Urinotherapy for hair. Fresh, old and evaporated urine. Using urine for facial skin for wrinkles

Luxurious hair - a myth or painstaking work? Of course, hair care, nutrition, hydration are very important. Only patience and regular procedures can achieve a stunning effect.

  • cut your hair only on the growing moon (this was known to our ancestors), then the hair grows faster;
  • wash your hair in two stages - first, just distribute the shampoo on your hair from top to bottom and hold without manipulation, and make the second application with a light massage (the effect will not take long);
  • after washing, make it a habit to rinse your hair with decoctions of herbs - chamomile, nettle, birch leaves;
  • Vinegar, lemon juice or vodka (1 tablespoon per liter of water) are good as a rinse;
  • rubbing iodized salt into the scalp with massage movements. The procedure is done on wet hair. A course of 10 sessions is able to restore life to hair in the most hopeless cases;
  • in a jar of your favorite shampoo, add a few drops of pharmaceutical vitamins P, B, E from an ampoule or the most suitable essential oil;
  • you can dissolve 2 aspirin tablets in the shampoo, which will facilitate combing;
  • splurge on a professional massage brush that won't break or electrify your curls.

Recipes for hair treatment are so diverse that everyone can find for themselves the most effective, enjoyable in the process of application. Just do not need to wait for a miracle from the first application. You can “cheer up” stressed, damaged hair with at least 10 procedures.

Salt hair treatment

Salt is a wonderful peeling for the scalp, removing dead cells, normalizing blood circulation, and having a beneficial effect on hair growth. Hair treatment with salt is indicated for hair prone to the formation of fat. For masks, table or sea salt, rich in iodine and minerals, is used. Salt is dissolved in water, kefir, whey. To use dry salt, the head is first washed and dried. The hair is divided into partings and the keratinized scales are cleaned with massaging movements with salt.

Treatment with salt, which is part of the masks:

  • hair growth is ensured by the gruel of an overripe banana mixed with 1 tbsp. salt. Keep under a warming compress for up to half an hour, then rinse with water;
  • thick, strong hair becomes after applying the composition - a teaspoon of salt dissolved in 2 tablespoons of water is mixed with egg yolk, half a glass of kefir at room temperature. Leave on for half an hour and wash off.

Hair treatment with honey

Honey remains an indispensable hair healer, is included in most masks, restores beauty and health to curls. Hair treatment with honey allows you to forget about dandruff, for this purpose, honey (a teaspoon) is introduced into the decoction of oak bark (1 cup). Means treat the skin on the head an hour before washing.

Honey and onion juice (1:4) promotes active hair growth. The mixture is rubbed into the roots, kept for half an hour and rinsed with water. For very dry hair, add olive oil to the mask.

Treatment with honey to restore the damaged structure is carried out as follows:

  • the yolk, mixed with a spoonful of mayonnaise, is combined with honey and garlic clove juice (mayonnaise - 1 tbsp, honey - 1 tsp). Spread over the scalp, leave overnight. In the morning, they are washed with warm water, then rinsed with nettle decoction;
  • in 1 tbsp. vegetable oil is injected yolk, 1 tbsp. honey, juice of a small onion. Also used at night.

Hair treatment with gelatin

Gelatin is used to provide thickness and volume to the hair. The composition of gelatin includes a protein that improves the condition of the skin and hairline. You can prepare gelatin shampoo: two tablespoons of water, yolk, gelatin powder and shampoo - 1 tbsp each. spoons. Gelatin is dissolved in water until it swells. Make sure there are no lumps. The composition is applied to wet hair, washed off with warm water after 10 minutes.

Hair treatment with gelatin at home:

  • in the gelatin mask, you can add everything that is at hand - the yolk, a spoonful of honey, parsley juice, any vegetable oils;
  • the mask is kept for a couple of minutes until the gelatin is completely dissolved.

Hair treatment with gelatin by lamination method:

  • rinse your hair well with shampoo;
  • dry to moderate humidity without a hair dryer;
  • distribute along the length of the hair, a pre-prepared gelatin mixture (3-4 tablespoons of water per 1 tablespoon of dry gelatin, steamed to a jelly-like consistency and chilled);
  • do not apply gelatin to the scalp to avoid tightness and dryness;
  • wrap with foil, cover with a towel;
  • for 15 minutes, warm with a hairdryer through a towel;
  • stand for another 30 minutes and rinse your head with warm water;
  • do not use a hair dryer to dry your hair.

Hair treatment with bread

Rye bread is especially useful for hair, as it contains vitamins B, E, manganese, zinc, iron, copper. They nourish with bread, wash their hair, make healing masks on its basis. Hair treatment with bread can be combined with the addition of cognac, mayonnaise, egg yolk, henna, honey and other beneficial substances. For any mask, bread is prepared as follows: a few pieces of bread are freed from the crust and crushed, poured with hot water, infused (half a day is possible), the necessary components are added to the bread mass. This slurry wash your head or use as a mask. It is more effective to breed bread with a decoction of herbs, kefir, aloe juice.

Hair treatment with bread is not always acceptable for fair-haired people. Especially in combination with cognac, brown bread leaves a copper tint. This treatment may not be suitable for owners of oily hair. It can also be difficult to get bread crumbs out of your hair.

egg hair treatment

The most popular method remains the treatment of hair with an egg, which has a beneficial effect on the hair and scalp. Egg yolk contains fatty acids and many vitamins. The yolk is used as an independent remedy or in combination with fermented milk products, oils, honey, etc.

Hair conditioner is prepared from whipped 1-2 yolks mixed with a few tablespoons of olive oil. Warm water is added to the mixture. Apply after shampooing, holding for 5-15 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

Eggs promote active growth and prevent hair loss. It is enough to mix two yolks with castor oil 1 tbsp. and rub into the scalp. Rinse with cool water.

beer hair treatment

Effective and affordable beer helps to solve many hair problems. Hair treatment with beer is used to strengthen. Take 1 tbsp. l. each raw material - burdock root, hop cones, calamus root. Pour half a glass of dark beer, insist up to 2 hours, filter and nourish the hair roots for several months three times a week.

You can finish washing your hair with a massage using beer, which is washed off with warm water. Good for the preventive purpose of hair loss and growth activation.

