An alternative to plastic surgery on the face. Non-surgical facelift: an alternative to surgery. After a facelift

Nobody wants to grow old: many women are ready to do anything to delay the onset of old age. Of course, plastic surgeons will never be out of work, and yet it should be remembered that in our time there is a great alternative to a scalpel - a non-surgical facelift. What is such a procedure?

Varieties of non-surgical lifting

There are four main types of non-surgical facelift . It is difficult to say which of these ways to rejuvenate is better and which is worse - the type of non-surgical facelift should be selected individually in each case. All these methods have their advantages and disadvantages, their side effects and contraindications.

The final decision remains, of course, with the cosmetologist, and yet it is worth having at least a general idea of ​​\u200b\u200bhow to tighten the skin of the face without surgery. These methods include: mesotherapy, thread lifting, thermolifting and deep peeling.


Mesotherapy is the introduction directly into the skin of various compounds that have a beneficial effect on the epidermis. With this method, you can deal with many skin imperfections. If the mesotherapy method is used to tighten the skin of the face, this procedure is called mesolifting.

With the help of thin needles, special preparations based on hyaluronic acid with the addition of vitamins are injected into the epidermis to a depth of one to five millimeters. , trace elements and amino acids. The preparations introduced in this way affect all layers of the skin, accelerate metabolic processes, activate blood circulation, and stimulate skin renewal. As a rule, three to five procedures are enough to achieve a noticeable rejuvenation effect.

After mesotherapy, deep and fine wrinkles are smoothed out, the skin is filled with moisture, it becomes fresh, elastic and young. The undeniable advantages of mesotherapy include the fact that this technique can be combined with other anti-aging procedures, for example, with the introduction of drugs such as Botox or Restylane, peels, microdermabrasion, and even surgical interventions. The effect of the procedures is cumulative: after the course, it is enough to periodically maintain the result. It is important that the method is considered one of the safest.

Mesotherapy should not be done during menstruation, during pregnancy, with blood clotting disorders and with individual intolerance to certain components of the drug. Keep in mind that injections can be quite painful.

Thread lift

This lifting method is recommended for people between the ages of forty and sixty. As we age, the skin becomes flabby and facial tissues sag. To fix them, special threads are inserted under the skin. As a result, the skin is tightened and the face looks much younger. This method is suitable for correcting drooping corners of the lips and nasolabial wrinkles.

The result of a thread lift can last for a long time - about two years. The method is no longer new, so its effectiveness has long been tested. But it should be remembered that this technique is only suitable for a facelift: other skin problems cannot be solved in this way.

A thread lift cannot be done by those who suffer from blood clotting disorders and acute infectious diseases. In addition, the disadvantage of the procedure is its relatively high cost.


Thermal facelift stimulates the production of collagen in the skin. As a result, flabbiness disappears, wrinkles disappear, facial skin is tightened. During the procedure, the skin is exposed to a special device, which raises the temperature in the deep layers of the skin. As a result, collagen fibers contract and tighten, and the skin thus becomes denser, moisturized from the inside, smoothed, and pores narrow. There is no rehabilitation period, the method can be combined with plastic surgery.

Thermolifting also has disadvantages. To achieve a more or less noticeable effect, at least three procedures are required. The technique is by no means cheap, but the result of the procedures is unpredictable: some get younger before our eyes, while others do not notice any effect at all.

This method has a lot of contraindications, which include epilepsy, diabetes mellitus. , oncological diseases, blood clotting disorders, periods of pregnancy and lactation, the presence of active implants, some dermatological diseases.

Deep peeling

One of the most popular methods of non-surgical facelift is deep peeling. This technique allows not only to tighten the skin, but also to get rid of age spots, keratosis, scars and wrinkles. The procedure is performed under anesthesia: a chemical composition is applied to the face, which removes the upper and middle layers of the skin. The procedure is quite traumatic, after which the skin needs recovery within seven to ten days. After that, the skin becomes completely renewed.

Depending on the condition of the skin and the individual characteristics of the body, the doctor determines how many procedures will be needed to rejuvenate it. Peelings have a cumulative effect, which means that with each new procedure, the face looks better and younger. The result is stored for six months - a year, after which the course of procedures can be repeated.

