Wine stains on the body. Removal of wine stains. Preventive measures: how to prevent the development of relapse

Flaming nevus, wine stains, or Unna's nevus - vascular formations composed of dilated skin capillaries. At its core, this formation is neither benign nor malignant tumor skin, but is a network of capillaries without signs of tissue or cellular atypia. The vascular component gives the nevus red, purple, or purple, for which he received one of his names - wine stains. A flaming nevus is located, as a rule, on the face, scalp, neck, less often on other areas of the skin.

Photo 1. Most often, wine stains are located on the head or neck. This disease is congenital. Source: Flickr (Derek Fox).

Nevus Unna wears innate character and often develops in infancy. During life, the formation gradually darkens, thickens, but does not increase in size.

It is interesting! Unna's nevus was in some worldwide famous people, for example, M. Gorbachev. There are cases in history when such an education even became a kind of “calling card”. However, sometimes, on the contrary, people marked by such a nevus were persecuted.

Reasons for development

Plays an important role in the appearance of wine stains hereditary factor. Inheritance is autosomal dominant, which means the equivalent inheritance of the nevus by both boys and girls in 50% of cases if one of the parents has such an education.

Nevus of Unna in newborns

There are many theories that suggest a mechanism for the development of port-wine stains in children. It is clearly established that light skinned babies, premature children more inclinedto the appearance these formations. There are a number of observations indicating that fetal hypoxia during labor and/or birth trauma can contribute to education wine stains.

Symptoms of a flaming nevus

Immediately after the birth of a child, a flaming nevus is a slightly pinkish spot of irregular shape with fuzzy edges, there may be patches of normal skin in the center of the spot. When crying or the cry of a baby port wine stain becomes brighter and saturated, which is associated with blood flow to the head and an increase in its content in the capillary bed.

As the child grows up, the appearance of the nevus also changes. He becomes more dark colors, may acquire a red, purple or purple hue. Sometimes nodules appear on its surface, the thickness increases, which leads to the elevation of the formation above the level of the skin.

Except external manifestations a flaming nevus is devoid of any symptoms and manifestations. As the child grows, increases in proportion to growth his body does not cause pain, itching, inflammation or other reactions. Sometimes it can spontaneously decrease until it disappears completely.

Photo 2. It is known that children with fair skin are more likely to develop nevi. The spots may go away on their own before puberty. Source: Flickr (Andrew Sweeney).

Are wine stains dangerous?

Due to the fact that the nevus Unna is not a tumor, it does not represent of oneself danger. The only problem faced by its owners - cosmetic defect varying degrees expressiveness. The large size of the formation can even scare and repel others.

Diagnosis of a nevus wine stain

Diagnosis, as a rule, does not present any particular difficulties due to the rather characteristic external manifestations of this formation. One of the diagnostic criteria is vitropressure(pressure on the nevus with a glass slide, under which it will somewhat lose its color), others - an increase in the brightness of the spot against the background of a child screaming or crying.

In case of doubtful conditions and differential diagnosis, it is possible to carry out dermatoscopy and biopsy, which will help to finally determine the pathology.

AT rare cases nevus of Unna is combined with brain damage and visual apparatus. Concerning recommended pass examination at neuropathologist and oculist.

In the case of a hemangioma, which is a benign tumor of vascular origin, it is necessary to consult with a number of specialists to rule out a lesion. internal organs. An important factor is that in the absence of damage to the internal organs, the hemangioma can pass spontaneously.

Methods of treatment

Note! Never do not start treatment wine stains before puberty. These formations are prone to spontaneous disappearance, leaving no traces behind. The use of cryodestruction or, moreover, surgical removal in childhood can lead to the formation of rough scars and facial asymmetry. Treatment should begin only after the onset of puberty.

The methods for removing a flaming nevus include. Surgical removal in recent times not applicable due to leaving behind rather rough scars, which is unacceptable due to the location of the nevus.

