Life in graph paper. Quantum therapy and its methods

From the book of O.I. Eliseeva "Why a person gets cancer"

In a sick human body, information about the disease and the plan according to which it develops are stored. Quantum therapy techniques allow you to “erase”, that is, destroy, information about the disease, disrupt the plan of the disease, and prevent it from being realized. How can I do that?

The frequency of the resonant electromagnetic wave of incoherent radio emission, which is used in quantum therapy, is precisely set during diagnostics. Suppose that a person who seems to be not sick, but who cannot work at full strength, came to the examination. He seems to lack the vitality to lead the active lifestyle to which he is accustomed. Of course, this is alarming for any person, and even more so for a young person.

In this case, quantum medicine first conducts diagnostics, that is, it reveals abnormal frequencies in the human body - its disharmony. After diagnosis, treatment is carried out. The resonant frequencies for each patient will be different. Quantum therapy uses a whole range of different frequencies that are identified during diagnostics. When exposed to diseased human organs by resonant incoherent electromagnetic radiation, the interacting waves are reduced, and the anomalous area of ​​matter is eliminated from a single quantum state. It becomes an ordinary material object, which is subsequently utilized by the organism itself. The treatment carried out with the help of a resonant beam affects the "field of disease". Re-diagnosis using quantum medicine techniques shows partial or complete removal of abnormal quantum states in blood plasma. So the matter of human blood plasma begins to gradually recover, recover, enter into a normal oscillatory mode.

How do the areas - the "field of disease" - look like in the matter of blood plasma? They can be identified using a scanning electron microscope. Here they are highlighted by anomalous image contrast. Electron microscopy techniques indicate that the shown matter of blood plasma is heterogeneous in chemical composition. After exposure to such matter by a resonant beam, the collapse, or reduction, of two waves occurs and the microscopic "disease field" (lighter areas) is removed. So the anomalous quantum states in the matter of the blood plasma, as it were, were “cut out”. The viscosity of the blood plasma after such exposure decreased, the atoms and molecules took a new position. It may remind you of a crowd of people that has thinned out.

To restore matter, it is necessary to carry out diagnostics and treatment using quantum medicine methods several times. The next impact on matter by a resonant beam will remove more and more new areas with an anomalous structure of matter, identified during diagnostics. This will continue until the diagnosis shows the absence of areas with an abnormal structure. The exact selection of chemicals that act like a resonant beam is difficult. It is unlikely that nature also used it to change the quantum states of matter in the natural system. At the disposal of nature, the main tool for influencing matter was, in all likelihood, electromagnetic radiation. And it can be difficult to track the end of treatment. quantum therapy is able to fully track the entire treatment. But for this, too, there are “hard” methods that do not allow, without understanding the processes occurring during the treatment and diagnosis, to use the effect of an electromagnetic beam on the human body.

In the ecosystem under consideration, in the human blood plasma, under the influence of a resonant beam and subsequent changes in the matter of the blood plasma, the fungal and algal microflora first of all decreases. Its mass reproduction is no longer visible, erythrocytes gradually take their usual form. They work like enzymes but do not produce any substance. Their task is to actively deliver oxygen to the ecosystem, so the substrate, or matter of human blood plasma, should contribute to this.

Readers who take advantage of our data for practical application can observe the repeated restoration of the shape and size of erythrocytes to normal. But to assess the quality of treatment, it will be necessary to visually track a very in large numbers samples, how blood cells are restored, or to carry out auxiliary frequency measurements.

All diseases are different, and their neglect is also different. For example, the matter of human blood plasma cannot be restored all at once. Individual areas will be noticeable where this gradually occurs. In some parts of the matter, partial gluing of erythrocytes, or their aggregation, may still be preserved. Treatment contributes to the restoration of the oscillatory mode of the blood plasma matter. Sometimes the red blood cells may look like they are drowning in it. All this should be treated as a fact that has a place to be. But once again we say: "As in any treatment, practice and experience are needed here."

An incoherent radio wave sent into the human body is a question posed by a doctor. Returning, the wave bears traces of the environment in which it has been. According to these prints, the doctor finds the answer to his question - makes a diagnosis.

Continuing the treatment, the doctor determines that the response beam has changed. But the treatment must be repeated: one, two, three, and finally the patient is helped - the information about the disease is destroyed.

The laws of physics, the properties of elementary particles and various electromagnetic fields are eternal, that is, they do not depend on time. Billions of years may pass, and physical and chemical laws will not change. Only matter will change. It evolves everywhere and always. Blood plasma is no exception. Alas, but this is how we get sick, this is how we age.

The primary microorganisms of the planet have learned to produce certain substances to save their home from the penetration of not only aliens, but also increased radiation. All sorts of films and leathery coatings could serve as them. To prevent the development of life from disappearing, a multicellular organism began to develop such protection. But what microorganisms produce to protect themselves from increased cosmic radiation is completely unsuitable for humans. It's absolutely different substances, different matter. The cells of the human body produce fat-like substances for this purpose. And this means that in order to protect yourself from cosmic factors, the main chemical "factories" must work actively: the liver, gallbladder, pancreas. This became obvious already during the very first sessions of quantum therapy, when gradually the entire oscillatory system of a person begins to align and interdependent organs enter a normal oscillatory mode. Even minor recovery frequency interdependence of the liver, gallbladder and pancreas allows for a long time to observe positive changes in the matter of blood plasma. With longer treatment with a complete cleansing of the body, we were able to better see the release of fat-like substances into the blood plasma.

During 10 years of health-improving activity, thousands of seriously ill patients applied to us at the Center, which uses quantum medicine methods in diagnostics and treatment.

