How to be healthy young people. How to be healthy all your life. Create your own healthy diet

", so today I am correcting myself and in this post we will talk about how to be healthy and what is needed for this. Go!

I think each of us wants to be full of energy and strength, enjoy life and just feel great every day. In my opinion, this is best definition health.

I have already written about several simple steps to a healthy lifestyle, but now we will touch on this topic in more depth. I will bring advice on healthy lifestyle life and in the end I will write a little about how to implement them in your life.

1. Drink enough water

How much water you need to drink and why it is important, I have already written. I want to say here only that the body uses about 9 liters of water per day. And if you drink little, then the amount of water that is left in the body is used again and again.

This does not mean that you need to drink 9 liters per day. About two, two and a half will be enough. Just take a 2 liter bottle and fill it every day. Let it stand in a conspicuous place and be your norm for you.

2. Create your own healthy diet

Almost all of us know how important it is to eat right. But mere knowledge does not change anything. Our bad eating habits and addiction to junk food this does not disappear.

Start with what you like. Think what healthy food do you personally like it? Do you like certain fruits? Try to include them in your diet on a regular basis.

Next, imagine what your version of the menu might look like. proper nutrition. In the process of how you will eat what you like from useful products You will want to try something that did not attract at all before.

3. Add movement and spend more time outdoors

The modern world does sedentary image life is an inevitability. Or are we just resigned to it?

Movement is life and our body needs physical activity. Take walks on fresh air and playing sports with your habits (at the end of the post I will write about how to do this).

Your health will improve. A person feels tired either when he is really tired or when he has done nothing. Movement increases our energy and, importantly, has a good effect on mental abilities.

4. Get enough sleep

Healthy sleep just as important as proper nutrition and movement. If every morning is a test of strength for you, then it's time to change your sleep schedule.

I want to note that during sleep and only in certain time produced necessary for the body substances. For example, Melatonin (sleep hormone) is produced from 23.00 to 2.00. And accordingly, when we do not sleep at this time, then it becomes small in the body. In the morning it appears in feeling unwell. By the way, Melatonin also affects the aging process.

In general, healthy sleep at 7-8 hours and a stable sleep schedule will help to be healthy and feel great.

5. Get rid of excess ballast

Everything that oppresses or destroys you takes a lot of strength and energy, which means it prevents you from living a full and complete life. healthy life. Extra stress not for good.

Think about what steals your strength, undermines you, or just gets in the way. Perhaps these are bad habits, relationships with a person who has Negative influence on your life, a constant overload of information or a cluttered living space.

Deal with it and you will feel how life becomes easier.

6. Add fun to your life and smile more

Positive emotions play a big role in our life. Their presence makes us not only happy, but also favorably affects our health.

Write a list of what you like and do a couple of items from this list daily. Everyone has their own little things that make us happier. For some, this is their favorite music in the morning or favorite dish for breakfast.

7. Exercise for the eyes

It is the era of high technology. Almost everyone has a TV, smartphone, desktop computer or laptop, tablet. How much time do we spend on social media? networks, watch movies or just work at the computer?

I think the eyes should be protected if we want to be healthy. In one of my posts, I already wrote how to do exercises for the eyes. By the way, I myself use these exercises every day. Very helpful in relieving tension and fatigue in the eyes.

8. Get enough rest

When and how was your last vacation? And what did you do on the weekends?

We often sacrifice rest in order to have time to do something else, to complete it faster. And sometimes it really is necessary. But, oddly enough, it doesn't make things any less.

There will always be business while we live, but rest only when we choose for ourselves.

Rest fully and more often and you will see how things start to get done faster.

9. Love yourself and learn to enjoy life

Learn to love yourself and enjoy every minute of your life. Realize that you deserve better. Realize that the restrictions that you impose on yourself are purely your choice.

10. Consider yourself a healthy person

Finally, our health depends not only on what we eat, whether we exercise, get enough sleep or how much rest, but also on what we think about ourselves. Our thinking controls our health.

Highly interesting fact, the speech center of the brain has a huge impact on our entire body. If we constantly tell people how sick we are, complain, think of ourselves as a sick person, then we begin to feel like that.

So think of yourself as a healthy person and watch what you say about yourself. Without extremes, of course.

And now I'll give you a little strategy , which I cited when I wrote about how to achieve the goal. It will help to introduce into your life all that is given above.

