Electrotherapy at home. Current therapy for osteochondrosis: effectiveness and course of treatment

When talking about physiotherapy, they mean one of the popular forms of treatment, the essence of which is not chemical attack, as with pills, but in the physical with the help special devices and devices designed specifically for such purposes.

Types of physiotherapy:

  1. laser impact.
  2. Ultrasound Intervention.
  3. Treatment with magnetic field.
  4. Electric currents.

Most Popular Procedures

It should be noted that all methods are inherently hypoallergenic, but there is one exception - electrophoresis using medicines and inhalations, including from herbs. For children, hydrotherapy should be used with caution.

What is SMT Therapy?

Another name for this method is amplipulse therapy. This is a natural effect on the human body with the help of an electric current that coincides in terms of indicators with the biological impulses of a person. Especially often it is used in the treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

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"I cured my sore back on my own. It's been 2 months since I forgot about back pain. Oh, how I used to suffer, my back and knees hurt, in recent times I couldn’t really walk normally ... How many times I went to polyclinics, but there they only prescribed expensive pills and ointments, which were of no use at all.

And now the 7th week has gone, as the joints of the back do not bother a bit, in a day I go to the country to work, and from the bus it’s 3 km, so I walk easily! All thanks to this article. Anyone with back pain should read this!

The principle of operation of the device

The device used for treatment is capable of emitting a field electrical nature tuned to the mid frequencies. The amplitude of the waves is from 10 to 150 Hz.

Thanks to this modulation, they can easily pass through the human skin, while affecting the muscles and nerve endings. Electric current has a stimulating effect on cell membranes and maintains its effect throughout the procedure in a uniform mode.

Sinusoidal currents modulated type


  1. Ailments associated with diseases of the spine and joints- such as arthrosis, osteochondrosis, arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, muscle atrophy.
  2. Diseases of the vegetovascular system organism.
  3. Neurological diseases pathological course - neurosis, neuritis, neuralgia and crying.
  4. Violation of the blood supply against the background of problems with the functioning of peripheral arterial vessels.
  5. Diseases related genitourinary system and urology- decreased tone in the area prostate, prostatitis, the formation of stones in the kidneys and urinary ducts, enuresis, cystitis, pyelonephritis.
  6. Diseases of the gynecological sphere, including possible inflammatory processes occurring inside the body.
  7. Diseases of the digestive system- colitis and pathological decrease in intestinal motility, biliary dyskinesia, gastric ulcer, constipation.
  8. Blood clotting, swelling and other problems of the venous system.
  9. Necrosis of various origins, bedsores - many trophic processes.
  10. Infectious and other lesions oral cavity - gingivitis, stomatitis and inflammation of the gums at any stage.
  11. CNS diseases- meningoencephalitis, head and brain injuries, cerebral palsy, brain strokes.
  12. Diseases aimed at dystrophy and inflammation of the eyes.
  13. Ailments of cardio-vascular system -, atherosclerosis of the extremities, disruptions in the blood supply to the spinal cord and brain, hypertension, migraines and Raynaud's disease.
  14. From the side respiratory system - pneumonia, asthma of the bronchial type, the occurrence of bronchitis.

The action of SMT therapy is divided into two types:

  1. Stimulation of metabolism in human tissues and organs.
  2. Removal of puffiness ischemia and problems with congestion in the veins.


  • Darsonvalization.
  • Amplipulse.

Therapy for children is carried out strictly in polyclinics and hospitals, in compliance with all safety and hygiene rules.

SMT directly affects with the help of electric current:

  1. Muscles and fibers.
  2. Nerve endings and the nervous system as a whole.

AT last years in physiotherapy, low-frequency pulsed currents are increasingly used, which are characterized not by continuous, but by periodic current flow to the electrodes. According to the shape of the pulses, several types of intermittent low-frequency currents are distinguished.

1. Pulse current of pointed shape (tetanizing current) with a frequency of 100 Hz. It is used for electrodiagnostics and electrostimulation.

2. Pulse current of a rectangular shape with a frequency of 5 to 100 Hz. Used to induce electrosleep.

3. Pulsed exponential current (smoothly rising and more rapidly falling current waveform) with a frequency of 8 to 80 Hz. It is used for electrodiagnostics and electrogymnastics.

