Derivatives of ascorbic acid in a pharmacy for the face. Ascorbic acid for facial skin. For tired skin

To protect and rejuvenate sensitive facial skin, it is necessary to enrich it with useful vitamins and microelements, provide high-quality daily care, and exclude the impact of aggressive factors. It is important to know which organic compounds are best used so as not to be upset when studying your reflection in the mirror. For example, vitamin C is indispensable for the skin of the face, because, in addition to its protective properties, it maintains the necessary level of moisture and helps to eliminate free radicals. The list of possibilities does not end there.

Benefits of Vitamin C

Ascorbic acid, due to its unique properties, is widely used in modern cosmetology. This is an effective way to fight against age-related wrinkles, a good opportunity to rejuvenate the body not only externally, but also internally. Being a natural antioxidant, this component stops the natural aging process of the skin, maintains its elasticity. Other useful features are listed below:

  • getting rid of skin pigmentation;
  • reliable support of connective tissue;
  • direct participation in the formation, synthesis of collagen;
  • rapid recovery and healing of injured tissues;
  • strengthening the protective functions of the skin from exposure to ultraviolet radiation;
  • prevention of growth, development of cancer cells;
  • control of melanin pigment production;
  • participation in all chemical reactions;
  • synthesis of hormones, enzymes, for example, adrenaline;
  • strengthening local immunity;
  • elimination of scars, scars;
  • improvement of color, elasticity of the skin;
  • renewal of epidermal cells.

The use of vitamin C in cosmetology

Ascorbic acid is not produced by the body, so a person should include foods containing it in his daily diet. It is advisable to use lemon, sea buckthorn, kiwi, currants, strawberries, oranges, bell peppers, tomatoes. As for modern cosmetology, ascorbic acid is available in the form of a solution for external use, subcutaneous administration, in tablet form. You can wipe the skin with a liquid composition, it is better to grind the tablets beforehand, dilute the main cosmetic product.

It is important to clarify that global cosmetics manufacturers include ascorbic acid in their facial products. This organic compound is unstable, for example, it quickly decomposes in air, and completely disappears upon contact with a metal surface. Therefore, it is better to use products containing vitamin C, mostly home-made, not to spend money on professional cosmetics.

Features of using vitamin C for the face

Ascorbic acid in any form is necessary for the body for health and beauty. Before using tablets or injections, you must adhere to such valuable recommendations from professional cosmetologists:

  1. To enhance the desired cosmetic effect, tocopherol and retinol can be simultaneously used as part of the mask.
  2. With age-related dull skin, in case of mimic wrinkles, it is advisable to combine vitamin with fresh fruits, vegetables and their freshly prepared juices.
  3. It is highly undesirable to dilute ascorbic acid with glucose; it is better to choose the composition in a concentrated form.
  4. If the skin of the face is injured or very sensitive, it is advisable to completely refuse to use such products.
  5. Since vitamin C is destroyed by contact with metal bases, it is advisable to prepare a recipe with its participation in plastic, wooden, ceramic or glassware.
  6. The finished cosmetic product is not recommended to be stored in the refrigerator, since the vitamin disappears, the properties of minerals and trace elements are significantly weakened.

Recipes for masks with vitamin C for the face

If the skin is dull and wrinkled, do not despair, you can solve the problem of age at home. The easiest and most affordable way is to apply vitamin C in liquid form to clean skin under a night cream. It is important to avoid contact with such sensitive areas of the face as the area of ​​​​the eyes, corners of the lips, eyelids. It is allowed to carry out a cosmetic procedure no more than 2 times a week.

Mask with vitamin C and berries

This is an effective cosmetic product that can be prepared and used at home. A face mask with vitamin C and berries not only brightens the stars and removes wrinkles, but also nourishes the dermis, enriches it with vitamins, improves elasticity and firmness. Here are the most effective recipes:

  1. Mash several strawberries with a fork, add the contents of one ampoule of ascorbic acid, mix. Quickly apply the composition to the face and décolleté, avoiding contact with the mucous membranes of the eyes and mouth. The duration of the procedure is 15 minutes, after washing.
  2. Grind fresh sea buckthorn berries, add an ampoule, mix. Then quickly apply a homogeneous composition, do not rinse for 10-15 minutes. After the end of the procedure, additionally treat the dermis with any nourishing cream. Course - 10-12 procedures.

Vitamin cocktail

This unique remedy quickly removes wrinkles, eliminates visible signs of pigmentation, and makes the skin tone even and healthy. To prepare a vitamin cocktail, you need to take any cream for daily care, add an ampoule of ascorbic acid, 5 drops of tocopherol, retinol. Mix quickly, apply a homogeneous composition on the face. Do not rinse off for a quarter of an hour, after performing a contrast shower for the treated skin, blot your face with a paper towel.

With banana and oatmeal

Vitamin C in ampoules for the face can not only brighten the dermis, but also protect against exposure to sunlight, extremely undesirable peeling and other aggressive factors (external and internal). Oat flakes as part of a cosmetic product provide light peeling (removal of the stratum corneum of the skin). First you need to prepare 2 tbsp. l. oatmeal, add the same amount of banana puree. Mix both ingredients, add a "vitamin ampoule", apply the mixture on the face. Do not rinse for 20 minutes, then remove the remnants of the product with cool water.

With aloe vera

To quickly and imperceptibly remove wrinkles, you need to use a unique product that additionally nourishes, moisturizes, and tones. According to the proposed recipe, it is required to mix 1 ampoule of ascorbic acid, retinol, tocopherol, 1 tsp. aloe vera juice, the same amount of melted honey. Mix the composition and treat the skin, do not rinse for 15 minutes. After washing with cold water, dry your face.

with clay

Vitamin C face serum is available from pharmacies, or you can make it at home. Use alone or in combination with other means. The cosmetic effect can be enhanced by a nourishing mask prepared according to this recipe: 2 tbsp. l. combine white or blue cosmetic clay with 1 ampoule of ascorbic acid. Apply the finished gruel on the face, covering the areas of the eyes and lips with swabs. Even the gray shade of the face disappears very soon, it becomes healthy.

With sour cream

For intensive nutrition and hydration of the upper layer of the epidermis, skimmed dairy products can be used. For example, it is recommended to prepare such a simple recipe: combine in a plastic container 1 tsp. flower honey, sour cream, grind. Add vitamin C in liquid form, mix quickly, apply to the top layer of the epidermis. Do not wash off the cosmetic mask for 20 minutes, then wash with cold water. With a greasy type of face, enlarged pores, it is better not to use such a composition. It is better to replace sour cream with kefir. Otherwise, intensive nutrition is provided.

