The second negative blood group is compatible for conception. Conception (Rh factor of blood)

Everyone knows about Rh-positive and Rh-negative factors. It is determined by the presence of specific proteins in the blood. On the surface of red blood cells there is a Rh antigen D and its owners are people with a Rh-positive factor. 85% of all Europeans have it. Among the blacks and Asians, the percentage is slightly higher - just over 90%. If the D antigen is not found in the blood, then the person belongs to a smaller part of humanity and has an Rh-negative factor.

The Rh factor is of great importance during pregnancy, that is, to determine the relationship between the expectant mother and the fetus, and after birth it is necessary for the further normal existence of the child. The most favorable combination of circumstances is when both parents have the same Rh factors. Even if the father is Rh negative, there is no danger of the development of the unborn child either, since antagonism between the baby and the mother usually does not arise.

Development can proceed unfavorably if the mother has an Rh-negative factor, and the child has a positive factor (the child inherits the father's Rh factor).

And even then there are not always serious problems. In such cases, what is important is the pregnancy, as well as the fact whether antibodies are produced in the body of the expectant mother. The child's blood, if it enters the mother's blood, is perceived by the immune system as something foreign. As a result, the formation of antibodies directed against the child's body begins. This process is called Rh sensitization.

Blood compatibility by groups and Rh factor of parents

Blood type incompatibility can occur if a woman has the first blood group (0), and the man has the second group (the presence of antibodies to protein A), group 3 (to bad B) and the fourth (to both antigens). If a woman has group 2 (A), and a man has 3 (B) or 4 (AB), antibodies to antigen B will appear. In the case of group 3 (B), a woman has, and a man has 2 (A) or 4 (AB) - antibodies to antigen A will arise.

As such, there is no incompatibility in terms of the Rh factor or blood type, and opposite Rhs do not prevent pregnancy and childbearing.

Blood type compatibility table

blood type 0(I)a+b A(II)B B(III)a AB(IV)0
0(I)a+b compatible compatible compatible compatible
A(II)B incompatible compatible incompatible compatible
B(III)a incompatible incompatible compatible compatible
AB(IV)0 incompatible incompatible incompatible compatible

Inheritance of the blood type of the child. Table

Mom + Dad Possible options for the group of the child (%)
I+I I (100%)
I+II I (50%) II (50%)
I+III I (50%) III(50%)
I+IV II (50%) III(50%)
II+II I (quarter%) II (75%)
II+III I (quarter%) II (quarter%) III(quarter%) IV (quarter%)
II+IV II (50%) III(quarter%) IV (quarter%)
III+III I (quarter%) III(75%)
III+IV I (quarter%) III(50%) IV (quarter%)
IV+IV II (quarter%) III(25%) IV (50%)

Rh positive during pregnancy

When planning a pregnancy, it is very important to know what kind of Rh a woman has. It will be very good if the expectant mother has Rh-positive blood. She will not care what kind of Rh her father will have: positive or negative. This will not lead to a problematic Rh conflict.

In the event that the mother is Rh-positive, and the father is vice versa, the child may have both Rh factors. The baby is unlikely to be exposed to the blood and develop antibodies.

The development of events with the following possible variants of parental rhesus:

  1. Mom and dad are Rh-positive = Rh-positive fetus. The pregnancy will pass without complications.
  2. Mom and dad are Rh positive = Rh negative fetus. The mother's body is familiar with all the proteins of her child, so they also talk about the compatibility of the Rh factor.
  3. Mother Rh-positive and father Rh-negative = Rh-positive fetus. The rhesus of mother and child are the same, so there will be no conflict.
  4. Mom Rh-positive and dad Rh-negative = Rh-negative fetus. Despite the different rhesus of the mother and child, there is no conflict between them.

The human body has an immune system that fights various diseases. The essence of this process is the destruction of all foreign proteins (antigens) by human proteins. So, in the event that the mother's blood is Rh negative, the positive Rh of the child will be in danger of destruction. But this will not happen if the mother is pregnant for the first time, and also she did not have an abortion and miscarriage before. Even if the baby inherits the positive Rh factor of the father, nothing terrible will happen. After all, the blood has not yet begun to create antibodies, since it has not previously met with foreign erythrocytes. This mother-baby union will be favorable.

