Overview of smart toothbrushes. Grush is a play toothbrush for kids. Beam Brush Electric Toothbrush

At first glance, this is an ordinary electric toothbrush, but looking closer, you understand that in front of you is what we used to call a smart gadget that not only supports several modes of brushing your teeth and massaging your gums, but also makes sure that we do it right. About how she succeeds, I will tell a little later, but for now let's take a closer look at it.

Externally, the Xiaomi toothbrush looks like an ordinary electric toothbrush, but it has its own differences. Compared to others electric brushes, Xiaomi has a rather large pen. If it seems to you that this is inconvenient, then you are greatly mistaken. Due to the balance of size, shape, weight and non-uniform texture, the pen is extremely comfortable to use.

To control the brush on the handle there is a single button, three operation mode indicators and a charge indicator, by the color of which we determine whether it is time to put the brush on charge.

At the base of the handle there is a special triangular groove with rounded edges. It is designed to install the brush on a wireless charger. I note that both the brush itself and its charger are waterproof, so you can leave it in the bathroom and not worry about possible problems with electricity. By the way, one battery charge is enough for about 18 days. So, you can safely take this toothbrush with you on a business trip or on vacation.

Here I would like to draw your attention to one subtle feature, namely the removable plastic ring gray color. The set includes additional rings in pale blue and pang color, allowing you to mark your brush in case several of these brushes are used in the house.

The replaceable head is put on a metal shaft that transmits vibration directly to the brush. The vibration frequency can reach 31,000 strokes per minute, which is twice the vibration frequency of a conventional electric toothbrush. To reduce the level of vibration on the handle, the central shaft, in fact, like the brush head, does not come into contact with the body.

The brush head deserves special attention. It uses soft bristles on a metal-free base from Dupont.

To her key features it is possible to attribute a denser (by 40%) fit of the bristles in groups, a special shape of the arrangement of groups and the height of the bristles, as well as a rounded shape of the bristle cut, which excludes scratches on the enamel of the teeth and gums. The bristles are arranged in groups of three rows. The central row of bristles is high.

In longitudinal section, the bristles have a concave profile. This form was not chosen by chance. According to the developers, it provides the most effective cleaning teeth, knocking out food debris in the interdental space, gum massage and even cleaning the tongue.

In addition to the Mijia Regular head, Xiaomi offers a Mini head recommended for removing coffee and tobacco deposits. However, I could not find it for sale. But Mijia Regular heads are not a problem to find. They are sold in three pieces and cost about 1000 rubles. It's not cheap, of course, but it's worth it.

Now let's talk about the capabilities of the Xiaomi brush. It supports three operating modes: Casual, Gentle and Custom. The daily routine seemed to be quite aggressive for my teeth. In general, I do not recommend rushing to use this mode. For starters, I recommend using the custom mode, which can be configured in the MiHOME mobile application.

The original version of this application has an interface only in Chinese, but there is a partially Russified version, although I managed with the original version using a translator. Everything is quite simple here.

So, the main screen displays statistics on the quality of the last brushing and the number of days until the change of the cleaning head. Here you can also see the statistics for the period of interest, as well as go to the mode of individual setting of cleaning modes and duration.

The paste spatter prevention function is not clear to me. It is assumed that after switching on, a delay of 10 seconds is given so that the person has time to place the brush in his mouth. In practice, I did not find any delay.

Over time, cleansing is more or less clear, but the intensity modes require explanation. There are 4 modes in total: Beginner, Soft, Standard and Super. You decide for yourself the most pleasant and efficient mode. I started with Beginner mode. So far it's the most comfortable for me.

Enabling the additional modes option will allow you to combine the brushing mode with teeth whitening (ultrasound), gum massage or tongue cleaning modes. This is, in fact, everything.

In conclusion, I will share my own impressions. So, if this is your first time using an ultrasonic toothbrush, then you will need to get used to it. This process will not take long. The main thing here is not to start with aggressive modes.

What did you like? First of all, she herself monitors the time of brushing and the movement of her hand, giving a signal that it is time to change the angle or move on to other teeth. The second point concerns the fine-tuning of the individual mode of brushing your teeth.

What didn't you like? Until now, I don’t understand some of the functions and modes included in the mobile application, but I think I’ll figure it out with time.

