Belching. Eructations of air, after eating, sour, with a rotten smell. Causes of belching. Diagnosis of the causes of belching. What to do at home and how to treat the causes of belching? Causes of belching food after eating and its treatment

To determine the height, frequency, and duration of gastroesophageal refluxes, patients with GERD undergo intraesophageal pH-metry. It also helps to determine the level of acidity of the contents of the stomach thrown into the esophagus. The severity of gastroesophageal reflux disease is determined by endoscopic examination ( esophagogastroduodenoscopy) esophagus. This study allows you to establish various pathological changes ( swelling and redness of the mucous membrane of the esophagus, ulcers, erosion, scars, etc.) on the mucosa of the esophagus.

With this pathology, heartburn, sour eructation, pain behind the sternum, nausea, vomiting, bloating, loss of appetite, sensation of a lump in the throat are most often observed. Pain sensations, which are mainly localized behind the sternum, can radiate ( spread) to neighboring anatomical areas - the left shoulder, arm, back, neck.

To confirm the diagnosis of hiatal hernia, such patients undergo contrast radiography, intraesophageal pH-metry, esophagomanometry, and endoscopic examination of the esophagus. Contrast radiography reveals pathological displacement of organs from the abdominal cavity to the chest. Intraesophageal pH can confirm the presence of gastroesophageal refluxes and characterize them ( duration, frequency, pitch).

Esophagomanometry is performed to assess the functioning of esophageal peristalsis, which can be impaired with such a hernia. Endoscopic examination of the esophagus is necessary to identify pathological processes in its mucous membrane and assess the degree of its damage.

In addition to sour belching and heartburn, scleroderma may have other signs that indicate damage to the gastrointestinal system, such as dysphagia ( swallowing disorder), pain behind the sternum, in the abdomen, sensation of a lump in the throat, nausea, vomiting, weight loss, bloating.

Also, with scleroderma, patients may experience other symptoms, since scleroderma affects not only the gastrointestinal system. They can be pain in the joints, in the muscles, in the lower back, in the region of the heart, shortness of breath, cough, hoarseness, palpitations, pathological changes in the skin ( swelling, induration, whitening, etc.) and etc.

Scleroderma is characterized by leukocytosis ( an increase in the number of leukocytes in the blood), anemia ( decrease in the number of red blood cells in the blood) and an increase in ESR ( ) in the general blood test. From laboratory tests, such patients are also prescribed an immunological blood test for the presence of antinuclear factor, antibodies to the centromere and to Scl-70. Pathological changes occurring in the esophagus, stomach or intestines with scleroderma can be detected using contrast fluoroscopy and endoscopic examination of these organs.

In non-atrophic gastritis, patients usually have pain in the middle of the abdomen or in the epigastric region ( the area of ​​the abdomen below the sternum), belching sour, heartburn, nausea, vomiting. The pain syndrome most often appears when eating and does not have a seasonal character. The pain may be mild aching or, conversely, acute cramping. Pain can also appear on an empty stomach, however, in such cases, they are usually less pronounced.

For the diagnosis of non-atrophic gastritis, instrumental ( esophagogastroduodenoscopy, intragastric pH-metry) and laboratory ( cytological, immunological, microbiological, genetic) research methods. Esophagogastroduodenoscopy is an endoscopic examination that allows the doctor to visually assess the severity of inflammatory processes on the surface of the gastric mucosa. With non-atrophic gastritis, the gastric mucosa is usually shiny, red, slightly swollen, it may have small hemorrhages, erosions, fibrin.

Intragastric pH-metry is necessary to assess the level of acidity inside the stomach. In non-atrophic gastritis, acidity is often increased. During esophagogastroduodenoscopy, a piece of the mucous membrane of his stomach can be taken from the patient ( i.e. a biopsy). This piece of tissue is then taken to the laboratory and examined ( using genetic, cytological, biochemical, microbiological methods) for the presence of harmful bacteria ( helicobacter pylori), which are most often the cause of non-atrophic gastritis. It is also possible to conduct an immunological blood test for the presence of antibodies ( protective protein molecules circulating in the blood) to Helicobacter pylori.

The main symptom of a stomach ulcer is pain in the upper abdomen. If the ulcer is localized in the cardiac or fundic ( fundus of the stomach) parts of the stomach, then pain occurs immediately after eating. If the pain syndrome develops after eating ( after 30 - 60 minutes), and then increases and gradually decreases within 1.5 - 2.5 hours, this indicates the presence of a stomach ulcer in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bhis body.

If abdominal pain occurs 1.5 - 2 hours after eating, this means that the ulcer is located in the pyloric part of the stomach. Sometimes, with ulcers of the pyloric part of the stomach, pain syndrome can develop a little later - 2.5 - 4 hours after the next meal. The intensity of pain is always individual and largely depends on the size and location of the ulcer. Pain that occurs with a stomach ulcer can radiate ( spread) to different areas of the body ( left shoulder, shoulder blade, spine, lower back, etc.). Painful sensations can often be combined with other symptoms - nausea, vomiting, sour belching, heartburn, loss of appetite, heaviness in the abdomen.

The main instrumental methods that are used in the diagnosis of gastric ulcers are esophagogastroduodenoscopy, intragastric pH-metry, contrast fluoroscopy. Using intragastric pH-metry, the patient determines the acidity in his stomach. In a contrast fluoroscopy, the patient is given a small amount of radiopaque to drink ( contrast), and then X-rayed through his body in order to reveal how this substance passes through the gastrointestinal tract. Getting on the walls of the stomach, the radiopaque substance envelops them and, thereby, shows the shape of the stomach. In the presence of an ulcer in the wall of the stomach, the contrast agent lingers there. On the picture ( radiograph) it looks like a niche.

Esophagogastroduodenoscopy is a much more informative method for diagnosing gastric ulcers than contrast fluoroscopy, as it allows you to visually detect an ulcer, reliably assess its size, the presence of complications, and characterize the state of the gastric mucosa.

To detect Helicobacter pylori, which is a common cause of gastric ulcers, during endoscopic examination of the stomach ( esophagogastroduodenoscopy) do a biopsy of his mucous membrane ( that is, they take a piece of it). Further, the pathological material is delivered to the laboratory and tested by various methods ( biochemical, genetic, bacteriological) for the presence of this pathogenic bacterium.

Stenosis of the pylorus of the stomach is characterized by the appearance of pain in the abdomen after eating, belching sour, heartburn, nausea, vomiting, feeling of fullness in the abdomen. Vomiting often brings relief to the patient. There may also be weight loss, exhaustion, dehydration, headache, dizziness, malaise, blanching of the skin.

Esophagogastroduodenoscopy and contrast fluoroscopy help to confirm the diagnosis. The first method allows you to visually see the blockage of the pylorus of the stomach, to establish the cause ( the presence of adhesions, tumors). The second method can also reveal the presence of stenosis of the pylorus of the stomach, which during the study will be evidenced by a slowdown in the evacuation capacity of the stomach, an increase in its size, a narrowing of its pyloric section and a violation of its peristalsis.

Diagnosis of the causes of belching bitterness

Bitter belching may be associated with other important symptoms such as heartburn, abdominal pain ( at its top), bloating, weight loss, nausea, vomiting, pain in the chest, a feeling of fullness in the stomach, loss of appetite. All these symptoms are not specific to any disease, but indicate a violation of the gastrointestinal system.

In addition to asking the patient about his complaints, it is also important to find out from him certain anamnestic data regarding the chronic diseases he suffered in the past ( gastritis, peptic ulcer, cholecystitis, pancreatitis, etc.), operations ( in the stomach, intestines, gallbladder, etc.), bad habits ( smoking, drinking alcohol), lifestyle ( improper diet, hypodynamia), which, to one degree or another, could cause bitterness to burp.

Also important is the clinical examination of the patient and, in particular, palpation, which allows the doctor to determine the exact area of ​​pain. If the disease that causes bitter belching affects the stomach or duodenum ( for example, gastritis, duodenitis, peptic ulcer, etc.), then the pain is usually localized in the upper central part of the abdomen, just below the sternum. Pain can also occur on the right side of the upper abdomen. The presence of such pain and bitter belching most often indicates a pathology of the biliary tract ( cholelithiasis, cholecystitis, biliary dyskinesia, Vater's papilla tumor, etc.).

With duodenostasis ( stagnation of the contents of the duodenum, as a result of a violation of its patency) by palpation ( and visually) it is possible to detect bloating in the area of ​​the projection of the duodenum, as well as in the area of ​​the stomach.

