What is the difference between plant and animal proteins. What is protein. What do squirrels eat

From the previous article, we already know that proteins are an essential part of our diet. The lack of proteins in the diet inevitably leads to a decrease in muscle structures. In this case, not only the visible muscles of a person suffer, but also internal structures such as the heart muscle, smooth muscle vessels and more.
Simply put, proteins must be present in food. At a minimum, they should be approximately 1 g per 1 kg of body weight.
But proteins can be obtained both from plant foods and from foods of animal origin. With the same amount of such a protein, its value for our body will vary significantly. And, as a consequence, the result of eating animals and vegetable proteins will be different. Let's talk about this in more detail.

Plant and animal proteins

The main difference between plant and animal proteins is the fact that most plant proteins have an incomplete set of essential amino acids.
Protein products of animal origin contain all 8 essential amino acids. However, some of them are contained in more, and some in less. But in general, each of the 8 is always present, and the number of each of them is at least not lower than the standard norm. At the same time, all essential amino acids have a good biological value. In other words, they are well absorbed.
Vegetable protein products can sometimes contain even more protein (per 100 grams of product) than animal proteins. However, almost all show either the absence or deficiency of some essential amino acid. In addition, even with a seemingly complete set of essential amino acids, some of them may have a low biological value, poor digestibility. In this case, the protein of the product is recognized as defective, i.e. insufficient for the normal functioning of the body.

What it looks like in practice

Let's take lentils for example. Lentil is high protein product. The protein content in it, according to various estimates, is 24-28 grams per 100 grams. product! More Protein only in high-protein cheeses and soy.
It seems that such an amount of protein is an indisputable advantage of lentils over other protein products. But just look at the amino acid composition of lentils, and everything falls into place.
In lentils, as in most legumes, the limiting amino acid is methionine. The biological value of this amino acid is low, which makes lentils an inferior protein product.
Surprisingly, 24-28 gr. protein, and the body will lack protein! Only because one essential amino acid will not be enough.
Or another example.
Buckwheat is excellent carbohydrate product. This is the so-called. slow carbohydrates, which means that buckwheat can be eaten even with diabetes. fast rise there will be no sugar levels.
In buckwheat, about 12 gr. protein (per 100 gr.). As much as in 100 gr. eggs! But the eggs animal protein, everything is in order with essential amino acids.
And buckwheat is an inferior protein product. Due to the fact that one of the 8 essential amino acids (lysine) is limiting, its biological value is slightly below the norm. And this means that even eating huge portions of buckwheat, we will not be able to provide the body the right amount(or rather, quality) of lysine.

How to live without animal protein

Does the above mean that each of us needs to eat animal proteins? Ideally, the answer is yes.
But there are situations in life when the use of animal proteins is impossible either temporarily (for example, during a religious fast) or permanently (for example, with a vegetarian diet). What to do in such cases?
In fact, the solution is elementary. It is enough to connect to daily diet such foods that will complement the limiting essential amino acid in each other.
For example, lentils and buckwheat complement each other quite well. Buckwheat contains an excellent high-grade methionine, and lentils are full of biologically valuable lysine. As a result, 100 gr. lentils and 100 gr. buckwheat will give almost 40 gr. excellent vegetable protein, which will be in no way inferior to meat, eggs, or dairy products.

Proteins perform, to a greater extent than other nutrients, not only an energy, but also a plastic function. They build new tissues, cells, biologically active molecules of our body. They are not created from the proteins themselves, but from their structural elements – .

Proteins and amino acids

There is a huge variety of proteins that enter the human digestive tract. However, there they are all destroyed. It would seem, under such conditions, what difference does it make whether the protein is animal or vegetable? All the same, under the influence of digestive juices, the protein is completely disassembled into “spare parts”. But no, there is a difference, and it is very significant.

Any protein is composed of chemical structure from amino acids. There are a lot of them in nature, but only a little more than 20 are of value to humans. Different proteins have different amino acid composition, and different amino acids have different values ​​for the body. Why? Because they are divided into three types:

  • Interchangeable - are synthesized in sufficient quantities in the body from other chemical compounds(for example, from glucose). Even if their supply with food stops, a person, as a self-sufficient chemical laboratory, will be able to provide himself with these amino acids.
  • Irreplaceable - are not produced in the body. A person receives them only from food. If these amino acids are missing or not enough in the diet, the functioning of the body is disrupted, diseases develop, and health deteriorates.
  • Partially interchangeable - are synthesized in the human body, but the possibilities of production are limited. These amino acids must also come from food. They are either produced in small quantities, or essential amino acids are the substrate for their synthesis.

