temperature rises, and there is no appetite. A white coating may appear on the mucous membranes. In such cases, the animal needs urgent help, as brain damage occurs quickly.

Treatment after a tick bite

At the first symptoms, a veterinary clinic is visited, then there will be a higher chance that the pet will not die. Full recovery after infection is about four weeks. A blood test, urine test is given, this will help confirm the diagnosis.

The following medicines are prescribed:

The specialist prescribes a special diet and care. For a speedy recovery, the animal should be limited, if possible, to walking for two weeks.


In order to avoid infection, it is important for owners to treat the dog regularly. You can use: drops, sprays, tablets. After each walk, you need to check the animal for the presence of ticks. The dog must be vaccinated, this will help to avoid dangerous diseases after a tick bite. It must be understood that there have been many cases of dogs dying from ticks.

The danger of a tick bite lies in the infection of a pet and the rapid multiplication of piroplasms, which lead to:

  • liver atrophy, since it does not process destroyed red blood cells;
  • kidney failure, while the urine is brown;
  • enlargement of the spleen;
  • the development of intoxication;
  • metabolic disorder.

Developing symptoms depend on the development of the disease. The acute form of the disease causes the development of symptoms within 5-10 days after the bite. The dog has a fever, general weakness and refusal to eat. The animal sleeps a lot and whines, lying on its back, which indicates possible pain in the abdomen. In females, there is bloody daubing from the vagina. The pet's urine darkens and, if untimely treated, sometimes contains bright blood.

The disease develops rapidly, then the signs appear already on the first day after the bite. It is this form that leads to the death of the animal.

How to remove a tick at home

After removing the tick, treat the bite site with an alcohol solution of iodine or brilliant green.

After removing the tick, you need to know how to treat the dog at home if it is not possible to show it to the doctor.

Medical treatment and consequences

However, injections of glucose and B vitamins, which are placed intramuscularly, will not interfere. Puppies are smaller in size, so dosage is appropriate for weight. It is not worth delaying a visit to the doctor.

The consequences of a tick bite in a dog can be very deplorable. The development of encephalitis after suffering piroplasmosis is possible in dogs with reduced immunity, which will be accompanied by fever, muscle paralysis and convulsions. The prognosis for the disease is unfavorable.

Often after the treatment of piroplasmosis, complications remain:

  • joint diseases;
  • violations of the kidneys;
  • heart failure;
  • dysfunction of the nervous system.

Preventive measures

Knowing how to treat a bite from a beloved pet at home is not enough. Better to prevent the development of diseases and

Remember when a dog is cured of piroplasmosis, re-infection is possible and the course of the disease will be more difficult.

Spending time in the fresh air is not always possible with benefit. As soon as it gets warmer outside, ticks come out to hunt. They lie in wait everywhere - in the park and in the forest, in the country house and in the courtyard of the house. Every dog ​​owner should know the symptoms of a tick bite in a dog, as this will help save her life.

What is piroplasmosis and why is it dangerous

For a dog, a meeting with an infected tick can end very badly, even death. It is most dangerous for a pet to get sick with piroplasmosis. Previously, this disease was known as babesiosis. During the meal, the tick introduces the infection into the blood of the animal.

Mortality in this disease is high. If measures are not taken in time, the dog dies very quickly. After a bite, characteristic symptoms are observed, which should be paid special attention in the warm season.

Often, inexperienced owners miss time, do not go to the doctor in the hope that the dog’s poor health is a consequence of the summer heat or mild poisoning, and as a result, help comes too late, and the consequences are irreversible.

The complexity of self-diagnosis lies in the fact that the signs of the disease often coincide with the symptoms of other diseases, including non-infectious ones.

Symptoms of a tick bite in a dog can be regarded as distemper, leptospirosis, enteritis. And the point is not that they are less dangerous (dogs die from them just as often), but that completely different methods are used to treat them.

Even after examining the dog, if a tick bite is suspected, the owner does not always correctly diagnose the disease, because at this moment the tick may no longer be on the body. All dogs tolerate the disease differently, so at the first sign, you should immediately take the animal to the veterinarian.

