How to overcome muscle pain while exercising. How to deal with fear of pain What it takes to overcome pain

Fear of pain. Something that many people sometimes don't take action, don't make decisions, don't start relationships, or can't express themselves. It will hurt. Even going to the doctor is sometimes scary - it will hurt.

Can we, if not avoid pain, then at least minimize it? And if so, how? In this article, we will talk about physical pain and the emotional fears associated with it.

Navigation through the article “Fear of pain: physical pain. What are we really afraid of?

physical pain

If we abstract a little from the versatility of our consciousness, and now consider only the physiological principles of the functioning of our body and brain, we get the following. What does pain mean? This is a signal that sends one of our senses to the central coordinator - the brain.

In physiology, this is called nociception. Nociceptors are pain receptors that recognize harmful, damaging effects on the tissues and organs of the body. Impacts can be mechanical, thermal or chemical.

Nociceptors transmit a signal about damage first to the spinal cord, and then to the brain. As a result, a person already knows at the level of consciousness that he is in pain. And all this is necessary so that a person can take some action to resolve the situation.

physical pain itself has some natural regulation. For example, when the body is very stressed, when the pain becomes too acute, a person often loses consciousness.

This mechanism is provided by nature so that a person can “rest” from experiences for at least a little time and gather strength to deal with a traumatic situation or an illness of some organ.

At the same time, a person in the body has many of its own internal ways to cope with pain, depending on the situation. Internal opiates - endorphins - are designed to reduce it and have a relaxing effect on the muscles.

Adrenaline - also in order to reduce pain, but vice versa - to stimulate the activity of a person as much as possible and help him, for example, effectively get out of a dangerous situation.

The body itself can often tell (if you listen carefully) what posture or action can lead to pain relief.

But there is another factor that is decisive for a person - emotions. What arises in the process of the appearance of pain and with might and main is involved not only in the perception of impulses transmitted by pain receptors, but also in the formation of further pain chemistry.

Surely each of you observed that the adrenaline rush, which is always easy to recognize by an increase in heart rate, a sudden surge of strength, a feeling of anxiety and determination at the same time, a decrease in body sensations, a narrowing of consciousness, happened to you not only when the danger was real, but also when when there was no danger, but there was only a thought that disturbed you.

If a mental representation, fantasy can cause such a strong chemical reaction, then it turns out that emotions are very important, if not decisive, in shaping what is commonly called " physical pain».

At the emotional level, we, first of all, evaluate our condition. We put a label on him, and these labels look like this - “bad”, “something happened”, “this could end in death”, “I can’t stand it”, “all plans collapsed”, etc.

Emotions, of course, affect the course of the pain process and most often in the direction of intensification. Let's say you have a stomachache. Well, I got sick - maybe it's not scary at all. You ate something stale, the body recognized it as a chemical invasion, the corresponding receptors turned on and sent a signal to the brain.

Maybe you just need to drink a lot/eat something else/go to the bathroom/just lay down and relax - and most likely everything will pass. What does pain mean? - the body is fighting a chemical invasion, which he notified you about.

It may not take much time for your body to overcome the situation. As a last resort, pain medication can be taken to reduce smooth muscle spasm.

In most cases, your pain has every chance not to develop into anything serious. But many people most often begin to “twist” the pain: get scared of it, draw pictures for themselves like “what if it’s appendicitis, and I’ll die from peritonitis?”, “what if I have a dangerous infection?”, in the easiest case - “I won’t get to an appointment, it will ruin all my plans, oh, what an unbearable pity, ”etc.

What happens to the body - I think it's clear. fear of pain or unpleasant events in connection with it triggers a new release of adrenaline, the spasm becomes stronger, the heartbeat - more often, the horror - even deeper, the adrenaline - even more, and so on in a circle. As a result, either you will be able to stop all this pandemonium with an effort of will, or you will faint.

I described all these mechanisms in an article about a panic attack, if you want to understand them in more detail with examples - read it. Here it is important for us to pay attention to something else - physical pain may develop into heartache and vice versa, and with your own direct participation.