Detect duodenogastric and gastroesophageal reflux can be done using contrast fluoroscopy and esophagogastroduodenoscopy. The same methods in most cases, allow you to identify the cause ( abnormal peristalsis, disruption of the lower esophageal sphincter or pylorus, the presence of duodenostasis) occurrence of such refluxes. Endoscopic research method ( esophagogastroduodenoscopy) is also necessary to assess the state of the mucous membranes of the esophagus, stomach, intestines and detect pathological changes on them ( ulcers, erosions, tumors, scars, etc.).

In the presence of duodenostasis, esophagogastroduodenoscopy allows the doctor to find out its cause, that is, to detect tumors, foreign bodies, adhesions in the intestinal lumen ( adhesions), helminths, which can simply block the intestinal lumen and disrupt the normal outflow of its contents into the following sections of the small intestine. If the cause of duodenostasis could not be determined using esophagogastroduodenoscopy, then the patient is prescribed computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging.

To confirm the presence of duodenogastric and gastroesophageal refluxes, intraesophageal and intragastric pH-metry is used. These studies allow you to assess the level of acidity in the esophagus and in the stomach, respectively. In addition to them, cholecystography and ultrasound may be prescribed to assess the condition of the gallbladder and biliary tract.

Diagnosis of the causes of belching with a rotten smell

With atrophic gastritis, patients usually experience a decrease in appetite, belching with a rotten odor, an unpleasant taste in the mouth, a feeling of heaviness after eating in the abdomen, bloating, unstable stools, malaise, headache, dizziness, blanching of the skin, shortness of breath, weakness, decreased ability to work. The pain syndrome is not typical for this disease, but sometimes it still appears in the form of unexpressed, pulling, dull pain in the epigastric region ( the area of ​​the abdomen below the sternum).

During esophagogastroduodenoscopy, a patient may reveal some pathological changes on the surface of his mucous membrane ( blanching, thinning, smoothness of the relief). Also, this study is necessary to take a section of stomach tissue for further laboratory examinations, which can reveal certain morphological changes characteristic of atrophic gastritis ( the death of the glands of the gastric mucosa, a significant decrease in the number of epithelial cells inside it, the growth of connective tissue, etc.).

In addition, laboratory methods biochemical, genetic, bacteriological, etc.) it is possible to detect the presence of Helicobacter pylori in the gastric mucosa. Thus, esophagogastroduodenoscopy allows assessing the condition of the gastric mucosa and suspecting its atrophy, and laboratory tests are necessary to confirm the diagnosis and establish the etiological cause of atrophic gastritis.

Also important in the diagnosis of atrophic gastritis is intragastric pH-metry. It allows you to determine the level of acidity in the stomach, assess the severity of the pathology and choose the necessary treatment tactics.

Chronic pancreatitis is accompanied by pain in the abdomen, belching with a rotten smell ( sometimes it can be odorless), nausea, vomiting, flatulence ( bloating), loss of appetite, weight loss, rumbling in the abdomen, heartburn, diarrhea ( diarrhea). Pain in this disease can appear in the epigastric region, in the navel or in the left hypochondrium. Sometimes they are encircling. Pain may radiate spread) in the left shoulder, shoulder blade, in the region of the heart or the left corner of the abdomen ( left iliac region). The appearance or intensification of pain in chronic pancreatitis is usually associated with food intake ( pain occurs 30-60 minutes after eating).

To assess the state of the pancreas, determine its size, shape and detect possible pathological changes ( sclerosis, tumor, cyst, etc.) inside it, the patient is prescribed ultrasound, computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging. To study the function and condition of the major papilla ( the area where the common bile duct and pancreatic duct opens into the duodenum) in the duodenum, esophagogastroduodenoscopy is used.

In a general blood test in chronic pancreatitis, leukocytosis can be detected ( an increase in the number of leukocytes in the blood), anemia ( decrease in the number of red blood cells and hemoglobin), an increase in ESR ( erythrocyte sedimentation rate). In a biochemical blood test with this pathology, an increase in the level of glucose in the blood, an increase in the activity of alpha-amylase, lipase, trypsin, alkaline phosphatase, gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase ( GGTP), a decrease in the amount of total protein, albumin, blood coagulation factors, pancreatic hormones ( somatostatin, insulin, glucagon).

Fecal analysis can detect large amounts of undigested or partially digested food. It has a high fat content steatorrhea), muscle and connective fibers ( creatorrhoea) and starch ( amylorrhea).

With stomach cancer, pain in the upper abdomen, nausea, vomiting, heartburn, belching with a rotten odor, loss of appetite, body weight, a feeling of heaviness and discomfort in the abdomen after eating, an unpleasant taste in the mouth, headache, dizziness, decreased ability to work can occur. , unstable stool, bloating, weakness, fever, swallowing disorder, jaundice, enlargement of the liver and spleen in size, swelling in the legs and arms, blanching of the skin.

Gastric cancer is diagnosed based on the results of radiation, endoscopic and laboratory research methods. The main radiation methods used in the diagnosis of stomach cancer are computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging, contrast fluoroscopy and ultrasound.

It is important in such patients to conduct esophagogastroduodenoscopy. This method allows not only to detect a volumetric formation in the stomach cavity, as radiation research methods do, but also to conduct a biopsy ( take a piece) tumor tissue. Biopsy ( a piece of tumor tissue taken during a biopsy) is then delivered to the laboratory for cytological examination, which can confirm the presence of a tumor and determine its type.

Treatment of causes of belching

All pathologies that cause belching are, in the vast majority of cases, treated with medication. In some cases ( such as aerophagia Doctors don't prescribe them at all. Surgical treatment is used very rarely and only if the patient has a severe disease of the gastrointestinal system ( tumor of the stomach, intestines, hiatal hernia, etc.). Since there are several types of belching ( belching sour, belching bitter, etc.), then for convenience, all treatment of the causes of belching can be divided into categories or sections.

There are the following sections of the treatment of the causes of belching:
  • treatment of the causes of belching with air;
  • treatment of the causes of belching sour and heartburn;
  • treatment of the causes of belching bitterness;
  • treatment of causes of belching with a rotten smell.

Treatment of the causes of belching with air

There is no specific medical treatment for aerophagia. To get rid of belching with air, the patient should adhere to certain rules for eating. It is necessary to use it in small portions 4-6 times a day. At the same time, you need to eat slowly. Do not talk while eating. Carbonated drinks, products containing menthol should be excluded from the diet ( mint), coffee, chocolate, heavily seasoned meat products ( sausages, sausages), citrus fruit.

It is advisable not to eat dry food. If this has to be done, then it must be washed down with a sufficient amount of liquid. It is recommended to stop smoking, use chewing gum, drink alcohol. If the patient's belching of air is a symptom of a disease of the gastrointestinal system ( gastritis, gastric ulcer, hiatal hernia, etc.), it should be cured with appropriate treatment.

Patients with psychiatric and neurological disorders are sometimes prescribed sedatives ( sedatives) and antidepressants. It is important for such patients to control the swallowing act - less often swallow saliva or sputum, it is better to spit them out, mentally suppress belching, and also avoid stressful and conflict situations.

Treating Causes of Sour Belching and Heartburn

Treatment of the causes of sour belching and heartburn includes conservative and surgical methods. Conservative treatment consists of prescribing a special diet to the patient, which relieves the digestive tract a little and medications.

Surgical intervention in the treatment of heartburn and acid regurgitation is used quite rarely. It can be prescribed, for example, for a hernia of the esophageal opening of the diaphragm or for stenosis of the pylorus of the stomach.

Gastroesophageal reflux disease
Treatment of gastroesophageal reflux disease consists of general therapeutic measures and drug treatment. General therapeutic measures include the usual recommendations that the doctor gives to the patient before prescribing medication. They relate to the observance of a certain diet ( split meals, food should be consumed at least 3 - 4 hours before bedtime, hot and cold drinks should be avoided), lifestyle ( smoking cessation, exercise, weight loss diets, etc.), exclusion from the diet of certain foods ( coffee, chocolate, tomatoes, citrus fruits, sweets, alcohol, smoked sausages, etc.).

The patient is prohibited from taking drugs that help relax the lower esophageal sphincter ( calcium antagonists, nitrates, antidepressants, etc.), as well as those that have a damaging effect on the mucous membrane of the esophagus ( non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, potassium preparations, etc.).

Antisecretory agents, antacids, and prokinetics are usually prescribed as medical treatment for such patients. The first two groups of drugs are prescribed to reduce the production of hydrochloric acid in the stomach ( antisecretory drugs) and decrease in acidity in the stomach ( antacids and antisecretory drugs). Prokinetics are prescribed to improve motility in the gastrointestinal system.

hiatal hernia
The choice of treatment method depends on the severity of the pathology. In mild clinical cases, medication is prescribed to block the aggressive effect of gastric juice on the esophageal mucosa. For this, antisecretory drugs and antacids are prescribed. In addition to them, prokinetics are sometimes prescribed, which stimulate peristalsis in the gastrointestinal tract. Medical treatment, in most cases, is compensatory. It cannot completely cure a patient from a hernia of the esophageal opening of the diaphragm, but only removes or reduces the intensity of its symptoms.

