How to cure chalazion in a child? Chalazion on the lower eyelid in a child Chalazion in a child drops

Chalazion is a disease that is diagnosed only by specialists. At home, it is strictly forbidden to make such a diagnosis for a child and start treatment, especially with the use of folk remedies and alternative medicine.

If a child has signs of eyelid disease, it is necessary to visit an ophthalmologist, and if necessary, a pediatrician and a number of other specialists.

How to recognize a chalazion of the upper eyelid in a child

A chalazion is a benign neoplasm. Place of localization - upper or lower eyelid. Hailstones can be single or multiple, affecting both one eye and both at once.

On a note! In most cases, people aged 30 to 50 get sick with chalazion, this disease is rare in children.

The disease is otherwise called a hailstone due to the fact that a chalazion appears on the eyelid and gradually increases in size to a large pea, that is, up to 5-6 mm. Outwardly, the neoplasm is very similar to a large convex bead, located in the thickness of the eyelid and pressing on the inside of the eyeball. "Hailstone" elastic, dense. The upper central part of the tumor-like seal is usually grayish in color (from the side of the conjunctiva); on examination, hyperemia is clearly visible.

A child with chalazion may complain of eye irritation, itching, involuntary lacrimation, astigmatism(blurring, blurred vision due to the pressure of the seal on the eyeball). There is also such a symptom as photophobia. On palpation, discomfort and pain are mild, however, in the case of suppuration, pain and hyperemia increase, since the sebaceous glands are strongly innervated.

On a note! The disease is easily confused with. These are different diseases, but they have one thing in common: neglected barley without proper treatment flows into a chalazion.

How does a chalazion develop?

The disease develops against the background of blockage of the meibomian (sebaceous) gland, located in the thickness of the cartilage and having a tubular structure, and its chronic inflammation. In more detail, proliferative inflammation of a chronic nature is localized around the sebaceous gland and develops after blockage of the excretory duct of this gland (multiple parallel ducts extend to the inner surface of the eyelids). The lipid secret has no outflow to the outside and accumulates in the lumen of the gland duct. As a result of this mechanism, the tissues around the gland become inflamed, the focus is encapsulated, and a benign nodular-type seal is formed on the eyelid.

The microscopic seal consists of:

  • epithelioid cells;
  • gigantic;
  • granulation tissue.

Important! The nodular neoplasm is not soldered to the skin.

If the breakthrough of the contents does not occur spontaneously, then the disease exists for a long time, and then it turns into a cyst, inside which there is mucous content. If a spontaneous opening of the seal occurs with the outflow of purulent contents towards the conjunctiva, then a fistulous tract remains at the site of the breakthrough. Granulation tissue grows around the fistula. The skin of the eyelid becomes drier and redder. The separated contents dry up on the eyelid, forming crusts.

On a note! In severe cases, the disease can be complicated by phlegmon of the eyelid, fever.

Table. Causes and factors contributing to the development of the disease.


Usually the prognosis for the treatment of chalazion is always 100% positive, but the disease often recurs, especially after barley. Also, the re-development of the inflammatory process is possible if the purulent contents were not completely removed during the surgical intervention.

Barley, blepharitis. It also contributes to the disease if infections enter the eye if the rules of personal hygiene are not followed, the use of contact lenses is incorrect.

Chronic gastritis, enterocolitis, dysbacteriosis, biliary dyskinesia, hypovitaminosis.

Rosacea, seborrhea, oily skin.

Hypothermia and acute respiratory viral infections, diabetes mellitus.

Diagnostic methods

As already mentioned, a child with suspected chalazion should be taken to an ophthalmologist as soon as possible.

The specialist will examine the child's eyelid in order to identify signs of the disease:

  • the presence in the thickness of the eyelids of small seals that are not soldered to adjacent tissues;
  • the presence of hyperemia of the inner surface of the eyelids (examination during eversion of the eyelid);
  • different frequency and speed of blinking of the child. The affected eyelid moves more slowly than the healthy one.

Instrumental diagnostic methods are not used, the specialist makes a conclusion after collecting anamnesis and visual examination.

If the chalazion recurs repeatedly or grows too fast, accompanied by the presence of papillomatous growths on the conjunctiva, then a histological examination of the biopsy is performed to exclude meibomian gland cancer (adenocarcinoma, carcinoma). Cancer is diagnosed very difficult and often in the later stages, since its symptoms are similar to chalazion. Malignant tumors metastasize to the internal organs, lymph nodes and, of course, the orbit of the eye. The prognosis for recovery in this case is unfavorable.

Conservative treatment

It is used from the first days of the disease.

Disinfectant eye drops

  1. . The active ingredients of the drug are tobramycin and dexamethasone. The bottle is stored only vertically, shaken before each use, do not touch the eye with a pipette. Instill 2 drops every 6 hours. On the first day of treatment, 2 drops can be instilled with an interval of 2 hours.

  2. . The active substance is tobramycin. The drug is used as directed every 4-6 hours, 1-2 drops. If the inflammatory process is acute, then the drug can be instilled into the conjunctival sac every hour.

  3. . The active substance is ciprofloxacin hydrochloride. Apply topically every 4 hours, 1-2 drops. If the infection is severe, then 1-2 drops every hour For children over 12 months.

  4. . The active substance of the drug is ofloxacin. Drops are used for no more than 14 days in a row. Buried 2-4 times a day, one drop.

  5. . Active substances: Dexamethasone, Polymyxin B sulfate, Neomycin sulfate. Drops are used one 4 times a day. If the inflammatory process is acute, then one drop every hour. Shake the bottle well before use.

  6. . Active ingredients of the drug: betamethasone sodium phosphate, gentamicin sulfate. In difficult cases, 1 or 2 drops are dripped every 60-120 minutes, if the stage of the disease is not acute, then the same number of drops with an interval of 4 hours. If the therapeutic effect has not occurred after 14 days, the drug is canceled. It is recommended for children over 6 years of age, as studies have not been conducted among younger patients.