Patients received, for example, daily resonant-frequency electromagnetic therapy using the Mini-Expert T device from IMEDIS. Blood tests were carried out daily. We observed a daily improvement in the condition of erythrocytes, a decrease in pathological elements in the blood plasma, and a restoration of the frequency response of organs. It was noted that the following factors influence the state of blood plasma:

  • harmful external radiation;
  • food that does not correspond to the state of the body;
  • toxins;
  • infectious microorganisms;
  • intoxication with harmful external and internal poisonous chemicals;
  • unfavorable ecological environment;
  • stress.

Under the influence of any of these factors, as well as the release of hormones during negative emotions, the chemical composition of the blood changes dramatically, and, consequently, its density, viscosity, fluidity, clotting, etc.

The doctors of our Center set the task: to test the effect of multi-resonance therapy on erythrocytes and various pathological blood elements. Electron microscope studies made it possible to solve this problem. But especially valuable were the results obtained with the help of energy dispersive analysis in a scanning electron microscope, which makes it possible to carry out a chemical analysis of both blood plasma and pathological elements in it.

The following technique was carried out: under sterile conditions, blood was taken from the patient from a finger, a blood smear was prepared on the glass. Blood analysis was carried out before multiresonance therapy, in the middle of the course and at the end of its application. The treatment was carried out according to the tested electromagnetic frequencies of diseases and microorganisms. The duration of the session was from 3 to 5 minutes, 2-3 times daily, per course - from 7 to 10 sessions.

In the process of research, it was found that the chemical composition of blood plasma, density, and viscosity improve in patients. Due to this, adhesion and aggregation of erythrocytes are significantly reduced.

This allowed us to conclude that the factors that contributed to the recovery of patients acted - this was the restoration of the physico-chemical parameters of the matter of the blood plasma; restoration of the functions of blood cells; death or melting of pathological microorganisms (but not only as a result of exposure to antimicrobial electromagnetic waves, but also as a result of the restoration of blood plasma matter, in which pathological microorganisms can no longer exist).

The quantum (electromagnetic) characteristics of blood plasma and organs that were incompatible with the life of pathological microorganisms were restored.

Quantum characteristic of the human body and its harmonization

In normal physiological state The body maintains relative synchronization of various oscillatory (wave) processes, while in pathological conditions violations of oscillatory harmony are observed. This can be expressed in disruption of the rhythms of the main physiological processes, for example, due to a sharp predominance of the mechanisms of excitation or inhibition in the central nervous system and changes in the cortical-subcortical interactions of the brain. Therefore, resonant influences and the degree of synchronization of body systems for their normal functioning are currently assigned an important role.

The idea of ​​correcting body functions with the help of weak electromagnetic oscillations inherent in the patient himself was first expressed and scientifically substantiated by the German scientist, doctor F. Morell (1977). Further, the talented Russian scientist Yu. V. Gotovsky developed a device for bioresonance therapy (patent No. 2070406 “Adaptive bioresonance therapy device”).

Bioresonance therapy is a treatment with electromagnetic vibrations, with which the structures of the body enter into a resonant state both at the cellular level and at the level of the membranes of the whole organism. When carrying out bioresonance therapy, there is an increase in weak physiological and a weakening of pathological fluctuations in the human body (endogenous bioresonance therapy). Or normal physiological electromagnetic oscillations are imposed on the body (exogenous bioresonance therapy).

In the process of using bioresonance therapy, we noted that with a sharply weakened body, when all indications for biologically active points are below 20 conventional units. unit, the impact of endogenous bioresonance therapy worsens the patient's well-being. At the same time, the effect of exogenous bioresonance therapy does not worsen, but does not improve the patient's well-being either. This happens because the body does not have enough internal weak energy potentials to rise to normal physiological indicators, no matter how much the apparatus tries to raise them. In addition, there are no strong potentials in the body that could be given to weaker ones.

If the patient had a pronounced pathological condition(for example, for some cancer), proceeding with a high energy level of the potential (90 and above conventional units), then endogenous bioresonance therapy also could not equalize the fluctuations and lead them to physiological indicators, since there were no weak energy potentials, due to which it would be possible to correct (lower) the strong ones.

Therefore, we have developed a new method of harmonizing physiological fluctuations with resonant frequencies corresponding to the state of the body, organ or problem focus on the day of treatment, gradually leading it to normal.

The harmonization method is as follows. In order to harmonize or normalize the electromagnetic characteristic of the human body, it is necessary to measure the initial values ​​of this characteristic. Thanks to the IMEDIS equipment, the doctors of our Center have been doing this for 5 years already.

You already know that during treatment, electromagnetic waves “collapse”, their extinction, and reduction occur. So within one minute it is possible to "pay off" most pathological electromagnetic waves. After that, we determine the next pathological electromagnetic characteristic of the human body and act in the same way. We carry out sequential measurement and therapy.

So gradually we get the extinction of pathological electromagnetic oscillations in the human body to the residual normal 20 Hz, and in the brain (Schumann normal) - 7.8-11.0 Hz.

As you know, bringing the body into a harmonious quantum (electromagnetic) state, removing blocks from the meridians, increasing immunity already creates the conditions for the body to gradually eliminate pathological organic problems on its own.

How is quantum harmonization of an organism carried out in practice?

It usually takes 7-8 minutes.

  1. The original resonant frequency at which the human body is currently operating is being tested. The higher the frequency, the more sick the body is, the more it is affected by fungi and helminths, since they “live” at high frequencies and create the greatest quantum disharmony of all microorganisms.
  2. For example, we tested frequencies of 80.2-80.5 Hz.
  3. We carry out therapy at these frequencies of electromagnetic waves. In the programming mode, set the initial frequency - 80.2 Hz and the final - 80.0 Hz. The time is tested during the treatment, as a rule, it is 1 minute.
  4. The resonant frequency of the human body is tested after treatment. Suppose the frequency has become 60.3-60.65 Hz. We carry out therapy in the manner described above.
  5. And so on, we carry out measurement and therapy until we test the processing of these frequencies up to 20 Hz for the human body.

