How to quickly get rid of yellowness after a bruise. You can quickly get rid of a bruise! Determining the age of bruising by microscopic signs

Material from the Forensic Medical Encyclopedia

Bruise- this is a hemorrhage translucent through the skin in the tissues located under it. Occurs as a result of the outpouring of blood from damaged vessels into soft tissues(subcutaneous adipose tissue, muscles, into interstitial spaces).

The concept of "bruising" combines blood accumulations of different origin and intensity in the thickness of soft tissues and in the spaces between them [Popov N.V., 1946].

ICD-10 classifies bruising as a superficial injury, along with injuries such as abrasion, water bladder (non-thermal), contusion, splinter, non-venomous insect bite.

Also, according to ICD-10, a bruise, along with a hematoma, is integral part such a thing as soft tissue injury:

„ …Superficial trauma, including:
  • abrasion
  • water bubble (non-thermal)
  • contusion, including bruising, bruising, and hematoma
  • trauma from superficial foreign body(splinter) without large open wound
  • insect bite (non-poisonous)…”

Mechanism of bruising

The mechanism of bruising is based on the rupture of blood vessels (primarily intradermal) due to their stretching. This usually occurs when struck with hard blunt objects at an angle close to 90 °, or during compression (compression)

Age of bruising

Determining the age of bruising by macroscopic signs

During its healing, bruises go through a series of stages, which are externally manifested by a change in their color:

  • The blue color of the bruise depends on the formation of reduced hemoglobin (HbCO 2) in the blood that has poured into the tissue from the damaged vessel,
  • green - verdogemochromogen and biliverdin,
  • yellow - bilirubin.

This fact is used to determine the prescription of bruising during a forensic medical examination.

Summary table of prescription of bruising according to literature data

Source Red, red-crimson, crimson Blue, purple Green Yellow Tricolor


Kryukov V.N. and others (2001) up to 2 hours. - red-purple swelling
over the next 6-12 hours - blue-purple
from the end of the first and the beginning of the second day from the end of the second - the beginning of the third day,
lasts up to 5-6 days, sometimes up to 10 days.
to the end of the week up to 10 days 10-15 days
Kryukov V.N. (1998) from 3-4 days. from 5-6 days. from 6-8 days. small bruising - within a week
Khokhlov V.V., Kuznetsov L.E. (1998) first 3 days. from 3-4 days. from 7-9 days.
Popov V.L. (1997) from 3-4 days. from 7-9 days.
Volkov N.V., Datiy A.V. (1997) the first 4 days. 3-8 days 6-9 days 12-16 days
Tomilin V.V. (1996) in the first hours from 6-8 days. small - after 2 weeks
Mazurenko M.D., Belikov V.K. (1990) 1-12 hours 1 day 2-5 days 7-15 days
Mukhanov A.I. (1989) from 3-6 days. from 7-15 days. small - in 4-5 days, extensive - 1-1.5 months, changing little.
Matyshev A.A. (1989) from 3-4 days. from 5-6 days. from 6-9 days.
Matyshev A.A., Denkovsky A.R. (1985)

according to L.S. Sverdlov (1950)

expressed intensely in the first 1-4 days, disappears after 4-10 days from 3-8 days. (crimson + green) from 3-8 days. (purple+yellow) from 5-9 days.
  • by the 8-12th day (crimson + green or purple + yellow)
  • on the 12-16th day (crimson with green and yellow)
  • massive bruising and bruising - weeks and months
Akopov V.I. (1978) on the 1st-2nd day. on the 4th-6th day. on the 7-10th day.
Sapozhnikov Yu.S., Hamburg A.M. (1976) from 3-4 days.

stage may be missing.

from 5-6 days.
Rubezhsky A.F. (1976) until the end of the 1st - the beginning of the 2nd day 3-6 days from 3 to 10 days. from 8-15 days. on the face, all stages proceed up to 7-8 days
on legs - up to 1 month
Swadkovsky B.S. (1975) from 3-4 days.

stage may be missing.

small - from 2-3 days. small - for 6-8 days.
Porksheyan O.Kh., Tomilin V.V. (1974) after 2-4 hours, rarely after 1-2 days from 4-7 days. by the end of the second week or later
Gromov A.P. (1970) blue-purple color after a few hours or 1-2 days turns into blue from 3-6 days.

stage may be missing.

at the beginning of the 2nd week

stage may be missing.

Litvak A.S. (1970) the first 4 days. from 4-7 days. from 7-10 days. from 12-16 days.
Prozorovsky V.I. (1968) after 6-9 days after 12-14 days
Smolyaninov V.M., Tatiev K.I., Chervakov V.F. (1968) after 7-10 days
Mozhay O.I. (1953)
she is
Boyko O.I. (1958) ,
by the end of the day, the purple-blue color turns into dark blue from 3-4 days.
  • from 5-6 days. (from 7-9 days - brown-brown)
  • small (up to 1.5 × 2.5 cm) - from 3-4 days. (bypassing the green color)
  • by the end of 9-15 days.
  • on the eyelids - for 12-14 days.
  • small (up to 1.5 × 2.5 cm) - 6-7 days.
  • large (from 4 × 5 cm or more) - 15-22 days. and more
Raisky M.I. (1953)

according to L.S. Sverdlov (1950) and A.P. Osipova-Rayskaya (1936)

from 4-7 days. (rarely from day 2)

stage may be missing.

from 3-8 days.
(rarely from day 2)

stage may be missing.