The last question is the price. In Moscow, such a brush can be bought for about 3,000 rubles. On Aliexpress, the minimum price is 2400 rubles. The lowest price for the Xiaomi DDYS01SKS brush in the Gearbest.com store is 1979 rubles. If you manage to use the XMTSAL coupon, you can buy a toothbrush for about 1700 rubles. Coupon is valid until November 30, 2017. Only 300 coupons.

Smart technologies penetrate all areas Everyday life, and Smart brushes are an organic part of this current trend. cleansing oral cavity using an electric toothbrush is much more effective than the conventional method. Using a brush with a built-in timer allows you to increase the duration of the process and more effectively remove plaque. Despite these benefits, most people who have a toothbrush at home do not practice good oral hygiene. Smart toothbrushes are here to help.

Smart toothbrushes are an innovative invention, they allow you to develop the correct brushing technique, and the user receives data on the duration and effectiveness of brushing. In addition, brushes can automatically send this information to your doctor. There are a number of brushes that have such intelligent functionality. Before choosing to specific model, you should understand the principles of operation and features of these brushes.

Oral-B Pro 5000 / 7000 SmartSeries Electric Toothbrushes

Discover quality new level oral care with Oral-B 5000/7000. These brushes not only remove plaque more effectively and gently, but also provide advice on oral hygiene.

Thanks to the rotational movements of the bristles and their oscillations, plaque removal becomes more effective. If you press too hard on the brush, a special indicator on the handle is activated. This signal will inform you that you should touch the tooth enamel more gently.

Before using the brush, you need to install the Oral-B app on your smartphone and connect to it using Bluetooth technology to receive feedback about your brushing technique in real time. This mobile application has the following features:

  • Timer. Shows the duration of brushing, helps the user to track the duration of brushing each area of ​​the mouth. During the cleaning process, a diagram of the dentition appears on the smartphone screen, broken down into areas that need cleaning. In order to increase the duration of the process, you can display the news, weather forecast or organize the viewing of photos or videos.
  • Tips section. Here you can find recommendations for proper brushing of teeth, gums and tongue, rinsing the mouth, effective use dental floss, as well as information about new oral hygiene products.
  • Activity. This section contains data on the frequency of use of the device and the duration of cleaning.
  • Score. This contains dental products with detailed description their characteristics. Your personal dentist has access to this section and can add the hygiene product you need.
  • Recommendations. Your healthcare provider may add tips for cleaning your mouth, as well as inform you about your next appointment.
  • Dental office. Remind you to visit the clinic for an examination.

Peculiarities smart brushes Oral B:

  • Removes 300% more plaque along the gum line than regular brushes.
  • Operating modes: daily brushing, delicate mode, teeth whitening mode, deep cleansing mode, massage, tongue cleansing mode.
  • The built-in timer activates every 30 seconds so you know when to start cleaning another area of ​​your mouth.
  • The round brush head has slanted bristles for more precise brushing.
  • The kit includes: rechargeable brush handle, nozzle, charger, travel case.

The world's first smart toothbrush was created by the French company Kolibree, it can greatly improve the brushing of teeth, both in adults and children, using individual recommendations and a playful form. Kolibree technology includes 3-D motion sensors. They determine in real time the area of ​​the mouth that the user is cleaning. The product is equipped with a gyroscope, an accelerometer and a magnetometer, which can determine the position and angle of the bristles, and then analyze the obtained data to provide instant feedback to the user. This powerful technology has the ability to store statistical information and create a personal inspection scheme. This allows visualization of the areas of the oral cavity that were cleared or skipped over a 7-day period.

Children are attracted to the fact that the motion sensors built into the handle turn the brush into a game controller. Using the brush with a Bluetooth-connected phone or tablet will allow your child to participate in a game designed to improve brushing technique. The game form allows you to keep the attention of the child, so the duration of the cleaning process reaches 2 minutes.

Mobile app informs the user about the need to clean each zone of the dentition for 8 seconds. She recommends that during the brushing process, go through all the areas in order until 2 minutes are up. Points are awarded based on the accuracy of compliance with the recommendations.