  7. Ointments and gels for laying behind the eyelid

    1. Tetracycline ointment.
    2. Mercury ointment.
    3. Levomikol.
    4. "Blefarogel".

    Important! In order for conservative treatment to be effective, it is necessary to strictly observe the dosage of drugs prescribed by the doctor. Interruption of treatment is strictly prohibited.


    At the initial stages of the development of the disease, injections of corticosteroid anti-inflammatory drugs "Kenalog", "Diprospan" (active substances: betamethasone, triamcinolone) are effective. The drugs are injected into the compaction cavity with an insulin needle. Therapy gives quick and positive results, usually recovery occurs within two weeks.

    In the stage of abscess formation, injections are no longer effective.

    "Kenalog-40" - an aqueous suspension of triamcinolone acetonide for systemic and local use, with prolonged action. It is a synthetic corticosteroid that has anti-inflammatory, immunosuppressive, antipruritic and antiallergic effects.

    Worth remembering! The procedure can be very stressful for the child.

    Complementary Therapies

    In the absence of an inflammatory process, UHF therapy is used, dry heat compresses are made, and the affected eyelid is massaged.

    Video - Conservative treatment of chalazion


    It is used as a radical method when conservative treatment fails.

    Operation for chalazion

    The operation is performed on an outpatient basis.

    1. Local anesthesia is applied. Drops with an anesthetic are instilled into the child's eye or an anesthetic drug is injected into the eyelid.
    2. A terminal clamp is applied to the eyelid.
    3. Access is carried out through a skin incision or transconjunctival. The incision is made perpendicular to the edge of the eyelid.
    4. Purulent contents are removed through the incision with a curette.
    5. The capsule is removed with a scalpel and scissors.
    6. If a chalazion has opened in a child, a fistulous tract has appeared, then the incision is made along the entire length of this tract, simultaneously excising the altered granulation tissues.
    7. After removal of purulent contents, capsules and granulations, sutures are applied to the eyelid. If the incision was made from the inside of the eyelid, then no sutures are applied (healing will take longer than with an incision in the skin of the eyelid from the outside). Also, a tetracycline ointment is applied to the child's eyelid, and a tight sterile bandage is applied to the eye, tightly pressed to the operated eyelid.

    The entire operation takes a matter of minutes. During the rehabilitation period, the child is instilled with anti-inflammatory / antibiotic drops in the eye or an ointment with similar properties is applied. The duration of treatment is 5-7 days. After this time, the child should be shown to the doctor and the stitches removed (if self-absorbable threads were used, then they do not need to be removed). A control examination of the child by a doctor is prescribed for 10-11 days after the operation.

    Important! During the entire rehabilitation period, parents should ensure that the child does not wet or scratch his eyes! Infection will lead to relapse.

    Typically, relapses occur in immunocompromised children. Therefore, it is important to consult a pediatrician on methods to maintain and strengthen the immune system.

    Video - Removal of a chalazion

    Table. Complications, consequences of surgical treatment.


    The development of an inflammatory process, accompanied by tissue melting and the formation of a cavity filled with pus.

    Inflammation of the cornea of ​​the eye.

    Inflammation of the eyelid tissues is infiltrative-purulent. The nature of the inflammation is diffuse.

    It is observed rarely, mainly with unskilled surgical intervention. Hemorrhage can lead to atrophy of the optic nerve, partial or complete loss of vision.

    On a note! In the vast majority of cases, complications are the fault of the patient. You can not shorten the rehabilitation period, use homemade recipes for washing the wound after surgery, touch your eyes with your hands or a pipette, rub your eyelid. It is strictly forbidden to tear off crusts and threads, use expired products for treatment.

    Laser treatment

    Compared with classical surgical treatment, laser removal of a neoplasm is less traumatic. But the main advantage of the method is the elimination of the likelihood of recurrence of the chalazion.

    Anesthesia is applied locally, as in the above method. With the help of a laser, a purulent node is opened, the contents are removed and evaporated. No sutures are applied after the operation, the edges of the wound are treated with a laser to speed up the fusion process. So that the child's cornea is not injured by a postoperative scar, it is shown to wear a soft contact lens for several days.

    If swelling or bruising remains on the face after surgery, additional treatment is not required. They will dissolve on their own within 2-3 days.

    Prevention of chalazion in children

    Prevention methods are very simple:

    • it is necessary to teach the child to observe the rules of personal hygiene;
    • develop a balanced diet for the child according to his age and needs;
    • make sure that the child’s sleep is full and at least 6 hours a day;
    • do not expose the child to stressful situations, nervous strain;
    • during epidemics, avoid visiting public places.

    Parents should remember: treatment of eye diseases in children is carried out by specialists. Any decoctions of herbs, plant juices, flower lotions can aggravate the condition of a small patient.

In a child - a common occurrence in medicine. Parents usually confuse it with barley. The lack of proper treatment and the expectation that the disease will go away by itself leads to serious consequences. The advanced course of the disease in the lower or upper eyelid is not amenable to conservative methods. The problem can only be solved in radical ways.

The eyelid of the eye has a huge number of glands that secrete fluid. Moisture does not allow the mucous membrane to dry out when there is not enough volume of the secreted tear fluid. The impact of internal and external factors leads to blockage of the gland, which, because of this, significantly increases in size.

Chalazion of the upper/lower eyelid in a child

Fluid accumulates and becomes cloudy. Its consistency becomes viscous and eventually hardens. The size of the swelling stops increasing when moisture is no longer supplied. The tumor is easily palpated and visualized. Thus, the chalazion appears in the soft tissues of the eyelid in the form of a hard ball.