Plant and animal proteins differ significantly in chemical composition. Some amino acids are found in sufficient quantities only in proteins of animal origin, while in vegetable they are very few, or not at all. In addition, vegetable protein is less digestible (20-30% of the protein can pass through the intestines in transit without breaking down to amino acids with subsequent absorption into the systemic circulation).

The value of animal protein

For the normal functioning of the body, animal protein must be present in the diet. Man, by design of nature, is a predator. Therefore, the components of animal food are included in the metabolism, and when they are deficient, disturbances in the functioning of organs and systems occur.

At prolonged failure from animal protein, conscious or forced, health suffers far from immediately. This happens gradually over years, because:

  • a certain part of the essential amino acids still comes from plant foods;
  • the body has its own reserves of amino acids - it takes them from its tissues, partially destroying muscles and internal organs.

Animal protein is of the greatest importance for children. If an adult for a long time can do without meat, then for a growing organism the deficiency of such food can be critical. In particular, in many poor countries (mainly Africa), a disease called kwashiokor is common. It is formed mainly due to a deficiency of protein and essential amino acids, and clinically manifests itself:

  • edema;
  • puffiness of the face;
  • ascites (accumulation of fluid in the abdominal cavity).

Such children have a sharp decline muscle mass. They lag behind both in physical and mental development, often get sick, and if changes in the diet are not made, they die.

The value of vegetable protein

Almost all plant foods contain protein in varying amounts. Most proteins are found in legumes, seeds, and grains. Vegetables and fruits contain less protein. But plant foods contain few essential and conditionally essential acids. It is for this reason that vegetable protein is often called inferior.

But still, legumes and nuts - although worse than meat, are better than nothing. Even the complete exclusion from the diet of meat, milk, cheese and other animal sources of protein does not reduce life expectancy, although it often violates its quality, provoking chronic diseases, and leads to a deterioration in the appearance of a person.

According to statistics, vegetarians live longer than all other people. However, one should not assume that the merit in this belongs to vegetable proteins. The reason lies in reduced risk obesity, because plant foods:

  • contains fewer calories;
  • contains more fiber
  • inferior in palatability, which is a good prevention of overeating.

If you are planning to switch to a vegetarian diet, using plant foods as your main source of protein, it is advisable to take the following measures to minimize negative impact for good health:

1. Practice partial vegetarianism. Eat products obtained not from the dead, but from living birds and animals - milk, eggs.

2. If your vegetarianism is complete, take it as biologically active additive or . They are sold in sports nutrition stores.

3. If this is also prohibited by your rules, try to make your diet as diverse as possible by eating different plant foods - this way you minimize the risk of developing a deficiency of individual essential amino acids.

Don't forget about vitamins too. In the absence of meat in your diet, it is advisable to take vitamin and mineral complexes every day.


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Protein - an organic substance consisting of amino acids connected by a peptide bond. Proteins in the human body are formed from 20 specific amino acids, some of which are essential and must be supplied with food.

The role of protein in the body

Proteins are a source of energy, one of the three critical components and building elements. First of all, building elements: approximately 2/3 of the protein that enters the body is used to build its own proteins, 1/3 is broken down for energy.

AT human body these substances perform many various functions: these are enzymes, and building material (keratin, which makes up nails and hair - protein), and regulators of reactions occurring in the body, and signal translators.

Proteins are in the shell and inside the cell, catalyze and accelerate the chemical reactions occurring in the body.

In addition, they perform protective, transport and reserve, receptor and motor function(a separate class of proteins ensures the movement of leukocytes, muscle contraction, etc.). Of course, each task has its own type of protein, but they are all built from standard "bricks".

Complete and incomplete protein

Proteins do not accumulate in the body, so they must be supplied regularly from the outside. And this is where the division into complete and inferior proteins comes into play. food sources proteins give either one type of protein or another.

Complete - those that have in their composition all 20 "bricks" -amino acids. Incomplete - proteins that do not contain one or more essential amino acids, or there is, but in too small amount. However, the body must receive from the outside 8 essential amino acids that it cannot synthesize itself. Hence the general "race" for complete proteins (which contain everything, including these eight amino acids).

