The first medical institute cardiology department. Clinic of aortic and cardiovascular surgery of the first Moscow State Medical University named after I.I. m. Sechenov. At the cardiology clinic

Medicine of Russia — Moscow region — Moscow — Medical centers and clinics — Clinic of Faculty Therapy and Interventional Cardiology named after V.N. Vinogradov MMA I.M. Sechenov — Moscow, st. Pirogovskaya B, 6/str. one

Directions to the Clinic of Faculty Therapy and Interventional Cardiology named after V.N. Vinogradov MMA I.M. Sechenov. Moscow

Clinic of cardiology MMA them. I. M. Sechenova

Clinic of cardiology

MMA them. THEM. Sechenov.

Again a long corridor, again white chambers.

Coronography, and ... junk motor -

It doesn't work like that - in the arteries of the patch,

Cholesterin is alive, like a river jam.

Ward 6 x 5, total of six patients:

Professor Batrakov 1*), Parfan 2*), Kalinin 3*), myself,

Gordeev, Domichev4*), and many arguments

Hold us all here: the operation is waiting.

Outside the windows we already have a golden autumn,

And we lie and wait: diabetes keeps us.

They will lower our sugar, then they will treat the heart,

They will then send us home temporarily.

Again a long corridor, on the sides of the chamber,

We're at the emmma clinic, hearts are beating again.

Diagnosis: IBeeS, in the arteries of the patch.

Give: furasimide, simgal, rat poison.

Along the front of the long chambers and offices

Gluttons and sloths drag out their fate.

Well, what's the attack? And there is no willpower

To keep yourself, to tame your flesh.

We are in the hospital, although we are not stars,

But the stars heal us: Poltavskaya M.G. 5*),

Andreev, Syrkin - himself and P.Sh. Chomakhidze,

Sedov, Pasha S.P. and A.S. Axelrod.

Again the heart is shaking, there is not enough space,

Compresses the chest in a vise, a heart attack is possible again.

And only a kind doctor who understands

Able to help us. It will help, but not sure.

I cross Moscow diametrically,

I am in the clinic being treated, my health is no longer there.

They don’t put stents on me, but they treat me vertically,

They give me pills and a meager lunch.

I pedal on the exercise bike

I'm trying to roll "to the dacha" (death to the gods),

Under the supervision of the ladies, and I am ashamed of the glutton,

As if shackles were hung from the legs.

Tough men: Svet and Artem Doletsky,

They have a cool item: the bed is not for people,

As in the fairy tales of the old ones: and a valiant whistle,

"Procrustean bed", the noise of the wings of swans.

*) Vladimir Batrakov - Professor, Personality, Doctor.

Cellular concrete is designed for them not suddenly.

Paul - the world flew around, he himself negotiated,

Honorary member and he of two academies of sciences.

2*) Parfan is a young lawyer. He has an opinion on everything.

Ready to protect anyone who can pay.

And he's at the rest home, today is Sunday,

A young heart went to heal.

3 *) Kalinin - well done. He's a little younger than me

He has two stents, and a valve in his heart is sewn in,

Geologist "young": the path to half the country has been paved

With a huge backpack, with a pick in his hands. Grumbles.

4*) Gordeev, Domichev from Maloyaroslavets:


Gvozdkov Andrey Lvovich


1980 - graduated from the Ivanovo State Medical Institute. He was trained in clinical residency at the Department of Internal Diseases No. 1, 2nd MOLGMI (now the Russian State Medical University).

1990 -1999 Associate Professor at the Faculty of Postgraduate Medical Education of the Russian State Medical University.

He defended his thesis on the problems of treatment of patients with myocardial infarction in the acute period.

Zhirova Larisa Georgievna

Head of the Department of Cardiology for Patients with Heart Rhythm Disorders


1993 - graduated from the Russian State Medical University.

1995 - 1997 Head of the Department of Cardiology, War Veterans Hospital No.

1997 - 2005 worked as a doctor in the resuscitation and intensive care wards of the 1st cardiology department.

He has certificates in the specialties: "Therapy", "Cardiology".

