Model of a graduate of a modern school. Portrait of a modern graduate of the school and the program of psychological and pedagogical support for high school students as a way to implement a new generation of fgos

The requirements for the modern education system directly affect the image of a graduate that is formed in the minds of society.

What kind of people does a modern society need in order for it to develop?

Let's try to create a model of a modern graduate, using the opinion of the world's leading teachers.

A graduate of a modern school who will live and work in the coming millennium, in a post-industrial society, according to F.S. Schlechti, must possess certain personality traits, in particular:

  • adapt flexibly in changing life situations, independently acquiring the necessary knowledge, skillfully applying it in practice to solve various problems, so that throughout life you can find your place in it;

  • independently think critically, be able to see the difficulties that arise in the real world and look for ways to rationally overcome them using modern technologies; be clearly aware of where and how the knowledge they have acquired can be applied in the surrounding reality; be able to generate new ideas, think creatively;

  • competently work with information (be able to collect the facts necessary for the study of a particular problem, analyze them, put forward hypotheses for solving problems, make the necessary generalizations, comparisons with similar or alternative options for consideration, establish statistical patterns, formulate reasoned conclusions and, based on them, identify and solve new problems );

  • be sociable, contact in various social groups, be able to work together in different areas, preventing conflict situations or skillfully getting out of them;

  • independently work on the development of their own morality, intellect, cultural level.
With these qualities, a person is able to perform various social roles. In the table, we will present the main “life roles” that a schoolchild needs to be taught and that he will have to fulfill, according to Academician V.Ya. Pilipovsky.

Social roles of modern man .

social role

Role Implementation

Realized personality

A person with a well-developed awareness of his abilities and needs, who consistently uses this knowledge to select alternatives that are most likely to lead a healthy, productive, and fulfilling life. This role encompasses the physical, mental and emotional aspects of life that provide the foundation for personal fulfillment.

A person with a desire to support others

A person who knows how to value relationships with other people and develops a variety of fruitful relationships with them. This role embodies the full range of family, personal, micro-social ties at the community level, business and international points of contact, without which it is difficult to imagine the life of every person.

A person who has the credo "Life is a constant teaching"

A person who constantly acquires new knowledge along with the ability to respond to the changing conditions of the outside world. This role takes into account the fact that new models, ideas, information and opportunities appear both inside and outside the educational institution itself, sometimes many years after the completion of formal education.

Active participant in cultural development

A person knows how to appreciate cultural and creative activity, participates in it and understands the most important aspects and aspects of culture that form a person and society. This role includes this or that activity and own participation in the process of cultural enrichment of the individual and society.

Highly skilled worker

A person who takes responsibility for the consistent production of high quality products and related services. This role encompasses the range of skills, abilities, and attitudes required to manufacture, market, and deliver quality products and services.

Informed Citizen

A person who is well informed about the history, political situation and real needs of his community, reacting with deep interest to local, national and international problems. This role includes a variety of political, economic and social activities along with civic responsibility within local, national and international communities.


A person is well aware of the relationship and existing mechanisms of nature, appreciates their importance, and also knows how to effectively and responsibly use natural resources. This role covers all aspects of understanding nature in order to protect, regulate and increase its resources.

More and more graduates begin to understand that knowledge, practical and intellectual skills will help them to assert themselves and fulfill themselves in this life, according to E.S. Polat.

The model of a modern graduate is realized through the development of personality traits of a student. In the book of G.K. Selevko "Encyclopedia of educational technologies" presents three models of the structure of personality traits: according to K.K. Platonov, I.P. Ivanov and the model of key personality competencies.

Model of personality traits structure according to K.K. Platonov .

The level of temperament includes those personality traits that are due to heredity and individual characteristics of the human nervous system. At the level of features of mental processes, a person receives a primary set of sensations and perceptions and, on the basis of this, performs mental logical operations called methods of mental actions (CUD), which plays a huge role in the learning process. Then a person begins training, the formation of ZUNs in labor and practical activities takes place - SPD (effective-practical sphere). At the final stage - the formation of personality - the formation of a person's value life orientations is observed, which forms the basis of the self-governing mechanism of personality (SUM). The final moment is, thanks to these progressive actions, the formation of a self-concept, a holistic developed personality, that is, a model of a modern graduate ready for independent life.

