How to lose weight on melt water. What are the benefits and harms of melt water and how to prepare it correctly? Fresh melt water can be drunk as it melts

For all women who care about their health and slim figure, it will be useful to learn about the properties of melt water, how to cook melt water at home, and how you can use melt water for weight loss.

Melt water properties

There are no homeopathic secrets hidden behind the phrase "melt water": when a piece of ice or a hill of snow melts under the influence of heat, a puddle of melt water remains in their place. Melt water remains after the melting of icebergs and ice shelves above the oceans. Melt water is often located in the zone of glacier washout, where the level of their snow cover decreases. In addition, melt water can result from volcanic eruptions.

And it turns out that drinking this water is much healthier than ordinary water.

The main useful property of melt water is that it does not contain harmful impurities that are added, for example, to tap water for its purification, and its molecular structure is distinguished by a special orderliness, which makes it a source of additional energy reserves.

Another one useful property of melt water is that it speeds up the metabolic processes in the human body. This is achieved due to the size of the melt water molecule: it is smaller than the ordinary water molecule, due to which it is easier to penetrate through the cell membrane. Unlike melt water, tap water, which we, of course, do not drink in pure form, but still use for cooking, consists of molecules different type, the dimensions of many of which do not allow them to freely pass through cell walls. Therefore, these molecules are not involved in the metabolism. Therefore, often when observing a water diet, they use not simple, but melt water.

The benefits of melt water

Due to the peculiarities of the molecular structure, melt water has certain health benefits for the body of any age. The benefit of melt water is primarily that its use helps the body fight the aging process. In the human body, the process of cell replacement does not stop for a second. At the same time, old, obsolete cells prevent the formation of new ones. The benefit of melt water is that due to the metabolism accelerated by it, dead cells leave the body faster, and young ones come to replace them.

This process becomes the reason for strengthening the immune system and improving the functioning of all organs. The benefit of melt water is also that with its help you can significantly reduce the level of cholesterol in the blood. Regular consumption of melt water has a positive effect on brain activity and performance. Melt water has a positive effect on the recovery processes in the body, with its help you can cope with the symptoms of allergic and dermatological diseases. And of course, drinking melt water has a positive effect on digestion, which means that the benefit of melt water is also that it can be used to fight extra pounds. But more on that below.

How to prepare melt water at home

There are several ways to prepare melt water at home. The most common is as follows. It is necessary to fill a liter container with ordinary water (it is better to choose plastic dishes for this, as glass can crack in the freezer) and put it in freezer. After turning the water into a piece of ice, the container must be pulled out of the freezer so that the ice thawed. The most common is not always the most effective, and this method is just such a case. Melt water, which we obtained in this way, is not completely cleared of harmful impurities.

Another way to prepare melt water at home: the container filled with water must be put back into the freezer, but you do not need to wait until the entire volume of water turns into ice. Freeze until the first ice crust forms. This ice must be separated and eliminated, it contains the bulk of harmful impurities, including deuterium. The water that remains in the container must be kept in the freezer until most of it turns into ice.

Now you need to get rid of unfrozen water, which also contains impurities, but of a different kind. The remaining ice, when melted, will give us pure melt water that can be consumed. It should be borne in mind that you use tap water to prepare melt water, it must settle for several hours so that dissolved gases leave it.

If you are going to prepare melt water at home, you need to learn a number of things. Firstly, it is better to put water in the freezer in a plastic container. Metal utensils will interact with water, reducing its effectiveness, and glass from low temperatures may burst.

Secondly, when you have received melt water at home, use it in its pure form, do not add any flavoring additives to it.

Thirdly, unfortunately, you cannot cook anything from such water, because when melted water is heated above 37 degrees, it loses its beneficial properties. It's best to just drink it. Fourthly, it is obvious that you need to store melt water in a container with a tightly screwed lid, otherwise the water will absorb foreign odors. Finally, when you're defrosting ice, don't try to speed up the process by heating it up, so you don't help the melt water, you only spoil it.

Melt water for weight loss

The idea of ​​using melt water for weight loss is based on its properties that speed up metabolism. The methods may be different, but they all somehow repeat the same advice - the periodic use of melt water during the day. For example, drink a glass of melt water before each meal.

