Determine the sex of the kitten in the first week of life. How to distinguish a cat from a cat and determine the sex of a kitten? The best pose for sex determination

I have been fond of cats since childhood, and I have always had difficulties with determining the sex of newborn kittens. Even breeders make mistakes, let alone non-professionals. But the thing is that in newly born babies, sexual characteristics are weakly expressed and it is quite difficult to understand which of them is a boy and which is a girl.

But difficulties are what you need to learn how to overcome them. Therefore, today we will analyze the methods known to science and the people for recognizing the gender of small pets.

How to keep a kitten?

The sex of a kitten can be determined by the shape of the genitals and their location.

Before you try to look under the tail of a kitten, you need to learn how to hold it correctly. This will help avoid injury during the examination.

  • A newborn or already grown animal is carefully taken by the scruff of the neck, as a cat mother does, and gently, without sudden movements, the pet is placed on the stomach in the other hand.
  • The palm together with the kitten is raised to the level of the eyes.
  • The tail is carefully pushed up.
  • After that, proceed to the visual determination of the floor.

It is very important not to disturb the babies if the mother cat does not approve of your actions. Otherwise, the endless dragging of kittens from one corner to another will begin in search of a quiet and secluded place.

If the first time it was not possible to determine the gender, then you should not double-check it every five minutes. In such a short time, it is unlikely that anything will change, but the uncertainty about the gender of the offspring will only increase. Besides:

  • frequent anxiety of the cat family will lead to both the mother and her children;
  • babies without a fluffy parental blanket quickly become supercooled, and even warm human hands will not save them from the influence of negative environmental factors.

When doubts torment and thoughts explode the brain, it is better to photograph the sirloin of all cat cubs, and then examine and compare the images to your heart's content.

What can not be done?


  • tear off the kitten from the mother during feeding;
  • lift by the tail;
  • it is better not to touch the babies at all until the age of three weeks - some mothers, having smelled someone else's smell on the child, may refuse it;
  • in no case should you forcefully press on the genital area, trying to squeeze or feel something.

How to distinguish the sex of a newborn kitten?

Once again, I repeat that not everyone can determine with a probability of one hundred percent. But with experience comes skill, and the eye becomes trained.

It is believed that it is better to consider the shameful place immediately after birth, when the baby is not dry yet. In the future, especially in fluffy individuals, it will be problematic to see anything behind the fur.

  • First of all, pay attention to the distance between the anus and the genitals. Usually in males it is somewhat larger (approximately 9-10 mm) than in females (from 3 to 5 mm). True, in order to understand this, you will most likely have to compare the entire litter with each other. If the kitten was born alone, then the attempts are unlikely to succeed.
  • By the age of two weeks, you can notice that the strip between the anus and the vulva in cats is devoid of hair, while in males it is already covered with a light fluff.
  • Next, the shape of the genitalia is determined: in girls they resemble an elongated vertical line (gap), while in boys they are presented as a dot or a circle.

Trying to determine sex by the presence or absence of testicles at such a young age is not possible, since in newborn males the testes are located in the abdominal cavity, are not expressed and are practically invisible.

You can experiment and try to grope the male genitals. To do this, the index finger and thumb capture the fold of skin between the anus and the urethra. With proper skill and tactile sensitivity, it turns out to feel two tiny balls rolling.

Very often people are mistaken: after all, in infancy, male testicles have not yet descended into the scrotum, while girls may have swelling that is mistaken for testicles.

When do testicles appear? The testicles are located between the anus and the penis (the very point that was written about above). They become clearly visible only by 10-12 weeks of age.

Other sex determination methods

If the sex of a newborn kitten could not be determined, then everything will fall into place when it grows up a little.

It's no secret that tricolors, or they are also called tortoiseshells, are females. There have been cases of the birth of tortoiseshell cats, but this phenomenon is considered abnormal, besides, the males turned out to be infertile.

If it was born, then with a probability of 99% it is a cat. I cannot give a 100% guarantee - there are exceptions in life. But for all the time of my communication with these animals, I have never had to meet fiery female cats.

Some owners claim that it is possible to determine the sex of a grown kitten by its character:

  • males behave impudently, they are confident in their superiority and are the first to meet adventures;
  • girls are usually cautious, more calm and affectionate.

