Can relatives be sent for compulsory treatment. Where to take an alcoholic for treatment without his consent? Treatment in a general hospital, combined with the execution of a sentence

In accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation of July 2, 1992 N 3185-I "On psychiatric care and guarantees of the rights of citizens in its provision"

Art. 23 (4) A psychiatric examination of a person may be carried out without the consent of the subject or without the consent of the subject. legal representative in cases where, according to the available data, the subject performs actions that give grounds to assume that he has a severe mental disorder, which causes: a) his immediate danger to himself or others, or b) his helplessness, that is, his inability to independently satisfy the basic needs of life, or c) significant harm to his health due to a deterioration in his mental state if the person is left without psychiatric assistance. Article 25 of the Law is adopted by a psychiatrist upon an application containing information about the existence of grounds for such an examination, listed in the fourth part of Article 23 of this Law. (2) The application may be submitted by relatives of the person subject to psychiatric examination, by a doctor of any medical specialty, officials and other citizens. (3) In urgent cases, when, according to the information received, a person poses an immediate danger to himself or others, the application may be oral. The decision on a psychiatric examination is made by a psychiatrist immediately and is recorded in the medical records. (4) In the absence of an immediate danger of a person to himself or others, the application for a psychiatric examination must be written, contain detailed information justifying the need for such an examination and an indication of the refusal of the person or his legal representative to apply to a psychiatrist. The psychiatrist has the right to request additional information needed to make a decision. Having established that the application does not contain data indicating the presence of the circumstances provided for in paragraphs "b" and "c" of the fourth part of Article 23 of this Law, the psychiatrist in writing, motivatedly refuses a psychiatric examination. (5) Having established the validity of an application for a psychiatric examination of a person without his consent or without the consent of his legal representative, a psychiatrist sends to the court at the place of residence of the person his written reasoned opinion on the need for such an examination, as well as an application for examination and other available materials. The judge decides on the issue of giving a sanction within three days from the date of receipt of all materials. The actions of a judge may be appealed to a court in accordance with the procedure established by the legislation of the Russian Federation. Section 11. Consent to Treatment (1) Treatment of a person suffering from a mental disorder shall be carried out after obtaining his written consent, except for the cases provided for in paragraph four of this Section. (4) Treatment may be carried out without the consent of a person suffering from a mental disorder, or without the consent of his legal representative, only when applying coercive medical measures on the grounds provided for by the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, as well as in case of involuntary hospitalization on the grounds provided for in Article 29 of this Law. In these cases, except for urgent cases, treatment is applied by the decision of the commission of psychiatrists.

Article 29. A person suffering from a mental disorder may be hospitalized in a psychiatric hospital without his consent or without the consent of his legal representative before the decision of the judge, if his examination or treatment is possible only in hospital conditions, and the mental disorder is severe and causes: a) his imminent danger to himself or others, or b) his helplessness, that is, the inability to independently satisfy the basic needs of life, or c) significant harm to his health due to a deterioration in his mental state if the person is left without psychiatric assistance.

Article reading time: 1 minute

How to send an alcoholic to compulsory treatment

The question of where to take an alcoholic became especially relevant when in 2011 all sobering-up stations in Russia were closed, and now such institutions do not exist.

Voluntary treatment

If a person has alcohol addiction, he is aware of this and agrees to treatment, then he can be sent to the state drug treatment clinic at the place of residence. Professional assistance from a narcologist, psychiatrist and psychologist will be provided there. The duration of treatment is selected individually and for alcoholics ranges from 5 to 45 days. The disadvantage of such treatment is that a person is registered for up to 3 years. Accordingly, a favorable certificate from a narcologist at the place of demand, including when applying for a job and obtaining a driver's license, cannot be taken. This document will indicate that the citizen is registered.

Most drug dispensaries offer anonymous treatment, without registration. However, you will have to pay for it. The cost of such treatment compared to paid clinics much lower, but the conditions of stay in the state polyclinic leave much to be desired.

Another option is a private drug treatment clinic. Her choice depends on financial capabilities and recommendations. It is also possible to place a dependent citizen there only with his consent.

The principle of treatment is the same everywhere, only the methods differ. First, the state of binge is stopped, if necessary, it turns out medical care, then assigned rehabilitation period, that is, adaptation to a normal way of life.

In any case, the greater the desire of a person to be cured, the more effective the result.