The advantages of this method include its complex effect: pores narrow, complexion improves, pigmentation disappears, the skin becomes smoother, more elastic and hydrated, collagen production increases. Peelings are very effective, and often a single procedure is enough to achieve the desired result.

Disadvantages of the method: a rather long period of rehabilitation and the risk of tissue scarring. This procedure cannot be performed during pregnancy and lactation, with various skin diseases, epilepsy, acute infectious diseases.

Maria Bykova

Every woman wants to keep her youth and beauty. For the sake of this, many despair of surgical intervention, many try to tighten their faces on their own with “grandmother's” methods, while others try to achieve the expected result with a non-surgical facelift in cosmetic clinics.

Modern technologies, discoveries and developments in the field of cosmetology services allow us to offer patients a huge list of ways to combat the first wrinkles and skin aging.

So that you do not get lost in all these methods, we will present the most popular and effective methods.

A non-surgical facelift is an alternative to plastic surgery that eliminates the signs of aging.

Non-surgical lifting is carried out in various ways, the most important and common of the methods are:

  1. Thread lift;
  2. Ultrasonic lifting;
  3. Circular lift;
  4. Endoscopic lift;
  5. Masks.

We will analyze the advantages and features of all of the above methods.

Non-surgical thread lift and other ways to restore youth

This method has become widespread due to its action. This procedure partially smooths out the signs of aging by fixing tissues. As a result of this procedure, the muscles of the face and neck are tightened and fixed, in addition, excess fat deposits are removed.

Flabbiness disappears, the skin changes outwardly and looks healthier and younger, which visually rejuvenates by 10-15 years! Mostly threads are used by women whose age ranges from 40 to 70 years.

Thin threads made from a special material are inserted through the soft layers of the skin. The essence of this method is to hold tissues on the face that have lost their elasticity and aged over time. Microscopic protrusions are applied along the entire length of the thread at a special angle.

They allow you to group and shift soft tissues, lifting them in the right place, and then securely fix them. Basically, the duration of such a procedure takes about 20-30 minutes. After such a tightening, the skin does not need long-term rehabilitation.

Advantages of this procedure:

  • Proven efficiency;
  • Effective and fast result;
  • No scars;
  • Saving the result for 2 years.


  • Cost (about 25-40 thousand rubles);
  • Limited spectrum of action (provides only a tightening);
  • Not suitable for thin skin with a large amount of subcutaneous fat;
  • Rare manifestations of pain.

Circular lift

Sagging areas of the soft tissues of the chin, neck and face are eliminated by a circular facelift, making these areas more attractive by improving the oval. The technique of performing a circular lift is very difficult, which is why this operation should be performed by a qualified and experienced surgeon.

The location of the incisions and the subsequent method of performing the operation depends on the preference of the surgeon and on the condition of the patient's face.

Basically, the surgeon makes an incision in the temporal part of the face, then goes along the natural folds, bending around the ear in front. Finishes the incision in the back of the face, thereby making postoperative scars more invisible.

After the surgeon stops the incision, he will begin to peel off the skin and muscle, while removing excess fatty deposits. After this stage is completed, muscle plastic surgery is performed, and then excess skin is removed.

Endoscopic lift

An endoscopic facelift is similar to the circular method, which also performs subtle incisions, but not in the temporal part of the face, but in the scalp.

Such an operation is not performed manually, but using special endoscopic equipment.

The duration of an endoscopic facelift is generally about 3 hours. In this case, endotracheal anesthesia or general anesthesia is used.

As a rule, after the completion of the procedure, the patients are in hospitals, under the supervision of doctors for several days.

What are the benefits of an endoscopic facelift?

  1. Removes vertical wrinkles on the cheeks;
  2. Folds and wrinkles in the forehead, bridge of the nose, necks, cheekbones and temples;
  3. Nasolabial folds and sagging tissues in the neck area disappear;
  4. The second chin disappears;
  5. Sagging areas disappear.


  1. Painful sensations for several days;
  2. Increased level of risk;
  3. You can return to your daily lifestyle after two weeks;
  4. Constant physical activity for 4 weeks;
  5. The result can be assessed only after 2 months.

Ultrasonic lifting

Ultrasonic facelift is the impact of high-precision and directed ultrasound into the deep layers of the skin, namely into the superficial musculoaponeurotic system, which is responsible for tightened facial contours and for its elasticity.