In the case of repeated births, complications may arise as a result of the presence of antigens in the mother's blood. They have been preserved in the mother's body from a previous pregnancy. Hemolytic disease of the fetus is a serious complication for the fetus that can occur if there are antibodies in the mother's blood. The probability, as well as the degree of its development, will depend on the class of antibodies and their total number. Their growth can be provoked by such diseases of the mother as diabetes mellitus, preeclampsia, and even active uterine contractions.

If the mother does not have Rh-positive blood, she should avoid casual relationships and possible abortions. At the first opportunity, it is recommended to give birth under medical supervision. After giving birth for three days, it will be necessary to give an injection of immunoglobulin, which will greatly increase the chance of avoiding an Rhesus conflict in a subsequent pregnancy.

Of course, the ideal option is when both parents have Rh-negative blood. In this case, you can have children as much as you like without endangering the health and life of the child.

Rh-conflict is the immune response of an Rh-negative mother to the antigens of an Rh-positive child. As a result, anti-Rhesus antibodies are formed. The latter cause the breakdown of red blood cells, which provokes the formation of hemolytic jaundice in newborns.

With the help of ultrasound, an increase in organs can be detected in the fetus: the liver, heart, spleen. He may have anemia, reticulocytosis, and in severe cases, jaundice or erythroblastosis. Serious complications can be edematous syndrome or dropsy of the fetus, which can lead to the death of the child at birth.

In most cases, Rh-conflict between mother and child can be prevented by intramuscularly administering immunoglobulin PRO D (anti-D antibodies) to an Rh-negative mother. He is injected during pregnancy and after childbirth (or another event) for three days. The effect of immunoglobulin is characterized by the fact that the red blood cells of a positive fetus inside the mother's body begin to break down until the moment when her immune system begins to react to them. The antibodies themselves are destroyed within a month.

To date, immunoglobulin D is administered to all Rh-negative mothers-to-be at 28 and 34 weeks of pregnancy.

If a woman is going to carry a child again, she should be tested for the presence of antibodies before pregnancy and take it regularly throughout the 28 weeks of pregnancy.

What to do?

The number of antibodies can either increase or decrease. In the latter case, perhaps they were absorbed by the baby's body and his red blood cells were destroyed. In any case, if a woman has antibodies, she is prescribed antiallergic drugs, a course of vitamins and plasmaphoresis, which allows her to purify the blood of antibodies. There is also a way to transfuse the baby's blood in utero, but there are some risks.

If development is suspected hemolytic disease in a child, a future mother should constantly be under the supervision of doctors and control the level of antibodies. Early or too late births are dangerous. The optimal term for childbirth is 35-37 weeks.

Whether the unborn child is threatened with hemolytic disease is determined by doctors. For this, certain information is collected: a pregnant woman's medical history, information about existing chronic diseases, previous births and abortions, information about diseases that could provoke the production of antibodies. Ultrasound examination is carried out on demand. Only a full range of diagnostic procedures will help confirm or refute this diagnosis.

Before giving birth, doctors conduct tests that allow you to set the appropriate date for childbirth. In some cases, amniotic fluid is examined, which allows you to detect the presence of antibodies, find out the level of bilirubin and other necessary indicators.

It is impossible to predict whether a newborn baby will have hemolytic disease until delivery has occurred. This disease can occur during development in the womb or during or after delivery. Within an hour, a neonatologist will know the blood for the baby's Rh factor, the level of bilirubin and the amount of antibodies in the blood. Only then will the doctor be able to establish an accurate diagnosis. Despite everything, this severe pathology is already successfully treated.

According to scientists, when planning a child and carrying it normally, it is not the blood type of the parents that plays a role, but their Rh factor. It is desirable that the Rh factors of future parents are the same. This will help you avoid possible problems during pregnancy.

Therefore, if a woman is a carrier of negative Rh blood, it is best if the father is also with the same negative Rh. And a Rh-positive woman, in order to avoid problems with bearing, a Rh-positive man is desirable.