If a person as a result alcohol intoxication or long binge became ill, there were signs of poisoning, increased blood pressure, heart attack, loss of consciousness, etc., then you need to call ambulance and, if necessary, send the alcoholic to a hospital for treatment.

Forced treatment

In Russia, it is possible to hand over an alcoholic for compulsory treatment only by a court decision. But the court can make such a decision only if there are strong arguments.

Another thing is when a person has mental disorders on the background of alcoholism. These may be hallucinations, signs of delirium tremens or schizophrenia. In this case, it is necessary to call the police and a specialized psychiatric team. The police in this situation captures the threat to life and health for family members and others, and the psychiatric team decides where to put the alcoholic, that is, the question of involuntary hospitalization in a psychiatric dispensary.

If there are no hallucinations, but the behavior is aggressive and threatening, the police should also be called. Law enforcement officers will decide where to put the alcoholic. Although the above actions are legal, they do not always lead to desired result. Often, psychiatric emergency teams, after listening to the symptoms, refuse to go.

Another hopeless situation, when a violent alcoholic becomes quiet and calm in the presence of the police, accordingly, there is no reason to call a psychiatric team. AT further man does not stop drinking, and the question of where to send an alcoholic remains relevant. In this case, there is another, longer and hard way- hand over an alcoholic for compulsory treatment in a psychiatric or drug treatment clinic.

Family members, neighbors, relatives and other persons have the right to write an application addressed to the head doctor of a psychiatric or narcological dispensary with a request to take measures for hospitalization without the consent of the patient, indicating the reasons. With a similar request, in parallel, apply to the police, in particular to the district police officer. Previously, with every violent act, do not tolerate behavior, but call the police to record an administrative offense. The more often a citizen is involved, the easier it will be to prove his insanity. The aforementioned authorities can, at your request, apply to the court for a decision on compulsory treatment.

If neither the dispensary nor the police have responded to your requests, you have the right to demand written answers. After that, you can independently apply to the court with an application for the use of compulsory treatment.

If there are grounds, the court will issue a judicial act, according to which it will be possible to hand over the alcoholic for compulsory treatment.

How and where to hand over an alcoholic for compulsory addiction treatment

The decision on compulsory treatment for alcoholism can be made by the court after examining the evidence base. Most Attention given to results medical expertise. The process is regulated by the Law “On Psychiatric Care and Guarantees of the Rights of Citizens in its Provision”. Forced treatment is difficult to name effective therapy- a person's personal desire to restore health is necessary. Contacting doctors in this case is seen as an attempt by the inner circle of the alcoholic to eliminate the danger to their own lives.

How to send for compulsory treatment legally

Legislation prohibits the sending of patients for treatment against their will without presenting evidence of a danger to society. During the court session, the submitted documents, photographs and video materials, fixing behavior in a state of intoxication, are taken into account. Compulsory therapy for the treatment of alcoholism is prescribed in the following cases:

  • making threats and attacking others;
  • suicide attempt;
  • incapacity;
  • unstable mental state, regular exacerbations of diseases.

The reason for compulsory treatment is socially dangerous behavior while intoxicated. At the first sign real threat the life of the alcoholic and those around him, it is necessary to call the police. Employees, having assessed the inadequate condition of the patient, will eliminate the risk to life and health. Then they call an ambulance. psychiatric care. It is important to keep a copy of the completed protocol. Relatives have the right to apply for compulsory treatment to a medical institution.

An important role is played by a possible certificate of a mental disorder. After analyzing the situation, the employees of the medical institution request a decision from the judicial organization. As a result, the need for therapy in relation to a socially dangerous individual without his consent will be determined. A medical examination is appointed, which will give comprehensive assessment mental state.

There is another option to send for compulsory treatment, which involves contacting the district police officer, who will issue a certificate of the danger of an alcoholic for himself and others. Further, an application is submitted to the court, all documentary materials are presented. During the study of information, a forensic expert is invited to perform an examination.

Illegal hospitalization is punishable by criminal liability. The legislation provides for punishment from three to seven years in prison. Qualifying signs and other components of this issue are presented in Article 128 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

Where to hand over an alcoholic without his consent

Compulsory treatment can be provided in public institutions. In this case, the therapy is paid by the state. This option is chosen by families with a lack of finances. Another explanation is the reluctance of relatives to spend money on procedures.

More comfortable conditions offered in private medical institutions. Here for each patient is selected individual approach, turns out complex therapy. Regardless of the place of treatment, it is necessary to submit documents confirming the identity of the person referred for therapy. His medical record is requested, a statement explaining the reasons for the extreme measure. The result of the trial is also required.