Work experience in the specialty: 16 years.

Scientific interests: cardiac arrhythmias, radiofrequency ablation, ACS, co-author of 5 scientific articles in domestic journals.

Kazarina Alina Vyacheslavovna

Head of the somnological laboratory of the clinic of cardiology of the N.I. N.I. Pirogova, Member of the All-Russian and European Society of Cardiology, Ph.D.


Moscow Medical Academy. THEM. Sechenov, Faculty of Medicine. Residency in therapy on the basis of IUV NMHTS them. N.I. Pirogov.

Primary specialization (professional retraining) in cardiology in the structure of the IUV NMCC named after N.I. Pirogov.

Primary specialization (professional retraining) in gastroenterology on the basis of the Faculty of Postgraduate Medical Education of the Russian State Medical University.

Primary specialization (professional retraining) in endocrinology in the structure of the IUV NMHTS named after. N.I. Pirogov.

Certification improvement in the specialty "Dietology" at the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, the Research Institute of Nutrition of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences.

Advanced training cycle for doctors "Diagnostics and treatment of snoring, sleep apnea and sleep-dependent respiratory failure" at the Federal State Institution "Clinical Sanatorium "Barvikha" of the Presidential Administration of the Russian Federation together with the Federal State Institution "Educational and Scientific Medical Center" of the Presidential Administration of the Russian Federation.

Specialty certificate:"Therapy", "Cardiology", "Gastroenterology", "Endocrinology", "Dietology".

Scientific interests: cardiac arrhythmias, pulmonary embolism, obstructive sleep apnea syndrome.

Vorsin Oleg Eduardovich


In 1992 he graduated from the Voronezh State Medical Institute. institute. N.N. Burdenko.

From 1992 to 1993, he completed an internship in emergency medicine. assistance at the City Emergency Hospital.

From 1993 to 1996, a nephrologist at the Voronezh military garrison hospital.

In 1995, the improvement of doctors on the basis of the 6th faculty of Vmed A. CM. Kirov on the cycle "Clinical Nephrology"

From 1996 to 1999 - head of the nephrology department at the Voronezh military garrison hospital.

From 1992 to 2002 - student of the faculty of leading medical. composition of the VmedA them. CM. Kirov (clinical residency in cardiology);

From 2002 to 2009 he was a senior resident of the cardiology department of the Federal State Institution "3 CVKG named after. A.A. Vishnevsky of the Ministry of Defense of Russia.

In 2006, improvement at the SEUV MO RF in the specialty of cardiology. In 2009, she was awarded the highest qualification category in cardiology.

From 2009 to 2011, head of the cardiology department of the branch No. A.A. Vishnevsky of the Ministry of Defense of Russia.

Dogadova Tamara Viktorovna

Physician of the cardiology department for patients with heart rhythm disturbances, laboratory assistant of the Department of Internal Diseases, IUV NMHTS named after N.I. Pirogov.


In 2006 she graduated from the Faculty of Sports Medicine of the St. Petersburg State Medical Institute. I.P. Pavlova (SPbGMU).

From 2006 to 2007 studied in an internship in therapy at the Department of Internal Diseases on the basis of the Institute of Higher Education of the NMHC named after N.I. N.I. Pirogov.

From 2007 to 2010 studied in graduate school at the Department of Internal Medicine on the basis of the IUV NMHTS named after I.I. N.I. Pirogov.

In 2010 she defended her Ph.D. thesis on the topic "Dynamics of troponin T after radiofrequency ablation in patients with atrial fibrillation."

Has certificates in the following specialties:"Therapy", "Cardiology".

Work experience in the specialty: 3 years.

Scientific interests: heart rhythm disorders, radiofrequency ablation, obstructive sleep apnea syndrome.

Kartasheva Evgenia Dmitrievna


Graduated from GKA them. Maimonid, faculty of social medicine on the basis of the Russian State Medical University, specializing in general medicine, clinical residency in cardiology at the clinic of emergency cardiology of the Sklifosovsky Scientific Research Institute of Emergency Medicine.