For the head:

  1. We test the initial frequencies and continue energy harmonization and testing until frequencies are within 10-11 Hz.
  2. We carry out treatment with Schumann electromagnetic waves of 7.8 Hz.

Previously, we carried out treatment, taking on faith the conclusions of physicists that there are pathological electromagnetic oscillations in the body and the apparatus can destroy them. But you and I are accustomed to believing what you can "feel" and see.

After studying human blood plasma, we saw not only electromagnetic resonators, but also, in fact, disease patterns. Now, by conducting quantum (electromagnetic) harmonization of the human body, we have a deeper understanding of what happens in the human body in the process of treatment and recovery. With the help of a new method of quantum therapy, we can restore the electromagnetic characteristics of not only the human body as a whole, but also individual bodies, as well as affect the pathological focus in the body and in the blood.

Back in 2000, we treated 110 people with severe chronic diseases and achieved significant positive clinical results.

At present, with the addition of electromagnetic harmonization of individual pathological organs and blood, we are getting even better results in the treatment of many complex diseases.

Usually, a sick person goes to the hospital, where the doctor prescribes medicines to him, which must be purchased at the pharmacy. Of course, medicines have many advantages and help get rid of many diseases. But they also have significant drawbacks. They have a toxic effect on the body, can cause allergies and even drug-induced illness.

Therefore, in recent times non-drug therapies that have a therapeutic effect by regulating bioenergy are gaining more and more popularity. These techniques include quantum therapy - a new method of treatment based on thousands of years of experience of Eastern healers. How does it work? How long does the treatment last? What diseases can be treated with therapy? Are there any contraindications for use?

Biological points and their characteristics

According to the statements of Chinese healers, channels pass through the human body through which vital energy moves. This energy comes from parents, comes from products, the surrounding space and the bowels of the earth. It is absorbed through biologically active points, also called acupuncture points, located on the surface of the body and associated with energy channels. If negative energy penetrates the body, then the functioning of the points is disturbed, as a result of which pathological changes occur in the system of organs associated with them, leading to diseases. To normalize the activity of biological points and restore energy metabolism, ancient Chinese healers began to use the method of acupuncture.

Modern doctors have created special schemes that allow you to determine the localization of biological points and their connection with certain organs.

Despite the great importance of each point, several particularly valuable areas can be distinguished:

  • temporal region containing points of the central nervous system;
  • the occipital region, which houses the points of the autonomic nervous system that regulates activity internal organs;
  • the area of ​​the spinal column, the points of which affect the work of all organs located inside the body;
  • the area of ​​the hands and feet, containing a huge number of biologically active points that control all body functions.

You can activate vital energy not only with needles.

In modern medicine, to influence acupuncture points, they use:

  • manual massage;
  • massage with various objects;
  • special substances acting on nerve endings;
  • water procedures;
  • physiotherapy;
  • a magnetic field;
  • electromagnetic field;
  • quantum light.

You can choose one method of exposure you like or combine several methods with each other.

Features of quantum impact

The science of healing with light and color has been known since ancient times. But at the end of the last century, she found a new life.

Quantum Therapy is also called MIL Therapy, Bioresonance Therapy and Future Medicine Therapy. It is based on the use of lasers, sources of polarizing and ultraviolet light. Quantum-laser devices are used to influence the body. They must be applied to certain areas of the body.

Quantum light - narrowly directed light waves with different colors.

Exposure of the body to light is completely safe and does not cause any discomfort.

The course of treatment consists of 12 daily sessions lasting 40-60 minutes (each zone is acted upon for 3-5 minutes). For a complete recovery, you will need to spend 5-6 courses. Between them take two weeks breaks.

To achieve the desired result, the treatment must be conscious, sufficient, gradual, consistent and regular.

Benefits of Quantum Therapy

Under the influence of light waves:

  • leaves pain syndrome;
  • relieve inflammation;
  • swelling decreases;
  • the concentration of cholesterol in the blood decreases;
  • improves local blood circulation;
  • tissue regeneration is accelerated;
  • synthesis of collagen and enzymes necessary for the body is activated.

In addition, they have an antioxidant effect and contribute to the rejuvenation of the body.

What color to choose?

Particular attention should be paid to the choice of color:

  • purple - relieves arousal and has a calming effect, relieves epilepsy, rheumatism, diseases musculoskeletal system, overdose causes depression, drowsiness and depression;
  • blue - stops bleeding, heals burns, relieves fever, relieves irritability and excessive excitement, with prolonged use causes depression and sadness;
  • blue - used in the treatment of sinusitis, otitis, diseases of the organ of vision;
  • green - the color of harmony and balance, has a beneficial effect on nervous system and on the heart, calms and balances emotions, stimulates regenerative processes and promotes bone fusion;
  • yellow - improves the functioning of the brain and activates intellectual activity, contributes to the treatment skin diseases, but with prolonged use can cause depression and exhaustion;
  • orange - stimulates digestive processes, treats renal pathologies, increases potency, strengthens the immune system, but it cannot be used for a long time, it is contraindicated in nervous diseases;
  • red - has a stimulating effect, heals wounds, relieves pain, treats depression, blood diseases, oncology, but in case of overdose it causes agitation and aggressiveness, which is why it is contraindicated in hypertension and nervousness;
  • white - the color of purity, cleanses, energizes, gives comfort, protects from pain;
  • silver - cleanses the body, relieves troubles and pathologies, has positive action with blood diseases and cancer;
  • gold is the most strong color, helps with many diseases;
  • black - has negative energy and has an overwhelming effect on the psyche, which is why it is not used in quantum therapy.