Model of the structure of personality traits according to I.P. Ivanov .

Six realms of the psyche: ZUN - the sphere of knowledge, skills and abilities;

SUM - self-governing mechanism of personality;

SEN - the sphere of aesthetic and moral qualities;

SDP - the sphere of effective-practical qualities;

STV - the sphere of creative qualities;

SFR is the sphere of physical development.

Personal development according to I.P. Ivanov should occur, affecting all areas of the psyche. Therefore, an individual approach to each child is necessary, since the development of these areas is at different levels for students. For each student, you need to create an individual development program. When creating conditions for the development of a child's personality, it is possible to form in a graduate such qualities that will contribute to his realization in life.

Personality can also be represented as a "set of competencies".

Competencies determine the measure of a person's ability to engage in activities in real life conditions.

Model of key personality competencies .
All of these concepts are aimed at the comprehensive development of the child's personality, they are a predictable result of the activities of teachers, and in no case are they the goal. First of all, it is necessary to see the student and choose an individual development program, thus forming his unique personality in a person. Each student in the learning process must build his own model of a graduate, whether it be a person with a "I-concept", a person who has developed all areas of the psyche or a competently developed student. The teacher will help the student in this, taking into account his individual characteristics, as well as the requirements of the time, society and the state.

  • From September 01, 2015, a mandatory transition of all educational institutions to new basic educational programs that meet the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standards LLC is carried out.
  • The Federal State Educational Standard for Basic General Education (FGOS LLC) was approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated December 17, 2010 No. 1897.
  • The leading principles of the Federal State Educational Standard of General Education are the principles of continuity and development. Continuity and development are implemented in the requirements for the results of mastering the main educational programs. They are divided into three blocks: requirements for personal, meta-subject and subject results.
  • The standard for each stage of general education contains a personal reference point - a portrait of a graduate of the corresponding stage. The positions that characterize a primary school student are a successive, but in-depth and supplemented version of the characteristics of a primary school graduate.

Knowledge and skills

cognitive activity


A sufficient level of basic knowledge of general education programs in the subjects of the curriculum, necessary for continuing education at the level of basic general education. Mastering the skills of educational activities, the skills of self-control of educational actions. Ability to solve project problems. Mastering the basics of ICT for the purpose of self-acquisition of knowledge. Ability to work with dictionaries, encyclopedias, maps, atlases.

Valuable attitude to the preservation of health. Knowledge of the main environmental factors that negatively affect human health, understanding the mechanism of their influence and consequences. Knowledge of health care. Gaining health care experience.

Mastering the basics of personal hygiene and a healthy lifestyle. Compliance with the daily routine. The desire to become strong, fast, agile and hardened, the desire to try their hand at physical education and sports.

Motivation for success. Self-employed person.

Educational and cognitive interests.

A responsibility

for learning outcomes.

Participation in competitions, olympiads.

social motivation.

Self confidence.

Initiative, independence.

Cooperation Skills

in different types of activities.

Culture of personality, life and moral position

A creatively developed person who knows how to think, organize his activities to solve the tasks.

  • who loves his land and his Fatherland, knows Russian and his native language, respects his people, their culture and spiritual traditions;
  • aware and accepting the values ​​of human life, family, civil society, the multinational Russian people, humanity;
  • actively and interestedly knowing the world, realizing the value of labor, science and creativity;
  • able to learn, aware of the importance of education and self-education for life and work, able to apply the acquired knowledge in practice;

  • socially active, respecting the law and order, commensurate their actions with moral values, aware of their duties to the family, society, the Fatherland;
  • respecting other people, able to conduct a constructive dialogue, reach mutual understanding, cooperate to achieve common results;
  • consciously fulfilling the rules of a healthy and environmentally sound lifestyle that is safe for humans and their environment;
  • oriented in the world of professions, understanding the importance of professional activity for a person in the interests of sustainable development of society and nature.