Start small global change very difficult to do. Choose one item and start building it into your habit in small steps every day.

For example, you are accustomed to going to bed around one in the morning. Try going to bed 15-20 minutes earlier this week. Then, another 15 minutes earlier and so on until you reach the required time.

Or another example, try exercising for 5 minutes a day. Or even 2-3. But daily. What could be easier?

The main thing is to build in small steps and daily a new habit of exercising, eating right, drinking more water, etc. Over time, you will do it without hesitation.

Health can be considered at the level of society as a whole, a region, a particular social or ethnic group, as well as at the level of a particular person. It is the last point that interests us the most.

What is "health"?

In 2015, the Lancet magazine published the results of a study according to which only 4.3% of people living on Earth can be considered absolutely healthy. Moreover, a third of the world's population suffers simultaneously from 5 diseases, and 52% from as many as 10.

Are these numbers surprising? And because everything is counted: from neck pain (cervicalgia) to age-related hearing loss - these are the most frequent illnesses, excluding lumbago ( sharp pains at the waist) iron deficiency anemia and depression and subsequent Alzheimer's disease, cardiovascular disease etc. In general, according to doctors: "There are no healthy people - there are underexamined."

Perhaps that is why WHO speaks of health not only as the absence of physical defects and diseases, but, above all, as a state of complete physical, social and spiritual well-being.

But the state of well-being is a static moment, and we live in an ever-changing world. This means that it would be more accurate to talk about health, as the body's ability to maintain its well-being for as long as possible with any changes. environment, as well as with age.

In general, we can say that human health is determined by the genes that were laid in it at the stage of fertilization; the way of life he leads; the environment in which it lives; medical support available to him. What matters most?

Oddly enough, affordable medical service only 8-10% determines the state of human health. Still, most of us rarely go to the hospital.

Often we hear complaints about "bad genetics" or admiration for how "much is given to him by nature." But studies have shown that heredity determines human health by only 15%. Average. Of course, we are not talking about serious genetic diseases- only about the average indicator of a person's predisposition to certain ailments. Therefore, for many diseases, doctors find out a family history - the medical history of relatives, as this can tell a lot about the risks of the person himself.

The environment in which a person lives is, of course, also important factor. For example, residents of large cities are 2.5 times more likely to have ARVI than rural residents, 5 times more often - intestinal infections, twice as often viral hepatitis. But even the impact of all physical, chemical and biological factors affecting a person determines the state of health only by 18-20%.

What remains? Experts say that more than 50% of a person's health is determined by his lifestyle. This is the key to our health. Not genes, not external conditions, not the availability of medicine - but how we treat our bodies ourselves.

  • Proper nutrition.

There are no uniform strict nutritional standards for all mankind, just as there are no ideal diet. Someone is more mobile, someone is less, someone has restrictions on products associated with chronic diseases, age, sports activities, personal preferences. Therefore, you should adhere to the most general rules, adjusting the diet for yourself individually. For example, it is known that the total amount of calories received per day should be 45-65% from carbohydrates, 20-35% from fats and 10-35% from proteins. For people who are losing weight or gaining weight, their own proportions apply.

Should you limit yourself in meat, salt, sugar, spices, carbonated sweet drinks, coffee, fast food, alcohol, etc.? If you are a healthy person, then limiting - yes, but categorically refusing - is not necessary. Sometimes psychological restrictions are no less harmful than food ones.

  • Physical activity.

Lack of regular physical activity negatively affects health - this is a proven fact. It is not necessary to start going to the gym for two-hour classes from tomorrow morning - start small: 10-15 minutes from instructional video on the rug in front of the TV; refusal of transport at distances up to an hour's walk on foot; refusal of the elevator and active climbing the escalator; swimming pool on weekends; playing volleyball with friends in the yard. Whatever, just keep moving. For people over 18, half an hour of physical activity per day is a living wage.

  • Disease prevention.

Until the age of 40, you should visit a doctor once a year and take the following tests:

  • analysis for cholesterol to monitor the condition of blood vessels;
  • fluorography;
  • general analysis blood;
  • urinalysis for urogenital infections (men);
  • smear on flora (women).

For women over 25 years of age, breast ultrasound and mammography should also become mandatory once every two years.