Photo 3. laser removal- the most modern and less traumatic way to remove nevi.

If during the development of a wine stain, the patient does not have progressive foci, then there is no threat physical health person. In this case, a simple clinical observation see a dermatologist or pediatrician if you have a smaller child.

However, if the port-wine stain is very noticeable and affects fairly large areas, there is a risk of quite serious psychological problems for the person who has it. First of all, this applies to teenagers. The easiest way to help a teenager is to teach him how to properly and independently mask such a stain using various cosmetics.

But it is worth remembering that this method is not always effective. That is why it is necessary to seek help from an experienced doctor who will prescribe the use modern technologies for the treatment of port wine stains.

Decades ago, port-wine stains were only treated with skin grafts. This operation not only took a very long time, but was also quite painful. In addition, most often, after such an operation, the patient had very noticeable scars.

In some cases, excision of the wine stain is still carried out today. However, today more and more modern procedures are used, such as radiation therapy(a vascular laser is used) or infrared radiation, as well as cryodestruction. Thanks to the use of such modern technologies, almost immediately after the procedure, there is a significant improvement. appearance wine stain. In the most severe cases, the doctor may prescribe several such treatment procedures.

This procedure is not only painless, but also does not require a long rehabilitation period. Through the influence of such modern methods treatment directly on the foci of the wine stain, the walls of the vessels are destroyed, while healthy tissue areas are not affected or damaged.

To date, the most effective treatment for such skin pathologies is precisely the laser, in addition, only the latest are used. laser technology, due to which a selective effect of the laser is performed (as mentioned above, healthy tissues are not affected). It is thanks to this that the risk of burns, deep scars, pigmentation or other complications is significantly reduced.

The most effective are lasers that emit yellow or green light. In order for the recovery to take place much faster, it is recommended that after completing the procedure, adhere to several simple recommendations doctor, namely:

  • During the day after the treatment procedure, it is impossible to moisten the place of laser exposure with water. Only after a day is it allowed to wash or take a shower;
  • within three weeks after the procedure, it is strictly forbidden to take long hot baths, as well as visit a bath or sauna;
  • in the event that the doctor has prescribed a whole course of treatment, then over the next one and a half months you should not take a tan and long sunbathing. Before going outside, it is recommended to apply a special sunscreen, while the level of protection of such a cream should be at least 25. You should try to avoid being in direct sunlight.

Wine stains that appear on the skin are considered a congenital benign pathology associated with vascular malformations. Violation of the walls of the capillaries is called a flaming nevus or capillary angiodysplasia. The disease is characterized by the formation of pink, bright red or purple spots on the face and other parts of the body.

Causes of skin pigmentation

Port wine stains usually occur in a person:

  • For centuries;
  • On the nose;
  • In the forehead.

They cause psychological discomfort and are a fairly noticeable aesthetic defect of the skin. In addition, pigmentation that appears in the eye area increases the risk of glaucoma. Such skin pigmentation in the absence of timely treatment contributes to vision loss.

Wine stains formed in the arms or legs affect the functioning of the joints. Areas of pigmentation on the face or cheeks interfere with the normal chewing of food and after some time can cause malfunctions gastrointestinal tract. For other complications age spots on the skin can be attributed to the hardening of the surface and the appearance of nodules, which are very easily damaged even with a slight impact.

Wine stains on the body or on the face are often a sign of other serious diseases, resulting in pathological process are involved various organs and systems. According to statistics, about one thousand newborns have about three with wine stains.

There are several reasons leading to the development of wine stains on the skin:

  1. The effect of radiation on the body of the expectant mother;
  2. The influence of toxins on the body of the expectant mother;
  3. Infection of the genitourinary system;
  4. Instability of progesterone levels during pregnancy.

Diseases that cause wine stains

The appearance of wine stains on the face may be associated with syndromes:

  • Cobb;
  • Sturge-Weber-Crabbe;
  • Rubinstein-Teibi;
  • Klippel-Trenaunay-Webber.