Protein sources: animal and vegetable

The source of protein for humans is animals and plants. And there, and there is proteins. "Official" opinion modern specialists says that every day you need to eat from 45 to 100 grams of protein. Animal meat is considered good source full-fledged, according to many experts, do not contain high-grade proteins.

Conclusion working group WHO says this: even with complete vegetarianism, the body still receives all the necessary substances. Why? Because there is a mutual addition of amino acids from different dishes and components.

Well planned vegetarian menu- complete, it supplies the body with everything that is needed, in addition, it can even be therapeutic and dietary. According to studies conducted at the Max Planck Institute in Germany and the Karolinska Institute in Sweden, a sufficient amount of vegetables, fruits and nuts contain complete protein. Thus, both animal protein are suitable for nutrition.

Meat and semi-finished products from it

Animal protein can be obtained from the meat of mammals, birds, fish. Chickens, rabbits, cows, pigs, sheep, various marine and River fish- unprocessed sources of protein. Sausages, sausages, stew - if these products are natural and made according to GOST, they also contain suitable protein.

Foods with high quality protein - eggs and dairy products. Chicken eggs provide an almost perfect protein, moreover, they are digested very well. They have very few drawbacks, but you should not eat them raw - heat treatment promotes better digestibility and getting rid of microbes.

Much the same goes for dairy products. Whey proteins are digested very well, in terms of their amino acid composition they are closest to the amino acid composition of all products. muscle tissue person. The main source of these proteins is whey, which is obtained in the production of rennet cheeses.

Table of proteins "in products":

The protein myth

Until the end of the 20th century, it was believed that only meat and meat products contained complete protein. On English-language resources, this opinion is called the “protein myth”. However, it has since been proven that soybeans also contain all of the essential amino acids.

Source of vegetable protein

Among plants, a complete source of protein is soy and products from it (for example, tofu). Also whole proteins are buckwheat, amaranth, cilantro and hemp seeds, as well as spirulina algae. And if it is difficult to find amaranth, cilantro or hemp in these latitudes, then spirulina and supplements from it are publicly available and are sold in pharmacies and health food stores.

In addition, plants with so-called incomplete proteins are also able to satisfy the need for protein. All that is needed for this is to combine them correctly.

For example, the protein table says that legumes and mushrooms are rich in isoleucine and lysine, while cereals and nuts are rich in tryptophan and sulfur-containing amino acids. Combining various components, we end up with everything we need.

Milk protein

In the "golden era" of bodybuilding, many stars and champions of this sport drank fresh milk. The strong men of that time called it the elixir of strength and drank several liters a day. Doctors agreed with them on this, prescribing dairy products as medicine to their patients.

Nowadays, the sources of proteins in the nutrition of athletes are industrially created supplements. Scientists have learned how to create highly nutritious and balanced mixtures in which whey protein is present in the most accessible form. Some athletes still try to drink milk - but as the general fear of bacteria is gaining momentum, they drink it boiled or pasteurized.

However, the method of the predecessors was good exactly in the form in which they applied it. Modern pasteurized, sterilized, processed milk has little in common with the product that Olympic weightlifting champion John Grimek loved.


To date, whey protein is considered the most easily digestible for humans, but egg protein is inferior to it quite a bit. This source of protein provides complete "bricks" and is considered a reference - other proteins and products are evaluated in comparison with it.

This is one of the most useful products in bodybuilding and powerlifting. Plant protein and animal protein cannot compete with it in effectiveness. widely used in the manufacture of food additives.

Eggs, like milk, can be consumed at any weight, during weight gain and during weight loss. Bodybuilders eat them in huge quantities- for example, Jay Cutler, four times "Mr. Olympia", eats about 170 a week, he eats them twice a day.

Special sports nutrition

The usual sources of protein in the diet can be supplemented with special sports supplements, which are developed by the best scientists at the request of a multi-million dollar industry. These are specially designed complexes and supplements made according to the latest achievements in the field of nutrition and physiology.

The main protein base in sports supplements serve as casein or whey protein. The most serious difference between them is that it is absorbed in the body for 5-6 hours, whey - 1.5-3 hours.

