pressure during pregnancy. Glaucoma during pregnancy: a dangerous diagnosis

During pregnancy, a woman's hormonal background changes greatly, which is responsible for many changes that occur in the structures of the eye.

Under the action of hormones, there is an increase in uveoscleral outflow of fluid, together with it, a decrease in pressure in the episcleral veins occurs. These changes are accompanied by a decrease in IOP. highest degree the severity of changes in the structures of the eye is observed in the second and third trimester of pregnancy, and, accordingly, there is a decrease in the level of ophthalmotonus.

Norms of eye pressure during pregnancy

Value inside eye pressure depends on the formation, circulation and outflow of intraocular fluid, as well as pressure in the episcleral veins. To assess ophthalmotonus, the following indicators are distinguished:

  • statistical norm of IOP;
  • individual level of IOP;
  • target IOP.

The statistical norm depends on the method for determining the tone and is approximately 10-24 mm Hg. Art.

The individual level of pressure or tolerant is the pressure that does not have a negative effect on the eye. For example, 20 mmHg. Art. when determining pressure according to Maklakov, it is considered the norm, but for a particular person it can be increased and lead to the development of glaucoma changes in the structures of the eye.

Target IOP is the pressure that must be achieved during treatment so that there is no progression of glaucoma changes and deterioration of visual functions.

Ophthalmotonus can also differ in the morning and evening, the difference can reach 3 mm Hg. Art.

Important! To identify eye diseases accompanied by an increase or decrease in IOP, one cannot rely only on tonometry indicators. It is necessary to conduct a full range of surveys to detect pathological changes associated with action intraocular pressure.

Measurement of eye pressure during pregnancy

When registering for pregnancy, a woman passes medical checkup from various specialists, including an ophthalmologist. At the first visit to the ophthalmologist, tonometry is necessary.

Depending on the results of tonometry and a general ophthalmological examination, the issue of the frequency of visits to the doctor is decided. If a woman has no complaints from the eyes, IOP is normal and there are no pathological glaucoma changes in the eyes, then a second examination is prescribed only before childbirth, at about 36 weeks.

In the event that there are no complaints and changes in the eyes, but a slight increase or decrease in pressure is detected, then it is necessary to re-measure, preferably the next day. If the indicators are normal, then a re-examination is carried out before childbirth. If the level of IOP remains changed, then a thorough examination is necessary to identify the cause of the fluctuations in IOP. The frequency of follow-up examinations depends on the identified cause.

Identification of a significant increase or decrease in pressure, the presence of pathological changes in the eyes requires a detailed additional examination women and identify the cause of the disease. The frequency and frequency of examinations is decided by an ophthalmologist on an individual basis.

During pregnancy, intraocular pressure can be measured different ways. No method of determining the level of IOP affects the child. Exist following methods measurements of ophthalmotonus during pregnancy:

  • palpation;
  • aplanation tonometry according to Maklakov;
  • aplanation tonometry according to Goldman;
  • contactless tonometry.

Each of these methods has its own advantages and disadvantages.

Palpation method determining the level of IOP is carried out as a preliminary. The doctor gently presses on the eyeball with his fingers through the eyelid, determining the level of IOP. This procedure allows you to assume the presence of changes as follows:

  • if the eye is soft on palpation and there is a feeling of fluctuation, then IOP is less than 20 mm Hg. Art.;
  • if the eyeball has a stony density, then this means that the IOP is significantly increased.

The main disadvantage of this method is the impossibility of determining the boundary conditions when pressure fluctuations are insignificant.

Aplanation tonometry according to Maklakov is the standard method for determining tone in Russia. It allows you to determine exact value IOP and diagnose borderline conditions. Tonometry is carried out under local anesthesia in the supine position. A tonometer with a dye applied to it is installed on the patient's eye. Then a tonometer imprint is made on paper, and the pressure value is determined by the diameter of the trace without dye.

Aplanation tonometry according to Goldman carried out in a sitting position. The tonometer is attached to the slit lamp. An anesthetic and fluorescein are instilled into the eye, then a tonometer is installed. The pressure value is determined by the instrument scale. This method avoids error due to the thickness of the cornea and the density of the sclera of the eye.