Cobb syndrome is suspected if areas of pigmentation are located on the body along the entire spine. In this case, damage to some vessels of the segments of the spinal cord is often detected. A sick person may develop spastic paralysis, with one or both legs affected.

Sturge-Weber-Crabbe syndrome, manifested vascular form benign tumor which causes dysfunction musculoskeletal system. Paresis and numbness of parts of the face and body occur, and convulsive seizures develop.

The Rubinstein-Teibi syndrome is accompanied by a decrease in the level of intelligence, a change in body proportions, and impaired vision.

Often a flaming nevus is a consequence of the Klippel-Trenaunay-Webber syndrome. The affected arm or leg has defects in the formation of the vascular bed, and the lack of oxygen and the action of toxins cause the development of gigantism.


Early diagnosis of port-wine stains in a child or adult will help to choose proper treatment and avoid serious complications:

  1. Sometimes, in order to establish an accurate diagnosis, in addition to an examination by a geneticist, it is required additional consultation specialists such as an ophthalmologist or a neurologist.
  2. For differential diagnosis it may be necessary to scrape the surface of port-wine stains for histological examination.
  3. At the appointment, the doctor examines skin patient and notes the location, shape and number of wine stains. They are usually irregular in shape and appear as light or pink patches on the skin immediately after the baby is born.
  4. In an adult, wine stains acquire a darker shade and grow on the surface with papules or nodules.

Treatment Methods

Wine stains that appear on the body can be removed using different methods:

  • laser coagulation;
  • cryotherapy;
  • surgery;
  • ethnoscience.

Laser treatment is considered the most effective way elimination of skin pathology and consists in the selective action of the laser on the vessels. Healthy tissues are not damaged during this procedure, and the skin at the site of the flaming nevus acquires a healthy shade. Each session is carried out at intervals of 3 or 4 weeks and in rehabilitation period doctor's recommendations must be followed. It is strictly forbidden to lubricate the treated tissue area with water and sunbathe in the sun not earlier than 1.5 months after the treatment.

An effective way to treat a flaming nevus is cryotherapy or cold freezing. During the procedure, liquid nitrogen is used, which freezes a specific area of ​​tissue and promotes necrosis of diseased cells and subsequent regeneration of the damaged area. Cryotherapy should only be performed experienced specialist to avoid damage to the basal layer of the epidermis.

Surgical treatment consists in removing the pigmented area with a scalpel. To date, this method is rarely used due to high probability serious complications.

From folk remedies are very popular:

The surface of the nevus can be smeared with garlic juice every day for seven days. After that, you can apply on the skin lemon juice. It is desirable to repeat this procedure 5 or 6 times a day.

Well helps in the treatment of age spots castor oil, mixed with liquid honey in equal proportions. The finished mixture is recommended to be applied to the wine stain for several minutes twice a day.

Celandine grass juice will help to lighten a flaming nevus, which is recommended to lubricate the skin for one week.

Port wine stains should be treated by a doctor after establishing accurate diagnosis and examination of the patient. The choice of treatment method directly depends on the number of age spots, their shape and the course of the disease. To do this, it is advisable to consult a dermatologist or oncologist as soon as possible, without waiting for the appearance of other symptoms.

The main thing is the treatment of the underlying disease, because by eliminating the cause, the effect in the form aesthetic defect will pass by itself.

Wine stains are congenital spots arising in connection with malformations of blood vessels, in appearance resembling a wine stain. The color can be from pale pink to dark purple. They do not disappear with time, but remain with the owner for life, increasing in size as the person grows older. Port-wine stains can cause vision loss if they are located on the temples, eyelids, or forehead. In addition, they cause psychological discomfort, as they are very noticeable and can reach large sizes. On average, three out of a thousand newborns are born with such spots.

Why do wine stains appear?