Indications and contraindications

Quantum therapy helps to achieve excellent results in the treatment of diseases of the respiratory, digestive, genitourinary, endocrine and nervous systems.

Exposure to light is prescribed for:

  • chronic bronchitis;
  • pneumonia;
  • migraines;
  • post-thrombotic syndrome;
  • diabetic angiopathy;
  • postinfarction cardiosclerosis;
  • obliterating endarteritis;
  • ulcer;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • Raynaud's disease;
  • asthenia;
  • depressed state;
  • immunodeficiency.

But despite the enormous benefits of quantum therapy, some contraindications are also known.

You can not carry out procedures with:

quantum medicine


Quantum medicine, quantum therapy or quantum healing. It seems to me logical and correct to give a brief definition of this concept.

Quantum medicine is a set of therapeutic and diagnostic measures aimed at restoring the body's homeostasis at the informational, energy and somatic levels, which is based on the interaction of low-energy (quantum) doses (values) of environmentally friendly electromagnetic radiation with information-energy structures of the human body.

What does this mean in simple human language? Let's try to consider in more detail the subject of quantum medicine, which for now is just a dry scientific definition for us.

Quantum medicine, in fact, is a combination of various (and drug-free) methods of treatment: laser, infrared, electromagnetic, extremely high-frequency and light. And, as practice shows, it is effective in the treatment of over two hundred diseases. At the same time, the scope of quantum medicine is not limited to the medical direction. Its application is extremely wide - it is both the prevention of diseases, and the diagnosis, and the rehabilitation of patients after treatment, and the action is based on the targeted action of small doses (quanta) of electromagnetic radiation. That is we are talking about the beneficial effect on the vital processes of both the whole organism as a whole and its systems, organs, cells of natural, close to natural, factors of electromagnetic influence. At the same time, since quantum medicine uses low powers of energy impact, this impact is absolutely safe, but it allows you to defeat an abnormal process that has arisen in the body - a disease. What explains this?

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Under the influence of low-intensity radiation of quantum therapy, cell membranes and intracellular formations change, which leads to an increase in the activity of the transport of substances through the membrane and an increase in the main bioenergetic processes, i.e. low-intensity red and infrared radiation have a pronounced regenerative, trophic, analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect.

A promising direction under various names received rapid development in the early 90s. In the impact methods quantum therapy a weak magnetic field strength of 35-65 mT, broadband infrared radiation in the 890-960 nm wavelength range, pulsating red light in the visible range 640-740 nm, coherent pulsed low-energy laser radiation with a wavelength of 890 nm, pulsating red light in the visible range 640-740 are used nm. (MIL-therapy = Magneto-Infrared-Laser Therapy, Quantum Medicine

Laser infrared radiation deeply, up to 10 -13 cm, penetrates into tissues and has a powerful stimulating effect on blood circulation, membrane and intracellular metabolism, activates physiological processes, harmonizes hormonal system. It has a pronounced restorative, trophic ( power manager and vital functions of the body), analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect.

Broadband infrared, having less than laser penetration into tissues and a greater spectral breadth, it has a powerful harmonizing effect on the tone of the central and autonomic nervous system.

red visible light, penetrating to a shallow depth, however, has a beneficial effect, reducing the intensity of inflammatory processes.

A magnetic field serves to create energy protection of the body from the harmful effects of the environment, including meteorological factors.

All of the above factors, acting together (synergistically) and mutually reinforcing each other, determine the unique effect of quantum therapy. By the totality of its mechanisms, quantum therapy acts on the links of the body common to various diseases, which determines a wide range for its application.

Principal Feature quantum therapy- dosed purposeful low-intensity impact. Because in all biological systems of a living organism in many diseases, physicochemical and biochemical processes occur at low energy levels, to bring their level to normal, it is required a small amount of additional energy applied physical factor.

Under the influence of low-intensity radiation, cell membranes and intracellular formations change, which leads to an increase in the activity of transport of substances through the membrane and an increase in the main bioenergetic processes, i.e. low-intensity red and infrared radiation have a pronounced regenerative, trophic, analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect.

A list of major diseases, including more than 200 diseases and related health problems, where application quantum therapy has shown practical effectiveness, clearly demonstrates the exceptional range of applications, and, consequently, the need for a wide range of users.

Quantum therapy devices treat more than 200 diseases - isn't it self-hypnosis?

First, about 200 diseases. The fact that a quantum therapy apparatus used at home is able to cope with two hundred diseases should not be surprising. And that's why. Quantum therapy is known to affect cells and subcellular structures. Yet disease is a malfunction of the body at the cellular level. “Forcing” the cell to work normally, the apparatus, thereby, “returns” the entire body to a normal healthy state. And in this case, the "residence" of the cells does not play a role.

Now about the high efficiency of treatment with the quantum therapy apparatus. If the therapeutic, rehabilitative and preventive effect were observed only in adult patients, then it would be possible to assume the presence of the so-called. "placebo effect", i.e. therapeutic effect of self-hypnosis. In fact, everything positive effects applications of quantum therapy devices are observed in any multicellular organic structures: plants-animals-people.

An increase in seed germination, an increase in the resistance of seedlings to diseases are objective facts, confirmed by many years and numerous studies of research organizations of the system Agriculture. Livestock, domestic animals, zoo inhabitants are also not subject to self-hypnosis.