At contactless tonometry the eye is exposed to a stream of air. The tonometer records the degree of corneal deformation and calculates the IOP value. Benefits this method is the possibility of using even with an inflammatory process in the eyes.

High eye pressure: what to do when pregnant?

High eye pressure during pregnancy is extremely rare due to the nature of hormonal background women.

If it happens sharp rise IOP with the development of an attack of glaucoma, it is urgent to consult a doctor.

Is there a cure for high eye pressure?

Prevention of increased ophthalmotonus is aimed at preventing the development pathological processes In eyes. For this you need:

  • give up bad habits: alcohol, smoking;
  • reduce visual load;
  • walk more often in the fresh air;
  • eat properly.

It is very important to have an annual medical examination by an ophthalmologist to check initial stages eye diseases.

Yulia Chernova, ophthalmologist, specially for the site

Useful video

Blood pressure during pregnancy is important symptom which characterizes the course of pregnancy. This indicator may vary throughout pregnancy, and this is due to hormonal changes in the body of a pregnant woman. normal pressure in pregnant women is in the range of 90/60-120/80 mm Hg.

pressure in early pregnancy

On the early dates Pregnancy pressure often decreases due to changes in hormonal levels. Often the first signs of pregnancy can be: general weakness, loss of consciousness, dizziness, nausea, ringing in the ears, increased drowsiness etc. These complaints are typical in the morning hours. Therefore, low blood pressure during pregnancy may be its first sign. Such manifestations of toxicosis as nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite, can help reduce blood pressure during pregnancy.

Pressure in the last month of pregnancy

In the second half of pregnancy, the pressure may increase, as the volume of circulating blood increases and the third circle of blood circulation appears. Changes in blood pressure during pregnancy later dates in the direction of its increase, they speak of beginning preeclampsia, which disrupts the course of pregnancy and childbirth. With the development of preeclampsia, an increase in blood pressure is usually combined with edema and the appearance of protein in the urine. A formidable complication of preeclampsia is eclampsia, which is essentially a manifestation of cerebral edema and proceeds with loss of consciousness and development seizures. Therefore, in late pregnancy, daily monitoring of blood pressure and pulse is especially important, as well as every two weeks to monitor proteinuria (protein in the urine). Permissible pressure during pregnancy, starting from the 20th week, should not be lower than 100/60 mm Hg. and not higher than 140/90 mm Hg.

How does pressure affect pregnancy?

Both a decrease and an increase in blood pressure adversely affect the body future mother and the course of pregnancy. Thus, a decrease in pressure leads to a deterioration in blood circulation in the placenta and an insufficient supply of oxygen to the fetus, leading to hypoxia and intrauterine growth retardation.

An increase in blood pressure in the second and third trimester of pregnancy above 140/90 mm Hg. is a reason for hospitalization specialized hospital. High blood pressure disrupts placental blood flow due to placental edema. Thus, the fetus suffers from a lack of oxygen and nutrients. The rise in pressure above the level of 170/110 mm Hg. threatens to develop acute violation cerebral circulation. anxiety symptoms the growing clinic of preeclampsia is difficulty in nasal breathing, flies flickering before the eyes, headache and impaired levels of consciousness.

Pressure surges during pregnancy can be a symptom of increased intracranial pressure. Increased intracranial pressure during pregnancy, it is caused by increased production of cerebrospinal fluid in the blood plexuses of the lateral ventricles. It is likely that the woman suffered before pregnancy intracranial hypertension, and during pregnancy, this pathology worsened. In this case, you need to contact see a neurologist and check intraocular pressure.

Quite rare is eye pressure during pregnancy. The main reason for this is glaucoma, inflammatory processes in the shells of the eye, jumps in blood pressure. Such a pathology does not pose a big threat to babies. In pregnant women themselves, this can significantly reduce vision. To prevent a pathological condition, it is necessary to adhere to proper nutrition, avoid stress, reduce the time you watch TV by 2 times. It is recommended to walk more in the fresh air.