  • loving his land and his homeland, respecting his people, their culture and spiritual traditions;
  • aware of and accepting the traditional values ​​of the family, Russian civil society, the multinational Russian people, humanity, aware of their involvement in the fate of the Fatherland;
  • creative and critically thinking, actively and purposefully cognizing the world, realizing the value of science, labor and creativity for a person and society,

motivated for education and self-education throughout his life;

  • owning the basics of scientific methods of cognition of the world around, motivated for creativity and modern innovative activity;

  • ready for educational cooperation, able to carry out educational and research, design and information activities;
  • self-aware, socially active, respectful law and order, fulfilling its obligations to the family, society, state, humanity;
  • respecting the opinions of other people, able to conduct a constructive dialogue, reach mutual understanding and successfully interact;
  • consciously fulfilling and promoting the rules of a healthy and environmentally sound lifestyle that is safe for the person himself and other people;
  • prepared for a conscious choice of profession, understanding the importance of professional activity for a person and society.


  • personal , including the readiness and ability of students for self-development and personal self-determination, the formation of their motivation for learning and purposeful cognitive activity, a system of significant social and interpersonal relationships, value-semantic attitudes that reflect personal and civic positions in activities, social competencies, legal awareness, the ability to set goals and build life plans, the ability to understand Russian identity in a multicultural society;

  • metasubject which includes interdisciplinary concepts mastered by students and universal educational actions (regulatory, cognitive, communicative), the ability to use them in educational, cognitive and social practice, independence in planning and implementing educational activities and organizing educational cooperation with teachers and peers, building an individual educational trajectory;
  • subject , which includes the skills specific to a given subject area mastered by students in the course of studying a subject area, types of activities to obtain new knowledge within the framework of the subject, its transformation and application in educational, educational-design and social-project situations, the formation of a scientific type of thinking, scientific ideas about key theories, types and types of relationships, knowledge of scientific terminology, key concepts, methods and techniques.

Modern school infrastructure

New standards



Modern teacher


To determine the nationally oriented component in the content of general secondary education, the scientific understanding of the pedagogical design of the personality is essential, which is becoming a noticeable phenomenon in educational activities at the present stage. In the assessment of V. M. Korotov, the problem of forecasting is initially pedagogical. At one time, K. D. Ushinsky gave her an interpretation in the work “Labor in its mental and educational meaning”, V. A. Sukhomlinsky paid great attention to the characterization of the personality of a citizen, worker, family man. V. M. Korotov developed a draft program for the formation of the personality of a Russian schoolchild, endowed with the most important social roles. In his theory, education is revealed as a system-oriented process of human studies, the product of which is a person who is ready and able to fulfill an integral system of social roles: a family man - honors his mother and father, grandparents, takes care of them and other family members; participates in housekeeping, serves himself in an ever-increasing volume; considers the family as one of the highest human values; consciously prepares himself to create his own family and raise his children in the spirit of the professional traditions and ideals of his people; keeps the memory of the ancestors, strives to be like them; student - knows how and loves to learn; is fluent in the native language; reads well and a lot; understands that he will have to study all his life and therefore masters the methods of self-education; treat their teachers with respect; seeks to obtain secondary and higher education; masters dialectical logic, culture of thinking; worker - sees in work his duty, the source of the well-being of the family and the prosperity of Russia; masters various professions, improves qualifications, hones skills; participates in technical creativity and agricultural experimentation; disciplined, a skilled organizer, knows how to work in a team, helps comrades, participates in family work, self-service, other school affairs and the improvement of the microdistrict; seeks to rationalize labor and improve technological culture; initiative and enterprising, constantly replenishes economic knowledge; masters the skills of working with a computer; citizen - patriot, internationalist, humanist, fighter for a prosperous democratic Russia; knows and observes the laws and rules of the hostel; actively participates in school self-government, in the socio-political life of the country; preserves nature, personal and public property; tolerant of dissent; knows the history of Russia and his native land well; enhances its political and general culture; a connoisseur and creator of the beautiful - knows folklore and the achievements of artistic creativity well; creates and replenishes a personal library; develops a need for communication with the beautiful; masters the basics of world culture, is well versed in art; draws well; understands classical and modern music; visits theaters and museums, combines tourism with local history; an adherent of a healthy lifestyle - takes care of his own safety and the safety of those around him; habitually observes the rules of the road, safety regulations, as well as the use of household appliances; consciously treats their health and the health of loved ones as the main wealth; tidy, observes the rules of personal hygiene; temperate in food; is engaged in hardening and physical exercises; develops resistance to bad habits, knows how to provide first aid to the victim.

