Is prunes good for you? Such dried fruits are valued for their multiple positive qualities. Prunes: contraindications for use

Dried fruits and, in particular, prunes stand out as a separate link in the human diet. This dried delicacy has pleasant palatability and can be used to promote health. Fans of such a product should know what the benefits and harms of prunes for the body are, as well as to whom it is indicated and to whom it is prohibited.

Prunes: chemical composition and calorie content

Prunes have a fairly high energy value - 264 kcal for every hundred grams.

The chemical composition includes:

  • fats - 0.7 g,
  • proteins - 2.3 g,
  • carbohydrates - 57.5 g.

Also, the composition of dried fruit includes a whole bunch of useful substances, vitamins and minerals:

  • Sahara;
  • pectins;
  • cellulose;
  • organic acids;
  • vitamins A, B, C, PP;
  • sodium;
  • iron;
  • phosphorus;
  • potassium.
  • sucrose;
  • glucose;
  • fructose.

Useful properties for the human body

What is useful prunes? The fetus has a positive effect on all body systems:

  • Cleanses the intestines from toxins and toxins.
  • It is considered a good prevention of constipation.
  • Promotes natural weight loss.
  • It has a cleansing effect on blood vessels.
  • Resists free radicals, reducing the risk of cancer.
  • Improves blood circulation.
  • Renders antibacterial action(suppresses the activity of harmful microorganisms: coli, salmonella, staphylococcus).
  • Serves for the prevention of dental diseases.
  • It has a beneficial effect on the quality of vision due to the content of carotene in its composition.
  • Helps improve performance.
  • Has a tonic effect.
  • It has a mild diuretic effect.

Treatment of constipation with prunes

Beneficial features prunes are relevant in the fight against such unpleasant phenomena like constipation. If this condition is not caused by serious pathologies, then traditional medicine recipes can be used to eliminate it.

Tea with prunes against constipation. Cooking steps:

  1. Pour boiling water over several fruits.
  2. Let them brew for at least 5 hours (best left overnight).
  3. Take the infusion throughout the day in small portions.

Advice. Take this decoction should not be more than 2 times a week. Those who do not like prune fruits can remove them from the decoction and take only the liquid.

One of the healthiest and tastiest dried fruits available in almost all regions is prunes. Drying, as a way of harvesting fruits for future use, has been used for several centuries, but this has not lost its relevance. When drying plum fruits, they do not lose their useful properties, as in pickling and cooking, retaining all vitamins and microelements.

Prunes are obtained from sweet, fleshy and dense fruits of the Hungarian variety, or Hungarian plum, which have a small stone.

What is useful prunes for the body?

The exceptionally rich composition of the fruit allows you to saturate the body with vitamins and microelements. It is useful in that it exhibits the properties of a strong antioxidant, relieving cells from free radicals positively affecting well-being.

The benefits of prunes:

    Prevention of constipation - plum fiber is a mild laxative, improves the passage food bolus on gastrointestinal tract;

    Antiseptic properties at infectious diseases, inhibition of the growth of salmonella, Escherichia coli, sanitation of the oral cavity, prevention of caries;

    Increase in secretion gastric juice and the associated increase in appetite helps to gain weight when it is deficient;

    Prunes antioxidants prevent the occurrence of malignant transformation of body cells;

In addition to valuable medicinal properties, prunes bring pleasant taste sensations when using it. Despite their calorie content and high content sugar, prunes in a small amount can be used in diets to correct excess weight for short-term “snacks” when you want sweets.

It is exceptionally useful, according to American scientists, to use prunes for women during menopause to prevent osteoporosis. This disease strikes women when a sharp decline the hormone estrogen in their body becomes a provoking factor for the accelerated leaching of calcium from the bones.

Only 100 g, consumed daily, becomes a means of preventing osteoporosis. The combination of boron, calcium and vitamin D in this fruit makes up for the lack of them in the female body.

During pregnancy, prunes are not contraindicated for a woman who is expecting a baby. It is a source of valuable vitamins and minerals and excellent tool for prevention. The normalization of the stool, which so often disturbs pregnant women with constipation, occurs gently, without side effects for fetal development.

100 g of prunes contain 240 kilocalories, which is an energy value of 1006 kJ .

The nutritional value:

    Carbohydrates - 96%;

    Fats - less than 1%;

    Proteins - 3.2%.

