How to become a more energetic person. How to stay energetic throughout the day: tricks and tricks

At 2:00 or 3:00 pm, we yawn and dream of "quiet time." Blood glucose, cortisol, and insulin levels begin to drop, making you feel lethargic and sleepy. However, there are several tricks to quickly become cheerful and energetic, without interrupting for daytime naps. In addition, some of these milestones you can do at the workplace to stay in good shape throughout the day.

energetic music

Sometimes all you really need is some extra motivation to help you stay inspired and energized throughout the day. Listening to rhythmic, upbeat, or uplifting songs during work hours can be a great help in keeping your energy levels high. Create a playlist of tracks that inspire you. Turn it on whenever you feel the urge to "lie down".
Another way that concerns music is to listen to it a little louder than you are used to usually. This “shake-up” is good for a “foggy” afternoon mind and forces your brain to concentrate and focus.

Protein snack

A small snack in the afternoon is also a great way to boost energy. The main thing is to choose the right option for a light snack. For this purpose, foods containing fast carbohydrates are not suitable. So it is better to postpone chocolates and sweet bars and carbonated sweet drinks, and instead choose protein foods. It will provide additional energy for a long time, and also will not provoke a sharp rise in blood sugar, which will provide the desired energy for a short time, but then “lower” the performance level even lower than before the snack.
Complex carbs in snacks are also a great way to get a little more energy. They gradually and permanently increase blood glucose levels, which will give you a long-term advantage.
Great combo options include carrots and hummus, low-fat Greek yogurt, fruit and cheese, and a small bowl of oatmeal will do.
If you can’t imagine your afternoon snack without sweets, then pay attention to chocolate. Look for one with at least 60% cocoa.
Foods rich in fat should also not be eaten as a snack, as it takes much more energy to digest fats.

A small amount of caffeine will also help fight fatigue. Caffeine is a stimulant that helps concentration and focus.
Drink a cup of coffee or black tea - both drinks have about an equal amount of caffeine. Try to do without sugar, because sweeteners will sharply raise the level of glucose in the blood, and then also sharply “bring down” it, giving you an even greater state of weakness.
Do not get carried away with caffeine, because in the long term this way of "cheer up" is not suitable, and the abuse of "invigorating" drinks in the end can have the opposite effect. And the state of fatigue and depression with the use of coffee or tea will only get worse.

Washing with cold water

Research scientists have shown that washing the face and neck area with cold water helps to cope with the feeling of fatigue.
Whenever you feel tired, take a walk to the bathroom. Turn on the red with a cold ode and wash your face for a minute, actively rubbing the area of ​​your forehead, temples and ears. This will greatly invigorate you.
Research has also shown that taking a cold shower in the morning is just as good at waking up, even if it’s not good for your body.

Minute warm-up

Even a few seconds of active movement will help you feel much more alert. The fact is that physical activity activates the production of endorphins, and a sudden overtaken action from passive to active - cortisol. Such a "hormonal" explosion is guaranteed to give you a surge of strength.
Not surprisingly, it is office workers who have difficulty concentrating: for 8 hours they see motionless in a chair and look at monitors. However, a minute of warm-up and stretching is enough to feel much better.
An excellent option for a “peppy warm-up”: squats, neck turns, arm rotations, forward bends to the floor and a deflection in the lower back.

Walk with buddies

Another great way to cheer up is to go for a short walk for at least 5-7 minutes. It’s great if you don’t go alone, but bring colleagues with you: socialization is a great way to perk up.
Talk about an abstract topic, discuss plans for the weekend. Joke: after all, laughter increases the level of endorphins in the blood.