Some experts on the use of melt water for weight loss recommend drinking one glass in the morning on an empty stomach, and in the afternoon and evening before meals, after which you should not drink water or food for an hour.

Remember that it is best to use slimming melt water that has just been defrosted. It is at this moment that its beneficial properties are at their maximum.

Melt water or as it is also called "LIVING" is the source of longevity and human health. It is obtained by freezing and subsequent thawing of ordinary water, thereby leaving only useful properties that, when used, have positive impacts on the body.

The benefits of melt water for the human body

As a result of these simple procedures, the structure of water molecules changes, becoming similar to the structure of the liquid in the cells human body.

The size of the melt water molecule allows it to freely pass through cell membranes, displace old molecules from there and replace them with itself.

The high energy potential of melt water increases the efficiency of a person, gives him vigor and energy. No wonder the long-livers of the Caucasus and other mountainous regions, who use it for drinking from glaciers, up to old age remain healthy, mobile, able-bodied.

With the constant use of such a drink, a person's need for food and sleep decreases; sometimes the duration of sleep is reduced to four hours a day!

What is it good for the body

In addition to these properties, melt water also has the following qualities:

  • Increases human immunity, the body's resistance to climatic influences and stress (both physical and mental);
  • Normalizes metabolism and blood circulation, improves blood composition;
  • Creates optimal conditions for the functioning of all internal organs person;
  • Increases activity brain structures and improves mental abilities;
  • Accelerates the process of rehabilitation after serious illnesses, injuries, surgical interventions;
  • AT complex application With drug therapy significantly accelerates the recovery process of patients with allergic, gastrointestinal, dermatological diseases;
  • Helps to remove excess body fat.

Traditional medicine with the help of it also treats osteochondrosis, sciatica, migraine, colds.

Application in cosmetology

It is useful not only to drink it, but also for external use: cosmetologists recommend wiping your face with ice cubes in the morning. Ice melts and melt water directly reacts with the skin.

At the same time, the skin is cooled down to 0…+4˚, i.е. conditions are created to increase the elasticity of intradermal collagen fibers and restore skin elasticity.

How to prepare melted water for drinking at home

There are several ways to prepare melt water, and each method has its supporters. In any case, for freezing, it is better to take it not directly from the tap, but settled or passed through a filter. You can also use bottled.

Most often it is prepared as follows:

  • Approximately 1 liter of water is poured into a plastic tray for food products. The tray must have a lid. Then it is placed in the freezer.
  • After 1-3 hours (it is possible to determine the time more accurately only on your own experience), the water is covered from above thin layer ice. This ice must be removed as harmful substances are concentrated in it, and among them is deuterium.
  • The tray with the remaining liquid is again put in the freezer and wait until it freezes by half. Ice forms again on top, bottom and along the edges of the tray, and in the middle it turns out to be unfrozen. You should punch a hole in the ice with a knife and drain it.
  • The remaining ice is left in the room and, as it thaws, they drink several sips, because. greatest strength it has immediately after melting.

In general, melt water retains healing properties for no longer than 6-7 hours. The more time passed after the ice melted, the weaker her "magic power".


In this article, you will read about what melt water is, why it is useful, how to prepare it and how to use it correctly for human health.

Melt water - useful properties and secrets of application

From children's fairy tales, everyone knows that there is living and dead water. All this, of course, was always perceived only in a fabulous way.

However, it turned out that the semblance of living water actually exists not in a fairy tale, but in reality.

It's about about melt water. She is truly credited miraculous properties. But we must always remember that by itself it is not able to treat any disease.

It only gives support to our body, strengthening it. Therefore, it is not permissible to replace her medicines.

Melt water - what is it?

It is a liquid after thawing ordinary frozen water. Its beneficial effect on the body has been known since ancient times.

It was drunk and washed by our great-grandmothers and great-grandfathers.

After all, at that time there were no creams and lotions. And as a result of washing with such water, their skin was healthy and clean.

Melt water was certainly present in the bath, hair was rinsed with it.

Thanks to this, they became lush and acquired shine. She even watered the plants. As a result, their growth accelerated, they became stronger.

Its composition is characterized by a truly high quality. It contains minimal amount deuterium and heavy water.

In its structure, it is a natural energy drink, which gives the whole body a tremendous boost.

At the same time, the body, as it were, is saturated with energy, acquires strength to protect itself from different kind adversity.