With almond oil and honey

To stop the natural aging of the skin, while stimulating the biochemical processes of the epidermis, even out the overall tone of the face and restore a healthy glow on the cheeks, cosmetologists recommend using almond oil. There are plenty of ways. According to the simplest recipe, you need to mix 8 ml of the oil base with 1 tsp. flower honey, pour in 1 ampoule of vitamin A, E. Quickly apply to the face and décolleté, do not rinse for a quarter of an hour. The course is 5-7 masks, which are not recommended to be performed daily.

From this article you will learn:

  • How does vitamin C work on the skin of the face,
  • how to choose the right cosmetics with vitamin C,
  • anti-wrinkle serum and cream with vitamin C - rating 2019.

Everyone knows that vitamin C is an excellent antioxidant and protects the skin from the negative effects of free radicals - the harmful by-products of sunlight, smoke and other pollution that lead to premature aging of the skin and the destruction of collagen in it.

However, the fact that vitamin C can affect the level of collagen synthesis in the skin has become known only recently. The first serious studies in this direction were carried out only in 2001. The research results were so encouraging that manufacturers of anti-aging cosmetics began to actively develop and market various creams and serums with vitamin C.

As expected, the wave of demand for such cosmetics has led to too many vitamin C cosmetics on the market, most of which turn out to be ineffective when tested. Why it depends, and how to choose a quality serum or cream with vitamin C - this article will tell you.

Vitamin C for skin: properties

  • reduces damage to cells by ultraviolet radiation,
  • increases the effectiveness of sunscreens,
  • has antioxidant properties
  • reduces pigmentation and melasma,
  • plays an important role in the synthesis of collagen, and as a result - reduces the appearance of wrinkles,
  • promotes the healing process of wounds, as well as improves the appearance of scars and scars.

Effect of Vitamin C on Collagen Synthesis - Clinical Studies

Below we present some of the most serious studies that can really be trusted, because. the evaluation of their results was carried out not only by visual comparison of the skin condition before and after, but also using the only objective method - taking skin samples before and after the study and their subsequent comparison.

1) This study was carried out in 2001. His goal was to elucidate the role of vitamin C in collagen synthesis. Tissue samples have shown that vitamin C does stimulate the production of collagen types 1 and 3 in the dermal layer of the skin.

Study published in Journal of Investigative Dermatology (Nusgens, B. V., Humbert, P., Rougier, A. et al. (2001) Topically applied Vitamin C enhances the Mrna levels of collagens I and III, their processing enzymes and tissue inhibitor of matrix metalloproteinase 1 in the human dermis, Journal of Investigative Dermatology, 116, 103-107.)

2) In 2002, a study was conducted where, for 12 weeks, subjects treated their facial skin with vitamin C products: either 10% aqueous ascorbic acid or 7% tetrahexyldecyl ascorbate (this is a fat-soluble form of vitamin C).

Comparison of histological skin samples (taken from the subjects before and after the study) showed that the use of vitamin C stimulates the repair of skin cells damaged by sun exposure, and also reduces the appearance of wrinkles by stimulating the formation of new collagen in the skin (link to the study - http://www.

3) In 2007, a study was published in which 4025 women aged 40 to 75 took part. The results of the study showed that the use of vitamin C on the skin reduced the appearance of wrinkles and gave the skin a more hydrated appearance. The study was published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition (Cosgrove, M. "Dietary nutrient intakes and skin-aging appearance among middle-aged American women" 2007).

How to choose the right cosmetics with vitamin C -

Many users of vitamin C products complain that they did not notice positive changes in the skin, even after long-term use. When analyzing the composition of such funds, it becomes clear why most of them cannot be effective at all a priori. Below, we have listed the important points to look out for when choosing creams and serums with vitamin C…

1. Form of Vitamin C -

The term "vitamin C" is a collective term and does not refer to a specific compound. There are many derivatives of vitamin C, but the only form of vitamin C that matters to the body is L-ascorbic acid (LAA). Only this form is able to interact with skin cells, penetrate into the deep layers of the dermis and stimulate the production of collagen.

Other derivatives of vitamin C are precursors of L-ascorbic acid, i. they turn into it after being applied to the skin - as a result of cycles of chemical reactions. Below we will analyze in detail all the main forms of vitamin C that are used in anti-aging cosmetics.

  • L-ascorbic acid (LAA)-
    a water-soluble form of vitamin C that does not need to be transformed into anything in order to begin to act on skin cells. This seems to be a plus, but in fact, L-ascorbic acid is very unstable and is easily destroyed upon contact with air, light, and even from time to time.

    Thus, studies have shown that since the production of a jar of cosmetics based on L-ascorbic acid, from 8 to 15% of the active substance is spontaneously destroyed in it every month. And the same amount is destroyed by contact with air and light - when opening the package and in the process of applying the product to the skin. Therefore, some manufacturers of quality cosmetics have tried to stabilize L-ascorbic acid so that it does not break down so intensively.

    For this, ferulic acid and alpha-tocopherol (vitamin E) were added to the components of the serums. these components significantly slow down the oxidation of L-ascorbic acid and, in addition, have a positive effect on the skin. But in the composition of creams, L-ascorbic acid is the most stable in the presence of palmitic acid and glycerin. In cheaper products, sodium metabisulfite (preservative) can also be found as a stabilizer.

    Important : some cosmetics manufacturers claim that L-ascorbic acid is not afraid of oxidation for the reason that from the oxidized state (dehydro-ascorbic acid) it can again transform into L-ascorbic acid. The deception here is that this reaction can only occur in the bloodstream inside red blood cells under the influence of the enzyme dehydro-ascorbin reductase.

    But this has to do with vitamin C, which enters the body either through the digestive tract or by injection. But in the skin (after applying vitamin C products to it), this mechanism of reverse transformation is simply absent.

  • Sodium or magnesium L-ascorbyl phosphate
    these are water-soluble forms of vitamin C. Sodium ascorbyl phosphate is referred to as "sodium ascorbyl phosphate" (SAP) in import instructions, and magnesium ascorbyl phosphate as "magnesium ascorbyl phosphate" (MAP). These forms of vitamin C are converted to pure L-ascorbic acid in the skin upon application.

