Dislocation of the collarbone: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment. Why does dislocation of the sternal end of the clavicle occur?

In fact, everything is quite the opposite - in a healthy, energetic person the chest is flat, broad and has a low index chest. The ratio of the anteroposterior parameters of the chest to its depth and width is called the chest index.

The small tubular bone that connects the shoulder blade to the sternum is called the clavicle. The clavicle is located above the upper rib on both sides of the chest. The clavicle serves as a support for the scapula and shoulder girdle, protects large vessels armpits and nerves of this area. In some cases, you can notice the protrusion of the collarbone. A protruding clavicle may be a feature of the structure of the chest with a lean human constitution, and may also be the result of an injury.

One third of all sports injuries occur in the hands and shoulder joint, but the clavicle is considered the most traumatic part. A normal fall on the shoulder can result in a fracture of the clavicle with possible crushing of the bones and damage to the subclavian vessels, which is why a clavicular injury is very dangerous.

Thorax: key points of development, role in the formation of the correct body position

Moreover, the degree of protrusion is directly proportional to the force of impact on the collarbone. Dislocations are divided into complete and incomplete. First of all, it is necessary to establish the reason for which an X-ray of the clavicle or both clavicle is performed - sometimes with a functional load. First aid for detecting a dislocation of the collarbone is to administer painkillers and apply a bandage.

After this, the victim must be taken to the doctor (the patient must remain in sitting position). There are conditions that lead to the development of swelling over the collarbone.

What to do with a protruding collarbone?

But there are also diseases of the organs of the neck, chest or mammary gland, leading to a similar condition. Most common cause swelling of the clavicle is its injury as a result of a fall or a direct blow to the bone. Puffiness occurs if a person has a bruise or fracture, it all depends on the strength of the damage. A visit to the doctor will help diagnose the damage. A simple examination will not be enough, especially if the fracture is not displaced or there is a dislocation of any of the ends of the clavicle.

Causes of bulging collarbone

In case of a fracture or dislocation, it is operational, and if there is a bruise and the place is just swollen, it is shown conservative treatment. The use of anti-inflammatory gels and ointments perfectly relieves swelling. They are applied when bruised, when there is no damage to the skin, as happens after surgery. In the chest area are located vital important organs in particular the lungs. They are surrounded by a special membrane - the pleura, which lines both the organ itself and the walls. chest cavity.

Clavicle pathology

In such a condition, it is required to perform a chest x-ray and everything will become clear. After the diagnosis is required immediate treatment, which is to equalize the pressure, because it is normally negative in the chest cavity. Injury to the pleura can cause air to accumulate under the skin around the collarbone.

They swell and increase with oncology, because it is to them that the outflow of lymph from the chest and lungs goes. Oncology can be malignant and benign. In the latter case, the chances of recovery are much greater. Such conditions also lead to the development of a lump in the throat. Are increasing The lymph nodes in the neck, collarbones.

The main thing is not to waste time, if something is swollen in this area, you will need to examine the mammary glands, as well as the organs of the chest cavity. The neck is located next to the clavicle region, in the immediate vicinity is the supraclavicular fossa. If something is swollen, it immediately affects the state of the supraclavicular region.

Chest girth is one of the most important indicators in the development of the chest

So, some tumors lead to compression of the superior vena cava, due to this, the outflow of blood is disturbed, swelling develops in the chest area. Perhaps the outflow of lymph is disturbed, as a result of which puffiness develops.

Its essence is reduced to the introduction of a tube into the larynx, through which air enters. Swelling of the clavicle area may be the result of an infection, similar condition develops in diphtheria. The disease is very dangerous, contagious, a person must be immediately hospitalized in the infectious diseases department. There can be many reasons why the clavicle area swells, some of them can become a serious threat to life. It is necessary to consult a doctor in time to solve the problem.

Probably, in your case, it is associated with a history of trauma. I am interested in such a question, is there pain in the lower back in the region of the square muscle (comb ilium, from the side of the back), it is usually painful on the same side as the collarbone area.

Hello, thanks for the answer) I checked - the pain seems to be there and not there. It all looks like a tumor under each clavicle and below between them there is a protrusion of some kind of bone - such a triangle. If there is no pain, then the process is inactive, most likely, it will no longer grow. Still, there is a possibility, judging by the description, that the rib-sternal joint was also involved in the process.

If the neck and collarbone area are swollen, it is necessary to check for oncology in the neck area, mediastinal organs. Proportions can be double-checked according to the table of proportions, which indicate the height of a person sitting, chest girth and chest index. A change in the proportions and shape of the chest in the process of development is accompanied by a change in the position of the ribs and sternum, which, when correct location should be raised.

The clavicle ... this relatively small, smoothly curved in the form of the letter "S" bone is not accidentally named that way. For it is she who is the real “key” to the shoulder girdle. More precisely, each is for its half, because there are two of them.

This is the only thin "bridge" that connects two structures together: the torso (in the form of a sterno-vertebral-costal "box") - and upper limb.

For the mediator - the scapula (with the top of which the clavicle is connected by a semi-joint), extending flat to the spine, is not “soldered” to it tightly - together they are connected only by a powerful layer - “flooring” of spinal muscles and ligaments.

On the lateral protrusion of this triangular bone, there is an articular “hole”, in which the head, which loves freedom and mobility, comfortably “sheltered” humerus- the beginning of the upper limb.

Nothing superfluous, everything is simple and elegant. But although the "bridge" - the collarbone is strong, its strength is not unlimited.

One way or another, the collarbone breaks

One deliberately accurate blow to it or a fall on the shoulder - and the arm hangs like a broken wing. Of course, unsuccessful sports and physical activity in the form of hard work. And a fracture of the collarbone can occur in a child during childbirth.

Either in the middle, or closer to its sternal end, or to the end of the scapular. Breaks (usually with the formation of two fragments) either perpendicular to the central axis (as if sawn across), or - with a fracture surface in the form of a helix, or - under acute angle, forming two sharp "bayonets" aimed at each other.

But the fracture can be comminuted (and even multi-comminuted). And sometimes the ends of the "bayonets" can be deployed in different directions.