These parameters successfully connect the projected personality with the beginnings of ethnopedagogy, with Russian family traditions, with the patriarchal way of life, but, in our opinion, due to the high and voluminous level of requirements for a school graduate, the prospect of achieving this image is unlikely. The concept of the role purpose of a person is very promising, since it seeks to embody the ideal of shaping the personality of a citizen, a future worker, a representative of a dynastic family, a family man, a public figure, a successor to the best traditions of his people and Fatherland, a supporter of a healthy lifestyle, a connoisseur of beauty in the surrounding world. Many modern schools are following this path, successfully implementing the principles of ethnopedagogics and introducing nationally oriented courses into the content of general secondary education. A certain research experience, significant for the interpretation of this problem, has been accumulated by teachers of modern Russian schools in Gatchina, Ivanov, Kostroma, Moscow, Orel, Penza, Rostov, Tobolsk and other cities, teachers of the Vologda region. The educational space of the Vologda Oblast has distinctive features associated with the natural environment, ethnicity, the originality of ecological, historical and cultural development, folk traditions, dialogue with other regions of the country and the international community.

When designing the image of a graduate, determining the requirements for the level of development of the spiritual, moral, communicative, aesthetic, labor, physical aspects of the culture of the student's personality and the mechanism of pedagogical influence, we took as a basis the principle of natural conformity, taking into account the interdependence of the ongoing mental processes in the child's personality, according to his age and main types pedagogical impact. In this regard, the theoretical ideas of a personality-oriented approach to the education of schoolchildren are considered. An interesting schematic picture of the holistically dominant approach to the program of raising a child by a group of authors is presented in the work "Raising Children at School" edited by N. E. Shchurkova. According to the authors, the goal of education is a person capable of building a life worthy of a person. In our opinion, such an approach to solving the main problems in education is acceptable and effective. We believe that in order to become a person, a child must go from perception (at the initial stage of education) to the need for action (at the senior stage). Schematically, it might look like this:

The interdependence of the ongoing mental processes in the personality of the child, according to his age and the main mechanisms of pedagogical influence on him, is reflected in the following scheme:

The requirements for the level of development of the spiritual, moral, communicative, aesthetic, labor, physical aspects of the culture of the student's personality at each age level, according to his age characteristics, are reflected in the following tables:

Spiritual and moral

Cognitive, knowledgeable





Primary School

Possession of such qualities as love for mother, family, home, one's homeland; kindness, attention to people around, honesty, responsiveness, respect for representatives of other nations and nationalities

Knowledge, skills, corresponding to the psychological and physiological characteristics of a particular student and the requirements of educational standards; cognitive interest in the surrounding world, history and culture of their homeland

The ability to listen and hear others, the ability to establish contacts with adults, understanding the value of friendship with peers; the ability to manage one's behavior and feelings, possession of basic etiquette skills; correlation of one's actions with ethnic, social and value norms

The ability to see and understand the beauty of the surrounding world, the desire to protect. to protect nature. Introduction to the world of art of the region, knowledge of the work of native poets, writers, artists

The desire to participate in the labor affairs of the class, to help relatives and strangers. Self-service, The presence of collectivist principles, the desire for mutual assistance

The desire to improve one's health, the habit of exercising daily, observing the rules of personal hygiene. Knowledge of folk games and the ability to organize them

Main school

Conscious love for one's home, mother, family, loved ones, sensitivity, tact, respect for one's homeland Russia, Comprehension of concepts: honor. duty, purposefulness, responsibility, citizenship. Social activity. moral conviction