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Blood is a unique substance that consists of plasma and formed substances. Depending on its composition, there are several types. They are classified by different systems, among which the AB0 system is most often used. It distinguishes the first, which is also called the universal blood group, as well as the second, third and fourth groups.

Human plasma contains two types of agglutinins and two types of agglutinogens. They can be present in the blood in different combinations and this sets the blood type:

  • So, according to the AB0 system, if there are α and β, then this is the first group, it is also denoted by the number "0". This is what is called the universal blood type.
  • The second contains proteins A and β and is designated "A".
  • The third consists of B and α and is designated "B".
  • The fourth includes A and B and is designated as "AB".

In addition to agglutinins and agglutinogens, there is a specific antigen in the blood located on the surface of red blood cells. In its presence, they speak of a positive Rh factor. If there is no antigen, then the person is Rh negative.

Group Compatibility

About the compatibility of blood types began to talk in the last century. At that time, hemotransfusion was used to restore the volume of circulating blood in the body. After a series of unsuccessful and successful experiments, scientists came to the conclusion that the transfused blood may be incompatible, and further observations showed that the blood of one group and one Rh factor may not be suitable for a patient with the same data.

However, during the experiments, it was possible to find a universal blood type that is ideal for all other species. This type can be transfused to recipients with the second, third and fourth groups. Also, during the testing, a universal blood type was identified, into which any other can be transfused - this is the fourth group with a positive Rh factor.

First group

According to statistics, about 40% of people on the planet have the first blood type. All of them are divided into two groups: Rh-positive 0(I) and Rh-negative 0(I). The latter have a universal blood type and a Rh factor that suits everyone. In other words, the materials of these people can be transfused to patients with any other group. Visually it looks like this:

0(I) Rh negative

0(I) Rh positive

A(II) Rh negative.

A(II) Rh positive

B(III) Rhesus neg.

B(III) Rh positive

AB(IV) Rh negative.

AB(IV) Rh positive

0(I) Rh negative

0(I) Rh positive

A universal donor with a positive first blood is compatible with other groups, but only with a positive Rh.

Nowadays, the first group is rarely used when a recipient is transfused with another group. If a situation suddenly arises in which it is necessary to pour it into the patient, then, as a rule, it is used in small quantities - no more than 500 ml.

If the blood type is 1, the donor can only be with the same blood, i.e.:

  • 0(I)Rh- only compatible with 0(I)Rh-;
  • 0(I)Rh+ is compatible with 0(I)Rh- with 0(I)Rh+.

When transfusing, the peculiarity of the donor and recipient is taken into account, because even with the same group and Rh, the liquids are not always compatible.

Second group

The second group has restrictions on use. It can only be used by people with the same data and the same Rhesus. So, for blood transfusion, blood of the second group with a negative Rh is used in people with the second group, both with positive and negative Rh. And Rh positive fluid is used only in recipients with the same Rh. You can also add the first group to the second one.

Third group

This option is compatible not only with the third, but also with the fourth and first groups. can donate blood for B(III) patients.

If the donor has the third group, then his blood will be compatible with the following recipients:

  • With Rh-positive donor blood, it can be transfused for people of the fourth and third positive.
  • For Rh negative: blood can be used for people with the third and fourth, both positive and negative group.

Fourth group

Asking the question of which blood type is universal, we can answer that there are two of them. The first group with a negative Rh makes it possible to save the lives of all people, regardless of the group and Rh. But people with the fourth group and positive Rh are universal recipients - they can be injected with any blood, with any Rh.

If the recipient will have a negative Rh, then any group with only a negative Rh is poured into it.

The influence of blood type on the conception of a child and pregnancy

When conceiving a child, the blood type does not matter, but the Rh factor is very important. If the mother has negative blood, and the child has positive blood, then throughout the pregnancy there is an immunological reaction in which protein is produced in the mother's blood. If, during a second pregnancy, the fetus again has a positive Rh, then the reaction of agglutination and hemolysis of red blood cells will begin to occur in the woman's body. This situation is called Rhesus-conflict.

Therefore, after the first pregnancy, a woman is recommended to administer anti-Rhesus globulin to break the immunological chain.