And now the surgeon faces an unthinkable task: these two fragments, sharp as daggers, not only need to be compared “end-to-end” - they still need to be somehow held near each other until they grow together! How?!

"The Magnificent Eight"

This is where the Magic Eight comes to the rescue. Medical and technical device in the form of a mathematical sign of infinity.
Or - a physical Möbius strip. A device called Delbe rings.

How to raise to the proper level and keep on weight the “broken wing” - the upper limb? On what "bough" to hang this weight?

And Delbe adapted for this purpose ... a second, healthy shoulder. “Hanging” the injured limb on this “knot” with a bandage of two rings made of cotton and gauze, tightly tied on the back between the shoulder blades. Rings worn on both shoulder girdle.

Thanks to this design - with the maximum convergence of the shoulder blades with each other - the shoulders are retracted back and up and, thus, "suspended", are fixed.

So the clavicle, without ceasing to play the role of a spacer between the sternum and scapula, is relieved from the “burden” of the limb pulling down. Now its fragments can be compared and fixed.

"Then" and now

Such was the original "history of the question." Later, with the onset of the era of "mass stoop", was born new idea- use Delbe rings to treat stoop.

And the era of forcibly proudly divorced shoulders (and shoulder blades reduced to a minimum) began, which continues to this day.

The device, invented for the treatment of broken clavicles, now works like a "jack" to straighten the spine, "pressed" back too much. Obviously, the weight of heads overloaded with knowledge is the main newest value of the era.

However, the product itself, now more often called an orthopedic recliner, now looks completely different than "then".

Now these are not simple cotton-gauze rings, but comfortable branded belts (soft, but durable) made of synthetic fabric, selected by careful tests of the width and degree of elasticity, the tension of which is easily adjustable, and they themselves are closed between the shoulder blades with the help of convenient fasteners fixed in a flat buckle that does not interfere with either wearing clothes or making movements.

The size of the device is indicated by the standard (as for clothes) with Latin letters or their combinations (S, M, L, XL) and depends on the size of the figures of the chest circumference.

However, the work on the reclination of the spine in the upper thoracic region and the elimination of degenerative-dystrophic changes in it - the use of the product is not limited.

It still works well for collarbone problems:

  • with their fractures;
  • with dislocation in the acromioclavicular (clavicular-scapular) half-joint, which ensures secure fixation joints);
  • unloading if necessary ligamentous apparatus one or both collarbones.

Thus, the Delbe rings are not only a means of correcting posture, but also a device that is practical both in the conservative treatment of conditions and injuries that occur in the bones and ligaments of the shoulder girdle, and as a means of rehabilitation necessary in postoperative period after surgical treatment.

Device usage

Using the product does not cause difficulties. According to the attached instructions, the straps are put on the shoulder girdle area and fixed in the central panel.

The degree of tension of the belts (as well as the question of the period of wearing them) is controlled by the attending physician. The question of the appropriateness of their use is also decided by the doctor.

Relative contraindications can only be diseases (or trophic skin disorders) of the described area, or intolerance to the synthetic materials from which the product is made.

The product can be used enough for a long time, it is easy to wash and does not require special care.

The principle of the reclinator structure is the same for all modifications, with a slight difference in the design details. In addition to devices intended for use by adults, there are also children's Delbe rings.

Orthopedic reclinator z100, arranged according to the principle of Delbe rings:

Spinal jack

How effective the Delbe rings are, both in case of a clavicle fracture and in case of stoop, can be judged from the feedback from consumers of this device.

With its sternal end, it attaches to the sternum, and with the other acromial end, it connects to the scapula. In some cases, you can notice the protrusion of the collarbone. What is the reason for this phenomenon and what should be done in such cases?

Causes of bulging collarbone

A protruding clavicle may be a feature of the structure of the chest with a lean human constitution, and may also be the result of an injury. Collarbone injury occurs mainly in people involved in sports.

A third of all sports injuries occur in the arms and shoulder joint, but the collarbone is considered the most traumatic part. A normal fall on the shoulder can result in a fracture of the clavicle with possible crushing of the bones and damage to the subclavian vessels, which is why a clavicular injury is very dangerous.

Sometimes the injury is limited to a dislocation of the collarbone - this is a rarer injury and more common in males. A dislocation also occurs when a person falls on the shoulder or arm, less often as a result of compression of the shoulder girdle in the transverse direction or a blow to the shoulder.

Dislocation of the clavicle is different: dislocation of the acromal end, dislocation of the sternal end, complete dislocation (very rare).


Visually, the dislocation of the clavicle is immediately determined. Deformation in the area of ​​the shoulder girdle manifests itself in the form of a protrusion of the clavicle back and up. On examination, the “key” syndrome is noticed, when during pressure on the clavicular end it drops, and after the pressure stops, it returns to the same position. Moreover, the degree of protrusion is directly proportional to the force of impact on the collarbone. Dislocations are divided into complete and incomplete. The protrusion of the clavicle is noticeable with a complete dislocation, if the victim's arm is pulled down.

What to do with a protruding collarbone?

First of all, it is necessary to establish the reason for which an X-ray of the clavicle or both clavicle is performed - sometimes with a functional load.

First aid for detecting a dislocation of the collarbone is to administer painkillers and apply a bandage. May also help cold compress. After this, the victim must be taken to the doctor (the patient must remain in a sitting position).

Incomplete dislocations are treated conservative methods- reduction of the clavicle with its further fixation with plaster for a period of 1 month. Complete dislocation of the collarbone is treated operational method osteosynthesis.

Why can a bump appear on the collarbone?

What is a bump on the collarbone? This question worries not only people who have such neoplasms, but also those who are interested in the reasons for their appearance. In this text material this topic will be discussed in detail.

First you need to figure out what bumps on the collarbone are and why do they appear?

Often people are concerned about the formation of a pineal growth in the neck, closer to the collarbone. Some express concern that this is a cancerous tumor.

Parents are especially worried if education takes place in a child in childhood. At the same time, everything may not be such a serious problem.

A bump on the collarbone is a symptom of various diseases. It may be a harbinger of neurinoma, osteochondroma, chondroma and Ewing's sarcoma.

You need to find out in more detail what kind of disease it is.

