What happens if water enters the lungs. Death under water: why drowned people lose their minds. If you choke on water, what steps should you take?

MOSCOW, January 27 - RIA Novosti, Olga Kolentsova. Although the fetus lives in the water for nine months, and swimming is good for health, the aquatic environment is dangerous for humans. Anyone can drown - a child, an adult, a well-trained swimmer ... And the rescuers do not have much time to save a person not only life, but also his mind.

overcome the tension

When a person drowns, water enters his lungs. But why can't people live at least for a short time, scooping oxygen from water? To understand this, let's look at how a person breathes. The lungs are like a bunch of grapes, where the bronchi branch out like shoots into many airways (bronchioles) and crown with berries - alveoli. The fibers in them are compressed and unclenched, passing oxygen and other gases from the atmosphere into the blood vessels or releasing CO 2 out.

“To renew the air, it is necessary to make a respiratory movement, which involves the intercostal muscles, the diaphragm and part of the neck muscles. However, the surface tension of water is much greater than that of air. The molecules inside the substance are attracted to each other evenly due to the fact that there are neighbors on all sides. There are fewer molecules on the surface of the neighbors, and they are attracted to each other more strongly, which means that in order for the tiny alveoli to be able to draw in water, an immeasurably greater effort is required from the muscle complex than when inhaling air, "says Alexei Umryukhin, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Head of the Department normal physiology of the First Moscow State Medical University named after I.M. Sechenov.

The lungs of an adult human contain 700-800 million alveoli. Their total area is about 90 square meters. It is not easy to tear apart even two smooth glasses if there is a layer of water between them. Imagine what effort you need to make when inhaling to unstick such a huge area of ​​​​the alveoli.

© RIA Novosti illustration. Depositphotos / sciencepics, Alina Polyanina

© RIA Novosti illustration. Depositphotos / sciencepics, Alina Polyanina

By the way, it is the force of surface tension that is a huge problem in the development of liquid breathing. It is possible to saturate the solution with oxygen and choose its parameters so that the bonds between the molecules are weakened, but in any case, the surface tension force remains significant. The muscles involved in breathing will still need much more effort to drive the solution into the alveoli and expel it from there. On liquid breathing, you can hold out for several minutes or an hour, but sooner or later the muscles will simply get tired and will not be able to cope with the work.

Rebirth won't work

The alveoli of a newborn are filled with a certain amount of amniotic fluid, that is, they are in a sticky state. The child takes the first breath, and the alveoli open - already for life. If water enters the lungs, surface tension causes the alveoli to stick together, and it takes a lot of effort to pull them apart. Two, three, four breaths in the water - this is the maximum of a person. All this is accompanied by convulsions - the body works to the limit, the lungs and muscles burn, trying to squeeze everything out of themselves.

In the popular series "Game of Thrones" there is such an episode. The pretender to the throne is consecrated as king in the following way: the head is kept under water until he stops floundering and showing signs of life. Then the body is pulled ashore and they wait for the person to take a breath, clear his throat and get up. After that, the applicant is recognized as a full-fledged ruler. But the creators of the series embellished the reality: after a series of breaths in the water, the body gives up - and the brain stops sending signals that it is necessary to try to breathe.

© Bighead Littlehead (2011 - ...)A scene from the Game of Thrones series. People wait until the future king takes a breath on his own.

© Bighead Littlehead (2011 - ...)

Mind is the weak link

A person can hold their breath for three to five minutes. Then the level of oxygen in the blood decreases, the desire to take a breath becomes unbearable and completely uncontrollable. Water enters the lungs, but there is not enough oxygen in it to saturate the tissues. The brain is the first to suffer from the lack of oxygen. Other cells are able to survive for some time on anaerobic, that is, oxygen-free respiration, although they will produce 19 times less energy than in the aerobic process.

“The structures of the brain consume oxygen in different ways. The cerebral cortex is especially “gluttonous”. It is she who controls the conscious sphere of activity, that is, is responsible for creativity, higher social functions, intelligence. Its neurons will be the first to use up oxygen reserves and die,” the expert notes .

If a drowned person manages to regain life, his consciousness may never return to normal. Of course, much depends on the time spent under water, the state of the body, and individual characteristics. But doctors believe that the average drowning man's brain dies in five minutes.

Often, those who drowned turn into invalids - they lie in a coma or are almost completely paralyzed. Although the body is formally normal, the affected brain cannot control it. This happened to 17-year-old Malik Akhmadov, who in 2010 saved a drowning girl at the cost of his health. For the past seven years, the guy has been undergoing rehabilitation course after course, but his brain has not fully recovered.

Exceptions are rare, but they do happen. In 1974, a five-year-old boy in Norway stepped onto the ice of a river, fell through and drowned. He was taken out of the water only after 40 minutes. Doctors performed artificial respiration, heart massage, and resuscitation was successful. The child lay unconscious for two days, and then opened his eyes. Doctors examined him and were surprised to state that his brain was in an absolute norm. Perhaps the ice water slowed down the metabolism in the child's body so much that his brain seemed to freeze and did not need oxygen, like the rest of the organs.

Doctors warn: if a person has already gone under water, the rescuer has literally a minute to save him. The faster the victim removes water from the lungs, causing a gag reflex, the greater the chance of a full recovery. It is important to remember that a drowning person rarely gives himself away by screaming or actively trying to stay on the water, he simply does not have enough strength for this. Therefore, if you suspect something is wrong, it is better to ask if everything is in order, and if there is no answer, take measures to save the drowning person.

When someone chokes on water, you need to free the airways from it. The provision of first aid depends on how difficult the victim's breathing is. If you choke on a sip of water:

1. Tilt the person forward and tap between the shoulder blades. It is important to do this only by tilting the patient! Otherwise, water may move into the trachea.

2. If it doesn’t help, we use Heimlich (We use it only if the person is conscious.):

  • You need to go around the person and stand behind him.
  • We clench one hand into a fist, put the part where the thumb is located on the epigastric region (the upper middle part of the abdomen above the navel immediately below the ribs)
  • Grasp the fist with the other hand and push upward, pressing the stomach.
  • Hands must be bent at the elbows! Repeat the reception several times until the person begins to breathe!

If water, what to do:

1. Put the baby on the tummy.

2. Slightly tilt face down.

3. Gently knock on the back - 5 strokes.

If water enters the respiratory tract in large quantities:

1. Put the person on your knee and press on the root of the tongue.

2. Induce vomiting.

3. Tap between the shoulder blades.

4. If the patient does not show signs of life, it must be done alternately with chest compressions. 2 breaths for 30 compressions.