In some cases, drug treatment may not be effective. Then they resort to surgical intervention, the purpose of which is to restore the normal anatomical position of the organs in the chest and abdominal cavities. That is, in simple words, the movement of the abdominal organs ( lower esophagus, stomach, intestines) into place and strengthening the esophageal opening of the diaphragm to prevent recurrence ( repetition) hernia.

The main groups of drugs that are used in the treatment of scleroderma are immunosuppressants ( suppress immune responses) and glucocorticoids ( steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs). As an additional treatment, the doctor may prescribe antisecretory drugs ( reduce the production of hydrochloric acid in the stomach), antacids ( neutralize hydrochloric acid) and prokinetics ( stimulate motility in the gastrointestinal system).

Additional treatment is symptomatic and is aimed at eliminating the negative effect of gastric contents on the mucosa of the esophagus in gastroesophageal ( gastroesophageal) refluxes that appear with scleroderma and cause acid belching and heartburn.

Non-atrophic gastritis
With non-atrophic gastritis, fractional nutrition is prescribed, foods that irritate the gastric mucosa are excluded from the diet ( salty, peppery, fatty, marinades, smoked dishes, etc.). The patient's food for his diet should be prepared by boiling, parsing or baking. It is not recommended to use fried, canned food, various sauces ( mayonnaise, ketchup, mustard, etc.), alcohol, coffee, pastry products, carbonated water, some dairy products ( kefir, milk, sour cream).

In addition to the diet, patients with such gastritis are prescribed medication. It consists of antisecretory drugs that suppress the secretion of gastric juice in the stomach and antacids ( neutralize hydrochloric acid and pepsin, and also protect the gastric mucosa). Gastroprotectors may also be prescribed ( agents that envelop and protect the gastric mucosa) and antibiotics. Antibiotics are prescribed if Helicobacter pylori was detected in the stomach using laboratory tests.

stomach ulcer
For stomach ulcers, a no food diet is prescribed ( salted, peppered, smoked, fried, canned, etc.), which irritates the intestinal mucosa and causes increased secretion of gastric juice. All food is recommended to be steamed or boiled. Since gastric ulcer in 90 - 95% of cases is associated with infection with Helicobacter pylori, the basis for the treatment of this disease is the appointment of antibiotics. To reduce the formation of gastric juice in the stomach, antisecretory drugs are prescribed. To increase the protective properties of the gastric mucosa, gastroprotectors and antacids are prescribed.

Stenosis of the pylorus of the stomach
With pyloric stenosis, surgery is necessary to eliminate its cause and restore normal patency between the two sections of the gastrointestinal system - the stomach and small intestine.

Treatment of the causes of belching bitterness

Various groups of drugs are used to treat the causes of belching with bitterness. The choice of each group depends on the cause itself. However, in most of these cases, antacids are prescribed ( neutralize hydrochloric acid), antisecretory drugs ( reduce the formation of hydrochloric acid in the stomach), bile acid inhibitors ( bind free bile), prokinetics ( improve gastric and intestinal motility). If belching with bitterness is caused by dyskinesia of the bile ducts, then in such cases cholagogues and antispasmodics are prescribed. These drugs improve the flow of bile into the duodenum from the biliary tract.

Atrophic gastritis
If atrophic gastritis was caused by Helicobacter pylori, then various antibiotics are prescribed. For autoimmune atrophic gastritis, etiotropic treatment has not been developed to date. Also, with atrophic gastritis, anti-inflammatory drugs of plant origin are prescribed ( infusion of St. John's wort, plantain, chamomile, etc.), vitamins and replacement therapy, that is, drugs that include components of gastric juice.

Chronic pancreatitis
In chronic pancreatitis, a patient can be prescribed a large number of various drugs, due to the fact that in this pathology there are many disorders both in the gastrointestinal system and beyond.

For the treatment of chronic pancreatitis, the following groups of drugs are used:

  • Analgesics. Analgesics or pain relievers ( baralgin, analgin, promedol, etc.) is prescribed to eliminate the pain syndrome that appears in chronic pancreatitis.
  • antienzymatic drugs. Since in chronic pancreatitis, the pancreas' own enzymes damage its tissue, their inhibitors are prescribed ( antienzymatic drugs) - contrykal, aprotinin, gordox.
  • Antisecretory drugs. One of the important stimulants of pancreatic secretion is gastric juice, therefore, for the successful treatment of chronic pancreatitis, it is necessary to reduce its secretion in the stomach, for which, in fact, antisecretory drugs are prescribed ( lansoprazole, omeprazole, etc.).
  • Enzymes of the pancreas. Since exocrine pancreatic insufficiency is present in chronic pancreatitis, substitution therapy in the form of drugs is prescribed for it (

    Why is belching accompanied by heaviness in the abdomen?

    In some cases, belching can be combined with heaviness in the abdomen. This is usually seen in diseases gastric cancer, atrophic gastritis, hiatal hernia, chronic pancreatitis, etc.), accompanied by a violation of the movement of food through the gastrointestinal system. With these diseases, food stagnates in the stomach and intestines, as a result of which intracavitary pressure increases in these organs ( i.e. pressure inside the body).

    High pressure affects the nerve endings that innervate the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines, which causes the patient to feel a feeling of heaviness in the abdomen. These two symptoms can also occur if a person does not have any pathology in the gastrointestinal system. This often occurs with a combination of overeating and aerophagia ( that is, swallowing excess air at the time of eating), as well as when drinking large amounts of carbonated water.

    Why does my upper abdomen hurt when I burp?

    Pain in the upper abdomen during belching most often indicates the presence of a pathology in the patient in the gastrointestinal system. If this pathology of the stomach, then the pain in the upper abdomen, in most cases, is caused by damage and inflammation of its mucous membrane, which often occurs with a tumor or stomach ulcer, gastritis ( inflammation of the stomach lining). If it is a pathology of the duodenum ( for example, tumor, intestinal ulcer, duodenitis, etc.), then pain in such cases is provoked by damage to its mucous membrane and stretching of its wall.

    With gastroesophageal reflux disease, hiatal hernia and scleroderma, the esophageal mucosa is damaged as a result of the reflux of gastric contents into the esophagus, which has an aggressive effect on it. Such a lesion is often accompanied by pain and burning at the top of the abdomen and behind the sternum.

    Why does belching occur during pregnancy, what to do?

    The appearance of belching during pregnancy is a completely normal reaction from the organs of the gastrointestinal tract. It occurs due to an increase in intra-abdominal pressure, due to an increase in the uterus in size. During the growth of the fetus, the uterus of the pregnant woman begins to squeeze the intestines, which leads to a slowdown in the movement of feces through it, the formation of duodenostasis ( congestion in the duodenum) and disruption of the evacuation of food from the stomach to the intestines. All this causes the formation of an excessive amount of gases under the influence of microflora located in the gastrointestinal system.

    It should be noted that gas formation is also facilitated by a disorder of the motility of the digestive tract, which appears as a result of hormonal changes in the body of a pregnant woman. Belching in such cases is not constant, is not combined with other symptoms ( abdominal pain, heartburn, vomiting, etc.) and often occurs with errors in nutrition.

    If belching occurs periodically in a pregnant woman and is accompanied by heartburn, dysphagia ( swallowing disorder), shortness of breath, cough, hoarseness, sensation of a lump in the throat, nausea, vomiting, hiccups, pain in the heart, throat, chest, abdomen, fever or bloating, then you need to go for a consultation with the doctor in charge of this patient. It is dangerous to self-medicate in such cases, because, firstly, it is not known what kind of pathology could cause these symptoms and, secondly, many drugs have certain contraindications and not all of them can be used during pregnancy.

    Why does belching and bloating occur, what to do?

    Belching is quite often combined with bloating. This symptom usually indicates the presence of excess gas inside the stomach or intestines. Gas formation in these organs occurs either due to digestion ( that is normal), or as a result of the appearance in them of pathological processes of decay or fermentation, which are often found in diseases of the organs of the gastrointestinal system ( pancreas, liver, biliary tract, stomach, small intestine).

    Normally, bloating and belching can occur when overeating, drinking large amounts of carbonated water, accidentally swallowing air while smoking, chewing gum, talking while eating, and eating quickly. In such cases, these two symptoms are not constant and are usually clearly associated with one of the factors listed ( smoking, drinking soda, etc.). Eliminating this factor for example, timely eating, eating silently, etc.) usually prevents new episodes of belching and bloating.