Other blood groups

Interestingly, in the fifties of the last century, scientists identified another blood type that cannot be attributed to either the first or any other. It is called Bomeyan, according to the place where the carriers of this group were found.

The peculiarity of this group is that it does not contain antigens A and B. But in its serum there is also no antigen H, which can cause serious difficulties, for example, during the determination of paternity, since the baby will not have a single antigen in the blood that is available in his parents. This group is very rare in the world (only 0.01%), and a chromosomal mutation is to blame for its appearance.

In clinics, transfusion is very often performed - blood transfusion. Thanks to this procedure, doctors save the lives of thousands of patients every year.

Donor biomaterial is necessary for severe injuries and some pathologies. Moreover, certain rules must be followed, since if the recipient and the donor are incompatible, serious complications can arise, up to the death of the patient.

To avoid such consequences, it is necessary to check the compatibility of blood groups during transfusion and only after that proceed with active actions.

Rules for transfusion

Not every patient imagines what it is and how the procedure is performed. Despite the fact that blood transfusion was carried out in ancient times, the procedure began its recent history in the middle of the 20th century, when the Rh factor was detected.

Today, thanks to modern technologies, doctors can not only produce blood substitutes, but also preserve plasma and other biological components. Thanks to this breakthrough, if necessary, the patient can enter not only donor blood, but also other biological fluids, such as fresh frozen plasma.

To avoid the occurrence of serious complications, blood transfusions must adhere to certain rules:

  • the transfusion procedure should be carried out in appropriate conditions, in a room with an aseptic environment;
  • before embarking on active actions, the physician must independently conduct some examinations and identify the patient's group affiliation according to the ABO system, find out what kind of Rh factor the person has, and also check whether the donor and recipient are compatible;
  • it is necessary to test for general compatibility;
  • it is strictly forbidden to use biomaterial that has not been tested for syphilis, serum hepatitis and HIV;
  • for 1 procedure, no more than 500 ml of biomaterial can be taken from a donor. The resulting liquid is stored for no longer than 3 weeks at a temperature of 5 to 9 degrees;
  • babies whose age is less than 12 months, the infusion is carried out taking into account the individual dosage.

Group Compatibility

Numerous clinical studies have confirmed that different groups can be compatible if during the transfusion there is no reaction during which agglutinins attack foreign antibodies and red blood cells stick together.

  • The first blood group is considered universal. It is suitable for all patients as it contains no antigens. But doctors warn that patients with type I blood can only be infused with the same.
  • Second. Contains antigen A. Suitable for infusion in patients with group II and IV. A person with the second can only infuse blood of groups I and II.
  • Third. Contains antigen B. Suitable for transfusion to citizens with III and IV. People with this group can only be injected with blood of groups I and III.
  • Fourth. It contains both antigens at once, suitable only for patients with group IV.

As for Rh, if a person has a positive Rh, he can also be transfused with negative blood, but it is strictly forbidden to carry out the procedure in a different order.

It is important to note that the rule only works in theory, since in practice patients are prohibited from introducing material that is not ideally suited.

What blood types and Rh factors are compatible for transfusion

Not all people with the same group can become donors for each other. Doctors assure that it is possible to carry out a transfusion strictly following the established rules, otherwise there is a possibility of complications.

You can visually determine blood for compatibility (taking into account positive and negative Rh) according to the following table:


It is important to understand that the information in the scheme is provided for informational purposes only, and before proceeding with the process itself, certain compatibility tests will need to be carried out.

What compatibility tests are done before the procedure?

Before proceeding, it is necessary to identify the blood groups of the recipient and donor. To obtain reliable information, special tests are carried out.

Biological compatibility test

The biological test is the most important step and should be carried out first. The analysis is done exclusively by a doctor. Action algorithm:

  • the doctor connects a dropper to the patient and slowly injects up to 20 ml of donor biomaterial;
  • after the transfusion stops;
  • for the next 5 minutes, the physician monitors the patient's condition.

If the latter does not have difficulty breathing, symptoms of tachycardia and pain in the back, the test is considered positive. In this case, you can safely perform further transfusion of the required amount of biological fluid.