5. Call an ambulance.


Symptoms depend on how much liquid the person chokes on. When it is just a sip, the victim will cough, hold on to the throat, and possibly turn red. But you can choke not only while drinking, when swimming people choke on water more often. In this case, a person may lose consciousness, his skin becomes cyanotic. With the manifestation of such symptoms, it is urgent to resuscitate the victim.


All treatment is to eliminate water from the respiratory tract. It is important to make sure that the liquid does not get into the trachea and lungs. To do this, you need to take an x-ray. When water is retained in the airways, there is a risk of developing pneumonia. Treatment will be with the use of antibiotics, anti-inflammatory and other drugs.


If the victim chokes on a small amount of liquid, then there will be no consequences. However, when bathing, even choking is possible. In this case, you need to urgently call an ambulance, even in a normal state. Fluid could get into the lungs, bronchi, trachea, which often causes severe inflammatory processes. Elimination of the consequences will take place under hospital conditions with the use of potent drugs.

Recovery from inhalation of a small amount of fluid is a matter of simple precautions and precautions. Drink water slowly, in small sips.

The beginning of the beach season implies not only fun activities in the water, but also the appearance of some risks. First of all, there is a risk that the child cannot choke while bathing. In this case, adults need to clearly understand what to do if water gets into the child's lungs.

What is the danger of a condition when water gets into the lungs of a child?

The presence of fluid in the lungs can cause inflammation of the tissues, possibly causing pulmonary insufficiency, and this condition is life-threatening for the child. In order for the child to begin to breathe normally, everything must be done to remove water from the respiratory tract.

What needs to be done in order to remove water from the lungs of a child?

First of all, it is necessary to study the correct sequence of first aid for a person who has got water in his lungs. First you need to figure out how much water the child swallowed.

If a child does not get a very large amount of water into the lungs, then he is unlikely to lose consciousness, rather he will have a strong cough.

The fact that there is already water in the lungs is indicated by the color of the child's skin. If the baby's skin turns bluish, it means that the water has reached the lungs and there is a large amount of water there. If the skin is pale, then this indicates that the water has not yet reached the lungs. In this case, the child may lose consciousness.

While the child is unconscious, water that enters the lungs will come out as a foamy liquid. Fluid can come out not only from the mouth, but from the nose.

Watch the video film "Water got into the lungs of a child":

First of all, you need to make sure that an ambulance is called. It is also necessary to take active steps to remove water from the lungs and resume breathing. To do this, artificial respiration is necessary for the child. However, before this, it is necessary to remove water from the lungs. To do this, you can tilt the child's head and tap between the shoulder blades on the back.

Sometimes such actions do not give the desired result, and it simply does not work to remove water from the lungs. In this case, another method can be used, but it will only be effective if the child is conscious.

It is necessary to ask the victim to stand up and put his hand, clenched into a fist, on the lower abdomen (below the ribs), however, the hands are above the navel. Then you need to sharply push and put pressure on the stomach.

Such manipulations can be performed several times, it helps to normalize breathing and water comes out of the lungs.

If a child has a lot of water in his lungs, then most likely he is in an unconscious state, and such measures will be effective: you need to turn the person to face the ground and lean his chest on his knee. Then you need to cause a gag reflex in a person, for this you need to press on the root of the tongue. Perform cotton movements on the back between the shoulder blades. It is also necessary to constantly monitor the heartbeat of the child.

If such manipulations do not help, it is necessary to do artificial respiration and heart massage. In such a rhythm, it is necessary to work until the ambulance arrives, and then transfer control over the situation to specialists.

Talk about the rules of behavior on the water, control the children. As a rule, children who do not know or grossly violate the rules of behavior on the water get into such situations.

Sometimes a child or adult may choke while swimming. What to do if water gets into the lungs? In order for a person to breathe normally, water must be removed from the respiratory tract. Fluid in the lungs can cause inflammation of the lung tissue. Therefore, you need to know the rules of first aid to save a person.

First aid for water inhalation

The sequence of actions to help the victim depends on how much water has entered his body through the respiratory tract. Some conclusions can be drawn from the appearance of a person. If the victim chokes on a small amount of water, he will cough, hold on to his throat, his face may turn red. If at the same time the skin is pale, then the water has not reached the lungs.

The bluish color of the skin indicates that water has entered the lungs.

Lovek turns blue, loses consciousness. Foamy liquid in such cases can pour out of the mouth and nose. Then you should immediately call an ambulance and immediately begin to do artificial respiration. If a person chokes on a sip of liquid while drinking, they tilt his head and tap between the shoulder blades on his back.

If such measures do not bring results, but the victim is conscious, then you can try the Heimlich method. The sequence of actions should be like this:

  1. You should stand behind the patient.
  2. The hand is clenched into a fist.
  3. The thumb should be placed on the upper abdomen under the ribs, above the navel (epigastric region).
  4. The other hand grabs a fist and pushes up, while the stomach is pressed in.

Such movements are performed several times until the person's breathing returns to normal.

If a person has swallowed a lot of water, then the following manipulations are performed:

  1. The chest of the victim is placed on his knee, his face is turned down.
  2. You need to press your finger on the root of the tongue to induce a gag reflex.
  3. You just need to do claps on the back, tap gently between the shoulder blades.

If this does not help, artificial respiration is done, alternating it with an indirect heart massage. 30 clicks are made on the heart, then 2 breaths, and the cycle repeats again.

Such actions are taken before the arrival of the ambulance. If necessary, the doctor can refer the patient to the hospital. You may need to take an X-ray to make sure that there is no water in the lungs and trachea. The doctor will prescribe the necessary treatment, select antibiotics and medicines.

If water gets into the child's lungs

If the child is small, then he should always be supervised. After all, a baby can choke even in a shallow pond or at home, swimming in the bathroom. A child, being under water, is often frightened and continues to breathe. And then the airways are filled with fluid, which can get into the lungs. There is a spasm of the vocal cords. It becomes impossible for him to breathe.

If water has entered the lungs of a child, then the following actions should be taken:

  1. Wrap your finger with a bandage, gauze or other clean cloth that is at hand. Then with your finger try to clean the victim's mouth from foam, mucus, possibly dirt and sand.
  2. If someone is nearby, let him call an ambulance. After all, the rescuer needs to act at this time.
  3. You should bend the leg and put the child on the knee so that his head hangs down. Next, with force, but gently press several times on the back in the area of ​​​​the lungs (or pat on the back). This will help free the lungs from water.