Chemical composition 100 g prunes


Quantity (g)


  • sucrose,



Inorganic substances: calcium, magnesium, iron, potassium, sodium, phosphorus, zinc, manganese, selenium, fluorine, copper


Amino acids: tryptophan, leucine, methionine, threonine, isoleucine, cystine, glycine, serine, arginine, valine, tyrosine.

Vitamins: C, B, A, E, K, α-carotene, β-carotene, thiamine, a nicotinic acid, riboflavin, folates, folic acid, choline, betaine, lutein, tocopherol

When dried, prunes retain all the useful properties of the original product - black plums. This is one of the most healthy dried fruits for the human body, known to date.

Prunes are used on the recommendation of nutritionists for weight correction, treatment and maintaining health. Removal of toxins from the body, optimization of metabolism - only part of the beneficial properties of prunes. In addition to use in diet food prunes are an excellent alternative to sweets, so they can be replaced in the diet.

In order for prunes to become a full-fledged component of various dishes, they need to be soaked for 1.5-2.5 hours. If you try 1-2 pieces of prunes, most likely, your appetite will play out, and there will be a craving for delicious meals. If you eat 5-7 pieces, the feeling of hunger will not be so bright, and it is quite possible that you will not want to have lunch or dinner at all.

If you use prunes in a diet for weight correction, the best combination would be to use it with raw grated carrots, boiled beets. In a salad of these ingredients, you can add lemon juice or kefir, which enhance the beneficial properties of prunes for our body.

Prunes are dried plums. Of the 40 types of plums, only one is massively used for the production of prunes - European. The fruit contains a lot of sugar, as evidenced by the dark blue peel.

The largest producer of prunes is California.

Composition of prunes

Prunes are the source simple sugars- glucose, fructose, sucrose and sorbitol. It contains antioxidants and fiber.

Vitamins in 100 gr. from the daily norm:

  • B6 - 37%;
  • A - 35%;
  • B3 - 15%;
  • B2 - 10%;
  • B1 - 8%.

Minerals in 100 gr. from the daily norm:

Calorie content of prunes - 256 kcal per 100 gr.

Prunes can be used as a substitute for sweets, used for baking, added to salads, used as a seasoning for meat dishes. Sauces are prepared from it and compotes are cooked.

For muscles and bones

Dried plums are a source of the mineral boron, which strengthens bones and muscles. It increases muscle endurance.

Prunes reduce the effects of radiation on Bone marrow, improving the condition of the bones and restoring their density.

Dried plums help to treat osteoporosis, which women during menopause are prone to.

For the heart and blood vessels

Prunes normalize cholesterol levels, prevent strokes, heart failure and protect against heart attack.

The use of dried plums reduces blood pressure thanks to potassium. It dilates blood vessels and reduces the risk of developing heart disease.

Prunes normalize hemoglobin levels and prevent anemia.

For nerves

B vitamins improve brain function and nervous system. Regular consumption of prunes can relieve anxiety, insomnia and increase resistance to stress.

For eyes

Vitamin A deficiency leads to dry eyes, decreased vision, degeneration yellow spot and cataracts. Plums will help to prevent diseases.

For the lungs

Chronic lung disease, emphysema, and diseases caused by smoking lead to breathing problems. Prunes will help to cope with them, thanks to antioxidants and plant polyphenols. It removes inflammation and reduces the likelihood of developing lung diseases, including cancer.

For the intestines

The fiber in prunes prevents constipation and hemorrhoids and also helps the body to properly digest food. The laxative effect of dried plums is due to the sorbitol content.

For skin and hair

Prunes contain iron and therefore strengthen hair. Vitamins B and C in prunes promote hair growth.

Prunes slow down the aging process and the formation of wrinkles, maintain skin health and elasticity.

For immunity

The antioxidants that make up prunes protect cells from.

Vitamin C, which prunes are rich in, strengthens the immune system.

Prunes during pregnancy

Prunes normalize bowel function and relieve constipation and hemorrhoids, which often occur during pregnancy.

Dried plums help fight depression and mood swings, are a source of energy and normalize hemoglobin levels.

Vitamins and minerals in prunes will provide healthy development fetus.

Harm and contraindications of prunes

Refrain from the product for those who:

  • ulcerative colitis;
  • allergic to prunes or substances that make up the composition.

Prunes can be harmful if consumed excessively. It manifests itself in the form of intestinal upset, bloating, gas formation, diarrhea, constipation, weight gain and even the development of diabetes.