Treatment with beer is carried out with the addition of bread, kefir or curdled milk, honey, yolk, oils and various herbs.

Cognac hair treatment

Cognac hair treatment can lead to light coloring of light hair. Cognac is usually combined with yolk to nourish the hair (2 tbsp cognac, yolk, 1 tsp lemon juice). To add volume, mix oak bark 1 tbsp. and cognac gram 50. Infuse for several hours, filter and mix with 2 tbsp. honey. The healing mask is ready.

Cognac treatment is carried out in combination with oils, bread, honey, onion juice, herbs. This recipe is easy to make: cognac (1 tbsp), honey (teaspoon), egg yolk. Another remedy is two parts of olive and castor oils, part of lemon juice, ½ part of cognac and yolk. The composition is applied to the roots and ends of the hair.

Hair treatment with fire

It sounds unusual and even frightening, but hair treatment with fire is a healing and restoration procedure. The technique includes leveling the surface of the hair with soldering its tip. The unique technology is carried out by certified masters and is divided into stages:

  • wash their heads;
  • apply a nourishing mask, serum or a special concentrate, which is selected individually;
  • hair is treated with a cocktail of proteins, minerals, essential oils, extracts from wheat and other natural substances;
  • directly burning the hair;
  • the opportunity to evaluate the result - smooth, silky, healthy, voluminous curls.

Hair treatment with fire by skillful hands is an amazing journey that can give a lot of pleasant sensations covered in unique aromas.

clay hair treatment

Clay hair treatment occupies a separate niche in cosmetology. How many varieties of clay, so many possibilities for solving different situations. Blue clay is recognized as the most effective in the treatment of hair. Eliminates dandruff, perfectly cleanses, cares, nourishes, prevents hair loss and brittleness.

Clay hair treatment is carried out only with a fresh solution obtained by diluting the powder with warm water to a state of sour cream. Evenly distribute the clay through the hair, cover with a film and wrap. Wash off with warm water. Blue clay can make light hair darker, giving a grayish-yellow tint. Owners of light curls should finish the procedure by washing their hair with shampoo with a tint.

Yolk, lemon juice, honey, butter, vinegar, milk are added to clay masks. Treatment of hair with clay for several months leads to excellent results.

Hair treatment with tar

Someone at the mention of tar shudders because of the specific smell. However, natural tar is able to get rid of dandruff and itching. Treatment of hair with tar at home is very easy to carry out, just add a few drops to the mask, shampoo. It can be diluted with water in a concentration acceptable to you and rubbed into the scalp. There are therapeutic shampoos ("Revivor", "Friderm") based on tar. Short hair can be washed with tar soap, which is produced by Crimean manufacturers (“Crimean soap”).

Tar hair treatment is indicated for serious diseases such as eczema, psoriasis. Tar is used as an independent tool. Tar, dissolved in alcohol or glycerin in equal proportions, is an excellent remedy for seborrhea, as well as for focal hair loss. It does not even need to be washed off, only to remove the remnants.

Pepper hair treatment

Tincture of capsicum on alcohol is easy to find in the pharmacy kiosk. It is rubbed into the roots before washing the hair. Improves blood circulation, activates hair growth.

Hair treatment with pepper is also carried out with homemade tinctures for alcohol, vodka, cognac (calculation of 10 g of a burning drug per 100 ml.). The composition is kept for seven days in a dark place.

It is easy to make a mask with pepper, shampoo and any vegetable oil: infusion of capsicum 1 tbsp. mix with 2 tbsp. your shampoo and enter 2 tbsp. oils (castor, linseed, olive).

Hair treatment with pepper is carried out with the addition of honey, egg yolk, lemon juice. When making your own products, do not forget about safety precautions - cover your hands with gloves, avoiding burns and contact with eyes.

Hair treatment with kerosene

Hair treatment with kerosene is possible with problems of hair loss. It is advisable to use purified kerosene. Olive oil is mixed with the same amount of kerosene. Apply mass to the hair roots once a week for several hours before shampooing. To enhance the effectiveness of olive oil, it is recommended to introduce burdock root (2 tablespoons of dry root per glass of oil).

Hair treatment with kerosene is carried out with oily seborrhea. A mixture is made from a part of purified kerosene, two parts of castor oil, ten parts of ethyl alcohol. This mixture is distributed over the skin a few hours before washing.

Propolis hair treatment

Total hair loss is treated with an infusion of propolis in alcohol (at least 30% propolis). Hair treatment with propolis helps to solve the problem of psoriasis. It is also necessary to take 2 g of propolis daily after a meal. The course lasts up to three months. Lotions of propolis mixed with vegetable oil or lanolin are applied to the areas of the head. Good results are obtained by eating bee bread with honey at night.

Propolis helps to get rid of itching, peeling of the skin, dermatitis. In combination with a decoction of oak bark, propolis becomes an indispensable remedy for fungal eczema.

Hair treatment with mayonnaise

Hair treatment with mayonnaise is most suitable for dry, damaged, as well as brittle curls. A wonderful recipe for mayonnaise with olive or almond oil: 3 tbsp. mayonnaise is combined with a spoonful of butter, yolk is added, 1 tbsp. lemon juice (for fair hair) or apple cider vinegar (for dark hair). Cover wet hair with the mixture, wrap it up and rinse with cool water after half an hour.

Adding mayonnaise to avocado affects the deep structure of the hair. Half the pulp of a ripe avocado is turned into gruel and a glass of mayonnaise is introduced - the mask is ready. Distribute along the length of the hair, not forgetting about the tips. Leave on for about half an hour and wash off with cool water.

Mustard hair treatment

Mustard in folk medicine is revered for stimulating growth and strengthening hair. Hair treatment with mustard is carried out according to the same scheme - first, mustard powder is mixed with warm water to the consistency of sour cream, and then all kinds of components are added. You can get by with rubbing mustard gruel without impurities into the hair roots. Some people prefer masks that last up to half an hour and wash off with water.

Mustard treatment has a side effect in the form of a burning sensation. If the scalp bakes very strongly, you do not need to overpower yourself - rinse immediately. With mustard, egg yolk, vegetable and essential oils give excellent results. And it can be about individual preferences.

Hair treatment with urine

Treatment of hair with urine remarkably affects their condition. Urine is a safe and effective substance. Good results in accelerating hair growth and improving the scalp are obtained by using urine that has been aged for up to a week, which is rubbed with massage movements.