    SAP and MAP are currently the most stable forms of vitamin C, and they also cause little to no skin irritation. In addition, it is believed that they penetrate the skin surface better than L-ascorbic acid (even at low concentrations), and also have a higher activity in relation to collagen synthesis.

  • Ascorbyl palmitate
    it is a fat-soluble form of vitamin C. It does not irritate the skin and is more stable than L-ascorbic acid. In addition, ascorbyl palmitate also has excellent antioxidant properties, and also protects the skin well from ultraviolet radiation.

    However, this is where its advantages end. This cheap ingredient can only be found in cheap skin care products. ascorbyl palmitate does not penetrate deep into the skin, and does not affect collagen synthesis at all. It is optimal to use only for the prevention of photoaging and as an increased protection against ultraviolet radiation, along with sun creams.

  • Sodium ascorbate
    it is a water-soluble form of vitamin C. It is a stable compound, but, like ascorbyl palmitate, it does not affect collagen synthesis and does not have a pronounced pharmacological activity. It can be found in the composition of cheap cosmetics with vitamin C.

Summary : thus, in any case, it is best to use products containing sodium ascorbyl phosphate (SAP) or magnesium ascorbyl phosphate (MAP). As for L-ascorbic acid, it is necessary to use only its stabilized forms, and look for cosmetics based on it with a minimum period from the moment of its production (website).

2. The concentration of vitamin C in anti-aging cosmetics -

If you want to increase the synthesis of collagen and elastin in the skin or reduce age spots, you need a high concentration of vitamin C. But at the same time, high concentrations cause severe irritation and redness of the skin. For example, 20% L-ascorbic acid - reviews noted that a solution of such a concentration is almost guaranteed to cause a chemical burn of the skin.

With the beginning of the use of vitamin C, the skin at first reacts very actively to it, becoming red, irritated, it can even dry and peel off. Sometimes reviews even noted that new wrinkles appeared due to the drying effect of high concentrations of vitamin C. Therefore, in parallel with serums, it is advisable to use moisturizing creams, for example, with low molecular weight hyaluronic acid.

So what concentration causes the least side effects and most effectively fights skin aging problems? The answer depends on the form of vitamin C in the product...

  • Means with L-ascorbic acid
    The optimal working concentration of L-ascorbic acid in cosmetics is 15%. However, at such concentrations, it is very aggressive and highly irritating to the skin. Therefore, products based on it are generally not suitable for people with dry or sensitive skin.

    In addition, you should not immediately start using 15% concentration, because. in this case, you are guaranteed to get severe skin irritation. It is optimal to start with 5% of funds, gradually moving to 10% and then stop at 15% concentration. Better yet, avoid products with L-ascorbic acid in the first 1-2 months, and use forms of sodium or magnesium ascorbyl phosphate at a concentration of 3-5% to allow the skin to get used to it.

  • Products with sodium or magnesium ascorbyl phosphate
    on the market you can find products containing sodium or magnesium ascorbyl phosphate - from 1 to 20%. It should be noted that only rare manufacturers use these forms of vitamin C, because. their cost is about 100 times higher than the cost of L-ascorbic acid.

    When choosing a concentration, it must be taken into account that these forms of vitamin C, even at a lower concentration, have the same activity and effectiveness as L-ascorbic acid at higher concentrations. By the way, at the same time, they also cause significantly less skin irritation, and do not require prior use of lower concentrations for skin addiction.

    The optimal working concentration of SAP or MAP in cosmetics is 8-10%. Some manufacturers even release products with 20% concentration, but this is more of a marketing ploy designed to instill the principle "the greater the concentration, the better." However, this is not always true.

3. The pH level in cosmetics with vitamin C -

This question is VERY important if you have chosen products based on L-ascorbic acid. The pH level in a cosmetic product indicates its acidity. Creams and serums with L-ascorbic acid should have a pH of no more than 3.5. The ideal pH level is between 2.0 and 3.0. Try to choose only those products where the manufacturer indicated the pH.

A pH of more than 3.5 will mean the following: firstly, the acid in the composition of the product will quickly break down, and secondly, it simply will not penetrate the skin, but will only cause severe irritation of its surface.

Important : as for products based on sodium or magnesium ascorbyl phosphates (SAP and MAP), the problem of acidity is not relevant for them. For products with these ingredients, it is not necessary to know the pH of the product. But it is best if the products based on them have a neutral pH of 5.0 to 7.0, which is ideal for dry and sensitive skin.

4. Which is better - serum or cream with vitamin C

Vitamin C face cream can be based on both fat-soluble forms of vitamin C (for example, ascorbyl palmitate) and water-soluble forms. The latter is possible through the use of emulsifiers. Fat-soluble forms of vitamin C are excellent antioxidants that protect the skin from harmful external influences, but they will not reduce the depth of wrinkles or increase skin firmness.

Therefore, if you want to reduce wrinkles and tighten the skin - the cream should be based on water-soluble forms of vitamin C - such as L-ascorbic acid, and magnesium or sodium ascorbyl phosphate. Moreover, in the first case, the cream must necessarily have an acidic pH of 2.0-3.0, and an acid concentration of 15% (but such a cream is not suitable for people with dry and sensitive skin).

For a cream based on magnesium or sodium ascorbyl phosphate pH is not important, but the desired concentration should be in the region of 8-10%. If the creams meet these conditions, they will be quite effective. Creams with this form of vitamin C are ideal for dry and sensitive skin.

Serum with vitamin C should only be based on the water-soluble forms of this vitamin listed above (with the exception of sodium ascorbate, which is not a very good component). Serums are more suitable for normal to oily skin. They are easier to apply and absorb faster than creams. It is believed that they are still more effective at the same concentrations of active ingredients as creams.

5. Additional ingredients in the composition of the product -

Vitamin C on its own is excellent at fighting signs of skin aging, but in combination with other components, you can get even better results. Some ingredients enhance each other's action and achieve better effects than individually.

  • ferulic acid
    a strong antioxidant that protects the skin from UV rays, reduces pigmentation, evens out the skin texture, stabilizes L-ascorbic acid, preventing it from breaking down, and also increases its activity.

  • a strong antioxidant, has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect, stabilizes L-ascorbic acid, preventing it from being destroyed.
  • Hyaluronic acid
    depending on the composition of the product (high- or low-molecular) - it can either only moisturize the surface layers of the skin, or moisturize the skin to the full depth + help increase collagen synthesis.
  • Aloe Vera, Green Tea Extract
    help relieve irritation, soothe sensitive skin, moisturize dry skin.