The swelling has clear boundaries. It does not harm human health. This defect can persist for many years. The patient decides whether to remove the accumulation or not.

Another thing is when the liquid continues to flow to the node. In this case, the tumor continues to grow, taking on a huge size. This process is accompanied by severe pain and blurred vision. A chalazion in this form requires the immediate intervention of a specialist.

Signs of pathology

Chalazion of the lower eyelid in a child develops gradually. Symptoms appear after a while. In order not to start the disease, it is recommended to consult an ophthalmologist at the first sign.

Symptoms of chalazion:

  • Puffiness.
  • Redness around the eyelid.
  • Yellow tight knot like barley on eyelid.
  • Increased secretion of lacrimal fluid.

It is important to listen to the child's complaints. Children can say for themselves that they have a burning sensation in their eye, constantly itchy skin, or often a headache.

Causes of chalazion in a child

Chalazion of the lower eyelid in a child begins due to blockage of the sebaceous glands in the tissues of the eyelid. The inflammatory process begins to actively develop under the accumulation of secretion.

Most often, pathology is observed in children 5-10 years old. Another reason for the onset of the disease is infection. Harmful bacteria and other microorganisms enter the mucous membrane of the eye through dirty hands, stale towels or bedding. Bacteria such as streptococci and staphylococci can provoke the disease.

Factors leading to chalazion in a child:

  • Increased production of sebum.
  • Inflammatory process of the edge of the eyelid in a chronic form.
  • Diabetes.
  • Vitamin deficiency.
  • Diseases of the stomach and intestines.
  • Decreased functioning of the immune system.
  • Recent influenza or SARS.

The constant occurrence of chalazion makes you think about the state of health. The disease becomes chronic with pathological processes in the body. Therefore, the return of the disease in a child is a reason to conduct a complete examination.

Types and stages of the disease

Chalazion, depending on the location, is divided into 2 types: upper and lower. The first variety is characterized by the formation of nodes on the edge of the upper eyelid. During its formation, the patient feels severe discomfort and itching. It always feels like something is in my eye. The disease on the upper eyelid goes away on its own in 2-3 days.

The chalazion of the lower eyelid in a child is very similar in appearance to barley. The tumor appears near the lash line. Requires treatment that can be done at home. Therapy of a node that has appeared more deeply takes much longer. This takes 2 weeks.

The stages of development of a chalazion are conditionally divided into:

  • The occurrence of discomfort and redness around the affected area. At this stage, the disease outwardly does not differ from barley.
  • The formation of a hard knot that brings severe pain. Over time, it grows to a huge bump. This stage requires immediate intervention. Most often, it is enough to use improvised means for treatment.
  • Bump growth. This takes a long time, from 2 weeks. The process can be stopped by taking special medications.
  • A neglected course of the disease, a prolonged increase in the lump or infection in the affected soft tissues require more serious measures. To get rid of the chalazion, they resort to surgical intervention, which is carried out on an outpatient basis. After removal, no traces remain on the eyelid.

Features of the upper and lower chalazion in a child

The causes of nodes on the upper and lower eyelids are the same. The difference between the two types is only in the manifestation of pathology. The upper chalazion becomes noticeable almost immediately, the seal appears quite quickly. It develops much faster than with the lower form of the disease.

This feature helps to quickly get rid of the defect on the upper eyelid.

At the bottom, only an experienced specialist can quickly determine the onset of tumor formation after a complete diagnosis. The first days of the onset of the disease does not betray itself. Chalazion of the lower eyelid requires the immediate start of a therapeutic course. It takes longer to mature and resolves on its own in rare cases.


An ophthalmologist with high qualifications and extensive experience is able to determine the presence of the disease after examining the patient. The onset of the development of the disease in the eye of a child is indicated by the appearance of a dense point and a change in the shape of the eyelid. These symptoms help to diagnose a chalazion without the use of special tools and equipment.

In special cases, resort to laboratory research. Most of all, this approach is necessary for the chronic manifestation of the disease. The test results make it possible to exclude the possibility of a malignant tumor.

Chalazion of the upper eyelid in a child can be detected using the following studies:

  • Immunogram.
  • Examination of eyelashes for the presence of demodicosis.
  • Analysis of blood, urine and feces.

The possibility of a reappearance of a chalazion becomes small if the cause has been identified and corrected correctly.


At the beginning of the development of nodes with a disease, you can effectively deal with folk recipes. This approach does not work with chalazion in the progressive stage. The advanced form of the disease is treated only surgically. Timely therapy and correct diagnosis will avoid surgery.

Medications, gels, ointments, eye drops

Conservative treatment is effective only until the formation of a hard capsule. In other cases, only surgical intervention saves. Ophthalmologists with chalazion in a child prescribe ointments and drops. Most often used Levomekol, corticosteroid ointment or hydrocortisone.

In addition, a course of antibiotic therapy is prescribed. The remedy is aimed at relieving inflammation and swelling, getting rid of suppuration and normalizing the functioning of the sebaceous glands of the eyelid. The use of the drug in this form is difficult. It is extremely difficult for young children to lay ointment under the eyelid. They are very hard to endure such an event.

The problem can be solved by the correct psychological attitude of the child, which should be created by the parents.

As for the drops, the drug with an antibiotic is dripped into the child's eyes. Depending on the situation, the doctor prescribes the use of combination therapy, which consists in the use of an antibacterial agent with corticosteroids. This approach allows you to remove the swelling of the eyelid, redness of the skin and relieve soreness.

What drops are effective in treating the disease:

  • Tsipromed. Has anti-inflammatory and antiseptic action.
  • Normax. It is aimed at fighting bacteria, has a wide spectrum of action.
  • Phloxal. Gives a good result in getting rid of harmful microorganisms. I take a course, the maximum duration of which is exactly 14 days.
  • Maxidex. It has anti-allergic and anti-inflammatory effects.
  • Tobrex. It has a powerful disinfectant effect. It is allowed to take no more than 7 days.