The Kolibree toothbrush is very light, its weight is about 70 grams. Ergonomic design, fits easily into the hands of young children and the elderly. It has soft bristles that remove plaque with 15-20 thousand vibrations per minute. The Kolibree brush kit includes the following devices:

  • 4 heads, this allows you to use one brush for the whole family;
  • rechargeable pen with extended operating time;
  • Charger;
  • travel case;
  • mirror for smartphone case;
  • attachment for braces;
  • new software for mobile games.

A survey of 200 users in 2016 found that:

  • 87% of users believe that the Kolibree toothbrush is effective in removing plaque;
  • 79% believe their oral health has improved;
  • 81% of parents say that the toothbrush is easy and pleasant for children to use;
  • 75% of users would recommend Kolibree to their loved ones.

To solve the problem insufficient hygiene oral cavity, Beam Technologies launched different kinds medical dental insurance to motivate preventive dental care. The manufacturer offers a service in which every 3 months you will be provided with the following means hygiene: dental floss, paste, new brush attachment. In addition, a discount program has been developed, under which you can get discounts on dental services. They are available throughout the year. The insurance company accrues additional bonuses to clients, depending on their performance in the Beam Brush mobile application. This software helps the user effectively brush all four quadrants of the mouth within two minutes. The brush is connected to a smartphone, and the user gets access to functions such as a timer, points, etc.

Caries is one of the most common chronic diseases in children. Beam Technologies has developed Boulders and Band-Aids for children ages 3 to 10 to develop a culture of oral cleansing. The mobile application automatically provides users with the opportunity to participate in the game every time they brush their teeth.

Philips Sonicare for Kids Toothbrush

The Philips Sonicare For Kids mobile app syncs with your child's toothbrush to help you learn about proper care behind the oral cavity through the game. The child needs to create his own account, which will contain his results. Each game session begins with clear visual instructions about correct technique cleansing the oral cavity. The app can be configured appearance cartoon character who needs daily brushing of teeth. In this way, children learn a useful skill while having fun, and parents can track their progress.

Using Bluetooth technology, the Quadpacer app tracks brushing sessions in real time. It recognizes session start, pauses, and end. Thanks to the built-in memory, you can store information about the last 20 sessions conducted without using software application. In the future, the data of these sessions can be transferred to the Quadpacer calendar.

It has already been proven that electric toothbrushes are better at cleaning teeth than regular toothbrushes. This is especially important for children who do not really like this activity. But before buying such a device, it is important to know about the features of its choice.

ModelNumber of pulsations per minNozzle includedSource of power
Oral-B Kids Mickey Mouse5600 1 battery
Hapica Kids- 1 batteries
Oral-B Kids Vitality7000 1 battery
CS Medica CS-561 Kids16000 2 batteries
Colgate Spongebob- 1 batteries

Features of selected models

You can buy a children's electric toothbrush already from three years. It is at this age that interest in oral hygiene is gradually lost and the process itself begins to occur carelessly.

Manufacturers of toothbrushes take into account the thinness and fragility of children's enamel, so all hairs have rounded tips. However, the structure of the bristles makes it possible to thoroughly clean the chewing surface.

With regular use, the hair color will become lighter in 3-4 months. This will tell you that it's time to change the nozzle.

All toothbrushes are safe for the child, because the batteries are in a waterproof case.

In addition, the stylish bright design attracts the attention of the child, helps to overcome fears and makes the cleaning process not only of high quality, but also interesting.

Advantages and disadvantages

Children's toothbrushes have the following "strengths":

  • It does not depend on the skill of the user, so it is easy for the child to brush their teeth with high quality.
  • Such devices can help overcome the fear of the dentist.
  • Remove dental and bacterial plaque, reduce inflammation of the gums.
  • Reduce the consumption of toothpaste. Some models allow you to completely abandon it.
  • Having several replaceable nozzles, the brush can be used by several people.
  • Modern devices are produced with pressure sensors on the gums, which is also absolutely safe for children.
  • Ultrasound will not heat the surrounding tissues above 1 degree. This allows you to use the brush for a long time.

But you can use such a device only after consulting a doctor.

What to look for when choosing

When buying a brush for your baby, be sure to consider the following characteristics:

  • Type of device for cleaning teeth: electric, sonic, ultrasonic.
  • Bristle stiffness. It should be soft and low.
  • Manufacturer reliability.
  • For what age is it recommended? This information can be found on the packaging.
  • Availability additional features: timers, sensors.
  • Brush design. The child should like the device.