Neurinoma - benign neoplasm. It is formed through skin brachial plexus, in particular, due to the wandering and other nerve endings. As a rule, the neoplasm is located in upper area neck, mostly common in older people, has the appearance of a bumpy neoplasm in the collarbone. It grows very slowly, round shape, according to the consistency, this seal is smooth to the touch, its mobility is low. Transforms into oncological tumor rarely.

Osteochondroma is a naturally benign bone growth containing bone marrow, with a cartilaginous coating on the outside. This disease is considered to be a widespread disease. bone tissue. As you know, in the danger zone of the appearance this disease youth is located. The parameters of the neoplasm are about 13 cm, the seal is motionless.

Chondroma is a benign neoplasm that develops from hyaline cartilage tissue. It can grow into the cavity of the bone marrow tissue located in the bone. The start of the development of this disease is after 30 years. Grows slowly. If the neoplasm is isolated and single, there is a high risk of its degeneration into an oncological tumor - chondrosarcoma.

Multiple neoplasms, small in parameters, rapidly spread over the entire area of ​​the bone tissue, forming a pineal outgrowth under the clavicle, or localized above it. Pineal outgrowth on the collarbone - a signal of development malignant tumor called Ewing's sarcoma.

What are the reasons for education? When probing a neuroma, there is soreness or pain of a shooting nature, which radiates to the limbs, slowing down heart rate, thus, Horner's syndrome manifests itself (weakened reaction of the pupil to light, constriction of the pupil, omission upper eyelid, sinking eyeball, failure in sweating on the affected area of ​​the face, hyperemia).

In children, a pineal growth - osteochondroma is common. The development of the neoplasm has an asymptomatic course until it reaches its parameters; upon completion of growth, pain syndrome and impaired mobility of the limb. The growth of the neoplasm is carried out in proportion to the growth of the skeleton. Reason for development pathological process- malformation of bone tissue, radiation exposure in childhood, osteochondromatosis.

If the pineal growth hurts and there is a sensation aching pain in the adjacent articular tissue - this is a harbinger of chondroma. Sometimes the cause of the development of a neoplasm is pathological fractures. It is generally accepted that the root cause of the development of the disease is the remnants of cartilage tissue plates, which grow over the course of several years.

The bone in the clavicle area sticks out strongly

Chronic diseases: not specified

Hello, Hello, recently, my right small bone under the collarbone in the neck area began to stick out much more than the other, and it seems that it even increased a little. Compared to another. This is noticeable visually. This was not the case a month ago. What happened with me? Is this dangerous and where should I go?

Tags: clavicle sticks out on one side, clavicle sticks out on one side, bone on the collarbone sticks out

The bone under the collarbone has increased. I recently became stronger than the other sticking out.

One clavicle more I have long noticed in myself that the bone on one collarbone is larger, a fracture.

Bones on the neck Please tell me! I'm very worried, to the surgeon only in a month.

The bone sticks out under the clavicle Help please. After giving birth, I lost weight 1.5 years ago.

The clavicle sticks out I have long been interested in the fact that my right collarbone sticks out forward.

Seal under the collarbone Good day! Just below the clavicle from below, somewhere near its attachment.

Burning under collarbone right side Last months burning pains became more and more frequent.

Lump under the collarbone Yesterday I found it under the right collarbone dense bump, it is oblong.

Fracture of the clavicle, protruding bone In November 2015, after a fracture of the clavicle with displacement.

Causes, treatment and rehabilitation after dislocation of the collarbone

The clavicles are a pair of long bones that connect the shoulder blade to the sternum. The name of the clavicle comes from Latin word"key". The clavicle is one of the bones that is most commonly damaged in the human body.

The clavicles are cylindrical bones 15 cm long, curved in a transverse plane, like the letter S. They are located in the thoracic upper section and attached to the first rib.

Each clavicle extends transversely and forms a junction with the sternum at its medial end and the scapula at its lateral end.

The unique position of the collarbone in the body often leads to dislocations and fractures, most often due to traffic accidents.

When the arm is extended during the injury, most of force from the fall is transferred through the arm to the shoulder, resulting in a sudden displacement and can fracture the collarbone.

When applied strong force directly to the shoulder, such as during a car accident or during a sudden fall, the bones of the shoulder can be dislocated medially and result in a dislocation or fracture of the collarbone. It is worth noting that a clavicle fracture is much less common than a dislocation.

Types of dislocations of the clavicle

Based on scientific classification, clavicle dislocation can be divided into three types, each of which has its own peculiarities. Let's consider each of them in more detail.

There are three types of dislocation of the clavicle:

  1. Dislocation of the acromion clavicular joint. This type the most common. It occurs most often as a result of a fall on the shoulder, when the ligaments within the peripheral part of the collarbone are torn. It is characterized by bulging of the clavicle and some deformation of the shoulder region. It should be noted that the acromioclavicular joint has relatively low mobility.
  2. Dislocation of the sternal end. Occurs when a person falls on the abducted arm (indirect injury). This type of dislocation is divided into two subspecies: anterior and posterior. The most common anterior dislocation, in which the sternal end of the clavicle is displaced to the anterior edge.
  3. Simultaneous dislocation of the clavicular joint. This is the most dangerous bone injury, when both the acromial end and the sternal end of the joint are damaged during the injury. Such an injury is considered dangerous to human health and is often difficult to treat.

Due to any dislocation, it is difficult for a person to control the injured limb. Movement becomes difficult and painful.

Dislocation of this bone occurs several times more often than fractures. Both young people and the elderly (from 17 to 60 years old) can be at risk.

What are the causes of injury

The clavicle can be damaged due to two mechanical influences on it: indirect and direct impact.

With direct trauma, there is an effect on the acromial part from the bottom up. This is what happens when you fall strong blow. In such situations, the bone moves back, resting against the first rib. Indirect mechanical impact is characterized by the fall of a person on the adducted shoulder.

Traumatologists identify several main causes that most often lead to dislocation of the collarbone. These reasons include:

  • a blow to the chest;
  • a strong blow directly to the collarbone (may occur during an accident);
  • fall on the shoulder.

Most often, damage to this bone is observed in such a group of people:

Collarbone injury may be varying degrees. The clavicular ligaments can be damaged, the capsule can be torn. If the damage was significant, the muscles attached to the bone (deltoid and trapezius) are torn.