Urine treatment is carried out in the form of compresses from fresh or aged urine. Hair is covered with plastic wrap and wrapped with a towel to hold for about an hour. The procedure is repeated up to 3 times a week for several months.

You can take morning urine inside 250 gr. As experts say, then the best effect of urine treatment is observed.

Treatment of hair with urine leads to lasting results, and your hair becomes thick, silky and beautiful.


The psychological aspect of urine treatment

For many people, urine treatment is a powerful taboo. They are disgusted at the thought of using this remedy externally or internally. This taboo is a consequence of moral taboos imposed by society. We are taught from childhood that urine is something bad, nasty. Public morality puts all physiological processes (defecation, urination, various sexual aspects of human life) under a ban. It is “indecent”, “shameful” to talk about it. In the process of social education, the child forms blocks associated with the natural physiological needs of the body, which are very difficult to cross.

In early childhood, these psychological prohibitions do not yet exist. A child is born free from the moral attitudes imposed on him by society. Therefore, children speak so freely and naturally about these physiological processes: they simply do not know that it is “forbidden”, “indecent”, “unpleasant”. But the fact is that there is nothing indecent and nasty in this, these are natural processes that ensure the normal functioning of the body.

If a child comes into contact with his own urine, this does not cause him discomfort, fear or disgust. Moreover, up to a certain age, this process is absolutely natural: the baby urinates in diapers or pants, his skin is in contact with urine regularly. At the same time, his skin (normally) does not experience any unpleasant consequences from contact with urine. On the contrary, there is nothing more delicate and healthy than the skin of a baby. Thus, this is a clear example of the fact that urine does not harm health, but rather improves its condition.
Moreover, in the process of intrauterine development, the fetus is in the amniotic fluid of the mother. The kidneys and excretory system of the fetus begin to function at the 14th week of pregnancy. This begins the excretion of urine, which is mixed with the amniotic fluid of the mother. It is absolutely natural for the fetus to be in a solution of its own urine, swallow it, absorb it with the skin during 2/3 of pregnancy. Thus, urine is simply physiologically incapable of harming a person.

Of course, this statement is true if we are talking about the urine of a healthy person, which does not contain harmful substances, and if the course of urine therapy is carried out correctly.

Prohibitions, fear and disgust for urine in a person appears in the process of education. These are artificial psychological blocks that not only prevent the use of urine for the treatment of various diseases and general cleansing and healing of the body, but also hinder the realization of a person’s potential. The more such blocks and prohibitions in the mind of a person, the less comfortable such an individual feels. Children are much more free and happy than adults. Because they are not afraid to say out loud what they think, to ask for what they want, to realize themselves without regard to the opinions of others. This freedom is then replaced by moral attitudes, the concepts of "decent" and "indecent", imposed by society and preventing a person from living a full life. As a result, neurosis, dissatisfaction develops.

Overcoming such prohibitions and attitudes is very important for the psychological comfort of the individual. One of the steps in this process may be to accept that urine is not a forbidden product, that treatment and purification with urine can bring significant benefits to the body.

Urine treatment: methods of application

You can drink urine, make compresses, baths, lubricate the skin, bury it in the nose or ears, use it for gargling, cleanse the large intestine with an enema. The method of using urine depends on the disease and the general physical condition of the person.

Ingestion of urine

So, what helps the intake of urine through the mouth? In the oral cavity, this substance has an antimicrobial effect, helps fight putrefactive bacteria and bad breath. If you carry out regular daily rinsing of the mouth and larynx with urine, this will help strengthen the gums and the mucous membrane of the oral cavity. Some people use urine instead of toothpaste. This substance effectively cleans plaque and disinfects. Long-term use of urine improves the quality of tooth enamel, since the trace elements rich in urine strengthen teeth, and the antimicrobial properties of this substance help stop caries. Gargling with urine is used for chronic and acute tonsillitis.

Urine enters the stomach through the esophagus. Urine has a beneficial effect on the mucous membrane of the digestive canal. There is a cleansing of the mucosa. If there are any wounds or ulcers, with regular use of urine, they heal and regenerate tissues. This effect of urine is explained by the steroid hormones and anti-inflammatory substances in it.

After the stomach, urine passes into the duodenum and then into the small intestine. Due to the high concentration of mineral salts, urine sucks water into the intestinal lumen. This helps to cleanse the mucosa and microvilli of the small intestine. The toxic substances that have settled on the walls dissolve in the urine. Regular treatment with urine helps to cleanse and normalize the work of the intestines, improves digestion and absorption of nutrients. Appetite thus becomes better.

However, in order for the therapy to be effective, it is important to eat right, not overeat, and give preference to home-cooked food of plant origin. A well-functioning intestine will reap the maximum benefit, but nutrition must be healthy to do so. If a person consumes junk food, fatty, fried foods, fast food, then urine therapy will only increase the negative impact of these products on the body, since the entire complex of toxic substances and carcinogens contained in them will enter the bloodstream from the intestines.

In the small intestine, urine is diluted with water to such an extent that its osmotic potential is compared with the interstitial fluid. This is followed by absorption of urine. All useful components of this substance enter the bloodstream. It is important to note that urine does not contain complex substances that are broken down in the digestive tract. Steroid hormones and amino acids, vitamins are small in size, so they are freely absorbed by the cellular transport system of the cells of the small intestine and enter the bloodstream. Also, minerals that are contained in the urine enter the bloodstream.

With blood, urine first enters the liver. This treatment helps with gallstone disease, since urine helps to dissolve stones in the gallbladder. The functioning of liver cells also improves, and the body is naturally cleansed.

In the future, all components of urine are carried with blood throughout the body and have a complex positive effect on the body. Urea has an anticarcinogenic effect and promotes the removal of excess water. Vitamins contained in urine strengthen the immune system, rejuvenate and improve the general condition of the body. Contained in the urine hormones contribute to the normalization of hormonal levels and improve the functioning of the endocrine glands.