2 weeks or later
Popov N.V. (1950) no more than 3-4 days. from 3-6 days. at least 7-8 days.
(often a complete transition to yellow occurs only after 10-12 days)
small bruises on the face, neck, chest may disappear in 5-6 days
often the terms are extended up to 3-4 weeks
Sverdlov L.S. (1949)(quoted from , )
  • head - from 3 to 11 days, most often 5-7 days;
  • rib cage, upper limbs- from 2 to 7 days, most often 5-7 days;
  • stomach, lower limbs- from 3 to 16 days, most often 4-6 days;
  • stage may be missing.
Bruises of yellow color, which came immediately after the crimson: starting from day 3. More often between 8 and 15 days (58.5%);
  • bruising of the upper body - most often from 10 to 14 days,
  • middle part - from 10 to 12 days,
  • lower part - from 10 to 14-15 days."
Osipova-Raiskaya A.P. (1936)(quoted from) first 2 days. from day 3 from day 3
Kornfeld G. (1885) between 5 and 6 days between 7 and 8 days around 12 noon

Determining the age of bruising by microscopic signs

Features of bruising healing depending on various factors

From body area

"On the face, due to good vascularization, all stages of bruising occur in the shortest possible time (up to 7-8 days)." ( Rubezhsky A.F., 1976).

from associated injuries

"... In the study of bruising in persons who had serious injury, we noted the following: the change in color of bruises occurred in the same sequence as in practically healthy person, but in most cases each stage of flowering was delayed by two or three days, especially in individuals with trauma inflicted directly to the head. The process of resorption of bruises and their disappearance was delayed for five or six days or more, and sometimes even more than 20 days ... "(Boyko O.I., 1958).

V.M. Smolyaninov and Bronstein E.Z. (1964) consider that with multiple bruises, as well as single extensive bruises, the duration of their reverse development is from 7 to 26 days.

From the use of therapeutic agents

The use of ointments with heparin and venotonics, vibroacoustic devices leads to a significant reduction in the "classic" terms of flowering bruises. (Nesterov M.A., 2001).


XXI Century

"... The generally accepted scheme for determining prescription by the "blooming" of a bruise is as follows: in the first two hours, the bruise appears as a red-purple swelling due to the presence of oxyhemoglobin in the hemorrhage ... Over the next 6-12 hours, it acquires a blue-purple color in as a result of the transition of oxyhemoglobin to reduced hemoglobin ...; by the end of the first and at the beginning of the second day, the reduced hemoglobin passes into methemoglobin, which gives the bruise a blue-violet color (“bruise”) ...; at the end of the second - the beginning of the third day, a greenish coloration is added along the edges (formation of biliverdin and verdogemochromogen), the intensity of which increases and lasts up to 5-6 days ..., sometimes up to 10 days.By the end of the week, yellowish (yellowish-brown) staining appears along the periphery of the bruise due to the formation of bilirubin and hemosiderin. By this time, the bruise in the central part retains a blue color, in the middle zone - greenish, i.e. bruise "tricolor" . Such a picture can be observed up to 10 days of the post-traumatic period. On the 10-15th day, at the stage of yellow coloration, the bruise gradually disappears. Times shown are "averages"...

In forensic practice, the following indicative data are used to determine the duration of bruising (judging by the numbers - data from Sverdlov L.S., 1949):

  • purple or blue bruising - in the first 4 days, disappears after 4-10 days;
  • purple with a green and yellow tint - on the 3rd-8th day, disappears by the 8th-12th day;
  • mixed color (crimson with green and yellow) - on the 5-9th day, becomes invisible on the 12-16th day.

These terms characterize small bruises. Large hemorrhages may resolve within weeks or months.


"In the first hours after the onset, the bruise has a red-purple color, which then changes to a blue-purple ... The bruise is first (on the 3-4th day) on the periphery, and then completely becomes brownish-green. Verdogemochromogen, decomposing, is replaced biliverdin, biliverdin passes into bilirubin, causing (on the 5-6th day) the appearance of a yellowish color of the bruise. The uneven thickness of the bruise predetermines its unequal "bloom" - from the periphery to the center. After 6-8 days the bruise becomes tricolor: brownish-yellow - on the periphery (with a greenish tint in the middle zone) and purplish-blue - in the center. Small bruises completely disappear within a week."

"In the first three days, the bruise has a blue or blue-purple color, determined by the fact that the coloring matter of the blood is in a state of reduced hemoglobin. From the 3-4th day, the bruise becomes greenish (due to biliverdin and verdochromogen), and from 7-9 day - yellowish (due to bilirubin) shade. Later this period, the bruise, as a rule, becomes invisible. However, when the skin is cut, a brownish hemorrhage can be found in the subcutaneous fatty tissue for a long time, which gives it hemosiderin. "

"Initially, the bruise has a blue or blue-purple color, determined by the fact that the coloring matter of the blood is in a state of reduced hemoglobin. From the 3-4th day, the bruise becomes greenish (due to bilirubin and verdochromogen), and from the 7-9th day - yellowish (due to bilirubin) shades. Later this period, the bruising, as a rule, becomes invisible. However, when the skin is cut, a brownish hemorrhage can be found in the subcutaneous fatty tissue for a long time due to hemosiderin.