And finally, people. The successful and documented use of devices in pediatrics is a very strong argument against the idea of ​​autosuggestion.

What is the essence of treatment with quantum therapy devices?

A person is a collection of a huge number of cells. The state of health / ill health is determined by their ability to carry out their functions, which ultimately come down to gas exchange (relatively speaking, respiration), transportation, processing and synthesis of molecules various types and species (conditionally - nutrition). All these processes are carried out at the molecular and submolecular levels.

"Failure" at any stage of these processes is called a disease. Modern Western medicine, unlike traditional Eastern medicine, tries to "get" to the places of "failures" with drug molecules, a surgeon's scalpel, etc. methods.

Quantum therapy uses much more subtle and delicate methods.

  • Firstly, a quantum (a portion of quantums) with the help of terminal-emitters of quantum therapy devices is successfully delivered exactly where it is needed for treatment.
  • And, secondly, any impact by the methods of quantum therapy is inherently not traumatic. The energy of a portion of quanta (1.5 eV) entering a diseased/healthy cell is not enough either to damage its structure or to disrupt its functions. On the other hand, it is still enough to “shake up” the cell, give it additional energy so that it can cope with its problems on its own. Thus, it is guaranteed that there is no risk of complications, no side effects in the course of treatment.

Medical fields

Number of patients

Treatment result


no effect

Abs. number

Abs. number

Cardiology 7 140 6 497 91 643 9
Gastroenterology 9 520 8 854 93 666 7
Pulmonology 14 000 12 460 89 1 540 11
Surgery 7 280 6 334 87 946 13
Rheumatology 5 600 4 816 86 784 14
Neurology 5 600 5 208 93 392 7
Joint diseases 18 347 17 613 96 734 4
Gynecology 980 882 90 98 10
Otolaryngology 4 200 3 654 87 546 13
Dentistry 980 902 92 78 8
Urology 7 000 6 160 88 840 12
Dermatology 280 252 90 28 10
Proctology 3 640 3 422 94 218 16
Cosmetology 1815 1 635 90 180 10
Prevention 9 940

The number of diseases decreases by 3.9 - 5.6 times

Type of diseases Reducing the need for drugs Reduction of treatment time
Ischemic heart disease, myocardial infarction, rheumatic heart disease 2-3 times For 8-12 days
Prostatitis No drugs 2.5 times
Radiculitis, osteochondrosis No drugs 1.7-2.2 times
Pneumonia 1.9 times For 5-8 days
Wounds, burns 2.4 times 2-3 times
Gastric ulcer, duodenal ulcer 2.7 times; in 60% of cases, you can completely refuse drugs For 6-9 days
Hypertonic disease I - II stages - without drugs For 3-5 days
Prevention of ENT diseases No drugs The possibility of disease is reduced by 89%
Prevention of bronchial asthma, bronchitis No drugs The possibility of disease is reduced by 76%

The summary tables were prepared according to the data provided to the Association "Quantum Medicine" by the organizations of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, and non-governmental medical centers in Russia.

Among them are the Moscow Research Institute of Pediatrics and Pediatric Surgery M3 RF; Moscow City Children's clinical Hospital No. 9; Moscow Regional Research Institute of Obstetrics and Gynecology; Moscow medical Academy them. I. M. Sechenov; Military Medical Academy, St. Petersburg; Russian Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education; Central Clinical Hospital. S. M. Botkin, Moscow; Russian oncological science Center them. N. N. Blokhin RAMS, Moscow; Russian University Friendship between nations; Moscow City Clinical Hospital No. 29; State Scientific Center for Laser Medicine M3 RF, Moscow; Main military hospital N. N. Burdenko, Moscow; Research Institute of Pediatric Hematology M3 RF, Moscow.

Quantum therapy devices (MIL-therapy)

Among the quantum therapy devices presented on the Russian market, the most famous, in our opinion, are:

    MIL-therapy devices MILTA-F5-01 and MILTA-F8-01. Manufacturer "Scientific and Production Association (NPO) of Space Instrumentation", Russia (founded in 1992); Trademarks of this manufacturer are also MILTA, MILTA, MILTA-F.

    Apparatus Rikta from the manufacturer CJSC "Milta-PKP GIT", Russia. Production since 1991. Trademarks of this manufacturer are also ESMIL (currently Rikta-Esmil 1A and Rikta-Esmil 2A devices are produced). In foreign markets, devices are also presented under the TERRAQUANT brand.

Quantum medicine is the latest direction in medicine, which is a union of the ancient traditions of the East and the latest achievements of quantum physics. Quantum medicine balances the "man - nature" ratio and launches the hidden possibilities of a person at all levels, which allows for a short time boost immunity, mobilize defensive forces body and direct them to active opposition to emerging diseases. In this book: fundamentals of quantum medicine and human energy anatomy; sound therapy, universal energy grid (UEG) calibration and electrical balancing magnetic field person; bioresonance, field and inverse wave therapy; energy balancing by pulsor microcrystals; holistic medicine – energy medicine of the future; DNA activation and Theta healing; palsing and diksha; fundamentals of cosmic energy.

A series: quantum medicine

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The following excerpt from the book Quantum Healing (Mikhail Svetlov, 2008) provided by our book partner - the company LitRes.

quantum medicine


Quantum medicine, quantum therapy or quantum healing. It seems to me logical and correct to give a brief definition of this concept.

quantum medicine is a set of therapeutic and diagnostic measures aimed at restoring the body's homeostasis at the informational, energy and somatic levels, which is based on the interaction of low-energy (quantum) doses (values) of environmentally friendly electromagnetic radiation with information-energy structures of the human body.

What does this mean in simple human language? Let's try to consider in more detail the subject of quantum medicine, which for now is just a dry scientific definition for us.