In the course of treatment, there is an impact on the psyche and physiology. The daily work of doctors contributes to the development of aversion to alcohol in a few months. AT this moment The following options for compulsory treatment of alcoholism are used:

  • coding with the possible introduction of drugs under the skin;
  • hardware impact;
  • hypnotic session.

Coding is recognized as the most effective of all methods. Doctors work with the patient's subconscious, developing a refusal from alcoholic beverages. In some cases, subcutaneous administration of the drug is allowed. It causes vomiting when drinking alcohol.

Hypnosis can't be called effective methodology that can heal anyone and everyone. In the course of a hypnotic session, the alcoholic is given an aversion to alcohol. Required condition- the patient is completely sober.

It is allowed to influence the patient's brain with the help of modern devices. The final result is explained by the effect on the areas of the brain that are responsible for the pleasure of alcohol. As a result, the work of all vital systems is normalized.


Coding is an impact on the physiology and psyche of the patient. The technique is not used if addiction to alcohol is caused by mental disorders. In some cases, such a tool is used to consolidate the result.

The more ethanol penetrated into the body, the heavier consequences. fear for own life forces you to give up the habit. After suggestion, a person does not drink alcohol, fearing serious consequences. You can cure a person with coding only after detoxifying the body and conducting explanatory conversations.

Narcological hospital

AT medical institution held comprehensive study health status. Specialists select therapy for the treatment of alcohol dependence. It lasts 3-6 months depending on the stage of alcoholism. The body is cleansed according to individual characteristics patient. The basis for compulsory treatment in a narcological hospital is a court decision.

The staff provides a solution to the problem, restoring the functioning of the affected organs and systems. Combined during therapy various methods effects on the psyche in order to force to be treated for addiction and follow all the instructions.

Psychiatric emergency

Surrounding people can, on their own, call a psychiatric ambulance, which is obliged to arrive at the scene in as soon as possible. The purpose of the trip is to calm the raging person with the introduction of fast-acting drugs. Specialists must determine the need for hospitalization based on the actions of the alcoholic and the testimony of those who made the call.

Possible refusal to send to a psychiatric hospital. It is explained by adequate behavior, coherent speech and lack of action, life threatening and people's health. Provided certificates of mental disorders, photographs and video materials can change the decision of physicians.

Compulsory treatment for alcoholism last resort, the implementation of which is possible only by decision of the court. It is used in relation to alcoholics who are not able to be aware of their actions. Services for organizing the procedure are provided by both public and private medical institutions. At the first sign of socially dangerous behavior of a person suffering from alcoholism, it is necessary to call the police and an ambulance.

Compulsory treatment for alcoholism

Sometimes relatives of citizens suffering from alcoholism decide on their compulsory treatment. Such a step can be taken not only by relatives, but also simply by people living nearby - for example, neighbors in a communal apartment, etc.

Drinking people can easily become a victim of scammers; in exchange for alcohol, they often give the latter. How can such a person be saved?

What is meant by compulsory treatment for alcoholism, in what situations medical intervention possible without voluntary consent, and how to achieve this, we will tell in this article.

Is compulsory treatment for alcoholism possible?

Compulsory treatment for alcoholics is possible. However, current legislation must be observed. Organizations known in the recent past, in which people suffering from alcoholism and drug addiction were placed only at the request of their relatives, are illegal. Forcibly detaining people, holding them in any medical actions criminally punishable.

Alcoholism is not explicitly listed in regulations as a basis for taking compulsory treatment measures. Nevertheless, this disease directly affects the development of mental disorders in a person, and this is already a reason for placing a patient in a clinic.

A person becomes dangerous to himself and others due to the following factors:

  • suicidal thoughts lead to suicide attempts;
  • bursts of aggression cause real threats of murder, harm to the health of loved ones, etc.;
  • delirium, hallucinations do not allow themselves to be minimally serviced in everyday life.

The court may consider that an alcoholic needs psychiatric help, and its absence will aggravate it anyway. disease state(will entail serious harm health). In addition, a person may be subject to compulsory treatment after committing a criminally punishable act. In such cases, they are sent to medical institutions by a court decision. Compulsory measures of a medical nature are provided for in Art. Art. 97-104 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. They do not specifically refer to alcoholism, but indicate mental illness, including those that do not exclude sanity. As a coercive measure, the following can be appointed:

  • ambulatory treatment;
  • inpatient treatment, including in organizations of a specialized type.