How to choose prunes

The fruits should have a slightly soft structure, shiny and dense skin. They must be free of mold, damage and discoloration.

If you buy packaged prunes, then the packaging should be transparent so that you can see the fruit. Sealed packaging should not have damage through which moisture loss occurs.

How to store prunes

To preserve the freshness and beneficial properties of prunes, they must be stored in an airtight container or a closed plastic bag. Choose a cool and dark place for storage. Suitable pantry, refrigerator and freezer.

The shelf life of prunes depends on the storage location. In the pantry and refrigerator, dried plums can be stored for 12 months, and in freezer- up to 18 months.

Prunes should be consumed regularly, but in not large quantities. This will improve health, maintain the beauty of the skin and hair.


Prunes are a healthy dried fruit with a sweet and pleasant taste. It is obtained from the plum varieties "Hungarian" and "Renklord".

Dried fruit has many useful properties, helps with diseases of the heart and digestive system, fights stress, normalizes metabolism. It is used to prevent various diseases.

This is a favorite product of nutritionists, as it helps to lose weight. excess weight. He found his place in cooking, giving the dishes a delicate and refined taste.

In this article, we will talk about the benefits and harms of prunes for the body, the calorie content of dried fruit per 100 grams, the beneficial properties for the intestines for constipation and weight loss, the effect on a person - men, women, during pregnancy and feeding, and also about possible harm for health and contraindications.

How to choose the right one: quality requirements for dried fruits

Prunes are sold in shops or markets(usually at special points where they sell nuts and dried fruits).

Fruits can be dried or smoked, sold with a bone.(they contain more useful substances) and without it.

When choosing, be guided by the color of the product. It should be exclusively black, without gloss and gloss. Otherwise, the fruits were treated with glycerin or a fat of unknown origin.

If they have a brown tint, then before selling them, they were doused with boiling water, this will give a bitter aftertaste.

By the look a good product should be free of mold, foreign odors and visible damage. When buying by weight, you can ask the seller to give a couple of fruits for testing. Quality product will have a sweet taste with a slight sourness.

To check whether the prunes were chemically treated, it is enough to fill them with water and leave for thirty minutes. Natural - in places it will turn white, and the processed one will remain intact.

Chemical composition and calorie content of dried fruit, nutritional and energy value, glycemic index

Useful properties and medicinal qualities

Prunes have a number positive properties and beneficial effect on the entire human body:

A lot of interesting things about prunes will be told by the program “Live healthy!”:

For adult men and women

The body of an adult is in the rhythm of constant, often tedious work. To this state is added fatigue, anxiety, frequent stress. Together, these conditions weaken the immune system, opening the way to diseases.

Prunes improve the functioning of the whole organism, increase resistance to infections and other bacterial diseases.

How else is dried prunes useful for women and men? It will help maintain the body at a productive level, gradually removing harmful substances.

Dried plums are also good because they are a good prevention. oncological diseases.

For kids

The child's body is constantly growing. He needs a lot of vitamins. Prunes, like other dried fruits, will give the child a supply of energy.

It is especially useful in winter and spring. After all fresh fruits and the berries are not yet ripe, and vitamins are needed constantly.

Prunes - sweet in taste, it can be compared with candy. But the undoubted advantage is that it is safe for teeth and will not cause cavities.

For pregnant and lactating

Are prunes good for pregnant women? Of course, because women interesting position often suffer from constipation.

Prunes - great way constipation- this is what prunes are useful for pregnant women. He gently helps expectant mother and bowel movements become regular.

In addition to this aspect dried fruit boosts immunity, thanks to vitamin composition improves metabolism.

Benefits for the elderly

Older people benefit from dried plums for many reasons. It improves heart function and all circulatory system, eliminates excess cholesterol, which is important in old age.

Elderly people often get sick because their immune system weakens. Prunes will come to the rescue here, because it has antibacterial properties, strengthening immune system .

What is harmful: contraindications and precautions

Dried fruit has not only useful properties, but also can be harmful to health. Before its constant use, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the list of restrictions:

  • obesity, overweight - Uncontrolled use of dried plums will only worsen the condition. The product is used in dietetics, it is effective, but in small quantities;
  • - dried fruit contains a large number of sugar, therefore harmful to people suffering from this endocrine disease;
  • breastfeeding women- this is due to the fact that substances that activate peristalsis will definitely get into the milk.