Structure of melt water

The main part of our body is water. However, it is not simple, not the one that flows from a faucet.

This water is structured.

AT ideal the body should receive such water, which is as close as possible to the water of the body itself.

There should not be any salts of heavy metals and other rubbish in it.

The mineral composition in it should be presented in complete harmony of their combination.

Naturally, there should be no talk of any bacteria and viruses at all. Only under such conditions the body is able to absorb water without any additional costs.

Structured water refers to unboiled water that has been frozen.

The molecules here are linked to each other. In plain water, their chaotic dispersion is observed.

Rainwater has a slightly better structure than tap water. Therefore, subjectively, it is softer and more tender.

An established fact is the circumstance under which it is legitimate to say that water has a memory. Words, music, etc. can influence its structure. Even thoughts can influence this.

has a structured character. church water, because it is cleared of a variety of negative information.

It is noticed that the one who constantly uses structured water, diseases of a catarrhal nature are sick much less often.

However, it should immediately be noted that in full positive traits only 12 hours are saved.

After this period, all its useful properties disappear.

The benefits of melt water and why is it better than ordinary water?

Indeed, what is the use of melt water?

Since ancient times, it has been noted that when using such water, the benefits for the body are invaluable:

  1. With the use of such water, all metabolic processes proceed in an accelerated mode.
  2. Risk of occurrence allergic reactions is reduced to a minimum.
  3. Melt water contributes to the fact that toxins and slags simply leave the body.
  4. Thanks to the use of such water, the body's immunity is on the rise. It becomes stronger and is able to withstand the action of various negative agents.
  5. The indisputable fact is that under the influence of such water digestion is significantly improved.
  6. The person begins to feel much better. Sleep is normalized, memory becomes better, physical endurance improves and overall performance increases.

The elimination of many problems associated with vessels is noted:

Melt water solves many problems associated with skin diseases, in the development of which allergies play a role:

  • eczematous skin lesions;
  • neurodermatitis;
  • psoriasis.

Melt water plays a certain role in the fight against the processes that cause the aging of the body.

How to make melt water yourself at home?

It is quite possible to do this at home.

In order to achieve maximum effect a number of rules must be followed:

  • natural ice or snow should not be used as a base, as they contain a lot of dirt. Gotta freeze drinking water;
  • freezing should be carried out in a plastic container, but not in glass, as it can burst;
  • do not use metal containers for these purposes, since the effect will be low;
  • do not use a “fur coat” from the freezer for these purposes;
  • after the water has thawed, it must be consumed within 8 hours. After that, all its healing properties will disappear.

The preparation of such water is quite simple.

To get an answer to the question of how to prepare melt water at home, you must consistently perform a series of actions:

  1. A liter of tap water is poured (convenient for freezing).
  2. The water should stand for several hours.
  3. The water container must be plastic. It must be covered and placed in the refrigerator.
  4. Later certain time, upper layer covered with a crust. It must be removed, because it contains deuterium.
  5. After removing the crust, the water is re-placed in the refrigerator.
  6. When the ice fills the container up to 2/3 of the volume, the remaining water must be drained. It contains many harmful chemicals.
  7. The remaining ice melts. But he must melt only naturally, that is, simply melt at room temperature.

It is easy to see that it is not difficult to cook this at home.

How to use melt water?

When the product is ready, it remains to find out how to drink melt water?

The tonic effect can be felt with just one sip.

If you drink 2 glasses daily, you can feel a surge of vigor.

The first dose should be taken in the morning on an empty stomach. Daily water intake is carried out at the rate of 5 ml per 1 kg of body weight.


Melt water can be called an elixir of health and youth. This is a high quality pure "product" containing a minimum amount of heavy and deuterium water. Melt water has invaluable benefits for the human body of any age. It is a natural energetic, gives a significant recharge of energy, saturates the entire human body with health and strength. Melt water can cause harm only if it is used in excess or if the cooking technology at home is violated.

What is the use of melt water

Properly prepared and properly taken melt water brings undeniable benefit body, which is expressed in acceleration metabolic processes, getting rid of allergies of any kind, eczema, neurodermatitis, psoriasis, removing toxins and toxins from the body, strengthening immunity, improving digestion, increasing efficiency, activating memory, improving sleep.