Experts warn that it is impossible to inject donor blood at high speed, it is desirable that no more than 70 drops be pumped into the patient per minute.

Rhesus test

The technique also refers to the standard, can be carried out in 2 ways.

At the first, a centrifuge is used, 2 drops of the victim's blood and a drop of donor material are placed in a test tube. The resulting substances are mixed and a drop of 33% dextran is added to the liquid. Then the resulting solution is processed in a centrifuge for 5 minutes.

The final stage is the addition of 4 ml of saline. The components are mixed, after which the final evaluation of the result comes. If the agglutination reaction is not detected, a biological test is prescribed, in case of a positive result, a transfusion is performed.

The second acceptable way to assess compatibility is a heat test. Donor and patient's blood is mixed in a glass container, then 2 drops of heated gelatin are added. For 10 minutes, the solution is kept over a steam bath at a temperature of about 45 degrees, then 5 ml of saline is added. The evaluation of the result is carried out in a similar way.

Signs of incompatibility

If an unsuitable donor biomaterial was poured into the victim, this will cause the occurrence of specific symptoms. More often there are such deviations:

  1. The patient becomes restless.
  2. The occurrence of discomfort and sharp pains in the lumbar region. This marker indicates that changes have begun to occur in the kidneys.
  3. Skin blanching.
  4. Increased breathing, the appearance of shortness of breath.
  5. An increase in body temperature or chills from feeling cold.
  6. Hypotension.
  7. Bacterial toxic shock. Violation is rare, occurs due to infection during transfusion.

5% have the following symptoms:

  1. Nausea and vomiting.
  2. Blueing.
  3. The occurrence of severe seizures.
  4. Involuntary urination and defecation.

In rare cases, there is a possibility of hemolytic shock. With this complication, the patient must be rescued immediately.

First Aid for Inappropriate Blood Infusion

If signs of incompatibility begin to appear during the transfusion, the process should be urgently interrupted. The physician is obliged to provide first aid without clarifying the reasons, since if intensive care is delayed, the patient may die.

Action algorithm:

  • urgent need to replace the transfusion system;
  • install another catheter in the subclavian vein;
  • begin to control the outflow of urine;
  • after the doctor calls a laboratory assistant for blood sampling, it is necessary to analyze the number of red blood cells and hemoglobin;
  • a urine sample is also sent to the laboratory.

Further actions depend on what kind of symptoms manifested in the victim:

  1. To normalize the work of the cardiovascular system, Strofantin or Korglukon are used. With a decrease in pressure, norepinephrine is administered.
  2. If rejection occurs due to an allergic reaction, Suprastin or Diphenhydramine is administered.
  3. To regulate microcirculation and restore blood pressure, saline solutions and Reopoliglyukin are prescribed.
  4. To remove the products of hemolysis, sodium lactate is introduced.
  5. In the case of renal spasms, a bilateral novocaine blockade is performed.

The patient must wear a resuscitation mask, since oxygen deficiency often develops with incompatibility of blood cells.

What can happen when incompatible groups are transfused

Doctors warn that the prognosis for further recovery depends on how quickly the necessary assistance was provided to the patient.

If therapy was carried out no later than 5 hours after the procedure, the probability of complete recovery is more than 75%.

But some people (especially those with certain diseases or a genetic predisposition) can develop kidney and liver dysfunction.

Often, after a transfusion of inappropriate blood, blood clots form in the brain and heart, and the possibility of respiratory dysfunction cannot be ruled out.

Such complications most often become chronic, it is impossible to get rid of them.

If the transfusion is carried out by an experienced specialist with the necessary tests, the risk of side effects will be minimal. The procedure must follow the rules, during the transfusion, a physician must observe the victim in order to immediately stop the process and provide first aid if suspicious symptoms occur.

Firstly, these are people with a developed soul, sensitive, kind, open. Men with the 4th blood group (negative) are sympathetic, people who are always ready to help. Among them are many psychologists, doctors, priests.

Men are a little mysterious: you can expect unpredictable actions from them. It is noticed that many mental patients have this blood type. Psychiatrists say that among maniacs there is an amazing number of people with a 4 negative group. Moreover, in appearance they can not be distinguished in any way.