6. Avoid Colored Vitamin C Foods

Trying to buy only transparent serums, creams should be only white. Any initial coloring of the product by the manufacturer is most likely intended to hide signs of vitamin C oxidation, i.e. its destruction.

Important: yellowness or brown shades are an indicator of vitamin C oxidation, and hence its inefficiency. But also keep in mind that the very initial stages of oxidation do not change the color of the product, so you cannot be completely sure that a white or transparent color guarantees 100% vitamin C activity.

There are also dishonest manufacturers who add special chemicals to their products that prevent oxidized vitamin C from changing the color of the product. Therefore, they may even sell a product that is known to be oxidized with no visible signs of oxidation.

7. Packaging and storage -

All cosmetic products with vitamin C are particularly sensitive to light and air. Therefore, improper storage very quickly leads to oxidation and a decrease in the activity of vitamin C. Try to choose only those products that have opaque or semi-transparent packaging, and ideally are equipped with pumps or dispensers that prevent air from entering the product.

Serums are often sold in amber or blue bottles with special dosing pipettes. It is believed that brown, orange or blue glass transmits less light and retains the activity of the product. When storing vitamin C products, try to keep them away from light sources, i.e. it is best to hide them in a dark closet.

Keep in mind that even stable forms of vitamin C still oxidize over time and stop working. Therefore, when buying a product, be sure to check the expiration date of the purchased cream or serum. The less time has passed since the production date, the better. After opening the funds, it will need to be used within a period of no more than 6 months.

8. The cost of creams and serums with vitamin C -

The production of creams and serums with stabilized L-ascorbic acid, sodium or magnesium ascorbyl phosphate is quite expensive. Therefore, creams and serums based on them will not be cheap. Products with sodium ascorbate or ascorbyl palmitate are much cheaper, but they will no longer stimulate collagen synthesis.

You can often find outright deception. So in pharmacies you can find inexpensive creams and serums with vitamin C for the face, whose manufacturers promise to solve all the problems of aging skin for little money. The packaging usually says in big letters: 20% vitamin C + 10% hyaluronic acid + many additional active ingredients. But in fact, it turns out that such means do not work, because. contain a form of vitamin C in the form of such cheap components as sodium ascorbate or ascorbyl palmitate, or unstabilized L-ascorbic acid.

A priori, inexpensive products cannot contain high-quality technological components ... Keep in mind that a high-quality cream or serum with vitamin C for the face simply cannot cost less than $ 20-25. Funds of reputable manufacturers cost on average from $40 to $70, top manufacturers - about $100.

The best cosmetic products with vitamin C - rating 2019

Based on the analysis of the above criteria, we have compiled a ranking of the best vitamin C products, which you can find below. Some of them can only be bought in online stores like Amazon and Ebay, some in branded Russian online stores, and only the products of one company are widely represented in pharmacies.

1. Serumtologie ® "C serum 22"

The active substance is sodium ascorbyl phosphate (SAP) at a concentration of 22%, pH level is 6.5. Additionally, the serum contains 5% hyaluronic acid, 1% ferulic acid, 1% vitamin E (alpha-tocopherol), as well as organic extracts of centella asiatica, aloe vera and other plants.

The serum is suitable for all skin types. This serum will cause less skin irritation than the next two products. It moisturizes the skin well due to the content of hyaluronic acid and aloe vera. Does not contain parabens, sulfates and other bad preservatives. The cost is only $ 35 for a bottle of 34 ml. Unfortunately, you can only buy in online stores Amazon, Ebay ...

2. SkinCeuticals "CE Ferulic" ®

The active ingredient is stabilized L-ascorbic acid at 15% concentration. The pH level is 2.5. Additionally, this serum includes vitamin E 1% (alpha-tocopherol), ferulic acid 0.5%. Serum is suitable for normal and oily skin, allows you to correct not only age-related changes, but also protect the skin from UV and IRA radiation.

ScinCeuticals has a patent for the combination of L-ascorbic acid with alpha-tocopherol (vitamin E) and ferulic acid. The price in the Russian online store ScinCeuticals is from 9,500 rubles for a 30 ml bottle, which will last you at least 3-4 months.

3. SkinCeuticals® «Phloretin CF GEL»

SkinCeuticals Phloretin CF GEL Antioxidant Gel contains pure L-ascorbic acid 10%, ferulic acid and phloretin. This gel is made using the "serum in gel" technology, which allows you to protect the active ingredients from decomposition as much as possible (when exposed to light and air). This gel also allows you to protect the skin from UV and IRA radiation.

The cost is from 10,500 rubles per bottle of 30 ml (with dispenser). You can buy in the branded Russian online store of the manufacturer. There is also an analogue of this gel specifically for the skin around the eyes - “AOX + EYE GEL”, only the dosage of L-ascorbic acid will be 5% there (a 15 ml bottle with a dispenser will cost you 5,600 rubles).

The cosmetics of the French company La Roche-Posay is widely represented in pharmacies throughout Russia, but you can also buy it in the company's Russian online store. Redermic C10 cream contains 10% pure vitamin C in its most active stable form, hyaluronic acid and vitamin E. The cost of this product will be about 2600 rubles.

In addition to a cream with a 10% concentration of vitamin C, La Roche-Posay produces Redermic C cream (with 5% ascorbic acid), as well as Redermic C YEUX (5% cream for the skin around the eyes). The cost of these products will be 2400 and 1900 rubles, respectively.

The active substance is L-ascorbic acid in 15% concentration. The pH level is 3.0. Additionally, the serum contains vitamin E - 1%, ferulic acid 0.5%, panthenol and sodium hyaluronate. The price on the Internet is $ 39 for a bottle of 30 ml. Unfortunately, you can only buy online from Amazon and Ebay.

Vitamins in ampoules for the face make it possible to fill the skin with the necessary vitamin elements, are able to prevent wrinkles and various rashes, and also transform not only the color of the skin, but also its elasticity.

The beautiful half of humanity always tries to look younger than their age, well-groomed and attractive, so a lot of time is devoted to the face area. Modern technologies make it possible to carry out many procedures not only for facial skin care, but also to significantly rejuvenate it. But, you can freely visit specialized salons only if you are not afraid of the high cost of such events. If the fair sex does not have the opportunity to visit beauty salons, we hasten to reassure her, there are many alternative methods available that can transform a woman's face.