Also, the use of melt water has a positive effect on blood quality, heart function, helps to lower the performance bad cholesterol.

The use of melt water in the treatment skin diseases along with the prescribed treatment, it helps to eliminate itching, irritation and hyperthermia on the third or fourth day of treatment. This speeds up the transition period. pathological process into the regressive stage.

The use of pure liquid slows down the aging process of the body. Melt water promotes the activation of metabolism, removal from the body harmful substances, there is an acceleration of metabolic processes in the body, which helps to get rid of extra pounds and gradual weight loss occurs.

What structure do we get after defrosting

Melt water is obtained from melted ice. When water freezes, its structure changes.

It has been proven that water absorbs information. To remove "bad" information, water needs to acquire energy purity in order to return to its original structure. Freezing and its subsequent defrosting help to restore its energy purity. As a result of simple actions, the composition of water is “zeroed out”, its original state is restored - energy, informational and structural.

The use of pure glacial water helps to purify the blood in the human body. What gives pure blood? Carries blood to all organs useful material. Purified blood in the body helps to activate immune processes, regulate metabolism, activate brain activity, cleanse blood vessels and lower blood cholesterol levels. In order to start all these processes, it is necessary to consume at least 200 ml of melt water daily.

Melt water properties

Ordinary water, after freezing and subsequent thawing, changes its structure. Its molecules become smaller and similar in structure to the protoplasm of human cells. This allows molecules to easily penetrate cell membranes. This process accelerates chemical reactions organism.

The useful properties of melt water are improved due to the removal of deuterium, a heavy isotope, during the freezing process. Deuterium in in large numbers present in tap water. Its presence negatively affects the cells of the body, causing them significant harm. Even a small amount of deuterium removed from the water helps to heal the body, release energy reserves, and stimulate all life processes.

The main advantage of drinking melt water is its purity. It is completely free of chlorides, salts, isotope molecules, and other hazardous substances and compounds.

Rules for the use of melt water

Daily intake of 500-700 grams of such water helps to get a charge of vivacity and improve well-being. It is recommended to drink the first dose of melt water in the morning on an empty stomach one hour before meals. During the day, drink the rest half an hour before meals three times a day.

Water must be drunk immediately after defrosting, so that its temperature is not higher than 10 degrees. If for some reason cold water you can’t drink, don’t let it warm up above 30 degrees.

How to prepare melted water at home

Melt water is not just thawed water or thawed ice. By the way, snow and ice taken from the street or in the refrigerator and then thawed is not melt water. Rather, such a composition can be called a bacterial bomb. Natural snow or ice contains a lot of dirt and harmful impurities. A snow coat in the refrigerator can also contain refrigerants and other dangerous substances, as well as have an unpleasant odor.

Making the right melt water at home is not at all difficult. The freezer container should not be made of glass, to avoid damage up to a split due to the increase in water volume during the freezing process. Metal utensils are also not suitable. The effect of its interaction with water will be low. A plastic box or other plastic container with a wide mouth is best suited for freezing.

  1. Pour filtered water or tap water that has been settled for several hours into a prepared container. It is better to take a container of 1 liter. It is convenient to freeze and freezes faster. You can prepare several containers at once.
  2. We close the lid and put (to avoid freezing the container to the bottom of the freezer) on a cardboard stand in the freezer.
  3. After 1.5 hours, the first crust of ice is formed. This is the deuterium that should be removed. Remove the ice crust and continue freezing.
  4. After about six hours, the water in the container will freeze to two-thirds of its volume. We carefully drain the water that has not frozen inside the ice, splitting the ice - this is the so-called light water. It contains all the remaining harmful chemical compounds.

The ice remaining in the container melts natural way at room temperature, without forced heating.

Fresh melt water can be drunk as it melts.

Wellness and medicinal properties melt water is not lost for 8 hours from the moment of defrosting.

Is there any harm from melt water

The benefits of taking melt water are obvious, and it can cause harm to the body only if the cooking technology at home is violated and it is used improperly. If you are forbidden to drink cold drinks, be careful about taking it, start drinking, gradually lowering the temperature.

Also, you should not switch to drinking exclusively melt water. The body must gradually adapt to the liquid without harmful impurities, additives, minerals, salts.

Reception is better to start with 100 ml per day, gradually increasing the volume to 500-700 ml.