Symptoms of piroplasmosis

The disease can take several forms. It manifests itself depending on the general condition of the dog's body and the severity of the disease. There is an acute form, latent (characterized by the absence of symptoms), chronic and subacute. Signs such as lethargy, refusal to eat and general weakness of the pet should alert.

Already these signs are enough to run to the clinic. When, in addition to them, the temperature rises to 40 degrees or more, the mucous membranes become pale, yellowness appears on them, vomiting opens, the dog swears, it becomes clear that the disease is serious and it is possible that this is piroplasmosis.

If an increase in temperature after a few days is followed by an improvement, you should not relax. This is a temporary phenomenon, which may be followed by a sharp deterioration in the condition. Blood appears in the stool and urine.

Since it is difficult to determine the color of urine on the ground in the summer, if piroplasmosis is suspected, you should try to put a white napkin under the dog. With piroplasmosis, a greenish-brown spot will remain on it. Urine at this time may even be black.

An increase in the size of the liver and spleen can only be determined by a specialist. These symptoms are accompanied by the bite of an infected tick, and they characterize the disease in the absence of laboratory diagnosis.

The final diagnosis can be made by analyzing blood and urine, but this possibility is not available everywhere. In small towns, and even more so in rural areas, this is not to be expected. Convulsions are characteristic signs of a severe form of the disease. When heart and respiratory failure is clearly seen against their background, the dog most often cannot be helped by anything.

Risk group

Purebred dogs tolerate piroplasmosis more severely than mongrels. In the latter, it often becomes chronic. The incubation period depends on the health and age of the dog. The younger she is, the earlier the disease manifests itself and the more severe it is. This is due to the fact that the immune system of a young animal is weaker.

With re-infection, the incubation period is prolonged. The hyperacute form of piroplasmosis often ends in the death of the dog. It is dangerous because it proceeds rapidly, and the consequences come very quickly.

Hunting breeds of dogs are especially susceptible to piroplasmosis. They are at risk due to their lifestyle, as they are more likely to be in an environment where the probability of finding a tick is higher: they roam the tall grass, where ticks are waiting for their prey.

The symptoms and treatment of piroplasmosis are closely related. If you seek help at the first sign, you can count on a favorable outcome. Without treatment, in 80% of cases, the dog dies.

Features of symptoms

Correct diagnosis is very important, but it is difficult to do this without analysis. All drugs that are used to treat piroplasmosis are very toxic.

By killing the piroplasms in the blood of the animal, they cause a serious blow to the vital organs of the dog, and therefore, after their use, treatment of the consequences of the action of these drugs is required.

If the diagnosis was made erroneously, then with a real disease, repeated administration of medications poses a serious danger to the dog.

Diagnosis is complicated by the fact that even the main symptom - the color of urine, can characterize a completely different disease. Dark urine with an admixture of blood occurs with hepatitis, with diseases of the genitourinary system (cystitis and pyelonephritis), with rat poisoning and leptospirosis.

Many diseases are accompanied by unsteady gait, weakness and fever. According to doctors recently, babesiosis (piroplasmosis) is not always accompanied by pronounced symptoms.

During tick season, the most common signs that a dog may be infected are lack of appetite, lethargy, and lethargy. If at the same time vomiting is observed, then it is necessary to see the veterinarian in any case, even if the suspicions are not confirmed, this condition indicates health problems.

Special attention should be paid to dogs with chronic diseases during the period when ticks are especially active, since with a weakened immune system, the risk of getting sick with piroplasmosis increases significantly.

Behavior of a dog with piroplasmosis

A decrease in pet activity is always indicative of problems. The dog cannot tell the owner that something hurts her, but her behavior testifies to this. If she is not happy about the upcoming walk, does not meet the owner from work, does not play with toys, then something is wrong with her.

With piroplasmosis, she not only refuses food, but completely ignores food, including her favorite treats. If the animal turns away at the sight of a treat, this may be the first sign that the dog's tick bite has not gone unnoticed, and it may be infected with babesiosis.