Required drugs

Preparations necessary for facial skin are medicines, which means that they should be used only after careful study. There are an incredible amount of vitamins and vitamin groups, and we will analyze in more detail how to understand which ones are needed for the face.

In stock you can find 2 types of organic substances:

  • water-soluble vitamins are sold in ampoules;
  • fat-soluble - in bubbles.

And now in more detail about what types of vitamins act in a particular area. After all, a glut of useful substances also does not always have a positive effect on health. So, liquid vitamins:

  • ascorbic acid (C) promotes the stimulation of fibrillar proteins (collagen), which are necessary to maintain an elastic and elastic skin. This vitamin is also a restorative and healing antioxidant;
  • retinol (A) regulates the production of fatty secretion, while moisturizing and removing various origins of inflammatory processes. Vitamin protects the epidermis from rashes and peeling, while restoring and improving the color and condition of the tissue. Also, the antioxidant prevents the appearance of pigmentation due to improved cell regeneration;
  • biotin (H), provoking the formation of young cells, cleanses of dead cells;
  • niacin (P) transforms the color of the skin of the face;
  • tocopherol (E) promotes the renewal and rejuvenation of tissue cells, preventing the aging process, and also eliminates puffiness by regulating water metabolism;
  • cholecalciferol (D) promotes facial skin cells in regeneration, prolonging the youthfulness of tissues;
  • naphthoquinone (K) prevents dark circles under the lower eyelids, rosacea and various pigmentations, enhances capillaries and microcirculation;
  • nicotinic acid (PP) helps to eliminate inflammatory processes, improves the general condition of the epidermis due to the production of enzymes;
  • thiamine (B1) promotes the treatment of various skin diseases, helps fight age-related changes and emotional instability;
  • riboflavin (B2) saturates the skin with the necessary oxygen, regenerating tissue cells and preventing various skin rashes;
  • niacin (B3) is part of nicotinic acid, and, among other things, protects against ultraviolet radiation;
  • pantothenic acid (B5) strengthens the skin of the face, promotes normal or moderate production of sebum, which favorably affects oily skin;
  • pyridoxine (B6) is most often prescribed by specialists, since it is a fairly serious vitamin, the dosage of which is calculated by dermatologists. The drug is prescribed in case of extensive or serious diseases of the skin;
  • folic acid (B9) acts as an indispensable supplement for the female body, especially during pregnancy. Vitamin not only protects the epidermis, but also expels toxins, promotes growth;
  • cyanocobalamin (B12) strengthens the nervous system, which has a beneficial effect on the skin of the face due to the tightened facial contour and the absence of fine wrinkles.

B vitamins are involved in all processes that occur in skin cells. During puberty, during pregnancy, after a long illness or stress, doctors almost always recommend various vitamin supplements, and often combine them.

The use of vitamins in ampoules for the face

The use of vitamins in ampoules for the face can be prescribed by both dermatologists and cosmetologists. But often women resort to rejuvenating or supporting procedures on their own, making a variety of products at home.

Vitaminized ampoules are freely sold in all pharmacies, which can be used both independently and as impurities in masks, creams, lotions and other preparations for different types of facial skin.

There is also an innovative technique - mesotherapy, which is aimed at cosmetic rejuvenation, improvement, elasticity and tone of the face due to the subcutaneous injection of medicinal, vitamin preparations. In other words, these vitamins must be injected into the face, which makes this procedure impossible for home use, at least because such a procedure has a lot of contraindications. In addition, only specialists can accurately perform the injection procedure, taking into account medical knowledge, as well as perform the process as sterile and as painlessly as possible.

Mask Recipes

How to use vitamin face fluids correctly, you will be prompted by recipes for masks made with various compositions. You can safely prepare such masks with your own hands, as they are practically safe for any type of skin, with the exception of certain and rare allergic reactions.

  1. Mask with vitamin A. To make this mask, you will need one ampoule of this substance, any nourishing cream and one teaspoon of cold aloe juice. All ingredients must be mixed and applied to previously cleansed skin, wait 15 minutes, and then rinse thoroughly with water at room temperature. This method perfectly soothes and moisturizes the skin, and also prevents a rash.
  2. Mask with vitamin C. An ampoule of this drug should be combined with one teaspoon of oatmeal milk porridge and two tablespoons of fresh banana puree. These components are mixed and applied to the face, wait 15 minutes and wash. An excellent recipe can get rid of wrinkles, flabbiness and wilting.
  3. Mask with vitamin E. The preparation of this mixture contains 1 container with vitamin content, 1 tablespoon of pharmacy glycerin and 2 tablespoons of water. Mix the ingredients, apply a thick layer on the face and wait for 15-20 minutes, then rinse with plenty of water. This method perfectly smoothes wrinkles, eliminates peeling and dryness.
  4. Mask with vitamin B6. The toning procedure is suitable not only for the face, but also for the neck area. The effect will become apparent after the second application. You will need: three drops of medicine, two teaspoons of blue or green cosmetic clay mineral, one teaspoon of linseed or olive oil and a piece of gauze. All components should be heated in a water bath. Cut slits for the nostrils and eyes in the gauze segment, moisten the gauze in warm liquid and gently place on the face. As it cools, the gauze cut should be removed, moistened and re-placed on the face. This procedure is preferably carried out within half an hour.
  5. Mask with vitamin B12. The tool is suitable for enlarged pores and increased oily sheen, and will also serve as a good bleach. For this recipe, you will need one ampoule of the drug, one teaspoon of any honey, two tablespoons of kefir and half a teaspoon of lemon juice. All products are mixed and applied to a clean face, and after 15 minutes of waiting, they are washed off.

In order to feel the positive effect, it is necessary to apply such masks about 2 times in 7 days. The duration of the course depends on the condition of the epidermis, on average it can last from 10 to 20 doses. For the preparation of masks at home, any mixture recipes are suitable, in which various vitamins can be added.

There are certain expert tips on the correct and frequent use of ampoule vitamins, with which you can choose the most correct and safe course. The most important thing to know about vitamin compatibility:

  • E does not go well with K, B1 and 12, C and D;
  • B12 does not interact with A, B and E;
  • B1 is not recommended to be mixed with other B groups.

But, even if you know your skin very well, doctors still strongly advise you to consult about any cosmetic procedures. After all, first of all, vitamins are medicines, so there is a risk not only not to see the benefits of them, but also to significantly harm your health!