Features of the clinical picture

The main pain in the dislocation of the collarbone falls on the junction of the collarbone and scapula. A person feels pain while moving his arm or shoulder. In addition, it is impossible to withdraw or raise your hand up. There may be bruising or swelling.

With acromial dislocation, deformation of the bone itself is observed: its acromial end will bulge upward and slightly backward.

Wherein hallmark fracture of the clavicle is a "key symptom". This is when, when pressing on the part that sticks out, it is observed that the bone falls into place.

The photo shows a dislocation of the acromial end of the right clavicle

After the pressure is released, the acromial end of the clavicle lifts up again. It is worth noting that in most cases this symptom is simply impossible to determine, since when pressing on the damaged area, the patient experiences unbearable pain.

At fat people difficult diagnosis is possible, since the clavicle will be poorly palpable.

Most reliable way diagnosis is an x-ray of the damaged bone.

The most common symptoms of a dislocated collarbone are:

  • severe pain in the collarbone and shoulder girdle;
  • decreased sensitivity of the shoulder girdle and upper limb;
  • severe pain when trying to move the arm;
  • noticeable deformities of the joints in which the clavicle is connected to another bone;
  • soreness of the skin displaced by the joint;
  • edema and hematomas in the area of ​​dislocation;
  • numbness or paralysis of the injured limb (this may be caused by pressure from nerves and blood vessels).

Any damage to your collarbone should give you the signal to see a doctor as soon as possible. Try not to eat before you go to the doctor.

Solid food increases the chance of vomiting when the dislocation is repaired, especially if reduction is to be done under anesthesia.

First aid to the victim

If there is a suspicion of dislocation of the collarbone, the injured limb should be suspended with a bandage that will be thrown over the neck. Under axillary region you need to put a roller (it can be rolled up clothes).

If swelling appears or the hand begins to turn blue, then it is advisable to apply a cold compress to the injury site (something from the refrigerator or put into a bottle cold water). Next, you need to call ambulance or independently bring the victim to the traumatologist.

You should also not give the victim painkillers - this may complicate further examination. Edge cases can be unbearable pain which are simply unbearable.

Trauma treatment

Typically, a physical examination is sufficient to assess the extent of the damage. To confirm the diagnosis, you will need to X-ray. It does not show if the ligaments are damaged, but it will show the extent and direction of movement of the clavicle and possible bone fracture.

A first-degree injury is treated conservatively. It is recommended to rest, apply ice to the damaged area, use analgesics and apply a bandage, since the main task is to properly fix the position of the bone.

Most Hard case when there is a dislocation of the clavicle with a rupture of the ligaments. In such situations, it may be necessary surgical intervention.

conservative treatment in this case, usually gives satisfactory results for patients, but this is for those people who are not involved in professional sports for athletes surgery will bring discomfort during a heavy load.

The duration of treatment is from 4 to 6 weeks. If surgery was prescribed, then therapy lasts at least 6 months. After that, the victim will have to undergo a rehabilitation course.

If the injury is chronic, in such a situation, only surgical intervention is used. Most often, an operation is prescribed according to the method of Bohm, Bennel, Watkins-Kaplan. The purpose of the operation is to create ligaments from synthetic materials. After 6-7 months, the full working capacity of the limb is restored.

To prevent injury

Main preventive methods are the complete prevention of any injury to the girdle of the upper limb.

In case of any damage, you should immediately consult a doctor in order to prevent complications and start treatment on time.

If you have ever had a dislocation of the collarbone, then you will need to permanent basis perform physical exercises prescribed by a physiotherapist. This will help strengthen the ligaments and muscles, they will become more elastic and it will be much easier to prevent dislocation.

In order to get back in shape as soon as possible, it will take several months of rehabilitation. To strengthen the muscles and ligaments, as well as for proper fixation, the doctor will prescribe elastic bandages. When will it pass certain time, and the hand will need to be developed, there are special exercises for this.

The rehabilitation process

Recovery after an injury takes place in several stages.

Step 1 - duration 3 weeks

You need to start doing exercises to strengthen the muscles of the shoulder girdle. The range of motion is small and painless. Permissible load on the shoulder joint should not cause pain.

The starting position for this exercise must also include shoulder support. Performed circular motions shoulder area. Combined limb movements should not be introduced, as they can lead to re-injury.

The movement is performed only when there is no pain. Keep wearing elastic bandage to support the upper limb.

Apply something cold (ice, for example) after exercise if puffiness or swelling appears.

Strengthening of the shoulder girdle - period up to 3 months

Based on active exercises recovery muscle function shoulder flexors, adduction of the humerus. Here you can start to try push-ups from a hill (for example, from a chair or wall).

Take your time to regain full range of motion.

Back to sports - from 5 months to a year

Use dumbbells or other weights. They are needed to strengthen the periarticular muscles of the shoulder joint.

Begin to perform movements specific to your sport: throws (for example, a ball), pushes.

The load should be gradually increased, while controlling the technique of performing exercises. Then enter complex coordinated exercises. Avoid stretching the joint capsule, jerking.

With its sternal end, it attaches to the sternum, and with the other acromial end, it connects to the scapula. In some cases, you can notice the protrusion of the collarbone. What is the reason for this phenomenon and what should be done in such cases?

Video: Why is one shoulder higher than the other? Why is one shoulder higher than the other?

Causes of bulging collarbone


Video: Newborn clavicle fracture || ORP

Why do some people have clavicles protruding strongly, while others are not visible?

Why does it depend at all, is it possible to change it somehow?

There are no identical people in the world, so even when we studied anatomy in 1-2 courses, we were always told that there will always be 30% of people who do not fit book data in terms of body structure and this is the norm. Yes, and the question to the author of the question is why do you need to change something? Any inconvenience associated with this or how? It’s just that I personally have one collarbone half a centimeter lower than the other, it’s connected with a dislocation. Personally, this doesn’t bother me.

Don't lie - Don't ask

Only correct opinion

The clavicle sticks out - what is the reason and what to do

In fact, the exact opposite is true - in a healthy, energetic person, the chest is flat, wide and has a low chest index. The ratio of the anteroposterior parameters of the chest to its depth and width is called the chest index.