Knowledge, abilities, skills that correspond to the personal needs of a particular student and the educational standard, including knowledge about Russia and the region, knowledge of a wide range of professional human activities, knowledge of one's psychophysical characteristics. The desire to expand horizons. Culture of thinking, including language

The ability to critically comprehend one's actions, analyze relationships with peers and adults, the ability to compromise. Managing your behavior. Ability to maintain emotionally stable behavior in life situations

The need to visit theaters, exhibitions, concerts, reading classical literature, the ability to penetrate the inner world of a work of art, to understand its spiritual essence. The desire to build your life according to the laws of harmony and beauty

Ability to work in a team, participation in school affairs, improvement of the microdistrict. Respect for school and other property, the ability to apply labor knowledge in practice, the manifestation of initiative, creativity in the performance of work. Formation of a sense of duty, responsibility. The ability to adequately self-assess one's abilities and capabilities

Conscious need to improve one's health, adherence to the rules of a healthy lifestyle, attention to the health of others, knowledge of the basics of traditional medicine, desire to engage in various sports sections

secondary school

Conscious citizenship. A sense of pride in belonging to one's nation, for one's homeland. Human dignity. The need to do good. Humanistic attitude towards other peoples and humanity. Ability to reflect Predominance of spiritual and moral priorities over material ones

Knowledge, skills, abilities. corresponding to the educational standard of the third stage school. personal requests and needs Developed intellect, culture of the mind. scientific understanding. creative thinking. Formation of motives and cognitive interests, the need to continue education, self-education

Ability to perform a role in a team, adequate to the current situation. Ability to establish contacts, respect other tastes, customs. habits. High social adaptation

The ability to build your life according to the laws of harmony and beauty. The need to bring beauty into educational, labor, leisure activities, in relations with people around. Mastering the basics of world culture, knowledge of the achievements of Russian artistic creativity

Meaningful and conscious professional self-determination, readiness for labor activity and self-realization in society, ability for a constructive, scientific organization of labor, criticality, optimism, mobility

Willingness to lead a healthy, physically active lifestyle, a conscious attitude to one's health, concern for the health of others, the ability to use Russian health traditions in life. The desire to achieve personal sports results

The most generalized images of primary and secondary school graduates are formulated as follows: The image of a primary school graduate is “A primary school graduate has the best qualities of a Russian person, such as love for the Motherland, kindness, attention to people around him, honesty, responsiveness, diligence, respect for senior. Actively participates in the life of the class and school, knows how to organize his time, manages his behavior and feelings, takes care of strengthening his health. Shows a cognitive interest in the surrounding world of history, the culture of his homeland, has a coherent, free correct speech, knowledge, skills and abilities meet the requirements of educational standards. The image of a secondary school graduate is “A person devoted to Russia, an active patriot, protecting and protecting his Motherland, its history and culture, who has combined in his mind the idea of ​​​​personal good with the good of the state.

Spiritually rich, creative, free person with the best features of the Russian character, striving for physical and moral perfection. An educated person with a culture of mind, ready for self-education, self-determination and self-realization in adult life. The formation of personality is not a consequence of only school education and upbringing, it depends on the genetic prerequisites and the impact of preschool time, upbringing in the family, the "pressure" of others, the arbitrary and involuntary influence of the media, as well as self-education, stimulated by the appearance of a person in a certain plan for the future , a well-known ideal of life, to which the school should contribute in every possible way.

Thus, the graduate model is considered as a standard that combines the ideas of teachers, students and parents about the most significant qualities of a person, as the main criteria for tracking all experimental activities. Considering the model as a kind of educational standard, we turn to criteria that allow us to analyze and measure the quality of a graduate's personality, establish the characteristics necessary and sufficient for "a phenomenon to function and develop according to a certain type, that is, to be at the level of "qualitative certainty"" . With a variety of conditions that determine the content of general secondary education, the structure of the graduate model also finds expression in the nationally oriented component of the content of education. In the methodological aspect, the model of a school graduate is a set of conceptual provisions that fix the goals of modeling, a system of basic concepts. In the actual pedagogical dimension, the model characterizes the main stages and products of the process of standardization of general secondary education at the level of the subject of the Federation school activities.