    With the appearance of constant belching and bloating, it is advisable to immediately seek medical help from a gastroenterologist. This must be done in order to reliably find out the exact cause of these two symptoms and correctly select the necessary treatment, since not all diseases of the gastrointestinal system are treated equally.

    Why does nausea occur when burping?

    Nausea is a rather unpleasant and painless sensation that is often a precursor to vomiting. This symptom also serves as an indispensable sign of a disorder in the function of the gastrointestinal system. The occurrence of nausea, with the simultaneous presence of belching in the patient, is usually associated with a violation of the motility of the stomach and a decrease in the production and secretion of gastric juice in it. It is believed that the feeling of nausea in such patients is caused by antiperistaltic ( reverse peristalsis) movements of the stomach.

    What pathologies cause a lump in the throat and belching?

    Lump in the goal and belching can most often occur with hiatal hernia, systemic scleroderma and gastroesophageal reflux disease. With a hernia of the esophageal opening of the diaphragm and gastroesophageal reflux disease, a lump in the throat appears due to the fact that reflux esophagitis is often observed with these pathologies ( inflammation of the esophageal mucosa resulting from gastroesophageal reflux) and frequent reflux of food from the stomach into the esophagus, and sometimes into the throat.

    With systemic scleroderma, the muscular and mucous layers of the esophagus are damaged, as a result of which its motility and mucus secretion are disturbed, which makes it difficult to move swallowed food. It sometimes gets stuck in the throat, which causes such patients to feel a lump in it.

    Why does pain appear in the right hypochondrium and belching?

    Pain in the right hypochondrium and belching are usually signs of pathology of the hepatobiliary ( hepatobiliary) systems ( cholecystitis, cholelithiasis, biliary dyskinesia, etc.). The appearance of pain in the right hypochondrium in such cases is caused by inflammatory and destructive processes in the tissues that are noted in these pathologies ( for example, pain in cholecystitis is caused by inflammation of the lining of the gallbladder).

    In diseases of the liver and biliary tract, there is also a violation of the delivery of bile to the duodenum. This is due either to obstruction of the biliary tract, or to the fact that little bile is produced in the liver cells. Since bile plays an important role in digestion ( it emulsifies fats, stimulates intestinal motility, activates some digestive enzymes, has bactericidal properties, etc.), then its absence does not go away for the body is not noticeable.

    Digestion processes slow down in the intestines, harmful microbes begin to multiply. In the course of their growth, they begin to produce a large amount of gas, which is partially removed through the stomach and partially passes further into other sections of the intestine. The gas that enters the stomach at some point may enter the esophagus and further into the oral cavity. The entry of gases from the esophagus into the oral cavity is accompanied by belching.

    Why does belching and burning occur in the throat and/or esophagus?

    Belching and burning in the throat and/or esophagus are associated with gastroesophageal ( gastroesophageal) refluxes ( food reflux), which can be observed in certain pathologies of the gastrointestinal system ( gastroesophageal reflux disease, systemic scleroderma, non-atrophic gastritis, pyloric stenosis, hiatal hernia, gastric ulcer, etc.).

    With these refluxes, the contents of the stomach enter the esophagus. If they ( refluxes) appear periodically in the patient, then the contents of the stomach cause damage to the mucous membrane ( as well as the nerve endings contained in it) of the esophagus and causes inflammation in it. With such inflammation, only a burning sensation in the chest is observed ( esophagus).

    Sometimes gastroesophageal refluxes can be quite high and reach the pharynx. In such cases, burning is already observed not only in the esophagus ( sternum), but also in the throat ( due to inflammation of its mucous membrane and damage to the nerves that innervate it). The penetration of gases from the stomach into the esophagus, and then into the oral cavity during gastroesophageal reflux, explains the mechanism of belching in such patients.

    What diseases can cause belching and diarrhea?

    Belching and diarrhea ( diarrhea) are quite common in diseases accompanied by a violation of the secretion of digestive substances ( enzymes, hydrochloric acid, bile, etc.) and slowing down the movement of food through the digestive system. This is observed in atrophic gastritis, chronic pancreatitis, stomach cancer, biliary dyskinesia, cholecystitis, duodenitis ( inflammation of the mucous membrane of the duodenum).

    With these diseases, dysbacteriosis occurs, in which harmful microbes begin to multiply in the gastrointestinal system. In the course of their vital activity, many toxins are formed in the stomach and intestines, which adversely affect the mucous membrane of the latter, as a result of which it becomes inflamed and begins to intensively secrete water into its lumen. Therefore, these patients develop diarrhea. With dysbacteriosis, a large amount of gases is also formed. One of the mechanisms for their removal from the gastrointestinal tract is their release into the oral cavity ( here they enter through the esophagus from the stomach), which is accompanied by belching.

Belching is characterized by two types: a sudden ejection of gaseous air through the mouth, that is, an "empty burp" or the same sudden entry into the mouth of the contents of the stomach, which is accompanied by a "gastric" sound. The causes of belching after eating are often associated with a malfunction of any functions in the body or a disease of the internal organs.

In healthy people, belching is rare and is associated with eating or drinking with a high content of gases or absorbing it too quickly against the background of current stress.

The main causes of belching after eating

An empty burp is always odorless, as it is basically a simple release of carbon dioxide. An empty burp occurs after:

  • Eating carbonated drinks: lemonade, beer, champagne;
    taking soda, which, when combined with hydrochloric acid of gastric juice, promotes the release of carbon dioxide;
  • Very fast absorption of food, since with food an excess amount of air enters the stomach;
  • The cause of belching may be an excessive accumulation of carbon dioxide as a result of the digestion of such products as: peas, fresh white bread, beans, oxygen cocktails;
  • Active conversation with an interlocutor during a meal, which leads to the filling of the stomach with excess air;
  • Overloading the stomach with food.

A bottle of carbonated drink should be opened and allowed to stand with the cap open for 15 minutes before drinking.

In healthy people, the causes of belching after eating may be associated with the entry of a small amount of excess air into the stomach, which is a normal physiological phenomenon. Carbon dioxide (air) regulates gastric pressure and stimulates the digestive process.

Six drops of clove oil dropped onto a piece of sugar will help relieve belching.

Types of belching

1. stomach belching. The causes of belching are often associated with disruption of the stomach. The content of excess air in the cavity of the stomach causes its movement disorders and muscle spasms. Occurs in some diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and intestines, as well as the biliary tract and liver.

With these diseases, it often has the smell of rotten eggs, which indicates the process of rotting food in the stomach. It occurs as a result of inefficient processing of food with hydrochloric acid and its retention in the stomach.

If belching is associated with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, taking two grams of magnesium sulfate or baking soda allows you to get rid of it.

2. Nervous belching. It is characterized by a very loud "gastric" sound. Her attacks are aggravated after eating and may be relieved by incessant frequent urges. In this case, the cause of belching after eating is increased swallowing of air. Often manifested in patients with hysteria and neuroses. In this case, it is a consequence of nervous diseases and disappears after the cure of the underlying disease.

It seems that there is no person who at least once has not encountered such a phenomenon as belching (removal of gases and undigested food from the pharynx). If such phenomena are rare, then you should not worry - this is physiologically normal and is just a response of the body to a certain stimulus. But if there is a constant belching, you should think about it and, after contacting the clinic, consult with a specialist - after all, this can be a symptom of some kind of disease.

Causes of constant belching

In the stomach of any person (healthy or suffering from pathological changes) there is always a certain amount of gas, the volume and content of which directly depends on the age of the patient, his culinary preferences, lifestyle and pathological changes present in his body. The causes of constant belching are quite diverse and are caused by many reasons:

  • Aerophagia - this term refers to excessive swallowing of air during feeding. Such a result can be obtained when a person eats very quickly, talks during meals, overeats, consumes highly carbonated drinks or smokes. Belching allows the body to expel excess gas.
  • You can observe such a reaction of the body if a person immediately after eating begins to show increased physical activity.
  • Malfunction of the peristalsis of the upper gastrointestinal tract.
  • An unbalanced diet that includes a large amount of foods that provoke gas release: legumes, fresh bread, cabbage and many other foods.
  • Gastroesophageal reflux disease.
  • Chronic and ulcerative diseases of the digestive tract.
  • Pregnancy, especially the last third trimester of its course. The fetus grows, increasing the uterus, which gradually begins to put pressure on nearby organs and systems, increasing intra-abdominal pressure.
  • Excess food intake.
  • A hernia located in the esophageal opening of the diaphragm.
  • Stenosis of the stomach.
  • The state of the psyche is close to hysteria and hysteria itself.
  • Excess weight, which in certain positions of the body can pinch the stomach.
  • Failure of the fermentation process in the body: both up and down. For example, the yeast Candida albicans can provoke such a reaction.