The small tubular bone that connects the shoulder blade to the sternum is called the clavicle. The clavicle is located above the upper rib on both sides of the chest. The clavicle serves as a support for the scapula and shoulder girdle, protects the large vessels of the armpit and the nerves of this area. In some cases, you can notice the protrusion of the collarbone. A protruding clavicle may be a feature of the structure of the chest with a lean human constitution, and may also be the result of an injury.

Thorax: key points of development, role in the formation of the correct body position

Moreover, the degree of protrusion is directly proportional to the force of impact on the collarbone. Dislocations are divided into complete and incomplete. First of all, it is necessary to establish the reason for which an X-ray of the clavicle or both clavicle is performed - sometimes with a functional load. First aid for detecting a dislocation of the collarbone is to administer painkillers and apply a bandage.

After this, the victim must be taken to the doctor (the patient must remain in a sitting position). There are conditions that lead to the development of swelling over the collarbone.

What to do with a protruding collarbone?

But there are also diseases of the organs of the neck, chest or mammary gland, leading to a similar condition. The most common cause of clavicle swelling is injury from a fall or a direct blow to the bone. Puffiness occurs if a person has a bruise or fracture, it all depends on the strength of the damage. A visit to the doctor will help diagnose the damage. A simple examination will not be enough, especially if the fracture is not displaced or there is a dislocation of any of the ends of the clavicle.

Causes of bulging collarbone

In case of a fracture or dislocation, it is operational, and if there is a bruise and the place is simply swollen, conservative treatment is indicated. The use of anti-inflammatory gels and ointments perfectly relieves swelling. They are applied when bruised, when there is no damage to the skin, as happens after surgery. The chest area contains vital organs, in particular the lungs. They are surrounded by a special membrane - the pleura, which lines both the organ itself and the walls of the chest cavity.

Clavicle pathology

In such a condition, it is required to perform a chest x-ray and everything will become clear. After the diagnosis, immediate treatment is required, which consists in equalizing the pressure, because it is normally negative in the chest cavity. Injury to the pleura can cause air to accumulate under the skin around the collarbone.

They swell and increase with oncology, because it is to them that the outflow of lymph from the chest and lungs goes. Oncology can be malignant and benign. In the latter case, the chances of recovery are much greater. Such conditions also lead to the development of a lump in the throat. Enlarged lymph nodes in the neck, collarbones.

The main thing is not to waste time, if something is swollen in this area, you will need to examine the mammary glands, as well as the organs of the chest cavity. The neck is located next to the clavicle region, in the immediate vicinity is the supraclavicular fossa. If something is swollen, it immediately affects the state of the supraclavicular region.

Chest girth is one of the most important indicators in the development of the chest

So, some tumors lead to compression of the superior vena cava, due to this, the outflow of blood is disturbed, swelling develops in the chest area. Perhaps the outflow of lymph is disturbed, as a result of which puffiness develops.

Its essence is reduced to the introduction of a tube into the larynx, through which air enters. Swelling of the clavicle area may be the result of an infection, a similar condition develops with diphtheria. The disease is very dangerous, contagious, a person must be immediately hospitalized in the infectious diseases department. There can be many reasons why the clavicle area swells, some of them can become a serious threat to life. It is necessary to consult a doctor in time to solve the problem.

Probably, in your case, it is associated with a history of trauma. I am interested in such a question, is there any pain in the lower back in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe square muscle (iliac crest, from the back), usually it is painful on the same side as the collarbone area.

Hello, thanks for the answer) I checked - the pain seems to be there and not there. It all looks like a tumor under each clavicle and below between them there is a protrusion of some kind of bone - such a triangle. If there is no pain, then the process is inactive, most likely, it will no longer grow. Still, there is a possibility, judging by the description, that the rib-sternal joint was also involved in the process.

If the neck and collarbone area are swollen, it is necessary to check for oncology in the neck area, mediastinal organs. Proportions can be double-checked according to the table of proportions, which indicate the height of a person sitting, chest girth and chest index. A change in the proportions and shape of the chest during development is accompanied by a change in the position of the ribs and sternum, which, if properly positioned, should be raised.


The small tubular bone that connects the shoulder blade to the sternum is called the clavicle. The clavicle is located above the upper rib on both sides of the chest. The clavicle serves as a support for the scapula and shoulder girdle, protects the large vessels of the armpit and the nerves of this area. With its sternal end, it attaches to the sternum, and with the other acromial end, it connects to the scapula. In some cases, you can notice the protrusion of the collarbone. What is the reason for this phenomenon and what should be done in such cases?

Causes of bulging collarbone

A protruding clavicle may be a feature of the structure of the chest with a lean human constitution, and may also be the result of an injury. Collarbone injury occurs mainly in people involved in sports.

A third of all sports injuries occur in the arms and shoulder joint, but the collarbone is considered the most traumatic part. A normal fall on the shoulder can result in a fracture of the clavicle with possible crushing of the bones and damage to the subclavian vessels, which is why a clavicular injury is very dangerous.

Sometimes the injury is limited to a dislocation of the collarbone - this is a rarer injury and more common in males. A dislocation also occurs when a person falls on the shoulder or arm, less often as a result of compression of the shoulder girdle in the transverse direction or a blow to the shoulder.

Dislocation of the clavicle is different: dislocation of the acromal end, dislocation of the sternal end, complete dislocation (very rare).


Visually, the dislocation of the clavicle is immediately determined. Deformation in the area of ​​the shoulder girdle manifests itself in the form of a protrusion of the clavicle back and up. On examination, the “key” syndrome is noticed, when during pressure on the clavicular end it drops, and after the pressure stops, it returns to the same position. Moreover, the degree of protrusion is directly proportional to the force of impact on the collarbone. Dislocations are divided into complete and incomplete. The protrusion of the clavicle is noticeable with a complete dislocation, if the victim's arm is pulled down.

What to do with a protruding collarbone?

First of all, it is necessary to establish the reason for which an X-ray of the clavicle or both clavicle is performed - sometimes with a functional load.

First aid for detecting a dislocation of the collarbone is to administer painkillers and apply a bandage. A cold compress may also help. After this, the victim must be taken to the doctor (the patient must remain in a sitting position).