Parents must show how to use the appliance for the first time.

Oral-B Kids Mickey Mouse

An electric toothbrush is a product that is designed to clean the mouth and can be used for children. from three years. This device removes plaque, bacteria and food debris, and is also gentle on teeth and gums. In one minute of operation, the toothbrush performs 5600 directional movements and 7600 pulsations. Power consumption during operation does not exceed 0.9W. built-in timer will help the child to control the time of cleaning the oral cavity. Included Braun Oral B Kids Mickey Mouse D10.513K supplied one nozzle, handle and charging base. On the body of the model are applied by everyone's favorite Disney cartoon characters. An electric toothbrush is powered by a small battery, which needs to be charged for 16 hours. The energy of this source is sufficient for 30 minutes battery life. The head of the main nozzle has round shape. The weight of the product is only 130 grams, and its dimensions are 200x30x35 mm.

It has motivating melody, which helps children brush their teeth longer and better, bringing the process time to two minutes. It is during this amount of time that dentists recommend brushing your teeth.

Instrument housing It is made of waterproof material, which allows you to safely use the product even in high humidity conditions.


  • Type: normal, for children.
  • Food: from the accumulator.
  • Battery life - 30 minutes.
  • Charging time - 16 hours.
  • Maximum speed: 5600 directional movements per minute.
  • Timer.
  • Stand.
  • Movement type - reciprocating.
  • wear indication.
  • Compatible with all Oral-B chargers and brushes.
  • Beautiful design.


  • Nozzles included: 1.
  • There is no pressure sensor on the teeth.
  • The display is missing.
  • No charging indicator and no wear indicator.
  • The kit lacks: space for storing nozzles and a case for storage and transportation.
  • The model is not repairable.
  • Relatively expensive nozzles.
  • The timer melody is too quiet and short.

Review of this brush from the user:

Hapica Kids

Brand Hapica owned by a Japanese company minimum corporation. For almost 30 years they have been producing only toothbrushes and for almost all 30 years Hapica was only available to Japanese consumers.

The main idea that carries Minimum Corporation through its products - it is the highest quality and effective product with minimal cost. Expensive packaging, multi-page instructions, an LCD display, dozens of modes and multi-colored LEDs - all this was abandoned in order to create a high-quality and inexpensive product. Only the essentials and nothing more.

Hapica Kids DBK-1– children's electric toothbrush for children from 3 to 10 years old. Toothbrush Hapica Kids has soft bristles, the size of the nozzle head is 65% smaller than a standard brush, provides the child with comfort when brushing their teeth, even during the period of changing milk teeth to molars. Japanese Society school health recommends this brush for more than 10 years in a row.

7000 bristle micro vibrations by patented technology Hapi Sonic comparable in efficiency to much more expensive toothbrushes with 31,000 vibrations per minute.

6 types of nozzles for all occasions: ionic, for the prevention of periodontal disease, for braces and implants, for children from one to three years old, for children from three to ten years old, of different softness and types of bristles. All attachments Hapica suitable for any brush Hapica.

Hapica brushes are very light and quiet. The brush weighs only 58 g. The noise level during operation is 47 dB, which corresponds to the noise level of a quiet conversation.

One AA battery(finger) ensures the operation of the brush for more than three months in the mode of daily brushing for three minutes twice a day.

Safety and tightness confirmed by the strictest requirements of the Japanese standard JIS 6. All materials used in the manufacture of the brush Hapica are completely safe for humans.

The brush is sold in three colors: blue, yellow and pink.


  • Powered by 2 AA batteries.
  • Case material - plastic.
  • 7000 bristle strokes per minute.
  • Device weight - 58 g.
  • Made in Japan.
  • Bristle hardness: Soft.
  • Age group: from 3 to 10 years old.
  • Working time 300 minutes.
  • The shape of the main nozzle: elongated.
  • No paste is needed, as natural foam is released during cleaning.
  • The price / quality ratio is at a good level.
  • There are stickers included.
  • Different colors.
  • Easy to use.


  • The electric toothbrush is not intended for children under 3 years of age.
  • There are no markers.
  • The whitening head is missing.
  • There is no delicate cleaning mode, massage mode and whitening mode.
  • There is no customization feature.
  • There is no pressure sensor on the teeth.
  • The display is missing.
  • No wear indicator.
  • There is no timer.