You can, for example, having learned unpleasant news or hearing offensive words, delve into “chewing” resentment and in the end create for yourself such a chemical cocktail in the body that will lead not only to real tachycardia, but even to a heart attack, if there is at least some physiological disposition to it.

In other words, when we start to “wind up” emotions, we generate approximately the same set of chemical changes, but they can affect different body systems. Most often, the weakest genetically or simply overloaded systems of your body are the first to suffer.

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How to overcome pain in martial arts? This question often arises in training: missed punches, painful shins and forearms, etc. We will talk about the manifestation of willpower as a means to endure and overcome pain. Pain is physical suffering, felt and realized. It is an individual property of the organism, i.e. Simply put, everyone has their own pain threshold.

Many people, through religion and rituals, have long cultivated the art of overcoming pain in future warriors. Causing it, various rituals were performed. For example, Muslims performed circumcision of children. The future man had to steadfastly overcome this state.

In our time, sometimes teenagers compete in demonstrating willpower and the ability to overcome pain.

All this is manifested in cauterization of the skin of the hands with matches or cigarettes.

At the same time, they try to be calm on the outside. The competition itself is, of course, stupid. But you should pay attention to the very essence: children believe that through overcoming pain, you can become a real man.

During the battle, not everyone notices minor injuries. Even with severe wounds, they sometimes remain in the ranks. Painful sensations, as it were, “warm up” anger and determination. But in ordinary life, the pain is much worse.

Why is this happening? It's all about the brain, which is focused on a more important goal and does not always notice unpleasant sensations. True, one has only to pay attention to them and they will capture the entire brain and it will focus on pain.

The hardest experience is when the pain is expected with fear. It enhances pain sensations.

Of course, it is impossible to encode yourself from immunity to pain, although during various trainings a decrease in the pain threshold is achieved. As an option, you can offer the method of H.M. Aliyev according to the "Key" system.

In general, it is very useful, in fact, both for reducing the sensitivity of various parts of the body and for the general healing effect when entering a light state of trance. It is worth noting that not everyone, of course, will be able to overcome the pain threshold and lower it to a minimum, but from my own experience I can say that the sensitivity decreased by half.

But there is nothing to do in a fight or duel with such “insensitive” limbs. But it is not possible to leave only pain immunity from “stiffness”. There is no guarantee against getting pain in a duel. still accompanied by severe pain.

From such an injury, a person is forced to freeze, hide the damaged area, groan, frown and take a relieving (forced) position in order to overcome painful sensations. Tears may even appear, which is not a weakness. Tears are a reaction of the body, moreover, a reflex reaction. Many facial injuries are accompanied by tears.

They are not accompanied by crying and are considered "dry" or "mean". These tears should not be shy and pay close attention to them. After all, crying is not a degree of pain trauma, but a consequence of experience. Crying is justified and real in case of: resentment, helplessness, annoyance, hopelessness.

From the above, it follows that pain can manifest itself in a change in motor activity, facial expressions, anxiety (freezing in a forced position) and crying. These manifestations can contribute to an increase in aggression on the part of the enemy. This is a psychological component. The sight of a wounded, in pain enemy betrays confidence, courage and determination. This is well known to representatives of martial arts, who do everything to overcome and hide pain.

You need to learn how to overcome pain, but this is achieved only by willpower. It is important not only to learn how to overcome pain, but also to mask it from the enemy. By focusing on the actions of disguise, you distract from the experience of pain and reduce its strength.

The disguise that allows you to overcome pain is manifested in the following:

Adopting, if possible, of course, the original combat stance


Calming breath

Against the background of this external disguise, self-mastery or self-mastery occurs. When training pain tolerance, of course, you don’t need to intentionally hurt yourself. There are many times in life when you have to experience these feelings. Especially this possibility is manifested in the development of painful and in contact fights. It is important to remember this and not miss such an opportunity. It is worth considering that the ability to overcome pain is acceptable for mild pain, bruises, but not for serious injuries.