Incomplete dislocations are treated with conservative methods - reduction of the clavicle with its further fixation with plaster for a period of 1 month. Complete dislocation of the clavicle is treated with an operative method of osteosynthesis.

Clavicle asymmetry (protruding left)

Good day, my name is Vladimir, I'm 18, weight 63kg, height 171. Athlete. AT younger age did not notice any problems with the clavicles, but the more I trained and the more I grew, the more the asymmetry of the clavicles became visible. By the age of 18, you can see how the left sticks out more than the right.

I think this is just because of the low weight, if you increase it, the additional problem will disappear, but it also lies in the fact that the complex is already growing, I can’t wear a T-shirt, a sweater because the hump will stick out of my left shoulder. Please help, I will be very grateful.

Such deformations are usually found in scoliosis (lateral curvature) of the spine. But there may be other reasons as well. An orthopedic examination is required.

Take radiographs of both shoulder joints. Let's look at the clavicular-acromial joints. If there is no dislocation, then such a development. And the weight will be typed with age, you wish to lose weight even more.

Do not look for diseases that do not exist. Believe me, with age they will find you.

If this “hump” develops an irresistible “complex” in you, seek help from a psychologist / psychiatrist. Radiation diagnosticians are unlikely to help you here.

And yes - asymmetry, not "asymmetry"; disappear, not disappear. This is so, by the way, about the Russian language, through which you had the imprudence to express yourself.

Don't limit your thought

Live while you learn

I think this is the norm. We are not all symmetrical. And so in general I agree with Vega.

Such deformations are usually found in scoliosis (lateral curvature) of the spine. But there may be other reasons as well. An orthopedic examination is required.

Although, as respected colleagues correctly noted, there are not enough completely symmetrical people (as in the pictures in the anatomical atlas), and slight asymmetry can be a variant of the norm (or a consequence of practicing certain sports with an asymmetric load). An orthopedic examination will answer your doubts.

Actually, this is a site for doctors of radiation diagnostics.

And why do you think, dear Anatoly Vladimirovich, that the presented optical (ray!) Images are not related to radiology? Having an appropriate diagnostic program, it would be possible to subject them to computer analysis, and attribute this technique to optoelectronic anthropometry (http://www.radiomed.ru/forum/novyi-metod-v-radiologii), which best fits into the structure of radiological disciplines! Of course, the problem of optical-electronic diagnostics (anthropometry) still requires serious discussion.

By the way, the patient himself made an interesting attempt to analyze his digital optical image.

What is called - from scratch. I understand advertising. Well, what about me?? What caused you such dissatisfaction, because the patient, not being a doctor, is unlikely to understand what this heroism is for. If you have this program - just show the results, but if not - then it's so mediocre to get into a skirmish, and become a laughingstock - believe me - it's not necessary.

There are people who pass off electrical conductivity as mammography.

What is called - from scratch. I understand advertising. Well, what about me?? What caused you such dissatisfaction, because the patient, not being a doctor, is unlikely to understand what this heroism is for. If you have this program - just show the results, but if not - then it's so mediocre to get into a skirmish, and become a laughingstock - believe me - it's not necessary.

Causes, treatment and rehabilitation after dislocation of the collarbone

The clavicles are a pair of long bones that connect the shoulder blade to the sternum. The name of the clavicle comes from the Latin word for "key". The clavicle is one of the bones that is most commonly damaged in the human body.

The clavicles are cylindrical bones 15 cm long, curved in a transverse plane, like the letter S. They are located in the upper thoracic region and are attached to the first rib.

Each clavicle extends transversely and forms a junction with the sternum at its medial end and the scapula at its lateral end.

The unique position of the collarbone in the body often leads to dislocations and fractures, most often due to traffic accidents.

When the arm is extended during the injury, most of the force from the fall is transferred through the arm to the shoulder, resulting in a sudden displacement and can fracture the collarbone.

When a strong force is applied directly to the shoulder, such as during a car accident or during a sudden fall, the bones of the shoulder can be dislocated medially and result in a dislocation or fracture of the collarbone. It is worth noting that a clavicle fracture is much less common than a dislocation.

Types of dislocations of the clavicle

Based on scientific classification, clavicle dislocation can be divided into three types, each of which has its own peculiarities. Let's consider each of them in more detail.

There are three types of dislocation of the clavicle:

  1. Dislocation of the acromioclavicular joint. This type is the most common. It occurs most often as a result of a fall on the shoulder, when the ligaments within the peripheral part of the collarbone are torn. It is characterized by bulging of the clavicle and some deformation of the shoulder region. It should be noted that the acromioclavicular joint has relatively low mobility.
  2. Dislocation of the sternal end. Occurs when a person falls on the abducted arm (indirect injury). This type of dislocation is divided into two subspecies: anterior and posterior. The most common anterior dislocation, in which the sternal end of the clavicle is displaced to the anterior edge.
  3. Simultaneous dislocation of the clavicular joint. This is the most dangerous bone injury, when both the acromial end and the sternal end of the joint are damaged during the injury. Such an injury is considered dangerous to human health and is often difficult to treat.

Due to any dislocation, it is difficult for a person to control the injured limb. Movement becomes difficult and painful.

Dislocation of this bone occurs several times more often than fractures. Both young people and the elderly (from 17 to 60 years old) can be at risk.

What are the causes of injury

The clavicle can be damaged due to two mechanical influences on it: indirect and direct impact.

With direct trauma, there is an effect on the acromial part from the bottom up. This happens when you fall or get hit hard. In such situations, the bone moves back, resting against the first rib. Indirect mechanical impact is characterized by the fall of a person on the adducted shoulder.

Traumatologists identify several main causes that most often lead to dislocation of the collarbone. These reasons include:

  • a blow to the chest;
  • a strong blow directly to the collarbone (may occur during an accident);
  • fall on the shoulder.

Most often, damage to this bone is observed in such a group of people:

Damage to the collarbone can be of varying degrees. The clavicular ligaments can be damaged, the capsule can be torn. If the damage was significant, the muscles attached to the bone (deltoid and trapezius) are torn.

Features of the clinical picture

The main pain in the dislocation of the collarbone falls on the junction of the collarbone and scapula. A person feels pain while moving his arm or shoulder. In addition, it is impossible to withdraw or raise your hand up. There may be bruising or swelling.

