How to get on the waiting list for a transplant. How long do people live after kidney transplant surgery? Below are the criteria for selecting donor hearts.

respect Dear visitors of the site of our branch! This subsection has been created by us for those who need a kidney or pancreas transplant and may be planning to perform this operation in our department. Here you will find information that will help you prepare for the initial consultation in our department and for the subsequent operation. Please note that the transplant operation in our department for all citizens of the Russian Federation is free.

After performing a heart transplant and then slowly and carefully recovering, it is important to take the immunosuppressants recommended by your doctor every day to prevent rejection of the transplanted heart. However, it is also important to support balanced diet by eating only well-cooked, mostly cooked foods to avoid infections that can last a lifetime.

As a rule, after the operation, the patient is in the hospital in the department intensive care, on average, 7 days, and only then transferred to the moving service, which remains for about 2 weeks, and the high occurs about 3 to 4 weeks later.

Reading this section ahead of time will help you ask your doctors the right questions and get you on your way to transplantation as quickly as possible.

Consultation. To receive an initial consultation on a kidney transplant, you need to arrive at the office hours (listed on the main page of the site) at our address. The purpose of the visit on the shift is to indicate the consultation of the head of the kidney transplantation department Mikhail Mikhailovich Kaabak and go up to the 5th floor of the general surgical building. You must have a passport with you, compulsory medical insurance policy, information about vaccinations, extracts from medical institutions at the place of residence and other available medical documents. These documents option 1 option 2 option 3 are examples of initial consultations of the head of the department. You can read them for answers to some of your questions. During the consultation, which can be exclusively face-to-face, you will receive such documents in your hands. You will need to undergo a series of studies, analyzes and consultations of specialized specialists. The whole range of these studies can be performed either at the place of residence or on an outpatient basis at the RSCH. These results are very important for the subsequent work of doctors, surgeons, anesthesiologists and resuscitators, so on the day of the operation it is imperative to have their originals or copies with you on hand.

It is worth noting that the main and first in frequency cause of postoperative deaths in young patients are various kinds infections. In elderly patients, they take second place, but, nevertheless, very important aspect preparation for surgery is a well-planned vaccination. This scheme is usually developed individually by your doctor at the place of residence, but the schemes from the first two files of the previous section can be taken as a basis. In the first example, the scheme is indicated for children who either did not get vaccinated according to different reasons or have not completed the childhood vaccination program. In the second example, the scheme is indicated for previously vaccinated people and begins with an assessment of already existing immunity. These documents are just options for vaccination schemes, they were developed by the specialists of the department according to the recommendations of The Transplantation Society (TTS) of the World Transplant Society, specified in the work "KDIGO PRACTICAL CLINICAL GUIDELINES FOR THE MANAGEMENT OF PATIENTS WITH A TRANSPLANTED KIDNEY". This document, translated into Russian by the head of our department, is available for download.

Recovery after heart transplant

In some cases, immediately after surgery, the patient may need to stay in a room alone, isolated from other patients, and sometimes without receiving visitors, because your immune system is weak and any disease, especially infections, can more easily contract, exposing life patient at risk.

As such, the patient and anyone who contacts them may need to wear a mask, raincoat and gloves when they enter their room. Only after he is stable, he is transferred to the inpatient service, where he stays for about 2 weeks and gradually recovers.

Donor selection. First of all, for people in need of organ transplantation, the question of a donor arises. In our country, the law provides for only two possible options.

Related transplant implies a transplant from a genetic relative. Genetic relationship is documented, or in court at the place of residence. There are a number of requirements for a potential related donor, dictated mainly by the need to avoid potential risks to his health. Age from 18 to 70 years. Arterial pressure normal or below normal. In any case, the donor undergoes a full medical examination Example. It is worth noting that on this moment for related transplantation, the correspondence of the blood type and Rh factor of the donor and recipient is not of fundamental importance. According to statistics, the duration of the functioning of organs transplanted from relatives is, on average, 2 times longer than in the case of a “cadaveric” transplant. This operation is completely safe for the donor, in the entire history of the work of the kidney transplant department of the Republican Center for Surgery, not a single serious complication. Among other things, this species transplantation is characterized minimal time waiting from the initial treatment to the operation itself, since there is no stage of waiting for a suitable donor.

How to recover at home after surgery

In most cases, return home occurs approximately 3-4 weeks after surgery, however, depends on the results of blood tests, ECG, x-rays chest and echograms, which are made several times during hospitalization. To support the patient after discharge from the hospital, consultations are scheduled by a cardiologist as needed.