For people over 40 years of age, these tests and examinations are supplemented with:

  • sugar analysis for timely detection diabetes
  • cardiogram;
  • analysis for prostate-specific antigen (PSA) (men).

In women, due to age hormonal changes the risk of osteoporosis increases, so densitometry, an examination for bone density, becomes relevant.

Finally, declare the fight against bad habits and take care of own sleep- and you will be healthy long years.

How to be healthy and strong? This is a question everyone asks themselves every day. But health first of all depends on us. To be or become healthy and strong, one must work on it.

Health is the most valuable thing a person has. The desire to be healthy is on the same line with the biological needs of a person - to breathe, eat, prolong one's family.

As a rule, often people are too lazy to take care of their health when it is good, or they try to do everything to make it worse. A person in pursuit of high earnings behaves in such a way that he loses his health, and then spends everything that he has earned, just to restore it.

Health often depends on natural data. However, scientists have been able to prove that our genotype affects only 20% of our health. The remaining 80% depends on how he takes care of him. Consider the main parts of what a good state of the body depends on.

Proper nutrition

Food should always be prepared from good natural products. All products that are positioned as enriched with elements will not benefit. It is necessary to make it a rule - to eat only what does not harm your health.

You need to eat strictly on time. Snack only on fruits, vegetables, or sugar-free juices. The habit of eating at the same time helps to develop gastric juice at certain hours, and, therefore, improving digestion.

Take food only in large quantities. Solving the problem of overeating is a huge step towards better health and longevity, and it is better to always get up from the table a little hungry.

Physical activity is one of constituent parts healthy lifestyle

Metro, trains, buses - all this does not contribute to the right way of life. Such is the man - he must use all the benefits of civilization in order to make his life easier and develop laziness.

For most citizens, life develops in such a way that it is necessary to lead a sedentary lifestyle - 8 hours of work in the office. There are also ways to keep physically active, provided that there is absolutely no time to go to the gym or run like a marathon runner.

First moment- take a shower and exercise every morning

In the morning, for 10-15 minutes, you should definitely do 5-10 simple exercise. It is also necessary to knead the whole body, you should start from the cervical vertebrae, ending with the tips of your toes and hands.

Then accept cold and hot shower. It is able to improve blood circulation, enhance the nutrition of skin cells. cool water tone the skin.

The result is a charge of energy and cheerfulness until noon.

second moment Every two hours of work, ten minutes of rest.

If you are immobile, sedentary work, then every two hours you need to take a break to stimulate your muscles. It is well known that the change in physical and mental activity has a positive effect on performance. Continuous and monotonous work for more than two hours contributes to the accumulation of metabolic products in the muscles and muscle tone decreases.

You can warm up on a chair - stretch, lean left and right, do a few circular motions head and shoulders. There are even special gymnastics for office workers. Good and responsible leaders instruct their employees in this regard.

If it’s too much for you to take a break for ten minutes every two hours of working time, then you can get by with at least three minutes. For the effect, the intensity of the lesson is important, and not the time for activity.

The resulting result is good health and high performance.

Third moment- stay outdoors for at least two hours a day.

In the air, you need to actively move, and not just be. If you try to change active movements to try to breathe oxygen from an open window two hours a day, it is unlikely that this will improve health and increase immunity. Walking or jogging is much better in the fresh and clean air than exercising in a stuffy gym. This will significantly improve blood circulation, increase muscle tone.

Physical exercise should be done outdoors in order to combine positive effect from physical activity with ventilation of the lungs.

A person should walk approximately 1200 steps daily. Which is about 1,200 kilometers.

The result is increased stamina and increased immunity.

You can even come up with your own specific ways to “move” that are directly related. The methods listed above are suitable for everyone without exception. Tips are elementary and 80% will provide you with support great shape and excellent health.

Proper nutrition and physical exercise form the basis of health and strength!

Do you want to be healthy and beautiful? This article is about how to gradually change your lifestyle you can achieve good results.

The advice in this article has several benefits for you: it reduces the risk of some cancer and other diseases, while increasing the chance to live a long and happy life. Here is a list of tips how to become healthy and beautiful :

1. Get good sleep. To maintain a healthy body, you need 8 hours of sleep every day. This will allow you to wake up on your own and not drink coffee and other invigorating drinks.