It should also be understood that melt water is not a medicine! Starting to drink it is not permissible to refuse prescribed medications. The healing properties of water serve as an excellent cleansing and prophylactic for the body. In the process of treatment, the intake of melt water increases the effectiveness medicines and promote a speedy recovery.

I suggest you take a look interesting video about alternative way extraction of melt water, invented by Dr. Toropov:


Water is of great importance for human life. A living organism consists of 75% water, the reserves of which must be periodically replenished by drinking two liters of liquid daily. Wherein great importance has water quality.
It has been scientifically proven that the ideal water is melted water, which is explained by its special composition with the absence of harmful impurities. The structure of melt water is in many ways similar to the structure of natural spring water. It is the structure that determines the properties, as well as the benefits and harms of melt water.

Melt water is structured: its particles are arranged in a special order after its freezing and thawing. Thanks to this, the liquid becomes useful and healing.
Even in the last century, Russian researchers were able to prove that melt water consists of numerous formations in the form of crystals arranged in a special hierarchy. In this case, the crystals interact with each other using hydrogen bonds.

How to get

  1. In industry, the liquid is obtained according to a special technology: first, it is slowly frozen, then all impurities are removed and, finally, thawed.
  2. People living in the mountains get this water naturally. It is known that the mountain people, who constantly use melt water, are famous for their excellent health and longevity.
  3. At home, it is quite easy to get melted water, which does not differ at all in its healing properties from natural water.

A sip of such a liquid increases drowning and vitality better than any coffee, tea and even medicine.

Ideal water is able to saturate the cells of the body with life-giving moisture, as well as restore or normalize metabolic processes.

The benefits of melt water

What is useful melt water? It restores the normal functioning of the body and is a cure for all ailments. High-quality and structured water makes cells work properly and has a beneficial effect on body functions.
People who regularly consume melt water are healthier, more resilient and efficient, as it promotes renewal interstitial fluid, elimination of toxins and, consequently, the restoration and promotion of health.
For such people, sleep time is reduced to four hours, brain activity increases, and in the future, labor productivity.
The main useful properties of melt water:

  1. tones, energizes, invigorates,
  2. promotes the removal of toxins, toxins and other harmful substances from the body,
  3. improves metabolism,
  4. reduces the level of cholesterol in the blood,
  5. stimulates the immune system
  6. participates in the fight against chronic pathologies,
  7. has a rejuvenating effect
  8. lowers blood pressure,
  9. eliminates vascular disorders,
  10. promotes weight loss,
  11. quickly relieves acute respiratory diseases and viral infections
  12. helps to get rid of skin diseases - neurodermatitis, dermatitis and others.

Water for weight loss

Melt water is widely used modern women for weight loss. It allows you to lose a few extra pounds without much effort.
This is due to the fact that the healing liquid helps to remove harmful substances, toxins, and toxins from the body. For weight loss, you need to use such water daily and in unlimited quantities.

Already after a week of drinking melt water, the state of health will improve significantly, and excess weight will begin to disappear.

Harm of melt water

any negative impact melt water on the human body can not have. If cooked incorrectly, it will simply become useless, that is, melt water will lose its basic properties and remain ordinary.
Harmful is only untreated water, which contains many harmful impurities, including salts of heavy metals and organic compounds. Its use worsens the well-being of a person, so you should drink only clean water, frozen, taking into account all the recommendations.

Are you one of those millions of women who struggle with being overweight?

Have all your attempts to lose weight failed? And have you already thought about drastic measures? It is understandable, because slim figure It is an indicator of health and a reason for pride. In addition, this is at least the longevity of a person. And what a person losing " overweight, looks younger - an axiom that does not require proof. Therefore, we recommend reading the story of a woman who managed to lose weight quickly, effectively and without expensive procedures. Read article >>

Melt water can be called an elixir of health and youth. This is a high quality pure "product" containing a minimum amount of heavy and deuterium water. Melt water has invaluable benefits for the human body of any age. It is a natural energetic, gives a significant recharge of energy, saturates the entire human body with health and strength. Melt water can cause harm only if it is used in excess or if the cooking technology at home is violated.