Causes and symptoms

A healthy eye should have a pressure of 10-24 mm Hg. Art. Any deviations are considered pathological. When increased eye pressure is noted during pregnancy, you should not worry about the child, since this will not affect his health in any way. But in order for the period of bearing the baby to pass without deviations, it is necessary to carefully monitor blood pressure and follow the doctor's recommendations. The main causes of eye pressure are:

  • conjunctivitis;
  • migraine, severe headaches;
  • hormonal disruptions that are caused by pregnancy;
  • jumps in blood pressure;
  • chronic sinusitis;
  • kidney disease.

When intraocular pressure rises, a pregnant woman experiences the following sensations:

  • severe visual impairment, sometimes short-term blindness;
  • discomfort on the eyelids;
  • feeling of pain and fatigue in the eyeballs;
  • copious excretion clear liquid from the eyes;
  • dizziness, bouts of nausea and vomiting;
  • insomnia, tinnitus;
  • migraine, pain in the upper part of the head.

When pathological condition you should undergo a diagnostic complex to exclude the appearance of a dangerous pathology.

What is dangerous?

A child can receive such a pathology from the mother by inheritance.

Such a pathology does not affect the period of gestation and breastfeeding, and is not inherited by the child. The danger is some medications that help lower intraocular pressure. If a woman has such a symptom before pregnancy, then this period should be carefully planned with a gynecologist and ophthalmologist. If IOP occurs suddenly, you need to choose the right medication, try not to be nervous and protect yourself from stress.

Are you expecting or planning a child? Consultations of an ophthalmologist are necessary for all expectant mothers. Even women with normal vision need to consult an ophthalmologist twice: at the very beginning of pregnancy and immediately before childbirth.

If there are or will be found any problems with vision, then childbirth will have to be prepared especially carefully. Do not ignore visiting not only an obstetrician-gynecologist, but also an ophthalmologist. It happens that during pregnancy something happens to the eyes: toxicosis and other complications of pregnancy can affect the state of vision. After all, it happens hormonal changes body that affects everyone differently. And the eyes are one of the organs that are affected by it.

  • Women who wear contact lenses, sometimes complain that during pregnancy they experience discomfort. Try wearing glasses, and after giving birth, go back to lenses.
  • Sometimes it may seem that since the beginning of pregnancy, vision has deteriorated. Pregnant women are sometimes too suspicious (which is understandable), so their confidence in a possible deterioration in vision is often unfounded. However, such fears may still have real grounds.
  • During the diagnosis, ophthalmologists examine not only the degree of refraction, but also the state of the retina. Doesn't it have degenerative changes, tears? The task is to maintain the retina in good condition, to ensure that there are no hemorrhages or ruptures. also in without fail doctors examine the fundus and measure eye pressure.
  • Vascular changes very often cause the effect of "flies before the eyes." These things are not always dangerous, but it is definitely worth paying the attention of a doctor to them. Sometimes this may indicate a pathology of the retina. So it's best to go through an examination once again and make sure that nothing terrible is happening to you.

Pregnancy and the retina

During pregnancy, the main threat to the visual system is the condition of the retina. The retina is called thin layer nervous tissue located with inside back of the eyeball and absorbing light. It is a complex formation, the main one in which is a thin layer of light-sensitive cells - photoreceptors. The retina of the eye is responsible for receiving the image that is projected onto it with the help of the cornea and lens, and converting it into nerve impulses, which are then transmitted to the brain. The main problems with the retina are: retinal dystrophy, retinal tear, retinal detachment.

To warn possible complications from the side of the eyes during pregnancy and childbirth, it is necessary to determine in advance the state of the visual system of the expectant mother and be sure to check the retina. Ophthalmologists strongly recommend, regardless of how you see and whether you have any vision complaints, 10-14 weeks pregnant.