4. Diadynamic currents (rectified pulsed sinusoidal currents, or Bernard currents) with a frequency of 50 and 100 Hz. There are the following main types of diadynamic currents:

  • a) single-phase (single-cycle in the SNIM-1 apparatus) fixed current with a frequency of 50 Hz;
  • b) two-phase (push-pull) fixed current with a frequency of 100 Hz;
  • c) current, modulated short periods: rhythmic alternation of one- and two-phase current every second;
  • d) current modulated by long periods: the supply of a single-phase current alternates with the supply of a two-phase current to the electrodes;
  • e) single-phase current in the "syncope rhythm": current is applied for 1 s, alternating with a pause of the same duration.

Diadynamic currents are used to combat pain, increase blood circulation and metabolic processes in tissues (mainly currents modulated by short and long periods), electro-gymnastics (currents in the "syncope rhythm") and electrophoresis of some medicinal substances (fixed two-phase current).

5. The sinusoidal modulated currents proposed by Professor V. G. Yasnogorodsky adjoin the same group of physical agents: alternating current medium frequency (5000 Hz) sinusoidal, modulated by low frequency pulses (from 10 to 150 Hz). Due to the use of medium frequency, sinusoidal modulated currents do not encounter significant resistance from surface tissues (unlike diadynamic currents) and are able to act on deep tissues (muscles, nerve endings and fibers, blood vessels, etc.). The control knobs available on the devices allow you to arbitrarily adjust the main parameters of the low-frequency modulated current: the modulation depth, the frequency and duration of the pulses, the duration of the intervals between them, the current strength. There are 4 types of sinusoidal modulated currents:

  1. current with constant modulation (PM) - continuous supply of the same type of modulated pulses with a selected modulation frequency (from 10 to 150 Hz);
  2. alternation of modulated oscillations with a selected modulation frequency with pauses (the ratio of the pulse duration to the duration of the pause is also set arbitrarily) - the type of operation of the software (sending - pause);
  3. alternation of modulated oscillations with an arbitrary frequency and unmodulated oscillations with an average frequency of 5000 Hz (type of work PN: sending modulated oscillations and carrier frequency);
  4. alternation of modulated oscillations with an arbitrary frequency (from 10 to 150 Hz) and modulated oscillations with a set frequency of 150 Hz (IF - moving frequencies).

Treatment with sinusoidal modulated currents is called amplipulse therapy (we consider it legitimate to use another term - synmodular therapy). Amplipulse therapy is used to combat pain, improve blood circulation, eliminate trophic disorders, electrical muscle stimulation, and more recently for drug electrophoresis (amplipulsophoresis).

Low-frequency impulse currents in the neurological department are used to perform the following tasks:

  1. electrical muscle stimulation;
  2. reducing sleep disorders and enhancing inhibitory processes in the cerebral cortex by treatment with electrosleep;
  3. fight against pain syndrome, elimination of circulatory and trophic disorders;
  4. introduction with the help of a pulsed current of medicinal substances (electrophoresis).

Demidenko T. D., Goldblat Yu. V.

"Physiotherapy with impulse currents at neurological diseases" and others

fabrics human body contain salt solutions and colloids. Colloids are proteins, glycogens and other macromolecular substances. These substances, together with others, are included in the compounds of body fluids, glandular tissue and muscles. From the molecules of these substances, electrically charged ions are formed. In the human body, the electric current is distributed unevenly, therefore, the conductivity and movement of the current depend on the presence of good conductors and adipose tissue, since it does not conduct electric current well.

Electric current treatment, which is carried out when electrodes are applied, irritates skin receptors. The reason for this is the change in ion density in the human body. During the galvanization process, the patient may feel a slight tingling and burning sensation under the electrodes. What causes irritation nerve endings, and nerve impulses enter the central nervous system. All this contributes to the formation of local and general reactions of the body.

Galvanic current

When the galvanic current interacts with the body, an increase blood vessels and acceleration of blood flow. Biological active substances, such as histamine, serotonin and others, occur at the site where this interaction occurs.

Galvanic current normalizes the state nervous system person, increases functionality heart, and also helps to stimulate the activity of the glands internal secretion. In addition, thanks to this method, the regeneration process is accelerated, and, consequently, an increase in defensive forces human body.

Especially strong effect galvanic current exerts when interacting with medicines.

Very often on the human body, in the places where the electrodes are applied, the formation of a vascular reaction is observed. It is expressed in the form of hyperemia of the skin, which will last for several more hours. More prolonged exposure current on the human body will lead to a decrease in the pain and tactile properties of the skin.

When electrodes are placed near the head, patients may feel metallic taste in the mouth. In addition, dizziness may occur, and phosphenes will appear.