What is the use of melt water

Properly prepared and properly taken melt water brings undoubted benefits to the body, which is expressed in accelerating metabolic processes, getting rid of allergies of any kind, eczema, neurodermatitis, psoriasis, removing toxins and toxins from the body, strengthening immunity, improving digestion, increasing efficiency, activating memory, sleep improvement.

Also, the use of melt water has a positive effect on blood quality, heart function, and helps.

The use of melt water in the treatment of skin diseases along with the prescribed treatment helps to eliminate itching, irritation and hyperthermia on the third or fourth day of treatment. At the same time, the period of transition of the pathological process to the regressive stage is accelerated.

The use of pure liquid slows down the aging process of the body. Melt water promotes the activation of metabolism, the removal of harmful substances from the body, the acceleration of metabolic processes in the body, which helps to get rid of extra pounds and there is a gradual soft weight loss.

What structure do we get after defrosting

Melt water is obtained from melted ice. When water freezes, its structure changes.

It has been proven that water absorbs information. To remove "bad" information, water needs to acquire energy purity in order to return to its original structure. Freezing and its subsequent defrosting help to restore its energy purity. As a result of simple actions, the composition of water is “zeroed out”, its original state is restored - energy, informational and structural.

The use of pure glacial water helps to purify the blood in the human body. What gives pure blood? Blood carries useful substances to all organs. Purified blood in the body helps to activate immune processes, regulate metabolism, activate brain activity, cleanse blood vessels and lower blood cholesterol levels. In order to start all these processes, it is necessary to consume at least 200 ml of melt water daily.

Melt water properties

Ordinary water, after freezing and subsequent thawing, changes its structure. Its molecules become smaller and similar in structure to the protoplasm of human cells. This allows molecules to easily penetrate cell membranes. This process speeds up the body's chemical reactions.

The useful properties of melt water are improved due to the removal of deuterium, a heavy isotope, during the freezing process. Deuterium is present in large quantities in tap water. Its presence negatively affects the cells of the body, causing them significant harm. Even a small amount of deuterium removed from water helps to heal the body, release energy reserves, and stimulate all life processes.

The main advantage of drinking melt water is its purity. It is completely free of chlorides, salts, isotope molecules, and other hazardous substances and compounds.

Rules for the use of melt water

Daily intake of 500-700 grams of such water helps to get a charge of vivacity and improve well-being. It is recommended to drink the first dose of melt water in the morning on an empty stomach one hour before meals. During the day, drink the rest half an hour before meals three times a day.

Water must be drunk immediately after defrosting, so that its temperature is not higher than 10 degrees. If for some reason you cannot drink cold water, do not let it heat up above 30 degrees.

How to prepare melted water at home

Melt water is not just thawed water or thawed ice. By the way, snow and ice taken from the street or in the refrigerator and then thawed is not melt water. Rather, such a composition can be called a bacterial bomb. Natural snow or ice contains a lot of dirt and harmful impurities. A snow coat in the refrigerator can also contain refrigerants and other dangerous substances, as well as have an unpleasant odor.

Making the right melt water at home is not at all difficult. The freezer container should not be made of glass, to avoid damage up to a split due to the increase in water volume during the freezing process. Metal utensils are also not suitable. The effect of its interaction with water will be low. A plastic box or other plastic container with a wide mouth is best suited for freezing.

  1. Pour filtered water or tap water that has been settled for several hours into a prepared container. It is better to take a container of 1 liter. It is convenient to freeze and freezes faster. You can prepare several containers at once.
  2. We close the lid and put (to avoid freezing the container to the bottom of the freezer) on a cardboard stand in the freezer.
  3. After 1.5 hours, the first crust of ice is formed. This is the deuterium that should be removed. Remove the ice crust and continue freezing.
  4. After about six hours, the water in the container will freeze to two-thirds of its volume. We carefully drain the water that has not frozen inside the ice, splitting the ice - this is the so-called light water. It contains all the remaining harmful chemical compounds.

The ice remaining in the container melts naturally at room temperature, without forced heating.

Fresh melt water can be drunk as it melts.

The healing and healing properties of melt water are not lost for 8 hours from the moment of defrosting.

Is there any harm from melt water

The benefits of taking melt water are obvious, and it can cause harm to the body only if the cooking technology at home is violated and it is used improperly. If you are forbidden to drink cold drinks, be careful about taking it, start drinking, gradually lowering the temperature.