Make short walks a daily ritual and invite colleagues to join you. They will surely thank you. After all, you are obviously not the only one who feels tired during the day.

dynamic walk

Repeated studies have proven that a dynamic walk is perhaps the best way to quickly cheer up and feel a surge of energy throughout the day. It is the dynamic steps that increase the heart rate that help the body to cheer up. Try to go for a vigorous walk for at least 10 minutes, but half an hour is better.
Office buildings, even with the most modern ventilation system, provoke oxygen starvation, which negatively affects brain function. Fresh air also helps to saturate the blood with oxygen, which, in turn, invigorates great.
By the way, a dynamic workout in the gym or a soothing yoga session at the beginning of the day will also help you get a boost of energy for the whole day. Review your gym schedule, and in a week you will see the positive effect of the changes.

20 minutes sleep

If the feeling of fatigue still does not leave, and the desire to “lie down” for a while does not leave, then do not ignore the signals of your body. Immediately after lunch, go to an empty conference room or your own car and "turn off" for 20 minutes. This time is enough for the brain to receive a “recharge” for the day ahead.
A longer rest - 30 to 60 minutes - will greatly improve your cognitive performance. Sleeping for more than an hour, on the contrary, will nullify all your efforts. The body will have time to plunge into a deeper phase of sleep, but staying in it will not be enough to feel alert. To get the most out of a nap in the afternoon, try to be consistent about your timing. Strive to ensure that your rest takes place at the same time between 13:00 and 15:00. Use a sleep mask to block out sunlight.

Often we see people who have more than enough energy. They run back and forth, as if they have a propeller working in one place. They always do everything in time and always finish the work they started on time.

Often we see people who have more than enough energy. They run back and forth, as if they have a propeller working in one place. They always manage to do everything and always finish the work they have started on time. Everyone wonders how they can live like this. Maybe they drink energy drinks? Maybe they drink coffee by the liter? Maybe they eat a lot of sweets, which gives them a lot of ATP? NO!

They simply adhere to certain rules of life that they have learned through personal experience or read somewhere in a book. So let's go and we'll be the same. Who doesn’t want to wake up every morning with a smile on their face, have time to work and spend time with their loved one and chat with friends. We all want to do everything, so we should all learn a little more about where and how to extract this colossal energy.

1. So, the first thing we need to decide: do you love your job?

Think about this question, think seriously, if the answer is “No”, then you should look for another job that will bring you only pleasure. YES, it’s hard to do, we don’t always have what we want, but if we remain silent, endure and be content with what we have, then we will never find anything better and will endure the trials of fate all our lives.

2. The second will be your diet, or rather, your breakfast.

Breakfast is the key to a successful day, if you eat right in the morning, then the day will go well. It seems unrealistic and untrue, but still, there is some truth to it. If you eat what you like, then your mood and your body will tune in positively for the whole day, which will give you the boost of energy you need for a successful start. Never go home without having breakfast, for this is the womb of some consequences. If you are already accustomed to this, then try to unlearn, it is harmful to you and your health, and without health there will not be that colossal energy.

Healthy and proper nutrition will give strength both today and in many years to come, living on the right diet. Many have probably heard that poultry meat is the least nutritious and baked meat is the most useful. Therefore, we advise - chicken in foil in the oven, the very meal that is done quickly and simply, but at the same time tasty and healthy!

3. Try to live in harmony with nature!

You should always have some houseplants or flowers in the workplace. In our century, we are constantly surrounded by electronic technology and without it there is no way. And these are electromagnetic radiations that deplete our body a little, especially our brain. And plants take most of the radiation on themselves, so they should always be in the workplace.

Everyone knows how cacti can absorb radiation from a computer monitor or TV. I'm not talking about the fact that many people who practice yoga or feng shui attach a lot of importance to some plants and say that one gives physical strength, the second mental nourishment, and the third something else. You can’t argue with them, maybe they are right, in any case, caring for plants is not so difficult, so you can put a couple of pots in your office.

4. Remember to rest.

Rest is a very important element of the working day. People who believe that it is better to do everything quickly now, and then go home earlier, are very deluded in themselves. If a person continuously works for several hours in a row, then he loses vigilance, strength and speed of work. That is, it seems to you that you have done a lot, but in fact you have done less than you could do with rest.