Symptoms of constant belching

Within certain limits, belching is a natural physiological process, but if the manifestation of this symptomatology becomes more frequent, then we can safely talk about an emerging pathology. Symptoms of constant belching are a periodic independent "outcome" of gas or its exit together with "portions" of food through the esophagus and pharynx. By itself, belching is already a symptomatology, which can represent a fairly wide range of diseases.

  • Belching may be a factor indicating a failure of the normal functioning of the cardia fixation process. The mechanism of belching in this process is not a spasmodic contraction of the gastric muscles, but a decrease in the activity of the cardiac sphincter. This manifestation of pathology is inherent in such diseases:
    • Dyskinesia - problems with the outflow of bile, obtained due to the absence or weak work of the contractile activity of the muscles of the gallbladder.
    • Hernia of the esophageal opening of the diaphragm.
    • Lack of cardia.
    • Scleroderma of the esophagus.
    • Postoperative period (if surgical treatment affected the esophagus and stomach).
  • Diseases affecting the gastrointestinal tract. An experienced specialist, based on the description of the patient's belching, is already able to specify the pathology somewhat more specifically.
    • Belching with a taste of rotten eggs indicates the stagnation of putrefactive processes occurring in the digestive system and leading to increased formation of such chemical elements as ammonia and hydrogen sulfide. This symptom may be in the case of malignant neoplasms in the stomach, ulcerative lesions of the digestive system, the absence or reduced production of digestive enzymes.
    • Sour belching may indicate damage to the stomach associated with increased production of gastric secretions.
  • Pathology of the gallbladder and liver. Almost with any defeat of these organs, a constant eructation is necessarily observed.
  • If a person has a history of neurotic aerophagia, the patient himself involuntarily swallows large portions of air, and this process is in no way tied to food intake. This symptomatology usually intensifies against the background of stressful situations and emotional arousal.
  • The defeat of the cardiovascular system - it can be angina pectoris, Uden-Remheld syndrome, myocardial infarction and some other diseases.

Constant belching of air

An excellent upbringing, following the requirements of etiquette, no doubt ennobles a person, but how to behave if at the most crucial moment your own body can suddenly let you down? Constant belching of air can not testify to anything, but may indicate a serious disease that affects the body. Therefore, in order to get rid of its constant appearance, it is necessary, first of all, to determine the cause of the pathology, and then undergo a course of treatment.

A sudden release of air from the digestive system, accompanied by an unaesthetic "roar" and a fetid odor, can come from two directions:

  • The physiological orientation of belching is observed after eating and is characterized by a small volume of outgoing air. There is no fetid odor. Such a burp is natural and pesters its owner quite rarely, without causing significant discomfort.
  • The pathological nature of belching is gas with an unpleasant odor coming out of the stomach. In this case, another symptomatology is added.

Constant belching of air can be associated with the habit of eating very quickly, swallowing air with food, talking while eating. Excessive consumption of food, love for highly carbonated drinks can provoke air belching. In this case, the liquid is absorbed, and the gas tries to leave the body. In the case of overeating, the stomach is simply not able to cope with such a volume of products, the food begins to stagnate, ferment and rot - hence the unpleasant smell of gases. Chewing gum lovers run the risk of getting a malfunction in the functioning of the digestive system, which can provoke air belching.

Constant belching of air is often observed in pregnant women in the late stages of bearing a child. At this time, the fetus is already quite large and the uterus, also expanding in size, begins to put pressure on the internal organs, including the stomach and the lower part of the pulmonary diaphragm.

But still, this deviation should not be ignored. The right decision in this situation would be to consult a doctor for a consultation. After all, constant belching can also indicate a failure that has occurred in the work of the body. A sufficiently loud eructation may indicate the progression of a diaphragmatic hernia or gastric neurosis.

The criterion for belching is its smell: if the gas escapes without a change in smell, then there is a trivial swallowing of air, if the smell from the mouth is fetid, then the pathology can be quite serious, up to malignant neoplasms.

Constant burping of food

Belching, in which, together with gas, completely or partially digested food comes out, the taste can have a different taste: it can be putrid, bitter or sour. Constant belching of food with a sour taste is observed in patients suffering from peptic ulcers, accompanied by increased acidity of the constituent of the stomach, caused by hypersecretion of the gastric enzyme, as well as the appearance of a fermentation process due to the absence of hydrochloric acid in the stomach.

If the patient feels a bitter taste in the mouth after belching, this may indicate that some amount of bile enters the esophagus along with the contents of the stomach. An unpleasant putrid taste may result from a copious libation (caused by a large amount of food), and the inability of the stomach to cope with such a large amount of food. At the same time, unprocessed products begin to ferment and decompose little by little, releasing hydrogen sulfide and ammonia. Hence the foul smell.

Constant burping after eating

If belching occurs after eating and does not cause any discomfort, then this is a common thing that does not go beyond the norm. And you just have to take your time and chew food more thoroughly, without being distracted by other things while eating, be more attentive to your diet (minimize carbonated drinks and foods that promote increased gas separation). This will be enough to remove the issue of belching. But if the above irritants are removed, but there is still constant belching after eating, then it is necessary, without "putting it off", make an appointment with a specialist and undergo a general examination of the body to determine the cause of this symptomatology.

Constant heartburn and belching

The overwhelming percentage of cases when heartburn bothers people is due to a pathology associated with a malfunction of the gastrointestinal tract, which develops on the basis of increased acidity of gastric secretion. In this case, the substance in the stomach periodically partially returns back to the esophagus, and even to the throat, irritating the mucous membrane. After such volley returns, the patient experiences a burning sensation in the esophagus and chest, and an unpleasant aftertaste in the mouth. If the patient is constantly tormented by heartburn and belching, then this discomfort is very difficult to endure, and it is not worth it. Such symptoms are a signal for going to the doctor. After all, this combination of manifestations may indicate the presence in the patient's body of such diseases as a stomach or duodenal ulcer, cholecystitis, gastritis, reflux esophagitis. This combination of symptoms can give a woman a pregnancy.

Constant heartburn and belching worsens the quality of life of a person, negatively affecting his performance, psychological health. Such symptoms cannot be tolerated, especially heartburn. It can cause ulcerative lesions of the mucosa of the digestive system, lead to erosion and provoke bleeding.

During the period of bearing a child, in most cases, toxicosis becomes the cause of heartburn and belching, which provokes frequent gag reflexes. This leads to constant exposure of gastric juice to the mucosa of the esophagus. The second factor provoking the development of this symptomatology is the growth of the uterus, which contributes to an increase in intra-abdominal pressure, which leads to incomplete closure of the cardiac sphincter. This allows the contents of the stomach to freely return to the esophagus.

Those who like to "eat well" especially spicy foods and carbohydrates in large quantities experience constant heartburn and belching. If you stand upright, this can at least partially help get rid of this symptomatology. To at least relieve the burning sensation, you can drink a solution of soda or eat it a little without diluting it. Such emergency therapy will briefly relieve the attack, but will not solve the problem. The result is much more noticeable from alkaline mineral shungite water. If you drink it regularly, you can get rid of many moments that bring discomfort to the patient. But it's still temporary. In order to get rid of belching and heartburn once and for all, it is necessary to undergo a diagnosis and a full course of treatment for the disease that causes them.

Constant belching and nausea

Any patient suffering from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract always waits with tension for autumn and spring. After all, it is during this period that the exacerbation of these diseases is observed. During these periods, people are more ill with colds and viral diseases, and many, in the fight against infection, heavily consume onions and garlic. This, of course, is a “lethal” remedy for the prevention of respiratory diseases, but at the same time they seriously affect the mucous membrane. Against the background of all of the above, constant belching and nausea, and even heartburn, may appear.

People prone to such reactions should be more careful about their diet and be wary of folk recipes. Most people consider traditional medicine to be absolutely harmless, because they are made on the basis of natural materials, but this is not true. Thoughtlessly using such products and treating one disease, you can provoke the emergence of another pathology. Constant belching and nausea can also appear with banal overeating. If this rarely happens - they celebrated the New Year well - then there will be no great harm, but if overeating is already a system, then it is necessary to sound the alarm. Indeed, in this case, you will not get off with one unpleasant symptomatology in the form of belching and nausea. This attitude towards food can lead to more serious consequences.

To understand the cause of such symptoms, you should carefully observe and determine after what actions the body produces such a reaction. If it is difficult to do this on your own, you should seek the advice of a specialist. Only he will be able, thanks to the examination and additional tests, to restore the entire clinical picture and, on its basis, make the correct diagnosis.