Specialty certificate:"Cardiology", "Therapy".

Work experience: Over 5 years of experience in cardiology.

Scientific interests:

Klimovitskaya Marina Yurievna


1985 graduated from the 1st Moscow Medical Institute. THEM. Sechenov.

From 1987 to the present, he has been working as a cardiologist at the Federal State Institution “National Medical and Surgical Center named after. N.I. Pirogov.

In 1997 he was awarded the highest qualification category in the specialty "cardiology", in 2002 and 2007 - this category was confirmed.

Korovitsina Natalia Nikolaevna

Physician of the Intensive Cardiology Unit of the Cardiology Department for Patients with Heart Rhythm Disorders of the N.M. N.I. Pirogov


MMA them. THEM. Sechenov with a degree in general medicine, clinical residency in cardiology.

Specialty certificate:"Cardiology", "Therapy", "Anesthesiology and resuscitation"

Work experience: 11 years of work experience in cardiology, of which 2 years in clinical residency on the basis of the RKNPK of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation. A.L. Myasnikov, then in the intensive cardiology ward on the basis of the City Clinical Hospital No. N.I. Pirogov.

Scientific interests:

Kushenko Irina Pavlovna

Physician of the cardiology department

In 2006 she graduated from the Moscow Medical Academy named after I.M. Sechenov.

From 2006 to 2008, she underwent clinical residency at the Institute for Advanced Training of Physicians of the State Institution "N.I. Pirogov National Medical Research Center of Roszdrav".

From 2008 to the present, he has been working as a cardiologist in the cardiology department.

In 1980 she graduated from the II MOLGMI named after A.I. Pirogov.

From 1981 to 1983, she underwent clinical residency at the Department of Hospital Therapy II of MOLGMI.

From 1983 to 1994 she worked as a cardiologist in the intensive care unit.

From 1994 to the present, he has been a cardiologist at the II Cardiology Department.

Since 1997 he has the highest category in cardiology.

Experience in the specialty 25 years.

Popov Valery Sergeevich

Physician of the Intensive Cardiology Unit of the Cardiology Department for Patients with Heart Rhythm Disorders of the N.M. N.I. Pirogov


GKA them. Maimonides, faculty of social medicine on the basis of the Russian State Medical University, majoring in general medicine, clinical residency in anesthesiology and resuscitation.

Specialty certificate:"Anesthesiology and resuscitation".

Work experience: 7 years of experience in cardiac resuscitation.

Scientific interests: acute coronary syndrome, heart failure, arterial hypertension.

Sukhorukova Irina Ivanovna


graduated from 2 MOLGMI them. N.I. Pirogov with a degree in general medicine, clinical internship in therapy.

Specialty certificate:"Cardiology" and "Therapy"

Work experience: General medical experience of 18 years, of which more than 14 years in cardiology on the basis of the Republican Clinical Hospital of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, National Medical Center named after N.N. N.I. Pirogov.

Scientific interests: examination and treatment of cardiac patients with emergency conditions.

He owns all modern methods of examination and treatment of cardiological patients.

Shumilova Kira Markovna

Doctor of the Department of Cardiology for patients with cardiac arrhythmias, Ph.D.

In 1996 she graduated from the Moscow Medical Academy. I.M. Sechenov with a degree in General Medicine.

In 2000, she completed her clinical internship at the Moscow Medical Academy. I.M. Sechenov with a degree in therapy.

In 2003, she completed her postgraduate studies at the Cardiology Clinic of the Moscow Medical Academy. I.M. Sechenov.

In 2003 - defense of a Ph.D. thesis on the topic "Indicators of myocardial electrical instability in patients with CHF of ischemic etiology and their dynamics under the influence of long-term metoprolol therapy."

From April 2004 to the present, he has been working at the Federal State Institution “National Medical and Surgical Center named after. N.I. Pirogov

Work experience in the specialty - 7 years.

Scientific interests: arterial hypertension, heart failure, ischemic heart disease.