It seems like it’s necessary, but it doesn’t burn, but time goes by, the work stops, and we don’t get up from the workplace, which means we work, although in fact the body, or rather the brain, outwitted us with this, it made us distracted. But there is no benefit from such a rest. After all, we didn’t get up from the workplace and didn’t think, I’ll go and have a rest, eat or something else.

After that, we can also look at the e-mail, but now we will have a good rest, because we told ourselves that we are going to rest. And when we don't realize it, we don't get that rest. That is why we always need to consciously rest, otherwise it will only get worse. About the fact that rest gives a lot of energy and strength, I won’t say it anymore, and it’s clear to everyone.

Also, remember about outdoor activities and entertainment. They bring a lot of joy and pleasure, which has a very good effect on our moods and the desire to be the best and achieve more. Discotheques and cheerful companies help a lot to relax from hard everyday life.

5. Get in the habit of walking down the street.

This is a good habit, because when we constantly sit indoors, not only do we not breathe fresh air, but we are also constantly distracted by all sorts of little things. This, in turn, does not allow us to think normally, relax and think over a plan of action for the future. And if we take a walk in the park or even just down the street, then we immediately go into “rest mode”, in this mode we have nothing to do, so we are not distracted by trifles and can think over a plan of action for the near future.

6. Do not forget about self-development.

I have already mentioned this more than once in previous articles, but nevertheless, I will remind you again. The more we learn, the better we become, the better we become, the more chances we have to achieve our goals quickly and accurately. By the way, do not forget about physical activities, a healthy body - a healthy mind. It is very important. Supporting the body in good shape will help you always feel at your best and give our brain a lot of strength and energy.

7. Create favorable conditions for life at home.

Remember that at home you can do whatever you want. This is your house or your apartment, so there is nothing to be ashamed of. If you really like something, but your friends may not like it, then think about who will live here, you or them? That's right, YOU! So it's up to you to decide what's best for you.

I have often noticed that the home environment very often plays a decisive role in the way a person lives. Sometimes it happens, you come to a friend’s house, and there you don’t want to do anything, you just want to exist. And it happens the other way around, you come to a friend's house and after sitting there for a while you are charged with invisible energy, you want to live, work and succeed. This suggests that the home environment plays a big role. Therefore, try to achieve harmony in your home, especially in the bedroom.

It has been scientifically proven that truly successful people are inherently more active and positive. And most often they achieved their success precisely because of their desire, vigorous activity, the ability to overcome laziness in time and take a step forward. How to gently push to become more active, easier to rise, to make your outlook on life more positive?

Here some practical advice, with proven effectiveness for increasing internal energy:

First of all, sit down and think about what is wrong in your life, what are you missing. Maybe you work ungratefully or do something you don't like, live with someone you don't like. In such cases, all the positive energy just dies in you. Change yourself and your situation!

Check your health. Often health problems prevent us from enjoying life and moving forward. And in most cases, we are not even aware of these problems. For example, problems with the thyroid gland very often cause drowsiness and apathy, and osteochondrosis sometimes causes frequent headaches, dizziness and poor mental activity. What energy can be, when it presses, then it hurts, then the head is spinning. Attentive attitude to health and early diagnosis of diseases is the key to a long active life.

Normalize your sleep and wake patterns. If possible, get up and go to bed at the same time. This contributes to the normalization of the biological rhythms of the body. If you are an owl, then do not look for a job where you have to get up at 5 in the morning - this is not for you. Sleep for at least 8 hours in a well-ventilated room and on a comfortable bed so that the brain and body can restore their energy resources. If the operating mode allows, a half-hour daytime sleep well restores strength.

Plan your day. Cross out all unnecessary useless things that only take time and effort. Make time for rest. When scheduling your work day, listen to yourself and your rhythm of life, to your biological clock. After all, no one knows better than you when exactly you have the peak of activity, and when is the time to take a break.

Learn to relax. Devote your non-work time to activities that are enjoyable for you. Sports, hiking, outdoor activities with family and friends - that's what you need. Drinking beer and eating too much will not bring any benefit and will not give proper relaxation, even if you watch sports programs intensively at this time.