Such symptoms can pester a woman during pregnancy. This is physiologically explicable and should pass on its own after delivery, unless the woman suffers from another provoking pathology.

Yet more often these two symptoms occur separately: belching without nausea or nausea is not accompanied by an "eruption" of gas. If they are observed in tandem, then, most likely, the person simply overate. You need to eat in small portions, but often, without stretching the walls of the stomach.

Constant burping and gas

Each person - some more often, some less often - periodically experiences discomfort associated with malfunctions in the digestive tract: constant belching and gases. This moment is especially unpleasant when he is in a public place: psychological discomfort is added to the physical bad state, because although these are natural processes, it is not customary to express them publicly.

Belching is a natural reaction of the body to excessive amounts of gas in the stomach. Gas or, as it is scientifically called, flatulence is a process of increased gas formation that occurs in the intestines. During the digestion of food, the intestines do not fully cope with their duties, food (for example, dairy products and fruits) is not completely broken down, the fermentation process begins, passing with gas separation. The cause of flatulence can also be the use of strong antibiotics, which adversely affect not only the pathogenic flora of the stomach and intestines, but also inhibit the “right” bacteria necessary for high-quality food processing. Hence - dysbacteriosis with its unpleasant symptoms.

In most cases, the problem of constant belching and gas can be solved on your own by adjusting your lifestyle and diet, but if this symptomatology is accompanied by other unpleasant manifestations, it is still worth contacting a specialist, allowing him to establish the correct causes of the pathology.

Constant burping in a child

Often, mothers observe a burp in their baby, which worries them a lot, and rightly so, because the causes of such a pathology can be different. Constant belching in a child, depending on age, can be caused by many sources.

If the baby is not yet a year old, the normal physiologically justified imperfection of the digestive system of the newborn can become the cause of discomfort. During the feeding period, the little man, along with his mother's milk, swallows air, which then leaves his body in the form of a burp. In this case, pediatricians advise that the baby does not burp, immediately after feeding, hold it for several minutes in an upright position. This will allow the air to leave the child's body at a lower cost and loss.

More excitable children are especially affected. In the process of feeding, they are often distracted from food by screaming, while swallowing more air than ordinary babies. Against the background of the still not fully formed gastrointestinal tract, air portions enter not only the stomach, but also reach the intestines. Trying to get out, gas bubbles cause sharp pains to the baby and lead to intestinal spasms. This happens until the gases naturally leave the child's body. After that, he calms down.

If the baby is older, the causes of constant belching in a child are somewhat more diverse.

  • Children with increased excitability often suffer from belching, as they usually grab food quickly, while they manage to talk, play and watch cartoons, which in no way contributes to thorough grinding of food and normal digestion.
  • ENT - diseases, pathology of the respiratory organs can also provoke an eructation in a child. In this case, the baby is not yet able to adequately control the respiratory process and swallows large volumes of air. It can be:
    • Adenoids.
    • Chronic tonsillitis with hypertrophied palatine tonsils.
    • Chronic otitis.
    • And others.
  • Profuse salivation and swallowing.
  • Dental diseases.
  • Pathology of the digestive tract, biliary tract and liver.
  • The cause of constant belching in a child may also be a congenital pathology of the cardia (a defect in the structure of the muscle that covers the passage between the stomach and esophagus).

Constant burping during pregnancy

These nine months radically change the life of a woman and, probably, there is no greater sacrament on earth than the birth of a new person. Although this period must still be experienced, having gone through multiple physiological discomfort, but it's worth it. Constant belching during early pregnancy may be associated with a restructuring of the hormonal status of a woman. You can reduce the amplitude of such symptoms by adjusting your diet. In a later period, when the baby is gaining weight, the uterus begins to act on neighboring internal organs, creating increased intra-abdominal pressure. The load begins to increase on the stomach, which reacts to this with belching, heartburn, and bloating.

Another reason for constant belching during pregnancy can be an exacerbation of chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. In any case, if a woman experiences such discomfort, it is necessary to notify her obstetrician - gynecologist who is pregnant. After analyzing the patient's complaints and based on the results of her tests, he will determine the cause of the discomfort in the pregnant woman and correct her diet, give recommendations on lifestyle or, if necessary, prescribe treatment. The physiological changes that occur in a woman's body during her bearing of a baby can exacerbate or reveal such diseases that she had not suspected before. Although, the probability of curing those diseases that plagued a woman before pregnancy also exists.

Diagnosis of persistent belching

It is not so difficult to recognize a burp, but it is simply necessary to determine the cause that causes it. Therefore, the diagnosis of constant belching is primarily associated with the analysis of concomitant symptoms. A complete examination of a person may include:

  • General urine analysis.
  • A blood test for sugar levels (the norm is in the range from 3.3 to 5.5 mmol / l).
  • Obtaining general blood characteristics: the level of red blood cells and hemoglobin (prevention of iron deficiency anemia). The degree of leukocytes in the blood, indicating the presence or absence of inflammatory processes in the human body.
  • Fibrogastroduodenoscopy is one of the most informative modern research methods that allow a gastroenterologist to study the state of the patient's gastrointestinal tract.
  • Analysis of the ratio of electrolytes in human blood.
  • Esophagotonic kymography is a research method that allows you to determine the state of the cardiac sphincter, the level of its working tone.
  • The study of plasma for antibodies - the presence of strains of the bacterium Helicobacter pylori, which provokes stomach ulcers.
  • X-ray examination.
  • Esophagofibroscopy - a study of the cardia. Its pathology provokes partial throwing of the contents of the stomach into the esophagus.
  • Inside the esophageal pH-metry - the level of acidity is assessed.
  • Ultrasound examination of the abdominal organs.

Treatment for persistent belching

Only after a complete diagnosis of the body can we talk about therapy and prescribe treatment for constant belching. If the cause of pathological symptoms is associated with food, then:

It is necessary to eat slowly, carefully chewing food and swallowing small portions. Divide the daily food into six doses.

  • Avoid excess food intake.
  • Don't get too carried away with chewing gum.
  • Avoid highly carbonated drinks.
  • Straws should not be used while drinking (prefer to drink directly from glasses and cups), they provoke excessive swallowing of air.
  • Exclude from the diet fatty foods and those that cause increased gas formation.
  • There are also multiple traditional medicines that can cope with this problem:
    • Mix freshly squeezed aloe and cranberry juices, taking them in half a glass, and dilute with one glass of warm boiled water. Gently add a tablespoon of honey. Drink the resulting drink three times a day throughout the week, one tablespoon. Take a two week break. The course can be repeated. And so alternate. The total duration of treatment can be up to six months.
    • The root of elecampane also showed itself well. Introduce two tablespoons of a well-crushed plant per liter of water and boil. Let it brew. Take half a glass of decoction, before meals, twice a day. The duration of therapy is five to seven days.
    • Make a collection: take 15 g of peppermint leaves, yarrow flower umbrellas, dill seeds, 30 g of St. John's wort and 2 g of trefoil watch leaves. All thoroughly grind and mix. Pour half a liter of boiling water over two tablespoons of the resulting collection and soak for two hours. After that, you can filter the liquid and start taking it. Drink one to two tablespoons throughout the day. At the same time, you need to drink two glasses of infusion per day. This infusion is an excellent remedy for stopping the increased acidity of gastric secretions, which occurs with belching and problems with stools.
    • Half a teaspoon of crushed dried calamus root, taken a quarter of an hour before meals, will help increase peristalsis.
    • If a person normally tolerates goat's milk, then for two to three months it is worth drinking one glass three times a day.
    • Take 50 ml of carrot and potato juice. Mix and drink, before eating, half a glass of the drink three times throughout the day.
    • After a meal, instead of dessert, it is useful to please yourself with fresh whole carrots or mashed carrots.
    • Similarly, take an apple or a mixture of apple and carrot.
    • Before eating, you can drink a little pure water in small sips, you should not drink food.

Belching is not a disease, but it brings a lot of unpleasant minutes to a person, both on a physical level and psychologically. But do not forget that this symptom can be an indicator of pathological changes taking place in the patient's body, and in order to cure constant belching, you must first make the correct diagnosis, and then undergo a full course of treatment - only a certified specialist can do this. Only after stopping the cause of belching, you can get rid of it.

Prevention of persistent belching

This is how a person works, that he cannot live outside of society, but this imposes on him multiple conventions that fall under the rules of etiquette or upbringing. Therefore, certain processes that are natural - physiological are not accepted to be shown publicly. Belching refers precisely to such processes, but it also entails physical discomfort for a person, which can be fraught with severe pathology. Therefore, the prevention of constant belching is not only a problem of the physical health of the body, but also the psychological comfort of a person in society.

