Description of the sclera is normal. Scleritis. The structure of the albuginea

The human eye is a unique organ that can perform many functions. It has a peculiar structure. However, not everyone knows what the sclera is and what diseases of this part of the eye exist. To begin with, it is worth understanding

What is sclera

The sclera of the eyes is the outer apple, which has a large area and covers 5/6 of the entire surface of the visual organ. In fact, it is a dense and opaque fibrous tissue. The thickness and density of the sclera in some places is not the same. In this case, the range of changes in the first indicator of the outer shell can be 0.3-1 mm.

The outer layer of the sclera

So what is sclera? This is a kind of fibrous tissue, which consists of several layers. Moreover, each of them has its own characteristics. The outer layer is called the episcleral layer. There are a large number of blood vessels that provide high-quality blood supply to tissues. In addition, the outer layer is securely connected to the outer part of the eye capsule. This is its main feature.

Since the main part of the blood vessels passes to the anterior part of the visual organ through the muscles, the upper part of the outer layer differs from the internal parts in intensive blood supply.

Deeper layers

The sclera itself consists mainly of fibrocytes and collagen. These components are very important for the body as a whole. The first group of substances takes an active part in the process of producing collagen itself, as well as in the separation of its fibers. The inner, very last layer of fabric is called the "brown plate". It contains a large amount of pigment, which determines the specific shade of the eye shell.

Certain cells - chromatophores - are responsible for staining such a plate. They are contained in the inner layer in large quantities. The brown plate most often consists of a thin fiber of the sclera, as well as a slight admixture of the elastic component. Outside, this layer is covered with endothelium.

All blood vessels, as well as nerve endings located in the sclera, pass through emissaries - special channels.

What functions does

The functions of the sclera are very diverse. The first of them is due to the fact that the tissues inside are not arranged in a strict order. Because of this, the rays of light are simply unable to penetrate the sclera. This fabric protects from intense exposure to light and sunlight. Thanks to this function, a person is able to see well. This is the main purpose of the sclera.

This fabric is designed to protect the eyes not only from intense lighting, but also from all kinds of damage, including those of a physical and chronic nature. In addition, the sclera protects against harmful environmental factors.

It is also worth highlighting another function of this fabric. Conventionally, it can be called a frame. It is the sclera that is a high-quality support and, at the same time, a reliable fastening element for the ligaments, muscles and other components of the eye.

congenital diseases

Despite the rather simple structure, there are certain diseases and pathologies of the sclera. Do not forget that this tissue performs important functions and in the event of any violations, the work of the visual apparatus as a whole deteriorates sharply. Diseases can reduce and lead to irreparable consequences. Scleral ailments can be not only congenital, but also caused by various irritants and have an acquired character.

Such a pathology, as often occurs as a result of a genetic predisposition and improper formation of the tissues connecting the eyeball, even in the womb. The unusual shade is due to the small thickness of the layers. Through the thin sclera, the pigment of the shell of the eyes shines through. It is worth noting that such a pathology often occurs with other eye anomalies, as well as with violations of the processes of formation of the hearing organs, bone tissues and joints.

Diseases of the sclera are most often congenital. Melanosis is one of these. With the development of this disease, dark spots form on the surface of the sclera. Patients with a similar diagnosis should be registered with an ophthalmologist. With the development of such an ailment, regular monitoring is required, as well as timely prevention of the development of serious complications.

Acquired ailments

Quite often there is inflammation of the sclera. Diseases that arise as a result of such a process deserve special attention. The development of such ailments can provoke not only general violations of the functioning of certain systems of the human body, but also infections. Often, pathogens penetrate the tissues of the outer ocular membrane with the flow of lymph or blood. This is the main cause of the inflammatory process.

In conclusion

Now you know what the sclera is and what diseases of this tissue exist. The treatment of her ailments begins with the diagnosis and consultation of a doctor. Only a specialist can prescribe a therapy for the disease, identifying all the symptoms. With the development of ailments of the sclera, it is recommended to consult an ophthalmologist. The specialist must conduct a series of laboratory tests. After the diagnosis is made, therapy is prescribed.

If the disease is caused by a disorder in other body systems, then the treatment will be aimed at eliminating the underlying cause. Only after that, measures to restore vision will be carried out.

The human eye is a complex natural optical device through which 90 percent of the information for the brain enters. The sclera is a functional element.