Ultrasonic lifting allows you to:

  1. Improve the quality of the skin to even out its relief;
  2. Tighten the muscles on the neck;
  3. Get rid of "flews" along the contour of the lower jaw;
  4. Tighten the skin of the face without a long rehabilitation.

The main distinguishing and positive quality of the ultrasound method is that the result can be maintained for 6-8 years. The secret of ultrasonic rejuvenation is to warm up the face before the procedure. The massage is carried out strictly along the lines, which will be further processed by ultrasonic equipment in order to ensure the most natural tension of the superficial musculoaponeurotic system.

The ultrasound method is absolutely safe and does not injure the skin, helping to avoid various burns and other long-term complications in the form of swelling.

Many women, afraid to cross the threshold of pain, use face masks for lifting, as they help eliminate mimic wrinkles, restore elasticity, adjust the contour and smooth the skin of the face, and also improve collagen synthesis.

In women over 35 years old, the skin becomes dull and dry, loses elasticity and sags, many seek help from clinics, while others try to regain their former beauty with anti-aging masks. Take a course of masks in the clinic or try to make them yourself - it's up to you.

Wrinkles appeared, and it seems that old age is just around the corner. How to delay the departure of youth? Many are saved by a circular facelift. How effective is it, how is it done, how much does it cost? Is there an alternative for those who don't want to go under the knife? This article will provide answers.

Hello, my darlings! Svetlana Morozova is with you. Today I'm talking about a popular way to combat aging - a circular facelift. You will learn how plastic surgery works, what its essence is, what complications can be, and how a facelift is performed without surgery. Go!

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Circular Facelift: The Basics

A circular facelift is a surgical removal of stretched skin in order to smooth out not yet very deep wrinkles and skin folds.

The classic scheme: the skin is cut along the hairline at the temples and at the back of the head, in front of the ear and behind it, under the chin, then it is separated from the muscles and subcutaneous fat, stretched, cut off the excess, the contours of the incision are combined and sutures are applied. All this, of course, with anesthesia - no pain is felt during the operation.

Sometimes a circular plastic is done together with an SMAS lift - sagging muscles are trimmed and tightened along with the skin. Such a combined operation is carried out in order to eliminate already pronounced changes: sagging cheeks (flaws), a second chin.

Types of circular lifting

Usually, for plastic surgery, the face is figuratively divided into 3 problem areas: upper, middle and lower.

In the case of circular plastic surgery, the lift affects all 3 zones at once. However, if in some area the changes are more pronounced, then emphasis is placed on it:

  • Lifting of the upper zone. This is the forehead, eyebrows, eyelids, temples. Lifting of the temporal zone and eyebrows is called temparoplasty, and the eyelids are called blepharoplasty. Here, endoscopic lifting is most often performed: in order to make the seams almost invisible, they operate through small punctures using a microscopic video camera that displays the image on the screen.
  • Mid zone lift. This is the skin under the eyes, nose, cheeks, cheekbones,. A small incision is made under the lower eyelid, through which the tissues are pulled up vertically. There are other names for such median plastics - check-lifting or midface.
  • Tightening of the lower zone. Here, work is carried out on the area of ​​​​the chin and neck, jowls, lower lip. Here, either endoscopic access, or several incisions are made under the chin along the contour and along the lower hairline. Pull-up threads are passed through the incisions and they are fixed in the desired position of the chin tissue.

A circular facelift is performed in several ways:

  • Classic scalpel operation. I talked about how it is done above: they give anesthesia, excise excess skin and sew it in the right position. Here it is necessary to go to the hospital - a few days after the operation (on average 5) the patient is observed, the necessary medicines are administered to him and a clean bandage is applied daily.

The cost of the operation is decent - from 100 to 600 thousand rubles.

  • Thread lifting. This operation is usually performed without general anesthesia - with local anesthesia. Special threads are threaded through small incisions, a special frame is formed from them, which will support the tissues. The incisions are then sutured. The whole procedure lasts an average of an hour, and after 4 hours you can go home.

The price ranges from 10 to 200 thousand rubles.

  • Tightening by radio waves. This operation does not require incisions and punctures, but it may take up to 3 sessions. The tissues are heated by electromagnetic waves, resulting in microburns, due to which the skin is tightened. All under local anesthesia.