  4. If a very small child has swallowed water in the pool or bathroom, then you need to grab him by the legs and raise him so that his head is down. In this case, with the other hand, the lower jaw of the child should be pressed against the upper one so that the tongue does not interfere with the exit of water from the larynx.
  5. When the water leaves the lungs, artificial respiration is done. If the heart does not beat, you should immediately switch to chest compressions.

Everything must be done quickly, without waiting for the help of doctors, because every minute is precious.

Do not rush to take the victim to the hospital, time may be lost. If the child himself cannot breathe, artificial ventilation of the lungs is carried out.

When the child comes to his senses, he must be dried, allowed to warm up, drink hot tea. And then take him to the hospital, where he will be examined and the necessary measures will be taken to prevent complications. It should be borne in mind that the child's heart may be unstable for some time.

Each person is obliged to learn how to provide first aid in case someone gets water into their lungs. It is important to know how to behave in other emergencies in order to save the life of a child or an adult if necessary.

Hello! It seems to me that there is practically no reason for your concern. It is possible that the water did not get into your lungs at all. But, even if it hit, then probably in the smallest amount. And, if you are a healthy person, then a small amount of water should very quickly dissolve on its own by the tissue of the respiratory tract. Especially since you coughed up phlegm. Cough is a protective reaction of the body to irritation of the human respiratory tract. Whether water accidentally got into the respiratory tract, a crumb of bread, whether you inhaled a pungent smell, for example, tobacco smoke, coughing is a natural defensive reaction. During coughing, the body tries to get rid of mucus, or foreign particles that have entered the respiratory tract. I think you can now increase your physical activity to make your breathing more frequent and deep. Just do some breathing exercises.

However, if you still fear for your health, I think it's better to play it safe and seek the advice of a doctor.

Water in the lungs can be dangerous in a drowning situation or in case of any serious illness. For example, with hydrothorax, when free fluid accumulates in the pleural cavity, the peripulmonary sac. It occurs for the same reason as ascites - stagnation of blood and sweating of its liquid part into the cavity. Considering that the fluid compresses the lung tissue over time, the patient develops shortness of breath or its sharp aggravation, if it existed even before the development of hydrothorax. In addition, the lung tissue itself is “stuffed” with water, and this, even to a greater extent than hydrothorax, increases shortness of breath.

It is possible to diagnose hydrothorax when examining the patient, while in the place where the fluid has accumulated, changes will be detected during percussion (a special tapping with the fingers, which the doctor always uses). In the same area, when listening with a phonendoscope, breathing will be weakened or completely absent. If such data is revealed, the doctor will certainly refer the patient to a chest x-ray, which finally removes all questions, since the fluid and its level are clearly visible in the picture.

It must be said that the diagnosis of hydrothorax is established, regardless of the cause of its occurrence and the amount of accumulated fluid. The cause of hydrothorax can be not only cardiological. In addition, even a small amount of fluid that does not even make itself felt will also be called hydrothorax.


Why does fluid accumulate in the lungs

Fluid accumulates in the lungs due to increased vascular permeability or damage. In the latter case, there is an inflammatory process, accompanied by the formation of exudate. There can be several reasons for the accumulation of fluid in the lungs. One of them is a malfunction of the lymphatic system, from which edema is formed.

Causes of the disease

The causes of fluid accumulation are associated with the following factors:

  • The presence of inflammatory processes.
  • Cardiac problems can cause damage to both the left and right lung.
  • Injuries of the chest, brain.
  • Chronic pathologies of the respiratory organs, forming edema.
  • Pneumothorax.
  • Oncology.
  • Liver diseases.

Fluid in the lung tissue accumulates as a result of diseases that cause disturbances in the immune system. One of them is diabetes.

Clinical picture

The normal amount of liquid does not exceed a two-millimeter layer. A small increase in his body tolerates easily, and mild symptoms may go unnoticed. When fluid begins to accumulate, the lung becomes less elastic, which disrupts gas exchange within it.

The patient begins to show the following symptoms:

  • Shortness of breath even at rest. The rate of oxygen supply to the alveoli decreases, breathing is difficult, which can cause hypoxia. The accumulation of fluid causes attacks of cardiac asthma. The patient does not have enough air, there is pain inside the chest. The resulting symptoms are aggravated when the person lies down.
  • Cough, sometimes accompanied by sputum. Attacks are usually disturbing in the morning, at night, interfering with proper rest.
  • Weakness, there may be a feeling of fatigue even during rest.
  • Dizziness, fainting.
  • Increased nervousness.
  • Chills, bluish skin tone due to developing hypoxia, numbness of the extremities.

At the first symptoms, asthma attacks are already possible, so you should immediately consult a doctor.

Diagnostic methods

To select an effective treatment regimen, it is important for the doctor to make sure that fluid has accumulated inside the lungs, and also to find out why this is happening. Modern diagnostic methods allow you to get results in a short time.

After the studies using x-rays, ultrasound, which determine the effusion, a more detailed examination is carried out, which includes:

  • Blood chemistry.
  • The study of the gas composition of the blood.
  • Blood test for clotting.
  • Identification of comorbidities.

If necessary, urine, pulmonary exudate are taken for analysis.

Treatment Methods

Elimination of the cause due to which fluid accumulates, reduction of hypoxia are the main goals pursued by measures for the treatment of pulmonary edema.

Depending on the anamnesis, the following methods are used:

  • With pneumonia, it is important to stop the development of the infectious process, so antibiotics are prescribed. Antiviral drugs will help strengthen the body's defenses.
  • When fluid accumulates in the lungs in heart failure, treatment involves the use of diuretics and bronchodilators. The removal of accumulated fluid allows you to reduce the load on the lungs. Bronchodilators help relieve spasms, which relieves stress on the respiratory muscles. At the same time, drugs are prescribed to strengthen the heart muscle.

  • When diagnosing pleurisy, the doctor selects the appropriate antibiotics, hormonal and antitussive drugs. Additional methods - massage, UHF, breathing exercises. If necessary, a pleural puncture is done.
  • If the accumulation of fluid is formed due to diseases of the brain, the diuretic Furosemide is used.
  • The fluid that forms due to kidney failure is eliminated with the help of conservative treatment and a special diet.
  • In case of liver pathologies, diuretic treatment and diet are required.
  • When fluid begins to collect due to chest trauma, a drain may be needed. The patient is prescribed inhalation of humidified oxygen.