2. Laugh and smile! Smiling makes your face look younger and you will feel great. If you laugh a lot, it is scientifically proven that you will be healthier.

3. Find time for idleness. Find the dark quiet place, do not think about anything, sit for about ten minutes, feel a surge of energy. If you just relax, you will soon feel good throughout the day. Just do this exercise several times a day.

4. Eat more fruits and vegetables. Fruits and vegetables are important part healthy diet. Try to eat at least 5-9 servings per day.

5. Drink water! Good old H2O is a key element for the body throughout the day. Try drinking eight glasses of water every day. This will help you regain strength and move on. Restriction in consumption fresh water leads to acne, headaches and even dehydration. Follow this recommendation and your body will always be in good condition.

6. Do stretches! It is very nice! This mild form muscle training wakes up your body in the morning, warms it up and makes it more flexible. If you do stretching every day, then soon your body will become flexible and agile.

7. Start running! It doesn't have to be 5k runs every morning, but jogging or running for 10 minutes at an easy pace will definitely keep you in shape. Try running for 10 minutes 7 times a week. It will keep your muscles toned every day. Don't be zealous. Maintain a slow pace of running, after a run, take deep breaths. it best workout whole body, believe me!

8. Test yourself. If you can do 10 pushups, try doing 12 next time! Solving small problems keeps the body in good shape and beauty.

9. Find an activity that you love. Play with your pet, swim or jump on the trampoline! Your favorite activities will lift your spirits and make you happier. If you're having a bad day, ride your bike and vent your anger. Not only is it fun, but it also allows you to be yourself. Try it!

10. Love yourself! Do not compare yourself with other people, focus on your merits! Find your specialty and use your talents!

11. Do something special. It will make you feel like a winner! Performing a song or using your other talents will make you feel great!

12. Do some exercise every day. You will not only feel better, but you will also look better.

13. Be calm - don't take things too seriously. Be relaxed and open, learn new things, like new cultures!


Keep in mind that lifestyle changes require a lot of patience. You may want to give up, but don't. Keep doing the exercises and soon your dream of becoming healthy will come true!

The human body is a well-functioning self-healing system, the body “knows and feels” what it needs for health and how to heal. Look at the children, they choose exactly the foods they need in this moment for good health, Small child he won’t say after tasting a cake that it’s delicious, but when he eats berries, his “still” will surprise you. Even a child does not begin to eat chocolate immediately; usually, the need for this product is experienced no earlier than three years. And look how the child behaves with water. Then you can’t pull him out of the water, and sometimes he just doesn’t want to swim. healing powers are inherent in ourselves, but, unfortunately, we lose the opportunity to heal too quickly. But the main condition for maintaining health is to listen to your body. Health is good health, high performance, cheerfulness, fast recovery in diseases, resistance to disturbed ecology, well-coordinated work of all organs of the body.

To maintain health, you must adhere to a healthy lifestyle. If you want to know how many years will you live take the test on the site.

The necessary conditions:

  • Traffic - physical activity necessary for health. Movement is life. There are two types of physical activity - this is the usual movement and sports. All types of activity are useful, but not all muscles work during everyday movements, some are overstrained and others do not receive a load. To be healthy, you need to load all the muscles, that's why there are simulators and Sport halls. However, visiting them is not at all necessary if, with the help of a trainer, you choose a set of exercises for yourself that adds stress to those muscles that "rested" during the day;
  • healthy eating will help us to be healthy for many years, this is the basis for disease prevention, a properly selected diet allows you to feel good during the day and not get better;
  • Full healthy sleep is necessary for health, numerous studies prove that with a lack of sleep, obesity and heart disease can occur. People with sleep disorders are more likely to get into stressful situations, they experience depression and other health problems;
  • Rejection bad habits allows you to regain your lost health, but for this you need to completely rebuild the diet, be sure to cleanse the lungs (when smoking) and the liver (when drinking alcohol). Becoming healthy after giving up bad habits is a difficult but doable task.
  • Optimism.

1.Physical activity

Movement is life and health, they said already in antiquity. Movement is necessary to stay healthy. In the age of technology, our motor activity has decreased to a minimum. We get to work by transport, we go up to the apartment by elevator, we do not have a heavy physical work at home, because there are vacuum cleaners, washing machines and other benefits of civilization. In the evening we do not go for a walk, but watch TV or “walk” on the Internet. And the body needs movement, without it our well-being will not improve. Sometimes it's easier to go to the gym or fitness than to force yourself to do something at home. Go! Choose what you like and enjoy! Of course, it can be advised to get to work on foot and go up to the floor without using the elevator. But we're always in a hurry! There is only one way out - the gym and leisure. Physical activity is a necessity for a healthy lifestyle.