Others manage to consider gender differences in the muzzle:

  • cats have coarser and broader features;
  • women, on the other hand, are distinguished by more elegant and sophisticated lines.

Still others pay attention to the physique:

  • allegedly the boys are stocky, larger, more powerful;
  • and females are fragile and graceful.

For me, such comparisons cause a lot of doubts, especially when it comes to kids and teenagers. She herself was repeatedly mistaken, taking the “face” of a cat for a cat, and vice versa.

There is another one hundred percent method to find out the sex of a newborn kitten - to conduct a DNA examination. Only I do not know what such an urgent need should arise in order to decide on such an expensive analysis, if in a couple of months everything will fall into place.

What do you want to say in conclusion? Love and cherish your cats and cats, because the power of love does not depend on what gender the pet is.


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The question "how to determine the sex of a kitten" will not arise if you purchase it in a cattery. Another thing is if you picked up a kitten on the street or your cat was born for the first time, and you can't wait to find out the gender composition of her litter.

Why determine the sex of a kitten

Let's say you found a very small kitten in the yard and you would quite reasonably want to know who became the new member of your family - a boy or a girl.

Benefits of Information

  1. Cats and cats differ in habits: the former are independent, less compliant and phlegmatic, the latter are more affectionate, mobile and inquisitive. Of course, this is a very approximate division, since the character is given from birth, and then slightly adjusted by the future owner.
  2. The periods of sexual hunting, as well as maturation, take place in different ways. Cats are taken to mark the territory, and cats - to demonstrate readiness for mating (bending, rolling on the floor and meowing invitingly). A cat will never breed in a hem, but a free-roaming cat is easy.
  3. It is necessary to determine the gender of the kitten for the correct choice of a nickname - female or male. You can, of course, cheat and call your pet a bisexual name, for example, Michelle or Mango.

The sex of newly born kittens will be accurately determined by an experienced breeder or veterinarian. If you are neither one nor the other, learn to do it yourself or wait until the sexual characteristics of the animal become evident (this will happen at about 2-3 months of age).

Preparation for the procedure

Rules to consider if you intend to recognize the gender of your pet without outside help:

  • wash your hands thoroughly (preferably without soap or with soap without perfume fragrance);
  • make sure that the mother of the kitten is sympathetic;
  • carry out the manipulation quickly so as not to irritate the animals (adult and small);
  • the kitten's body is not strong enough, so take it gently so as not to harm the internal organs.

Important! Ideally, the sex determination procedure should take place no earlier than the animal is one month old. At this age, the signs are more pronounced, and the health of the kitten is at less risk.

External signs of a cat-boy

It is more convenient to perform the procedure on a flat surface (on a cabinet or table), after covering it with a warm soft towel. Lay the kitten on its tummy and lift its tail to examine the area between the genitals and the anus.

The following details will tell you that you have a male in front of you:

  • a pronounced gap between the anus and the external reproductive organs, reaching 1–2 cm;
  • the shape of the genitals, resembling a large dot;
  • the genital point and the anus point form the ":" sign, known as the colon;
  • hair growing between the genital and anus.

An integral part of the genital organs in all males are the testicles, located near the penis.. They are almost invisible in a newborn kitten, but gradually increase and are already felt by palpation when he is 10-12 weeks old. Probing the reproductive organs is considered an effective method for determining sex, which has been used (with caution!) Almost from the first days of the appearance of the litter.

It is interesting! For gender identification, you need to connect two fingers (middle and index) and hold them in the area between the anus and genitals, closer to the penis. With good tactile sensitivity, you will feel a pair of subcutaneous peas 3–5 mm in diameter.

This method is absolutely not suitable for people with rough palms. In addition, palpation gives an accurate result if the testicles have already descended into the scrotum, and in front of you is a healthy animal without symptoms of cryptorchidism, when one or both testicles are outside the scrotum.

External signs of a cat-girl

A list of nuances that will tell you that there is a cat in front of you:

  • the distance between the anus and the genitals is less than in the male - in a cat, these openings are practically adjacent to each other;
  • the vulva, unlike the dot-shaped penis, resembles a vertical line, forming an inverted "i" with the anus;
  • in females, the hair between the anus and the vagina does not grow.

In fact, dealing with the sex of kittens, especially in the first weeks of their life, is not very simple. It’s better to watch thematic videos or photos anyway, so as not to get confused in the comparative degrees of “more” or “less” (often used in sex determination instructions).