Quantum medicine, in fact, is a combination of various (moreover, drug-free) methods of treatment: laser, infrared, electromagnetic, extremely high-frequency and light. And, as practice shows, it is effective in the treatment of over two hundred diseases. At the same time, the scope of quantum medicine is not limited to the medical direction. Its application is extremely wide - it is both the prevention of diseases, and the diagnosis, and the rehabilitation of patients after treatment, and the action is based on the targeted effect of small doses (quanta) of electromagnetic radiation. That is, we are talking about a beneficial effect on the life processes of both the whole organism as a whole and its systems, organs, cells of natural, close to natural, factors of electromagnetic influence. At the same time, since quantum medicine uses low powers of energy impact, this impact is absolutely safe, but it allows you to defeat an abnormal process that has arisen in the body - a disease. What explains this?

Differences and advantages

Quantum impact on the body triggers hidden, usually unused, capabilities of the body at all levels - from a single cell to the whole body, which allows for a short period of time to increase a person's immunity, mobilize his defenses and direct them to actively resist emerging diseases or functional abnormalities. Is based this technique on the unambiguous display of all biological processes accompanying the life of a living organism in the structure electromagnetic information field, that surrounds the body and is present inside it.

If we turn to the numbers obtained by studying the results of the work of quantum medicine, we will see the following picture:

The use of quantum medicine allows:

Reduce mortality rates from extensive myocardial infarction - by 2 times;

Reduce the frequency of exacerbations in coronary heart disease - 9 times;

Reduce the healing time for fractures or wounds - by 1.9 times;

Reduce the incidence of morbidity in newborns by 2.8 times;

To reduce the incidence rate in sick schoolchildren by 2.9 times.

In addition, quantum therapy provides wide opportunities good enough for treatment serious illnesses person. This is cerebral palsy (children's cerebral paralysis), and various disorders psyche, as well as diabetes mellitus, hepatitis, bronchial asthma of various etiologies and tuberculosis.

Quantum medicine pursues the most noble goal - not to treat, but to "harmonize" the body, that is, to bring the pair "man - nature" into balance. And she uses the most humane methods for this, healing with the means that nature itself offers us. This is the latest branch of medicine is engaged in a directed effect on the body. Moreover, such an impact, firstly, is correct in relation to the body and, secondly, is not alien to it.

Let's remember conventional treatment medications: what do we do when a doctor prescribes a drug for us? That's right - having bought the recommended remedy and having come home, we open the annotation for the medicine and read about the possible side effects. Their number and variety is usually amazing. Do you want to take the prescribed antibiotic, ointment, medicine after that? Hardly. In this regard, we ask ourselves the question: if taking seemingly harmless drugs leads to numerous negative consequences, then what prevents us from turning to other methods of treating the disease? Of course, the drugs that are widely available today are a major achievement of modern civilization. Recently, a huge number of drugs have been invented, with the help of which many previously fatal diseases were defeated. But at the same time, as the use of drugs began to be identified and negative consequences from abuse or simply application medicines.

On the other hand, if we look to the East and return to the events of several millennia ago, we will find already there, in ancient Chinese medicine, such general rule: Medicine is poison. Even then, people began to understand the possible harm of medicines, and even in those days, non-drug methods of treatment began to develop in China (for example, traditionally Chinese methods The most effective non-drug treatments are considered primarily massage and acupuncture).

If we want to turn to fundamentally new methods of healing from diseases, then we will not be able to do this by considering human body only as a set of organs and tissues. Any living organism is an indivisible and inseparable unity of three components:




In this trinity, information-energetic structures invariably play the leading role, and somatic structures (consisting of matter) are at a lower rung of the hierarchical ladder. But since the principle operates everywhere and everywhere in nature feedback- and living organisms are no exception - somatic structures, in turn, also affect the information-energy environment of the body. Oriental medicine For more than one millennium, it has been saying that any therapeutic effect on the somatic (tissues, organs) component of the body is initially vicious, unless it is guided by the following principle. It should be provided that in the treatment process those responsible for the information and energy exchange between subject(this is the body itself) and object(this is our environment, the World, the Universe, the entire Cosmos) structures. And, as it turns out in practice, the state of the body's somatic structures depends precisely on the presence and quality of such an interchange. That is, not only the state of somatic structures, but the very existence of the organism as a single system, one whole, depends on the implementation of this principle.

As we can see, not without chagrin, until now, for some reason, classical medicine stubbornly ignores almost all the most interesting scientific works and the results of practical observations of scientists and doctors who follow in their work the brilliant guesses of the ancients about the dual structure of the world and confirm their validity in practice! still official medicine do not recognize the supremacy in the structure of the world of thin, “alien-material”, wave (field) layers, which, by and large, determine the continuity and unity of matter and field, waves and particles, man and the Universe!

We live in a difficult time, when, like an avalanche, the flow of high-tech devices around us is growing: mobile phones, computers, televisions, high-voltage lines, radar stations, modern Vehicle etc. This is a real technological explosion! On the one hand, all these are wonderful inventions of mankind, designed to make our life better, to make life and work easier for people, which are convenient and useful means of labor, etc. But, on the other hand, we forget that the operation of all these devices generates magnetic field. And it, firstly, in itself is capable of greatly distorting the normal electromagnetic human environment, and secondly, it directly affects our immune system negatively so it can cause various diseases. After all, the immune system in the course of human biological evolution has never before encountered an electromagnetic factor of a similar strength. The time interval of several tens of years, covering the time when technical devices began to be invented and actively introduced into our lives, is extremely small on the scale of evolution. This means that our immune system simply did not have time to adapt, did not develop the strength to resist this negative influence. She simply does not know how to respond to the pathogenic effect of electromagnetic devices, and, as a result, the human body is in constant shock.