HEART DISEASE - site - 2011

Doctor - cardiologist, candidate of medical sciences - Chomakhidze Petr Shalvovich- in 1999 he graduated from the Moscow Medical Academy. THEM. Sechenov - full-time department in the specialty "General Medicine".

From 1999 to 2000 he graduated with honors from an internship in the specialty "Therapy" on the basis of the Department of Internal Medicine No. 1 of the Moscow Medical Academy. THEM. Sechenov.

In 1999, he successfully completed a qualifying course in ultrasound diagnostics based on the Moscow Medical Academy. THEM. Sechenov with a diploma of the established sample.

From 2000 to 2003, he completed residency training in the specialty "Cardiology" on the basis of the Department of Cardiology of the Research Center of the Moscow Medical Academy. THEM. Sechenov.

In 2003, he took primary retraining courses for doctors in the specialty "Functional Diagnostics" with a diploma and a standard certificate.

From 2003 to 2005 he was a post-graduate student of the Department of Cardiology of the Scientific Research Center of the Moscow Medical Academy. THEM. Sechenov. In 2005 he successfully defended his dissertation for the degree of candidate of medical sciences on the topic "Multispiral computed tomography in the diagnosis of coronary heart disease" in the specialties "Cardiology" and "Radiation diagnostics and therapy".

In 2007, he completed courses on effective planning of clinical trials with a certificate.

Knowledge and work experience

Experience in working with cardiological and therapeutic patients, including both inpatients and outpatients.

Modern standards for the treatment of coronary heart disease, cardiac arrhythmias and conduction disorders, heart failure and other cardiac pathologies.

A full range of functional diagnostics, including echocardiography, spiroergometry, stress testing, electrocardiogram and blood pressure monitoring, etc.

Many years of experience in preoperative preparation of patients, examination, correction of therapy, postoperative management. Experience with equipment from leading world manufacturers: General Electric, Schiller, Philips, Toshiba, Welch Allyn.

Main place of work: UKB No. 1, First Moscow Medical University. THEM. Sechenov, Clinic of Cardiology.

Scientific and methodological work

21 publications in scientific and peer-reviewed journals, including abroad.

  • "Holter ECG monitoring: opportunities, difficulties, mistakes" (2007, Moscow);
  • Stress ECG tests. 10 steps to practice” (2008, Moscow);
  • "Guide to functional diagnostics" (2010, Moscow).

Lectures at the departmental and field conferences and cycles of the Department of Preventive and Emergency Cardiology FPPOV of the First Moscow State Medical University. THEM. Sechenov. Participant of conferences and symposiums on cardiology and therapy.

Editor-in-chief of the popular scientific medical publication "Medicine and Man", publishing house "Gold Standard".

Consultant for preoperative preparation in clinics:

  • First MGMU them. THEM. Sechenov,
  • City Clinical Hospital No. 7, Moscow,
  • Hospital of War Veterans No. 1 in Moscow.

The address of the clinic is m. Sportivnaya, st. Bolshaya Pirogovskaya, 6, PMSMU

Doctor's appointment every weekday, by appointment from 8:30 to 18:00

The cost of consultation is 3000 rubles;

Children's psycho-neurological department Children's rheumatology department Clinic of Obstetrics and Gynecology. Snegirev Clinic of diseases of the ear, nose and throat UKB No. 1 Clinic of hospital therapy named after Ostroumov Clinic of cardiology Clinic of skin and venereal diseases named after. Rakhmanova Clinic of Coloproctology and Minimally Invasive Surgery Clinic of Nervous Diseases. Kozhevnikova Clinic of Nephrology, Internal and Occupational Diseases. Tareeva Clinic of Oncology, Plastic Surgery and Radiology UKB No. 1 Clinic of Propaedeutics of Internal Diseases named after V.Kh. Vasilenko Clinic of Psychiatry. Korsakova Clinic of Psychosomatic Medicine Clinic of Traumatology, Orthopedics and Joint Pathology Clinical Clinical Hospital No. 1 Urology Clinic. Fronshtein Clinic of Faculty Therapy. Vinogradov Clinic of Faculty Surgery named after V.I. Burdenko Clinic of Maxillofacial Surgery Sechenov Clinic of Endocrinology LDO No. 3 of the University Clinical Hospital No. 2 Therapeutic and diagnostic department of the clinical hospital No. 1 Therapeutic and diagnostic department No. 3 Department of anesthesiology and resuscitation Department of functional diagnostics No. 2 Polyclinic MMA named after. Sechenov X-ray diagnostic department of angiography Somnological room Dental room of the Clinical Hospital No. 1 of the First Moscow State Medical University. Sechenov University Children's Clinical Hospital of the First Moscow State Medical University. Sechenov University Clinical Hospital of Phthisiopulmonology University Clinical Hospital No. 2 of the First Moscow State Medical University. Sechenov University Clinical Hospital No. 3 of the First Moscow State Medical University. Sechenov University Clinical Hospital No. 4 of the First Moscow State Medical University. Sechenov Department of Surgery