The condition of the shell indicates eye diseases, other pathologies of the body. In order to recognize the disease in time, one should understand what the sclera are.

shell structure

The sclera is the outer tunica of dense connective tissue that protects and holds the internal functional elements.

The white of the eye consists of bundle-like, randomly arranged collagen fibers. This explains the opacity, different density of the fabric. The thickness of the shell varies between 0.3 - 1 mm, it is a capsule of fibrous tissue of an unequal thickness.

The white of the eye has a complex structure.

  1. The outer layer is a loose tissue with an extensive vascular system, which is subdivided into a deep and superficial vascular network.
  2. Actually sclera, consists of collagen fibers and elastic tissues.
  3. The deep layer (brown plate) is located between the outer layer and the choroid. Consists of connective tissue and pigment cells - chromatophores.

The posterior part of the eye capsule looks like a thin plate with a lattice structure.

Functions of the sclera

The fibers of the cover are arranged randomly, protect the eye from the penetration of sunlight, which ensures effective vision.

The sclera performs important physiological functions.

  1. The eye muscles, which are responsible for the mobility of the eye, are attached to the tissues of the capsule.
  2. The ethmoid arteries of the posterior part penetrate through the sclera.
  3. A branch of the ophthalmic nerve approaches the eyeball through the capsule.
  4. The tissue of the capsule serves as a sheath.
  5. Whirlpool veins exit the eye through the protein body, which provide the outflow of venous blood.

The protein shell, due to its dense and elastic structure, protects the eyeball from mechanical injuries, negative environmental factors. Protein serves as a framework for the muscular system, ligaments of the organ of vision.

What should the sclera of a healthy person look like?

The sclera is normally white with a bluish tinge.

Due to the small thickness, the child has blue sclera, through which the pigment and the vascular layer shine through.

A change in color (dullness, yellowness) indicates disturbances in the body. The presence of yellowish areas on the surface of the protein indicates eye infections. A yellow tint can be a symptom of liver disorders, hepatitis. In infants, the covering is thinner and more elastic than in adults. Slightly blue sclera is normal at this age. In elderly people, the cover thickens, becomes yellow due to the deposition of fat cells, loose.

Blue sclera syndrome in humans is caused genetically or by a violation of the formation of the eyeball in the prenatal period.

Changing the type of protein is a justified reason to visit a doctor. The condition of the cover affects the functioning of the visual system. Diseases of the sclera are classified as congenital and acquired.

Congenital pathologies

Melanosis (melanopathy)- a congenital disease, which is expressed by pigmentation of the cover with melanin. Changes appear in the first year of life. The proteins of the child have a yellowish tint, pigmentation appears in the form of spots or stripes. The color of the spots may be gray or light purple. The cause of the anomaly is a violation of carbohydrate metabolism.

blue sclera syndrome often accompanied by other eye defects, anomalies of the musculoskeletal system, hearing aid. The deviation is innate. Blue sclera may indicate an iron deficiency in the blood.

Acquired diseases

Staphyloma - refers to acquired diseases. Manifested by thinning of the shell, protrusion. It is a consequence of eye diseases associated with destructive processes.

Episcleritis is an inflammation of the surface of the integument, accompanied by nodular seals around the cornea. Often resolves without treatment, may recur.

Scleritis is an inflammatory process affecting the inner layers of the scleral body, accompanied by pain. In the focus, a rupture of the eye capsule may form. The disease is accompanied by immunodeficiency, tissue edema.

Necrotizing scleritis- develops as a result of prolonged rheumatoid arthritis. It is manifested by thinning of the membrane, the formation of staphyloma.

Diseases of inflammatory origin can occur as a result of infections, disorders of the organs of the human body.

A timely visit to the doctor helps to identify diseases of the sclera in a timely manner, determine the cause and begin treatment.

Article author: Nina Gerasimova

A huge number of people have vision problems, some of which lead to a complete loss of visual function. One such disease is scleritis.

What is this disease?

Sclerite- This is an inflammatory process that takes place in the tissues of the sclera and deeply affects the episcleral vessels.

The disease can cover the choroid of the eyeballs and adjacent episcleral tissues.

Complications of the disease are problems with vision, and in a severe stage - its complete loss. In many patients with scleritis, it is chronic.

Children rarely suffer from scleritis. Basically, parents do not recognize the disease immediately, mistaking it for or other diseases that provoke inflammation of the eyes. This leads to the fact that the disease goes into an advanced stage. It is very important to seek help from a doctor if you notice signs of inflammation in yourself or your child in order to diagnose and get rid of the problem.