Before eliminating the cause of the accumulation of fluid in the lungs, sometimes it is necessary to resort to artificial ventilation of the lungs.

The use of analgesics will relieve mental stress, due to which the respiratory muscles will experience less stress. Inotropic drugs such as dopamine are also used..

Sometimes a pleurocentesis is prescribed - a procedure for pumping out excess fluid. It is carried out under local anesthesia, it takes a little time. However, it does not guarantee that the liquid will not accumulate again.

Pleurodesis helps to avoid relapses, when, after pumping out the water, the cavity is filled with medicine.

Exudate is collected and subjected to histological examination if the formation of edema is associated with a benign or malignant tumor.

Folk remedies

Such a pathology as fluid accumulation in the lungs is considered quite dangerous, so self-medication is inappropriate here.

As soon as symptoms characteristic of this disease are detected, it is required to see a specialist.

However, it is sometimes possible to alleviate the patient's condition when fluid begins to accumulate in the lungs with folk remedies. It is better to consult with your doctor about their use.

Among the most famous recipes are the following:

  • Anise seeds (3 teaspoons) boil in a glass of honey for about 15 minutes. After cooling, add ½ tsp of soda and take a spoonful three times a day.

  • A decoction of flax seeds. For 1 liter of water, 4 tablespoons of seeds are required. Boil, insist, drink a decoction of 100 ml every 2.5 hours.
  • Blue root. A decoction is prepared from it. For 0.5 liters of water, 1 tablespoon of raw materials is taken. Put the mixture in a water bath for 40 minutes. After cooling, strain, drink 50 ml daily.
  • Honey tincture. For cooking, you will need honey, butter, cocoa, lard - 100 g each and 20 ml of aloe juice. Mix all ingredients well and heat slightly. Add a glass of milk before taking. The finished drug is drunk in a teaspoon.
  • Infusion of aloe with honey and Cahors. Mix the components (150, 250 and 300 g, respectively) and insist in a dark place for a day. Take a teaspoon three times a day.
  • A decoction of parsley. The plant has the ability to remove accumulated fluid from the lungs, which helps fight pathology. You will need 400 g of fresh parsley sprigs. They need to pour 0.5 liters of milk. Put on the stove and bring to a boil. Then reduce the heat and simmer until the amount of liquid is reduced by half. Take a decoction of a tablespoon every couple of hours.

Treatment with folk remedies is usually used as an addition to the main therapy. To cure swelling of the lungs, to remove the accumulated fluid, patience and endurance are required.

A frivolous attitude to health with such a pathology is a real threat to life. Do not take risks and try to heal yourself.

Possible Complications

If you start treating the disease immediately, when the amount of fluid collected in the pleura is small, a positive trend is observed quite quickly. With strict adherence to the recommendations of the doctor and the absence of complications caused by other pathologies, recovery is inevitable.

The neglected situation threatens with serious consequences. The accumulation of fluid leads to hypoxia, breathing becomes rapid, a cough appears, which further aggravates the swelling.

The amount of secreted mucus increases, the patient has anxiety, chills are observed, the skin turns pale, the body temperature drops.

One of the most serious consequences is the imbalance of the nervous system and brain activity. The risk of chronic liver pathologies, disruption of the vegetovascular system, and strokes increases. The possibility of death cannot be ruled out.

If symptoms suggestive of fluid in the lungs are detected, treatment should be started immediately. The patient must be taken to the doctor immediately.


possible by following the following guidelines:

  • When there are cardiovascular diseases, it is necessary to be examined 2 times a year.
  • Patients with allergies, asthma, always carry drugs that relieve an attack.
  • People working in hazardous industries need to take measures to prevent poisoning.
  • Periodic medical examinations will help to identify the existing problem in time.
  • Adhere to a lifestyle that involves quitting smoking, alcohol abuse, a complete and balanced diet, physical education.
  • Get regular x-rays.

You can not ignore the symptoms indicating a pathology in the lungs. In the early stages, it is much easier to cope with the disease. Those who have undergone treatment for the accumulation of fluid in the lungs are advised to carefully monitor their health, especially to take care of the respiratory organs.

Fluid in the lungs with oncology: what is it and the prognosis

Fluid in the lungs with oncology is a serious and dangerous symptom that requires urgent medical attention. Fluid in oncological diseases can accumulate in the human chest both in the pleural cavity (pleurisy) and in the tissues of the lung (pulmonary edema).

The accumulation of water in the respiratory organs occurs gradually and reaches a very large amount. This interferes with the normal functioning of the lungs and contributes to the growth of respiratory failure. The presence of fluid in the respiratory system, if left untreated, can lead to dangerous consequences, and even cause premature death of the patient.

Pleurisy and pulmonary edema

Pulmonary edema - what is it? This is an extremely dangerous and intractable condition that is accompanied by cardiovascular insufficiency and organ failure.

The characteristic signs of this disease appear in the advanced late stages of the disease, so treatment is most often ineffective.

With the help of intensive therapy, the patient's condition is temporarily relieved, but it is impossible to live with such a pathology for a long time.

Water in the pleural cavity is less dangerous than with pulmonary edema. Currently, there are effective methods to remove excess fluid in the edematous pleural cavity and stabilize the patient's condition. A disease in which the pleural cavity is filled with fluid is called pleurisy.

The pleural cavity is the area between the two pleural sheets. The outer sheet covers the lungs from the outside and provides protection and tightness. The wall inside the chest cavity is lined with an inner sheet.

In a normal state, there is always a liquid of the required volume between the layers of the pleura (about 10 ml of liquid), which ensures the movement of the lungs during breathing. Normally, the fluid layer in the pleural cavity should be 2 mm thick.

In cases where more fluid is collected, congestion in the lungs and edema are observed.

Water in the lungs or in the pleural cavity may appear with cancer of the lungs, breast and pancreas, genitals, stomach, intestines. This can happen at any stage of the disease. Water accumulates in the lungs when the body is severely weakened and unable to resist disease. The accumulation of water in the pleural cavity is called a pleural effusion.

Hydrothorax - accumulation of fluid in the pleural cavity, which has a non-inflammatory origin. The popular name for this disease is dropsy. Dropsy of the right or left lung is quite rare. The most common type is bilateral hydrothorax.