Also, you should not switch to drinking exclusively melt water. The body must gradually adapt to the liquid without harmful impurities, additives, minerals, salts.

Reception is better to start with 100 ml per day, gradually increasing the volume to 500-700 ml.

It should also be understood that melt water is not a medicine! Starting to drink it is not permissible to refuse prescribed medications. The healing properties of water serve as an excellent cleansing and prophylactic agent for the body. In the process of treatment, the intake of melt water increases the effectiveness of medicines and promotes a speedy recovery.

I suggest you watch a very interesting video about an alternative method for extracting melt water, invented by Dr. Toropov:

Many people know that melt water is more useful than tap or filtered water. Melt water can be used for weight loss and body cleansing - we will share with you useful information regarding this issue.

What is useful melt water?

How is melt water different from ordinary water? According to studies, frozen and then thawed water is devoid of harmful impurities, its molecular structure has a special orderliness, and the size of the molecules is smaller (it is easier for such molecules to penetrate into the cells of the body). For reference: tap water contains molecules different sizes- not all of them pass through the cell membrane.

Melt water restores strength (increases energy potential), accelerates metabolic processes, prevents premature aging. By speeding up the metabolism, it helps cell division and removal of the cells that have served their purpose. Regular consumption of healing liquid strengthens immune system, improves the functioning of all organs, lowers cholesterol levels in the blood. "Living Water" improves brain activity, has a positive effect on recovery processes, helps to cope with allergic and dermatological diseases. By making it the basis of a liquid diet, you will improve digestion, you can gradually normalize weight. Melt water for weight loss is used quite successfully - it affects fat metabolism.

Rules for the preparation of melt water

If you will freeze tap water (not filtered), then be sure to leave it for several hours in an open container. However, even such a measure will not improve the quality of the liquid too much. For freezing, it is recommended to use plastic or tin dishes - the glass may crack. The process of thawing ice cannot be accelerated - it must go through naturally. It does not make sense to use melted water for cooking, because when heated above 37 degrees, it loses its properties (it should be drunk in its original form, without being subjected to heat treatment). Keep water in a glass container.

Method number 1

Put the container in the freezer, wait for the water to completely freeze, and then let it thaw. This method does not rid the water of all harmful impurities, therefore it is considered the least correct.

Method number 2

Put the water in the freezer, wait until it is almost frozen - there will be only an unfrozen area in the center of the ice "lump". Break the ice into 2 pieces, pour out the liquid. After thawing, repeat the freezing procedure 1-2 more times. This option is considered the most correct - water gets rid of salts of heavy metals and other dirt.

How to lose weight on melt water?

There are many ways to use melt water:
Unloading day on the water (spend it no more than once a week)
Drinking water after dinner (after dinner, give up any food - drink only water)
Drinking water throughout the day (drink 1 glass of water 1 hour before each meal, and also drink it after dinner)

Which option is preferable? Unloading on water has a number of contraindications, but it takes about 1 kg excess weight. Drinking fluids before meals is a perfectly reasonable option. As for replacing dinner with melt water, such a diet is not for everyone (especially if a person goes to bed late).

The healing properties of melt water became known several centuries ago. Remember fairy tales living water? Scientists believe that it was melt water, the benefits of which are comparable to real magic, that our ancestors called living.

What is melt water

Melt water is called structured. This means that as a result of freezing and thawing, the structure of water molecules has changed, that is, its structure has become different. That is why the properties of melt water change compared to ordinary water:

When water freezes and turns to ice, it crystal structure is changing. Water molecules shrink, become similar to protoplasm and easily penetrate through cell membranes;

When defrosting, water restores its original state of absolute energy and information purity;

In addition, if the water is prepared correctly, then harmful substances are frozen out of it. heavy metals, chlorine, salts.

The result is a unique liquid with a special taste and healing properties. It gives health, strength, increases immunity and energy of the body. A cup of melted water drunk helps the body to better absorb the incoming nutrients, accelerates chemical reactions, accelerating metabolic processes.

One of the substances harmful to the human body that is found in tap water is deuterium. This is a heavy isotope that inhibits the cells of a living organism and causes great harm to people. When a person drinks structured water without an admixture of deuterium, his body heals, all vital processes normalize.