ICD-10 code

H15.0 Scleritis


The appearance of scleritis can have different causes.

Previously, tuberculosis, sarcoidosis and syphilis were considered the most popular. To date, medicine, thanks to research, has revealed that scleritis provocateurs are streptococci, pneumococci, as well as inflammatory processes in the paranasal sinuses and any inflammatory processes in the body.

  • In babies, the disease appears during various infectious diseases that reduce the immune system and the protective functions of the body.
  • In older children, scleritis can also appear against the background of diabetes, rheumatism or tuberculosis.

The development of the disease also leads to a violation of metabolic processes in the body.

A very important factor. Inflammation affects the sclera often from the vascular system, and the development of purulent scleritis occurs endogenously.


The eyeball includes anterior and posterior sections, so the sclerite is also divided into anterior and posterior.

  • The anterior can appear in both an adult and a child;
  • Posterior scleritis is diagnosed only in children.

Ultrasound of the posterior scleritis

Based on how much the inflammatory process has spread in the eye membrane, it can be:

Sometimes the scleritis is purulent, while in the eyes one can see a swelling that has festered. It is removed only surgically, opening suppuration.

In order not to risk and endanger vision, it is necessary to entrust such an operation only to a highly qualified ophthalmologist who has experience in this field.


The symptomatology of the disease directly depends on how extensively the inflammatory process proceeds.

With nodular scleritis mild discomfort appears, and more serious types of the disease are accompanied by terrible pains that can radiate to the temporal part, eyebrow, jaw and destroy scleral tissue. Depending on the inflammatory process, due to the fact that the blood vessels begin to expand, limited or widespread redness may appear. The eyes can often watery due to irritation of the nerve endings and the resulting pain.

If light yellow spots appear on the sclera, the person may have necrosis, or the sclera tissues have begun to melt. Sometimes this is the only, but very dangerous manifestation of the disease, which occurs without the characteristic symptoms of the inflammatory process.

When a person develops posterior sclerite , during a routine examination, even a specialist does not unequivocally diagnose it. However, there are symptoms that can help him during the diagnosis:

  • Puffiness of the eyelids;
  • Disorder in the functioning of nerve endings that are responsible for regulating eye functions;
  • Puffiness of the eye or it, provoked by an actively spreading inflammatory process.

The visual function is weakened if there is swelling of the eye in the central region, its detachment, the spread of infection deep into the eye membranes, or the melting of the sclera.


How exactly scleritis therapy will be carried out, the specialist determines on an individual basis, having previously carried out all the necessary examinations and taking into account all the nuances of the disease.

The treatment is carried out for a very long time, so you need to be patient and strictly follow the instructions of the attending physician.

It is strictly forbidden to take any medication on your own. Any medication can be used to treat scleritis only as prescribed by the attending physician and strictly following the dosage so as not to put your health at risk.


It is not excluded the use of folk methods in the process of treating the disease, but only as eye hygiene and adjuvant therapy. It is strictly forbidden to make traditional medicine the basis of all treatment.

Decoctions of such herbs will help eliminate inflammatory processes and puffiness of the eyes: chamomile, thyme, dill seeds, rose hips, common soapwort and sage. It is very important to remember that it is also possible to treat the affected area with herbal decoctions only with the permission of a doctor, so as not to further harm your health and eyesight.. If the sclera is thinned, then in some cases it becomes necessary to transplant a donor cornea, which is done abroad.

A very controversial issue among doctors today is the benefits hirudotherapy in the treatment of scleritis. However, some specialists use such non-traditional therapy in their practice, applying leeches in the temple area from the side of the diseased eye.

The human eye is a truly unique natural creation, which is an organ of vision. According to its structure, the eye is quite complex and consists of a huge number of structural elements.

Of course, there is no need for an ordinary layman to know about each of them, but every person should definitely get acquainted with the main parts of the eye. One of these is the sclera of the eye, which performs a considerable number of the most important functions for the body.

We will talk in more detail about its structure, purpose and possible pathologies in the material presented below.

Sclera of the eye - its outer part

The sclera is the layered tissue on the outside of the eye. Anatomically, the scleral formation is a fibrous tissue of a fairly dense structure. The sclera surrounds the pupil and eyes with a dense ring and forms a kind of white matter.

