Alternative Medicine: Pros and Cons! Paid medicine: pros and cons

Here will be discussed about the attitude of official medicine and science to the available alternative methods of treating oncological diseases. You will learn which non-traditional therapies are really effective and which are not.

From conspiracy theories to reality

Adherents alternative medicine they love to talk about various conspiracy theories that supposedly there are cures for all types of cancer, but pharmacological companies hide this fact.

This statement does not stand up to scrutiny, since the employees themselves and the owners of pharmaceutical companies also suffer from cancer. It is noteworthy that the famous scientist Ralph Steinman, who participated in the development of a cure for cancer, did not live to see the award Nobel Prize because of pancreatic cancer.

It should be borne in mind that all cancers are very different from each other. For example, even one has several subtypes, and by definition there cannot be a single cure for these diseases. By the way, we have prepared an article about. Be sure to read.

What science says about cancer treatment non-traditional methods

We note right away that official science and medicine by no means reject all non-traditional methods cancer treatment. There is no need to think that scientists and physicians are so categorical in this matter. It should be understood that a scientist can only refer to evidence. Many alternative cancer treatments have been researched in the lab, and some of them have actually proven to be true.

Questions from readers

My girlfriend's mom had breast cancer and she has elder sister 20 year old who also had chest pains, what are the chances that my girlfriend could have the same situation? And does it always show up after sex? October 18, 2013, 17:25 My girlfriend's mother had breast cancer, and she has an older sister of 20 years old who also had chest pain, what are the chances that my girlfriend may have the same situation? And obyazatelno whether this manifests itself after sex?

Which cancer treatments lack evidence

The effectiveness of some alternative methods cancer treatment has not yet been proven. These methods include:

  • Application shark cartilage. It's a common myth that sharks don't get cancer.
  • Gerson therapy.
  • macrobiotic diet.
  • Green tea.
  • Coenzyme Q10.
  • The use of thymus extracts.
  • Large doses vitamin C.
  • Homeopathic preparations.
  • Low-carb diet (we wrote about)
  • The use of antioxidants in the treatment of cancer.

Which cancer treatments have conflicting evidence

These treatments oncological diseases have conflicting data regarding their effectiveness:

  • Mistletoe extract. Many studies show that the extract of this plant actually works against cancer cell cultures. But, as for its effectiveness in relation to people, scientists have doubts here. There is evidence indicating that mistletoe extract has a toxic effect on the liver and may cause a severe allergic reaction.
  • Hypericum extract. There is evidence that St. John's wort extract is effective when injected directly into a tumor and then photoactivated. Perhaps this treatment is effective against cancer Bladder, pancreas and prostate.
  • Astragalus herb. Some studies show that taking astragalus improves the effectiveness of chemotherapy.
Alternative Cancer Therapies That Really Help Manage Symptoms
  • with the use of a large number of vegetables and fruits. As practice shows, the well-being of patients after such a diet improves.
  • Acupuncture is a treatment method that helps to cope with the many symptoms that accompany cancer(nausea, pain, dizziness).
  • Melatonin is a substance that helps to cope with painful condition patient.
  • Meditation, massage and yoga. These methods help to cope in some cases, but the result may be unstable.
  • Sport. Moderate physical activity improves the effectiveness of the treatment of breast cancer, prostate cancer and colorectal cancer.

If you decide to resort to alternative medicine, then do not be afraid to tell your doctor about it. Of course, the doctor may not support your decision, but it is important that he knew all the information about certain methods that you will undertake. It is possible that some alternative medicine methods will interfere with chemotherapy, and it would be better to wait with them.

Arkady Galanin

Alternative (alternative) medicine: pros and cons

It's no secret that doctors have a negative attitude towards non-traditional species medicine. And of course, there are patients who prefer "healing herbs" instead of " harmful pills". Whose position is correct? Let's try to figure it out and find all the "pros" and "cons" of the methods alternative medicine.

Alternative medicine is a complex of knowledge, carefully selected by our ancestors, about the dangers and benefits different types plants, and other factors that, one way or another, affect human health. This data has been collected and refined by trial and error over a long period of time. They are very valuable to mankind.

Why, then, traditional medicine denies not traditional methods treatment? Perhaps this is a banal unwillingness to recognize such methods of treatment?

In fact, very often people misuse alternative medicine prescriptions. They can help when the disease is sluggish, is chronic, when it is necessary to support, prevent the disease and possible complications when there is no threat to human life and health. It must be remembered that in emergency situations when every minute counts and serious illnesses alternative medicine methods cannot be used! However, patients very often violate this rule and come to the doctors when the disease is in advanced form, and it becomes difficult or simply impossible to restore health. That's why medical workers so negatively opposed to treatment only by alternative methods.

Science and technological progress in the 21st century have stepped far forward. Modern traditional medicine in its arsenal uses the most effective methods diagnosis and treatment of many diseases. It is simply necessary for emergency conditions, in acute period disease when the patient remains in question.

At the same time, traditional medicine alternative ways treatment cannot exist.