    This can harm the baby, causing a violation of the stool, colic, indigestion. The product may cause allergic reactions in a baby;

  • individual intolerance;
  • hypotension and.

Harm can be caused not only by the prunes themselves, but also by those chemical substances, by which it is processed (for longer storage).

Therefore, it is important to choose the right dried fruits., least of all focusing on their beautiful and attractive appearance.

Daily rate of this product: five to six pieces a day. In large quantities, it can cause indigestion.

It is better to give preference to dried rather than smoked fruits. Dried fruit is usually eaten fresh.

How to wash and process prunes before eating: preferably pour dried fruits with water and hold for 15-20 minutes. You can just pour boiling water over it. This will remove any chemicals that the fruit has been treated with.

Dried fruit can be eaten before and after meals. It is usually eaten as a snack or dessert. It depends on the wishes of the person.

In cooking

The pleasant taste and beneficial properties of prunes have found their place in the culinary arts. Dried fruit is added to drinks, pastries, salads and other dishes.

The fruits can be used as the main filling when baking pies or pies. It will give them an amazing taste. You can combine dried fruit with other ingredients - raisins, dried apricots. In the confectionery business, it is often added to cakes.

Prunes go well with meat. It is added when cooking pork, beef, chicken and duck.

Dried fruit - the main component of vitamin salads. It is enough to mix chopped prunes, dried apricots and add walnuts and season the dessert with honey.

Storehouse of vitamins natural antidepressant and an immunostimulant on your table. These salads will appeal to both children and adults.

Prunes with nuts and sour cream:

Is it good for weight loss

Dried plums will help get rid of a couple of extra pounds.

But it is worth considering that they act like medicine: do not forget about the sense of proportion. Abuse of fruits will lead to the opposite effect.

Nutritionists use prunes for the following reasons:

  • short glycemic index for a long time leaves a feeling of satiety, removing hunger. The fiber contained in fruits causes a feeling of fullness in the stomach. The product can be used as a snack. It is much healthier than sandwiches, not to mention chips and chocolate bars;
  • diets limit sweets or completely ban them. Prunes are a separate case, it is a joy for the sweet tooth. It is sweet in taste and can be eaten while losing weight;
  • a real antidepressant, will help to cope with the blues, which often visits people on a diet - this is what prunes are useful for weight loss;
  • improves bowel function, removes excess toxins, which helps to lose a couple of kilograms. In addition, the fruits improve metabolism and fight against bad cholesterol removing it from the body.
  • hypertension- take 4 - 5 dried fruits, pour them hot water. After five minutes, take out the fruit and cut into small pieces. Add them to a glass of ordinary tea (leak for 15 minutes). This health drink help lower blood pressure;
  • calluses- take dried fruit with seeds and boil in milk. Take out the seeds, attach the fruits to the calluses and hold until you feel a burning sensation. Carry out treatment until complete recovery.

Prunes properties used as a laxative with constipation. It well normalizes the work of the entire digestive system, promotes the removal of toxins and toxins from the body.

It acts very gently, the act of defecation is painless, softening the stool.

Classic also cope with constipation medications. But the advantage of prunes is that it is a natural and safe laxative.

How to take prunes as a laxative: use the following recipe to treat constipation, prepare eight to ten pieces of prunes, put them in warm water(it should completely cover the fruit) and leave overnight. Wash fruit thoroughly before soaking.

Drink the infusion in the morning on an empty stomach. Eat dried fruits, but it is not necessary to eat everything for breakfast, you can break it into several doses.

If you follow this recipe regularly, then after a couple of weeks you will forget about problems with the intestines.

In the treatment of constipation, it is not enough just to eat prunes, it is important A complex approach. You need to reconsider your diet. Include more fiber in the menu, eat porridge, boiled vegetables. Do not forget about drinking: the norm of water is 2 liters per day for an adult.

In cosmetology

Dried plums - excellent cosmetic product , since the product is able to cleanse pores, improve complexion, relieve swelling and inflammation. A decoction of it restores hair.

Mask for the face- Boil a few things in milk, mash with a spoon and apply on a cleansed face. Wash off the mask after fifteen minutes. Such a tool will whiten the skin, making it soft and fresh.

Hair conditioner- brew half a liter of boiling water 10 - 12 fruits. Let it brew for two hours. Strain before use. Dilute the conditioner with a liter of water and rinse clean and wet hair with it. The tool will return shine and silkiness.

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