It takes 7 to 14 days to completely get rid of the disease. If no improvement is observed during this time, then the chosen method of treatment is ineffective. It is important not to start the disease and change the approach as soon as possible. Usually, the specialist recommends taking stronger drugs or injections of corticosteroids, which are given into the resulting lump.

intracavitary drug injections

Having confirmed the diagnosis of a chalazion in a child after a careful examination of the eye and the appointment of general tests, the doctor determines the therapeutic methods. In special cases, a course of injections into the soft tissues of the eyelid is used.

The technology of the injection course is performed as follows:

  1. For the procedure, a room is being prepared where the medicine will be injected under the skin.
  2. The use of the drug for anesthesia of the eyelid during injection is not provided.
  3. The specialist carefully disinfects the lower and upper eyelids with an antibacterial agent.
  4. The drug is injected into the cavity of the formed node using an insulin syringe. The needle should be so thin that the child will not feel pain.
  5. After the injection, no traces of the procedure should remain on the surface of the skin.

At the end, the ophthalmologist gives the patient basic recommendations for caring for the treated eye. Parents should strictly follow the doctor's advice.

Injection therapy of halation in children gives a positive effect in half of the cases. Launched forms with complications cannot be cured by the introduction of a hormonal agent into the focus of inflammation. Cases where injections do not give the desired effect are subject to surgery.

Operative measures for the treatment of the disease

If all the tried methods of treating the disease have not yielded results, one has to resort to surgical removal of the resulting node. The operation is not serious, during its implementation local anesthesia of the eyelid is used. The duration of manipulations is only 20 minutes.

In the process, the specialist makes an incision in the skin of the inner side of the eyelid. After pumping out the accumulated fluid and the resulting pus, 1 to 2 stitches are applied. At the end, a bandage is applied tightly. After the operation, there is no need to go to the hospital to observe tissue repair. The node is removed on an outpatient basis.

The patient goes home a few hours after the procedure. Before the stitches heal, you need to apply an anti-inflammatory ointment to the place and drip drops into the eye. The first time after the operation, the eyelid will be reddened and slightly swollen. After 2-7 days, the eye will return to normal. The seam due to its size will be almost invisible.

Treatment with folk remedies

Homemade recipes, tested over the years, can only cure chalazion in children at the initial stage. You can use traditional medicine after consulting a specialist. Parents note several means that give a high result in the fight against the disease.

At the initial stage, you can get rid of the symptoms of chalazion with the help of:

  • Aloe juice in drops. It is diluted in equal proportion with water. Drops of natural origin should be taken 5-6 times a day.
  • Cabbage compress. Separate the egg white from the yolk and mix it with finely chopped cabbage. For the basis of the compress, gauze or any fabric folded several times is taken. Mixed products are wrapped in the prepared material. The liquid should not ooze through the rag, but only slightly saturate it. The compress is applied to the sore eye so that the cabbage juice touches the inflamed eyelid.
  • Dried dill seeds in a compress. Raw materials are brewed, bay 2 tbsp. l. water. The mixture is sent to the fire and brought to a boil. The result is a homogeneous mass. It must be cooled and put in a rag. The compress is applied to the affected area.

How to cure diseases according to the method of Dr. Komarovsky?

According to the popular pediatrician, Dr. Komarovsky, a chalazion that has appeared in a child is not such a serious illness as ophthalmologists say about it. The use of complex therapy requires only 3 out of 4 cases of the course of the disease. According to statistics, 25% of inflammatory processes go away on their own.

In some cases, a course of massage of the glands is sufficient for uncorking. But at the same time, a small patient should still be observed by a pediatrician. The condition may worsen and then urgently require the use of drug treatment.

Evgeny Olegovich has a negative attitude towards the use of traditional medicine recipes. He believes that they are only effective for reassuring parents. The doctor advises using a retinol emulsion or a yellow mercury ointment for treatment. Such therapy is aimed at getting rid of harmful microorganisms that cause inflammation and the formation of bumps in the tissues of the eyelid.

Physiotherapy treatments

Chalazion in a child in the initial stage can be treated with physiotherapy. This therapeutic approach allows you to reduce a small neoplasm on the upper eyelid, get rid of pus and cure the disease to the end.

The methods of physiotherapy that are used for treatment are presented in the table:

Name Peculiarities
UHFThe therapy is based on the impact of the ultrasonic frequency of the electric field on the affected area of ​​the eye. This leads to the generation of heat within the tissues. The method is often used in combination with massage. The procedure has contraindications. It cannot be carried out with chalazion in the advanced stage and severe inflammatory processes.
MagnetotherapyThe method consists in exposing the diseased eye to a low-frequency magnetic field.
electrophoresisThe procedure uses an electric field in combination with drug therapy.
PhonophoresisThe type of physiotherapy is distinguished by the parallel use of ultrasound and medicines. Its main advantage is that the vibrations of ultrasonic waves contribute to better absorption of medicines applied to the inflamed eyelid. The rest of the skin remains intact.

What to do if the chalazion breaks through?

A neoplasm with a chalazion can burst at any time. Therefore, with a disease, it is important to know what to do in this case. The first step is to apply an antiseptic abscess. This will protect against the spread of infection and pathological microorganisms in the pus. For antibacterial treatment of the formed wound, tetracycline ointment and Chlorhexidine are used.

Drugs that are used to break the seal on the eyelid:

  • Dexamethasone. Makes the appearance of the eyelid skin normal, removing puffiness.
  • Diclofenac eye drops. Stops the inflammatory process and relieves pain.
  • Levomekol in the form of an ointment. The accumulated pus is pulled out of the wound, has a powerful antimicrobial effect. The ointment is used for compresses, which are applied to the resulting abscess. He is kept during the night.
  • Boric acid solution 2%. Kills bacteria harmful to the body. The product is applied to the problem area of ​​the skin 3 times a day.
  • Ointment Floksan. Reduces the risk of secondary infection by destroying pathogenic microorganisms. The drug is placed under the eyelid 2 times a day. The duration of the course of treatment is 2 weeks.