As a result of urine therapy, the work of the whole organism improves, because the work of the intestine directly affects the work of all organ systems. Regular intake of urine through the mouth helps to eliminate infectious and inflammatory processes, is effective for stomach ulcers, pancreatitis, strengthens the immune system, normalizes the hormonal balance of the body, improves complexion and skin condition. The use of urine has a complex positive effect on the state of the cardiovascular system, improves kidney function. The use of urine is also useful for the treatment of diseases of the joints. Urine therapy is used for polyarthritis. With the help of such treatment, the joints are cleansed of salt deposits, pain is eliminated and mobility is restored.

What are urine enemas used for?

Urine enemas are an effective way to cleanse the colon. Urine has a beneficial effect on the condition of the mucosa, helps to fight putrefactive bacteria developing in the intestines.
As you know, the large intestine is the most polluted place in the human body. Slags and toxins accumulate there, in the process of formation of fecal masses on the walls of the intestine, a precipitate is formed from the residual products of digestion. In the case of dysbacteriosis, putrefactive bacteria develop in the intestines, which paralyze the normal functioning of the digestive system, cause constipation and gas formation, and poison the body with the products of their vital activity. Enema urine normalizes the bowels and thereby improves the condition of the whole organism.

For enemas, 500–100 ml of urine is used. The procedure is carried out one day after bowel movement.
Begin the course of urine therapy with whole urine. Then, after about a month, you can start a course of enemas with evaporated urine. Urine is evaporated to half, and then a quarter of the original volume.
Begin to do enemas with 100 ml of evaporated urine. For each subsequent procedure, increase its amount by 500 ml. Enemas are still given every other day. After the amount of urine for one procedure reaches 500 ml, the volume of the enema begins to gradually decrease. Having reached 100 ml of evaporated urine, bowel cleansing can be considered complete. This treatment is repeated if necessary. In order to prevent various diseases and regularly cleanse the intestines, it is useful to take a course of urine enemas every six months to a year.
Such treatment helps to cleanse the large intestine, improve its functioning. A course of urine therapy helps to cope with constipation, dysbacteriosis, cleanses and improves the condition of the mucosa, prevents the development of cancer of the colon and rectum.

You need to be careful with the use of enemas for hemorrhoids. In some cases, this can lead to prolapse of hemorrhoids and deterioration of the patient's condition.

Why bury urine in the ears and nose?

Urine can be used to treat and prevent infectious diseases of the nasopharynx: sinusitis, sinusitis, tonsillitis. Instillation of urine into the ears helps to combat inflammation in the ear.
For treatment, washing the nasopharynx with fresh urine 1-2 times a day is used. 5-10 drops of urine are dripped into the ears several times a day.

Urine is also used for inhalation. This procedure will help to cope with chronic runny nose, bronchitis, will help to cure pneumonia. Urine has an antimicrobial effect and thus fights infection.

What is topical urine therapy used for?

The skin has absorbing properties, therefore, the external use of therapeutic agents, in particular, urine, has not only a local, but also a complex effect on the body.

Cleansing the body through the skin occurs if you use rubbing and massages with urine. Hormones, amino acids and urea are absorbed through the skin and help cleanse and improve the condition of the body. The beneficial components of urine are especially actively absorbed during massage.

Important! If an adverse reaction occurs and rashes appear on the skin, the procedure must be stopped.

Urine has a positive effect on the condition of the skin, so it is also used for cosmetic purposes. To do this, use fresh or stripped off up to a quarter of the original volume of urine. It is recommended to wipe the skin of the face and neck every morning. After the procedure, you need to wait until the skin dries, and rinse it first with warm, then cool water. It is not recommended to use detergents that dry the skin. Urine also has a beneficial effect on hair growth. This substance is recommended to be rubbed into the hair roots before shampooing.
For the treatment of burns, purulent wounds and skin infections, compresses with urine are used, which are applied to the affected areas. Compresses are recommended to be applied 2 times a day. For the procedure, fresh or evaporated urine is used.

The cleansing of joints from salt deposits and the treatment of polyarthritis is carried out by alternating compresses from fresh and old urine to the area of ​​the damaged joint. Therapy must be comprehensive. Effective cleansing of the compositions is possible only with the parallel use of urine inside and the use of enemas.

In order for the treatment to be effective, it is necessary to follow a number of rules for conducting urine therapy. Uncontrolled and thoughtless use of such treatment can do more harm than good.

Basic rules for drinking urine:

What could be the danger of urine therapy?

The healing effect of urine is associated with its rich composition. It contains water-soluble vitamins, minerals, amino acids, urea and corticosteroid hormones. Excretion of hormones from the body is carried out by the kidneys, so urine is rich in these substances. Hormones have an anti-inflammatory effect, stimulate tissue regeneration.

However, this may be the danger of urine therapy. Since a significant dose of corticosteroid hormones enters the body with urine, such therapy, in fact, is analogous to taking hormonal drugs.

Taking hormones orally in large quantities can lead to disruption of the functioning of the endocrine glands, in particular, the adrenal glands. The so-called feedback is carried out: the concentration of hormones in the blood regulates the synthesis of these substances by the glands of the body. If the concentration of corticosteroids is exceeded, the adrenal glands stop producing them and may atrophy over time. This is exactly what happens when you take urine for a long time. Ingestion of urine in children can cause growth and developmental arrest.

It is also important to note that hormone therapy eliminates the symptoms of the disease: reduces inflammation, has an analgesic effect. However, this does not always equate to healing, since the cause of the disease has not been eliminated. Treatment with urine should be supplemented by the identification and elimination of the factors that caused the development of a particular disease.

In order for the external and internal use of urine to be safe, you need to be sure that the urine is sterile and does not contain pathogens. The presence of bacteria in the urine may indicate its cloudy color, an unpleasant putrefactive odor. But the absence of these signs is not always a guarantee of urine sterility.


Urinotherapy: the concept of urine

To understand the question: urine therapy - benefit or harm - it is necessary to consider the concept of "urine". After all, it is this product of vital activity that is in the center of attention of the folk method of treatment - urine therapy. The composition of urine includes:

1. Water, which dissolves all the products of human metabolism, including hormonal and toxic compounds. The latter, however, have already worked out their service life. In other words, urine contains those substances that a person no longer needs, and therefore easily gets rid of and removes from the body.

2. In the case when a person has certain pathologies, they necessarily affect the composition of urine. So, for people with diabetes, urine may contain sugar. Those who have kidney pathologies can see protein in urine.