Differences in color and size

You can determine the sex of a kitten by its color only in the only case - if you have acquired a tricolor pet, whose color is called tortoiseshell-and-white (tortoiseshell with white) or simply tricolour. In addition, a patchwork color of red, black and white, but with a predominance of the latter, is called Calico by felinologists. In the overwhelming majority of cases, it is cats (not cats) that have this spectacular color, which is explained by the genetic connection between pigmentation and a certain chromosome.

Important! Tortoiseshell coloration in cats is extremely rare and occurs only with genetic failures. Tricolor cats have two X chromosomes, which dooms them to problems with conception or complete unsuitability for childbearing.

Tales that the red color signals belonging to a male tribe cause a grin among serious felinologists, as well as advice to look closely at the outlines of a cat's muzzle (which is recommended by some authors).

In their opinion, against the background of brutal male forms, females demonstrate more elegant and streamlined lines, which is a rather controversial argument. Head and muzzle configurations are determined by the breed standard, but by no means by gender. It is also very unreasonable to build on the size of a kitten - all newborns weigh approximately the same, and the gender difference in size (often indicated in the standard) becomes noticeable only in adult animals.

Everyone who decides to have a pet, for example, a cat, is faced with the question “how to determine the sex of a kitten?” If you make a mistake in this, you can bring an animal into the house that will cause a lot of problems for the owners. You need to carefully consider whether you want to take a boy or a girl. Each gender has its own advantages and disadvantages, which must be taken into account.

You can find out the sex of a kitten already in the first month of the animal's life with the help of a visual inspection. In some breeds, it is easy to see that a kitten will grow into a big cat or cat. Each person, buying a pet, can independently determine its gender. This is important not only for choosing a suitable name, but also for proper pet care. Cats and cats have a lot of differences.

Before you determine the sex of a kitten and take it into your home, you need to understand the behavioral characteristics of cats and cats. Not only the nature of the pet, but also the rules for caring for it largely depend on them. The habits and friendliness of the animal, perhaps, do not depend on its gender. Some animals are active, love to communicate with the owner, while others prefer an isolated lifestyle. Aggression also does not depend on the sex of the cat. The exception is the period of life of an adult female during the care of kittens. When a mother protects her cubs from all sorts of threats, aggression caused by an external stimulus may be manifested.


Cats perform the function of giving birth to young kittens. In many ways, this affects her behavior, which periodically changes during the onset of estrus. Some cats need to meet physiological needs. Therefore, remember that an “overly temperamental” animal will need to look for a mate or undergo a sterilization operation.

Sterilization is an intracavitary operation to remove all of the reproductive organs of the female, including the uterus and ovaries.

Problems can also arise with the pathological nature of the course of childbirth after mating your pet. They are usually helped by a qualified veterinarian.


Males certainly do not require a veterinary examination during the mating process. But they, as representatives of strong males, show their character in the fact that they mark their territory much more often than cats. Such an instinct is aimed at the manifestation of strength and the struggle for living space. It is in those houses where cats are kept that one can often hear a specific cat smell.

Happy owners of males, before starting a pet, must decide on his castration, that is, the removal of the testicles. After such a procedure, the smell may disappear or become less noticeable when the animal tries to mark the territory. A neutered cat no longer needs a constant search for a bride. However, if the house also contains a female, they can periodically perform sexual intercourse without the birth of offspring.

It is believed that castrated and spayed animals are less active. The reason for this condition lies in a more stable hormonal background than in individuals capable of bringing offspring. According to statistics, animals that have been spayed or castrated live two years longer. The question of whether to carry it out remains with the owner. Castration is best done when the ninth month of the animal's life has gone. During this period, he was quite strong, but the process of puberty did not end. It is better to have time to carry out the operation before the first mating. The best age for spaying cats is 7-8 months.

How to determine the gender when choosing a kitten?

The most reliable way to find out exactly what gender your pet is is to wait until the animal grows up. In adults, sexual characteristics are more pronounced. So, at three months, cats under the tail appear two round formations - these are the testicles. At birth, they are hidden inside and are practically invisible on examination. But how to determine the sex of a newborn kitten? In fact, the genitals of even the smallest pets differ.