Here is such a diverse and controversial characteristic of the owners of the 4th group with a negative Rh.

It should be noted that this is a very rare blood type. It was formed when different races mixed. Therefore, it contains different types: A and B. Probably a mixture of different types gave them such a contradictory characterization. They seem to be mixed with good and evil.

Health status

Men with blood group 4 with negative Rh usually have a strong nervous system. But the weak side is the gastrointestinal tract. From this side, one can expect failures, penetration of rotaviruses into the body. As a result, severe diseases of the digestive system develop. Sometimes dehydration occurs.

They are also threatened by increased blood clotting and the formation of blood clots. This can lead to sad consequences: stroke, heart attack, thromboembolism. They need to pay attention to this.

Doctors recommend most often taking funds that normalize the composition of the blood, or use. And also constantly undergo examination, take tests. If you suspect a thrombosis, you should immediately start taking medications that thin the blood.

They are also prone to asthma and allergies. You need to pay attention to this and adjust the diet - this is the basis of a long life for people with 4 negative blood groups. Well, if it is prescribed by a doctor. But you can make your own diet. But more on that later.

Compatibility with other blood types

Here we will focus on two aspects: compatibility with other blood groups for the sake of conceiving healthy offspring and blood transfusion.


Blood group 4 (negative) in men has good compatibility with all other blood groups. It's about blood transfusion. Any blood type is suitable for them, but with a negative Rh. But they can only donate their blood to members of a similar group. This is due to the combination of both antigens in it.


When it comes to pregnancy, you have to be careful here. After all, if a pregnant woman has an Rhesus conflict, the child may die. This blood type in men is dangerous for women with a positive Rh.

Therefore, the question arises: is it possible to have children in such a situation? This question is difficult to answer unambiguously. If a woman with a positive Rh marries a man with a 4 negative group, then the child can adopt the father's Rh. The consequences can be the saddest - miscarriage, illness of the child. Sometimes, when fetal rejection occurs, the life of the mother is at risk.

To avoid complications, look for a partner also with a negative Rh. In this case, nothing will threaten the life of the mother and baby.


It was said above about the importance of diet for representatives of the 4th blood group with negative Rh. It is worth talking about this in more detail.

Men should limit the amount of meat food, chicken eggs. But vegetables and fruits can be consumed in unlimited quantities (with the exception of exacerbation of gastrointestinal diseases).

It is better not to use these products for people with 4 blood groups:

  • beef, pork, lamb;
  • seafood (squid, shrimp, octopus, crabs, etc.);
  • blue cheese;
  • sesame, sunflower seeds;
  • oranges;
  • bananas;
  • pomegranate;
  • hazelnut;
  • sunflower, linseed oil.

These foods are a must-have:

  • turkey, rabbit meat;
  • lean fish;
  • dairy;
  • edible mushrooms;
  • cereals (oatmeal, buckwheat, rice);
  • vegetables and fruits.

They should eat little and often. Also monitor the quality and freshness of the products so as not to cause indigestion. From coffee, alcohol and smoking, men with the 4th blood group (negative) should be completely abandoned.

It is very important that the people of this group have less stress, global changes in life.

People fall in love with each other, get married, create a family, dream of a child... But, unfortunately, sometimes it happens that a couple fails to conceive a baby, although both spouses are absolutely healthy. Why is this happening?

In medicine, such situations are called incompatibility at conception. There are the following types of incompatibility:

  • immune - by blood group / Rh;
  • genetic - the birth of children with or with other disabilities in absolutely healthy parents.

Does this diagnosis become a sentence for a married couple, or do the spouses still have a chance to conceive an heir? And what is it - incompatibility at conception?

Causes of incompatibility at conception

The number of infertile marriages around the world is increasing every year. In Russia itself, approximately 15 percent of married couples cannot conceive a child due to the infertility of one spouse or both. The causes of infertility are distributed between both spouses almost equally: one third of cases are associated with women, one third with men, the last third are joint projects (20%) and unexplained cases (10%). Research by practitioners and scientists indicates the presence of psychogenic changes and psychological trauma in all situations of infertility.