3. Uric acids, for example, oxalates, urates, carbotanes, phosphates and other compounds, are sure to be found in the urine of a person who does not follow the recommendations of a proper and healthy diet.

What diseases can be cured by urine therapy?

Before answering the question of what kind of method is urine therapy, the benefits or harms of it, it is worthwhile to outline the range of those diseases that, according to traditional medicine, can be cured in this way. After all, a modern person still resorts to such an unconventional method of treatment to cleanse his body, during cosmetic procedures, and, of course, to treat diseases of the stomach and intestines, kidneys, liver and heart, infectious, colds and skin diseases, as well as eye diseases.

Why is urine useful?

Although most specialists in official medicine do not approve of the methods of such alternative treatment, many of them confirm that the benefits of urine therapy are obvious. Urine in its composition has metabolites of steroid hormones, and therefore urine therapy itself is somewhat similar to hormone therapy. But this is hypothetically possible only if the entire daily volume of urine is taken orally.

If we take into account the fact that hormone therapy is credited with an active fight against inflammatory processes, then the benefits of urine therapy are obvious.

Why is urine therapy harmful?

Earlier it was said that urine therapy is somewhat similar to hormone therapy. Now it’s worth dispelling all the myths, since urine therapy is good and bad in one bottle.

In the process of taking hormones, the human body also begins to suffer. And the harm of urine therapy becomes visible to the naked eye. Since a real threat looms over a person to reduce the production of their own hormones. And subsequently, people begin to feel the onset of old age faster, in some, the function of sexual activity decreases, you can quickly gain excess weight and even feel clouded mind.

Therefore, you should not try to get what the body is already full of. You don't have to hurt yourself. Urinotherapy say "no"!

It is worth special attention to focus on the fact that this method of alternative medicine has its own contraindications. It is not recommended to resort to its use, for example, if a person has diabetes, hypertension, osteoporosis, herpes, psychological disorders and other diseases. Also, treatment with urine therapy is unacceptable for women in position.

Treatment of skin diseases with urine therapy

A modern person is very responsible and, one might say, reverently relates to the condition of the skin of the face. That is why in recent years you can often hear about such a truly folk method of treatment as urine therapy. Thanks to this method, the skin becomes clean, gets rid of acne and acne.

Recipes for the treatment of facial skin

To do this, according to doctors of alternative medicine, it is necessary to follow some recommendations. For example:

1. To get rid of acne, you need to daily wipe your face with a cotton swab soaked in fresh urine. After 20 minutes after this procedure, traditional medicine experts recommend rinsing the skin with warm running water. This method is most successful for teenagers and helps to get rid of a variety of rashes on the face within a few days.

2. In the case when acne has already appeared in an adult, the reason for this lies in the general unsatisfactory state of the body. Here, ordinary lotions cannot be dispensed with, and therefore it is worth treating with urinotherapy. More precisely, the course of such treatment will consist of daily urine enemas three times a day. The duration of all non-traditional medical events is two weeks, no less. Here it is worth paying attention to the effectiveness of such a folk method of treatment.

3. When a person is predisposed to the appearance of acne on the face, then alternative medicine experts strongly recommend daily cleansing of your body, and with it the skin of the face. So, it is necessary to drink 200-250 g of urine twice a day for a month and constantly make lotions from it so that urine therapy for facial skin is effective.

How to make your hair soft and silky with urine therapy?

Most people, especially the beautiful half of humanity, are constantly unhappy with the condition of their hair. Therefore, the question: urine therapy - benefit or harm - is especially relevant for them. So, many complain of profuse hair loss, their fragility and weakness, as well as a dull color. But in almost all cases, the promised positive result from modern cosmetic and medical products is not expected. Therefore, the opportunity to heal your hair in a free and effective way - urine - is very interesting. Plus, for your health, urine is not harmful and at the same time very effective.

Several recipes for hair treatment with urine therapy

1. Specialists of this non-traditional method of treatment recommend performing a head massage with light rubbing of urine into the skin. In this case, it is best to use the old urine, in other words, the one that has already been infused for more than five days. This will give a better effect than fresh urine.

2. If the condition of the hair is simply deplorable, then it is worth making compresses from urine. For this, it is recommended to wash your hair with urine twice a week, wrap it in polyethylene and warm it. So you need to walk for about an hour and only then rinse with warm water. The entire course of hair and scalp treatment is about three months.

3. If you want to get the maximum result from the treatment, then you also need to take urine inside at 200-250 g per day. It is recommended to do this in the morning for the best effect and complete recovery of the hair.

It should be understood that only a clear guide to all the recommendations of specialists in non-traditional practice of urinotherapy treatment will achieve the desired and promised result. A partial or incomplete course of treatment will not be able to prove the benefits of these folk procedures.

Authoritative reviews of specialists about urine therapy

Today it is important to understand what are the benefits of urine therapy. Real reviews of doctors will be of interest to everyone.

To judge the supporters and opponents of such an unconventional method of treatment, it is worth contacting the specialists of the official traditional medical practice. So, the surgeon, candidate of medical sciences Svetlana Nemirova is not very flattering about urine therapy. He even ascribes a derogatory word form to this term. Indeed, in her practice, there were cases when a person who self-treated a spot on his leg with urine therapy was delivered to the ambulance with terrible pain and tissue necrosis that took place. As a result, to save the life of such a patient, he had to amputate the lower limb.

Somewhat skeptical and, one might say, hostile, Dmitry Pushkar, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Urology at Moscow State University of Medicine and Dentistry, treats the folk practice of treating with urine. He insists that such alternative medicine only destroys the human body. Since taking inside what the body has already got rid of is impractical and even stupid. Even if these are hormones and vitamins, apparently, they are in excess, since they were excreted in the urine. What about toxins? They are so dangerous. By getting rid of these harmful compounds, a person only saves himself, and urine therapy offers to return everything back.

As for satisfied patients who claim that the treatment with urine has helped them get rid of rheumatism or other diseases, everything is very simple to explain. Initially, there is an effect similar to hormone therapy, which has already been mentioned above. In the end, this method of alternative medicine will not lead to anything good. So think about it: to drink or not to drink? After all, it is about your health and future life. Maybe it's not worth risking such important things?