By the behavior of the dog, you can see that she tries to move less. She constantly lies and chooses for this a secluded place, away from the owner. Each movement is given to her with difficulty, her hind legs are braided, and without the need she does not get up at all.

Sometimes none of these symptoms are present. Usually this happens with healthy and strong dogs. In this case, the disease can be traced only by the color of the urine, but hardly anyone does this every day, especially if the dog looks absolutely healthy. When the disease is asymptomatic, the sudden death of the dog may occur, as the treatment was not provided in time.

It is very important to start treatment in the early days, since later resuscitation will have to be carried out. Three to five days after the onset of the disease, disturbances in the functioning of the digestive system appear. There is vomiting, there may be diarrhea.

If the stool is normal, but has a greenish tint, this is also one of the symptoms of a piroplasm-infected tick bite. If the color of urine and feces has changed, the clinic should be contacted immediately.

Other consequences of a tick bite

A tick bite is fraught not only with the fact that a dog can get sick with one of the most terrible diseases - piroplasmosis. The saliva of the tick contains a toxic secret that causes allergic manifestations, and they, in turn, lead to a general pathology of the body, so you can’t turn a blind eye to this.

With the establishment of dry and hot weather, the toxicity of tick saliva increases. Most often, neurotoxic reactions affect small breed dogs, but German shepherds are also at risk.

Symptoms of tick paralysis are in many ways similar to those of piroplasmosis. The dog develops paralysis of the hind limbs, gradually it rises and is transmitted to the front paws. Against the background of movement disorders, dysphonia occurs - the dog wants to give a voice, but cannot: it opens its mouth, but there is no sound.

The effect of toxins on the brain can be the loss of the dog's swallowing reflex. If everything is limited to a violation of the functioning of the hind limbs, then after a few days the disease goes away on its own.

In the case of brain damage, suffocation is possible, as a result of which the dog dies, but in general, the death of dogs from a tick bite, in the blood of which there is no babesiosis, is extremely rare. Usually the bite of an uninfected tick passes without consequences.

Depending on the type of tick and weather conditions, on how much time the tick spent on the dog, skin pathologies can be observed after its bite. Changes in the skin are the consequences of allergic reactions. Their symptoms are as follows:

  • Swelling at the site of a tick bite;
  • Local temperature increase (at the site of edema);
  • redness;
  • Rash;
  • Pain sensations.

To avoid this, it is necessary to treat with an antiseptic. Small breed dogs that are prone to allergic reactions need antihistamines.

In the southern regions, there is a possibility of such a disease as hepatozoonosis. It does not occur as a result of a tick bite, but as a result of its eating by a dog. This diagnosis is extremely rare. In our country, cases of its production in the Krasnodar Territory and in the neighboring Stavropol Territory are known. There are no clinical manifestations.

To do this, you need tweezers or a special device - a ticker. After the tick is removed, the bite site is treated with iodine or any other antiseptic, and the insect itself is burned. Then the dog must be closely monitored. At the first sign of infection, contact your veterinarian.

Symptoms of a possible disease may appear over the next weeks or even months. All this time, you need to make sure that the dog does not have a rise in temperature, a deterioration in appetite, a decrease in activity.

The reason for contacting a specialist are: lethargy of the animal, refusal to eat, weight loss with good appetite, discoloration of urine and feces, liquid stool consistency, shortness of breath, suppuration at the site of a tick bite, extensive swelling, lameness, unsteady gait, redness of the eyes, cough , nasal discharge.

There are many diseases caused by ticks, they all have specific symptoms, so only a doctor can make a correct diagnosis.


There is no guaranteed protection against tick bites, but you need to try to do everything to prevent this from happening, since the treatment of the same piroplasmosis is very difficult, and some diseases transmitted with tick saliva proceed in a latent form and become chronic, weakening the dog and reducing its life.

Returning from a walk, it is necessary to inspect the dog for the presence of ticks. If a dog is bitten by a tick, it will be possible to quickly take the necessary measures. Good protection is provided by special drops and insect-acaricidal collars.