Our ancestors used melt water for the treatment of ailments and their prevention. Women preserved the beauty of skin and hair, and men - physical strength. Seedlings were watered with melt water, getting an excellent harvest.

To preserve the healing qualities of melt water, you need to drink it immediately after thawing. After 5-6 hours, she will lose part useful properties, although it will remain clean and healing. Melt water can not be boiled and generally heated. Therefore, you can only defrost it naturally taken out of the freezer and left at room temperature.

The benefits of melt water

special form molecules of melt water - the secret of her beneficial influence on the human body, regardless of age. The general healing properties of the healing liquid are as follows:

The speed of metabolic processes increases;

Improves memory;

Insomnia passes;

Toxins and slags are removed from orgasm;

rises immune defense;

Digestion is normalized;

Allergy goes away

Efficiency increases.

By improving the condition of all organs and blood composition, melt water can delay the aging process of the body. By increasing metabolic processes cells begin to actively renew themselves, the number of young, completely healthy cells increases.

At the same time, melt water contributes to the normalization of weight. If you have to get rid of extra pounds, be sure to try drinking melted water in addition to diet and exercise. A glass of water before a meal is what the body needs for quick and healthy weight loss.

How to use melt water for treatment

The benefits of melt water for people suffering from vascular diseases, especially large. Since the magic liquid improves the composition of the blood, the heart and blood vessels are strengthened, and the level of "bad" cholesterol is reduced. In some cases, varicose veins disappear on initial stage development of the disease.

On the basis of melt water, you can make compresses by applying them to sore spots. If brewed medicinal herbs, for example, celandine, and then freeze the decoction, then the benefits of such an ice cube will be much greater than from the usual lotion. The tool will help, for example, hang out warts and pimples.

How else can you use melt water for healing:

For diseases associated with poor digestion and unimportant bowel work, you need to drink half a glass of melt water three times a day. They drink water in small sips, in no case in one gulp;

If you suffer from heartburn, you should drink water according to the same scheme: three times a day, half a glass;

Excellent results were shown by the use of melt water in skin diseases associated with immune or allergic processes. Regular intake of thawed structured ice in conjunction with complex treatment, prescribed by a doctor, relieves the condition in 4-3 days. passes severe itching skin with neurodermatitis, eczema, psoriasis. Redness and irritation of the skin gradually disappears, the sick person feels incredible relief.

It is important that melt water should not be taken as a panacea. This is not a medicine, it is not able to replace the treatment prescribed by a doctor, especially when it comes to serious illnesses. The harm of melt water with a misunderstanding of the purposes of its intake can be significant. It is only about healing, preventing diseases and cleansing the body. AT medicinal purposes melt water - part comprehensive course that can only speed up recovery.

Harm of melt water

However, the miraculous liquid cannot be included in the diet sharply and abundantly. Remember that this is not ordinary water, it does not contain salts, minerals, additives that the human body needs or is used to.

First you need to take half a glass to accustom the body to the flow of life-giving moisture. Gradually, the volume of melt water can be brought to one third of the volume of liquid that a person should drink. the rest should be treated drinking water.

Harm from melt water can be if a person prepares it incorrectly. The freezing and thawing technology has its own peculiarities, and it is important to follow all its requirements exactly.

How to prepare melt water

It is not necessary to prepare melt water for future use. A portion of fresh water is the optimal solution for the prevention and general health. Moreover, the process does not take much time:

Fill a pitcher or bottle with tap water. Optimal quantity for the preparation of a portion - a liter;

Let it stand for 4-5 hours (you can pour water from the filter so that you do not need to defend it);

Pour the settled water into a plastic food container and put it in the freezer;

After two hours, open the lid of the container and remove the ice crust formed on top (it contains deuterium), return the dishes to the chamber again;

When two-thirds of the total volume freezes, then drain the remaining water - harmful chemistry is concentrated in it;

Leave a piece of ice at room temperature.

Melted ice is melt water. It is best to drink it with pieces of ice - such a drink will give you incredible vivacity and saturate you with energy for the whole day. The first glass, if possible, is drunk in the morning on an empty stomach. You can eat in an hour. With a three-day intake of water, you should also follow the "rule of an empty stomach", that is, drink structured water before meals.

Up to a liter of melt water can be consumed per day. Start taking water gradually and be sure to drink in small sips. Remember that both your taste buds and your body need to get used to it.

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