Indications for galvanotherapy

The method of galvanotherapy can be used for a wide range of diseases. It is prescribed to patients with ischemic disease heart disease, hypertension of the first and second stages, various inflammatory processes, intestinal dyskinesia and biliary tract as well as ulcers duodenum and stomach.

Treatment with electric (galvanic) current helps with myositis, bronchial asthma, chronic arthritis and polyarthritis. It can be used for neuralgia, neuritis, plexitis, radiculitis, with damage to the peripheral nervous system, which can be traumatic, toxic and infectious origin. It also helps with diseases of the female genital organs, diseases of the nervous system: disorder cerebral circulation, migraines, spinal cord and brain injuries.

The method is also used to treat skin problems: fine wrinkles, dry skin, acne scars, seborrhea and other diseases. Galvanotherapy is effective for dental diseases, violation of trophism, with bone fractures, eye diseases.

Electric shock treatment for children

Galvanotherapy can also be used to treat children. This method can be used from the first month of a child's life. To do this, the specialist must pay attention to general reaction baby, as well as the condition of his skin. The number and duration of procedures should be reduced by a third.

Also, during treatment, the galvanic current density should be less than in adult patients.

Contraindications for galvanotherapy

Contraindications for electric shock treatment are:

  • pregnancy;
  • the presence of neoplasms of various localization;
  • the presence of acute purulent and inflammatory processes;
  • individual current intolerance;
  • intoxication;
  • at various diseases skin.

It is also not recommended to use if the patient has visible violations of the skin in the places where the electrodes are placed, the exception to this case is wound process. It is not recommended to use the method for eczema, dermatitis, as well as for other skin diseases general. Do not apply galvanic current if the patient has severe cachexia, there is a loss pain sensitivity, as well as severe atherosclerosis and other diseases of the cardiovascular system with decompensation.

Galvanotherapy devices

For the galvanotherapy method, special devices. Galvanic current flows through the AC rectifier, which has control and adjustment devices.

For general and local galvanotherapy procedures, the AG-75 apparatus, which is called Potok-1, and the AGN-32 apparatus are used. In addition, the AGP-33 apparatus can be used.

The apparatus GR-GM is used for dental procedures using special electrodes.

The device AGN-32 can be used in galvanotherapy procedures with the help of an attachment for connecting electrodes used in special hydro-galvanic baths. The attachment contains two carbon and graphite electrodes.

As you know, alternating current, used for industrial and domestic purposes, has 50 oscillations per second. The number of oscillations of alternating high-frequency current reaches hundreds of thousands and millions per second.

The high frequency current is characterized by the number of oscillations per second and the length of the electromagnetic wave. There is a simple relationship between the wavelength and the frequency of the current: the higher the frequency of the current, the shorter the wavelength.

According to the length, electromagnetic waves are divided into long - 3000 m and more, medium - from 3000 to 200 m, intermediate - from 200 to 50 m, short - from 50 to 10 m and ultrashort - less than 10 m.

High-frequency currents are obtained using special spark and lamp generators. At the heart of any high-frequency generator is an oscillatory circuit. The oscillatory circuit consists of an electric capacitance (capacitor, denoted by the letter C) and a self-induction coil, otherwise an inductor (indicated by L), which is a wire spiral.

If the charge is imparted to the capacitor of the oscillatory circuit, then an electric field arises between its plates (Fig. 29, 1). The capacitor begins to discharge through self-induction; when the discharge current passes through self-induction, an electromagnetic field arises around it due to the energy of the current (Fig. 29, 2). When the capacitor is completely discharged, the current should stop; but as the current weakens, the energy of the electromagnetic field stored in the self-induction passes back into a current of the same direction. As a result, the capacitor will be charged again, although the sign of the charge on the capacitor plates will change to the opposite (Fig. 29, 3). Having received a charge, the capacitor again begins to discharge through self-induction, but the discharge current of the capacitor will already be in the opposite direction (Fig. 29, 4). The passage of current through self-induction will be accompanied again by the emergence of an electromagnetic field, the energy of which, as the discharge current weakens, will turn into the energy of the induced current of the same direction. The capacitor plates will be charged again, and their charge will be of the same sign as at the beginning (Fig. 29, 5).

The energy now stored in the capacitor will be less than the original, since part of it has gone to overcome the ohmic resistance of the circuit.

Going first in one direction and then in the opposite direction, the discharge current of the capacitor makes one oscillation.

Having received a charge again, although less than the initial one, the capacitor will again begin to discharge through self-induction. With each oscillation, the amplitude of the current will decrease. This will continue until all the energy stored in the capacitor is used up to overcome the ohmic resistance of the circuit. A group of damped oscillations appears.