At the structural level, this part of the organ is organized in a very complex way. Simply put, the sclera is made up of tufted and irregularly arranged collagen. Thanks to the latter substance, the scleral tissue is opaque and has a different density over its entire area.

As noted earlier, the sclera of the eye consists of several layers, of which the following are fundamentally distinguished:

  1. outer layer. It is represented by a loose tissue with a clearly organized and branched system of vessels that organize two vascular networks of the eye: superficial and deep.
  2. scleral layer. It mainly consists of collagen, or rather its fibers and more complex elastic tissues.
  3. Deep layer. It is located in the area between the outer layer and the choroid of the eye. Structurally, it is represented by connective tissues and pigment cells - chromatophores.

The anatomical organization of the sclera presented above is valid both for its anterior part, which is accessible to the gaze of the person himself, and for the posterior part of the eye, located in the eye cavity. It is worth noting that the posterior scleral tissue looks like a thin plate with a lattice structure.

Functions of the sclera

The color of a healthy sclera is white with a slight blue tint.

Based on the previously considered anatomical structure of the sclera of the eye, we can draw some conclusions regarding its functional purpose, which, by the way, is quite large. At its core, the functions of scleral tissue are extremely diverse.

The most significant of these is performed by collagen, which has a chaotic arrangement and complex structure. These features of fibrous tissue protect the eye from the adverse effects of sunlight due to the intense refraction of rays.

For the person himself, this function of the sclera helps to stably and clearly organize the visual function, which, in principle, is the main purpose of the scleral tissue.

In addition to protection from sunlight, the sclera organizes the protection of the sensitive elements of the eye from external factors that can damage them. At the same time, the spectrum of potential damage includes both physical disorders and chronic pathologies.

An additional, but no less important function of the sclera of the eye is that it is this tissue that organizes a kind of framework for fastening the ligamentous, muscular, vascular and other apparatuses of the eye.

The sclera also provides:

  1. the path of the ethmoid arteries to the posterior part of the eye;
  2. the approach of the optic nerve to the eye muscles and the eye itself;
  3. protection of most vessels and nerve fibers of the eye;
  4. the exit of venous branches from the eye, providing an outflow of blood.

The sclera is both a protective shell and a strong framework for organizing the structure of the eye.

Possible pathologies

The sclera of the eye as an indicator of human health

It is important to understand that the health and stability of the functioning of this organ largely depends on the state of the scleral tissue of the eye. Normally, the sclera is white with a slight blue tint.

In an adult, just such a tissue is normally observed, but in children, due to the small thickness of this tissue, the blue pigment may have a more pronounced structure, so some babies have a sclera color with a noticeable blue tint.

The first thing that indicates a malfunction of the body is a change in the color of the scleral tissue of the eye. As a rule, the sclera either fades or acquires a shade of yellowness. In both cases, a change in its color is a sure sign of the development of pathology.

So, for example, the yellowness of the scleral tissue indicates the presence of an eye infection or problems with the liver. The only person who is allowed to have a slight yellowing and looseness of the sclera is the elderly. This phenomenon is due to the deposition of fat in the tissues and thickening of the pigment layer, which is the norm.

There are frequent cases in medical practice when, after growing up, the sclera of the eyes also remain with a pronounced blue tint in a person. This phenomenon indicates a congenital disorder in the structure of the organ. Often it indicates a violation of the formation of the eyeball in the womb. In any case, if you notice a change in the color of the sclera in yourself or your loved ones, you should immediately visit the clinic.

In medicine, two types of pathologies of the scleral tissue of the eye are distinguished - congenital diseases and acquired ones. Among the first type, the most common are the following:

  • Melanosis or melanopathy is a congenital ailment that manifests itself in excessive pigmentation of the scleral tissue with melanin, as a result of which it acquires a yellowish tint. This pathology manifests itself from childhood and indicates problems with carbohydrate metabolism in the human body.
  • Blue sclera syndrome is a similar ailment to the previous one, but only differs by a pronounced blue tint of scleral tissue. As a rule, this pathology is accompanied by other visual or hearing impairments. Often, blue sclera syndrome is associated with iron deficiency in the body.

Acquired pathologies of the sclera of the eye include:

  1. Staphyloma, expressed in the depletion of the shell and its protrusion. Such an ailment manifests itself due to the development of destructive processes in the eyes of a person.
  2. Episcleritis, which is an inflammatory process of the outer fibrous cover of the eye, which is complemented by nodular seals around the cornea. Often does not require treatment and goes away on its own, but it can recur.
  3. Scleritis, which is also inflammation, but already of the internal sclera. This pathology is always accompanied by pain, immunodeficiency of the patient and tissue edema.