Taking immunosuppressants

The life of the transplanted patient undergoes some changes and should. After heart transplant surgery, the patient must take daily immunosuppressants, which are drugs that help prevent organ rejection, such as cyclosporine or azathioprine, and must be used throughout life. However, as a rule, doses of drugs are reduced according to medical indications with recovery, which is necessary to carry out blood tests at the beginning in order to adapt the treatment to the needs.

"Cadaver" or "cadaver" transplantation- an organ transplant from a person who died in an accident. Such transplantation requires a very quick response of the potential recipient, since the time before the transplantation of such organs is usually limited. Residents of regions far from Moscow who do not have the opportunity to short time to come to the center for transplantation, they will have to wait for a donor organ in Moscow. Dialysis in Moscow for such patients is paid for under the CHI system. Accommodation will have to be paid for by yourself. So what is a waiting list? Simply put, it is a database that contains all the data, including typing data (genetic parameters necessary for selecting the most suitable organ), awaiting human transplants. Starting from the autumn of 2012, at the initiative of the new Moscow authorities, the following procedure for the distribution of organs was introduced. Of all the people on the waiting list who are best suited this body the longest-awaited one gets it. The only and completely fair exception to this rule is children. They receive organs out of turn and than younger child the more priority it has on the waiting list. In any case, the waiting time for surgery in the case of a cadaveric transplant is usually much longer than in the case of a related one.

Regular physical activity

In addition, in the first month, the doctor may indicate the use. Also, you should not take any other medicine without medical advice as it may interact and cause the organ transplant to be rejected. After a heart transplant, the patient usually has difficulty performing physical activity due to the complexity of the surgery, hospital stay, and use of immunosuppressants, however, this should not be started while still in the hospital, once the patient is stable and no longer taking intravenous drugs.

Operation call. First of all, in order for the call to take place, you must execute following conditions: As many possible phone numbers of your own, relatives, friends who are familiar with your situation. The doctors of the department will call all these phones in case of unavailability of the subscriber, for any reason, which can be very many. Remember that not only your life and the lives of other potential recipients depend on this, but also the safety of organs for transplantation. Don't forget to include the area code. Two recipients can be called for the operation at the same time. In case of remoteness and bad roads of the first, or if this is a patient whose readiness for surgery at the moment the doctors are not sure, they call the second, following him on the all-Moscow waiting list. If you received a call and were called for an operation, you should do the following: try not to worry. notify relatives and the person who will care for you. You will need it approximately 12 hours after the operation. Stop eating. Collect all necessary things. Using the fastest and at the same time safe view transport to go to the transplant center.\

Eat only cooked foods

In addition, you should do anaerobic exercises such as stretching, increasing joint mobility, strengthening muscles, improving density bone tissue and decrease your heart rate. After the transplant, the patient must eat a balanced diet, but must.

Eliminate all raw diet foods such as salads, fruits and juices and undercooked; exclude the consumption of pasteurized foods such as cheese, yogurt and canned food; Consume only well-cooked food, mostly cooked as baked apple, soup, boiled egg Or pasteurized; Drink only mineral water. The patient's diet should be lifelong diet, which avoids contact with microorganisms, do not have infections and, when preparing food, hands, food and cooking utensils should be washed to avoid contamination.

The list of things needed upon arrival at the clinic is partially taken from the Life in spite of CRF forum:

  • Documents (passport, compulsory medical insurance policy, results of preoperative studies).
  • For patients with Diabetes: insulin (short and extended), a pair of spare needles, a glucometer, a few pieces of sugar.
  • For patients on Peritoneal Dialysis - a bag with a solution for PD (preferably 2) and everything for the bay - clamps, gloves, antiseptic, caps.
  • Bandage (2 pcs.)
  • Compression stockings or elastic bandages for the legs (with cadaveric transplantation 4 pcs., 2 for each leg, with related 8 pcs, 4 of them for the donor).
  • Safety razor and soap accessories.
  • Toilet paper.
  • Shower slippers.
  • Towel.
  • Medications that you usually take (antihypertensives, for example).
  • Phone and charger for it. (communication with relatives before the operation is very important!)

List of things that relatives can bring later.

Find out what's in: Diet for low immunity. To avoid complications, it is important that the environment is always kept clean, through. For a successful successful recovery, it is necessary to protect the patient from situations that can attack the immune system if they are weak.

Heart transplantation is a very complex and delicate surgery, so the risks of this cardiac surgery are always present. Some complications include infection or rejection due to weakening immune system or even coronary disease heart failure, kidney failure or seizures, for example.

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