To alleviate the condition of the child, some parents use folk recipes. They especially note the effectiveness of the infusion of marshmallow rhizome and aloe pulp applied to the damaged area.

Prevention of process timing

Chalazion in a child can lead to serious consequences. Therefore, it is recommended to pay special attention to preventive measures. This should be approached with responsibility, because the frequency of recurrence of the disease in children is much more common than in adults. The task of parents is to teach children simple rules of prevention.

Their observance will help not only protect the child from chalazion, but also prevent the development of many eye diseases.

washing hands with soap

What parents should know for prevention:

  • Wash hands and face with soap. This procedure is important to carry out after communicating with other children, walking and going to the toilet, as well as before eating.
  • Balanced Eat. The diet should be complete with the required amount of vitamins and minerals.
  • Vitamin supplements. In addition to vegetables and fruits, the child should take a vitamin complex. This will help the body get the right amount of nutrients. It is best to use multivitamin preparations. They do the job well and are inexpensive.
  • Good for treating colds. The child should not be cold. It is important to cure all diseases to the end. The remaining symptoms can turn the disease into a chronic form. This adversely affects the immune system, the weakening of which will not be able to protect itself from chalazion.

The small size of the chalazion nodes in a child does not mean that the disease is harmless. Inflammation of the upper or lower eyelid can cause serious consequences and lead to the development of severe complications. The problem can be solved by consulting a doctor and a thorough examination, which will help you choose the right treatment tactics.

Video about chalazion

How to treat chalazion:

Sometimes we notice a slight swelling on the upper or lower eyelid of the baby. Alert, we begin to delve into the medical literature in order to determine what kind of neoplasm. Realizing that this is a chalazion of the eyelid in a child, we think about whether it is worthwhile to urgently consult a doctor or we can get by with folk methods of treatment.

Chalazion is an eye disease caused by inflammatory processes, as a result of blockage of the sebaceous glands of the eyelid. The result of blockage is the formation of a sac in which fluid accumulates, intended to moisten the eye. In the common people, a disease similar to this is called "barley". It usually forms on the upper or lower eyelid, but there are cases when both eyelids are affected by the infection.

Photo: what is the difference between chalazion and barley

Barley can appear at any age. It is rare in newborns, but its formation is not excluded.

It is very important to understand in time that this swelling is a chalazion. Unlike barley, it is capable of causing very unpleasant consequences for its appearance. Diagnosing it is not difficult, but do not hesitate, you should immediately consult a doctor.

There are two types of location of the disease:

  • Upper eyelid chalazion
  • Chalazion of the lower eyelid

Upper eyelid chalazion

By timely identifying a chalazion of the upper eyelid in a child, the treatment will be more effective than when it is detected in a neglected form. The location of the disease in the upper eyelid is characterized by the following features:

  • speed of visual detection;
  • the transience of the development of the pouch on the eyelid;

The chalazion of the upper eyelid can actually be recognized very quickly by the instantaneous formation of clogged glands. Because of this, it is considered less dangerous.

Photo: chalazion of the upper eyelid in a child

Chalazion of the lower eyelid

When a chalazion of the lower eyelid appears in a child, treatment can be somewhat more difficult to prescribe. The inflammatory process in the development stage is almost invisible. It is hidden by the inner side of the eyelid, and it will be possible to detect it only with a multiple increase. Sometimes a chalazion of the lower eyelid is localized without the use of therapy. But most often it increases in size and becomes visible to the naked eye. If a child complains of pain in the lower eyelid, you should immediately consult a doctor, as vision loss may occur in the advanced stage.

Photo: chalazion of the lower eyelid in a child

Reasons for development

Children under the age of 10 are most susceptible to this disease. The most common causes of chalazion are:

  • weakened, which appeared against the background of frequent colds;
  • increased fat content of the epidermis;
  • diabetes;
  • previous eye diseases, such as blepharitis;
  • non-compliance with the rules of personal hygiene;
  • dysbacteriosis.


The main difference between chalazion and barley is that it belongs to the group of chronic diseases. The main symptoms that an ophthalmologist can identify are:

  • redness of the inner side of the eyelid;
  • puffiness;
  • the formation of a rigid movable pouch on the inside of the eyelid;
  • burning and tearing.

In the process of inflammation, the resulting pimple (pouch) touches the cornea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe eye. As a result, visual impairment may occur. In some cases, the development of the disease becomes the cause of astigmatism.


Treatment of chalazion in a child can be carried out in two ways: at home and drug therapy. If you find an inflammation of the eye in a child, and he complains of pain and burning, you should consult a doctor. If you have previously applied, then you may have left some drugs for the treatment of chalazion. For example, a special ointment or drops recommended by a doctor or pharmacy worker is suitable. Check the expiration date and if it is ok, repeat the treatment.

There are a lot of warm-up tips on the internet. Remember that in no case should you heat the chalazion. Consult a doctor!

Therapeutic treatment

In the early stages of the development of the disease, the doctor may prescribe conservative treatment. As a rule, it consists in instillation of anti-inflammatory drops into the eyes, taking antibiotics and applying warming and disinfecting ointments.

In addition to this, the doctor prescribes a visit to the physiotherapy room during the week. Thanks to warming, the secretion of the sebaceous glands decreases and freely penetrates into narrow passages, eliminating blockages. But this can only be prescribed for prevention.