With acromial dislocation, deformation of the bone itself is observed: its acromial end will bulge upward and slightly backward.

At the same time, a characteristic sign of a clavicle fracture is a “key symptom”. This is when, when pressing on the part that sticks out, it is observed that the bone falls into place.

The photo shows a dislocation of the acromial end of the right clavicle

After the pressure is released, the acromial end of the clavicle lifts up again. It is worth noting that in most cases this symptom is simply impossible to determine, since when pressing on the damaged area, the patient experiences unbearable pain.

In obese people, difficult diagnosis is possible, since the clavicle will be poorly palpable.

The most reliable way to diagnose is an x-ray of the damaged bone.

The most common symptoms of a dislocated collarbone are:

  • severe pain in the collarbone and shoulder girdle;
  • decreased sensitivity of the shoulder girdle and upper limb;
  • severe pain when trying to move the arm;
  • noticeable deformities of the joints in which the clavicle is connected to another bone;
  • soreness of the skin displaced by the joint;
  • edema and hematomas in the area of ​​dislocation;
  • numbness or paralysis of the injured limb (this may be caused by pressure from nerves and blood vessels).

Any damage to your collarbone should give you the signal to see a doctor as soon as possible. Try not to eat before you go to the doctor.

Solid food increases the chance of vomiting when the dislocation is repaired, especially if reduction is to be done under anesthesia.

First aid to the victim

If there is a suspicion of dislocation of the collarbone, the injured limb should be suspended with a bandage that will be thrown over the neck. Under the armpit you need to put a roller (it can be rolled up clothes).

If swelling appears or the hand begins to turn blue, then it is advisable to apply a cold compress to the injury site (something from the refrigerator or draw cold water into a bottle). Next, you need to call an ambulance or bring the victim to a traumatologist on your own.

You should also not give the victim painkillers - this may complicate further examination. Extreme cases can be unbearable pain that is simply impossible to endure.

Trauma treatment

Typically, a physical examination is sufficient to assess the extent of the damage. To confirm the diagnosis, you will need to take an x-ray. It does not show if the ligaments are damaged, but it will show the extent and direction of movement of the clavicle and possible bone fracture.

A first-degree injury is treated conservatively. It is recommended to rest, apply ice to the damaged area, use analgesics and apply a bandage, since the main task is to properly fix the position of the bone.

The most severe case is when there is a dislocation of the clavicle with a rupture of the ligaments. In these situations, surgery may be needed.

Conservative treatment in this case, as a rule, gives satisfactory results for patients, but for those people who are not associated with professional sports for athletes, surgical treatment will bring discomfort during heavy exertion.

The duration of treatment is from 4 to 6 weeks. If surgery was prescribed, then therapy lasts at least 6 months. After that, the victim will have to undergo a rehabilitation course.

If the injury is chronic, in such a situation, only surgical intervention is used. Most often, an operation is prescribed according to the method of Bohm, Bennel, Watkins-Kaplan. The purpose of the operation is to create ligaments from synthetic materials. After 6-7 months, the full working capacity of the limb is restored.

To prevent injury

The main preventive methods are the complete prevention of any injury to the girdle of the upper limb.

In case of any damage, you should immediately consult a doctor in order to prevent complications and start treatment on time.

If you have already had a dislocation of the collarbone, then you will need to perform physical exercises on an ongoing basis, which will be prescribed by a physiotherapist. This will help strengthen the ligaments and muscles, they will become more elastic and it will be much easier to prevent dislocation.

In order to get back in shape as soon as possible, it will take several months of rehabilitation. To strengthen the muscles and ligaments, as well as for proper fixation, the doctor will prescribe elastic bandages. When a certain time passes, and the hand needs to be developed, there are special exercises for this.

The rehabilitation process

Recovery after an injury takes place in several stages.

Step 1 - duration 3 weeks

You need to start doing exercises to strengthen the muscles of the shoulder girdle. The range of motion is small and painless. The permissible load on the shoulder joint should not cause pain.

The starting position for this exercise must also include shoulder support. Circular movements are performed by the shoulder area. Combined limb movements should not be introduced, as they can lead to re-injury.

The movement is performed only when there is no pain. Continue to wear an elastic bandage to support the upper limb.

Apply something cold (ice, for example) after exercise if puffiness or swelling appears.

Strengthening of the shoulder girdle - period up to 3 months

Based on active exercises to restore the muscle function of the shoulder flexors, adduction of the humerus. Here you can start to try push-ups from a hill (for example, from a chair or wall).

Take your time to regain full range of motion.

Back to sports - from 5 months to a year

Use dumbbells or other weights. They are needed to strengthen the periarticular muscles of the shoulder joint.

Begin to perform movements specific to your sport: throws (for example, a ball), pushes.

The load should be gradually increased, while controlling the technique of performing exercises. Then enter complex coordinated exercises. Avoid stretching the joint capsule, jerking.

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The clavicles are a pair of long bones that connect the shoulder blade to the sternum. The name of the clavicle comes from the Latin word for "key". The clavicle is one of the bones that is most commonly damaged in the human body.

The clavicles are cylindrical bones 15 cm long, curved in a transverse plane, like the letter S. They are located in the upper thoracic region and are attached to the first rib.

Each clavicle extends transversely and forms a junction with the sternum at its medial end and the scapula at its lateral end.

The unique position of the collarbone in the body often leads to dislocations and, more often, due to traffic accidents.

When the arm is extended during the injury, most of the force from the fall is transferred through the arm to the shoulder, resulting in a sudden displacement and can fracture the collarbone.

When a strong force is applied directly to the shoulder, such as during a car accident or during a sudden fall, the bones of the shoulder can be dislocated medially and result in a dislocation or fracture of the collarbone. It is worth noting that it is much less common than dislocation.

Types of dislocations of the clavicle

Based on scientific classification, clavicle dislocation can be divided into three types, each of which has its own peculiarities. Let's consider each of them in more detail.

There are three types of dislocation of the clavicle:

Due to any dislocation, it is difficult for a person to control the injured limb. Movement becomes difficult and painful.