So far, medicine does not give an exact answer why congenital nevus neoplasms occur. But there are some factors that provoke their formation:

  • the penetration of toxins into the body of a woman during pregnancy,
  • unstable levels of estrogen progestins in a woman during pregnancy,
  • some urinary tract infections
  • the influence of various radiations on the body of the expectant mother.

You need to be aware of the complications!

  1. In addition to psychological problems, a nevus can cause very real physical suffering. For example, often spots located in the forehead, temples, eyelids, can provoke the development of glaucoma. Appears high risk vision loss.
  2. The spots located on the legs and arms thicken over time, begin to impede the movement of the joints. Located on the cheek, they interfere with normal chewing of food, which over time can provoke problems with the digestive tract.
  3. In addition, as we have already mentioned, over the years their surface becomes denser, uneven, nodules appear on them, which are easily injured even with a slight mechanical impact. Therefore, they are often damaged, bleed and heal poorly.
  4. Sometimes wine stains can indicate the presence of another disease. Therefore, it is very important to conduct a diagnosis as early as possible in order to identify possible pathology The child has.
  5. If a combined pathology is detected, which involves various organs, body systems, an examination by an ophthalmologist, a neurologist may be required, and consultation of other specialists will be required.

Treatment methods at the Neo Vita Clinic

How to remove port wine stain on skin?

Wine stain treatment with laser effective method treatment of this skin disease. The author's clinic Neo Vita uses the latest laser technologies, due to the selective effect of the laser beam on the vessels. The surrounding tissues around the spot remain intact, so there is no risk of scarring, burns, pigmentation and other complications.

Currently, several types are used to remove angiodysplasias and hemangiomas. laser treatment. Best Results indicates a laser emitting green or yellow light.

Treatment is carried out by a course consisting of several procedures, which are carried out 1 time in 3-4 weeks. Each procedure makes the spots lighter, they become less and less noticeable.

No less than modern equipment, the experience and qualifications of the specialist conducting the treatment are important. The application of the correct treatment parameters depends on this, the effectiveness of the procedure itself depends. In our clinic in Krylatskoye you will receive consultations and treatment from highly qualified dermatologists. And the procedure will be not only effective, but also as comfortable as possible and, of course, painless.

Treatment of spots located in the face, neck is more difficult, since there are many blood vessels. Certain difficulties are caused by the treatment of spots around mammary glands, as well as those that are located on the hands, feet, perineum. However modern techniques treatments are successful. All this we are ready to offer you at the Neo Vita clinic.

Flaming nevus is congenital birthmark on the skin of the face, neck, torso. Represents vascular pathology. It just doesn't go away. Works well with laser.

Synonyms: wine stain, port wine stain, fiery nevus, capillary angiodysplasia of the face, flaming nevus.

Flaming nevus at Mikhail Gorbachev

Flaming nevus

The reasons

The main cause of a port-wine stain is an intrauterine disorder in the development of skin vessels. Skin vessels in the area of ​​the spot are dilated, but do not have tumor growth, as in hemangioma. Such a condition in medicine is called a malformation, or dysplasia, that is, a developmental disorder.

Attention: A flaming nevus is not a hemangioma or cancer!!! This condition is not life threatening.

Symptoms and manifestations

Main and main symptom fiery spot - in a newborn, irregularly shaped red or red-bluish spots appear on the face, neck, rarely on the body. With diascopy (finger pressure) - the spot turns pale.

These spots:

  • don't itch, no skin itching,
  • do not inflame
  • don't bleed
  • do not go away on their own
  • grow in size with the child,
  • with age, they may become more cyanotic, nodules may appear in the center of such spots (these are angiofibromas).

Capillary angiodysplasia in a woman


It is not difficult to make a diagnosis of a flaming nevus.

But there is a big BUT:

In some cases, wine stains on the face of a child can be combined with serious congenital pathologies internal organs (head or spinal cord, eyes, dwarfism or gigantism of the limb).