Treatment with folk remedies

On many forums on childhood diseases and methods of their treatment, parents leave feedback on the treatment of chalazion in children. Here is some of them:

Alina, 27 years old: Using the leaves of the aloe flower, I managed to cure my son's chalazion in a few days. I cut an aloe leaf lengthwise and applied it to the child's eyelid with a bandage. The juice of the flower gradually drew out the inflammation and the son felt better.

Andrei, 35 years old: My 6-year-old daughter was found to have a chalazion and I decided not to waste a minute. I read the recipe in a folk medicine magazine and, after applying it, on the third day she already felt great. I brewed a few sprigs of cherries, mixed the decoction with sugar and gave it to my daughter instead of water. The result exceeded all my expectations.

In conclusion, I would like to note that chalazion can be cured both at home and with the help of ophthalmologists. The main condition is the timely detection of the disease and the rapid adoption of measures aimed at its relief.

Treatment according to Komarovsky

According to Dr. Komarovsky, treatment is quite possible with the use of mercury ointment and ricinol emulsion. In complex therapy, it is customary to use antibacterial drugs.
In some cases requiring surgery, surgical therapy will be required. However, do not despair, this procedure is quite simple and after it there are no traces or negative consequences on the health of the child.
There is another solution to the problem - laser surgery. It is performed with local anesthesia and does not portend negative consequences for the organs of vision. With any degree of development of the disease, you can resort to the procedure of laser therapy.
It is not recommended for parents to solve the problem of the disease that has arisen on their own. It is necessary to seek medical help from pediatricians or therapists in a timely manner, depending on the age of the child.

How are you or have you treated your child? Leave your answer in the comments.

Diseases of the eyelids in children are not uncommon. Especially often they cause trouble for children of primary school and preschool age, although they can even be in infants. It often happens that parents, noticing a reddened and slightly swollen eyelid in a child, do not rush to an ophthalmologist, believing that they can cope with the problem themselves. On the advice of highly experienced grandmothers or acquaintances who “also had this”, warming up and compresses are made using various folk remedies, and sometimes drops are purchased and dripped, which once also “helped someone a lot”.

Sometimes it really does work. It often happens that, despite all efforts, the child's condition worsens: a noticeable round swelling appears, swelling and redness increase. The child is complaining to severe throbbing pain and blurred vision, he may have a fever. After examination by a doctor, it turns out that the child urgently needs to remove the chalazion.

What it is?

A chalazion, or “hailstone,” is a benign seal on the eyelid resulting from blockage of the lumen of one of the meibomian glands. These sebaceous glands produce and secrete a special secret that covers the mucous membrane of the eye in the form of the thinnest lipid film that protects the delicate tissues of the eyeball from friction when in contact with the eyelids when blinking. The lipid layer on the surface of the eyes prevents the rapid evaporation of tear fluid and the resulting dryness.

The meibomian glands are located in the thickness of the cartilaginous plates of the upper and lower eyelids, and the outlets of their ducts are located at the very edge of the eyelids, behind the eyelashes. If there is a blockage of the glandular duct, then the secretion produced cannot get out and accumulates inside the gland, leading to its increase. The resulting inflammation also affects adjacent cartilage tissues, and a capsule forms around the focus.


The main symptoms of this disease include:

  • The appearance of swelling of the eyelid;
  • Soon, when probing, you can find a small seal, as a rule, not particularly painful and sensitive only when touched;
  • The child may complain of burning or itching, which may make him want to rub his eyes;

  • The skin over the formed "pea" is mobile and not changed, sometimes it can turn red and peel off;
  • On the everted eyelid, you can see a limited reddened area of ​​​​the mucosa on the side of inflammation, grayish in the center;
  • Education does not disappear after a few days, but rather slowly increases in size, forming a noticeable bulge on the eyelid;
  • In the case of a bacterial infection, purulent inflammation occurs, the skin over the capsule turns red, the eyelid swells, pain appears, often throbbing.

Often, chalazion is confused with a disease known as stye (folliculitis) due to the similarity of symptoms. In fact stye is a bacterial (staphylococcal) infection of the eyelash hair follicle, therefore, as a rule, is located at the edge of the eyelids. Chalazion is formed in the thickness of the cartilaginous plate of the eyelid, in some cases it can be seen by everting the eyelid. Barley is an acute disease, characterized by redness and swelling of the eyelid, sometimes quite strong, as well as pain. The duration of the course of folliculitis is several days, and it can go away on its own, even without treatment.

Chalazion, on the other hand, is an inflammatory process of a chronic nature, which can last from several weeks to several months and rarely goes away on its own.


The occurrence of a chalazion can lead to:

  • Weakened immunity as a result of frequent colds. The reason for the decrease in immunity can also be chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (dysbacteriosis, gastritis, enterocolitis), the endocrine system (diabetes mellitus): they have a negative effect on the condition of the skin and the functioning of the sebaceous glands;
  • hypothermia;
  • Lack of vitamins, stress;
  • Failure to comply with the rules of hygiene (the child’s habit of rubbing his eyes with his hands), which can provoke the entry of infectious agents into the eye;
  • Diseases of the eyelids, for example, blepharitis, as well as untreated folliculitis (barley), conjunctivitis: the resulting inflammation can cause blockage of the meibomian gland;
  • Some skin diseases (seborrhea, demodicosis), in which the work of the sebaceous glands is enhanced, including on the eyelids;
  • Often the cause of the appearance of chalazion in children may be some anatomical and functional features due to early age: narrow excretory ducts and / or weak work of smooth muscles that excrete the secret;
  • In older children, one of the reasons may be violations of the rules for using contact lenses.

Types and stages of the disease

The chalazion of the lower eyelid is formed less frequently than the upper one. This is because the upper eyelid contains more meibomian glands. It may be that the disease affects both eyelids at the same time (multiple chalazion). Often the disease is recurrent in nature, i.e., it can be repeated. A repeated case of the disease may be the result of a chalazion that has not been fully cured.