Get them a few different ways resulting in different protein purity and the presence or absence of extraneous fats. However, the technology already makes it possible to obtain a fairly cheap and easily digestible protein that can be used not only by athletes, but also by "ordinary" people.

artificial proteins

The first artificial protein was created more than ten years ago, and during this time, scientists have been able to reach the creation of complex structures. It can be expected that sooner or later products will appear on the market that can replace both meat and plants in this regard. Artificial “meat” has already been created, which scientists grow on the basis of animal cells.

An in vitro protein source may suit everyone, both animal advocates and manufacturers, but for this it is necessary to first reduce the cost of the process, since it is now too expensive for mass production. And the taste of a piece of food should also meet expectations.

Unfortunately, this method is not suitable for vegetarians - they still have to look for complete proteins in plants. However, this may also change in the near future - science is moving forward with huge strides, and the creation of a synthetic protein for general sale is only a matter of time and demand.

All the foods that we eat are usually divided into two large groups- micro and macronutrients. To micronutrients include vitamins and minerals found in food in very small quantities. They are not sources of energy, but it has recently become clear how great their role in metabolism is. They are directly involved in the assimilation of others nutrients and in the regulation of all vital important functions life and development of the body.

To macronutrients include proteins, fats and carbohydrates that are painfully familiar to us. When oxidized, they release energy to perform various functions of the body, and also serve as a building material for various cellular structures.

All the food that we eat enters the digestive tract and is digested in it, that is, it is converted to such a state that it can be freely absorbed and flow through the bloodstream to the organs and tissues in need. She transforms into digestive tract under the influence of many factors, the main of which are the secretory activity of the glands of the stomach, intestines, pancreas, liver. That is, to put it simply, a piece of meat eaten by you cannot be absorbed into the bloodstream and float there in the form of small meat pieces. In the process of digestion under the action of enzymes, this very meat (protein food products) is broken down to amino acids, fats - to fatty acids and glycerol, and digestible carbohydrates - to glucose, fructose and galactose. Then, in this form, they are absorbed into the blood. Moreover, water, pure glucose, fructose and some other substances are absorbed directly, without digestion.

food is irreplaceable source energy, and its main suppliers are fats and carbohydrates, and with them insufficient consumption- proteins. When oxidized in the body, 1 g of fat releases 9 kcal of energy, 1 g of carbohydrates - 4 kcal, 1 g of protein - 4 kcal. Moreover, with simultaneous intake into the body, carbohydrates are first used to cover energy needs, and only then - fats and proteins. The human body is designed in such a way that it consumes carbohydrates first, and fats, if possible, always tries to store in reserve.

Vegetable and animal proteins.

If there is some disagreement on the issues of eating fats and carbohydrates among modern nutritionists, then the question of the importance of using in the diet enough protein is recognized by all unconditionally. This is due to the fact that this same protein is the “building material” for cell walls, muscles and fibers. Proteins make up 15 to 20% of the wet weight of tissues human body. They are the main component of nutrition, as they form the basis of structural elements and tissues, are integral component all enzymes and part of hormones, participate in immune reactions, provide mechanisms for movements. They are constantly necessary for the functioning of all organs and systems of the body.

Dietary proteins are animal and plant origin. Animal proteins are found in large quantities in meat, fish, cheese, eggs and milk. Plant proteins are found in soy , forest nuts , almonds, in cereals, whole grains. Proteins of high biological value are distinguished by the balance of amino acids and good digestibility. These include the proteins of eggs and dairy products, as well as fish.

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Vegetable proteins are less complete, as they have an insufficiently balanced amino acid composition. In addition, the proteins of many herbal products are difficult to digest in the digestive tract, as they are enclosed in shells of fiber and other substances that prevent the action of enzymes. This is especially true for legumes, mushrooms, nuts, and whole grains. More than 90% of amino acids are absorbed from animal proteins in the intestine, and 60–80% from vegetable proteins.

To meet the body's need for amino acids, it is desirable to simultaneously consume both animal and vegetable products.

Ideally, we should consume as much plant protein as animal protein. But, if there is a task to lose weight, then a significant increase in the diet of proteins of plant origin is extremely importance. The fact is that, as you already understood, these proteins are more difficult and longer digested, and, therefore, it is required additional energy for their processing and assimilation. A person practically does not notice this, but the stomach and intestines work more - energy consumption for this increases, and its consumption falls - a person loses weight.