"The time of change in the color of bruises: at first (1-4th day) blue-purple, then (on the 3rd-8th day) - purple-green, then (6-9th day) - yellow, the bruise is almost invisible on days 12-16. You should also know this feature: bruising in albuginea eyes and mucous membranes of the lips little change their color.

"In the first hours after the onset, the bruise has a red-purple color. In cases of non-fatal injuries, it undergoes healing processes, and therefore changes its color: it becomes blue-purple ... After 6-8 days, the bruise is as if tricolor: brownish-yellow on the periphery, with a greenish tint in the middle zone and purple-blue in the center. Small bruises completely disappear after 2 weeks.

"... Macro- and microscopic changes in damage depending on the prescription of their infliction ..." (table)

Age of bruisingBruise

MACRO - red-purple swelling.

MICRO - pronounced infiltration well-contoured and brightly stained erythrocytes subcutaneous tissue and the lower layers of the skin with small groups and single erythrocytes around the focus of the hemorrhage.

MICRO - in a hemorrhage, leaching of erythrocytes, their decay, loss of blood pigment, the presence of leukocytes in the blood clot along the edge of the hemorrhage.

MACRO - blue-purple swelling.

MICRO - agazytosis by leukocytes of blood decay products, accumulations of white blood cells along the edge of the hemorrhage and in its thickness form foci of cellular thickening and rarefaction.

MACRO - blue-purple swelling*

MICRO - along the edge of the hemorrhage and in its thickness, the disintegration and leaching of erythrocytes is completed, single mast cells and histiocytes, methemoglobin.

MACRO - brownish-greenish coloration along the edges.

MICRO - a macrophage reaction is expressed mainly by cells of the histiocytic series along the edges of the hemorrhage.

MACRO - brownish-green coloration along the edges.

MIRO - along with histiocytes, fibroblasts participate in the macrophage reaction, biliverdin is detected.

MACRO - purple-blue color in the center, greenish in the middle zone, brown-yellow on the periphery.

MICRO - among macrophage elements, fibroblasts prevail, hemosiderin is detected.

10-15 days

MACRO - yellowish discoloration with indistinct edges or restoration of normal skin coloration.

MICRO - the former hemorrhage is indicated by hemosiderin in macrophages extracellularly.


"Recently formed bruises have a dark red, red-blue, dark blue color, on the 3-6th day they become green, and from the 7-15th day, first along the periphery, and then turn yellow all over. Extensive bruising usually multi-colored: blue in the center, yellow on the periphery, and greenish in the rest.Small bruises, especially on the face, neck, can disappear in 4-5 days, and extensive, deep ones sometimes persist for 1-1.5 months, little Hemorrhages under the conjunctiva of the eyes, the mucous membrane of the lips usually do not change the original red color, it only gradually weakens.

"Change in the color of the bruise makes it possible to roughly determine the time of injury: a fresh bruise has a blue-purple color, which from 3-4 days turns into brownish-greenish, green, and from 5-6 to yellow. Often by 6- On the 9th day, the bruise becomes two- or even three-colored - in the center it is purple-blue, then greenish, and along the periphery - yellow. There are other variants of "blooming" of bruises.

"... crimson with the addition of green or yellow is clearly expressed on the 3rd-8th day and disappears by the 8th-12th day; mixed colors (purple with green and yellow) are intensely expressed on the 5th-9th day and disappear on the 12th "Day 16. These terms are given according to L.S. Sverdlov (1950) and refer to small bruises. Massive bruises and hematomas resolve in weeks and months"


"The age of bruising is determined by the change in color from brown or purple to greenish or yellowish. The timing of the change in color, according to different authors, fluctuate over a wide range. A.P. Osipova-Raiskaya (1936), who specifically studied this issue, emphasizes that it is impossible to establish a change in color by day. However, her data led to the conclusion that during the first two days bruises are red, purplish blue or purple, starting from the 3rd day, a yellowish or greenish tint sometimes appears, which persists until the 5th day. L.S. Sverdlov (1949) notes that in 86% of cases the initial purplish-red color changes to green between the 4th and 7th days, to yellow - from the 3rd to the 8th or from the 6th to the 10th day. . He notes that resorption of the bruise is possible without discoloration. Indeed, it is impossible to determine the day of its occurrence by the color of the bruise; it is only possible with a certain degree of probability to confirm or reject the occurrence of the bruise within the time period indicated to the expert during the examination. More often, the color of the bruise changes in the following sequence: on the 1st-2nd day it is cyanotic or purple, on the 4th-6th day it is greenish, and on the 7th-10th day it is yellowish, however, different variations are possible.

"On the 3-4th day, it usually turns green (the formation of biliverdin predominates), and on the 5-6th day it begins to turn yellow (bilirubin is formed). For some time, brownish pigmentation remains on the skin, and then the bruising disappears. Small superficial bruises usually pass stage of green flowering and immediately turn yellow (A.P. Rayskaya, O.I. Mozhay).If the bruise is deep, changes in its color are noticeable on the periphery, and in the central part the original bluish color lasts for a long time (for many days). ... Deep bruises during the first 2-3 days after their occurrence on the skin are not visible, and when the outflowing blood, gradually diffusing, reaches the surface of the skin, the bruise due to the breakdown of hemoglobin is already green or yellowish in color.