In pursuit of beauty and youth, people spend huge amounts of money buying the latest developments in the field of cosmetology. However, if you are not a squeamish person, an invaluable means of rejuvenation, literally and figuratively, is available to you. We are talking about urine therapy for the skin of the face. The method is controversial, many cause a lot of indignation, but it exists and has long established itself as effective. The choice is yours anyway. In the publication we will tell you in detail what an amazing and effective remedy urine is for the face, and we will talk about how urine can be used for cosmetic purposes.

The composition of urine and its beneficial properties

Urine is a complex chemical compound, which includes a large number of elements. Currently, science has discovered about 150 components of urine. The main composition of urine is:

  • water, moreover, structured in a strict order, due to which it is able to cleanse well;
  • ammonia, which helps soften the pores, and therefore deeper penetration of oxygen and other beneficial substances into the skin;
  • salts of calcium, potassium, sodium and magnesium, which have an anti-inflammatory effect;
  • hormones and enzymes, the natural property of which is rejuvenation;
  • vitamins that nourish the body and give it strength for regeneration.

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A very good feature of urine is its acidity, which completely coincides with the PH level of our skin, so when using urine, the skin does not get irritated.

To date, urine therapy is not recognized by official medicine either as a means of healing the body, or as a cosmetic product. But traditional medicine has long used urine to treat a variety of diseases, and also successfully uses it in cosmetology, for example, urine helps with acne on the face, pigmentation, wrinkles, and has a general rejuvenating effect.

It is important to know that you need to use only fresh or evaporated urine; during storage, urine quickly loses its healing properties.

For a qualitative result, urine must be "clean". How to achieve this? First of all, review your diet:

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Smoking, sedentary lifestyle, stress also have a negative impact on the composition of urine. Therefore, before you do urine therapy, pay attention to your lifestyle and adjust it if necessary.

Urine therapy and health

The list of ailments with which urine therapy can cope is almost endless. People using this method note the following results:

  • relieves any inflammation;
  • quickly heals wounds and other skin damage;
  • normalizes the work of the heart, kidneys, liver;
  • successfully treats rheumatoid diseases;
  • normalizes blood sugar levels;
  • heals joints and cartilage, indispensable for bruises;
  • helps to overcome food allergies;
  • treats sinusitis, tonsillitis;
  • well restores the skin after burns;
  • heals cracks in hemorrhoids;
  • helps to restore the skin with eczema and psoriasis;
  • stops hair loss, stimulates their growth;
  • effectively fights wrinkles, scars and skin pigmentation.

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The use of urine cleanses the body of toxins and other accumulated harmful substances that poison us and cause various inflammations and defects. Our appearance always depends on the internal state of the organism and is its reflection. When the body is “slagged”, acne and wrinkles appear, the color of the skin becomes gray, dull, flabbiness of the skin occurs, the hair becomes thin and hair falls out.

Just one week is enough to cleanse the colon of toxins. Stages of the procedure:

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For a qualitative result, the procedure should be carried out regularly throughout the week, it is better to use morning or baby urine. The method is safe, has no side effects, cleanses and heals the body well. The result will certainly affect the condition of the skin: they will become elastic, toned, inflammation will disappear, the skin will shine.

For more information about the procedure for cleansing the intestines with urine, see the following video:

The use of urine in cosmetology

In cosmetology, urine therapy has been used for a long time and allows you to achieve excellent results even in the most advanced cases. Especially popular is the use of urine for wrinkles and acne. Urine is also able to rid the skin of excessive pigmentation, scarring, peeling, manifestations of skin diseases and other defects.

Urine therapy for facial skin is method of external use of urine.

Washing the face with urine

The most common way to apply urine to the face is by washing. This will require morning urine. This method perfectly cleanses and moisturizes the skin of the face, and also enriches the cells of the dermis with useful minerals. After washing with urine, the face should be rinsed with clean water or herbal decoction and apply your favorite cream. .png" alt="(!LANG:Herbal Decoction" width="450" height="336" srcset="" data-srcset="https://kozha-lica.ru/wp-content/uploads/2017/07/img-2017-07-16-19-18-32-450x336..png 583w" sizes="(max-width: 450px) 100vw, 450px"> !}

Using urine for facial skin, you can achieve the following results:

  • the skin becomes elastic and smooth;
  • the turgor of the skin increases;
  • the complexion is normalized;
  • wrinkles and pimples disappear;
  • the fat content of the skin decreases with increased secretion of subcutaneous fat;
  • pigmented areas are lightened;
  • scars are smoothed out.

It is important to know that with regular use of urine, the skin is slightly lightened.

Use of lotions with urine

In addition to washing, you can use lotions. First, the skin of the face is wiped with a cotton pad soaked in urine, thus cleansing the dermis from impurities and sebum. Then gauze or a terry towel soaked in urine is applied to problem areas or to the entire face (except for the eye area). After 15 minutes, rinse your face with water. Cream in this case is not necessary. The procedure must be performed daily or at least 3 times a week until improvement occurs. .png" alt="(!LANG:Gifts" width="222" height="273"> !}

For cosmetic purposes, you can use the urine of only a healthy person, preferably your own or a child. The urine of a sick person, like an old one, is not used in traditional medicine. The urine collected at about 4 o'clock in the morning, as well as the urine of pregnant women (3rd trimester), is the richest in useful substances.

Urine compresses - amazing results

Urinotherapy for the face can solve the problem of acne, boils and other inflammations. Urinary compresses are used to treat these problems:

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Compresses with urine will help to cope even with eczema and manifestations of psoriasis on the face. You need to do them every day until you see improvement.

Good results are obtained by the use of compresses with urine for the neck and décolleté area, because the skin there is thin and early reveals the real age of the woman with wrinkles. To enhance the result, it is recommended to use evaporated urine, because. substances useful for the skin in this embodiment will be in an increased concentration. As a result, the skin becomes smoother, more elastic and toned. .png" alt="(!LANG:Neck packs" width="450" height="309" srcset="" data-srcset="https://kozha-lica.ru/wp-content/uploads/2017/07/img-2017-05-17-23-45-16-450x309..png 768w, https://kozha-lica.ru/wp-content/uploads/2017/07/img-2017-05-17-23-45-16.png 877w" sizes="(max-width: 450px) 100vw, 450px"> !}

Facial skin massage and urine therapy

If you use urine during the usual, the effect will exceed all expectations. Just apply a small amount of urine on your fingers and massage your face as usual, not forgetting the massage lines. After the procedure, wash your face with herbal decoction and apply cream on the skin.