When going out into nature, it is better to use a set of measures: strengthen the effect of the collar with drops on the withers, apply a spray in parallel with the drops, or use a spray in addition to the collar. The bulk of the preparations require advance application.

If you plan to take your dog to a place where there are absolutely ticks, treat your pet 2 to 3 days before the event. Unfortunately, there are no effective vaccinations against piroplasmosis, so the main means of protection against them is prevention.

Canine and taiga carry borreliosis, babesiosis (piroplasmosis), bartonellosis and others. There are plague carriers, tularemia, brucellosis, Q fever and listeriosis and other diseases.

If a dog is bitten by a tick, the symptoms and consequences are not immediately apparent. The incubation period for tick-borne diseases ranges from a week to two months.

If a tick is found on a dog, the most important thing is not to panic, remove it correctly, carefully observe how the pet behaves, and seek veterinary help if there is any suspicious change in behavior and condition. You should know that an average of 3 to 14% of the entire ixodid population is infectious.

Owners should inspect the head, neck, chest, ears and groin of pets after each walk to detect bloodsuckers. If single individuals are found, they must be urgently removed and burned. In order to avoid infection with diseases dangerous to humans, do this with protective gloves. Avoid crushing the tick and getting it into the mouth or mucous membranes. For multiple bites, contact your veterinarian.

If medical attention is far away, drink 100-150 ml of water to the dog every hour. If vomiting, give an enema or subcutaneous injection. You can subcutaneously inject 20 ml of glucose solution three times a day and vitamins B6 and B12 in an ampoule daily. In the case of clearly expressed symptoms and lack of help, an injection of a 7% solution of Veriben or Azidine is given at the rate of 1 ml per 20 kg of the dog's weight.

How to take blood from a dog for analysis yourself: treat the ear with alcohol, cut the vessel close to the edge, collect the blood on a glass plate, dry it a little and take it to the clinic.

How to properly remove a tick from a dog?

Then you should liberally treat the wound with iodine. Now it remains only to observe the dog daily for the next 2-3 months, and also measure the temperature. If clinical symptoms appear: lethargy, decreased activity, poor appetite, diarrhea, changes in the concentration, color and smell of urine, and others mentioned above, contact your veterinarian urgently.

Why is a tick bite dangerous for a dog?

What diseases can ticks transmit to dogs?

erlichiosis. Provoke rickettsia - Ehrlichia. Settles in white blood cells: platelets, monocytes and granulocytes. There are rickettsia dangerous to people. The disease came to Russia from Europe and the USA. A sign of all ehrlichiosis is a debilitating, growing fever.

Monocytic ehrlichiosis: weight loss, the animal urinates blood, the number of platelets and leukocytes decreases, weakness, hemorrhages on the cornea, mucous membranes, skin, nosebleeds, anemia, heavy breathing are observed.

Granulocytic ehrlichiosis: high fever, weakness, convulsions, inflammation of the eyelids, joint tenderness, enlargement of the liver and spleen, protein in the urine, low levels of albumin and platelets. After 2-3 weeks, the activity of the animal decreases and lethargy appears. Sometimes it develops in a latent form and leads to severe damage to the eyes, bone marrow, joints, liver and other organs.

Bartonellosis- erythrocytes, macrophages and endothelial cells infect bacteria of the genus Bartonella. Part of Bartonella is also dangerous for humans. Symptoms: from long-term carriage to sudden death without pronounced signs. Clinic: high temperature, inflammation of the joints, drowsiness, weight loss, weakness of the hind legs, anemia, disorders of the heart and blood vessels, inflammation of the eyelids, blood from the nose, hemorrhages in the eyes, inflammation of the subcutaneous vessels, meningitis, pulmonary edema.