So that the oscillations in the oscillatory circuit do not stop, it is necessary to periodically supply the capacitor with a supply of energy.


For the first time, high frequency currents were used for therapeutic purposes in the form of darsonvalization.

Darsonvalization is called treatment with electrical and electromagnetic vibrations high frequency.

This method of treatment was proposed by the famous French physiologist and physicist d "Arsonval in 1892 and named after him.

Currents d "Arsonval are individual groups sharply damped high-frequency oscillations (Fig. 30). When applied topically, their voltage reaches a significant value - 20,000 V and above; at general application uses a high-frequency electromagnetic field generated by d "Arsonval currents.

Physiological action

The basis of the physiological action of the currents of d "Arsonval are mainly reflex phenomena. By acting on the receptors of the skin or mucous membranes, the currents of d" Arsonval cause the corresponding segmental reflex reactions, simultaneously exerting a local effect on the tissues.

With the local application of d "Arsonval currents, if the contact between the skin and the electrode is loose, a stream of small sparks jumps from the electrode to the skin and irritation occurs: the patient experiences slight tingling, the skin turns red. The latter depends on the expansion of blood vessels that occurs after a preliminary short-term narrowing of them.

The thermal properties of the d "Arsonval currents cannot manifest themselves with full force due to the small amount of current, which reaches only a few milliamperes when applied locally.

If, however, the electrode is moved away from the body, then under the influence of high voltage, ionization of air molecules occurs near the electrode, its conductivity increases, and a quiet discharge occurs on the patient's body, which is felt by him like a light breeze.

By reducing the sensitivity of nerve endings, d'Arsonval currents have an analgesic effect.

The anti-spastic effect inherent in the currents of d "Arsonval helps to stop spasm of blood vessels and sphincters and reduces pain caused by spasms.

Trophic effect of d "Arsonval currents on the skin and deep organs occurs as a result of hyperemia. There is also an increase in tissue metabolism. Under the influence local application d "Arsonval currents accelerate the maturation of granulation tissue.

With general darsonvalization of low intensity, a high-frequency electromagnetic field induces such weak high-frequency currents in the patient's body that they are not felt by the patient.

With general darsonvalization, there is an increase in metabolism; a calming effect on the nervous system; may decrease in hypertensive patients arterial pressure, tides to the head, tinnitus, dizziness decrease.


There are two types of devices for obtaining d "Arsonval currents: portable (portable) and stationary.

The portable device d "Arsonval (Fig. 31) looks like a small box with a removable lid.

On the panel of the device are:

  • 1) output terminal; one end of the wire with rubber insulation is attached to it; an ebonite pen with an electrode inserted into it is attached to its other end;
  • 2) switch;
  • 3) spark gap regulator knob;
  • 4) the handle of the voltage regulator in the patient's circuit;
  • 5) two sockets for screwing a pin into one of them when the device is switched on from the mains at 120 or 220 V.

By circuit diagram d'Arsonval's portable apparatus is a high-frequency spark generator with two oscillatory circuits, with a vibrator similar to an induction coil interrupter. When the hammer moves away from the screw, a gap occurs through which the oscillations of the first oscillatory circuit are closed. big number turns of the wire, as a result of which the voltage at its contact rises sharply, reaching, as mentioned above, 20,000 V. The self-induction of both circuits is placed in a round circuit to avoid breakdown. cardboard box and embedded in paraffin. Voltage regulation is carried out by a rheostat placed in the first oscillatory circuit.

Self-induction circuits in some types of d "Arsonval's portable apparatus are enclosed in a thick plastic handle filled with paraffin; at one end they fit to the handle connecting wires, and from the other, an electrode is inserted. The voltage is adjusted using a slider on the handle, moving along the coils of self-induction. You can also find d'Arsonval's portable devices that were previously produced, in which the spark arresters, and sometimes the vibrator, are placed on the device panel.

Portable devices d "Arsonval - low power (25-30 W) and are usually used to influence a small area of ​​the body, which is why they are often called "local d" Arsonval.

The oscillatory circuits of d'Arsonval's apparatus were tuned to a frequency of 100,000 oscillations per second, which corresponds to an electromagnetic wave length of 3000 m.

The stationary apparatus d "Arsonval serves for both local and general darsonvalization. appearance(Fig. 32) d "Arsonval's stationary apparatus ("big d" Arsonval"), previously produced by the EMA plant, is a white wooden cabinet, on the lid of which rises the Oudin resonator - part of the self-induction of the first oscillatory circuit and all the self-induction of the second oscillatory circuit, wound on a cardboard frame.