Although such masks are not used as injections, experts still advise adhering to the following rules:

  • Initially, you should check the drug to detect an allergic reaction. To do this, a little of the finished mask is applied to the inside of the wrist and the condition of the skin is observed. If after 20-30 minutes the skin area has not changed color in any way or has not brought any discomfort in the form of itching or rashes, then you can safely proceed to the procedures;
  • do not increase the indicated dosage of drugs in order to achieve results faster. The effect may be the opposite;
  • medicines should be used with extreme caution during pregnancy or breastfeeding, as well as during illnesses;
  • vitamins should be used strictly to the existing problem;
  • vitamin preparations should be used gradually, starting with minimal doses;
  • any medicinal composition should be applied only to cleansed facial skin;
  • it is most correct and safest to use one type of drug.

According to the advice of the beautician, vitamins in ampoules should be used immediately after opening, and the drugs should be stored in a tightly closed glass container in the refrigerator.


Any medications have contraindications, and vitamins in ampoules are no exception. Vitamin complex can significantly aggravate the state of health if there are:

  • propensity to allergies;
  • manifestations of reactions after rapid tests;
  • individual intolerance to one of the ingredients in the mask;
  • moderate liver disease;
  • stomach ulcer;
  • heart diseases.

Before using liquid vitamins, you should carefully read the instructions so that these drugs bring only the maximum benefit.

But, as it often happens: vitamins alone are not enough for a complete transformation. Often you need to completely reconsider your lifestyle and diet. But in combination with a balanced diet, vitamins in ampoules for the face will be an excellent and effective way to maintain excellent health and appearance!

Vitamins in ampoules for the face allow you to saturate the skin with all the necessary substances, get rid of rashes and wrinkles, improve skin color and remove dark circles.

Most of us choose home remedies for skin based on the ease of preparation, our skin type, and the advice of our friends. This is not entirely correct, because vitamins in facial ampoules are medicine, which means you need to use them wisely and take into account contraindications.

What are your vitamins?

Ampoule vitamins for the face are usually water-soluble: these are vitamin C, vitamin B6, B1, B12, as well as nicotinic acid, which is more suitable for the scalp. Fat-soluble A, E and D are also widely used, but ampoules with them are rare: they are more often sold in vials. What vitamins are most needed by the skin?

  • IN 1, he is thiamine. It treats skin diseases, including dermatitis, psoriasis, pyoderma, itching of various etiologies, eczema. It is also needed for the skin in adulthood, as it helps to fight aging (in this case, we also recommend doing an anti-aging massage) and with a double chin. Contraindicated in case of individual intolerance and tendency to allergies.
  • IN 2, he is riboflavin. Helps regenerate skin cells and saturates them with oxygen. Improves skin color, saves from rashes.
  • AT 5, he is pantothenic acid. Needed for skin with increased sebum secretion, because it normalizes it. Quickly smoothes wrinkles and improves facial contours. Contraindicated in hemophilia.
  • AT 6, he is pyridoxine needed for sensitive and dry skin, relieves irritation. It is better to combine it with other vitamins, but more on that below.
  • Vitamin B12. Regenerates cells, improves facial contours. Vitamin B12 is also needed to improve blood supply to tissues.
  • Vitamin K. Needed to treat rosacea and get rid of freckles, as well as bags under the eyes.
  • Vitamin C. In liquid form, it is unstable and quickly loses its properties, so such vitamins in face ampoules should be used immediately after opening. The skin needs it, firstly, because it is an antioxidant, and secondly, because it strengthens capillaries, which means it saves from spider veins. It also helps the skin produce collagen (and this is elasticity), can be an easy and safe peeling, tightens pores and improves cell respiration.
  • Vitamin E. Also an antioxidant. Perfectly nourishes both dry and oily skin, rejuvenates, relieves swelling, improves skin color, protects it.
  • Vitamin A. Moisturizes (and deeply) and relieves inflammation, and also saves from peeling and dryness, removes age spots.
  • Vitamin D. Helps cells to regenerate, allows the skin to always be young.
  • Vitamin H. This is a kind of peeling, exfoliating all dead cells and allowing new ones to arise.
  • Vitamin PP. Rejuvenator. Dries and speeds up blood circulation. Contraindicated in patients with a tendency to rosacea.

How to use vitamins correctly

First, remember that this is a medicine, so visit a beautician before starting any type of therapy. Secondly, do not forget that many vitamins are not very compatible with each other, which means that there will not be much benefit from them.

  • Vitamin B 1 does not go well with B2, 3, 6, 12: B2 and B3 simply destroy it, and the combination with B12 can provoke an allergy:
  • B6 is not combined with B1 and B12, which destroy it;
  • B 12 is not "friends" with A, B1, C, B2,3,6 and E.
  • E is not combined with D, K - with A and E, C is better not to be mixed with B12 and B1.

However, in masks for hair and skin, these conflicts are not very pronounced, so you can experiment, but it’s still better to stick to the “one vitamin – one mask” rule.

You need to use masks a couple of times a week and no more, otherwise the skin can be “overfeeded”. And if the dry one somehow survives, then the oily one ... And finally, it is better to use all vitamins immediately after opening, and you need to store the funds in a glass and in the refrigerator.

Vitamins can be added not only to masks, but also to your cream or even lotion. Cleanse your skin well before applying the Vitamin Ampoule Face Mask. It is also worth checking yourself for allergies: just apply the mask on your wrist, behind your ear or in the crook of your elbow and wait about half an hour. If everything is in order, why not please your skin.

If you are not satisfied with vitamins in ampoules, you can choose vitamins in tablets (the article will help you choose the right ones).

Mask Recipes

Of course, it is better to make such masks based on base oils or sour cream, but other ingredients can be used. And further. It is better to use such masks immediately.

For oily skin

She needs vitamins no less than any other. In order to give her youth, but remove fat and comedones, you can use this mask:

  • Red clay and sour cream (20 g each);
  • Yeast (1 tsp);
  • Vitamin E (2 drops).

Mix and wait about five minutes, then apply and cover with a film, and on top with a small towel. Wash off after a third of an hour with cool water.

You can also feed oily skin with cocoa dessert. To prepare it, we take:

  • Sour cream and cocoa (a teaspoon each);
  • Wheat germ oil and jojoba wax (half a teaspoon each);
  • 2 drops of vitamin E.