  • If a person suffers from some kind of disease, there is no need to self-medicate, it would be much more correct to make an appointment with a doctor who will determine the cause of the deviation and give further recommendations. If a pathology is detected, treatment will be prescribed.
  • Forecast of constant burping

    Constant or rare belching is not a pathology, but just an unpleasant symptom, behind which is the root cause. In any case, the prognosis of constant belching is unambiguously favorable. After all, if the source of the pathology is the food that the patient eats or the manner in which he does it, then it is enough to slightly adjust his diet, as well as the daily routine and attitude to the very process of eating food, so that this problem is exhausted. If constant belching is a consequence of some disease, then you just need to treat the disease. The problem is stopped - the symptomatology will also go away.

    A sharp release of gases from the mouth is not a disease, but you don’t want to put up with it either. Indeed, in addition to unpleasant discomfort at the physical level, a person begins to feel awkward, especially if this process finds him in a circle of strangers. Constant belching can also indicate deeper health problems. Therefore, in any case, it is not worth brushing aside this state of affairs. Watch your body throughout the day, you may be able to determine the cause of the belching yourself, but in any case, it will not hurt to consult a specialist. Solving this problem is not so difficult, but necessary. After all, not only you yourself suffer from it, but also the people around you. Therefore, take care of yourself, treat your health more reverently and respect the feelings of others.

Belching with air- this is an involuntary sudden release of odorless gases from the stomach or esophagus through the mouth.

Normally, each swallowing movement is accompanied by the ingestion of a small amount of air (within 2-3 ml), which is necessary to normalize intragastric pressure. Subsequently, the air imperceptibly leaves through the mouth in small portions.

A noticeable eructation of air occurs when excess air enters the stomach during the absorption of food, and in some cases outside this process. This phenomenon may indicate the presence of gastric pneumatosis or aerophagia.

With the normal functioning of the stomach, such an eructation is not accompanied by any unpleasant sensations, since the air leaving it has neither smell nor taste.

Separately, it is worth paying attention to neurotic aerophagia, which is characterized by the ingestion of air outside the consumption of food. In this case, belching with air can occur both after eating and at any other time, with the exception of the sleep period. This is already a pathological syndrome that requires the attention of a specialist.

To understand the causes that contribute to the occurrence of belching, you need to understand how the digestive system works. Food entering the mouth passes through the esophagus and enters the stomach. If a person overeats, then the air present in the stomach comes out. This is a variant of the norm and only confirms that the organs of the digestive system are working smoothly. Therefore, if, after a hearty lunch or dinner, a person experiences burping with ordinary, odorless air, then this is not a cause for any concern.

Sometimes belching occurs against the background of physical training, when the contents of the stomach quickly move inside its cavity, which provokes the removal of air to the outside,

Also, burping can occur due to the fact that a person wears too tight trousers or belts. This prevents the stomach from expanding normally. Therefore, the body independently gets rid of the air inside. Most often, this situation is observed in people who are prone to fullness. Normally, after a while after eating, belching ceases to bother.

As a rule, all the reasons described above lead to the fact that belching rarely occurs. However, sometimes she begins to literally pursue a person. The reasons for this violation can be very diverse, and understanding them is not always easy.

Women in position, especially in the 2nd and 3rd trimester of pregnancy, may suffer from belching. This does not indicate the development of any pathology. Everything is due to physiological reasons. During pregnancy, the uterus increases in size, begins to put pressure on the diaphragm and pushes the air in the stomach out.

Frequent causeless belching that occurs on an empty stomach is a cause for concern. If air comes out of the stomach that has an unpleasant smell, such as rotten eggs, or if a sour or bitter taste appears in the mouth, then this becomes a serious cause for concern. Such an eructation most often indicates diseases of the digestive system.

However, do not panic ahead of time. A comprehensive examination is necessary, since belching, accompanied by the unpleasant symptoms described above, may indicate improper food intake. The term aerophagia is not familiar to everyone. It involves swallowing large amounts of air while eating. This can happen when a person eats very quickly, does not chew food, eats “on the go”. Talking while eating, frequent chewing gum, wearing the wrong size or structure of dentures, smoking, therapeutic inhalations, and too deep breathing can also cause large amounts of air to enter the stomach. All of these causes can lead to belching that is not associated with eating. Air will enter from the stomach simply because there is too much of it.

There are foods and drinks that can cause excess air to enter the stomach. First of all, this is true for soda. It contains carbon dioxide in dissolved form. After it enters the stomach, this gas accumulates there and tries to get out naturally.

Also, products-provocateurs of belching can be considered:

    Fatty meals.

    Garlic and onion.

  • Strongly brewed coffee and tea.

To get rid of belching caused by the "wrong" foods, simply eliminate them from your diet.

You need to be concerned about your own health if belching occurs frequently and is accompanied by the following symptoms:

    Feeling of heaviness in the stomach.

    Pain in the upper abdomen.

Such an eructation can be a signal of various diseases that affect the organs of the digestive system, for example:

  • Ulcer disease.

    Inflammation of the pancreas.

    Inflammatory phenomena in the esophagus.

    Hernia of the esophagus.

    Weak sphincter between esophagus and stomach.

    Traumatic damage to the mucous membrane of the digestive system.

    Gastroesophageal reflux.

    Cancers of the digestive system.

With the normal functioning of the human gastrointestinal tract, belching of air after eating appears irregularly and rarely. This phenomenon may occur due to excessive swallowing of air in the process of eating food.

This happens if:

    excessively quickly absorb food;

    badly chew food;

    eat on the go.

Belching after eating also appears:

    when using gas-containing drinks, very hot or cold food;

    because of the habit of talking while eating;

As a result, the swallowed air forms a large air bubble, which puts pressure on the walls of the stomach. Our body, as a balanced mechanism, must accept. And it does this by opening the cardiac sphincter between the stomach and esophagus. Excess air from the stomach enters the esophagus, then into the oral cavity, then burping occurs.

Multiple belching of air may occur as a result of a systematic violation of the rules of eating, but in some cases, it can also be considered as a pathological symptom indicating the development of neurotic aerophagia.

Causes of the disease:

    difficulty breathing through the nose;

    diseases of the oral cavity and teeth;

    frequent swallowing of saliva due to profuse salivation.

Frequent swallowing of air not during meals is characteristic of a pathological conditioned reflex (neurosis).

Besides, Aerophagia can develop with:

    disorder of tone and motility of the stomach;


    narrowing of the esophagus;

    aneurysms of the descending aorta.

The clinical picture is as follows:

    There is a constant loud, sometimes "multi-story", belching of air, and in people suffering from hysteria, it may be accompanied by a loud scream.

    Belching happens after eating, and at any other time, and sometimes it is observed almost constantly and disappears during sleep.

    Complaints about sensations of fullness and heaviness, which are localized more often in the epigastric region.

There is bloating, in severe cases, very significant, resembling a picture characteristic of intestinal obstruction.

    The occurrence of difficulty in breathing, up to attacks of suffocation, is less often noted.

Experts note that often a typical belching of air is observed in the patient directly upon examination, which disappears if his attention is diverted. The doctor can watch as the patient prepares to swallow air. He stretches his head forward, his chin is pressed to his chest, then he begins to make swallowing movements. With aerophagia, bloating in the upper half is noted. And the x-ray determines the high standing of the diaphragm, especially its left dome due to the enlarged air bladder of the stomach and the large accumulation of gases in the intestines.

Aerophagia can affect newborns and infants. In some cases, the child's nervous system cannot cope with the regulation of the digestive apparatus. The disease can also develop due to sucking on a milky breast or an empty nipple, which increases the amount of air swallowed.

The main signs of aerophagia in children:

    crying while eating;

    refusal of food and, as a result, weight loss.

When changing position or on their own, the child may burp air, then calm down and start sucking again. The diagnosis can be confirmed by X-ray examination. Some children get used to swallowing air, a child can be weaned from this habit by strict regulation of food intake. Aerophagia in children is associated, for the most part, with general neuropathy or an imperfect apparatus of nervous regulation of the digestive organs, and with age it disappears.

Stomach pain and belching

Pain in the stomach with belching of air may indicate a disease, be its harbingers or the consequences of improper nutrition.

Similar problems may appear due to:

    Smoking after meals. Most smokers reach for a cigarette at the end of a meal, but according to a recent study, one cigarette smoked after a meal is equal to ten. In the process of smoking, air and smoke are swallowed, which leads to belching with pain in the stomach.

    Fruit consumption. Many people prefer to eat fruit for dessert - this is wrong. Fruits should be eaten before or after meals 1-2 hours before. Otherwise, organic acids contained in fruits interact with minerals that are present in other foods, and affect the process of digestion and assimilation of food.