Frequent relapses indicate the need for a thorough examination of the child in order to identify the cause of this disease.

Regardless of the localization of the chalazion, the process of development of the disease proceeds in the same way. Determining the stage of the disease is important for choosing a method of treatment:

  • The initial stage of this disease, as a rule, is hardly noticeable: the secret that has not found a way out is just beginning to accumulate. Outwardly, there may be a slight swelling on the eyelid, local redness, burning and itching;
  • In the thickness of the eyelid, a small seal, the size of a millet grain, is formed;

  • The next stage in the development of the disease is characterized by the growth of education: it becomes noticeable, rounded, resembling a pea in shape. The formation is dense to the touch and mobile under the skin, not painful. Sometimes fluid secretion stops and cyst growth stops. If at the same time it is small in size, then, as a rule, it does not cause any inconvenience, with the exception of cosmetic. In this case, with appropriate treatment, there is a high probability of achieving resorption of the chalazion.
  • With further intake of the secret, the growth of the formation continues, deformation and sagging of the eyelid occurs, the pain sensation and pressure of the tumor on the eyeball increase, which can have serious consequences for vision.
  • In the case of infection, swelling and redness of the eyelid develops, severe throbbing pain, and fever is possible. In this and also the previous cases, any delay in the provision of qualified assistance can have fatal consequences.

What is dangerous?

In the event that treatment is not started on time and the resulting "hailstone" reaches a large size, it begins to put pressure on the eyeball, causing astigmatism. Symptoms of this disease are expressed in a decrease in vision, its fuzziness and blurring, fatigue and headaches. In some cases, a chalazion can injure the cornea and cause keratitis, a serious disease that can result in partial or complete loss of vision.

In case of improper treatment or untimely provision of adequate assistance for infectious inflammation of the chalazion possible development of phlegmon or meningitis- diseases that pose a serious threat to life


As a rule, a visual examination is enough for a specialist to make a diagnosis for a small patient, as well as to determine at what stage of development the disease is. In case of recurrence or multiple chalazion, the child may need additional consultation of other narrow specialists(immunologist, gastroenterologist, infectious disease specialist). Additionally assigned laboratory research(a detailed and biochemical blood test, seeding for sterility, fecal analysis for helminths, scraping for demodicosis, etc.), which will help in determining the cause of the chalazion.

What to treat?

Chalazion can be treated conservatively (using medications) or surgically. You should not waste time and try to cure chalazion on your own: only a timely visit to a specialist will help to avoid complications and stop the development of the disease at an early stage.

Conservative treatment is effective in the early stages of the disease. For the treatment of the disease, including in children, antibacterial drugs can be used:

  • Eye drops: Tobrex, Maxitrol, Floksal, Tsipromed
  • Eye ointments: Erythromycin, Tetracycline ointment, Floxal

Corticosteroid medications (such as hydrocortisone eye ointment) are effective in reducing inflammation, itching, swelling, and redness, as are their combinations with antibiotics: eye drops and ointments Tobradex, Maxidex. Often, in order to reduce itching, swelling and tearing, the doctor may prescribe eye drops with anti-allergic components (for example, Opatanol).

With an increase in the pea and the absence of infectious inflammation, corticosteroid injections (Diprospan, Kenalog), which are injected directly into the cyst and can contribute to its resorption.

At an early stage, it can be effective homeopathy e.g. eye drops Oculochel and homeopathic ointment Traumeel, which is used in this case externally (on the sore eyelid). These drugs contain only natural ingredients and have a complex effect: they relieve inflammation, reduce pain and stimulate local immunity.

In some cases it is possible to use Vishnevsky's ointments. Its antiseptic qualities and the ability to reduce inflammation are used. It can only be used externally and in no case should it get into the eyes (which is problematic, given its rather liquid consistency).

In complex therapy, treatment with folk remedies is possible, such as aloe juice(used in the form of drops and for application to the eyelid), calendula, chamomile(infusions are used for washing). It is important to remember that folk remedies will not replace full-fledged treatment and should be used only in combination with the main course and only in consultation with the doctor.

Along with the use of drugs, effectively the use of physiotherapy procedures: UHF, electrophoresis. At the very beginning of the disease, it is possible to remove the blockage of the gland and restore the normal outflow of secretions with the help of dry heating and light massage of the eyelids. However, it must be remembered that such procedures are categorically contraindicated in the presence of an infectious process and can lead to dangerous complications.

It should be emphasized that the treatment of chalazion in children, especially in young children, should only be done under the supervision of a specialist. Many drugs have age restrictions (for infants, a child who is under 2 years old), so only a doctor can prescribe them and choose the dosage, taking into account the characteristics of the child's body and the nature of the disease, as well as the degree of its complexity.

Operative removal of a chalazion is carried out in the traditional way, as well as in a more modern way - with a laser.

How to remove if it doesn't work?

If the chalazion does not go away for a long time, increases in size, or a bacterial infection has joined to form an abscess, it is removed surgically.

The usual operation to remove the formation is simple, performed on an outpatient basis using local anesthesia and lasts 15-20 minutes. A special clamp is applied to the eyelid, which securely fixes the tumor and prevents bleeding. Then the contents are removed and the capsule is scraped. If the incision is made on the outer side of the eyelid, sutures are applied. When removed from the inside of the eyelid stitching is not required.

After the removal procedure, a tight bandage is applied to the eye for a while to prevent bleeding and reduce swelling.

To prevent infection and speedy recovery, the doctor prescribes a course of antibacterial and healing drugs.

The operation with a laser follows the same pattern, but is more gentle. After it, there is no bleeding, stitches and a pressure bandage are not applied. Removal of the tumor is almost complete and the occurrence of recurrence is an extremely rare occurrence.

What to do if it broke?