Borreliosis(Lyme disease) is a dangerous disease for dogs and humans caused by bacteria of the genus Borrelia. It is transmitted in utero and often leads to the death or non-viability of the cubs. Causes arthritis and neurological problems. First, the joints near the bite site become inflamed. Sometimes lameness goes away on its own. Hosts become infected with borreliosis by crushing a tick. The consequences of the disease are neurological disorders, chronic inflammation of the joints, blood vessels, internal organs, etc.

babesiosis (piroplasmosis) is the most common disease in dogs. It is not dangerous for people. Cause different types of babesia. Symptoms: lethargy after a bite, jaundice, fever, shortness of breath, gastrointestinal disorders, disorders in the liver, heart, lungs, kidneys and other organs. Dark: Brownish or red urine indicates kidney failure. The animal refuses to eat, drinks a lot of water.

Symptoms and consequences of a tick bite in a dog

In the photo - a trace of a tick bite in a dog

It is most likely that the symptoms of the disease will appear after 6-10 days after the attack of the tick, but how the disease progresses is important. With the lightning-fast development of the disease, you can simply not have time to take action. Fortunately, this option is not common.

Usually the difficulty in making a diagnosis is that the symptoms of a tick bite can be different. But almost all animals refuse to eat, show drowsiness and apathy. Some of the following symptoms may appear: trembling, thirst, shortness of breath, pallor of mucous membranes, abdominal pain, fetid odor from the mouth, blood in the urine, vaginal bleeding (in bitches), impaired motor reflexes: unsteady gait, paralysis of the hind limbs ("tick paralysis ”), dysphonia (a dog cannot bark), dysphagia (lack of swallowing), sometimes vomiting and diarrhea, and some others, which we will discuss below. Symptoms of the disease usually go on increasing.

Signs and symptoms of piroplasmosis

The condition of the dog may deteriorate sharply. With an ultrafast course, the animal dies without pronounced signs of the disease.

In an acute form, the following symptoms appear: behavioral change, weakness, lethargy, loss of interest in what is happening, fever up to 42 ° C, refusal to walk, dark urine, pale or yellow mucous membranes, shortness of breath, paralysis of the limbs occurs. Death - on the 3rd - 7th day from the moment of infection. With timely treatment, the chances of survival of the dog are quite high.

In chronic piroplasmosis, all symptoms are blurred, only fatigue and weakness are expressed. With a latent form, symptoms do not appear.

How is piroplasmosis in dogs treated?

The sooner the treatment of piroplasmosis is started, the higher the chance of the animal to survive. Recovery at best will last 4 to 5 weeks.

For proper treatment, it is important to exclude similar ailments: liver damage, poisoning, leptospirosis, glomerulonephritis, distemper.

It is urgent to do blood and urine tests. A blood test will help to quickly identify babesiosis by the many destroyed red blood cells and piroplasms in them. Hemoglobin in the urine of an affected dog confirms the diagnosis.

After the disease remains unstable immunity lasting 4-6 months. After that, there is a risk of contracting piroplasmosis again.

Symptoms of encephalitis in dogs

Of course, first of all, encephalitis is dangerous for humans, but if the immune system is weakened, the dog can also get sick. From the bite of an encephalitic tick, severe symptoms occur. The incubation period is about 2-3 weeks. Usually there is an increase in temperature, convulsions, impaired motor functions, paralysis. A characteristic symptom is hypersensitivity of the head and neck, severe pain. There may be a change in mood - apathy or aggression, later - paralysis of the facial and eye muscles. There is brain damage, and since there is no specific treatment for encephalitis for dogs, the prognosis is unfavorable: almost one hundred percent death. Symptoms may go away after the first deterioration, but this is not a recovery, but a sign of a suppressed immune response. There are no special signs of an encephalitic tick.

How to protect your pet from ticks?

Prevention is definitely better than cure. Today, there are various means on the market that will help prevent tick bites: drops on the withers, collars, spray, powder. From folk remedies, tea tree oil is often used to repel ticks.

Since no remedy will give 100% protection against ticks, owners often combine them. For example, they put on a collar along with drops on the withers or a special spray. It is much cheaper than long-term treatment. If your dog is bitten by a tick, take immediate action. The sooner a correct diagnosis is made, the easier it is to help your pet.

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