Research about students and graduates

Specialists of the recruitment agency "Contact" with the help of the study "Modern University Graduate" analyzed the image of today in various parameters. The survey involved 389 leading universities in Moscow.

In August, the recruiting agency "Contact" conducted a study "Modern University Graduate and a Career in Business" as part of the "First Auction of Young Professionals" project. 389 students and graduates of leading universities in Moscow spoke about their studies at the university and plans for the future.

As a result of the study, it became known that the majority perceive the university as the most important source of knowledge and a place to hang out - these options were chosen by 93% and 79% of the study participants, respectively.

73% of respondents consider the acquisition of knowledge and skills to be the main result of training. 67% of respondents said that the most important thing is the availability of graduation from an educational institution. For 54% of the study participants, studying at a university is primarily an intellectual challenge, and for 51%, it is the acquisition of connections and acquaintances that may be useful in the future.

Competent management - competent graduate


Samsonova Tatyana Dmitrievna,

Deputy Director for water resources management of Novoazovskaya school І-ІІІ st. No. 1


The article presents a model for the formation of competitive qualities of a graduate of a modern educational organization. Features of the formation of a competent graduate.

Keywords: competence, graduate model, time demands

World practice today links educational results with the competence of a graduate. The graduate model is an image of the desired outcome of education. In addition, competence is inextricably linked with the experience of successful activity, which the student cannot acquire in the proper amount during training.

The goals of education for the 21st century, formulated by Jacques Delors:

    learn to know;

    learn to do;

    learn to live together;

    learn to live
    defined in essence the main global competencies.

Traditionally, the goals of school education were determined by a set of knowledge, skills and abilities that a graduate should master. Today, this approach is not enough. Today, society needs not know-it-alls, but graduates who are ready to be included in further life activities, able to practically solve the life and professional problems that confront them. Today, the main task is to prepare a graduate of such a level that when he gets into a problem situation, he can find several ways to solve it, choose a rational way, justifying his decision.

The main task of the modern education system is to create conditions for quality education. The introduction of a competency-based approach is an important condition for improving the quality of education. According to modern teachers, the very acquisition of vital competencies gives a person the opportunity to navigate in modern society, forms the ability of a person to quickly respond to the demands of the time.

The competence-based approach in education is associated with student-centered and active approaches, since it concerns the personality of the student and can be implemented and verified only in the process of performing a certain set of actions by a specific student.

Important in the educational process:

    cognitive competence (learning achievements, intellectual knowledge, ability to learn and operate knowledge).

    personal competence (development of individual abilities, talents, knowledge of their strengths and weaknesses; the ability to reflect; the dynamism of knowledge).

    self-educational competence (ability for self-education, responsibility for the level of personal self-educational activity; flexibility in the application of knowledge;

    social competence (cooperation, teamwork, communication skills, ability to make own decisions), development of personal qualities, self-regulation).

    competent attitude to your own health.

In this regard, in the modern pedagogical process, the role of professionally competent teachers in the educational activities of students organized by them is significantly increasing.

Competences are “embedded” in the educational process through:


    educational content;

    OS lifestyle;

    The type of interaction between teachers and students and between students.

A competent specialist, a competent person is a very profitable prospect. The formula of competence is offered. What are its main components?

Firstly, knowledge, but not just information, but that which is rapidly changing, diverse, which must be able to find, weed out from unnecessary, translate into the experience of one's own activity.

Secondly, the ability to use this knowledge in a particular situation; understanding how to get this knowledge.

Thirdly, an adequate assessment of oneself, the world, one's place in the world, specific knowledge, whether it is necessary or unnecessary for one's activity, as well as the method of obtaining or using it. This formula can logically be expressed in this way:

Competence = mobility of knowledge + flexibility of the method + critical thinking

What should be guided by the teacher for their implementation? First of all, regardless of the technologies that the teacher uses, he must remember the following rules:

    The main thing is not the subject you teach, but the personality that you form. It is not the subject that forms the personality, but the teacher through his activity related to the study of the subject.

    Spare neither time nor effort on the upbringing of activity. Today's active student is tomorrow's active member of society.