Choose the right nutrition for you. A healthy balanced diet is the source of our energy. It is from the products that we get everything we need for our life. Pay attention to food - the result will not keep you waiting.

As a side effect, you will also throw off a couple of extra pounds, which means that you will be even easier to climb. Don't forget the afternoon snack. Indeed, by four o'clock in the afternoon, we simply need an energy recharge - berries, an apple, a banana, a piece of dark chocolate with nuts, whole grain bread with nut paste, fragrant invigorating tea - choose what suits your taste.

Eliminate harmful energy stimulants - energy drinks, alcohol, excess caffeine. They give a short-term boost of energy, and, ultimately, lead to the depletion of the energy potential and are simply harmful to health.

Go in for sports. Nobody encourages you to run marathons. An easy jog, a pleasant walk, yoga, Pilates, breathing exercises, dancing, jumping rope and just arbitrary home exercises - whoever likes it. The Internet allows you to play sports right at home, without leaving your computer, with the best coaches in the world, with any music. You just need to want. Do not be lazy - start right now to be more active. During physical activity, undoubtedly, the mood rises and the overall energy level of the body increases.

Get a massage. Massage restores energy potential, gives vitality and freshness, renews. If necessary or busy - do self-massage of the hands, head, neck, feet. Along with an improvement in overall well-being, you will receive a boost of positive energy.

Watch positive films, listen to good music that inspire, make you move forward, cheer you up. Take a walk, enjoy the scenery, pay attention to happy people and beautiful things around, thereby reducing the daily routine.

Get inspired. Inspiration is the engine of progress. Find what gives you this indescribable feeling of flying above reality, this feeling of heightened creative activity. And pursue your dream with all the power of inspiration you can muster.

Drink melt water. Many people have noticed that a month on melt water seriously adds strength. Try it and you will notice it yourself!

These are the tips that allow you to ensure that your internal energy will increase significantly. She will be enough for an active life, including love affairs. Yes, yes, it will help in this case. Here are many women, just because of fatigue, weak energy, they are so passive, therefore they often think about how to become active in sex. Now they will achieve an increase in energy in their body, an increase in the level of inspiration, more vivid fantasies.

You only understand for yourself that every person is the master of his own destiny, everyone is free to choose how he will be - active and successful or an ordinary loser. Take fate into your own hands, change yourself! Get better! Succeed!

Winter does not spoil us: the temperature is below zero, low pressure, as usual, there is not enough sun ... But, despite the fact that the weather does not stimulate us to action, we need to get up in the morning and be active during the day. How to become a cheerful and energetic person? Where to draw energy from if there is a feeling that its resources are decreasing at breakneck speed?

1. Eat healthy breakfasts

Breakfast can be called the most important meal of the day. This is the fuel that will give you energy to work all day, so it should include good carbohydrates, proteins and fats. Nutritionists advise eating as little processed foods as possible, such as oatmeal or cornflakes. Ignore the various pseudo-healthy and diet "fitness" cereals that are actually sweet and high in calories. Eggs are one of the best sources of protein, according to research conducted by the American Heart Association. In addition, they have some carbohydrates, which gradually release energy throughout the day.

2. Drink coffee and mate

It's no news to anyone that caffeine is stimulating and energizing. The caffeine contained in coffee significantly reduces fatigue and increases energy levels, and quite quickly. So does the tea drink known as yerba mate, which is made from natural leaves. It contains a lot of picture, magnesium, calcium, iron, vitamins A, C, E and group B.

3. Pharmaceutical preparations

Pharmaceutical preparations such as Eleutherococcus, Lemongrass, Ginseng, L-carnitine, B vitamins and others will also help to become more vigorous and energetic.

4. Get moving

Physical exercise should be included in the weekly plan at least 3-4 times. But it is best if you spend about 15-20 minutes every day for these purposes. Exercise saturates the body with oxygen, improves blood circulation, and during their implementation, endorphins are released, colloquially called hormones of happiness.