According to the principle scheme, the stationary device for darsonvalization is a high-frequency spark generator with two spark gaps and two oscillatory circuits. On the panel of the apparatus, in addition to the Oudin resonator, there is a switch, a voltage regulator during local darsonvalization and terminals.

With local darsonvalization, a wire from the handle with the electrode is connected to the output terminal of the Oudin resonator.

With a general darsonvalization, the jumper is removed from the second terminal, which entails the disconnection of the second oscillatory circuit and part of the first oscillatory circuit - only spark arresters and capacitors remain from it.

The ends of the winding of the solenoid cage are connected to the first and second terminals.

The solenoid cage (Fig. 33) is a wooden frame with coils of copper tape, with a door for the passage of the patient.

The patient placed inside the solenoid (sitting on a chair) is exposed to the electromagnetic field that occurs when high-frequency currents pass through the coils of the solenoid. The presence of a field can be detected by bringing a neon light bulb to the coils of the solenoid, which begins to glow.

Technique and method of darsonvalization

Local darsonvalization is carried out using glass vacuum capacitor electrodes. They are called vacuum because air is pumped out of them. When a high voltage is applied to the electrode, it begins to glow with a pinkish-violet light; the intensity of the glow of the electrode increases with increasing voltage at the electrode.

The name capacitor is given to the electrode because when it is applied to the body, a capacitor appears, one plate of which is the patient's body, the second is the rarefied air inside the electrode, and the dielectric is glass.

Glass electrodes can also be filled with graphite powder to form capacitor graphite electrodes.

Capacitor electrodes may have different shape. So, for example, a “fungus” is used to influence the surface of the skin; with darsonvalization of the scalp - with a "scallop"; rectum - with a cone-shaped electrode, etc. (Fig. 34).

After use, the electrodes are washed warm water and wipe with alcohol.

With local darsonvalization of the skin, an electrode is passed over the surface of the skin (Fig. 35). To make the electrode slide over the skin more easily, it is first sprinkled with talcum powder.

The duration of the procedure with local darsonvalization is 5-10 minutes; procedures are carried out daily or every other day; the number of procedures depending on the disease - from 5 to 25.

With stable darsonvalization for cracks anus or hemorrhoids, a cone-shaped electrode lubricated with petroleum jelly is inserted into the anus (the patient must come to the procedure prepared: the rectum must be freed from the contents with a small enema); the patient is in a position on the side with the lower leg extended and bent in knee joint Another. To prevent the electrode from jumping out, the handle of the electrode holder is fixed with a bandage to the thighs and between the sandbags.

Treatment is carried out daily. The duration of the procedure is 15-20 minutes. The number of procedures for anal fissures is 6-10, for hemorrhoids - 25-30.

If the electrode is removed from the skin, then stronger sparks jump from its surface, which cause pain and can cause burns. This is used to burn small warts with an electrode having a metal tip.

For exposure to effluvia (quiet discharge), an electrode is used, which has the form of a disk with points, mounted on an insulating handle; it is either driven above the surface of the skin at a distance of 3-5 cm, or suspended on a special holder. Procedures daily or every other day for 5-10-15 minutes.

With general darsonvalization, as mentioned above, a cell (solenoid) is used. Procedures are carried out daily, their duration is 20 minutes. The course is 12-20 procedures.

General indications and contraindications for treatment with d'Arsonval currents

Currents d "Arsonval in the form local procedure indicated for heart neurosis, frostbite I and II degree, dry eczema, skin paresthesia (itching), neuralgia, hair loss, hysteria, trophic ulcers and wounds, anal fissures, hemorrhoids.

General darsonvalization is indicated for neurotic states, climacteric disorders, initial form hypertension.

Contraindications are malignant neoplasms and a tendency to bleed.

Impulse currents- These are electric currents characterized by a temporary deviation of voltage or current from a constant value. Depending on the distribution of current and pulse, rectangular, triangular, exponential and other pulse shapes are distinguished.

The amplitude and duration of the pulses are important, and if the pulses are not single, then the frequency of 1 second also matters. The following have been widely used in practice. methods based on the use of pulsed currents:

1) Diadynamic therapy- treatment with direct currents with pulses of a polysinusoidal shape with a frequency of 50 - 100 Hz, which are applied separately or in continuous alternation as part of short or long periods.