Video review of the same type of toothbrush:

Oral-B Kids Vitality

Oral B is the #1 toothbrush brand used by most dentists in the world. (Based on international P&G surveys of a representative sample of dentists conducted regularly, including 2013-2015). Electric toothbrushes remove more plaque than a manual toothbrush. Oral-B Kids Vitality It has 2D cleaning technology and makes 7000 reciprocating movements per minute. Bright design with Disney characters makes cleaning a pleasure. Comes with a nozzle with extra soft short bristles Oral B Kids. Compatible with free application from Disney-Magic Timer. The application allows you to create an individual profile with your favorite characters from Disney. Features a visual game timer (motivating kids to brush their teeth for the recommended two minutes) and a reward system for regular cleaning and fearless trips to the doctor. Rewards are stored as pictures in the virtual album of achievements. Blue bristles Indicator become half discolored, signaling the need to replace the brush head (for consistently excellent results, change the brush head every 3 months). Suitable for children from 3 years old. Made in Germany.


  • Type: normal, for children.
  • Food: from the accumulator, working time 30 minutes, charging time 5 hours.
  • Shape of the main nozzle: round.
  • Maximum speed: 7000 pulses per minute.
  • Timer.
  • Indication: Nozzle bristle wear.
  • Bright design with your favorite characters.
  • Easy to use.


  • Operating modes: 1: standard.
  • Nozzles included: 1.
  • The electric toothbrush is not intended for children under 3 years of age.
  • There are no markers.
  • The whitening head is missing.
  • There is no delicate cleaning mode, massage mode and whitening mode.
  • There is no customization feature.
  • There is no pressure sensor on the teeth.
  • The display is missing.
  • There is no charging indicator.
  • The kit lacks: a stand, a place to store nozzles and a case for storage and transportation.

CS Medica CS-561 Kids

Electric Toothbrush CS Medica CS-561 Kids specially designed for kids, which is why she has such bright and unusual design. The presented model uses advanced technology to generate sound frequencies, which in turn lead to the creation of vibrations that effectively remove plaque. The recommended age for using this toothbrush is 1-5 years. Soft bristles are gentle on the teeth, without damaging the enamel and gums. So that the process of brushing your teeth does not seem boring, manufacturers have equipped the device with nozzle illumination.

Intermediate timer help to comply with the standards recommended by the association of dentists. Every 30 seconds the brush pauses for a moment, thereby prompting that it is necessary to move on to brushing the next segment of the oral cavity. After turning on the brush will automatically turn off after two minutes. If necessary, the cleaning procedure can be continued by turning the power back on.

  • Dimensions: 134.5 x 28 x 25 mm.
  • Weight (without battery): 25 g.
  • Compact and lightweight electric toothbrush recommended for children ages 1 to 5.
  • Soft bristles gently clean teeth without damaging enamel and gums.
  • The brush is equipped with a headlight that makes brushing your teeth interesting and fun.
  • The intermediate timer will teach the child to evenly clean all parts of the oral cavity.
  • Thanks to the rubberized insert on the handle, the brush is comfortable to hold in your hand.
  • Automatic shutdown.
  • Minuses:

    • There are no markers.
    • The whitening head is missing.
    • There is no delicate cleaning mode, massage mode and whitening mode.
    • There is no customization feature.
    • There is no pressure sensor on the teeth.
    • The display is missing.
    • No wear indicator.
    • The kit lacks: a stand, a place to store nozzles and a case for storage and transportation.

    Overview of these brushes from the user:

    Colgate Spongebob

    Electric Toothbrush Colgate SPONGE BOB perfect for your child. Recommended for children from 3 years old. Cleans better and more effectively than a regular toothbrush. small vibrating head with very soft bristles (non-replaceable) do not injure the enamel, clean the teeth well from food debris. Fine brush handle it is very comfortable to hold in a small palm, and convenient on and off buttons will allow your baby to manage it independently. colorful toy design handles in the form funny character from the cartoon will turn the boring procedure of brushing your teeth into a fun game. The brush runs on 2 AAA batteries (included).