Therefore, the pediatrician during the initial examination of such a newborn should first of all exclude the pathology of the internal organs. The doctor must prescribe additional examinations and advice related specialists(ophthalmologist, neurologist). And if such a pathology is not found, then you can calm down and start treating the port-wine stain on your face.

Even today, children with port-wine stains are often misdiagnosed as hemangioma. If the hemangioma is very difficult to cure, which leads to psychological deformation of the child's personality. Either capillary angiodysplasia, or a flaming nevus, or port wine stain is successfully treated in several procedures. And subsequently, children forget about such a pathology, no one teases them, they successfully develop their personal lives.


  • cauterize liquid nitrogen -
  • use a conventional laser -
  • sclerotherapy of blood vessels with alcohol

Attention: flaming nevus, wine stains - this pathology is very successfully treated. If a dermatologist told you - accept it, this is for life - do not believe him. Change dermatologist.

In the last 20 years, all over the world, the treatment of a flaming nevus has been carried out using a laser.

Attention: only a pulsed dye laser (so-called vascular laser) can be used. All other lasers can burn the skin of the child's face and cause scarring.

The mechanism of action of a pulsed dye laser: a laser beam of a certain power is emitted for several milliseconds. A certain laser wavelength leads to heating of the capillaries (vessels) of the skin in the area of ​​the spot. Vessels stick together. They don't bleed through. As a result, the spot becomes lighter.
The skin itself is not affected. There is no skin burn, which means there are no scars on the skin.

Is it possible to use folk remedies?

You can, it won't hurt. But they WILL NOT HELP!!!

When should treatment be started?

Already in the first months of life. How older child the stain gets bigger, darker, and harder to treat.

How many procedures will be needed?

From 1 to 5 depending on the size and color of the spot. The interval between procedures is 2-4 weeks.

Anesthesia required?

Depends on the age of the child and the location of the spot. Infants perform general anesthesia.

Watch a video of how children with wine stains are treated at the Russian Cancer Center:

Nevus of Unna

Nevus Unna is a red birthmark on the skin of the face, back of the head and neck in newborns. It occurs in 30-40% of newborns. Passes on its own. Does not require treatment.

Synonyms: stork bite (or kiss), birth spot, salmon spot, red fish spot, angel kiss, occipital nevus, vanishing spot, telangiectatic nevus.

ICD10 code: Q82.5 (congenital non-neoplastic nevus)

Nevus of Unna in a child

The reasons

Causes of Unna's nevus: expansion of capillaries on the scalp during childbirth. A number of researchers believe that temporary fetal hypoxia, that is, a lack of oxygen during childbirth, leads to this. Also an important factor is the pressure of the mother's pelvic bones on the baby's scalp. Recall that the head of a child is the most voluminous part of the body during childbirth.

Attention:"kiss of a stork" or Unna's nevus is not a hemangioma!!!
This is a benign variant of a flaming nevus. That is, over time, this stain goes away on its own, without treatment.

Symptoms and clinic

Symptoms of the nevus of Unna:

  • a patch of pink or reddish color on the skin of the nose, bridge of the nose, forehead, eyelids, upper lip, neck, nape, sometimes on the sacrum,
  • the spot is flat, does not rise above the adjacent skin,
  • an irregular spot, with brighter areas of passing vessels in the center (the so-called telangiectasias),
  • when pressed with a finger (diascopy), the spot turns pale at the point of pressure,
  • when straining, crying the child, the spot becomes bright,
  • no itching, no itching, no pain.


Treatment is not required. Passes independently in the first months, sometimes - the first years of a child's life.

The prognosis is favorable.

If the stain does not disappear with age, after 3-5 years, the patient should be referred for stain removal with a dye laser (vascular laser).

Folk remedies?

They don't help!!! The main factor in the speedy healing of Unna's spot - a calm, stress-free regimen for an infant.

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