"A freshly formed bruise is purple-red or blue-purple. By the end of the 1st - the beginning of the 2nd day, the admixture of red disappears, the bruise becomes bluish, with large accumulations of blood - grayish-blue and lasts 3-6 days. Then the blue color with edges changes to green (from the 3rd to the 10th day) ... On the 8-15th day, the transition to yellow begins. 7-8 days).On the legs (particularly on internal surfaces hips) - up to 1 month.

"... The nature of the bruise, the color and rate of resorption depend on the localization. Bruising on the eyelids is accompanied by a pronounced inflammatory edema, as a result of which the palpebral fissure is completely closed or sharply narrowed. The initial blue-purple color of the bruise, sometimes with a purple tint, on the 3-4th day acquires a greenish streak along the periphery, spreading to the center. On the 4-5th day, a yellow color of the bruise appears, with the exception of its center, where the original color in the form of islets and stripes remains almost until complete resorption, which takes place by the 14-16th day ... Bruises in the soft tissues of the forehead , nose and cheeks have a dark bluish color. Small bruises on the 2-3rd day become yellowish and disappear on the 6-8th day. Spillage of bruises that spread to the area of ​​​​the eyelids, by the 3-4th day along the periphery become greenish, and on the 5-6th day yellowish staining appears, while the original color and swelling of the soft tissues remain in the center. Such bruises disappear on the 12-14th day. In the area of ​​the lips, a bruise is formed on the skin, which has a blue-purple color, on the 3-4th day it is partially replaced by a greenish one, and on the 5-6th day a yellowish coloration joins it. On the mucous membrane of the lips, hemorrhages have a dark red color, sometimes with a bluish-purple or purple tint. Gradually, the intensity of bruising decreases, and on the 8-10th day it disappears. Bruising in the area auricles have a bluish or blue-purple color, which on the 3-4th day is almost completely replaced by yellow. Such bruises disappear on the 8th-9th day ... As noted, bruises on the mucous membranes of the lips, as well as on the conjunctiva and mucous membrane of the cheeks, do not change the original color, which, as it dissolves, turns out to be only less intense.

“At first, the bruise is blue or purple-violet. The release of oxygen by red blood cells to the surrounding tissues causes after 2-4 hours, less often after 1-2 days, a change in color to blue ... On days 4-7, bruising due to the breakdown of red blood cells acquires greenish color, then gradually turns yellow and disappears by the end of the second week or a little later. Keep in mind various options in changing the color of bruises, their duration. It depends on the state of the body, the location of the bruise, its severity and volume.

"More often, the initial blue-purple color of a fresh bruise turns blue after a few hours or 1-2 days, changes to greenish on the 3-6th day and turns yellow at the beginning of the 2nd week, after which it disappears. Other color changes are also observed. In some cases, the blue-purple color of the bruise turns into green and remains green until it disappears. In other cases, the blue-purple bruise immediately turns into yellow, not changing color until it disappears.

"In the first 4 days, the bruise usually has a purple or blue color. On the 4-7th day, the bruise becomes purple or blue with a greenish tint. After 7-10 days, the bruise has a yellow color and on the 12-16th day, its location does not differ in color from healthy tissues.


"In the first days after the injury, the bruise usually has a blue-reddish or purplish-blue color, which gradually changes: along the periphery, the bruise begins to acquire a greenish color, becomes yellow 6-9 days after the injury, and disappears completely after 12-14 days."

"The age of a bruise is determined mainly by its color: in the first days, the bruise usually has a reddish or purplish-blue color, then gradually appears from the periphery green coloring and after 7-10 days the bruise becomes yellow.

"The speed of the color change of the bruise depends on its size. Small bruises change their color within 7-10 days and disappear; larger ones, located, for example, on the front surface of the lower leg, undergo reverse development much more slowly and can last for weeks and months. For the opposite the development of a bruise, the age of the subject and his individual characteristics."

"In 1953, O.I. Mozhay (aka Boyko) outlined next dates prescription of hemorrhages: by the end of the day, the purple-blue color turns into dark blue, on the 3-4th day a greenish tint appears, on the 5-6th yellow, on the 7-9th - brown bruises, by the end 9-15 days disappear completely.

Examining a more detailed study of 722 bruises in 89 people, the author in 1958 changes his initial opinion about the prescription of bruises, noting the importance different conditions, and especially the state of the body in the resorption of hemorrhages. Bruises disappear faster in cases where they are not joined by more serious injury. Ultimately, the author was unable to identify the exact patterns in determining the prescription of the injury under study."


"... The blue-purple color of the bruise in about 11.6% turns, usually on the 4-7th day, into green, in 29% of cases - into yellow, more often on the 3-8th day; occasionally green and yellow appears already on the 2nd day... The works of A.P. Raiskaya and L.M. Sverdlov establish: 1. The initial color of bruises is always purple or blue. total mass up to 15% do not change the initial color. 2. There is no constancy in the change and the number of changing colors. The blue-purple color of the bruise in about 11.6% turns, usually on the 4-7th day, into green, in 29% of cases - into yellow, more often on the 3-8th day; occasionally green and yellow appears already on the 2nd day. In about 16% of cases, the blue-purple bruise first turns green, then yellow; 29% of bruises repeatedly change color or remain two- or even three-color until the end. Age and localization, if they affect the timing of changes in color, then only within the above fluctuations. Our data show that it is not yet possible to accurately determine the age of a bruise by color. The expert can only tentatively set a deadline. We believe that the dynamics of changes in the outflow of blood in the tissues (the color of bruises) is mainly determined by the reactivity of the organism, due to the types nervous activity(I.P. Pavlov). ... Macroscopically, tissue bruising disappears in about 2 weeks or later."