    Today we bring to your attention a selection of children's toothbrushes: there are not many of them on the market, in principle, however, there are probably more than you thought.

    This is not the most popular niche of gadgets, however, it seems to us very useful, because many dental problems begin due to lack of hygiene, which is laid down in early age.

    Two minutes is not a long time, but getting a child to just stand in front of a mirror and brush his teeth during this time is not an easy task! That's why they came up with interactive brushes that captivate the process and accustom to systematic procedures. A few years ago it all started with Kolibree.


    One of the most important projects in this area, the most recognizable and "cited", because - the first!

    If you think about looking for a smart baby brush on Google, then almost the entire first page will somehow display this model.

    It was made simpler than the Kolibree, which made it possible to visibly without losing the main meaning. Grush also includes an app that tells you to fight germs for two minutes.


    The third most notable project, which you will also get among the first links, is quite new - PlayBrush, whose developers we met at IFA.

    This motivating device seems to us the most promising and interesting, at least because it is universal: PlayBrush is a brush attachment. In other words, you don’t need to buy a separate gadget, you don’t need to think about where to get attachments, etc. It’s also worth saying that all the responsibility for choosing a brush and bristles is shifted to the parents: no pig in a poke is imposed on you.

    The silicone cap is worn on any brush and synchronized with applications, and some of them are duplicated in the "boy" and "girl" versions.

    The task is similar - for two minutes to keep the attention of the child with a brush in his mouth, and the plot of the game will ensure that the brush goes from side to side.

    And finally, PlayBrush is very affordable, and we have it on the site.

    I also liked the details of the kit: PlayBrush has a special protective pocket for a smartphone. If someone tried to brush their teeth and keep a smartphone nearby without protection, they understand what it is about.

    It is impossible not to mention other projects - one of the most famous, owned by a world-famous brand - Philips Sonicare.

    An inexpensive brush that also works in tandem with a smartphone and offers to train perseverance paired with a free app.

    A brush for adults, but also with an element of gamification, - Beam. This is a closed project that cooperates with insurance companies.

    And, finally, another interesting project, not very well known, visually similar to PlayBrush - Rainbow.

    It's not really a brush head, and you're still being held hostage by the brush heads, but all the other "classic" elements in the form of games and apps are there. Models are designed for children and teenagers, and the company is currently preparing to release an adult version.

    Finally, let me quote myself:

    Baby teeth

    The problem of brushing children's teeth is considered from the point of view of two medical sciences: dentistry and psychology, each of which, in its own way, decides either the prerequisites or the consequences.

    The result is most often an early children's caries(Early Childhood Caries) - the most common disease. it chronic illness at the moment, it is common in children under 6 years of age in 30-40% of cases, and a severe form of RDC is in children under 3 years of age in 12-15%. The disease is caused by bacteria that take advantage of the fact that a nutrient medium remains in the oral cavity, including pieces of food, etc.

    Medicine, oddly enough, is practically powerless in the face of the prerequisites for such a disease, since its development occurs uncontrollably, at home, but since dentists then “get it” a lot, they formulated their wishes:

    • Don't overfeed your baby at night
    • Don't let him fall asleep with a bottle
    • Do not lick pacifiers to avoid transmitting bacteria
    • First tooth - first dentist
    And separately, always a few tips dedicated to brushing your teeth!
    • Encourage your child to brush their teeth regularly twice a day.
    • Use a soft toothbrush, etc.
    And here psychologists come to the rescue, as it is not always an easy process to teach a child to systematically brush his teeth. And the most "intersecting" advice that wanders from article to article - Teeth cleaning/learning to brush teeth should be done in a playful way.

    A rather detailed transcript of this is offered by Dr. Komarovsky, well-known among mothers, where he offers, in particular:

    • Invent fairy tales and stories about teeth
    • attract toys
    • Draw on the theme of brushing your teeth
    • Etc.
    At the same time, it was rightly noted that it is desirable to do the process independently from beginning to end, and the child himself must choose a toothbrush in order to increase responsibility.

    I do not share the common advice that the “parody” model is effective, since by repeating the process in a grotesque form after mom and dad, the child does it very thoughtlessly, copying and not attaching any absolute significance to it.

    How do they grow

    Just in case, I propose to remember with what frequency, according to statistics, children's teeth appear. Although this should not be treated as a standard, because the process is largely individual.