Rice. four. A person is constantly under the influence of alien waves of energy: geomagnetic disturbances of the Earth, the Sun and other planets, attacks of man-made flows of electromagnetic waves. Even those of us who have a strong, harmonious biofield are threatened today serious danger

The immune system needs quite a long time (remember at least a school textbook on anatomy, which says how many hundreds, or even thousands of years, the period of transformation of the Neanderthal - the progenitor of man - into a man in its modern sense) went on to "get used" to working with new factor, learn to respond to its impact correctly. Until this happens, the body perceives the situation in which a person lives as constant stress - and this stress follows us everywhere and everywhere! How long can a marathon runner run without leaving the distance to the finish line? The longest races at the Olympic championships reach fifty kilometers - the human body is simply not able to withstand more. A state of continuous stress stress is present in our lives all the time! This is inevitable and can quickly bring any system to complete exhaustion, but immune system a person must still leave resources to deal with other external attacking factors: viruses, bad ecology, etc.

With the help of quantum therapy methods, a person who has adopted this practice gradually (no high-quality and long-term results can be achieved overnight, even if you make a lot of effort) restores in his body his own unique natural resource, huge potential to self-healing and self-healing, which is embedded in it by nature itself. At the same time, quantum therapy, of course, also has the most beneficial effect on the somatic (bodily, material) system of the body. In particular, the human immune tone is activated, the level of intoxication from harmful substances, received from the outside, the microcirculation processes are stimulated, the metabolism is normalized, and the process of resisting the body to stresses is also turned on.

But before we start looking at the specific methods that are used in quantum medicine, we need a little theory in the field of human energy in order to "own the subject", as scientists say.

Fundamentals of Human Energy Anatomy

Before proceeding to a detailed consideration of the issues of quantum healing and the application of its methods to the subtle energy levels of the human body, it is necessary to define the basic concepts in this area in which we will work.

Currently, a lot of literature is being published, to one degree or another related to energy issues. Many of these books tell about the energy structure of a person, and for sure each of us has repeatedly heard about the chakras existing in a person, about energy levels and a single information space.

Energy terminology and the concepts of "chakras", "energy flow", "energy field" have been used by people for a very long time. It is also not a secret for anyone that the eastern followers of the traditions carefully kept their secrets, preventing the uninitiated from touching them. This applied to everything, including the field of knowledge about the structure and work of the human energy body. But time passed, with the development of the economy and trade and monetary relations, the interpenetration of the Eastern and European cultures and gradually the secret became clear. Currently, previously closed ancient teachings are available to almost anyone who wishes. The active popularization of the knowledge that came from the East led to the rapid spread of healing practices around the world. different kind. Such methods of healing (and in our life they have already become completely familiar) such as herbal medicine, color therapy, audio therapy have become widespread ... And also - it is worth dwelling on this separately - a method of treatment by exposing the diseased area to electromagnetic vibrations. All of the above methods can be attributed to the same class of influence on the human body, since they have a single principle of action. All of them are essentially energy-vibrational technologies, since color, smell, sound, and, of course, electromagnetic waves themselves are special cases of manifestations of oscillations (vibrations) of a single energy field.

However, let us return to the question of energy anatomy. According to traditional oriental ideas, the human structure is very complex. But in order to move on, we do not need to delve into and detail this issue, but it will be enough to confine ourselves to just enough general idea about a human.

So, a human being consists of several layers of energy that cover its different states: from subtle energy, reflecting spiritual development, to the physical body - the most dense manifestation of the energy layer.

Today, the situation in science is such that subtle energy, unlike other forms of energy, is not yet amenable to accurate measurement(such as thermal). Moreover, subtle energy, as a rule, is not perceived either by technology or by ordinary people. I emphasize: "ordinary", because people with developed psychic abilities this perception is available. How can you and I, who for the most part do not have such abilities, can imagine the energy structure of a person?

The current ideas about the energy structure of a person (which have been known since ancient times to shamans and healers) were formed after analyzing and summarizing the information received from people who directly “see” this “luminous body” of a person. If you want - psychics, or, as they say in Peruvian dialects, "kawak". In addition, these people, based on their practical experience, claim that each of us from birth has the same “vision” abilities, but we simply do not develop them and completely lose them by the time we enter school (7-8 years old) under severe pressure. social learning.

Those of the people capable of “seeing” whom we call shamans have made their own description of the human energy body. Based on their knowledge, this body is geometric figure- a torus, the shape of which repeats the form of the Earth's magnetic field known to us from physics. And, like the magnetic shell of the Earth, the human energy body consists of luminous threads that originate in the crown of the head and go to the feet with the other end, closing an imaginary arc that runs at arm's length from the central axis of the person. glowing threads human body are thus identical to the lines of force of the Earth. They are some distance away from the body, and in the area of ​​​​the feet (with which we constantly, directly or indirectly, stand on the ground) they go into the ground to a depth of 35 centimeters. Thus, our energy body is inextricably linked with the luminous lines of the Universe (shamans also call it “threads of the world” or “glowing web”). From the point of view of physics, our body is an energetically open system (it has a connection with the outside world, ways of interchange with it). And in fact, this means that our body through the "threads of the world" at the speed of light spreads into the Universe!

Rice. 5. The human energy field. A person is potentially able to develop seven bodies corresponding to seven information levels, and to communicate with these levels through information and energy centers - chakras. There are the following seven subtle-energy human bodies: physical, ethereal, astral, mental, causal, buddhial, atmic (other names: physical body, vital body, desire body, body of thoughts, body of the Higher Mind, body of Consciousness and Atma - Spirit). Note that the very word "body" in relation to subtle structures has a very relative meaning.