Rules for hospitalization of a person in a hospital medical organization providing psychiatric care are involuntarily established by the Law of the Russian Federation "On psychiatric care and guarantees of the rights of citizens in its provision" dated 02.07.1992 No. 3185-1 ( Further- Law No. 3185-1). If there is no consent of the person who is planned to be placed in a hospital, his parent or legal representative, a court decision, the patient can still be placed in a psychiatric clinic. This is allowed when the mental disorder is recognized as severe, while the patient:

  • poses an immediate danger to himself or others;
  • helpless (cannot satisfy their basic life needs on their own);
  • will suffer serious harm to health due to the deterioration of his mental condition if he is left without medical care.

A prerequisite for forced placement in a psychiatric hospital is the impossibility of psychiatric examination or treatment in other conditions (Article 29 of Law No. 3185-1).

Those persons who, against the background of alcohol abuse, begin to show signs of a mental disorder that poses a social danger, are forcibly admitted to the hospital.

Compulsory treatment is provided for exclusively by the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation and the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation. Until a mentally ill person commits a crime, compulsory medical measures cannot be applied. In addition, the court may oblige the probationer to undergo treatment for alcoholism (which is possible only in specialized clinics).

Russia may soon adopt a law on compulsory treatment of alcoholism. His project is under consideration in State Duma. Compulsory treatment is planned for patients who have committed more than two administrative offenses in a year.

How to send

In a psychiatric hospital without own desire An alcoholic may get:

  • by a court decision - as a result of a crime, at the initiative of family members, neighbors who applied to a psychiatric clinic and to the district police;
  • on call of the psychiatric care team - in case of exacerbation of a painful mental state. At the same time, a police squad is called, which fixes a real threat to the life and health of family members and neighbors.

A specialized psychiatric team independently decides on the need for emergency hospitalization in a psychiatric dispensary.

Application for compulsory treatment for alcoholism

Relatives and relatives of an alcoholic, his colleagues, neighbors and all interested persons who believe that a person needs treatment can file a lawsuit.

In court, it is necessary to prove that the patient has mental, physical abnormalities poses a threat to the life, health of others, their property. All facts of violations must be confirmed - with certificates from the police (at least from the district police officer), from a service organization, from ambulance doctors, etc.

Therefore, it is imperative to call a district or duty squad for any inappropriate behavior of an alcoholic, fix neighbors' bays, etc. The more supporting documents various facts, the greater the chance of convincing the court of the danger of the situation. Witness testimony, photo and video materials are important.

It is more effective to apply to the court with a request for compulsory referral to treatment by a collective application. A serious argument will be the conclusion of a forensic medical examination that a person already has a confirmed mental illness and his actions are harmful to others. Therefore, a request for such an examination should be made.

Relatives of a sick person have the right to apply with a written application addressed to the head physician of the local psychiatric hospital. This application contains a request for hospitalization of an alcoholic without his consent. The reasons that served as the basis for contacting the clinic are listed.

For hospitalization without the consent of the patient, it is not necessary to first go through a judicial procedure for recognizing an alcoholic as incapacitated or with limited capacity.

The medical institution itself may apply to the court for permission to hospitalize a person in a psychiatric hospital without the consent of the patient in connection with his mental state.

If you do not know how to deal with an alcoholic, how to correctly record the facts of his misbehavior, who is better to contact in a particular situation, contact our specialists. You can get professional advice by calling the specified phone number, filling out the form on the website or asking a question of interest in our online chat.

The decision on compulsory treatment for alcoholism can be made by the court after examining the evidence base. The greatest attention is paid to the results of medical examination. The process is regulated by the Law “On Psychiatric Care and Guarantees of the Rights of Citizens in its Provision”. Compulsory treatment can hardly be called effective therapy - a person’s personal desire to restore health is necessary. Appeal to doctors in this case is seen as an attempt by the inner circle of the alcoholic to eliminate the danger to their own lives.

How to send for compulsory treatment legally

Legislation prohibits the sending of patients for treatment against their will without presenting evidence of a danger to society. During the court session, the submitted documents, photographs and video materials, fixing behavior in a state of intoxication, are taken into account. Compulsory therapy for the treatment of alcoholism is prescribed in the following cases:

  • making threats and attacking others;
  • suicide attempt;
  • incapacity;
  • unstable mental state, regular exacerbations of diseases.