The Vascular Surgery Group of the University Clinical Hospital No. 1 is part of the Clinic of Aortic and Cardiovascular Surgery of the First Moscow State Medical University named after I.M. Sechenov, which also includes the Departments of Cardiac Surgery No. 1 (20 beds) and Cardiac Surgery No. 2 (40 beds). The founder and honorary director of the clinic is Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Professor Yury Vladimirovich Belov.

Komarov R.N., professor

Since 2015, the clinic for aortic and cardiovascular surgery has been headed by Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Roman Nikolaevich Komarov. Author of 5 monographs, 7 patents for inventions and more than 250 scientific papers. Deputy Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Cardiology and Cardiovascular Surgery.

Clinic of Aortic and Cardiovascular Surgery, Clinical Hospital No. 1 of the First Moscow State Medical University. I. M. Sechenov is deployed for 60 beds and includes comfortable six-bed, double and single rooms, equipped with all amenities.
Every year, the vascular surgery group performs more than 500 surgical interventions on the aorta, main arteries and veins in the clinic using innovative technologies and high-quality consumables:

  • Aortofemoral bypass and prosthesis in Leriche syndrome and aortic occlusion
  • Endarterectomy from the internal carotid artery
  • Operations on the internal carotid artery with its pathological tortuosity
  • Reconstruction of the vertebral arteries
  • Prosthetics of the brachiocephalic trunk
  • Reconstruction of the visceral branches of the aorta (celiac trunk, superior and inferior mesenteric arteries, renal arteries)
  • All types of limb artery reconstructions
  • Thrombectomy from the aorta and main arteries
  • Simultaneous reconstructions in case of combined lesions of several arterial basins
  • Stenting of the aorta and peripheral arteries
  • Hybrid operations: combinations of endovascular and classical surgical methods of treatment
  • Lumbar sympathectomy, incl. using laparoscopic technique.
Consultative and inpatient care for patients with pathology of the aorta and blood vessels is provided within the framework of compulsory medical insurance, high-tech assistance (quotas), voluntary medical insurance, as well as paid medical services.

The Department of Preventive and Emergency Cardiology IPO was founded in September 2003. It continues the clinical, pedagogical and scientific traditions of one of the oldest therapeutic schools in Russia - the Department of Faculty Therapy of the First Moscow State Medical University. THEM. Sechenov (in the past - the Faculty of Medicine of Moscow University), which in various periods was led by outstanding representatives of domestic medicine: M.Ya.Mudrov, G.A.Zakharyin, M.P.Konchalovsky, D.A.Pletnev, V.N.Vinogradov and others.

The department has 20 employees (16 teachers), including 5 professors, 6 doctors and 10 candidates of medical sciences. The department is headed by one of the leading specialists in our country in cardiovascular diseases, Honorary Cardiologist of Russia, Professor Abram Lvovich Syrkin whose monographs are reference books for several generations of physicians. Professors and teachers have extensive experience in pedagogical and educational work, being both practicing cardiologists and cardioresuscitators.

On the basis of the department, residency training in the specialty "cardiology", primary training of doctors in the specialty "cardiology" and certification cycles for cardiologists are conducted.