5. Drink plenty of water

Water is the source of vitality for the body, so you should take care of adequate hydration. Even the slightest deficiency can lead to a noticeable decrease in energy in cells. Drink at least one and a half liters of high-mineral water per day, even if you are not thirsty.

6. Take care of the right diet

If you need a high level of energy throughout the day, you should take care of a stable blood sugar level. Women often make the mistake of escaping in moments of “weakness” with chocolate bars. When we eat sweets, there is a sharp increase in sugar levels (the so-called energy shock), and very soon - its fall, which causes an instant deterioration in well-being. If you eat whole grains instead of simple sugars in the form of sweets, the sugar will gradually be released from them over many hours. Therefore, experts recommend foods such as brown rice or corn flakes, foods rich in fiber, as well as nuts, sunflower and pumpkin seeds, flax, sesame, which have proven themselves in terms of regulating blood sugar levels.

7. Listen to positive music

Numerous studies confirm that listening to "energetic" music is an effective way to increase activity levels. Among other things, it is the simplest, healthiest and cheapest way to deal with stress and fatigue.

8. Breathe fresh air

Most of us have to work indoors with limited access to fresh air. If you can't ventilate the room regularly, try to periodically breathe in fresh air when going outside. You can also consider returning home on foot or leaving one stop before the desired one. Oxygenation of the body has a significant impact on energy levels.

9. Adjust the environment

Our mood is influenced by everything that surrounds us. It happens that you do not feel too good at the workplace. Make sure you have a comfortable chair and good lighting. Maybe you need more space or silence? Sometimes it is enough to change just one annoying factor to feel more comfortable and feel a surge of energy.

10. Get enough sleep

Alas, even the strongest coffee will not replace sleep. If you lead a hectic lifestyle, always on the run and not getting enough sleep, you will never feel rested. Sleep is the best way to regenerate the body, so try to sleep at least 7 hours during the day. During sleep, growth hormone is released, which is responsible, among other things, due to recovery processes. And if we sleep too little, then we disrupt its production and do not give ourselves a chance for a full recovery.

The concept of “loss of energy” exists both in parascience, which calls this phenomenon damage and the evil eye, and in medicine, which explains it as chronic fatigue syndrome. A person who has lost part of his “charge” feels lethargic and unwilling to work, to do anything else. He always wants to sleep or just lie in bed, he often feels cold and chilly. Such a person needs silence - he and the noise and fun become unbearable. Therefore, it is often necessary to look for effective ways that will prompt


If you want to learn how to become energetic, then first of all you need to change your diet, pay great attention to your diet. The first rule that should be observed for weakened people is to prepare a full breakfast. The morning diet should include fruits, cereals, dairy products.

For lunch, it is good to eat fish, vegetables, green leafy herbs, dark whole grain bread, poultry meat, lean meat. If between meals you want to eat again, then eat a handful of nuts or 100-150 grams of fruit, bananas are especially good in this regard.

Try to eat small meals, but often. breakfast and even dinner can be considered muesli with yogurt, without sugar. Pharmacies have already begun to sell dry yeast for the preparation of this fermented milk drink with biobacteria. Such yogurt will help get rid of dysbacteriosis, and the state of health immediately becomes better. It is this state of imbalance that often causes chronic fatigue syndrome.

Don't Forget About Water

Let's find out, the second major cause of fatigue is dehydration. Moisture deficiency leads to rapid fatigue, neurosis, apathy. Therefore, doctors recommend drinking at least 2 liters of water per day, not counting soup, tea, coffee. Everyone who is learning to be cheerful should pay attention to green tea, as well as healthy fresh juices, foods that contain a lot of water - watermelons, oranges, cucumbers, celery.