The ailments presented above, like most acquired pathologies of the scleral tissue, are an inflammatory process of the eye membrane, which is caused by its depletion due to the action of adverse external factors. Inflammation, as a rule, is provoked by infections and is accompanied by malfunctions in the work of other organs of the body.

Checking the condition of the sclera

Sclera of the eye: schematic

Having determined the unhealthy state of the sclera, it is necessary to immediately visit a specialist. As a rule, pathologies of the scleral tissue are accompanied by the following symptoms:

  1. pain in the eyes, intensifying when moving them;
  2. constant feeling that something is present in the eyeball;
  3. involuntary lacrimation;
  4. change in the color of the sclera;
  5. manifestation of pronounced disturbances in the structure of the eyeball: its protrusion, dilation of blood vessels, and the like.

It is important to note that it is extremely dangerous to ignore even non-serious pathologies of the sclera, since they can cause some complications. The most unpleasant of the latter is clouding and deformation, as a result of which a person either completely or partially loses his sight.

By contacting a specialist in a timely manner, after talking with him and conducting basic ones, you can reduce the risk of developing complications of scleral tissue pathologies to almost zero, of course, on the condition that appropriate treatment is organized.

It should be understood that the treatment of diseases of the sclera of the eye is a long process that cannot be neglected. Having decided to treat such pathologies, you need to be prepared for a long and persistent course of treatment, otherwise the disease will most likely not be defeated.

As you can see, it is not so difficult to figure out what the sclera of the eye is, what functions it performs and what it can suffer from. The main thing is to delve into the topic and familiarize yourself with the material presented above. We hope you found today's article helpful. Health to you!

Scleroplasty - an operation to strengthen the sclera - in a real video:

The sclera is the white membrane that covers the eyeballs. From Greek, the word is translated as "solid". Refer it to the fibrous membrane, including the cornea. The sclera is formed from collagen fibers, the chaotic arrangement of which causes its opacity.

The density of the albuginea is not the same in different parts of the eyes. In children, the sclera is thin, with time it thickens. On average, its thickness is 0.3-1 mm. Like other components of the eye, the sclera is prone to diseases of a congenital, acquired nature. Any of them becomes a hindrance to a fulfilling life.


The sclera is a fibrous tissue with a fairly dense structure. It surrounds the iris, the pupil, and consists of bundled collagen. Let's analyze the structure of the sclera. It consists of several layers:

  1. External (episcleral). This is a loose tissue, it contains blood vessels. They make up a deep, surface grid. The peculiarity of the outer layer is a reliable connection with the outer part of the eyeballs.
  2. scleral. The composition includes collagen, elastic tissues, fibrocyte substances involved in the synthesis of collagen.
  3. Internal ("brown plate"). This is a connective tissue, it contains chromatophores that cause a brownish tint on the surface of the shell.

The posterior sclera is a thin plate with a lattice structure. Axons, the outgrowths of ganglion cells, exit through it. In the albuginea there are nerve roots, blood vessels, they pass through emissaries (special channels).

A groove is located on the anterior margin on the inner side of the sclera. Its main part is occupied by the trabecular diaphragm, above it is the Schlemm's canal. The anterior edge of the groove is located next to the Descemet's membrane, the ciliary body is attached to the posterior edge.


An important task of the sclera is to ensure good quality of vision. The protein shell does not allow light to enter the eyes, protecting them from intense illumination and blinding. It protects the internal structures from damage, the action of negative factors.

The sclera forms a support for elements outside the eyeballs. These include: ligaments, vessels, nerves, oculomotor muscles. Additional functions of the protein shell:

  • Fixation of nerves to the eyes, muscle tissues;
  • Ensuring the outflow of blood through the venous branches.

Since the sclera is a dense structure, it helps maintain intraocular pressure within the optimal range and facilitates the outflow of intraocular fluid.

Diseases of the sclera

The condition of the sclera directly affects the normal functioning of the eyes. In a healthy person, the shell is white, with a slight blue tint. In some children, the color of the sclera may be more saturated due to the small thickness. If, as you grow older, the bright blue hue of the shell of the eye does not disappear, then this is a congenital pathology. It developed as a result of disorders in the formation of the eyes in the prenatal period.

Any change in the shade of the sclera is a sign of a malfunction in the body.