According to many bodybuilders One of the main factors that precedes muscle growth is muscle pain. If you want results, conquer pain. These are tips from partners in any room. But is it really true? Maybe only deceived bodybuilders think they need pain for a real workout? Pain is a common side effect in every bodybuilder's life, and we would all benefit from knowing how it affects bodybuilding and how to overcome its negative effects.

Voltage during intense workout causes a strong rush of blood to the working muscles. This is exactly the “pump” that you strive for when you go to train. Pain depends on the pumping of blood.

In fact, the more pain you feel, the greater the rush of blood. And, realizing this, you train more persistently. However, first you need to clearly understand that there are two types of pain. Dull, burning pain inside the working muscles is mainly associated with overwork. On the other hand, sudden, sharp pain in the joints can mean damage to the ligaments, tendons, or even muscles, in which case you are forced to immediately stop exercising. It is important to overcome the pain associated with overwork, and this should not be done when it comes from injuries.

Ability to endure pain

Pain can affect your workouts in different ways, and everyone perceives it differently. It can also affect training intensity, which in turn will show up in your results. One famous bodybuilder told me: “When my muscles are sore and I feel tired, I try to cheer up and prepare for the next workout. I reduce the load until the pain goes away.” The intensity of her workouts depends on her pain. When the pain becomes especially unbearable, she reduces the load and gets a smaller result. Another bodybuilder said this: “I feel that all the tired muscles hurt. When I really start to feel pain, I force myself to go further and increase the load with each rep and set.” He also feels pain in the muscles during the workout, but regardless of that, he maintains a high level of intensity.

People who cannot tolerate pain tend to reduce the frequency and duration of their workouts. Referring to the high intensity of the workout, some can safely skip the next workout or shorten its duration: “Last time I trained so hard that I need to relax a little today” or “Workouts are so exhausting that now I only go to the gym twice a week »

This is a common reaction of those who train and cannot stand the pain that accompanies intense training. As soon as you start using pain as a reason to decrease training, you just take a step back and refuse to complete the program.

necessary evil

Your training will be more productive if you change your perception of pain and understand that this is an integral part of your training. When you accept that it cannot be avoided, and if you want to achieve real results, you will be able to control the sensation of pain and reduce its negative impact.

The ability to overcome pain is crucial for athletic performance. An athlete with more stamina can achieve better results than one with less stamina. Athletes who try to overcome heavy loads are also more satisfied with their results and achievements. Isn't it great when you have a great workout, hit a record mark and a huge pump?

Pain needs to be controlled

Relax. The first step to controlling pain while exercising is to avoid unnecessary muscle tension, especially those that push weight. Only when you are relaxed will you be able to distinguish the reaction associated with strength and muscle growth.

At first glance, relaxation and high intensity are incompatible things. But for true isolation of a working muscle, tense with intense exercise, the rest of the body and consciousness must be relaxed and not interfere with the isolation process. Relaxation promotes recovery between sets and grueling workouts, helps you fall asleep quickly, and relieves unwanted muscle tension, headaches, and lower back pain. The ability to relax also needs to be constantly trained. It's best not to do it in the gym at first, but when you really learn, you can use it during training and competition. After 2-3 weeks of practice already noticeable results. The Muscle-Awareness Technique. Relaxation techniques are most suitable for those bodybuilders who use imagination to induce mental calm with corresponding physical relaxation. This refers to the ability of the body to enter into a state characterized by reduced heart rate and, accordingly, blood pressure, slow breathing, brain function and metabolism. These relaxation-induced changes can counteract unwanted feelings of exhaustion and pain.

My own coach

If you train by yourself, then you have to learn how to do heavy sets in the same way as with a partner. During training, you need to cheer yourself up and convince yourself that you can overcome this pain. Each heavy set can be broken down into stages (see “The Four Stages of Pain”). Base your training on this and associate positive results with each stage. Remember, you have to be kind to yourself in order to be successful. By treating pain correctly, you develop the ability to control it, try to cheer yourself up. This is exactly what will make your success even greater. Therefore, no matter what - just go to the training room and control the pain!