Unconventional methods are an echo of the past, when there were no such opportunities as there are today. But this does not mean that we can and should forget about all the knowledge that we received from our ancestors. medical specialists have long noticed that enough a large number of patients with severe and long-term illnesses by changing their habitual lifestyle, abandoning bad habits using herbal infusions and physical exercises, embarked on the path of recovery, although there were no prerequisites for this.

Many grandparents have been collecting miracle recipes for generations for every occasion. Traditional medicine, as a panacea, long and long years replaced traditional methods of treatment for people. Even now, in the 21st century, when humanity has stepped far ahead, that faith in medicinal plants still remains in people.

But is it okay to ignore traditional medicine? And why do so many people who self-medicate come early or, more often, late to specialists?

As long-term practice shows, few people, suffering from some kind of illness, immediately turn to specialists. They often self-medicate. It is understandable, the frantic pace of life leaves almost no time for itself. In free clinics, there are always queues, and in paid clinics, the price list is sometimes scary.

So we have to make diagnoses for ourselves, call mothers and grandmothers with a request to suggest what is best to drink with indigestion and headaches. But is it normal to be so careless about your health? Doctors will say no. And they will be right.

If a we are talking about a mild cold, it is quite possible to try to cure a runny nose and sore throat on your own. But even that can be dangerous! The whole problem is that people themselves make the wrong diagnoses.

Without passing any analysis, but only based on own feelings Yes, on articles from the Internet, they themselves prescribe treatment. And for " a mild cold”may hide not at all mild illnesses. Or headache, easily passing from a paracetamol tablet, may be a symptom of a serious illness.

AT traditional medicine also have their negative sides. Those drugs that treat one, adversely affect the other. Solid "chemistry" is also not always useful. But you have to be prudent.

It will be much better, at the first sign of a cold, with a headache or other pain, to go for a consultation with a specialist. The doctor will take everything necessary tests, will put, which is very important, the correct diagnosis and prescribe treatment.

And then, when it will be known exactly what kind of ailment attacked, it can be combined with folk, non-traditional methods of treatment. Some doctors themselves may advise patients on options for replacing pills with medicinal herbs.

Opinions regarding the usefulness or harmfulness of either traditional or traditional medicine have always diverged. Everyone makes a choice for himself, what to give preference to. But the main thing is to understand that no, even the most experienced grandmother healer will be able to accurately determine the disease and make a diagnosis. It should also be remembered about the consequences of a careless attitude to health, which can sometimes be very difficult to return or restore.

Various diseases are knowledge passed down from generation to generation for many centuries. Some folk remedies have no alternative in traditional medicine. Since ancient times, people have observed the flora and fauna and have accumulated vast experience in the treatment of many diseases with natural remedies. Since different plants grow in different climatic zones, each nation used the same diseases in the treatment of the same diseases. various ways and techniques. Experts point out that medicinal plants There are a great many (more than three thousand species) that help fight many ailments.
Traditional medicine is still popular, and traditional medicine cannot supplant them. scientific medicine. ethnoscience this is not only herbal treatment, but also various conspiracies, and others wellness systems(yoga, esotericism, etc.). It is impossible to determine exactly when ethnoscience, but it is known for certain that in ancient times, even in ancient civilizations, healers used natural remedies for the treatment of the soul and body of a person. And now many people trust recipes traditional medicine. Folk remedies, of course, help with many diseases, and doctors do not deny this either. Traditional medicine methods include hirudotherapy, thalassotherapy, aromatherapy, lithotherapy, cryotherapy and other methods that are successfully used in official medicine. Many doctors, along with synthetic drugs, advise their patients and traditional medicine recipes.
In some countries, such as African countries most of the population uses folk methods treatment of diseases. Traditional medicine is very popular in Asia and Latin America. Of course, the traditional Russian ethnoscience fundamentally different from traditional medicine in China. Now in our country you can buy the most different drugs Japanese, Thai, Chinese medicine. But often these drugs are outright fakes and can cause significant harm to health. After all, any herb or substance can be not only a medicine, but also a poison at the same time. In treatment folk remedies it is very important to observe the dosage and other conditions for taking the drugs. You can not constantly use herbs. After all, some herbs with prolonged use can only harm, cause allergies and others. adverse effects. Therefore, even seemingly harmless traditional medicine should be used under the supervision of a specialist.
One of the most effective and beneficial human body drinks that have been used for centuries in China, India, Japan is green tea. Scientists have found that their medicinal properties it is obliged to the alkaloids contained in it. Green tea is recommended for hypertensive patients. Also green tea It has a tonic effect and is indicated in moderation for people suffering from low blood pressure (hypotension). Green tea has been proven to have anti-cancer effects. But this drink should not be consumed with stomach ulcers and duodenum, as well as in some forms of gastritis. Also, do not drink it before bedtime, because it, like black tea, has a stimulating effect. Strongly brewed green tea should also not be consumed by people with diseases. thyroid gland. Moderate consumption of green tea will bring tangible benefits to the body, but only in moderation! Similarly, other traditional medicines can help, or they can harm. And you need to use them very carefully.

Pharmacy kiosks and the Internet offer a huge number of Chinese dietary supplements that promise to cope with any disease. In many private medical centers you can find an office where Chinese doctors practice, also promising a 100% cure for many severe ailments. How to deal with all this?