The issue price is 3-50 thousand rubles.

  • Laser lifting. The laser acts similarly to radio waves - it penetrates deep into the skin and forms microtraumas of the fibers. This provokes the body to intensively produce collagen and tightens the tissues.

Such a procedure costs about 10-100 thousand.

The last two methods are considered the safest among plastic surgeries, since they do not require incisions and stitches, and the recovery period is faster.

The results of any plastic surgery do not last forever - the effect lasts an average of 5-10 years, since the causes of tissue sagging (impaired blood circulation and tissue metabolism, poor outflow with lymph, muscle spasms) are not eliminated. Everything is camouflaged on the outside.

Carrying out a circular tightening

  • "Blurred" contours of the face;
  • Double chin and flabby neck;
  • Sagging cheeks (not only age-related, but also after a strong and);
  • Pronounced nasolabial folds;
  • Hanging eyebrows and eyelids;
  • Downturned corners of the eyes and lips;
  • General laxity of the skin of the face and neck.

However, not everyone can solve this with plastic surgery. If any of these problems is not congenital, then it is better not to do the operation until the age of 35. At this age, all changes can still be eliminated by careful self-care and regular.

There are also strict contraindications:

  • Pregnancy and lactation period;
  • Exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • Oncology;
  • Any tumors;
  • Blood clotting disorders;
  • Endocrine disorders (diabetes mellitus, hypothyroidism, goiter);
  • Infection (flu, bronchitis, hepatitis, tuberculosis, syphilis, malaria, etc.);
  • Hypertension of 2 degrees and above;
  • The presence of a pacemaker, metal braces and prostheses after surgery;
  • Tendency to keloids - scars from connective tissues.

Therefore, before carrying out a circular facelift, the patient undergoes a comprehensive examination. What does it include:

  • General blood and urine tests;
  • liver test;
  • prothrombin index;
  • Blood for glucose;
  • Blood for prolactin;
  • Bacterial swabs;
  • Wasserman reaction;
  • Ultrasound of the pelvic organs;
  • Mammography;
  • Examination by a gynecologist.

Additional consultations or laboratory tests may be prescribed.

On the day of the operation, you must also follow strict rules:

  1. Do not eat or drink. The operation is performed on an empty stomach, mostly in the morning.
  2. Do not smoke for at least 6 hours before surgery.
  3. Do not drink alcohol 2 days before the operation.
  4. Remove all makeup, do not apply cream and do not use hair styling products.
  5. Take a shower the night before and wash your hair thoroughly.
  6. The day before the operation, do not take anticoagulants - drugs that thin the blood.
  7. Sometimes you need to give up tanning for 2 weeks, usually this is necessary with a laser lift.

After a facelift

After the operation, there is rehabilitation - a period when you need to follow special rules and be observed by a doctor. Depending on the type of operation, this is from 3 weeks to six months.

During this time, it is forbidden to sunbathe, physically strain, go to baths and saunas, drink alcohol and do not smoke. Even swimming in pools and open water is better to limit.

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As reviews show, unpleasant complications often occur:

  • Scars and scars;
  • Hematomas;
  • tumors;
  • Divergence of seams;
  • infections;
  • Damage to the facial nerve;
  • Omission of the eyelid;
  • Facial asymmetry;
  • Numbness of tissues, violation of their sensitivity and mobility.

Using the stars as an example, we see that a person in a before and after photo can change beyond recognition, and not for the better. Instead of a face - a stretched mask, devoid of attractiveness.

Is it worth the risk if you can tighten your face without a plastic surgeon? For this, there is a healthy alternative - special exercises for the face.

Circular lifting without surgery

Why does everyone have a face? The same reason why someone in their 20s has a saggy figure and cellulite, although they look slim. And someone even at 50 is fit, with strong muscles and elastic skin.

And of course, do not forget that many problems can be avoided by doing anti-aging exercises for the face. I recommend my set of exercises. It must be done every day, for five or ten minutes. I have tried all the techniques given in it on myself and vouch for the result.

5-10 minutes and after 2 weeks a visible result - such a circular facelift can compete with any plastic surgery. All exercises can be done independently, at home and at any convenient time.

Many are already happy with the result. Try it too! Click the link to join.