These currents meet great resistance of the epidermis and, first of all, cause excitation of the exteroreceptors, which is manifested by a burning sensation and tingling under the electrodes, as well as the appearance of hyperemia due to the expansion of superficial vessels and the acceleration of blood flow through them. With an increase in current strength, rhythmic excitation of nerves and muscle fibers is caused. This leads to activation of peripheral blood circulation, metabolism, reduction of pain in the affected area, which is mainly used in diseases of the peripheral nervous system, organs of support and movement. With an even greater increase in current strength, tetanic muscle contraction is caused.

2) Interference - medicinal use low-frequency (1-150 Hz) "beats", the frequency of which can be constant during the procedure or periodically change within a selected limit.

"Beats" are formed inside the tissues of the body as a result of hysterference (addition) of two initial currents of medium frequency, supplied to the surface of the body through two separate circuits and differing in frequency. They have a stimulating effect on the motor nerves and muscle fibers, which causes increased blood circulation, activation of metabolism and a decrease in pain in the affected area and are used in diseases of the peripheral nervous system (in the subacute stage).

3) Amplipulse therapy- treatment with sinusoidal modulated currents (SMT), which are amplitude pulsations of low frequency (from 10-150 Hz) of medium-frequency currents (2000-5000 Hz).

When such currents are applied to the body, the average frequencies provide good walkthrough current through skin without irritating them and discomfort under the electrodes, and amplitude pulsations of low frequency - an exciting effect on the neuromuscular structures.

SMT have a rhythmic stimulating effect on nerve and muscle fibers, activate blood circulation and metabolic processes not only in superficial, but also in deep-seated organs and tissues, have an analgesic effect, and when high density current cause tetanic muscle contraction, which is used for electrical stimulation of nerves and muscles. Possibility to change many current parameters and application various combinations They make it possible to change the nature and intensity of the excitatory action within a wide range and to successfully use them for the treatment of patients not only with diseases and injuries of the organs of support and movement, the nervous system, but also with many other pathological conditions.


You can add medicine to the pads - SMT phoresis (for hypertension, coronary artery disease, biliary dyskinesia, bronchial asthma, exacerbation peptic ulcer, dumping syndrome, etc.).


  • tumor (relative n / n);
  • bleeding;
  • II half of pregnancy (carefully);
  • individual intolerance;
  • fresh hemarthrosis.

4) Electrical stimulation- the use of electric current to excite or enhance activity certain bodies and systems. Despite the fact that many organs and systems can be stimulated by currents, using adequate methods and parameters for this, in practical work most wide application received electrical stimulation of the heart and electrical stimulation of the motor nerves and muscles.

When passing through the tissues of a pulsed current at the moments of rapid switching on and interruption of it in semipermeable tissue membranes, including cell membranes, there is a sudden accumulation a large number like charged particles. This leads to a reversible change in the state of cellular colloids and brings the cell into a state of excitation, in particular motor, if the action is carried out on a motor nerve or muscle.

Electrical stimulation is used for:

  • maintenance and nutrition of the muscle,
  • prevention of its atrophy for the period of recovery of the damaged nerve,
  • to prevent muscle atrophy during the period of its forced inactivity during immobilization or joint diseases,
  • to strengthen weakened muscles and other purposes.

In our department, well-known, now classical methods galvanization, electrophoresis, ultrasound therapy, phonophoresis, therapy with pulsed low-frequency currents (SMT), laser therapy, magnetotherapy, UHF, UF, electrical muscle stimulation.

The following types of therapeutic effects are presented in the department:

  • galvanization - therapeutic effect direct current to improve blood circulation and tissue trophism, reduce inflammation;
  • ultrasound therapy - has an anti-inflammatory and resolving effect, improves local lymph and blood flow;
  • electrophoresis, phonophoresis- combined action medicinal substance and direct current or ultrasound;
  • laser therapy - laser radiation is a biostimulator of metabolic processes in various tissues, accelerates wound healing, has a bacteriostatic, immunomodulatory and anti-inflammatory effect;
  • electrotherapy with impulse currents(SMT, DDT, TENS) in combination with ultrasound and vacuum therapy - has a pronounced analgesic effect, relaxing and hypotensive action. Thanks to the latest developments of the Physiomed Elektromedizin company, the IONOSON-expert and PHYSIOVAC-expert devices allow for separate or simultaneous treatment using various kinds electric current, ultrasound and vacuum.

The rational use of therapeutic physical factors in a particular patient involves a differentiated approach to the choice of the type of energy used and the methodology for the procedure, taking into account all indications and contraindications.

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