Hold for a third of an hour, rinse with warm water, moisturize with lotion.

If the skin is also problematic, you should try the following recipe:

  • An inseparable pair of vitamins E and A;
  • Clay white (25 g);
  • Sour cream is not too oily;
  • Dimexide (teaspoon).

Some are afraid of dimexide, but it has medicinal properties, and it also helps other substances to be delivered faster to the deeper layers of the skin. However, its amount in the mask can be reduced. You can also not use it at all. Oils need 2-2.5 g each.

For dry skin

She needs food like no other. As well as moisturizing and eliminating wrinkles and signs of dryness. To prepare a mask, the effect of which will be visible after a couple of applications, you need:

  • Blue or green clay (20-25 g.);
  • Flax or olive oil (50 ml.);
  • Vitamins A and E (three drops each);
  • Gauze.

We connect everything, we make a mask from gauze. After we warm the mixture and lower gauze into it. Squeezing, apply to the face. When it cools down, dip the gauze into the mixture again and place it on the face again. We do this for 30 to 40 minutes, rinse the face with water at room temperature, dry it.

You can also use all three fat-soluble vitamins in masks. To prepare the mask you need:

  • Sour cream (20-25 g);
  • One yolk;
  • Vitamin A, E and D (five drops each).

We keep it on the face for 20 minutes.

For skin that dries and flakes, a mask of glycerin (20g), water (2 tablespoons) and vitamin E is suitable. Keep from a quarter of an hour to 20 minutes.

For dry and inflamed skin, the following composition is suitable:

  • Nourishing cream (5 g);
  • Aloe juice (teaspoon);
  • Ampoule of vitamin A.

The juice must be cold. Keep the mask for 15 minutes.

Anti-aging masks

Anti-aging masks with vitamins are similar to masks for dry skin, but the concentration of vitamins in them is usually higher. For a mask that gives a good effect in two weeks of application, you will need:

  • Honey, and it is better if it is from acacia, sweet clover or linden;
  • Sour cream 20% (25 g);
  • Children's cottage cheese without any additives (50 g);
  • Egg;
  • Lemon juice (up to ten drops);
  • Aloe in ampoules (1-2 pieces);
  • Vitamins B12 and B1 (one or two ampoules).

Apply in the evenings daily, wash off after 15-20 minutes. In addition, it is not necessary to apply. Rejuvenation course - 2 weeks. The ideal time for such masks is the off-season.

A very simple but effective daily mask is made from a tablespoon of olive oil and vitamins E and A (drop by drop). We heat the oil in a water bath and enrich it with vitamins. Apply to the face along the massage lines so that everything is absorbed. It is better to do it at night.

A mask with vitamin C, banana (50 g), and oatmeal (25 g) also has a rejuvenating effect. We cook the last one in milk, then mix it with other ingredients and apply for a third of an hour. This is a good remedy for aging and flabby skin.

Moisturizing masks

To moisturize the face, vitamin E (five drops), mixed with your favorite olive oil (30-40 g) and 50 g of fatty cottage cheese.

To prepare another moisturizing and rejuvenating mask, we will need:

  • Lanolin water (12 g);
  • Yellow or white natural wax (5g);
  • Peach kernel oil (1 tbsp);
  • Borax (half a gram);
  • Vitamins B12 and A (according to the ampoule);
  • 7 g of vaseline;
  • 2 g zinc oxide;
  • Water (one and a half tablespoons).

Vaseline, lanolin and wax are melted together in a water bath. While melting, add peach oil, borax and zinc oxide. We add water gradually. Well, if it is distilled. Pouring water, stir and add vitamins from ampoules. This composition is applied not only on the face, but also on the decollete, as well as the neck. Hold for half an hour, wash with a little warm water.

Vitamin C has a number of properties due to which it is actively used in cosmetology. The use of ascorbic acid to remove wrinkles and tighten facial skin is based on:

  • vitamin control over the production of hormones;
  • activation of collagen synthesis;
  • strengthening the walls of blood vessels and capillaries.

Ascorbic acid has a small molecular size, due to which it can freely absorbed by the upper layers of the skin without staying on the surface.

The drug can be bought at any pharmacy without a prescription at an affordable price.

From wrinkles, it is desirable to use vitamin C in ampoules or powder. The preparation in ampoules is especially convenient. They are sold in volumes of 1 or 2 ml with a concentration of 5 or 10%. In a solution of ampoules, ascorbic acid is in the form of a sodium salt, which allows you to save the vitamin in its active form.

REFERENCE! Before use for cosmetic purposes, a solution of vitamin C is added to a slightly acidic filler (yogurt, sour cream, kefir) to convert it into an active form.

General properties

Ascorbic acid is a crystalline powder, perfectly soluble in water and ethyl alcohol, sour in taste. In a free form, it instantly decomposes when exposed to light and atmospheric oxygen. The substance also reacts rapidly with metals, forming toxic substances.

It is sold in the form of sodium salt. This form ensures the stability of the drug, which, when dissolved in an aqueous medium, decomposes into a negatively charged ascorbic acid ion and a positive sodium ion, turning into an active state.

For external use in the form of masks:

  1. prevents rosacea by strengthening capillaries;
  2. brightens and removes age spots, including old ones;
  3. smoothes both deep and fine wrinkles;
  4. dissolves scars and keloid scars over time;
  5. removes acne, comedones;
  6. removes toxins and slags from the deep layers of the epidermis;
  7. makes the skin elastic, contributing to its rejuvenation, recovery from stress and regeneration.

ATTENTION! The drug is indispensable for self-care at home. It is only necessary to take into account its instability when preparing a cosmetic mask, using it immediately and only once, without leaving it for storage.

Application in cosmetology

When caring for the skin of the face and neck, ascorbic acid is best used in the preparation of masks, as well as in the form of a 5% solution in an ampoule as a serum.

Cooking rules

Masks with ascorbic acid are prepared strictly at one time, applied to the face or neck immediately after mixing the components. For this purpose it is most convenient to take ampoules with a solution of ascorbic acid. The powder is best used for the preparation of cosmetic mixtures for the purpose of light chemical peeling.

After opening the ampoule, it is desirable to use the solution completely. If the drug remains, then it must be discarded, as vitamin C will decompose within two hours after depressurization.

In preparation for the procedure, you need:

  • prepare cosmetic mass in glass or ceramic dishes, avoiding contact with metal objects;
  • add vitamin C solution last, immediately applying a mask to the area of ​​​​application.