    Help students to master the most productive methods of educational and cognitive activity, teach them to learn. .

    It is necessary to use the question “why?” more often in order to teach to think causally: understanding cause-and-effect relationships is a prerequisite for developmental learning.

    Remember that it is not the one who retells that knows, but the one who uses it in practice.

    Encourage students to think and act for themselves.

    Develop creative thinking by comprehensive analysis of problems; solve cognitive tasks in several ways, practice creative tasks more often.

    It is necessary to show students the perspectives of their learning more often.

    Use diagrams, plans to ensure the assimilation of the knowledge system.

    In the learning process, be sure to take into account the individual characteristics of each student, combine students with the same level of knowledge into differentiated subgroups.

    Study and take into account the life experience of students, their interests, features of development.

    Be informed about the latest scientific developments in your subject.

    Encourage student research. Find an opportunity to familiarize them with the technique of experimental work, algorithms for solving problems, processing primary sources and reference materials.

    Teach in such a way that the student understands that knowledge is a vital necessity for him.

15. Explain to students that each person will find his place in life if he learns everything that is necessary for the implementation of life plans.

These useful rules-tips are only a small part, only the tip of the iceberg of pedagogical wisdom, pedagogical skill, and the general pedagogical experience of many generations. To remember them, to inherit them, to be guided by them - this is the condition that can make it easier for the teacher to achieve the most important goal - the formation and development of personality.

Scientists note that in order to achieve the final result of the educational process, it is necessary already at its beginning, that is, to clearly understand what competencies the future school graduate will have. Therefore, it is appropriate to model the image of a graduate not only at the last stage of education and development, but in each link, at each individual stage of school life.

We make an attempt to construct a graduate model based on a competency-based approach.

Primary school graduate model (4th grade)

An elementary school graduate must:

1. To master general educational programs in the subjects of the curriculum at a level sufficient to continue education at the level of basic general education (that is, to master general educational skills and abilities).

2. To master the simplest skills of self-control of educational actions, the culture of behavior and speech.

3. Master the methods of activity (cognitive, speech, algorithm for working with information, the procedure for organizing activities: establishing a sequence of actions, following instructions, determining control methods, determining the causes of difficulties that arise, finding and self-correcting errors, etc.).

4. Master the basic skills of educational activities, elements of theoretical thinking.

5. To form the need to study independently, the desire to learn.

6. Master the basics of personal hygiene and a healthy lifestyle.

Basic school graduate model (9th grade)

The primary school graduate must:

1. To master the educational material in all subjects of the school curriculum at the level of the requirements of state programs.

2. To acquire the necessary knowledge and skills of social and cultural norms of life in society.

3. To master the simplest knowledge about professions.

4. Demonstrate initial mastery of key competencies:

mastering the culture of educational work;

mastering information and communication activities;

mastery of reflexive activity;

the ability to conduct a dialogue and interact with society (team, family, friends);

the ability to lead a healthy lifestyle;

Ability to solve problem situations and take responsibility;

· Demonstrate an active life position.

High school graduate model (11th grade)

The high school graduate must:

1. Successfully master all the programs in the subjects of the school curriculum.

2. To master the types of activities in various life situations: labor, educational, gaming, cognitive, as well as the means and methods of activity: planning, design, modeling, forecasting, research.

3. Master key competencies:

competence in the field of independent cognitive activity, based on the assimilation of ways to acquire knowledge from various sources of information;

Competence in the field of civil and social activities (performing the roles of a citizen, voter, consumer);

Competence in the field of social and labor activity (including the ability to analyze the situation on the labor market, assess one's own professional capabilities, navigate the norms and ethics of relationships, self-organization skills, the use of social experience);

Competence in the domestic sphere (including aspects of one's own health, family life, attitude towards elders, etc.);

competence in the field of cultural and leisure activities (including the choice of ways and means of using free time, culturally and spiritually enriching the individual).

In this way, creating a model of a competent student and providing appropriate conditions for achieving results are specific tasks, the fulfillment of which will ensure a new result of education that is adequate to the current state of society and culture - the formation of a competent personality.


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