Usually, exudative (encapsulated) pleurisy in oncology develops due to the spread of metastases to the pleural cavity and lymph nodes located in the chest. These processes reduce lymph flow and increase the permeability of the walls of blood vessels.

The reasons

If the pleural cavity or lungs are filled with fluid, this leads to a violation of air exchange in the respiratory organs and damage to the integrity of the walls of blood vessels. Where does it come from and why does the liquid accumulate?

The following reasons can contribute to the formation of malignant pleurisy:

  • complication after radiotherapy, chemotherapy or radiation therapy;
  • surgery to remove a malignant tumor;
  • growth of a cancerous tumor in adjacent and regional lymph nodes or the development of metastases;
  • a sharp decrease in the level of total protein in the body (in the later stages of the disease);
  • lowering blood pressure;
  • high permeability of pleural tissues;
  • blockage of the thoracic lymphatic process in the lung;
  • partial or complete blockage of the lumen of the large bronchus.

These factors provoke a decrease in pressure in the pleural cavity, due to which fluid begins to collect.

There are several more reasons why water appears in the respiratory system:

What causes pulmonary edema in the elderly? In older people, this disease can occur due to heart or kidney failure, or very often from trauma to the sternum.

Often fluid in the lungs is observed in newborns. This happens when the baby was born prematurely or by caesarean section.

In severe cases, the newborn is placed for treatment in intensive care, in simple cases, water is pumped out of the respiratory organs with a special pump.


Malignant pleurisy is characterized by a systematic and slow development. With oncological diseases, the accumulation of water in the lungs occurs for many years. Therefore, in some cases, the diagnosis of pleurisy helps to detect a tumor and prevent the formation of metastases in the pleura. : lung cancer symptoms and signs.

In the early stages, the accumulation of water is not manifested in any way and is not felt by the patient. Most often, the disease is discovered by chance during a dispensary examination.

Over time, a lot of fluid collects in the edematous pleural cavity, and characteristic symptoms appear:

Pulmonary edema is an extremely dangerous condition, the symptoms of which are formed very rapidly, within a few hours. What is the danger of liquid in this pathology? Manifestations of pulmonary edema can cause an asthma attack, which, without timely help, can even end in the death of the patient.

Typical signs of water accumulation depend on the amount of fluid in the respiratory organs and localization.

There are several typical manifestations of the disease:

  • increasing shortness of breath, initially from physical exertion, and then at rest;
  • general weakness, decreased performance;
  • cough with mucus and foam from the nose and mouth;
  • sensation of pain in the lower or lateral region of the sternum (pain increases with exercise or coughing);
  • respiratory disorders (gurgling sounds and wheezing are heard);
  • dizziness, faintness;
  • cyanosis or pallor of the skin;
  • numbness of hands and feet;
  • chills, constantly feeling "chill";
  • increased sweating, cold clammy sweat;
  • tachycardia (rapid heartbeat);
  • increased nervous excitability.

When such symptoms appear, it is necessary to immediately begin treatment, if possible, remove water from the respiratory tract and carry out procedures to restore breathing in order to avoid serious consequences.

Important! The appearance of abundant pink frothy sputum means that the patient needs urgent medical care. If the patient is not helped in time, it threatens with a fatal outcome.


If the patient has similar symptoms, you need to urgently go to a medical institution and be examined by an oncologist, who, if necessary, will refer you to other specialists: a pulmonologist, an ENT doctor and others. All specialists collect a detailed history and conduct a thorough examination of the patient.

In order to determine the exact diagnosis, a comprehensive examination is carried out. During the examination, the doctor determines the lag of the diseased lung in the process of breathing. On palpation of the chest, a shortened sound is taken into account when the lower part of the chest is tapped.

If there are signs of pleurisy, the doctor prescribes the following studies:

  • chest x-ray;
  • chest ultrasound;
  • CT - determines the cause of the disease;
  • puncture from the pleural cavity - fluid is taken, which is sent for histological and cytological examination.

Only upon receipt of data on the patient's disease, a clinic representative will be able to calculate the exact price for treatment.


When the causes and symptoms of the disease are clarified, they proceed directly to treatment. Surgical operations for pulmonary edema are ineffective, only drug therapy is used.

Various drugs are used to treat this disease:

  • cardiac glycosides - substances that stimulate myocardial contraction (strophanthin, corglicon);
  • diuretics - diuretic drugs that stimulate the excretion of fluid from the body (furosemide, etc.);
  • drugs that expand and tone the smooth muscles of the bronchi (eufillin).

Using modern methods of therapy, it is possible to completely cure malignant pleurisy, thereby significantly increasing the life expectancy of the patient. With malignant pleurisy, the treatment will be very different, since in this case, drug treatment is ineffective.

A radical method of treatment is considered a surgical operation, which ensures the pumping of fluid from the respiratory tract in oncology. For pleurisy, two types of surgery are used to remove water from the lungs: pleurocentesis and pleurodesis.

Pleurocentesis is an operation in which the exudate is removed mechanically (by piercing). During the operation, a lung is punctured with a thin needle to pump out water.

Then another needle is used with an attached electric suction pipe. Thus, excess fluid is pumped out, and the patient immediately feels relief.

If the fluid after pumping out of the pleural cavity is yellow-brown and transparent, then there is no infection.

After such an operation, fluid in the lungs is sometimes recruited again, since the main cause of the disease has not been eliminated. There are times when you have to pump out the liquid several times. Repeated pumping out of the fluid is very difficult for the patient to tolerate.

In addition, after this procedure, the formation of adhesions is noted, which further complicate the course of the main disease. During or after surgery, due to the fact that the patient cannot cough, mucous plugs in the airways may occur. Such plugs are removed with the help of special suction.

Pleurodesis is a surgical intervention during which the pleural cavity is filled with special means that prevent the re-accumulation of fluid. Currently, this operation is widely used in medicine and allows you to achieve maximum effectiveness of treatment and eliminate the recurrence of the disease.

During therapy, the following drugs are used:

  • cytostatics (cisplatin, embikhin);
  • immunomodulators (interleukin);
  • antibiotics and antimicrobials (tetracycline);
  • radioisotopes.

For oncological diseases sensitive to chemotherapy, cytostatic agents are used. In 65% of cases, this approach to therapy helps to get rid of the exudative symptoms of pleurisy.