You need to know that females have a vulva below the anus, located under the tail, and males have a penis. The vulva, in turn, has a more elongated, rectangular shape. The penis is a round organ. The distance between the vulva and anus in girls is much smaller than the distance between the penis and anus, which should also be taken into account. The color of an animal can help determine its sex. If you have a tricolor kitten in front of you, you can be sure that this is a girl. Cats are never tricolor.

Cats that are 1 to 2 months old require special care. You can easily hurt a kitten if you don't follow the special rules. You can’t hold the baby in your hands for a long time, otherwise the kitten’s hair will be saturated with a human smell. This will cause the mother to refuse to feed him.

Before you determine the sex of a kitten, remember the following recommendations:

  • it is undesirable to touch kittens under three weeks old;
  • the tail of the baby should be lifted carefully, without effort;
  • during examination, the animal must stand on a hard horizontal surface;
  • inspection can be carried out in between feedings;
  • you can’t take a kitten if his mother is against the actions of a person;
  • you can not lift the baby by the tail or withers.

If you took a kitten into the house, and he turned out to be of the wrong gender, which you originally thought, you should not be upset. Females and males have both their advantages and disadvantages. The animal will surely reciprocate the loving owner, make your life brighter, help you cope with daily difficulties. It happens that mistakes occur, because it is not always possible to see its gender well when looking at a small kitten. By and large, people who are ready to give their pet their care and love should not be so important, a boy in front of them or a girl.

Little kittens behave in exactly the same way - they are like little children. It is possible to distinguish by the behavior of kittens only when they reach puberty, because at this time their hormonal background changes. Some observations have shown:

  • cats are the most active, cats are lazy;
  • a cat is much cleaner than a cat;
  • cats mark their territory with secretions with a sharp and unpleasant odor;
  • cats mark the same territory with their paws, releasing claws from them, since they have special glands in the paw pads;
  • cats refrain from petting their owners, and cats, on the contrary, are more affectionate;
  • cats always fight over cats, but cats never fight over cats.

There are at least three ways to differentiate. And every person, even the most distant from all this, can choose one of them for himself.

visual observation. To determine the sex of a kitten, you need to look under his tail. Obvious differences cannot be seen there, but according to experts, there is a one hundred percent way to determine the sex of this animal.

In cats, the genitals are located near the anus and are very similar to a vertical strip. The distance between these places is not more than one centimeter.

In cats, the genitals look like a round dot, and the distance to the anus is two to three centimeters. Then testicles appear in this space.

By the color of the kitten. Cats are almost never multicolored. If a kitten has several colors of coat color, then this is a kitty. In many cases, you can determine the sex of a kitten - by its muzzle. The male has a rougher expression on it than the female.

Palpation of the genitals. This is a gentle probing of the genitals, which can be done from two weeks of age. The kitten should be put on a soft surface, the tail should be raised and very carefully begin to palpate the area immediately below the anus. The boy will immediately show two "peas" with a diameter of about five millimeters, but the girl does not.

These methods are few, but will help the owners to find out the sex of their future pet. And in no case should a small cat or a cat be lifted by the tail. It is also impossible to take small kittens in your arms until the age of three weeks. Otherwise, the smell of the owner will be transferred to the kitten and the mother cat may not accept him back, since he has a strange smell.

There are some differences in the body structure and color of these animals.

Body shape. The cat has a smaller body, it has soft lines of the body and it has the softest curves. Her muzzle is elongated in length, and not in width, like in cats. They have a much wider nose and muzzle, and they have a much larger and more powerful body, as well as thick paws.

Color. A characteristic difference between a cat and a cat is a specific color. X chromosomes are responsible for red and black colors. If both are present in the DNA of these animals, then it is a cat. And only from this, females can have a tortoiseshell color or contain three shades of flowers.

It is possible to distinguish a cat or a cat by external signs. You should pay attention to the color of the animal. It is so laid down by nature that the gene associated with the tricolor or tortoiseshell color is associated with female chromosomes. Therefore, if a kitten has white, black and red colors in its color, then it is more likely to say that this is a cat.

At an older age, kittens begin to differ in physique: cats, as a rule, have a wider bone and a large head, and cats are more graceful, with a neat muzzle. Of course, there are exceptions depending on the cat breed.

Differences by gender

The main sexual characteristics of cats include:

  • the shape of the genitals;
  • external signs;
  • behavioral factors.