When using evaporated urine, you can get the effect of light scrubbing. A high-quality peeling is provided to you in any case. .png" alt="(!LANG:Urine face massage" width="339" height="450" srcset="" data-srcset="https://kozha-lica.ru/wp-content/uploads/2017/07/img-2017-07-16-19-13-22-339x450..png 396w" sizes="(max-width: 339px) 100vw, 339px"> !}


The results of urine therapy for facial skin from wrinkles and acne often outperform the effect of using expensive cosmetics. And the rejuvenating properties of urine therapy are comparable to some salon procedures.

Numerous positive reviews of people using urinotherapy for cosmetic purposes speak for themselves. Of course, the method is peculiar and not suitable for everyone, but it works great, has no "side effects" and has long been time-tested. If you do not have insurmountable prejudices, this method can become for you a real find of a new means of rejuvenation and salvation from many skin problems. All health and unfading youth!

Urine is the best remedy for dandruff, lifeless and split ends, and even for hair loss and baldness. (I remember a letter with hair. It was sent to me by an elderly man who was surprised by the growth of hair on his head from the use of urine.) At the same time, fresh or old urine (10-day urine is considered a medicinal shampoo) is rubbed into the scalp strongly, but with a sense of proportion. After a half-hour-hour exposure, everything is washed off without soap or shampoo. The effect is higher if the urine is not washed off, but this is not always possible.

Koon van der Kron writes: “This method allows the hair on my head to grow back almost bare. This, of course, does not guarantee its use as another panacea: after all, baldness is associated with various factors, not always only with the condition of the scalp. From myself I will add: most often with the features of an individual constitution.

“For hair loss, a mixture of potato powder and sulfur mixed with old urine at a pleasant temperature helps. This mixture is smeared on the head, and hair loss slows down (you can add more calf bile) ”(Johann Heinrich Zedler, Great Universal Lexicon, 1747).


I tried some urine. 2-3 times rubbed urine into the scalp. Once after that, the head stopped hurting, and the next time the hair became curly.

7. To rejuvenate the body

For this purpose, massage, rubbing or baths with baby urine are suitable. Add 500 g or more of baby urine to baths.

Tibetan healers who use the healing power of precious stones recommend that patients urinate on such stones. When the gemstone is bathed in urine, its information is superimposed on it. This forms a special connection between the stone and the body of this particular person. As a result, not only the protective power of the stone increases, but the stone constantly “adjusts” this power to the energy of a person. As a result, crystals work much better - protecting and healing a person.


I am 70 years old. In June 1994 I bought your book, volume 3 - "Urine Therapy". Everything hurt from head to toe.

A year and a half later, here are the results:

1. Sleep is excellent without dreams.

2. Head does not hurt.

3. Bald before my head now has a head of hair.

4. Lymph nodes have resolved.

5. Diabetes has gone somewhere (no sugar in the blood and urine).

6. Heart cured: ischemia.

7. The liver returned to normal, there is no bitterness in the mouth.

8. Kidneys: sand came out, they work well.

9. The thyroid gland has disappeared.

10. The legs do not swell, do not hurt, there is no thrombophlebitis.

11. Fibroids resolved (offered surgery, refused).

12. The skin is smooth, velvety.

13. Hypertension 140/90 is my working pressure.

14. The face is young, wrinkles are straightened out.

In the hospital they give me 48, 59, 60 years, but no one gives 70 years.

She was in the hospital for 20 days for prophylaxis. The ECG confirmed that I do not have ischemia, diabetes, hypertension, etc. Isn't this a miracle? Cured 5-6 people. I even treat doctors.

How to lubricate the body with urine.

When lubricating, use light stroking movements with your hands. Then you can increase the impact until a slight pain appears, and then move on to stroking. If urine lubrication is not used during fasting on water and urine, then the positive effects of fasting cannot always be realized due to the heavy load on the heart. But if you lubricate the body with urine, then the load is largely removed and fasting is easier. Armstrong experienced this, the author confirms. Armstrong recalls that when the body is lubricated with urine, blood circulation improves and the pulse normalizes, strength is greatly preserved and fruitful work can be done.

see also

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Treatment with one's own urine and hunger is fair and humane and most of all corresponds to the principles of natural treatment (naturopathy). It consists in the fact that a sick person is aware of his mistakes ...

In cosmetology, there are often methods to combat the aging process, which can be called not only strange, but literally repulsive. However, for those who want to achieve real results in the fight against age, there are no barriers. And in this case, urine therapy for facial skin becomes an excellent helper for wrinkles and other signs of aging.

Polar opinions about urine

More people learn about urine therapy to fight wrinkles and to eliminate more serious pathologies year after year.

The number of supporters of this method of treatment is also growing, and with it the number of opponents is increasing.

Clinical picture

What Doctors Say About Wrinkles

Doctor of Medical Sciences, plastic surgeon Morozov E.A.:

I have been doing plastic surgery for many years. Many famous personalities who wanted to look younger have passed through me. Currently, plastic surgery is losing its relevance. science does not stand still, more and more new methods for rejuvenating the body appear, and some of them are quite effective. If you do not want or do not have the opportunity to resort to plastic surgery, I will recommend an equally effective, but most budget-friendly alternative.

For more than 1 year on the European market there is a miracle drug for skin rejuvenation NOVASKIN, which can be obtained IS FREE. In terms of efficiency, it is several times superior to Botox injections, not to mention all sorts of creams. It is easy to use and you will see the most important effect of it instantly. It is no exaggeration to say that fine and deep wrinkles and bags under the eyes disappear almost immediately. Thanks to the intracellular effect, the skin is completely restored, regenerated, the changes are simply colossal.

Learn more>>

People who believe in the power of urine often confirm that it perfectly relieves the face of wrinkles and fights other cosmetic deficiencies. And opponents argue that what our body itself throws out as unnecessary cannot be useful. Taking into account all the harmful substances entering the body from the environment, this opinion can be considered more weighty.

But there are several interesting factors: even followers of traditional medicine confirm that children's urine, and not adult urine, is highly effective. The second important point is that doctors do not refute the facts of the futility of such a method of treatment and fight against wrinkles on the face.