In some cases, the cause of the accumulation of water in the respiratory organs is pneumonia. Then, to fight a dangerous infection, the patient is prescribed antibiotics. In addition, it is recommended to take antitussive and antiviral drugs.

Some folk remedies allow you to remove fluid from the respiratory tract right at home. But they should not be used without prior discussion with your doctor. Here are some of the plants that are treated in folk medicine to remove water from the lungs: oats, parsley, onion, viburnum, anise, flax seeds, aloe.


How long do patients with pleurisy or pulmonary edema live? According to statistics, timely treatment of pleurisy in half of all cases prolongs the life of the patient and improves its quality. If the manifestations of the disease are detected at stage II or III of oncology, there is a possibility of successful treatment.

In cases where edema or pleurisy has developed at an advanced stage, treatment is usually difficult and brings only temporary relief to the patient. First, the liquid is pumped out, then procedures are carried out to facilitate breathing during metastases.

With metastatic changes in the respiratory organs and regional lymph nodes, the prognosis is unfavorable - survival from several months to a year. In the presence of pulmonary edema in a cancer patient and the absence of medical care (timely pumping out of fluid), the patient may die in a few hours.

Approximate price for some services for detecting pulmonary edema in large medical centers:

  • consultation with a pulmonologist - 10,000 rubles;
  • x-ray - 5,000 rubles;
  • examination of the function of external respiration - 3,000 rubles;
  • MSCT of the chest - 10,000 rubles.

Fluid in the lungs (water accumulation): what does it mean, symptoms and signs, causes, treatment, how long do they live, what is dangerous

A serious problem for the body is the accumulation of fluid in the lungs. This disease is called pleurisy. To eliminate it, medical intervention is required, otherwise many complications appear.

This process means that a latent disease develops in the body. Depending on its type, appropriate treatment is prescribed.

During the process under consideration, the lung structural units (alveoli) are filled with fluid. It appears after leakage through the blood vessels. A peculiar displacement of a certain volume of blood occurs with excessive pressure or during injury.

What happens when fluid appears in the lungs

If there is an excessive accumulation of exudate, then this indicates the development of edema. If the process was caused by an oncological formation, then the treatment is ineffective.

The accumulation of exudate occurs more often not in the organ itself (lung), but in the interstitial spaces. The entire chest is covered with the first petal. He plays the role of protection. As for the second, it covers the lung surface, providing sealing and elasticity.

The inflammatory process that affects the pleural petals occurs with pleurisy. The disease can have a different course:

  • exudative pleurisy occurs when fluid accumulates between the pleural sheets;
  • dry pleurisy is accompanied by the deposition of proteins, including fibrin;
  • purulent pleurisy develops when a purulent mass is released, into the area between the petals.

If everything is in order with the human body, then there is liquid between the pleural tissues of the petals, but it is not enough. Its purpose is to ensure the mobility of the tissues of the body during inhalation or exhalation.

The pathological process associated with the accumulation of fluid is caused by other diseases that at first glance may seem unrelated to the functionality of the lungs. For example, breast cancer, uterine adenoma, liver or kidney disease - all these diseases can cause accumulation of exudate in the lungs.

The danger of fluid accumulation in the lung area is that after a while an asthma attack occurs. It can cause death in both adults and children. For this reason, experts do not recommend, when the first symptoms appear, to carry out self-treatment at home.

Pleurisy can appear after such diseases: lupus, pancreatitis (if it appeared after alcohol abuse), arterial thromboembolism in the lungs, heart attack, arthritis.


During an illness, a certain number of pathological changes lead to oxygen starvation (this occurs over different periods of time, depending on the individual characteristics of the organism).

There are three flow processes:

  1. Fluid accumulation, s high the pace of development - begins suddenly, does not respond to treatment, is accompanied by death.
  2. Acute form - symptoms develop over 3-4 hours. The injured person can be saved (specialized assistance is required), but on the condition that it is not hepatitis or cancer.
  3. lingering form - able to develop for 24 hours or more.

During the accumulation of fluid, edema develops. It, depending on the reasons for its appearance, is divided into such types as:

  1. Hydrostatic- Occurs with high blood pressure. Exudate enters the alveoli through the walls of the vessels. This type can develop with cardiovascular insufficiency.
  2. membranous- occurs after the action of toxic substances. As a result, the walls belonging to the alveoli and capillaries are destroyed. This is how fluid enters the lung tissue.

When considering two forms of edema - alveolar and interstitial, the first represents the maximum danger, as it has negative consequences, including death. The second form is referred to as more gentle. She is treatable. But if you do not seek help in time, then this form may worsen (go into the alveolar).

The reasons

When fluid accumulates in the pleural cavity, air exchange in the tissues of the lungs is disrupted. After a while, a chain of other pathological processes appears, including the destruction of the vascular walls.

Fluid in the lungs collects for the following reasons:

  • Liver disease, including cirrhosis.
  • Getting serious injury chest.
  • In case of violation exchange substances in the body (during diabetes).
  • Bronchial asthma(its running form).
  • Consequences after surgery operations.
  • At inflammation lungs (tuberculosis, pleurisy).
  • Action toxic substances.
  • Consequences after progression malignant education. This happens during the last stage of development.
  • Wrong work cardiovascular systems (after surgery, heart attack).
  • Disease progression brain.

It is worth noting that pulmonary edema at an older age may appear due to arrhythmia, as well as renal or heart failure.

As for the accumulation of fluid in newborns, this process occurs often, especially in premature babies (when the birth was taken using a Caesarean section). It is required to pump out excess water with the help of special devices, so the child can survive.

Doctors believe that the normal thickness of the pleural fluid layer is 2 mm. When the indicator in question is exceeded, this means that edema is developing. The patient needs medical attention.


The picture of symptoms depends on the amount of fluid that has accumulated and on what disease caused the process.

oxygen starvation

Lack of oxygen causes blue skin, as well as other consequences. There is a state of anxiety in patients.

Pain in lower chest

Manifestations of pain in the lower part of the chest are aggravated by coughing. If the disease worries a small child, then after an attack he cries for a long time (with a hoarse tone).

Intermittent cough

With the aggravation of the pathological process, a kind of intermittent cough occurs. During it, mucus is secreted. In parallel with the cough, dizziness, rapid breathing, fainting, excitation of the nervous system, and temperature instability occur.

Breathlessness that gets worse over time

When the disease proceeds slowly, the difficulty in breathing can appear unpredictably. Along with an attack of shortness of breath, weakness occurs.