When they appear (1 - 2 months)

The first sexual characteristics between females and males appear at 1 month. At 4-12 weeks, testicles appear in cats: they descend into the scrotum from the abdominal cavity.

At 3 - 4 months, kittens can already be distinguished by external signs - weight, shape of the muzzle, expression of the eyes. And at 6 - 8 months, in adulthood, behavioral factors appear - cats start estrus, cats mark their territory.

How and how are they different

Newborn cats and cats are similar to each other.

The first external differences appear at 2 months:

  1. Cats grow faster and gain weight, cats are smaller and more elegant.
  2. Females are more playful than males.
  3. The look and expression of the muzzle of the boys is calm, haughty. Girls are alert and searching.
  4. In cats, the chest is powerful and deep, the paws are larger, with large pads.
  5. Both sexes have nipples, but cats have larger nipples.

These differences can be seen both in the photo (above) and in the video.

You can also understand what gender the baby is by external differences: muzzle, voice and color.

On the muzzle

You can tell a cat from a cat by its face. In males, it is massive, with a wide nose, forehead and large cheekbones. They also have thicker necks. The female sign is refined, miniature features.

By voice

I will color

Only a cat can be tortoiseshell or tricolor. This is due to genetic characteristics. The X chromosomes are responsible for the transmission of orange and black. If the animal has both shades - with 99% it is a female. In 1%, such a fur coat occurs in males due to genome disorders. They have 3 chromosomes - XXY - and are sterile.

With a red coat most often there are cats. It also depends on genetics. They get the red gene from their mother. But cats must immediately adopt two of these genes from both parents.

The sex of small kittens can be recognized by several features. In the first days after birth, he is recognized by the shape of the genitals, sometimes by color. And when the animal reaches 3 - 4 months - according to external signs: muzzle, voice and weight.

The most accurate way to determine the sex of an animal is sexual characteristics. Before carrying out the inspection, you need to wash your hands using an unscented product. Hands should be warm. Next, you should caress the pet in order to establish contact with the kitten and make sure that the mother cat does not mind that her child is being examined.

You should also pay attention to the distance between the genitals and the anus: in cats it is about 1 cm, in cats it is much more. In addition, the cats there have a rather thick coat, while the cats do not have it.

In addition, you can gently feel the location of the testicles with your index and middle fingers. Peas are palpable in a cat, with a maximum size of 5 mm. The main thing is to act very carefully and not injure the kitten.

Wash your hands thoroughly before sex determination. If the pet caresses, is not afraid of anything, an examination can be carried out. Otherwise, postpone this procedure so as not to injure him.

To determine the gender of a kitten up to 3 months old, you should be guided by the following simple tips:

  1. Look under the tail. The cat - the genital organ and the anus are 2 points that are located at a distance of more than 1 cm from each other. In the female, the urethra resembles a "gap".
  2. In males, the coat between the genitals is quite thick. In females, it is completely absent.

There is another method by which you can easily distinguish a cat from a cat - conducting a tactile examination. With a medium and index light movement, feel the place where the testicles should be. Naturally, if this is a cat, small peas will be felt. In this case, nothing needs to be said about the cat, because by nature they do not have this organ.

If you carefully look at the body and muzzle of the animal, you can distinguish the female from the male, and vice versa. However, this method is suitable only for avid cat lovers, they just need to look, and they can immediately determine their gender.

So, the characteristic features for a male are:

  • wide nose and muzzle;
  • has a strong physique;
  • thick paws.

If the cat was castrated, it has a thick skin, a large head, and, in itself, is quite large.

So, the characteristic features for a female are:

  • graceful curves, graceful gait. This is seen most intensely in short-haired breeds;
  • elongated muzzle. It is necessary to pay attention, not in width, but in length.

In addition, there is also an external sign of how to distinguish a cat from a cat. Cats are red or cinnamon. Kittens - tortoiseshell or tricolor. They also have a calico color. But in nature, there are white cats with different shades of eyes. Most often, one is blue and the other is grey.

How to determine the sex of a newborn kitten

A good way to find out the sex of newborn animals is to examine their genitals.