The reason for compulsory treatment is socially dangerous behavior while intoxicated. At the first sign of a real threat to the life of an alcoholic and others, it is necessary to call the police. Employees, having assessed the inadequate condition of the patient, will eliminate the risk to life and health. Then they will call an ambulance psychiatric help. It is important to keep a copy of the completed protocol. Relatives have the right to apply for compulsory treatment to a medical institution.

An important role is played by a possible certificate of a mental disorder. After analyzing the situation, the employees of the medical institution request a decision from the judicial organization. As a result, the need for therapy in relation to a socially dangerous individual without his consent will be determined. A medical examination is appointed, which will give a comprehensive assessment of the mental state.

There is another option to send for compulsory treatment, which involves contacting the district police officer, who will issue a certificate of the danger of an alcoholic for himself and others. Further, an application is submitted to the court, all documentary materials are presented. During the study of information, a forensic expert is invited to perform an examination.

Illegal hospitalization is punishable by criminal liability. The legislation provides for punishment from three to seven years in prison. Qualifying signs and other components of this issue are presented in Article 128 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

Where to hand over an alcoholic without his consent

Compulsory treatment can be provided in state institutions. In this case, the therapy is paid by the state. This option is chosen by families with a lack of finances. Another explanation is the reluctance of relatives to spend money on procedures.

More comfortable conditions are offered in private medical institutions. Here, for each patient, an individual approach is selected, complex therapy is provided. Regardless of the place of treatment, it is necessary to submit documents confirming the identity of the person referred for therapy. His medical record is requested, a statement explaining the reasons for the extreme measure. The result of the trial is also required.

In the course of treatment, there is an impact on the psyche and physiology. The daily work of doctors contributes to the development of aversion to alcohol in a few months. Currently, the following options for compulsory treatment of alcoholism are used:

  • coding with the possible introduction of drugs under the skin;
  • hardware impact;
  • hypnotic session.

Coding is recognized as the most effective of all methods. Doctors work with the patient's subconscious, developing a refusal from alcoholic beverages. In some cases, subcutaneous administration of the drug is allowed. It causes vomiting when drinking alcohol.

Hypnosis is not an effective technique that can treat everyone and everyone. In the course of a hypnotic session, the alcoholic is given an aversion to alcohol. A prerequisite is the absolutely sober state of the patient.

It is allowed to influence the patient's brain with the help of modern devices. The final result is explained by the effect on the areas of the brain that are responsible for the pleasure of alcohol. As a result, the work of all vital systems is normalized.


Coding is an impact on the physiology and psyche of the patient. The technique is not used if addiction to alcohol is caused by mental disorders. In some cases, such a tool is used to consolidate the result.

The more ethanol has entered the body, the more severe the consequences. Fear for one's own life forces one to give up the habit. After suggestion, a person does not drink alcohol, fearing serious consequences. You can cure a person with coding only after detoxifying the body and conducting explanatory conversations.

Narcological hospital

A comprehensive study of the state of health is carried out in a medical institution. Specialists select therapy for the treatment of alcohol dependence. It lasts 3-6 months depending on the stage of alcoholism. The body is cleansed in accordance with the individual characteristics of the patient. The basis for compulsory treatment in a narcological hospital is a court decision.

The staff provides a solution to the problem, restoring the functioning of the affected organs and systems. In the course of therapy, various methods of influencing the psyche are combined in order to force them to be treated for addiction and follow all the instructions.

Psychiatric emergency

Surrounding people can on their own call a psychiatric ambulance, which is obliged to arrive at the scene as soon as possible. The purpose of the trip is to calm the raging person with the introduction of fast-acting drugs. Specialists must determine the need for hospitalization based on the actions of the alcoholic and the testimony of those who made the call.

Possible refusal to send to a psychiatric hospital. It is explained by adequate behavior, coherent speech and the absence of actions that threaten the life and health of people. Provided certificates of mental disorders, photographs and video materials can change the decision of physicians.

Compulsory treatment for alcoholism is an extreme measure, the implementation of which is possible only by a court decision. It is used in relation to alcoholics who are not able to be aware of their actions. Services for organizing the procedure are provided by both public and private medical institutions. At the first sign of socially dangerous behavior of a person suffering from alcoholism, it is necessary to call the police and an ambulance.