A feature is that the symptom is able to manifest itself in a calm state. If the swelling is large and affects two lungs, then the fluid inside the organ in question can cause suffocation.

During the accumulation of fluid, shortness of breath attacks often appear in the morning. They are also provoked by stress, heavy physical exertion or regular hypothermia. If a person suffers from heart failure, then the state of suffocation may appear at night, for example, during a nightmare.


If there is fluid in the lungs, the first person to contact is a pulmonologist. If necessary, the help of other specialists, doctors of other qualifications may be required.

The diagnostic program includes the following activities:

  • Analysis gases, included in the blood.
  • Holding biochemical blood test.
  • Fluorography.
  • Holding physical examination with the process of auscultation.
  • Related diseases and their influence.
  • Research using x-ray.
  • Holding biochemical analysis of blood composition.
  • Level score clotting blood.

Given the current symptoms, doctors may prescribe a certain number of additional diagnostic methods. Based on the data obtained during the diagnosis, specialists prescribe treatment. It can be conservative or operational.

If fluid accumulation occurs in older people, then experts try to conduct research more carefully in order to correctly diagnose. Ultrasound or other procedures may be added to the diagnostic methods discussed above.


Elimination of fluid from the lungs occurs only after a qualitative examination. At the very beginning, the patient is hospitalized. In the event that the volume of exudate is small, it can be removed with the help of medications.

Among the drugs that are often used in such situations are:

  • analgesics;
  • antibacterial medicines;
  • drugs to speed up elimination urine;
  • remedies against inflammation.

With ineffective therapy with drugs, a catheter is used. Doctors may prescribe oxygen inhalation techniques during lung failure.

If the accumulation of fluid was provoked by some kind of disease, then the first thing to do is to eliminate the focus of the pathology so that serious complications do not appear.

Possible Complications

If the treatment was carried out in a timely manner, then the collected fluid in the pleural region can be removed, the dynamics of treatment is mostly positive. But it all depends on the diseases that caused the process.

When the situation is neglected, negative consequences arise, up to a fatal outcome. The accumulation of exudate leads to hypoxia. At this time, there is an increase in breathing. After a while, bouts of a kind of cough develop, which can aggravate the inflammatory process.

With increased secretion of mucus, patients develop outbursts of anxiety with prolonged chills, blanching or blueness of the skin. In parallel with other symptoms, a decrease in temperature occurs.

The most serious consequence is an imbalance in the functioning of the nervous system, including the brain. There is a risk of developing pathology in the liver tissues. Also often in the list of complications is a failure of the heart.


Before treating a patient, doctors conduct explanatory conversations, explaining what complications and consequences can be. It is important to understand that when the fluid is caused by an oncological disease, the treatment is much more complicated (in a neglected situation, it is impossible).

According to statistics, timely treatment of pleurisy gives a 50% chance for patients to recover and live a full life, even if the symptoms were detected in the second stage of cancer.

In the last stage of cancer, treatment is ineffective. It does not bring the desired result (temporary relief), especially with the intensive development of metastases. In this case, doctors predict 2-4 months of life. It happens that patients live with such symptoms for about a year.

If the accumulation of fluid was due to a simple inflammatory process, treatment with medications is quite effective. In more difficult situations, catheters have proven themselves well when extracting exudate. After treatment, patients, subject to the recommendations of doctors, are able to live a full life.

Timely diagnostic measures make it possible to determine the state of the body and, if necessary, get rid of the disease in time. So there are more chances, even with cancer.


There are appropriate actions that reduce the likelihood of pathology or relapse after treatment:

  • In the presence of cardiovascular Insufficiency, it is important to undergo examinations at least 2 times in 12 months.
  • If there is allergic reaction or asthma - drugs to reduce symptoms during attacks are recommended to be carried with you at all times.
  • When working on production, affecting health, it is important to constantly use protective devices that prevent the occurrence of poisoning.
  • Doing healthy way of life gives a better chance of survival.
  • Regular fluorographic pictures allow you to determine the appearance of the pathological process in the early stages.

It is not recommended to ignore the manifestations that indicate lung disease. It is easier to get rid of the disease at an early stage. After treatment, when there are no symptoms, it is important to monitor health, especially the respiratory system.

Fluid in the lungs: causes, treatment, consequences

Fluid in the lungs is a rather dangerous problem, the treatment of which must be started immediately. This means that a person has a serious disease, in the absence of treatment of which various complications may appear, up to and including death.

Why does fluid accumulate in the lungs

If fluid accumulates in the lungs, this always indicates the presence of a disease. This phenomenon can be observed in the following cases:

With heart failure. Because of this, pressure in the pulmonary artery increases, which leads to the accumulation of fluid within the organ.

  • Due to violations of the structure of blood vessels. From this, their permeability is disturbed, blood enters the lungs through their walls and remains there.
  • With pneumonia. Inflammation of the pleura occurs, in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bwhich purulent exudate accumulates. Pneumonia usually comes from severe hypothermia, so to prevent it, you need to dress according to the weather and not stay in the cold for a long time.
  • Tumors in the lungs. Because of them, blood circulation within the organs is disturbed, congestion in them is observed.

It is very dangerous. Most neoplasms in the lung area are malignant. Therefore, they should be removed as soon as possible.

  • Tuberculosis. In this case, purulent sputum, particles of blood and lung tissue accumulate in the lungs due to the onset of organ decay.
  • Injuries in the chest area. They lead to various ruptures, which entail the accumulation of exudate. The fluid is formed gradually, the patient also notes severe pain in the area of ​​injury. Perhaps blueing of the place where the blow fell.
  • Diseases of the internal organs, leading to an inflammatory process in the pleura. Often this occurs with cirrhosis of the liver.

Pathology may appear after heart surgery. The organ begins to work with some failures, so blood can be thrown into the lungs. This is a fairly common phenomenon that occurs approximately 1-2 weeks after surgery, so doctors prepare the patient for possible complications in advance.

Water in the lungs can also be from outside. For example, if a person choked. Part of the liquid may remain in the respiratory tract, and then it will enter the main respiratory organ.

Each of the above pathologies is dangerous in its own way. The sooner treatment is started, the greater the chance that recovery will come quickly without provoking serious complications.

Fluid accumulation in older people

Fluid in the lungs of the elderly may accumulate due to long-term use of acetylsalicylic acid. Old people drink it to relieve pain.