    Tea drinking. You should not drink tea after a meal, as the enzymes contained in tea leaves "weight" the proteins in food, preventing normal digestion.

    Taking a bath. This procedure, pleasant and useful for the body and soul, should not be arranged after eating, since the increase in blood flow in the limbs accordingly reduces the blood flow in the stomach, weakening the digestive system and causing pain in the stomach and belching.

    Belt loosening. The habit of unfastening the belt after eating negatively affects the functioning of the intestines and can provoke sharp pain with belching.

    Cold drinks. Drinking cold liquids immediately after a meal interferes with normal stomach fermentation and lipid absorption.

    Sleep after eating. Many “sin” with weakness to take a nap “after a delicious dinner”, when there is such an opportunity. But in a dream, proper digestion is simply impossible. As a result, you can get the above symptoms, which can become harbingers of gastroenterocolitis.

Note that the range of diseases, which are characterized by the appearance of pain in the abdomen and empty belching, is quite wide. Therefore, do not delay the solution of this problem and seek advice from a gastroenterologist.

How to get rid of belching air?

First of all, with such an ailment, a person thinks about the state of his health, but the aesthetic side of the problem also plays an important role. Therefore, when a person begins to regularly involuntarily burp, he is forced to look for ways that will save him from repeating such embarrassment.

Treatment methods for belching depend on the causes of its occurrence.

If we are talking about symptomatic aerophagia, then the main attention is paid to the disease that provoked its development.

With aerophagia, which is neurotic in nature, psychotherapy plays a major role:

    You need to understand the essence of the disease and do everything possible to mobilize all your will to suppress the conditioned reflex. This is not an easy task, since swallowing air usually occurs involuntarily and imperceptibly for a person, and close people can help him here. The fact is that a person automatically causes a burp, swallowing air and believing that it will help get rid of the uncomfortable feeling of bloating. It is on this attempt that his attention should be focused. The disappearance of belching will disrupt the entire pathological conditioned reflex and lead to its complete attenuation.

    Food must be taken slowly, excluding conversations.

    It is necessary to follow a diet that excludes foods that linger in the stomach for a long time.

    It is better to eat often, but in small portions.

    In severe cases, it may be necessary to separate the intake of liquid and solid food.

    Suitable for physical education and breathing exercises.

    It is necessary to calm and strengthen the nervous system.

If the cause of burping with air lies in malnutrition, then you will have to radically change this approach and begin to follow the following simple rules:

    Try to stop talking while eating. The habit of talking and eating at the same time is inevitably accompanied by the swallowing of excess air and, as a result, leads to belching of air.

    Chewing food thoroughly with your mouth closed is known to improve digestion as well as reduce gas formation in the stomach.

    If you smoke, try not to swallow air and smoke.

    Reduce intake of foods that cause belching:

    • beverages containing carbonic acid and beer;

      milk, as well as ice cream;

    Do not drink drinks through a straw, along with the liquid, air enters the stomach. Do not eat when in a state of nervous excitement. Try to distract yourself, calm down, maybe take a little walk before eating.

    Do not abuse chewing gum. The normal rhythm of the stomach can go astray due to excessive chewing movements. Try to eat more foods rich in trace elements and vitamins.

    Avoid excessive exercise after meals. The human body needs rest for 2-3 hours for normal digestion of food. Heavy physical labor and sports loads after eating lead to a violation of the natural peristalsis of the digestive tract, which provokes belching.

    Refuse whipped "airy" drinks, for example, from a milkshake, it contains air bubbles, which also go to the stomach. Sometimes the cause of belching is hidden in some product, it must be identified and excluded from the diet.

    After eating, many people like to lie down, this should not be done, it is better to take a little walk. Don't overeat. Remember that the human body is able to digest any amount of food (of course, within reasonable limits) on average until the age of forty. After that, the enzymatic functions of the body gradually decrease, and excessive gluttony can lead to various problems, from excess weight to the appearance of involuntary regurgitation. Do not drink hot drinks, as air is drawn in along with the hot liquid.

Education: Diploma in the specialty "Medicine" received at the Russian State Medical University. N. I. Pirogova (2005). Postgraduate studies in the specialty "Gastroenterology" - educational and scientific medical center.

Regular belching that occurs against the background of various factors can be both evidence of small errors in the diet and a factor in the development of dangerous diseases. It is quite realistic to suspect a pathology on it, if you pay attention to the accompanying symptoms.

When belching is not a disease factor

Usually belching appears due to changes gas bubble, which is stable in the stomach. Its size depends on the volume of the organ, but rarely exceeds 1 liter. Excess air, getting into it, provokes pathology. And this happens due to several factors:

  • mouth breathing;
  • fast food intake, contributing to the swallowing of excess air;
  • smoking in any quantity;
  • chewing gum and carbonated drinks.

In a healthy person, strong belching develops against the background of severe overeating, for example, during feasts. As a result, the gas bubble is pushed out through the esophagus. The same thing happens as a result of excessive physical activity after eating.

Belching can occur even with excessively tight pants or belts in overweight or obese people.

It is in complete belching that is odorless, not associated with any pathologies, appears most often. Often, pathology can occur during treatment with inhalers - during the period of influenza and SARS or with chronic asthma.

Belching after eating

If the stomach and the entire gastrointestinal system work correctly, but after eating, burping appears stably, then this is definitely the result of eating food too quickly and bad chewing. But there is another specific group of reasons:

As a result, the body itself pushes out an excessive amount of air through sphincter, which regulates the entry and exit of everything in the food tract. In this case, belching always occurs without an unpleasant odor.

Seizures in young children and pregnant women

During pregnancy, belching with odorless air almost always worries women. There is no reason to panic:

If there is an unpleasant odor, nausea immediately after eating, or severe heaviness in the stomach, which is accompanied by heartburn and pain, the diet should be reviewed.

But with the development of burping in a child under 12 months old, we can talk about such reasons: too much oxygen during meals, the formation of the gastrointestinal system and malfunctions in the air passages, bloating.

If a child has constant belching even after reaching 1 year, this may be a symptom of gastrointestinal diseases.

A common cause of burping is the wrong shape of nursing accessories used by the mother. Regurgitation without smell and particles of food is associated with weak stomach muscles. After a while, this pathology disappears.

Belching and stomach pain

The reason for frequent belching, accompanied by pain, is hidden in the development of gastrointestinal diseases. But it can also be a factor in malnutrition or non-observance of simple conditions for comfortable digestion:

Diseases of the stomach and other organs of the digestive tract are a group of causes of severe and frequent belching, in which 1 or 2 symptoms are not enough to make a diagnosis. Diseases develop and overgrow with many “bells”, which allow you to think about the presence of a particular pathology correctly and take appropriate measures for diagnosis.

Constant belching and gastrointestinal diseases

In most cases, a strong eructation of odorless air or even with its presence indicates a deficiency. cardia- cardia of the stomach. Pathology develops due to loose closure of this department. The causes of frequent belching in this disease are hidden in several factors:

Among the most common diseases that cause frequent belching, there are also gastroesophageal reflux disease. It is characterized by symptoms in the form of heartburn, pain in one of the halves of the chest, bloating and very rapid saturation.

The second group of causes of belching with air without a characteristic odor is gastritis. However, they are most often characterized by impurities of a sour or putrid odor, as well as bouts of pain, heaviness, with radiation or infectious gastritis - vomiting.

Rotten belching is most often found in atrophic processes.

The third group of diseases associated with odorless belching is a stomach ulcer with gross violations of the mucous membrane.

Belching with an ulcer can be either odorless or with an admixture of acidic taste. Of the additional symptoms observed: pain 30 minutes after a meal, night pain, vomiting and nausea with bile, constipation and loss of appetite. With prolonged lack of treatment in the first stages of cancer, belching also persists, as with an ulcer.

Diseases of the esophagus

The cause of belching may not be a stomach disease, but problems associated with the esophagus. And they meet no less than the first group.

All problems associated with the esophagus are accompanied by belching at all stages. However, in advanced cases, it fades into the background, and most often only painful sensations in the chest, ulcerative lesions of the mucosa are noticeable.

Diaphragm diseases

The only common problem against which belching occurs is a hernia of the esophageal opening, which is located in the area of ​​the diaphragm:

  • with age, the risk of disease increases due to weakening of the muscles;
  • most often occurs with obstructive pulmonary disease (asthma or bronchitis);
  • may be congenital, diagnosed in the first years of life.

As a result of the disease, some sections of the esophagus and stomach may enter the sternum cavity, which leads to additional symptoms. Severe disorders are always accompanied by pain that can spread to the back. The rhythm of the heart is disturbed, there is bitterness in the mouth and regurgitation without nausea.

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