"L.S. Sverdlov (1949) studied bruising in living persons, while the number of victims was 900. 2532 bruises of various duration of occurrence were investigated. At the same time, 1005 bruises were found on the head, 62 on the neck, 199 on the chest, and 199 on the abdomen - 16, limbs - 1248, genitals - 2. The work carried out allowed us to draw the following conclusions, which are of great practical importance.

1. Crimson color in its various shades - "there is an initial color of all bruises."

2. Part of the bruises (in the author's case - 14.3%) does not change the initial crimson color in the process of resorption. The latter gradually turns pale and finally disappears. These are all bruises located on the scalp, on the mucous membrane of the lips, on the conjunctiva of the eyes and on the neck. Often, the color of bruises located on the face, on the chest, on the hands, on the shoulders, forearms, shins and on the stomach, also does not change in the process of resorption and its intensity only gradually decreases, and on the face, on the stomach and on the hands this phenomenon occurs more frequently than in other areas.

With a large approximation, you can be guided following scheme to determine the age of bruising by their color.

Bruises of green color have prescription:

  • a) with localization in the upper body (head) - from 3 to 11 days, most often 5-7 days;
  • b) in the middle part of the body (chest, upper limbs) - from 2 to 7 days, most often 5-7 days;
  • c) in the lower part of the body (stomach, lower limbs) - from 3 to 16 days, most often 4-6 days.

Bruises of yellow color, which came immediately after the crimson:

  • a) in the upper body - from 3 days, most often 3-4-6 days;
  • b) in the middle part of the body - from 2 days, most often 3-7 days;
  • c) in the lower part of the body - from 3 days, most often 4-8 days.

Yellow bruising after green:

  • a) in the upper body - from 4 days, most often 6-8 days;
  • b) in the middle part of the body - from 5 days, most often 6-9 days;
  • c) in the lower part of the body - from 4 days, most often - 6-10-12 days.

4. By the color of a bruise it is not always possible to judge its age. In some cases, in the presence of a purple or mixed color of bruises, it is impossible to draw a conclusion about their limitation on the basis of only a single examination. A re-examination of the victim should be carried out in a few days to find out whether the color is purple or mixed, in this case, the final or only an intermediate stage between the initial crimson and one of the final colors.

5. Localization of bruises affects the timing of their color changes - the color of bruises located in the lower part of the body begins to change first, then in the middle and in the upper.

6. As for the timing of the disappearance of bruises, then:

"... signs of a green color appear on the 3-6th day ... often a complete transition to yellow occurs only after 10-12 days. Only for very small bruises, these periods are reduced ... then the transition to yellow begins - by 8-15- day from the beginning, rarely earlier ... Therefore, one must be extremely careful to draw conclusions about the prescription of a bruise by its color. We can talk about three stages of bruising: 1) a fresh bruise of purplish red, blue-purple, blue or of blue color without any admixture of green even at the edges; 2) stale - a slight admixture of green; often mottled bruises, rarely pure green; the edges are unsharply limited; 3) old bruising - dirty yellow or dirty brown, without traces of green; the edges are vague, imperceptibly pass into normal color surrounding skin… For the first stage average term you can take no more than 3-4 days, for the third - at least 7-8 days; often, a complete transition to yellow occurs only after 10-12 days. Only for very small bruises, these periods are reduced ... Often, all these periods are lengthened, and after 3-4 weeks, traces of bruising can still be seen, especially on the legs. On the other hand, small bruises on the face, neck, chest may disappear in 5-6 days ... "

19th century

"A bluish color usually appears between 2 and 3 days, greenish or lead - between 5 and 6, and yellowish between 7 and 8 days ... About 12 days in ordinary cases, the absorption is over and the normal color is restored."

The degree of harm to the health of bruising

"... Superficial injuries, including: abrasion, bruising, soft tissue contusion, including bruising and hematoma, superficial wound and other injuries that do not entail a short-term health disorder or a slight permanent loss of general ability to work are regarded as injuries that did not cause harm to human health ... "().

"... With the forensic qualification of the severity of bruises in a certain number of cases (up to 1-2%), it is necessary to qualify them as minor injuries that entailed short term disorder health, in connection not only with local functional disorders, but also common reactions body to the indicated injury ... "(V.M. Smolyaninov and Bronstein E.Z., 1964)


  1. S00-T98 // ICD-10 (Russian)

A bruise occurs when small blood vessels are damaged or torn as a result of a blow. The resulting bump is nothing but blood that has accumulated under the skin. A purplish bruise without swelling when blood spills directly into upper layers skin is called bruising.

Why do some people bruise more often than others?

The frequency of bruising usually increases with age. A slight blow or scratch is enough to cause a bruise in an elderly person, but in children they do not occur with much more severe injuries. This is due to the fact that with age, the vessels become fragile.

Another reason may lie in the medications used that prevent blood clotting. Such medicines include prescription drugs for arthritis (non-hormonal anti-inflammatory) - ibuprofen (Advil, Nupril) or naproxen (Aliv) and over-the-counter ones - such as aspirin. Warfarin (Coumadin) is often prescribed to prevent blood clotting in patients with leg or heart problems. Because of this medication, bruising can be extremely severe form. And cortisone-based products, such as Prednisone, increase vascular fragility. In addition, bruising affects people with hereditary (hemophilia) or acquired (liver cirrhosis) clotting disorders, which, among other things, can lead to deadly bleeding.