For cooking, you can use the following fillers:

  1. fermented milk natural products in order to transfer the drug to the most active form;
  2. cosmetic clay;
  3. ripe bananas, avocados;
  4. starch.

An obligatory component in all cosmetic masks with ascorbic acid is sugar or crystalline glucose. They prevent dehydration by promoting optimal skin hydration.


Before applying the mask, the face is cleansed of impurities, cosmetics, and then slightly steamed over a steam bath with sage, eucalyptus or chamomile.

REFERENCE! Owners of dry and sensitive skin should apply a thick layer of nourishing cream on their face before the bath.

Then the face is blotted with a napkin or towel, and a mask with ascorbic acid is applied for 15 minutes.

After the procedure

Wash off all masks with cool water. Then a moisturizing or nourishing cream is applied to the face, lightly massaging the skin in the direction of the lymph flow (massage lines). After the first sessions, immediately after removing the mask, you can notice how gray lumps of dead skin roll off your face. With regular care with ascorbic acid, this process will stop, as the skin will be cleansed of horny cells, begin to breathe and recover.

After cosmetic sessions with the use of vitamin C, you should not go out in the sun for three hours to avoid the formation of age spots on your face.

Mask Recipes

A 5% solution of ascorbic acid can be used as an overnight serum. To do this, evenly distribute the solution over the prepared face with a cotton swab, sponge or just clean fingers, leaving it to dry completely. Then apply a nourishing night cream in a thick layer.

The cream should not contain fruit, hyaluronic and other acids.

After half an hour, excess cream removed with a damp cloth or towel.

For face and neck

The following ingredients are required for cooking:

  • 50 g of fatty cottage cheese;
  • 1-2 tsp sugar or glucose;
  • 1/3 tsp oil solution of vitamin A;
  • 2-3 drops of ylang-ylang aromatic oil;
  • 1 ampoule of a 10% vitamin C solution or 2 ampoules of a 5% solution.

Consider the order of preparation.

  1. Grind cottage cheese with sugar or glucose and leave for 10 minutes. until complete dissolution.
  2. Add vitamin A and aromatic oil, mix thoroughly.
  3. Open the ampoule with the drug.
  4. Pour it into the cosmetic mixture.
  5. Mix quickly.
  6. Apply immediately to the prepared face and neck.

The course of masks consists of 15 sessions, held twice a week. Then they take a break for two months.

For problem skin

Fading skin with imperfections such as acne, comedones (blackheads) and enlarged pores requires special care. To prepare an anti-wrinkle mask for this type of skin, the following components are needed:

  • green cosmetic clay - 1 tbsp;
  • pink cosmetic clay - 1 tbsp;
  • kefir or natural yogurt - 2 tablespoons;
  • sugar or glucose - 1 tsp;
  • 1 ampoule of 10% vitamin C solution or 2 ampoules of 5%;
  • a small amount of mineral or boiled water.

REFERENCE! Instead of sugar or glucose in this recipe, you can use honey in the amount of 1 tsp. for more effective removal of toxins and toxins from the skin.

Cooking order:

  1. Mix two types of clay and dilute with water at a temperature of 40-45 degrees to a creamy consistency.
  2. Add kefir or yogurt to the mass, mix sugar (glucose, honey) until smooth.
  3. Leave for 5 minutes.
  4. Open the ampoule with a solution of the drug, add it to the cosmetic mass.
  5. Stir, apply immediately to the face.

You can make such masks every other day until a complete cure (disappearance of acne, black spots and narrowing of pores).

For tired skin

Session for this recipe should be used for stress, lack of sleep. The procedure will help to quickly smooth out wrinkles before a responsible exit or meeting.

Cooking Ingredients:

  • 1 ripe banana;
  • 1 st. l. sour cream;
  • ½ tsp Sahara;
  • ½ tsp cocoa;
  • 1 ampoule of a 10% vitamin C solution or 2 ampoules of a 5% solution.

Cooking order:

  1. Mash a banana (you can use a wooden pestle).
  2. Mix with sour cream, sugar and cocoa.
  3. Leave for 15 minutes.
  4. Pour in a solution of ascorbic acid from a freshly opened ampoule.
  5. To stir thoroughly.
  6. Apply to prepared face.

This mask can be used as needed or once a week. It perfectly improves tone, preventing sagging and flabbiness of the skin.

Around eyes

There are a lot of cosmetic mixtures for this purpose. Therefore, it can also be applied to the face, neck and décolleté.

Required components:

  • 1 ampoule of 10% ascorbic acid (it is better not to take a drug with a lower concentration);
  • natural yogurt - 1 tablespoon;
  • sugar - 3 tsp;

    In this recipe only sugar is taken. You can not replace it with glucose or honey.

  • neroli aromatic oil - 2-3 drops.

Cooking order:

  1. Mix yogurt with sugar, leave for 15 minutes. until complete dissolution.
  2. Add neroli oil and stir.
  3. Stir in ascorbic acid.

IMPORTANT! For the area around the eyes, you need to take only yogurt without additives, without replacing it with sour cream, kefir and other fermented milk products.

You can apply a mask like this:

  • cut the cotton sponge into two semicircles;
  • apply cosmetic mass on them;
  • put under your eyes.

The rest of the mask can be used in any way, including for hands.


Wrinkles after sessions of masks with vitamin C begin to smooth out immediately, due to the activation of blood circulation in the upper layer of the skin. After a month of methodical self-care, you can note:

  • skin thickening;
  • lightening age spots;
  • face contour restoration;
  • complete cleansing of acne and comedones;
  • narrowing of pores;
  • improvement in complexion.

After several courses, it decreases, then rosacea disappears completely, keloid scars from boils, bags under the eyes dissolve, it gives the impression of a complete renewal and rejuvenation of the face.


Vitamin C may cause allergic reactions. Therefore, the main contraindication to its use is individual intolerance.

Also, the external use of vitamin C is prohibited when:

  1. high temperature:
  2. the presence of inflammation, open wounds and abscesses;
  3. taking antibiotics.

During lactation, before using ascorbic acid as part of masks, it is advisable to consult a pediatrician.

ATTENTION! Before using any mask recipe, be sure to test for allergies to its ingredients.

To preserve youth and freshness of the skin, it is not necessary to spend a lot of time and money visiting expensive salons. Ascorbic acid will help restore the beauty of the face with strict, methodical and consistent implementation of the recommendations.

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