Reviews of people resorting to the use of urine therapy often talk about its positive properties:

  • Urine perfectly removes inflammatory processes;
  • It helps fight skin diseases;
  • Urine in the fight against wrinkles on the face also helps to cleanse the body and improve liver function when ingested;
  • Urine can increase glucose levels.

Using anti-wrinkle facial urine is a risky move. And only with the correct use of the technique, you can count on some result. After all, the opinions of thousands of people cannot be wrong.

How does urine affect the skin?

With the course use of urine therapy for wrinkles, other results can be achieved. Urine is taken both internally and externally. Here is how it helps in the fight against skin imperfections:

The peculiarity of the positive effect of urine on the skin is that it has the same level of acidity and does not violate the natural processes occurring in the epidermis.

The chemical composition of urine offers a unique set of components for the benefit of human skin:

  • Ammonia - expands the pores and promotes better absorption of other substances;
  • Salts of sodium, calcium, magnesium and potassium - treat the skin, relieve inflammation;
  • A large amount of water, the molecules of which have undergone a change and become 100% purified, they wash the skin well;
  • Hormones and vitamins, as well as other substances, have impressive healing and nutritional properties.

In total, over 150 microelements were found in the composition of urine, this product cannot be called simple.

Traditional medicine widely uses urine therapy not only to combat skin diseases.

Proper use inside

Urine therapy for the face from wrinkles involves applications from the inside. And this is not drinking urine, but performing special enemas. It is they who well cleanse the large intestine from harmful substances and rotting food debris. And it helps to cleanse flabbiness, acne and redness.

Ideally, if it is possible to use baby urine to cleanse the digestive tract:

  • First you need to empty the intestines naturally;
  • Then, from 200 to 400 g of urine are collected into the pear;
  • Enter into the intestine in 3-4 doses;
  • They endure for 10-15 minutes, and then empty the intestines.

Already after several such procedures, which should be carried out no more than 1 time per week, the skin will noticeably become prettier. It will become more elastic and lighter, tone will improve, and wrinkles will gradually begin to smooth out.

How to apply externally?

In support of urine therapy "from the inside" for the anti-wrinkle face, external methods should also be used:

Outwardly, masks with urine from wrinkles can be used 2-3 times a week. This is a simple and effective method that does not require any other components.

Some people who have been practicing urine therapy for wrinkling for a long time, I advise you to evaporate the urine to ¼ volume until it begins to crystallize and take on a new look.

You can use urine from wrinkles not only on the face, but also on the neck. Additionally, compresses with a bandage and urine are applied to the décolleté area. And the urine taken at 3-4 o'clock in the morning is best suited for this. It is important to consider the state of health. The urine of a sick person will not help in the treatment of skin diseases!

Drawing conclusions

If you are reading these lines, we can conclude that you are still looking for a way to rejuvenate your face and get rid of wrinkles that make you feel uncomfortable when you see them in the mirror.

We have conducted an investigation, studied a bunch of materials and, most importantly, tested most of the ways and means against wrinkles, from folk methods to the procedures that doctors can offer. The verdict is:

All means, if they gave, then only an insignificant temporary result. As soon as the procedures were stopped, after a few days everything came back.

The only drug that has shown significant results is NOVASKIN.

This serum is the best alternative to Botox. The main feature is that NOVASKIN acts instantly, i.e. In just a few minutes, you can see significant improvements!

This drug is not sold in pharmacy chains, but is funded by the Ministry of Health and distributed IS FREE. Reviews about NOVASKIN can be read here.

Many women note that urine helps to get rid of fine wrinkles in 5-8 weeks of use, and deep wrinkles in a few months. Those who used to have oily skin say that after urine therapy, this pathology worries much less frequently. It is also noted that the skin becomes softer and more elastic.

Urinotherapy solved my problem 100%!

I want to tell you my story, please treat with understanding ( if the topic of the review is unpleasant for you, do not splash out your negativity, but pass by), for me the topic raised in the review was painful and sore (pimples spoiled my mood for a long time).

I have pimples all the time on my face. Tried a lot of different(creams, ointments, cleansing masks) - nothing helped. After acne, red spots remained, the wounds healed for a long time. I was constantly looking for an option to solve the problem, I went to a dermatologist and a cosmetologist - the effect was, but short-lived. It seems that acne became less and less common, but then sprinkled again. I followed my diet.

A friend advised me, from her experience, to try to use urine therapy in the fight against acne. At first I reacted violently, saying: " I won't try it, I'm disgusted ". After her advice, thoughts nevertheless began in my head. I read reviews on the Internet, visited a forum on this topic. The opinion of people who tried it became interesting. In general, I decided to try this method and was surprised - IT HELPED ME! I still do not believe that urine helps!

How I used Urine Therapy:

1) In the fight against acne and traces of them:

I used urine every morning (wetted cotton pads and wiped a clean face - 2 weeks). After wiping with urine, leave the face to dry and after 15 minutes, wash again. It is a little difficult psychologically to do such a procedure, but after 2-3 days you get used to it and your attitude towards it changes for the better. After 2 weeks of urine therapy, no acne, no traces of them left! The skin is fresher and looks healthy.

2)Improve hair growth through urine therapy:

Urine was boiled on a quiet fire, so that it became 3 times less than the initial volume. After, it cooled down and I used it when washing my hair. On clean hair, holding the head with hot water, hot water (so that the pores of the head open). She applied urine to the scalp and rubbed it a little, then put a cap on her head and wrapped it with a towel. After 40-60 minutes, she took off her towel, hat and washed her hair. After 2 weeks of doing this procedure, a noticeable result appeared (I did the procedure a day, every other day). Hair became stronger, volume appeared from the roots, shine was added. I noticed that they began to grow faster and thicker. After a course of urine therapy, you need to take a break of 2 weeks and then do the same thing again for 2 weeks. After increasing the break for 1 month and again for 2 weeks, do procedures with urine. After, use as desired and as needed.

I advise you to try it too, perhaps my personal experience in the fight against acne and improving hair will help you. Do not disdain, they do not die from urine therapy. The effect will not keep you waiting, the main thing is to decide. If you have tried or will try... Please share your experience and results. I wish you success in the fight against acne and good results in applying urine to hair).

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