What does a bruise look like and why does it change color?

A bruise is blood spilled from a vessel. Gradually, the blood decomposes and the color of the bruise changes. The red-blue color of the bruise is the color of hemoglobin, the main blood protein. All subsequent changes in the color of the bruise are options for the decomposition of hemoglobin. The breakdown products of hemoglobin are biliverdin (green bile pigment) and bilirubin (yellow-red bile pigment). In the process of destruction of hemoglobin, the bruise changes color from red through purple, cherry and blue to yellow-green and yellow. Then the decay products at the site of injury are removed, and the color disappears. Usually the bruise completely disappears in 2-3 weeks.

Why does the bruise not disappear, and the swelling does not subside?

Sometimes it happens that the bruise becomes hard and begins to grow in size. Soreness may appear. There are usually two reasons for this. First: under the skin or in the muscle accumulates such a large number of blood, that the body, instead of dispersing it, on the contrary, blocks the damaged area. This is called a hematoma, only a doctor will help get rid of it.

The second, more rare, reason: the deposition of calcium, a building material for bones, at the site of the bruise. The damaged area becomes sensitive and hard. This condition is called reflected hardening or myositis, is diagnosed with an x-ray and requires the intervention of a doctor.

Are there other causes of bruising?

For some species (special color or etiology) there are special names. Petechiae are very small, 1 to 3 mm, collections of blood under the skin, they can appear as a few red spots on any part of the body (especially on the legs). Often this phenomenon is multiple in nature and indicates serious problems with health, such as infections heart valve(endocarditis) or dysfunction responsible for the clotting of blood particles (platelets). A bruise around the navel may be the result of intracavitary bleeding, and behind the ear - damage to the skull. And finally, multiple hard bruises that occur without special reasons, may be a consequence autoimmune diseases. All these symptoms require the attention of specialists.

How to treat a bruise?

There are a couple of tricks that can help prevent or minimize bruising immediately after an impact. First, this cold compress. Put the ice in a plastic bag, wrap it in a towel (if you apply ice directly to the skin, frostbite can occur) and lean against the bruised area. Cold will reduce blood flow to the damaged area and significantly reduce the size of the bruise, as well as relieve inflammation and, accordingly, prevent the appearance of a tumor. If possible, raise the injured area above the level of the heart. The lower the pressure at the site of injury, the less blood will flow there.

Also, avoid taking the medications mentioned above and do not start taking any pills without consulting your doctor.

Finally, bleeding will be reduced by applying pressure to the bruised area.

Those taking blood-clotting medications, those with clotting dysfunction, and the elderly who have been severely injured should see a doctor.

    So, about bruises in a nutshell:
  • A bruise is scientifically called a "hemorrhage" or "hematoma". With superficial bruises, bruises form, with significant hemorrhage into soft tissues - hematomas. Bruises are characterized by pain, as well as swelling. With bruises of the head, concussion and bruising of the brain are possible. chest in children, due to the elasticity of its wall, it can cause bruising of the lungs and heart.

Treatment: for mild bruises - cold, painkillers; later - physiotherapy procedures, physiotherapy. Injury with injury internal organs require an emergency medical care, inpatient treatment.

  • A bruise forms when an injury occurs small vessels;
  • The severity of the bruise depends on the age and medications taken;
  • Single bruises change over time;
  • causeless bruising may be associated with serious illness.

And a few words about the prevention of bruises:

If you bruise too easily, you may not be getting enough Vitamin C. It strengthens the walls of your capillaries, making them less likely to break and bleed. From pharmaceuticals you can recommend askorutin, from products - citrus fruits, kiwi, Bell pepper etc.

Increase your intake of carrots, apricots and citrus fruits containing Bioflavonoids. This will increase the effectiveness of vitamin C in the body. Another good source bioflavonoids - extract from grape seeds.

The recommended dose is 20-50 mg daily. A predisposition to bruising may indicate a deficiency of vitamin K, which is abundant in broccoli. Brussels sprouts and leafy green vegetables. Naturally, ready-made preparations are also sold.

The legendary beauty Vivien Leigh said: "There are no ugly women - there are only women who do not know that they are beautiful." We undertake to assert that even this is not enough for beauty. The skin of the face and body needs competent care. And this is a whole art.

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Magical Skin is a true encyclopedia of skin care tips. Experts (dermatologists, cosmetologists, homeopaths) and just experienced ladies share recipes that help make the skin of the face and body clean and fresh. Note that you no longer need to spend personal time looking for suitable recipes in books and the web.

Go through the sections and see that Magical Skin is an amazing site:

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Discovering the secrets of "Magical Skin"

Each section of the site focuses on a specific topic.

"Skin types" helps to determine your skin type: dry, oily, combination? This is very important in order to understand the problem and solve it competently. Tests and articles of the section help even inexperienced girls find out their skin type.

"Face and Body Skin Care" knows everything about daily beauty treatments:

  • How to care for young skin of the face and body.
  • How to maintain fading beauty and look younger than peers.
  • How to remove swelling, bruising, bags under the eyes.
  • Seasonal care - how to look good at any time of the year.
  • Section "Pregnancy" for expectant and nursing mothers.
  • How to do depilation on the face and body.