In anatomy, one can draw an analogy of the energy structure with the usual, biological structure of a person: after all, our energy body is permeated with a network of channels and meridians (in Mexico healers call them “rivers of light”), just as the physical body is permeated with a network of blood and capillary vessels circulatory system organism. at intersections or mergers of such energy flows, specific energy nodes (points) are formed, and their projections on the physical body are currently known to us as acupuncture points(biologically active points, BAT).

It is also surprising that if you take the diagrams of the energy structure of the human body from a shaman who is engaged in healing in Central or South America and compare them with the BAT atlases created by Chinese healers, it turns out that they are exactly the same! Although neither South American nor Mexican shamans had ever even heard the word "acupuncture" and were not at all aware of the existence of such a concept.

So, a person has several layers of subtle energy, they are different, they intertwine with each other, overlap each other and influence each other, but, despite this, they never mix. This set of energy layers can be represented as a set of levels of human existence. Throughout his life, they cannot be separated and are considered a single holistic energy system. The human energy body actually contains very big number energy centers (energy centers - for short) - several hundred, their function is to receive and distribute energy. We will focus on the study of the seven main energy centers, called chakras. As we have already said, with the help of the chakras, a person exchanges energy with the subtle world, with the external energy field. This interaction is continuous and ongoing. Thus, each chakra is like an antenna for receiving and transmitting subtle energy, tuned to a specific vibration frequency. Together, the chakras “work” for the entire human energy system as a whole and have much in common, but they differ functionally. Since each chakra is "tuned" to its own frequency, it affects our physical, emotional or spiritual state, at the same time regulates some specific processes of the physical body associated with it. And at the same time, each chakra, being part of the entire energy system, reflects the entire sensory system person. The vibration frequency characteristic of each "transceiver"-chakra determines the nature of the interaction of the chakra with the general energy field.

The first mention of chakras can be found both in ancient Indian (4 thousand years BC) and Tibetan (9 thousand years BC) treatises, as well as in Egyptian manuscripts written about 6 thousand years ago, as well as in documents other regions and eras. One thing is clear - the understanding of the chakras came to people a very long time ago. In the shamanic concept of the human energy structure, energy formations similar to chakras (in the Eastern sense) are identified, which are called either the “eye of light” (in Guatemala, for example) or the “well of light” (from the point of view of the Inca people), and are located outside, in energy body person. They have the shape of a funnel, with a tip located in the region of the spine, and a neck spaced up to 12 centimeters from the surface of the physical body. Bundles of luminous threads originate in the chakras, connecting a person with other energy objects of the world: plants, animals. These threads can also be controlled by the will of a person. But, unlike Eastern beliefs, American shaman healers distinguish not seven, but nine main chakras. The eighth chakra, in their opinion, is located at the very top of the luminous body of a person (and is called by shamans as the “source of the sacred”), and the ninth chakra is located completely outside the luminous body, in Infinity, that is, in the invisible world, and connects a person with the primary source of all things on earth.

Rice. 6. Human chakras. There are major and minor chakras. The major chakras provide our most important features; minor chakras regulate lesser needs. Of the twelve physical chakras, seven are located in the physical body, but have an outlet in subtle bodies

Recently, the distribution of the main human energy centers has also found its scientific confirmation. The chakras themselves, as it was believed, are outside the physical body of a person, and their projections are located along the spinal column, from the coccyx to the top of the head. In this order - from bottom to top - we will consider them and the main functions they perform.

1. Muladhara - located in the coccyx. She is responsible for the lower sphere of human essence, for aggression, the struggle for survival, fear. It is the energy of life and death.

2. Svadhisthana - located in the genital area. She is responsible for the instinct of reproduction, the instinct of self-preservation, well-being.

3. Manipura - located in the navel, just above it. She is responsible for managing other people, striving for power, owning money, creativity in the material world, the will to fight.

4. Anahata - located in the region of the heart. She is responsible for love in the sublime sense of the word, self-improvement, knowledge of the world. This is love for the whole world, and for God, and for every person - dedication to the world.

5. Vishuddha - located in the throat area, thyroid gland. She is responsible for the giftedness of a person, his talents, spiritual creativity, the presence of hearing, taste, knowledge of the beauty of the world.

6. Ajna - located in the forehead, between the eyes ("third eye"). She is responsible for supernatural abilities: clairvoyance, clairaudience, intuition, and wisdom.

7. Sahasrara - located on the crown of the head, in the region of the crown. She is responsible for communication with cosmic sources, for spiritual development, knowledge of cause-and-effect relationships and the structure of the world as a whole.

The three lower chakras are fed by the energy of the Earth, the three upper ones - by the energy of the Cosmos, in the middle chakra - Anahata - the energies meet and come into balance. If there is a shift of energies in one direction or another, they say that the person has lost energy balance. In addition, in the process of life, under the influence of external or internal influences, the chakras can also partially lose their efficiency, which disrupts the replenishment of these energy centers and, as a result, the corresponding organs. So most diseases are mainly the result of malfunctions of individual chakras or, worse, of the entire chakra system. First of all, diseases manifest themselves on energy level, and only then do the first symptoms appear that can be fixed in the physical body of a person. From this follows a natural question: it is possible to somehow restore the work of the chakra and ensure its normal functioning, if we - ordinary people, and not yogis, shamans or Tibetan monks, with specific abilities that are inaccessible to a mere mortal?

In response to environmental influences, human energy is constantly undergoing changes, but normally it constantly returns to its optimal state (this is in a healthy person). If something is not working right, you have to help the body restore its energy balance. How can this be done?

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