A cat or a cat will have a difference:

  1. In girls, the vulva is located close to the anus, at a distance of about 5 mm. Outwardly, both organs resemble a beech i or a semicolon.
  2. In newly born boys, the genitals look like a colon. At 1 - 1.5 cm from the anus is the scrotum with testicles, under it is the opening of the foreskin. Also, males have more hair between the anus and penis than cats.
  3. Another sign is to run your index finger over your stomach. If the baby is a male, a slight bulge will be felt.

If you need to find out the gender of one cat or kitty, it is better to first look at thematic photos or videos.

What can be done

Examine the animal carefully so as not to harm it:

  • the baby is taken with the whole brush, grabbing from above, fingers are closed on the chest and stomach;
  • a person should place the crumbs in the palm of your hand or flat space;
  • carefully raise the tail and examine the cat's organ.

What Not to Do

When visually determining the sex of an animal, it is prohibited:

  • take or pull by the tail, paws, scruff;
  • take a newborn from a cat in an evil state;
  • tear off the crumbs during feeding;
  • take the baby with hands with a smell - the mother may consider him "alien";
  • put pressure on the genitals;
  • damage or break off the remnants of the umbilical cord;
  • keep the animal longer than 1 - 2 minutes - it may freeze, since thermoregulation is not yet developed.

Finding out who is a cat or a cat is very difficult, because due to the thick coat it is difficult to make out subtle differences. But you can still do it if you use the following methods:

  1. The presence of two points during tactile examination indicates that this is a cat. If the "question mark" is a cat.
  2. The cat has a purposeful character. The female constantly competes with brothers.
  3. Cats - large, cats - have a graceful body, an elongated muzzle.

The presence of nipples is not considered a clear difference, they can be in both females and males.

A kitten that was just born has a very weak, fragile body. For this reason, animals should be handled with the utmost care. In order to determine the sex of a baby, you need:

  1. Hold the kitten in your hands as carefully and carefully as possible.
  2. Put the animal on some surface, on the stomach, and then raise its tail.
  3. Before the above manipulations, you should make sure that the mother of the kittens is not opposed to you picking them up. Otherwise, you can suffer from a cat, because during such a period, all the instincts of a newly-made mother are sharpened.
  4. Try to carry out this procedure as quickly as possible so as not to make either mother or kitten nervous.
  5. If the issue of sex determination is not too important, this procedure should be left until the kittens reach 3 months.

Much attention should also be paid to what is highly recommended not to do with small kittens:

  1. You can not hold a kitten in your hands carelessly, inaccurately, you can hurt the baby in this way.
  2. It is forbidden to lift a kitten by the tail.
  3. In general, it is better not to take a kitten in your arms until it reaches at least the age of 21 days, since any careless action can harm the baby's body. In addition, your smell may remain on the kitten’s coat, which is why the baby’s mother cat may refuse it. Subsequently, the process of feeding the baby may already be your concern.
  4. In no case should you take the baby from the mother during feeding.
  5. At such an early age, the processes of thermoregulation in the body have not yet been fully formed in small kittens, as a result of which even slight drafts or breezes of wind can cause hypothermia. For this reason, you should not keep the kitten in your arms for a long time.
  6. It is forbidden to put pressure on the genitals of the animal, they can easily be damaged.

how to make two cats friends in one apartment

Sex determination at home

If it becomes necessary to determine the sex of a kitten at home, it is important to follow a small algorithm of actions. So, first you need to make sure that the mother cat has nothing against your intrusion, it is worth stroking the babies and looking at her reaction. If she behaves perfectly calmly, then you can conduct an examination. There is no need to tear off the kittens from feeding or disturb them during a sound sleep, it is better to do the procedure while the kittens are playing.

The next important point is that a small kitten cannot be picked up for a long time. Firstly, his coat quickly takes on the smell of human hands, and the mother cat may refuse to accept the baby back. And secondly, the kitten freezes very quickly, since thermoregulation in babies up to a month old is poorly developed. When examining, it is best to put the kitten with its tummy on a warm towel, carefully lift the tail and, having determined its gender, send it to its mother.

Folk methods

There are several non-standard ways to determine the sex of a kitten. Inveterate "cat lovers" know how to distinguish a cat from a cat without examining their genitals, and tips in this matter can be:

  • color;
  • sight;
  • the smell of urine;
  • manner of drinking milk;
  • body type;
  • character.