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RF facelift is a real alternative to a circular facelift. At a certain age, every woman, even regularly visiting a beautician, undergoing all the necessary rejuvenation procedures, still thinks about the need for a facelift.

The basis of our skin - collagen and elastin fibers stretch and lengthen with age, due to which the skin becomes flabby, wrinkles appear. And under the influence of gravity, the muscles weaken, their elasticity decreases, due to which the oval of the face inevitably “creeps” down.

In the past, the only solution was facelift surgery. But not everyone could decide on it. Firstly, in today's busy rhythm of life, it is almost impossible to find time for an operation with hospitalization and rehabilitation. Secondly, it’s just scary: the need to go under the surgeon’s knife under general anesthesia scares me. And thirdly, an equally important factor is the change in facial features, which after the operation may be noticed by others and which, perhaps, you simply will not like.

The developers of the innovative BodyTite platform took into account these three main problems with traditional plastic surgery and opened a new procedure for the beauty industry - FaceTite radiofrequency facelift (done using a special nozzle for the BodyTite device).

Every day, you look in the mirror and no longer hope for a miracle? After thirty, the contour of the face loses its clarity. The traces of time become more visible... You can turn back time! The innovative technique Silhouette Lift (Silhouette Lift) is able to return the face to its former features - that smile and freshness, which are so lacking.

This technique is designed for women and men who want to look young, but are not ready for the risks of major surgery under general anesthesia, pain, extensive swelling and prolonged seclusion.

suits them Silhouette Elevator, because it:

  • 45 minute outpatient procedure;
  • local anesthesia;
  • recovery in 2 - 3 days;
  • natural result for a long time.

Speaking about the long-term result, it is necessary to soberly assess the possibilities of the Silhouette Lift technology and understand that none of the methods that exist today can stop the natural aging process. The results of a facelift according to the Silhouette Lift method are preserved for 2-4 years, depending on the individual characteristics and lifestyle of the patient. But the possibilities Silhouette Elevator are not limited to this period.

The technology allows you to make repeated “lifts” of facial tissues using threads implanted several years ago. 10-15 minutes and you're done!

Silhouette Lift helps to cope with the asymmetry of the face. This is the optimal solution for people suffering from facial paralysis (such as Bell's palsy).

The essence of the technique

Silhouette Lift- a new technology for the correction of facial soft tissues using a unique system of threads with fixing elements - microcones made of absorbable material. Microcones securely fix the threads subcutaneously, and the tension of the threads ensures the return of soft tissues to the correct position. Gradually dissolving, the cones are overgrown with connective tissue, which finally fixes the tissues, fixing the result.

Threads are made of polypropylene, a material that is biologically compatible with the human body and has been used in cardiovascular and eye surgery for many years.

System Silhouette Lift) is the only method of non-surgical lifting that has been approved and recommended for use by the US Federal Food and Drug Administration (FOOD & DRUG Administration FDA). In addition, the technology has a quality certificate of the European Union.

How is the lifting procedure performed?

The procedure is performed under local anesthesia and lasts 45 minutes. The threads (usually four on each side) are inserted through a microscopic incision in the scalp of the temporal region and, using a special needle, are passed through the subcutaneous layer in directions that smooth the nasolabial fold, raise the angle of the mouth and raise the cheek area (so-called jowls).

After removing the needle, the threads are fixed in the subcutaneous layer due to microcones that prevent them from slipping back, and are pulled up. In this case, the tissues are shifted upward to a position characteristic of a young facial contour. Then the threads are fixed in the microaccess zone in the subcutaneous layer of the temporal region.

Operation result

In contrast to the classic facelift, which sometimes leads to the so-called "stretched" appearance of the face, the correction using Silhouette Lift threads rejuvenates the face without changing its natural features. Soft tissues simply return to their original position at a young age. After the Silhouette Lift procedure, the patient looks like in his old photographs. Immediately after the correction, you can see how younger the face is. Its contours acquire a clear outline, the nasolabial folds are smoothed out, the corners of the mouth rise, the "second" chin disappears. There are no visible scars or any other traces of the operation on the face.

rehabilitation period

The procedure does not require hospitalization, the patient remains under medical supervision for 1-2 hours, after which he can go home. Typically, patients return to their normal daily routine 2 to 3 days after surgery.

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