In this case, it fades or becomes yellowish. Yellowness can indicate liver ailments, an eye infection. If you notice that the albuginea has changed color, you need to go to the doctor. However, in the elderly, slight yellowing of the sclera is a variant of the norm. It is due to the thickening of the pigment layer, the accumulation of fats.

There are congenital and acquired pathologies of the sclera of the eye. Let's consider each of them in more detail.

congenital diseases

Congenital diseases of the sclera include:

  1. Melanopathy (melanosis). It is manifested by excessive pigmentation of the scleral tissues with melanin, so the albuginea becomes yellowish. Melanopathy is a sign of carbohydrate metabolism problems. It is detected already in childhood.
  2. Aniridia. A rare pathology characterized by the absence of the iris in the sclera. It is caused by a mutation in the gene responsible for the normal development of the organs of vision. There is also acquired aniridia. It develops due to injuries, inflammation of the iris. In some patients, the iris is destroyed due to degenerative processes.
  3. Blue sclera syndrome. The tissue of the white of the eye acquires a bright blue tint. Concomitant ailments are also detected: visual loss, hearing loss, iron deficiency. The syndrome can be a sign of a severe hereditary disease of the bones, manifested by their deformation, thinning of the bone tissue, malfunctioning of the joints, curvature of the spine.

Congenital pathologies of the sclera do not have special methods of therapy. If concomitant diseases are detected, symptomatic treatment is prescribed.

Acquired diseases

The sclera of the eye undergoes the development of acquired pathologies that can occur in systemic diseases of the connective tissue. The weak point of the shell is the plate, since it can be stretched under the influence of negative factors. As a result of deformation, this part of the eye begins to put pressure on the vessels, nerve endings.

Diseases of the sclera are due to the presence of other weaknesses. These include too thin areas, staphylomas (protrusions) are formed there. Breaks may appear on the protein membrane. As a rule, they are found between the sites of attachment of the oculomotor muscles.

Some are diagnosed with excavation (deepening) of the nerve disk. Pathology often accompanies glaucoma. Other diseases, conditions with excavation: edema, neuropathy, coloboma, retinal vein thrombosis.

Quite often, inflammatory diseases develop: scleritis, episcleritis.

Pathological processes are provoked by the depletion of the membrane due to the effects of infections and other negative factors and are often accompanied by a malfunction in the functioning of other organs.

Let us consider in more detail the acquired diseases of the sclera.


Episcleritis is an inflammatory pathology of external fibrous tissues. It is accompanied by the appearance of seals in the form of nodules. More often, the disease is detected in women from 40 years old, in the elderly, less often in children. Pathology is chronic, affects both eyes. Her reasons:

  • infectious diseases;
  • An increase in the level of uric acid in the blood;
  • Inflammatory pathologies;
  • A bite of an insect;
  • eye injury;
  • Allergy;
  • Getting into the eye of a foreign object;
  • The action of chemicals;
  • Hormonal imbalance.

The affected eye becomes bright red. The patient is tormented by discomfort, pain, photosensitivity. Eyelids, eye membranes swell. Unlike conjunctivitis, episcleritis does not affect the vessels, it flows more easily.

An ophthalmologist diagnoses pathology using the following methods:

  1. Biomicroscopy (study of eye structures);
  2. Perimetry (study of the boundaries of the visual fields);
  3. Tonometry (measurement of intraocular pressure);
  4. Refractometry (measurement of refraction, determination of the quality of vision);
  5. Visometry (determination of visual acuity).

Episcleritis sometimes accompanies other pathologies, so it is better to visit an infectious disease specialist, endocrinologist, allergist, rheumatologist.

Therapy includes the appointment of drugs, physiotherapy. The patient is prescribed drops of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (Dexapos, Dexamethasone), moisturizing medications (drugs "artificial tear"). If an infection is detected, antibiotics are needed. UHF has a positive effect.

Prevention of episcleritis includes:

  • Strengthening immunity;
  • Compliance with hygiene;
  • Timely detection, treatment of diseases affecting the state of the organs of vision;
  • Eye protection while working in the chemical industry.

Scleritis is an inflammation of the sclera that affects all its layers. Pathology proceeds with a pain symptom, tissue edema, and leads to a decrease in vision. If the scleritis is not cured in time, the albuginea is completely destroyed, blindness occurs. As a rule, the disease affects one eye, and sometimes both. It is more common in women, but rare in children.