Apart from general survey of the visual system, the diagnosis of the fundus with a dilated pupil is mandatory. If no abnormalities are found based on the results of the diagnostics, then re-examination of vision, experts advise to pass closer to the end of pregnancy - at 32-36 weeks. However, if you have myopia, then ophthalmologists recommend to be observed monthly. During pregnancy, the entire body of a woman, including her vision, undergoes a change. That's why visual system requires special attention from the expectant mother.

What will the birth be like?

Can I give birth on my own or will I need a caesarean section? Any woman who has certain vision problems worries about this. It is very difficult to answer this question unambiguously. Indeed, in many respects, the decision on how the birth will take place is based on a number of factors. Such as: the condition of the fundus and retina, general state, age, etc. Cesarean section - surgery in which the fetus is removed through an incision in the anterior abdominal wall and uterus. The risk to life and health of a woman during a caesarean section is 12 times higher than during spontaneous childbirth. Therefore, like any other surgical operation, a caesarean section is performed strictly according to indications.

A caesarean section is performed in cases where spontaneous delivery is impossible or life-threatening for the mother or fetus. Unfortunately, one of the most common causes recommendations for caesarean section are dystrophic changes retina. The risk of retinal detachment in women with myopia and changes in the fundus increases with natural childbirth due to pressure fluctuations in the mother.

AT modern medicine to prevent the spread of dystrophic changes in the retina and, accordingly, reduce the risk of retinal detachment is used prophylactic laser coagulation. During this procedure, the so-called "welding" of the retina at weak points and around breaks. Scarring occurs at the coagulation points of the retina. As a result, there is a strong connection between the retina and choroid. The coagulation technique consists in applying several rows of coagulates along the periphery of the retina.

When can you do peripheral prophylactic laser photocoagulation?

  • Before pregnancy at any time.
  • During pregnancy up to 35 weeks.

The state of the retina is not always associated with the degree of myopia. Often, with a high degree of myopia, the retina remains stably satisfactory, there are no preruptures on it, and there are no progressive dystrophic changes. It also happens vice versa, when with weak myopia, not exceeding 1-3 diopters, dystrophic foci are observed in the fundus.

If you are planning a pregnancy or are already pregnant, you must definitely undergo an examination by an ophthalmologist with an examination of the fundus. Remember that a simple retinal strengthening procedure done in time may well save you from the need for a caesarean section.

The main reason why physiological changes in the body of a pregnant woman - hormones. Hormonal restructuring of the body, as a rule, is the cause of eye suffering. The level of estrogen decreases, moisture, which is necessary for normal operation eyes become small. Eyes redden, itchy, watery.

Such hormonal changes can lead to visual impairment. Some begin to see worse in the distance, others see poorly near. Sometimes, glasses are prescribed during pregnancy. But you should not be afraid. After the birth of a baby, vision, as a rule, is completely restored, unless, of course, the woman suffered from any eye disease before her interesting position.

Pain in the eyes during pregnancy can be caused by water retention in the body. As a result of curvature or thickening of the cornea. Especially discomfort is felt by women who wear glasses, contact lenses. It is worth noting that at this time it is impossible to change glasses and eye operations.

High blood pressure

If your eyes become sensitive to bright light, blurry vision, double vision, or temporary absence of it, see a doctor immediately. Most likely these are the symptoms. high blood pressure. A violation of the kidneys can be judged by swelling and swelling around the eyes.

The effect of pregnancy on the eyes

Often during pregnancy, the eyes become inflamed, there is a feeling of dryness, existing eye diseases. However, for example, the condition of the eyes with glaucoma, during pregnancy, may improve. In this regard, changes should be made to the usual maintenance therapy. It is also worth noting that in the presence of glaucoma and other diseases, medication should be minimized. What exactly should be the dose will tell the specialist.

During pregnancy, contact lenses should be changed to glasses, as lenses often lead to eye discomfort. Reduce your time at the computer. Or better yet, stop contacting him altogether. Inflammation and dryness of the eyes are aggravated by a long stay at the monitor screen.

You can improve the condition of your eyes with the help of simple gymnastics: close and open your eyes with your hands, rotate eyeballs. Also try closing your eyes tightly, then open them wide. Do these exercises daily and your eyes will thank you.

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