Terms of study:
. Professional retraining - 4 months (576 hours)
. Professional development cycle with the issuance of a certificate - 2 months (288 hours)
After the end of the cycle of professional retraining and the final exam, a diploma and a certificate of a specialist cardiologist are issued. After the end of the certification cycle and the final exam, a certificate of a specialist cardiologist is issued. Training is carried out both on a budgetary and paid basis.

Training programs structure and content of training cycles fully comply with the Educational Standard. The schedule is drawn up in accordance with the curriculum, educational and educational thematic plans. Training programs in the specialty "cardiology" have full methodological support, including methodological development of lectures, seminars, practical classes, test questions and clinical tasks to control the initial level of knowledge, current thematic control and final control. Teaching is conducted on a modular principle using active forms of learning. The materials of the educational and methodological complex can be found at the department or in the dean's office of the IPO.

For enrollment in the cycles of improvement and retraining, you must provide the following documents:

1. Application addressed to the rector
2. A voucher with a round seal of the medical institution and the signature of the head
3. Listener card (2 copies)
4. For employees of the First Moscow State Medical University. I.M. Sechenov - petition
5. Application for passing the qualification exam in the specialty
6. 2 sets certified (in the personnel department or notary public) copies of documents
. 1st page of the passport + registration;
. medical school diploma,
. certificates of completion of an internship or residency,
. postgraduate diploma,
. diploma of candidate of medical sciences, doctor of medical sciences,
. certificates of completion of professional development cycles,
. certificate,
. work book,
. marriage certificates.

For enrollment in educational cycles, please contact:

head of education Nikitina Yulia Mikhailovna, phone - 8-499-248-73-89, e-mail - [email protected]
The level of training of specialists (initial) is assessed using test control. Conducting a qualifying exam for SC and PP is added up
of three components: final test control, assessment of practical skills, oral qualification exam.

In addition, there are professional development cycles without issuing a certificate for cardiologists, doctors of other therapeutic specialties, resuscitators and emergency doctors in certain relevant areas of clinical cardiology (in particular, Preventive Cardiology, Emergency Cardiology). Both budgetary and paid forms of education are possible.

Classes are held at four clinical bases: at the Clinic of Cardiology of the First Moscow State Medical University. THEM. Sechenov (Central Clinical Building), at City Clinical Hospital No. 59, City Clinical Hospital No. 7 and City Clinical Hospital No. 4. The high level of professionalism of specialists and the equipment of these clinics makes it possible to demonstrate to cadets the diagnostic and therapeutic possibilities of modern cardiology. Practical training is carried out on the basis of the departments of cardiology, therapy, cardioreanimation and interventional cardiology, functional diagnostics, rehabilitation, psychosomatics.

At the Department of Preventive and Emergency Cardiology, educational and methodical work on the development and implementation of new teaching aids, as well as new interactive forms of pedagogical activity. Also, the department has experience in the field of such new, currently developing educational forms as distance learning.

Good conditions have been created for training in clinical residency in cardiology, full-time and part-time graduate and doctoral students are being recruited. Both budgetary and paid forms of postgraduate education are possible.
Student scientific circle in cardiology attracts an increasing number of students of the academy. Classes are held 2 times a month on Wednesdays at 16:30 in the auditorium of the Cardiology Clinic.

The department is research work across a range of areas:
. Prevention and treatment of acute coronary syndrome and myocardial infarction
. Diagnosis and treatment of coronary artery disease
. Prevention and treatment of chronic heart failure
. Prevention and treatment of cardiac arrhythmias
. Pharmacoeconomics in cardiology
. Genetic Aspects of Cardiovascular Diseases
. Psychosomatic interactions in the clinic of internal diseases
. Cardiorehabilitation

Complex topic of research work: Personalization of methods of modern diagnostics and treatment of diseases of the heart, large vessels and arterial hypertension

Over the past 5 years, the staff of the department has published more than 200 scientific articles and abstracts in domestic and foreign journals, issued 5 monographs, 11 educational and teaching aids. On the basis of the Department of Preventive and Emergency Cardiology, 6 doctoral and more than 20 candidate dissertations were defended.

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