Another undeniable advantage of eating plant-based proteins is that many types of plant foods contain virtually no fat. At the same time, the combination of proteins, for example, with carbohydrates reduces the total glycemic index. That is, on the one hand, proteins slow down the absorption of sugars into the blood, on the other hand, the very presence of carbohydrates contributes to best digestibility both protein and fat foods. But if there are few fats, then proteins are perfectly absorbed.

Preservation of the protein mass of the body, subject to any low calorie diet is the main task. All human muscles are made up of protein. adipose tissue can decrease only by burning in muscle cells during their work. There is no other way to get rid of excess fat! Fat cannot be melted in a bath, cannot be removed with diuretics, and cannot be burned with other “miracle pills”. Fats can burn only in the mitochondria of muscle cells with certain dosed physical activity!

Overabundance and deficiency of protein.

Under conditions of full or partial protein deficiency the body immediately begins to expend its own tissues - muscles, liver, immune cells. In addition, the depletion of muscle and connective tissue fibers leads to the appearance of cellulite. In general, the cause of cellulite is that subcutaneous fat at some point, it begins to be deposited, roughly speaking, not in an even layer, but in the form of lumps and whole clusters, weakly interconnected. To hold, or, more precisely, to bind these body fat should muscle and protein connective tissue. The stronger they are, the more evenly the fat is distributed. And what will happen if this fabric melts before our eyes? Hence the protruding tubercles of cellulite.

Muscle and connective tissues, in turn, cannot grow without a sufficient amount of “building material” - proteins - entering the body. In women, by nature, protein synthesis is always inferior in intensity to fat. And when the half-starved time comes unloading days”, or even complete starvation (at least curative, at least forced), then this gap - between the breakdown of proteins and their synthesis - becomes huge. This is another reason to think 10 times before going on any low-calorie diet.

Increased protein intake, so heavily advertised in a number of modern trendy diets, is also unsafe! Total protein should not exceed 110–120 g per day, and no more than 30–40 g of pure protein is absorbed at one meal. Remember this number! The rest of the undigested protein simply rots in the intestines, supporting the development pathogenic flora and inhibiting beneficial bifidus and lactobacilli. long excess consumption protein causes a violation in the tissues of the liver and kidneys. Derivatives gradually accumulate in the body uric acid contributing to the development of gout and urolithiasis.

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What is "protein"? Amino acids.

Proteins (polypeptides) are long protein chains that are connected by separate links - amino acids. The amino acid composition of all proteins is not the same and is the most important criterion their value in the process of assimilation by the body. Amino acids are called the "building blocks" of the body. These are the "bricks" of protein molecules that can be combined in different sequences, like parts of a children's designer. Each such combination is separate view squirrel. Thanks to the versatility of amino acids, we can eat animal meat and plant fruits. In our digestive system foreign protein chains break down into "bricks" of amino acids, and then they combine in a new way, forming the body's internal protein, including muscle protein. Most of the proteins in the human body are found in ongoing process synthesis and decay. It is important not only the intake of proteins in the body in required quantity, but also their qualitative composition.

All proteins are made up of various combinations of 24 amino acids. Moreover, only L-amino acids are used for protein synthesis. The letter L before the name of amino acids and other biologically active substances means the left-handed form - that is, the one that is characteristic of the human body. Legal forms (with the letter D) are not used in food and pharmaceutical technologies. They are harmful to humans.

Some amino acids cannot be synthesized in the human body and must be constantly supplied with food. They are called indispensable. These include valine, leucine, isoleucine, threonine, methionine, phenylalanine, tryptophan, lysine, and in some cases arginine.

For normal synthesis of their own proteins in the human body, the amino acids that come with food must be strictly balanced (balanced) in their composition, that is, as close as possible in composition to human protein tissues. The lack of the amount of one or another amino acid limits the use of other amino acids for protein synthesis. A significant excess leads to the formation of toxic metabolic products. The protein of beef, pork, fish, poultry, legumes, nuts, etc. contains amino acids in a ratio that is far from in the best way suits the person. Some amino acids are missing, some are contained in the protein structure in an unnecessary excess. So if you're gorging yourself on the best chicken meat, this does not mean at all that you are sufficiently supporting yourself with protein.

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Permanent, prolonged sideways tilt certain types amino acids can lead to a chronic deficiency of protein synthesis in the body, especially if you decide to eat regularly, for example, one chicken meat. In your diet, you should vary protein sources as much as possible, including through plant-based products. Only in this way will you be able to provide your body with all kinds of amino acids!