Gradual approach to relaxation

  1. Choose a word or short phrase about yourself and about bodybuilding. The first thing you need for each relaxation technique is to choose a word that you then think about. If this word is about you, it will be easier for you to train. It should be something easy to remember and short enough to pronounce so that it can be said as you exhale. Something like: strong, powerful, relaxed and the like.
  2. Relax your muscles. Before starting a set, relax various muscle groups, starting from the foot and to the stomach. Turning your head in different directions and shrugging your shoulders, relax your shoulders, neck and head. Lower your arms, let them hang naturally at your sides.
  3. Watch your breath and start using the “basic” word. Breathe slowly and naturally, silently repeating the chosen word on each exhalation.
  4. Keep equanimity. This is another important aspect of relaxation. As soon as you sit quietly, repeating the chosen word, various thoughts will immediately begin to torment you. If you are exercising, it may seem to you that the pain is too strong, and this will immediately distract you from the word. To prevent this, you need to try not to react to anything. You don't have to fight these intrusive thoughts. Remember this does not mean worse exercise performance. This is about consciousness, not physical effort. You can think completely relaxed and at the same time be persistent and energetic during your set.
  5. Train twice a day. Just like strength training, relaxation techniques need constant improvement. First, train at home twice a day in your free time, and it's best to do it on an empty stomach.

Four stages of pain

  • Stage 1: preparation. Think that you will soon feel pain during your workout and get ready for it. Do not consider yourself helpless, develop a plan to overcome it. Be calm, do not think about the bad, focus on the pleasant. Try saying to yourself, “Don’t worry about the next set, come up with something better instead of this stupid excitement,” or “I’m a little nervous, there’s nothing strange about this, but this is not a reason to reduce the intensity.” Just take a deep breath and relax.
  • Stage 2: confrontation. When you start to feel pain, use your usual coping strategies. Change strategies if necessary, and use encouraging expressions to guide your strategies: “I feel some pain, which lets me know about muscle work. I can breathe slowly, deeply…”
  • Stage 3: critical moments. These are the exact moments when you consciously or subconsciously decide to stop training, because you are in great pain. Remember, you must expect real pain and not exaggerate it. Deal with pain. When you have unpleasant thoughts and feelings, try to stop it. Try again to tune in to the right path. You can say, “My pain is terrible, but I will overcome it. I relax and focus on something else and everything will be under control” or “I can’t get this pain out of my head, I have to stop. Not! I have been preparing for this and will use a strategy to help me overcome this pain. Relax, breathe slowly and deeply.”
  • Stage 4: Reflections. At first, you don't even notice a change in your ability to endure pain, but remember that you are learning and it needs practice. You deserve credit for just trying. You should be proud of yourself if you can control pain in the slightest. Gain experience and get ready for the next set or workout.

Remember the words from the Primadonna song: How can I overcome this pain? Parting is a small death? Unfortunately, not every novel ends with a happy ending, and breakups are common. But there is no need to delay it - after all, we are wasting time, missing new opportunities. How to overcome the pain of separation?

Preparation - how to overcome the pain of separation

To overcome the pain of separation - do not let the breakup take you by surprise. We often use the position of an ostrich: as soon as danger looms on the horizon, we hide our heads in the sand. You have to be completely insensitive not to notice that something has changed in a relationship with a man. We are not Japanese, we Slavs have everything written on our faces (and in Odnoklassniki). Of course, cooling is not always associated with disappointment in a partner: there may be problems at work, deterioration in health, a financial crisis. But a woman should always be on her guard.

If the crisis dragged on, or they (crises) began to recur, it's time to think: do you want to continue the relationship? And let the thought that the neighbor lives even worse, and the girlfriend has not had a man for two years, do not stop you.

Divide a sheet of paper into two columns and honestly enter the “pluses” and “minuses” of the union. If there are more “cons”, start preparing for a break. Look at other men, focus on a career or a hobby, realize, in the end, that you are self-sufficient. More and more often imagine life without a partner, and believe me: in two or three weeks you will understand that there are no irreplaceable men.


1. Shock and rejection of the situation: “This could not happen to us. How could he do this? You still hope that the gap is a ridiculous mistake. And the pain does not recede even for a minute.