As for the color of the coat, it can be said with 99% certainty that an animal with red hair is a cat, and a tricolor pet is a cat. This definition has a genetic basis, since the formation of the colors "calico" (a combination of black, red and white shades) requires a pair of X chromosomes, which is inherent only in female individuals. But the color of cinnamon or red is a marker of males.

There is an opinion that you can determine the sex of an animal by looking at it. They say that cats look more wary, a little scared, and cats look at others quite confidently and arrogantly. Although this option can only be 60% correct.

There is another unusual way to determine the sex of a kitten: you need to pay attention to how he laps milk from a saucer. Boy kittens usually drink milk, raising their tail up, but girls almost always keep it lowered or even shyly squeeze it between their hind legs.

Regarding the physique, there are also obvious differences between males and females. So, the nose and muzzle of the cat are quite wide, the body itself is large, powerful, the paws are thick. A castrated male has denser skin than females, and a larger head. Kittens are distinguished by innate grace and grace, their movements are careful, and their steps are almost silent (but the males have a heavier step).

The character and habits of kittens up to 7-8 months are almost the same, they are playful and affectionate, but during puberty the differences become more noticeable. Males prefer passive pastime, they sleep a lot or just bask in the sun, while females become active, inquisitive and restless.

Surely, you have often had to wonder - how to find out what gender the kittens are. If your cat has littered and you decide to keep the babies so that you can sell them later and give them away, you need to figure out how many boys and how many girls you have. But while the kittens are small, it is very difficult to understand. Unfortunately, cats do not come with instructions on how to determine the sex of a kitten.

When buying an animal from the market, you will also want to find out who you are taking. After all, bringing the cat home, you will need not only to feed him and bestow love, but also give him a name. There have been so many cases in the history of human-cat friendship when Murok had to be urgently renamed into Murzikov, and Lus into Lyusikov.

If with dogs, even at a young age, everything is easier, then not every cat breeder knows how to determine the sex of a kitten for 1 month.

How to determine the sex of a kitten - basic techniques

Of course, from the point of view of science, there is nothing complicated. Now, even in a fetus in the mother's womb, you can easily find out the sex. Of course, there are similar remedies for animals. After all, cats, like people, have innate sex differences, determined at the chromosomal level. That is, if a scientist does not know how to distinguish a cat from a cat, he will simply conduct a DNA test and get the desired result.

But we all understand that a family that bought / picked up an animal on the street is unlikely to have the means to conduct complex tests.

You can also try to determine the gender by looking. In cats, he is more alert. They are constantly looking for something, studying. The cat almost always looks confident. But in the case of babies, this technique does not work. Their look, except for bewilderment and confusion, does not express anything. So we discard this option.

And how to find out the sex of a kitten by the simplest criterion - anatomical differences? It is known that until the age of three months, kittens are almost the same. The fact is that before this age, their genitals develop, and outwardly they are very similar.

But there is still an opportunity to determine the sex of a kitten if you know what it should look like and where its excretory and reproductive organs are located.

Get ready - wash your hands with soap and gently pick up the animal. You need to do this carefully so as not to scare and not make him break out. We take a kitten in one hand, a gadget with a good camera in the other, and take a picture. It will be easier and more convenient to see everything on it than on a ball of wool that wants to get free as soon as possible.

How to find out the gender of a kitten: behind the cat with a ruler

Experts are well aware of how to distinguish a cat from a cat, based on simple parameters. Take a look at the picture we got. On it you see two areas, this is the anus and the area where the genitals are formed. In the female, the distance between them is absent for obvious reasons, while in the male it is “reserved” for the testicles. Usually this area takes one and a half, or two centimeters.

So, if you want to figure out how to determine the sex of a kitten, a photo will help you do it the easiest way.

The shape of the genitals

While there are no penis and testicles, the shape of the hole through which the kittens relieve themselves will be different. In a cat it is round (the anus and urethra form a colon), while in a cat it is rectangular (similar to the letter i, or exclamation point).

Checking by touch

If you are not sure about the accuracy of the previous option, then we check the floor with our hands. Between the anus and the zone of formation of the penis, the cat will feel two swelling. They develop into testicles over time. But how to determine whether a cat or a cat is in front of you, if it is just a baby, and nothing has begun to form yet? Often this option is not suitable, because. features of growth and formation of secondary sexual characteristics are different for each individual kitten.

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