Dislocation of this bone occurs several times more often than fractures. Both young people and the elderly (from 17 to 60 years old) can be at risk.

What are the causes of injury

The clavicle can be damaged due to two mechanical influences on it: indirect and direct impact.

With direct trauma, there is an effect on the acromial part from the bottom up. This happens when you fall or get hit hard. In such situations, the bone moves back, resting against the first rib. Indirect mechanical impact is characterized by the fall of a person on the adducted shoulder.

Traumatologists identify several main causes that most often lead to dislocation of the collarbone. These reasons include:

  • a blow to the chest;
  • a strong blow directly to the collarbone (may occur during an accident);

Most often, damage to this bone is observed in such a group of people:

  • gymnasts;
  • basketball players;
  • volleyball players;
  • the elderly (over 50 years old);
  • patients with .

Damage to the collarbone can be of varying degrees. The clavicular ligaments can be damaged, the capsule can be torn. If the damage was significant, the muscles attached to the bone (deltoid and trapezius) are torn.

Features of the clinical picture

The main pain in the dislocation of the collarbone falls on the junction of the collarbone and scapula. A person feels pain while moving his arm or shoulder. In addition, it is impossible to withdraw or raise your hand up. There may be bruising or swelling.

With acromial dislocation, deformation of the bone itself is observed: its acromial end will bulge upward and slightly backward.

At the same time, a characteristic sign of a clavicle fracture is a “key symptom”. This is when, when pressing on the part that sticks out, it is observed that the bone falls into place.

The photo shows a dislocation of the acromial end of the right clavicle

After the pressure is released, the acromial end of the clavicle lifts up again. It is worth noting that in most cases this symptom is simply impossible to determine, since when pressing on the damaged area, the patient experiences unbearable pain.

In obese people, difficult diagnosis is possible, since the clavicle will be poorly palpable.

The most reliable way to diagnose is an x-ray of the damaged bone.

The most common symptoms of a dislocated collarbone are:

  • severe pain in the collarbone and shoulder girdle;
  • decreased sensitivity of the shoulder girdle and upper limb;
  • severe pain when trying to move the arm;
  • noticeable deformities of the joints in which the clavicle is connected to another bone;
  • soreness of the skin displaced by the joint;
  • edema and hematomas in the area of ​​dislocation;
  • numbness or paralysis of the injured limb (this may be caused by pressure from nerves and blood vessels).

Any damage to your collarbone should give you the signal to see a doctor as soon as possible. Try not to eat before you go to the doctor.

Solid food increases the chance of vomiting when the dislocation is repaired, especially if reduction is to be done under anesthesia.

First aid to the victim

If there is a suspicion of dislocation of the collarbone, the injured limb should be suspended with a bandage that will be thrown over the neck. Under the armpit you need to put a roller (it can be rolled up clothes).

If swelling appears or the hand begins to turn blue, then it is advisable to apply a cold compress to the injury site (something from the refrigerator or draw cold water into a bottle). Next, you need to call an ambulance or bring the victim to a traumatologist on your own.

In no case do not set the bone yourself. So you can only worsen the condition of the patient and aggravate the situation itself.

You should also not give the victim painkillers - this may complicate further examination. Extreme cases can be unbearable pain that is simply impossible to endure.

Trauma treatment

Typically, a physical examination is sufficient to assess the extent of the damage. To confirm the diagnosis you will need to take an x-ray. It does not show if the ligaments are damaged, but it will show the extent and direction of movement of the clavicle and possible bone fracture.

A first-degree injury is treated conservatively. It is recommended to rest, apply ice to the damaged area, use analgesics and apply a bandage, since the main task is to properly fix the position of the bone.

The most severe case is when there is a dislocation of the clavicle with a rupture of the ligaments. In these situations, surgery may be needed.

Conservative treatment in this case, as a rule, gives satisfactory results for patients, but for those people who are not associated with professional sports for athletes, surgical treatment will bring discomfort during heavy exertion.

The duration of treatment is from 4 to 6 weeks. If surgery was prescribed, then therapy lasts at least 6 months. After that, the victim will have to undergo a rehabilitation course.

If the injury is chronic, in such a situation, only surgical intervention is used. Most often, an operation is prescribed according to the method of Bohm, Bennel, Watkins-Kaplan. The purpose of the operation is to create ligaments from synthetic materials. After 6-7 months, the full working capacity of the limb is restored.

To prevent injury

The main preventive methods are the complete prevention of any injury to the girdle of the upper limb.

In case of any damage, you should immediately consult a doctor in order to prevent complications and start treatment on time.

If you have already had a dislocation of the collarbone, then you will need to perform physical exercises on an ongoing basis, which will be prescribed by a physiotherapist. This will help strengthen the ligaments and muscles, they will become more elastic and it will be much easier to prevent dislocation.

In order to get back in shape as soon as possible, it will take several months of rehabilitation. To strengthen the muscles and ligaments, as well as for proper fixation, the doctor will prescribe elastic bandages. When a certain time passes, and the hand needs to be developed, there are special exercises for this.

The rehabilitation process

Recovery after an injury takes place in several stages.

Step 1 - duration 3 weeks

You need to start doing exercises to strengthen the muscles of the shoulder girdle. The range of motion is small and painless. The permissible load on the shoulder joint should not cause pain.

The starting position for this exercise must also include shoulder support. Circular movements are performed by the shoulder area. Combined limb movements should not be introduced, as they can lead to re-injury.

The movement is performed only when there is no pain. Continue to wear an elastic bandage to support the upper limb.
Apply something cold (ice, for example) after exercise if puffiness or swelling appears.

Strengthening the shoulder girdle - a period of up to 3 months

Based on active exercises to restore the muscle function of the shoulder flexors, adduction of the humerus. Here you can start to try push-ups from a hill (for example, from a chair or wall).

Take your time to regain full range of motion.

Returning to sports - from 5 months to a year

Use dumbbells or other weights. They are needed to strengthen the periarticular muscles of the shoulder joint.

Begin to perform movements specific to your sport: throws (for example, a ball), pushes.

The load should be gradually increased, while controlling the technique of performing exercises. Then enter complex coordinated exercises. Avoid stretching the joint capsule, jerking.

Take care of yourself and your health!

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