2. Trying to start over: “What do you not like about our relationship? Let's do it the way you want." Pointless requests only increase the pain.

3. Hatred of a partner: “Bastard! On his knees he will crawl to me. He will never be as happy with anyone as he is with me.” It's not bad to get angry, just don't get carried away. By planning revenge, you will not get rid of obsessive thoughts about the former.

4. Depression: "The best thing I had is in the past." Right now you are most acutely aware of your loneliness.

5. Acceptance of separation: "I'll have to accept that he's gone." And this is the first reasonable thought. Now you must realize that a breakup is a chance to get new meetings, acquaintances, hope for the best. Now you need to choose the right vector of movement and go only forward.

6. New life: Breakup is victory. What have we won? Personal freedom! And it's worth it! Finally, you can try to implement everything that you never had enough time for. Master the technique of boxing? Easily! Learn to weave macrame? Of course! Master hang gliding? Super!


MOUSEtraps that you can fall into when parting

1. Trying to get it back:"Come back, I'll forgive everything" Stupid and pointless. You will fall even lower in his eyes. It's time to live on your own.

2. Blackmail: "If you don't come back, I'll kill myself". Cheap, disgusting trick. Just imagine that he returned out of pity for you. Is this what you dreamed about when starting a relationship with this person?

3. Thoughts of death: "I can't stand this". Believe me, no one is worth such sacrifices. Be valuable in yourself, achieve great results - let him be told about your victory in the Mrs. District contest, let him read your article 8 to the newspaper, hear your voice on the radio - and regret that he is not with you.

4. Dreams: “What would happen if…” It's time to think realistically! Stop thinking how great it would be if he crawled on his knees.

5. Pessimistic self-deception: "Ahead of a meaningless and unlucky life". Hell no! “Oh, how many wonderful discoveries we have…” The best way to be convinced of this is to start fulfilling your cherished desires right tomorrow. Make a long-term plan for the development of yourself as a person for the next five years of your life: you can achieve all your goals without a former partner.

There are situations in which you cannot show pain, and sometimes you are ready to do anything to reduce it at least a little. A bedside table that meets your little finger, a low doorway or falling into ice - all this is accompanied by selective mats and severe pain. Luckily, our brains are unique and give us the tools we need to overcome pain. Today you know about life hacks that will help relieve physical pain.

1. The Brain and Pain Our brain filters and processes all the information coming from the body, so it is the brain that causes us to experience pain. The mind can react to pain, but the good news is that we can redirect its attention to other stimuli - actions or events. The brain responds to pain by giving commands to receptors that make us feel uncomfortable. But we can rewire ourselves and reduce pain, it all depends on the strength of the belief.

Our consciousness is so unique that it can believe anything if it wants to, for example, in one experiment, the subject was convinced that the iron held by one of the doctors was hot. In fact, it was not even plugged into an outlet and remained cold. But the person who was convinced of the opposite believed in it so much that after the iron was leaned against him, he screamed in pain, and a burn remained on his body! This incredible experiment says a lot about the power of our consciousness, so use it to your advantage to alleviate the pain a little.

2. Laughter helps to overcome pain Sometimes distraction from pain is the best way to endure it. Replace the negative emotions of worry and despair with humor and you will feel the pain subside. It turns out that laughter raises the pain threshold, which has been proven by Robin Dunbar. Laughter acts on the body in such a way that it causes it to produce endornphin, which is also called the hormone of happiness. It will not only reduce the threshold of pain, but also the unpleasant sensation itself. In addition, people are more likely to laugh in the presence of others than when alone, and to be precise, we laugh 30 times more often in a group than alone. Physiotherapists claim that laughter and humor help reduce pain and divert attention from the irritant.

3. Relaxation and visualization Although it may seem ridiculous to you, these methods really work. Visualization is a great practice to help you take your mind off the pain, thereby easing it. By imagining in your head some events, landscapes, the place where you are, the brain will be focused on this process, and not on pain. There are whole schools where they learn to get rid of pain by relaxing the muscles. Breathing exercises are an essential part of this practice, so if you suffer from chronic pain, then try one of the methods described.

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