In addition, water in the lungs of the elderly may occur due to their sedentary lifestyle. This leads to a violation of the pulmonary circulation, stagnation occurs. Therefore, to prevent such phenomena, older people need to move more.

Main manifestations

In the presence of fluid in the lungs of a person, a variety of symptoms are tormented. Their severity depends on the amount of accumulated exudate. The patient may experience the following symptoms:

Dyspnea. Due to the accumulation of fluid in the lungs, the process of gas exchange is disrupted, and in order to at least slightly increase the amount of oxygen received, the organ begins to work in the wrong mode. Breathing becomes more frequent, while it becomes heavy - this is called shortness of breath.

  • The worse the condition of a person, the more pronounced the manifestations of shortness of breath become. Over time, it occurs even in a calm state and during sleep.
  • Cough. It usually appears later, when the condition of the lungs worsens. The cough may be dry or wet, it is intermittent, with a lot of sputum.
  • Pain. It is located in the chest area. At rest, it is aching and tolerable, and during coughing and during physical exertion, it intensifies.
  • Change in skin color. Due to oxygen starvation, the mucous membranes may turn pale, and the areas near the nose and lips may turn slightly blue.
  • Deterioration of general well-being. Patients become weak, lethargic and restless.
  • Respiratory failure. Pulmonary edema occurs, the person cannot breathe normally, he complains of asthma attacks.
  • Something is gurgling in the lungs. A person feels this when moving the body, when turning.

If any of the above symptoms occur, you should immediately consult a doctor. Otherwise, there is a possibility of developing serious complications.

Diagnostic studies

The diagnosis is made only after a series of diagnostic procedures. These include:

  • Examine the patient and listen to his lungs. The doctor must ask the patient what exactly worries him in order to have at least the slightest idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe pathology.
  • X-ray or fluorography. This is the most informative diagnostic method. Changes are clearly visible on the x-ray. The affected area is shaded.
  • Blood tests to determine whether a person has colds, whether the immune system is functioning normally.

Sometimes a differential diagnosis is required if the doctor cannot make an accurate diagnosis. In this case, additional diagnostic procedures may be performed.

How to treat

The causes and treatment of fluid in the lungs are interrelated. The doctor can prescribe therapy only after the name of the disease that provoked unpleasant symptoms is called. In almost 100% of cases, hospitalization of the patient is required.

Treatment can be conservative or surgical. Taking medication gives a result only if a little fluid has accumulated. To eliminate the disease, the following drugs can be used:

  1. Anti-inflammatory drugs. They relieve inflammation, reduce swelling and eliminate pain.
  2. Diuretic. Accelerate the excretion of fluids from the body and prevent their stagnation.
  3. Antibiotics. They kill pathogenic microorganisms that lead to the development of an inflammatory or infectious process.
  4. Analgesics. They relieve muscle spasms, reduce pain, and alleviate the general condition of the patient.
  5. Mucolytics. Liquefies viscous sputum and contributes to its rapid removal from the lungs.

Is it treated at home? Self-medication for any disease accompanied by fluid accumulation can be very dangerous to health. The person may choke.

If taking medication does not give any result, the doctor adjusts the treatment regimen. In this case, it may be necessary to pump out the accumulated liquid.

How fluid is pumped out of the lungs

If fluid has accumulated in the pleural cavity, it must be pumped out. A healthy person also has it, but its amount does not exceed 2 ml. If more than 10 ml of fluid has accumulated, it must be removed. After pumping out, the patient's breathing should normalize, suffocation will pass.

Usually they resort to pumping out a liquid that has a non-infectious nature. It's called a transudate. If the pathology is associated with an inflammatory process, it must first be cured. If after that the liquid remains, it will need to be removed.

Before the procedure, the patient does not require special preparation. The process is performed according to the following algorithm:

  • The patient should sit down, bend forward, and put his hands on a special table.
  • Local anesthesia is performed. An injection of novocaine is also given to avoid pain. The puncture site is determined in advance on the basis of data obtained during ultrasound or X-ray.
  • The skin is wiped with alcohol. Then the doctor begins to make a puncture. He must act very carefully so as not to hurt the nerve endings and blood vessels. The depth must also be correct. If the needle is inserted too deep, it can damage the lung.

The doctor must insert the needle until there is a sense of failure. The upper layer of the lung is denser than its contents.

  • After that, the doctor pumps out the accumulated fluid.
  • At the end, the puncture site is treated with an antiseptic solution, and a sterile bandage is applied to its place.

In one procedure, no more than a liter of transudate can be removed from the lungs. If this limit is exceeded, serious complications may appear, up to and including death.

Pumping fluid should be carried out by an experienced specialist. You can not trust this procedure to an ambulance worker or a person without training. It must be performed under sterile conditions.

How many times can fluid be pumped out of the lungs

The number of repetitions of the procedure is determined by the attending physician. It is important to eliminate the reason why the liquid is collected. After that, it will accumulate less, so it will need to be pumped out less frequently until the need for this completely disappears.

Folk remedies for fluid stagnation

Treatment with folk remedies is possible only if there is an accumulation of a small amount of fluid. In very advanced cases, such therapy is very dangerous. The following remedies are effective for removing stagnant mucus:

  1. Pour a glass of oats with 150 ml of milk, cook over low heat for 20 minutes. Then strain the remedy and take 1 tbsp. three times a day. Oats have a good expectorant effect and quickly remove phlegm from the lungs.
  2. Pour 800 g of parsley milk, cook over low heat until the liquid has evaporated by half. After that, grind the resulting product through a sieve. Take 1 tbsp. every hour. Parsley has diuretic properties, so it will help relieve pulmonary edema.
  3. Peel one medium onion, finely chop and sprinkle with sugar. After a while, juice appears, which has a healing effect.

It is impossible to completely remove the liquid at home. Requires the use of special tools. In addition, it is impossible to make a correct diagnosis on your own. And taking inappropriate funds may not give any result.

recovery forecasts

If therapy is started on time, the prognosis is favorable. The disease can be cured without the appearance of complications for the body. After that, people live a full life.

But if you hesitate and do not see a doctor on time, the consequences can be disastrous. The swelling will increase, squeezing the airways. The person may die due to respiratory failure.

Fluid in the lungs is always very dangerous. If the patient suspects this pathology, you should immediately go to the hospital. It can also take time to make a diagnosis. And in some cases, even a watch is important to save a person's life.

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