Causes of scleritis:

  1. inflammation;
  2. eye injury;
  3. Allergy;
  4. Ophthalmic operations;
  5. infections;
  6. Gout;
  7. exposure to radiation;
  8. Influence of chemicals;
  9. A bite of an insect;
  10. Getting into the eye of a foreign object.

In addition to pain and swelling, the disease is manifested by photophobia, tearing, redness of the eyes, and increased intraocular pressure. There are itching, burning, vision falls. With purulent scleritis, pus is released. If the eye is injured, rejection, retinal rupture become complications.

Scleritis is detected during examination of the organs of vision. Do a blood test, lacrimal fluid. The following types of examinations are carried out: biomicroscopy, ophthalmoscopy, CT, ultrasound of the eye, MRI.

For the treatment of scleritis more often prescribed:

  1. NSAIDs in the form of drops, ointments (Tobradex, Dexapos, Dexamethasone) - to eliminate inflammation.
  2. Hypotensive drops ("Betaxolol", "Mezaton") - to reduce intraocular pressure.
  3. Drops based on enzymes ("Giason", "Lidase"). Contribute to the elimination of foci of inflammation.
  4. Painkillers ("Movalis", "Butadion", "Indomethacin"). Reduce discomfort, relieve the condition.
  5. Antibiotics-penicillins ("Ampicillin", "Amoxicillin"). Used in the detection of a bacterial infection.

Simultaneously with the use of medicines, physiotherapy is used:

  • Electrophoresis. Allows the drug to penetrate into the deep tissues of the eyes.
  • Magnetotherapy. Stimulates tissue repair processes, accelerates healing.
  • UHF. Electromagnetic, thermal effect enhances blood flow, eliminates pain, inflammation.

If conservative methods do not help, an operation is prescribed. It is usually indicated in necrotizing scleritis, when the cornea is affected and vision is greatly reduced. During the operation, a part of the sclera is transplanted from a donor. Intervention is indicated for a purulent process (to open an abscess), when a foreign body enters the eye.

When scleritis, it is better to wear sunglasses.

Do not lift weights, jump, run, as tears may appear in the affected sclera. Prevention of the disease includes several activities:

  1. Observance of eye hygiene.
  2. Protection of organs of vision from the action of dust, direct rays of the sun.
  3. Elimination of pathologies that cause scleritis.
  4. Avoid contact with allergens, insects.

Staphylomas appear as a result of loosening of the collagen of the sclera. The process occurs with the development of severe myopia (myopia). It is accompanied by a drop in vision, fatigue, a feeling of heaviness in the eyes. Sometimes the field of vision narrows. Staphylomas lead to complications: dystrophy, retinal detachment, cataracts, open-angle glaucoma.

Treatment of pathology is complex (conservative, surgical), it is aimed at slowing down the progression of myopia. Means are prescribed to relax accommodation (“Irifrin”, “Midriacil”, “Atropine”), strengthen the sclera (antioxidants, vitamins), to improve eye hemodynamics and metabolism (“Cytochrome C”, “Reticulin”, “Kuspavit”). Physiotherapy is shown: laser stimulation, electrophoresis. Wearing orthokeratology hard lenses helps.

The operation is performed to prevent further stretching of the sclera.

Prevention of staphylomas includes measures to slow down the development of myopia. These include:

  • Strengthening the body;
  • Compliance with hygiene, daily routine;
  • Limiting time spent at the computer, TV;
  • Regular check-ups with an ophthalmologist.

Scleral ruptures

A rupture of the sclera is a wound with protrusion, damage, prolapse of the internal structures of the eyes. Pathology causes a pronounced violation of the functions of the organs of vision. The cause is often an eye injury.

When a rupture of the sclera is detected, the wound is sutured. Conduct diathermocoagulation to prevent retinal detachment. Prescribe anti-inflammatory therapy (antibiotics, sulfa drugs, anesthetics).

Nerve disk excavation

The excavation of the optic disc is a depression in its center. Violation can be caused by pathological changes, but is also a variant of the norm. Physiological excavation is detected in 75% of healthy people.

With glaucoma changes, examination of the fundus shows blanching of the nerve disc. The recess is first located in the temporal, central parts, then the entire disk changes. Pathology is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  1. Soreness, feeling of heaviness in the eyes;
  2. visual fatigue;
  3. Falling vision;
  4. Doubling of the picture;
  5. Restriction of the field of view.
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