Both young girls and experienced women are equally worried if a rash appears on the skin. Pimples, freckles, moles, warts can really ruin your mood. Section "Problem Skin" will save you from tears and despair and tell you:

  • How to cleanse the skin of the face and body correctly.
  • How to treat skin inflammation (pimples, acne, blackheads).
  • What to do, if

Upon impact, ugly and painful formations blue, which later acquire a yellow-green or yellow-brown hue. This occurs due to the decomposition of hemoglobin at the site of the bruise, and the bluish-purple spot turns into yellow. However, there is no need to panic, as this natural reaction body to heal the hematoma. But how to remove yellowness after a bruise? This question is asked by many girls.

For the fastest elimination unpleasant symptoms in the form of yellow skin it is recommended to use special gels at the site of injury, for example, " Fastum-gel" or " Gepatrombin-gel". These or similar drugs effectively eliminate edema and pain, and also remove ugly dark spots on the skin.

In addition, it is worth reviewing your diet during the healing of bruises and bruises. For example, egg yolk, spinach, broccoli and fish fat will help to get rid of the listed shortcomings from the inside. These products contain vitamin K, which promotes blood clotting, and thereby accelerates the healing of bruises.

Effective at home folk methods how to remove yellowness after a bruise will be our simple recipes.

Will be needed regular products that are sure to be in your home. And, of course, high-quality cosmetics "for disguise", such as Deshely. Hypoallergenic properties of Desheli cosmetics allow all girls of any age to use this cosmetics.

For example, it would be useful apply boiled potato gruel to the bruise, do not forget to add soda and a little honey to it. The effect of such a mask will pleasantly surprise you with the result. It has the same effect raw potatoes. Divide the potato in half, attach the cut to the stain and rub lightly. For more strong effect Attach a piece of potato to the injury site with a band-aid for several hours. Cabbage or rumpled plantain leaf will help no less effectively.

In addition, to alleviate the condition of the skin after an injury, it is recommended to grate the onion, add a little honey and a dry plantain leaf. This gruel must be heated in a water bath. In a warm form, apply to problem areas several times a day for two hours.

Another simple way to eliminate the yellow tint from bruises is with the help of calendula tincture.

It can be purchased without a prescription at any pharmacy or prepared by yourself. To do this, you need to insist the flowers of the herb calendula in alcohol for 2 weeks. Use in the form of lotions and compresses.

Everyone wants to remove bruises under the eyes, I don’t want to leave a negative impression of myself. And it doesn't matter where they came from. Consider the main methods.

Orthopedist-traumatologist: Azaliya Solntseva ✓ Article checked by Dr.

yellow footprints

  1. Boiled potato pulp, soda, honey.
  2. Raw potatoes. Cut and attach, rubbing a little. For achievement best result, attach the slice with a plaster for a certain time
  3. Grated onion, honey, dry plantain leaf. Heat up in the bath. Warm up a little before applying. On the trouble spot hold for 2 hours several times a day
  4. Tincture of calendula


Pick up in two days

The most the main task- speed up the process of resorption of frozen blood.

A compress of onion gruel and salt will help with this. Place it in gauze and adjust for 20 minutes 3 times a day. You can simply dissolve salt in water and repeat the final process.

This method can quickly remove a bruise from a blow (but you need to be extremely careful here, since this is the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe eye), take:

  • 2 tbsp. spoons of 9% vinegar;
  • 1 st. a spoonful of salt;
  • 5 drops of iodine.


  1. Grind the cabbage leaf with a meat grinder and put the resulting consistency on the bruise for twenty minutes. If you do this 3 p. per day, the bruise will go away in about four days.
  2. Grass wormwood (100 gr.) Rub in a glass bowl so that the juice appears. Moisten gauze with this juice and apply 3 r. in a day.
  3. Grate the beets, add 1 teaspoon of celandine (dry grass), 1 tbsp. a spoonful of finely chopped aloe. Mix thoroughly and set aside for 2 hours. Compress is ready. Then apply with cotton pads for 20 minutes, for every 2 hours. This tool also quickly resolves hematomas, relieves inflammation.
  4. When the bruise is rather big, then you should prepare such a compress - honey and vegetable oil 1 st. spoon, one yolk and flour - 0.5 tsp. Mix well. Apply twice a day for three hours (the compress should be covered with cling film).
  5. Dry herbs of wild rosemary and coltsfoot in the same parts (it should be small). Boil in a bowl of enamel in one glass of water for 5 minutes. Insist 2 hours. Pour into glassware. Thoroughly moisten a cotton pad in a decoction and apply for 10 minutes, with a frequency of 2 hours.
  6. Apply cold for 15 minutes - this method will help not to spread the blood deeper under the skin. It must be remembered that the ice should be wrapped in a napkin. After a cold compress, carefully lubricate the place so as not to get into the eyes with heparin ointment or troxevasin. After 1–1.5 hours, put ice again. The result - instantly relieves puffiness and pain, the blue disappears.

Effective cosmetic methods

If you need it instantly and effectively, a concealer (corrector) will come to the rescue.

The main thing is to choose it - about two tones lighter than the skin on the face.

Apply several times in a thin layer.

How to remove bruises under the eyes with cosmetics:

  1. Mesotherapy - injections in the form hyaluronic acid, which are injected under the skin, bruises quickly disappear after it.
  2. Elimination with a laser (of course, if the bruise is old, then only surgery will help to permanently remove it).


sleep deprivation

Lack of sleep in our time for some is a common thing. Because of this, over time, there may appear dark circles and swelling.