2. Moderate and healthy eating

No matter how much they say about the need to limit themselves in food, people continue to consume food in incredible quantities. And yet you need to eat less and think about the quality of food. First of all, the body needs vegetables and fruits, they are good because almost all of them can be consumed without restriction. Fruits are a great substitute for sweets and desserts, vegetables are a good addition to meat and fish dishes. Meat and fish, as a source of animal protein, should also be on your table, but meat should not be chosen. fatty varieties and use poultry, fish can be eaten in any quantity. Better Products do not fry, but stew, bake in the oven or boil. For the good functioning of the body, it is better not to finish eating, in fact, when you get up from the table a little hungry, in a few minutes you will feel that you have eaten just right. But if you eat until you are full, you will soon feel heaviness in your stomach. Do you need it? Don't overeat at night, but don't go to bed hungry either. A healthy diet means a balanced diet. Do not be too lazy to look at once which foods contain proteins, fats or carbohydrates, in what quantities, categorically refuse foods with trans fats. Having once compiled a healthy diet, you do not have to count calories for a long and tedious time. Your goal is to be healthy, and you should strive for it.

Be sure to drink enough liquids. Better if it will pure water. But part of the liquid can be replaced with unsweetened juices, fruit drinks, vegetable decoctions. On average, a person needs to drink 2 liters of fluid per day. Scientists talk about the advisability of drinking water before meals. In this case, a person will eat less food, but saturation will come faster. A person needs to “deceive” his body every day, because the feeling of fullness comes later, after the end of the meal. If you eat as much food as you think is necessary to meet your energy costs, then after a while you will feel heaviness in your stomach. Don't overeat.

3. Full sleep

Need good sleep is relevant to health like never before. Doctors talked a lot about movement and nutrition, but somehow sleep was bypassed. In order to be in time, people began to sleep less. And now doctors have sounded the alarm, an obvious connection has been found for many diseases, especially nervous and mental ones, associated with lack of sleep. Healthy sleep and its impact on a person has not yet been fully studied. In people different need in sleep duration. But the usefulness of sleep as one of the main factors of health is undeniable. Doctors advise to sleep 7-8 hours to feel healthy, but this is questioned, because there are people who do not need sleep of this length. healthy body able to adjust the need for sleep duration and adjust the mode when changing time zones.

A separate line can be noted the need for proper rest. From stressful situations salvation can be not only sleep, but also proper relaxation. Each person can choose for himself suitable way, these are walks, reading, listening to relaxation music, yoga. But don't let yourself relax by stimulating nervous system all kinds of energy drinks, pills, drinks, tranquilizers. Sooner or later, the body will not withstand such a load, then you will have to talk about health with a doctor.

4. Refusal of bad habits

Bad habits to combine with the right way life is impossible. If you smoke, it is useless to ask doctors or nutritionists how to stay healthy. First of all, you need to give up smoking, and only then think about how to become healthy.

After quitting smoking, do a lung cleanse, you need it. get busy breathing exercises. Be outdoors more often. Quitting smoking - important step to a healthy lifestyle. Unfortunately, the consequences will affect for a long time, but it is possible to completely restore health by giving up tobacco.

5. Optimistic perception of life

Be an optimist! Find light even in the darkest. Believe that God does not give trials that we cannot endure. Any test, no matter how difficult it may seem to us, averts great troubles from us. Envy, anger, despondency are not without reason considered mortal sins. They kill, first of all, you, adversely affecting your health. Laugh more often! Healthy man usually optimistic and cheerful.

Get your thoughts in order. Chaos in the head is not conducive to health. Don't promise more than you can deliver, don't take on what you can't deliver. But don’t say “I can’t” prematurely, a person can do much more than he thinks. Find an occupation you like, get an education.

Human life is unique and unrepeatable. It is given to a person once, it is necessary to live it fully and happily. Happiness without health is impossible. But the opposite is also true, the question of how to be healthy can be answered: you need to be happy!

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