    • 3 - 8 months - central teeth, incisors, first from below, then from above
    • 12 months - lateral incisors
    • 13 - 18 months - molars and slightly lagging canines
    • 24 months - most often already all 20 milk teeth: 8 incisors, 4 canines and 8 molars.

    A child with milk teeth lives for a relatively short time and the first shifts begin by the age of 4. Most often, the upgrade sequence is the same as the growth sequence.

    When to start cleaning

    FROM psychological point vision, it is necessary to start caring for the oral cavity even before the appearance of teeth. Now there are quite a few "brush-like" devices with rubberized tips that visually perform the function of a toothbrush, but formally help the eruption of the first teeth.

    First hygiene procedures occur while “on the breast” or on the bottle, when, half an hour after feeding, the mother nurses with the help of special means behind the infant's mouth. The tendency for parents to help their child brush their teeth continues until about 2 years of age, and at this time it is recommended to carefully select the bristles of the first toothbrushes and, in general, be more careful with movements.

    By the age of two, when children begin to do some things a little more consciously, it's time to get used to the toothbrush. And to what we have already said, it remains to add that some parents, together with doctors, consider it appropriate to separate the two processes from each other: teeth cleaning and oral cleaning.

    In the latter case we are talking that after each meal you can rinse your mouth or drink a glass warm water, and this also affects the quality of the teeth in the future.

    The fact that well-known manufacturers offer electric toothbrushes that record the time of brushing and notify of excessive pressure on the gums is hardly surprising. But a brush that gives advice on how to properly brush your teeth and makes sure you clean them well and even replaces a personal dentist to some extent is something new. This is exactly the Kolibree brush that my family met recently.

    Why is the brush smart?

    The 3D sensors built into the Kolibree smart toothbrush track the frequency of movements, how long the procedure takes, and which areas are covered. Information from the built-in sensors is transmitted via Bluetooth to the Kolibree App, which displays data on the screen and generates a report on brushing your teeth. After each cleaning, the application gives a percentage score and creates an overall efficiency rating. The app also gives personal recommendations each user, for example, which area should be cleaned more thoroughly.

    When you first start the Kolibree App, you need to specify the gender and age of all family members, and who brushes their teeth with which hand. Before each cleaning, the user selects his profile. So far I have not managed to get 100 points, but still ahead.

    For kids

    Brushing your teeth becomes more interesting for toddlers due to interactive games built into the Kolibree App. To simultaneously play and improve your brushing technique, the button on the brush can be operated like a joystick. My son loves Go Pirate, but there are other games too, like making a funny rabbit jump over obstacles.

    In addition to the fact that all this is interesting for the child, the application also teaches you how to brush your teeth correctly. And parents can check in the app at any time when, how long and how thoroughly the child brushed their teeth.

    For adults

    The brushing statistics in the app will help adults brush their teeth properly. Kolibree is equipped with a gyroscope, a magnetometer and an accelerometer, which determine the angle of inclination of the bristles, the location of the brush in space and the frequency of movements.

    The brush can tell you which teeth you pay less attention to. Yes, I have a weak spot. inner part lower front teeth - perhaps that is why I had to do ultrasonic cleaning Twice a year. I hope things change for the better with Kolibree.

    Design and features

    The design of Kolibree is concise. The brush is covered with a matte non-slip material. In addition to the universal handle, which fits comfortably in the hand of both an adult and a child, its light weight should be noted - only 80 g.

    The brush removes plaque at a speed of 15,000 vibrations per minute, and its soft, rounded bristles protect the gums from damage. Before buying, I had some doubts about the effectiveness of soft nozzles, but as it turned out, in vain. The soft bristles not only perfectly perform their function, but also really protect the gums: the bleeding disappeared both for me and for the child.

    The battery is designed for two weeks of use without recharging, but in practice, if two or more family members use the brush, the battery is discharged a little earlier, in 10 - 12 days. There are two nozzles as standard, but in stores, sets of three are sold with different color bristles.


    After buying a smart toothbrush from us, everyone in our family loved brushing their teeth. In addition to our family ratings in the app, the brush has become our home dentist. After such an intelligent gadget, of course, you don’t want to return to a regular toothbrush.

    Reference article based on the expert opinion of the author.

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