In the morning you can drink a cup of coffee, but do not get carried away with it. You can argue about the benefits of energy drinks sold in stores for a long time. Yes, they are initially invigorating, but then the body gets used to them, their effect becomes weaker, tooth enamel is destroyed, the stomach and intestines work worse, heart problems appear. Therefore, you should not abuse them, it is best for the body to drink natural drinks that contain a lot of natural energy - mate tea, coffee, celery juice.

Bad habits

If you're still unsure, here's a helpful tip: stop smoking. Alcohol and drugs are out of the question. The most disgusting and negative thing is when a girl smokes, not a man. And not because of stereotypes, but because of how chemicals affect her condition.

An energetic and cheerful girl gradually becomes gray, wrinkled and joyless. 80% of the strength is lost by a person who smokes a pack of cigarettes a day. Therefore, getting rid of this bad habit, he begins to feel more energetic and cheerful. But this effect is not achieved immediately, it takes at least 9 months to cleanse the body of a smoker. By the way, no woman gains weight by quitting smoking. Of course, if she does not begin to experience stress from the absence of cigarettes in life.

energetic music

Notice how your foot begins to tap on the floor when rhythmic music is playing. This sign can be the answer to the question of how to become an energetic person.

By making these music therapy sessions permanent, you can get a real boost of energy. This is a great option for those who don't know how to get more energetic.

Turn on the music, the blood will move faster through the vessels, the metabolic processes will increase. Thus, music will perfectly cure you of chronic fatigue syndrome.

Sleep tight

Regular lack of sleep is a disaster for the body. Your body clearly knows how to generate energy during proper rest. This is how children who sleep for 9-10 hours are charged.

If you do not allow yourself to fully sleep because of an uncomfortable bed, constant noise, waking up, or simply because there is no time for a long rest, then the body begins to consume the remaining forces very sparingly. Therefore, you will not be able to run and jump, you will be accompanied by constant weakness and nervous breakdowns.

Physical exercises

So energetic person? The answer is simple: exercise. You must train as often as possible, doing it at the right time. If you exercise right before bed, you will never fall asleep anytime soon. Your brain is on alert while your body is tired.

It's not a very good feeling. When you wake up, you will feel so weak, as if someone has been tormenting you all night. That is why you should train just enough so that you can sleep peacefully later. In the process of choosing the time for loads, it is important to determine for yourself the most optimal option.

However, if you decide to work out overtime, then take a half-hour walk on foot half an hour before dinner. It is best to go when you are too lazy to go to the gym.


If you want to learn how to become energetic and active, then you need to take care of your health. The physical body needs a lot of nutrients and vitamins to be in constant tone.

You hardly think about how many vital components you got from food. If something is missing, then the body tells you about it, making you feel constantly tired. You can solve this problem by visiting a doctor, getting tested, and starting to take multivitamin tablets every day.


Another answer to the question of how to become more energetic and have time for everything is to be sociable. Have you ever noticed that successful people are constantly talking to others? They are always chatting on the phone or in a meeting, and they can never keep their mouths shut, even at important moments.

It's simple, because the conversation gives them energy. If you don't believe me, you can experiment by trying to chat with real people as often as possible, ignoring correspondence on social networks and instant messengers.

emotional fatigue

Negative emotions can drain your energy. Sadness, anger, depression, fighting conflict all the time can suck all the juice out of you. Surrounding yourself with negative people, as well as those who are constantly ready to morally put pressure on you, you doom yourself to weakness and constant fatigue.

Remember that positive emotions generate energy. Focus on what makes you happy. Stop worrying about it. Get rid of bad habits and people whose thought patterns lead you astray. Surround yourself only with those who will create a better world around you and inspire. Read motivating books, learn new things, and don't let apathy eat you up from the inside.

Too many computers

If you are sitting at the screen of a computer, phone, tablet or TV all the time, then your body does not expend much physical energy. Most of your energy is spent on unnecessary news, games and watching stupid videos. Your energy will simply drain into these resources, leaving you devastated and weak.

Get up! Put away your phone, move your computer away, and turn off the TV. Go outside, exercise, set a goal for yourself. Explore, meet! Sitting at home will not make you an energetic person.

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