  1. If you have a cooling eye gel on hand, it will be great. It is important to apply it on a cotton swab and gently pat your eyelids.
  2. Two tea bags will fix the problem soon. Brew and chilled for a minute, apply under the eyes.
  3. Exercise or gymnastics. They help increase perspiration, which helps to eliminate puffiness under the eyes. Surely nothing can replace good sleep and sleep first. Your face will just glow.

Blueness and swelling

At home, it is quite easy to prepare means to relieve swelling. Folk ways in the field of eliminating bruises in the area around the eyes are very diverse. The main thing is to use what is at hand in this moment. The effect will not keep you waiting.

Herbal infusions

Herbal tea. Includes linden, chamomile, mint. These herbs should be dry so they can be easily made into a powder. Pour boiling water, when it cools, spread the herbal puree over cheesecloth. Such warm compress put on the eyelids until completely cooled.

You will need:

  • 1 glass of water;
  • herbs that were mentioned above, each 1 teaspoon;
  • insist 15 min.

Infusion of birch leaves:

  1. Take some birch leaves (whether dry or fresh), pour in mineral water.
  2. Insist all night.
  3. Strain in the morning.
  4. Make a compress.
  5. Fifteen minutes - swelling under the eyes will disappear instantly.

Linden is considered #1 for skin care around the eyes. It removes not only swelling, but also fights irritation, redness, fatigue. Linden decoction can be used as a make-up remover that instantly relieves fatigue, circles and bags under the eyes.


Raw vegetable:

  1. Grate raw potatoes on a fine grater.
  2. Apply a generous layer under the eyes, put cotton pads on top for 15 minutes.
  3. Add to the mask (this will only benefit) parsley juice or grated cucumber.

Boiled or baked potatoes:

  1. Ready, i.e., boiled potatoes "in uniform" break in half - take out a little pulp.
  2. Gently apply to the surface of the eyelids, cover with a napkin.
  3. Keep until dry.

Potatoes should not be underestimated, as they work together on the skin around the eyes. The mixture is easy to make and this vegetable is always available at home.

Cosmetic procedures

Cosmetic ice:

  1. cook herbal decoction(see instructions on package):
    • parsley;
    • sage;
    • rosemary.
  2. Take 1 teaspoon of each herb.
  3. Add a little water to it, pour into molds for ice.
  4. Use frozen cubes as needed in the morning.
  5. Their expiration date is 7 days, so you don't have to do too much.


  1. Pour boiling water over parsley, rosemary and sage. Half an hour to insist.
  2. Generously soak the cotton pads in the infusion and place on the eyelids.
  3. It will effectively improve the condition if done several times in a row and replace wet, warm discs.

This complex of herbs gives freshness and tone to delicate skin. It has an antiseptic effect.

Causes of bruising in children

Bruises under the eyes are the cause of injuries, lack of sleep, excessive physical and intellectual stress. More rare are allergies, kidney problems, infectious diseases and genetics.

Children spend a lot of time there, which can affect their health. Try to force the child to walk and move more. Water also needs to be drunk, albeit in smaller quantities compared to adults.

In any case, if you notice bags under the eyes of your baby, then the most effective way and treatment would be to see a doctor. Sometimes the disease can be missed, so this solution to the problem can be considered the only true one.

bruise masks

List of effective:

  1. Protein. Whisk egg white and apply it on the area under the eyes. This can be done with a brush or fingers. You need to keep 10-15 minutes. Sweep cold water. Such a mask has not only a decongestant, but also a tightening effect.
  2. With aloe and cucumber. Take 1 tbsp. a spoonful of aloe juice and 0.5 tsp cucumber juice, mix. Gently apply to the lower eyelid. By the way, this mixture can be applied all night, because it will dry out. If you decide to make an instant mask, then keep it for about 30 minutes.
  3. Coffee and protein. Mix 1 protein with 2 teaspoons of coffee waste. Apply to the area under the eyes. Wash off after 10 minutes. Don't forget to apply moisturizer.
  4. With parsley. Finely chop the parsley leaves and mix them with 0.5 teaspoon of cream. Put the porridge over your eyes. Cover the mask with half a cold cotton swab. It is best to do this method while lying on the bed. Keep 15 minutes.
  5. Strawberry. Take 2 strawberries and place in freezer for half an hour. Make a puree out of them. Apply to bruises under the eyes. Keep the mask on for 5 to 20 minutes.
  6. With starch. Take 1-2 tbsp. spoons of potato or corn starch, beat it with two yolks. If the mixture is thick, you can add some green tea to it. Apply the mass on the lower eyelids. Wash off after half an hour.
  7. Age mask with potatoes. This is a great recipe for women over 40. You will need grated potatoes and 1 teaspoon of grape oil. After mixing, place fragments of a very thin napkin under the eyes. Only on it you can put a potato-butter mixture. Keep the mask for 20-25 minutes.
  8. Honey. Add 0.5 teaspoon of liquid honey to 1 teaspoon flower pollen. Apply under eyes. Keep for about 10 minutes. Rinse very gently without stretching the skin. It is best to rinse with herbal decoction.
  9. Pumpkin. Boil a few pieces of pumpkin - make a puree out of them. Before applying, it is better to keep the gruel in the refrigerator. keep on lower eyelids about 15 minutes.

How to remove bruises under the eyes at home

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