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Mostly we are talking about proteins of animal and vegetable origin. Some vegetarians are mistaken at once in some moments connected with food proteins. First, we are convinced that animal and vegetable proteins do not differ from each other. Secondly, some people are naively convinced that the body will produce all the amino acids itself, "if it needs it." Therefore, today I propose to talk about proteins.

The first and most important statement of scientists is that there are no proteins in nature that would be ideally absorbed by the human body. Everyone will have to agree with this: both vegetarians and meat-eaters. And the whole problem lies in the amino acids that make up various proteins. There are more than 150 amino acids in nature. Their various variations, both in quantity and in qualitative composition, and form such a vast variety of proteins, their specificity and originality. However, as we have said more than once, 20 amino acids are enough for a person. 12 of them he can recreate himself, and 8 must come from food. So what foods contain the most complete and necessary set of amino acids for humans? That's what it is main question. Then it will be clear what you need to cook for dinner.

For ease of understanding, scientists conditionally divided proteins into 4 classes.

First grade. This class includes proteins that are not the most valuable with biological point vision. They lack some essential amino acids. But these proteins have the so-called nutritional specificity. The body is able to supplement the missing amino acids with non-essential amino acids. AT this moment this ability to correct the aminogram of the proteins of some products is considered by scientists to be the most valuable. These include milk and egg proteins. That is why, having rebuilt the “formula” for itself, the body assimilates egg protein (uses it as a building material) almost completely - by 92-100%. The proteins of fermented milk (used up to 90%) and fresh milk (up to 83%) are slightly inferior to it.

Second class. It included primarily beef proteins, then fish, soy, rapeseed and cottonseed proteins. I repeat once again: in these proteins, the ratio of essential amino acids (aminogram) is the best for a person. But it's not perfect either. And besides, they do not have the so-called compensation phenomenon: the body does not correct the aminogram in these proteins, bringing it to the ideal. If they had a compensatory ability, then these proteins would certainly come first. But even without that, they are still considered the most valuable.

Third class. This includes all vegetable grain proteins. They are also much worse in biological value than the first two classes, and the ratio of essential amino acids is “weaker”, and their body does not correct the aminogram.

Fourth grade. In it, scientists included the proteins of gelatin and hemoglobin. These proteins were called defective, and also defective. They do not contain essential amino acids at all, and their biological value is zero.

Since there are no ideal proteins for humans, experts believe that proper nutrition is a combination of products that could complement each other with essential amino acids. But, as in any other matter, in building the principle rational nutrition also has its own basis. Most a large number of essential amino acids and their best ratio is found in animal proteins! In addition, it has been reliably established that animal proteins contribute to a more complete assimilation of vegetable proteins. Moreover, many vitamins and minerals are poorly absorbed without sufficient protein. Therefore, the basis proper nutrition- Animal protein. And you can add everything else to it.

And now - I beg your pardon, gentlemen, it will be a little boring. I want to twirl some numbers. If someone is seriously interested in the protein topic, then be patient and look at this piece of text.

As I said, we are in dire need of essential amino acids. Among them, the most important amino acids are tryptophan, methionine and lysine. If there were a protein ideal for the human body, then the ratio of these amino acids in it would be: 1.0 (tryptophan): 3.5 (methionine): 5.5 (lysine).

Now let's compare what we actually have in natural products:

Animal meat proteins - 1.0: 2.5: 8.5.
Freshwater fish proteins - 0.9: 2.8: 10.1.
Protein chicken egg – 1,6: 3,3: 6,9.
Fresh milk protein - 1.5: 2.1: 7.4.
Wheat grain protein - 1.2: 1.2: 2.5.
Soy proteins - 1.0: 1.6: 6.3.

If we compare these mathematical expressions, then it is easy to guess that the proteins of eggs, milk and meat are the most adapted for our organisms. This is the basis of the human diet. And they already need to attach additional products: bread, vegetables, cereal cereals.

In conclusion, I want to say: before choosing one or another diet, it is imperative to understand what proteins mean for a person. And they play a huge role in life. They mean EVERYTHING to us! They underlie all transformations in the body. Protein is all life processes in the body, it is metabolism, it is the ability to reproduce and grow, and finally, human thinking is also protein. Keep this in mind before choosing any diet.

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