Test: Check the compatibility of your medication with alcohol

Enter the name of the drug in the search bar and find out how compatible it is with alcohol

Compulsory treatment of alcoholism consists in hospitalization in specialized medical institutions without the consent of the patient. The clinic conducts a course of treatment that is aimed at eliminating addiction. The following applies to the patient:

  • a course of various drugs;
  • sessions with a psychotherapist;
  • occupational therapy and more.

Compulsory treatment and hospitalization of an alcoholic is necessary during the period alcoholic psychosis. mental disorder may appear as:

  • "white fever";
  • auditory and visual hallucinations;
  • delirium.

In such pathological condition the patient is a threat to himself and others. For example, he may jump out the window in an attempt to escape his hallucinations, or attack those around him, mistaking them for monsters. In such a situation, there is only one way out - to send a socially dangerous person for compulsory treatment.

Grounds and evidence for the court

In the Russian Federation, conduct therapy in drug treatment clinic possible only with the voluntary consent of the patient. Even a wife cannot forcefully send her husband to a medical facility.

However, there is a law on compulsory treatment of alcoholism. It says that it is possible to send a violently ill person to a drug treatment clinic only by a court order. But the law needs strong arguments to prescribe treatment for alcoholism and drug addiction without fail.

The main ones are:

  • the patient cannot take care of himself on his own (eat, clean, wash, etc.). He needs round-the-clock supervision;
  • the alcoholic is socially dangerous. It can harm people around;
  • the patient is threatening to commit suicide or has already attempted suicide;
  • addicts violated law and order (a crime was committed).

But before placing a patient in a drug treatment clinic under duress, it is necessary to prove to the judge that there are good reasons for this. Only the testimony of close relatives is not enough.

The following can serve as evidence:

  1. photos, video materials on which the patient is filmed in alcoholic intoxication. It can be wild aggressive behavior, threats, etc. The more material the better. This will be a good reason for placing the addict in a drug treatment clinic forcibly;
  2. Witnesses - testimonies of close relatives are not the basis for the court. You can attract neighbors, colleagues, acquaintances of an alcoholic;
  3. calling the police - if the patient behaves inappropriately, immediately call law enforcement agencies. They will protect you from the addict and provide necessary material in a court;
  4. the conclusion of a forensic medical examination - if it is carried out in time and it shows mental deviations in the addict, this will be strong evidence of the patient's insanity.

The more evidence is collected, the more likely it is to stop a relative's heavy drinking, which can be dangerous not only for him, but also for others. By a court decision, he is forcibly hospitalized in a specialized institution.

Forced therapy without trial

As mentioned earlier, the forced hospitalization of an alcoholic, according to the laws of the Russian Federation, is impossible without a court order. But if the situation is very difficult, and the person is afraid that the patient can harm himself or others, there is another way out - voluntary-compulsory treatment.

The patient can be persuaded to go to the clinic for treatment. The persuasion of close relatives and people is unlikely to give a result. So you can get help qualified specialists. Experienced psychologists can come to a person's home and talk with the patient. In most cases, this helps and the patient agrees to hospitalization.

Institutions for the treatment of addicts

If there are constraints in money, then the patient can be admitted to the state narcological hospital. Treatment is provided free of charge. But this institution has its downsides. After undergoing therapy in such a hospital, the patient will not be able to receive a medical book, or will not be able to get a job where access to a narcologist is required.

There are also many private drug treatment clinics. Service is provided on high level but also costs a lot of money. Individualized treatment is selected for the patient. According to statistics, disruptions in such institutions are two times less than in state ones.

Documentation that is necessary for placing a patient in a hospital:

  • the passport;
  • if the patient has accompanying illnesses, then it will be necessary medical card from the clinic;
  • an application addressed to the head physician with a request for involuntary hospitalization. It is necessary to clearly describe why the patient must be placed in the clinic without his desire;
  • court order - this document is necessary to confirm the legality of actions.

As with hospitalization in any medical institution, the patient needs to pack the necessary things with him.

Disadvantages of involuntary hospitalization

Forced placement of an alcoholic in a hospital will not be able to give the same effective result, as with the voluntary desire of the patient to get rid of addiction. That's why therapeutic measures include the work of psychologists who motivate the patient to give up alcohol and start a new full life.

Compulsory treatment, if the specialists fail to “get through” to the patient, for the most part ends in failures.

Therapy with medications to eliminate the withdrawal syndrome can have negative impact on the psychological condition sick. This often leads to various kinds disorders, because the patient's psyche as a result of alcohol dependence is very unstable.