Marriage is said to be infertile when a married couple who lives a regular sexual life does not achieve the desired pregnancy within a year. At the same time, the spouses do not use any type of contraception.

Immunological incompatibility at conception

In such cases, couples are often given a disappointing diagnosis of "immunological infertility". Although conception is still possible with such a diagnosis, in the absence of constant medical supervision and appropriate treatment, pregnancy is interrupted in most cases.

First of all, if there is a suspicion of immunological incompatibility of a particular pair, a man needs to be examined, for which he will have to pass the seminal fluid for research (). This should be done in clinics specializing in family planning. The results of this analysis will determine the number and motility of spermatozoa, as well as evaluate other equally important indicators of sperm. In addition, they will confirm or, conversely, refute the presence of inflammatory diseases in the organs of the male genitourinary system.

So what is immunological infertility?

This means that the immune system of a particular woman produces antibodies that destroy the sperm of a particular man. Recent studies show that in about 30 percent of cases, the cause of infertility in marriages is precisely this form of infertility, or the so-called incompatibility factor. We are talking about some kind of allergy to the sperm of a man, or, strange as it sounds, an allergic reaction of the man himself to his own seed. The reason for this is the too high amount of so-called "anti-sperm antibodies", which prevent the sperm cell from fulfilling its fertilizing function. They can be formed in the body of both men and women.

Antisperm antibodies prevent not only conception, but also affect the course of pregnancy.

So why does an “allergy” to a particular person arise? And why does the level of antisperm antibodies increase?

Antisperm antibodies - the culprits of incompatibility

There is a scientific opinion that the risk of these antibodies in a woman is directly proportional to the number of her sexual partners. An unfavorable factor can also be transferred sexual infections. But still, the main reason for the appearance of antisperm antibodies in the female body is a specific immune reaction to the seed of a particular man. Both our psyche and the brain contribute to this, which directly affect the most subtle mechanisms of the body, incl. and the reactions of the immune system itself.

The presence of a certain amount of these antibodies in a woman's body can lead to toxicosis, spontaneous abortion, or a delay in the development of the fetus. Therefore, the test for immunological compatibility must be passed to both spouses.

Often the reason for the impossibility of conception are additional complications in the form of a bicornuate uterus, ovarian malformation or cervical hypoplasia.

Rhesus conflict and incompatibility at conception

Incompatibility at conception is also possible if the spouses have different Rh factors. To successfully conceive a child, both spouses must have the same - positive or negative.

If the Rh factors are different, then problems may arise not only during the conception of a child and during pregnancy, but even after his birth (meaning the health of the newborn).

If spouses with different Rh blood factors decide to give birth to a child, they definitely need to undergo a course of special therapy before conception so that the mother's body does not subsequently reject the fetus. It should be noted that a healthier child is born in the couple where the blood type of the father is higher than that of the mother.

But there is always hope

Under no circumstances should you despair. Even in such situations, there is a fairly high chance of getting pregnant and bearing the first child. However, with subsequent pregnancies, a number of difficulties may arise.

In some cases, the mother's immunological mechanism may begin to produce antibodies against the father's Rh factor. As a result, maternal antibodies cross the placenta and begin to attack the erythrocytes of the fetus, thereby causing the development of anemia in him.

From a genetic and immunological point of view, spouses with different blood types, but having the same RH (negative or positive), are considered to be well compatible. But in married couples who have the same blood type, but different Rh factors, there is a very high probability of incompatibility during conception.

Compatibility test

If the spouses have not been able to conceive a baby for a long time, they both need to pass a compatibility test, for which they will have to take a blood test and undergo other related studies that the attending physician will already appoint.

But even if as a result of all the research and testing carried out, incompatibility is found for any factor - do not get depressed and do not despair. Remember: modern medicine is in constant development, in constant discoveries, which always gives potential mothers a great chance to get pregnant and give birth to a healthy baby. And do not forget that the most important factor for conceiving a child is not so much the compatibility of the spouses as the presence of sincere feelings in them. The birth of a long-awaited baby will overcome all obstacles!

Specially for Anna Zhirko

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