Sometimes a chalazion opens spontaneously. This usually happens as a result of treatment and is a good sign. In this case, it is necessary to provide antibacterial protection with the help of ointments and drops with antibiotics, which should be used to treat the focus of inflammation. Necessarily you need to monitor body temperature and complete the course of treatment to the end in order to prevent relapse. You may need to clean the capsule, which can only be done by a doctor.

Parents who discover a chalazion in their child need the advice of a qualified pediatrician. The doctor will prescribe competent drug therapy, explain how to maintain hygiene in order to avoid complications and not start the disease. How does Komarovsky recommend treating chalazion in a child?

Chalazion in a child is not as common as, for example, rhinitis or bronchitis. Therefore, a seal on the eye is perceived by many parents as barley. Adults are in no hurry to show their child to the doctor, which, according to Komarovsky, can lead to complications.

What is a chalazion? This is a hardening or nodule that appears on the upper or lower eyelid. The disease is caused by clogging of the meimobian glands, which secrete a secret that protects the cornea.

There are two types of chalazion:

  1. Upper century. The knot is located on top. This species is characterized by early development of symptoms, and therefore the nodule rarely goes unnoticed. Because of this, a chalazion of the upper eyelid in a child is considered less dangerous.
  2. Lower century. In that case, the inflammatory process occurs on the inside of the lower eyelid, and for a long time it can go unnoticed. The nodule grows slowly, the symptoms do not appear immediately. If the baby complains of pain in the eye, you need to show it to the doctor, since the chalazion of the lower eyelid in a child can cause visual impairment.

Where does chalazion come from

The exact reasons why a child develops an illness are unknown. Some doctors believe that the starting factor for blockage of the glands are:

  • not fully cured barley;
  • oily skin;
  • blepharitis;
  • diabetes.

Scientists have found a link between the development of chalazion and dysbacteriosis, as well as other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. It is believed that a lack of vitamins, past viral and infectious diseases, stressful situations, as well as improper use of lenses and eye contact with unwashed hands can lead to the appearance of a nodule.

How to recognize

You can identify a chalazion in children by a dense formation on the inside of the eyelid. Unlike barley, the nodule does not cause pain on palpation or blinking.

When the nodule reaches a size of 5-6 mm, it becomes clearly visible, the skin around it swells. In some cases, it can cause increased tearing and itching.

In children, more often than in adults, the chalazion resolves on its own. But if the bump doesn't go away after a few weeks, the child needs treatment, as it can continue to grow, leading to astigmatism and nearsightedness. If the seal is not opened for a long time, it can develop into a cyst.

When the nodule becomes infected, the child develops symptoms of purulent inflammation: swelling, pain, redness, fever.

Actions of parents

What does Dr. Komarovsky say about chalazion in a child? If a seal is found on the eye, they should immediately take the baby to a pediatric ophthalmologist. It will not be difficult for him to distinguish a chalazion from barley.

Do not be afraid to go to an appointment with a specialist. No special diagnostic measures are required. Diagnosis is based on visual examination. The exception is the recurrent form. In this case, a biopsy of the contents of the nodule may be required to differentiate a benign tumor from a malignant one.

When diagnosing a chalazion in a child, Komarovsky recommends starting treatment with eyelid massage. This will stimulate the ducts, contribute to their opening and resorption of the nodule. Further treatment is prescribed by a qualified ophthalmologist.

Drug therapy

How to treat chalazion? If the disease is in the initial stage, the child is prescribed conservative therapy. It includes topical preparations - drops, ointments, solutions that have antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects.

The goal of drug therapy is to restore the functioning of the meimobian gland and eliminate unpleasant symptoms.

From drops appoint:

  • Sofrax, Tobrex, Floksal - antibacterial agents that destroy most bacteria.
  • Tobradex - drops based on an antibiotic and a hormonal substance that help to quickly relieve redness and swelling.
  • Tsipromed is a drug with a pronounced disinfectant and anti-inflammatory effect based on fluoroquinolone.
  • mercury - has an antiseptic and anti-edematous effect;
  • hydrocortisone - an ointment based on hormones that quickly eliminates inflammation;
  • ointment with Tobramycin - has an antibacterial effect. Allowed even for newborns.

Sometimes injections of glucocorticosteroids into the capsule can be used: Dexamethasone, Diprospan.

Surgical treatment

If conservative treatment does not improve the condition, surgery is performed. Surgical treatment of chalazion in children under two years of age is carried out under general anesthesia, in older children - under local anesthesia. It consists of several stages:

  • the operating field is treated with an antiseptic;
  • an injectable anesthetic is injected into the eyelid cavity;
  • the eyelid is fixed with a clamp in the desired position;
  • the eyelid is cut with a scalpel, the contents are scraped out along with the capsule;
  • the wound is treated with an antibiotic, sutures and a bandage are applied.

The operation lasts about 15-20 minutes, after the end of the anesthesia, the child is sent home with a subsequent examination by a doctor every 2-3 days.

A minimally invasive alternative to traditional surgery is laser chalazion removal. The procedure lasts 10 minutes, does not require stitches and bandages. The wound after laser surgery heals much faster and is safe for the child.

According to Komarovsky, surgical treatment for children under 12 years of age should be carried out only in difficult situations, as it is fraught with psychological stress and burden on the body with anesthetic drugs.

What not to do

For treatment in childhood to be effective, you should not:

  • engage in self-medication, use alternative medicine. Even such a safe remedy as aloe should be used only in consultation with your doctor;
  • try to open the knot yourself. This can cause infection and suppuration;
  • warm up education. This can provoke suppuration and worsen the situation;
  • use medications without a doctor's prescription, arbitrarily adjust the dosage of funds.

To prevent complications and deterioration of vision, you need to see a doctor immediately after detecting a nodule on the eyelid. He will select the optimal method of therapy and help cure the formation quickly and without surgery.

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