The method of treatment is selected based on the pathogenesis of alcohol dependence. A sick person who does not want to be healed will never tell himself what is the reason for his destructive addiction. Therefore, treatment may not bring the desired result.

The patient may hold a grudge against those who forcibly placed him in a medical facility. He does not understand that relatives showed concern for him. As the person heals, he may begin to realize this, but the sediment will still remain with him.

Tasks of compulsory treatment

Goals in coercive alcohol dependence therapy:

  1. excretion from the patient's body toxic substances that have accumulated as a result of the breakdown of ethyl alcohol - detoxification;
  2. sessions with a psychotherapist. They are aimed at the patient's awareness of his illness. He must want to recover from alcoholism;
  3. identifying the cause of alcoholism;
  4. Obtain strong consent from the addict to addiction treatment.

The final task is to bring the patient both morally and physically to complete failure from alcohol.

Methods to persuade the patient to treatment

In order for the addict to agree to hospitalization, it is necessary to bring him to the realization that his condition is not normal. You need to talk to him about this only in a sober state. In alcoholic intoxication, he will not accept this, and this will only anger him. It is necessary to try to "get through" to him, and not to threaten and swear.

It is also worth trying to convince the addict that he has health problems, that he has lost a lot of weight, has grown old, and so on. This must be done very delicately.

You don't have to do anything for an alcoholic. He has to cook, clean and so on. In other words, take care of yourself. Many people make the mistake of doing almost everything for the addict.

If it was not possible to “get through” to the alcoholic on your own, you can turn to specialists. In any drug treatment clinic there are full-time psychologists who can come to your home. They will try to get the patient's consent to treatment.

Compulsory treatment of alcoholics is carried out within the framework of the law. A sane and law-abiding person cannot be placed in a medical institution without a court decision. The organization of assistance to alcohol addicts lies on the shoulders of close relatives, entourage, social workers and law enforcement agencies. Getting a person into therapy is half the problem; it is much more important to bring him back into society.

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    Compulsory Treatment for Alcoholism Act

    In Soviet times, there was a network of medical and labor institutions where alcoholics were forcibly placed. Such treatment for alcoholism could last several years until the patient completely or partially got rid of the addiction.

    To date, it is impossible to force an alcoholic to be treated if there is no good reasons. The patient must voluntarily go to institutions of this nature, where no one has the right to keep him against his will. Compulsory treatment for alcoholism is allowed only in those cases when a person ceases to control himself and begins to incur harm to others.

    According to the law, Article 97 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation dated 13.06. 1996 No. 63-FZ, which considers the use of compulsory treatment for alcohol dependence, indicates that it is possible in cases where we are talking about:

    • A person who has committed a crime in a state of insanity, if it is impossible to take him into custody due to his state of mental health.
    • A person whose actions may pose a threat to health or life for him or others.
    • A minor suffering from alcohol addiction.

    A person can be sent to compulsory treatment for alcoholism by a court decision. In other cases, it will be quite difficult to attract him against his own will, since forcible retention in medical institutions contrary to the Convention on Human Rights.

    It is forbidden by law to self-medicate a person: to pour any medications aimed at combating alcoholism through negative effects. Self-treatment alcoholics with medications entails the risk of forming mental disorders at the patient.

    The center for compulsory treatment of alcohol addiction cannot carry out therapeutic measures without the decision of law enforcement agencies, but specialists have the right to conduct educational and educational conversations.

    How to identify a dangerous condition

    If the patient has a mental state deviation, it is necessary to call law enforcement officers. They record a possible threat to the health of others and make a decision on the need to detain a person. Then he is placed in the so-called sobering-up station, where the alcoholic spends 1-3 days.

    Symptoms indicating bad mental state alcohol abuser:

    • vomiting, headache;
    • violations of speech, consciousness, vision;
    • convulsive seizures;
    • delirium;
    • auditory, tactile, visual hallucinations;
    • palpitations, trembling in the arms and legs;
    • body temperature rises, eyes redden, face swells;
    • alertness.

    Such a state is called alcoholic delirium, or delirium tremens. It develops 1-3 days after drinking alcohol. You should contact law enforcement agencies if the patient is aggressive, but there are no symptoms of mental health disorders.

    Types of compulsory treatment

    Compulsory treatment for alcoholism is of the following types:

    • outpatient with a psychiatrist;
    • stationary general type;
    • stationary specialized direction;
    • intensive care in the hospital.

    If law enforcement agencies do not consider it appropriate to place a patient in compulsory treatment, then you can try to write a statement addressed to the head doctor of a narcological or psychiatric dispensary. First of all, relatives and family members can write it. The document should include a request for action against the alcoholic. A similar paper is submitted to the police department.

    Dealing with an alcoholic can be affected by the number of doctors and police calls. In case of refusal in all instances, one should apply to the court or the prosecutor's office.

    How to convince a person to stop drinking alcohol

    Making a person undergo compulsory treatment is much more difficult than persuading him to do so. Self-willed therapy has many times more positive effect than forced therapy.

    Lack of attention and ignoring the opinion of the patient leads to a guaranteed relapse of alcoholism.

    The patient should feel not pressure from relatives and society, but sincere participation and concern about his fate.

    In the event that a person's recovery from alcoholism occurred after the commission of a crime, then when imposing a sentence, the time spent in a medical institution is taken into account as a period of imprisonment.

    To convince the patient of the need for therapy, you should:

    • Don't turn the person against you. It is impossible to express categorical condemnation to him, to show disgust for the patient. Otherwise, he will become more withdrawn and will not trust his worries and anxieties.
    • A person should be pointed out to the deterioration of his well-being. Make comparisons before and after drinking alcohol.
    • You can't do a job for an alcoholic. It is strictly not recommended to take care of him, cook food, and even more so bring alcohol. Courtship leads to the formation of a comfort zone from which he does not want to leave. Independent work housework will show a person that he does not control his health. It will be difficult for him to do the simplest actions, which will push him to the idea of ​​undergoing treatment.
    • It is necessary to protect a person from communicating with drinking companions and receiving funds for alcohol.

    When persuading an alcoholic of the need for treatment, a collective opinion is very effective. The words of one or two people may not count, while the point of view more friends and relatives will be weighty. They should gather in groups of 4-5 people and visit the patient regularly.

    As soon as the drunkard agrees to treatment, the next day you need to go to the clinic. Otherwise, it is likely that a person will change his mind. If the patient once did not go, despite the fact that he made a promise, then this act will induce him to do it again. He will only promise to go to the clinic only for the relatives to leave him behind. Therefore, it is so important to catch the moment when the drunkard is predisposed for treatment: in this case, it will have the highest possible result.

    Conversations with drinking man should only be done while sober. The promises of a drunk mean nothing and even harm therapy. The patient will realize that he can only promise to improve without actually doing it, and in this way get a respite for a while.

    How alcoholism is treated in the clinic

    Rehabilitation in the clinic is complex. Alcohol addiction is equated to narcotic, so a person needs to restore health and get rid of physical attraction to alcohol.

    Treatment for alcoholism occurs in several stages:

    1. 1. Detoxification of the body. Carried out through pharmacological preparations, contributing to the excretion of alcohols from the body, the destruction of toxins and poisons. The cleansing necessary to stabilize the patient's condition begins with circulatory system. In severe situations, the method of hemodialysis is used, in which blood is passed through a special apparatus. Hemodialysis is indicated for people with a severe stage of alcohol intoxication, in which there is a threat to the life of the patient.
    2. 2. Physical therapy exercises and adaptation to life without alcohol. Alcohol itself has a significant effect on muscular system, because ethanol leads to muscle degradation.
    3. 3. Stage of resocialization. The event is held with the assistance of psychologists, the environment of the hospital and society. Positive effect provides communication of already cured patients with the sick.

    Medical assistance in compulsory treatment is different from voluntary. The person will resist and in every possible way oppose the doctor's prescriptions. In such a situation, the role of psychologists, social workers and relatives is especially important and comes to the fore.

    With compulsory treatment, it is necessary to make it clear to the patient that they do not wish him harm, and his stay in the clinic does not make him an outcast of society. Such people are placed in a team with those who voluntarily agreed to treatment. Communication with them will allow the patient to become more loyal to his position.

    Alcohol coding

    The patient's coding makes sense only after recovery from alcoholism or in the presence of a long-term remission. Immediately after the patient is discharged from the clinic, it is recommended to encode former alcoholic to extend therapeutic effect for as long as possible.

    Human coding is carried out by medications and the formation of psychological patterns:

    • Changes in the psychological perception of alcohol. The patient is injected with the drug, and after about 10 minutes they give a small portion of alcohol. After drinking alcohol, a persistent feeling of nausea appears, which can develop into vomiting. The procedure is repeated for 7-10 days. In this way, a reflex aversion to alcohol is fixed.
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