Let's start with the fact that not a single doctor with a diploma obtained in China has a work permit in Russia. And it's not just the problem of confirming our Chinese medical diplomas or the language barrier, which is very difficult for the Chinese to overcome. To find out what they do in such illegal centers, I sent my acquaintances and colleagues several times under the guise of patients. After examining the drugs prescribed by the local doctors, we clutched our heads: as a raw material for the preparation of "healing" potions, the impostors used with might and main not allowed and even prohibited plant components.

But even if you are lucky and you have purchased a real, balanced Chinese dietary supplement, there are no guarantees that taking it will not turn into problems for you, alas. Especially if you are suffering from any chronic disease. After all, dietary supplements (even in its legal form) are by no means a safe food supplement. Specialists know many examples when the illiterate application of these seemingly harmless means ended in hospitalization. Drugs with a choleretic effect, for example, can disturb stones in gallbladder, and with a diuretic - cause an exacerbation of urolithiasis.

Dietary supplements are a recent commercial remake that has nothing to do with Chinese medicine. They are made by small factories. Alas, these factories are not responsible for what they produce. Not for the recipe, not for the quality. And then the fashion went to the East in the West, and a stream of Chinese dietary supplements went there. In America, they did it simply. They issue one-time certificates for the sale of Chinese drugs, but within Chinatowns.

The very concept of dietary supplements (biologically active additive) appeared in the West. In China, they do not understand what dietary supplements are, because they have any food as a medicine. All their food is dietary supplements. In the West, food supplements were created in order to make up for the deficiency of some elements that a person lacks in the diet.

Many Chinese dietary supplements do not work at all on people of other races or have a completely different effect. Why? We have a different food system. The Chinese, for example, do not know what kefir is, they do not even have yeast bread. This means that the enzymes that these products process are absent in their body. It is not surprising that dietary supplements, which should, for example, help get rid of excess weight and focused primarily on gastrointestinal tract, on our women, as they say, do not work. The weight loss effect, if realized, is at the level of a diuretic and laxative. When taking a dietary supplement, women lose fluid, and when they stop taking it, they gain fluid just as quickly. And with it the weight.

The same story with drugs for the treatment of alcoholism and impotence. You should not buy such funds in online pharmacies and from "networkers" who "bred" inexperienced Russian consumers for a lot of money. At the same time, not a single self-respecting specialist can vouch for the quality of the products they aggressively offer.

Moreover, really effective, safe and certified Chinese medicines have already appeared in Russian pharmacies. To date, there are only 8 of them. They are balanced in composition and very predictable in terms of their adaptogenic effects on the body. Distinctive feature Chinese drugs in that they contain two types of adaptogens - stimulating and depressing. If the body is suppressed, the first one will work, if it is hyperstimulated, the second one will smooth out this effect.

Traditional Chinese medicine in China itself was in complete decline until the early 1960s. Actually the brand of traditional Chinese medicine revived Mao Zedong. And suddenly the study of reflexology began in China (Jen-Zhu - acupuncture and cauterization with wormwood sticks). Chinese medicines began to appear. The Chinese did not have standard prescriptions. There were principles for compiling medicines and doctors who passed these recipes by word of mouth. And when there was a wave of interest in Chinese medicine, they collected all unique recipes, more or less known among the families of Chinese healers.

The work was so large-scale that in the late 70s - early 80s of the twentieth century, a whole scientific institute was created from scratch for each recipe. And on the basis of this recipe, a whole plant for the production of a particular drug was built. Good old recipes were taken, tested for efficacy and safety in animals and humans. Everything was done then simply: instead of 200 rats, 1000 were taken, instead of 300 patients - 3000. And then there were no looking back at ethical committees.

For example, this is how an ointment for appendicitis was tested. They took people from acute appendicitis, smeared with ointment with a layer of 0.8 cm and changed the bandage for 3 days. The summary is as follows: in 8 patients the result is good, in one it is satisfactory, and about the last patient - silence. The goal was to saturate the Chinese market with vital medicines. Thus, no more than 10 drugs were selected, which were standardized, and they could be put into production.

In Chinese medicine, it is very difficult to prescribe a medicine that will help everyone and everyone. Or at least the majority, because each person is individual. And what is good for one is not good for another. And that's why China never had generic medicines. ...Many doctors know: permanent reception herbal preparations by no means as safe as it seems. The same St. John's wort ... It cannot be used for a long time, because hypersensitivity to sunlight, as well as other toxic effects in the body. Or the same licorice. It influences immune system. For a while, it will stimulate the immune system, and then the swing effect may occur and the immune system will be suppressed. The polysaccharides contained in licorice are very active. Echinacea works the same way. You can take it for two or three days at the beginning of the disease, but then ... This is in best case transfer of your money. You can not constantly stimulate and spur the immune system. Even unique ginseng at long-term use leads to depletion of the central nervous system. A monopreparation is always an excess. The drug cannot consist of one medicinal herb. It should always be with something in the complex.

Real Chinese medicines are complex. Everything is selected in them very strictly, according to the principle of influencing specific areas of pathogenesis. Moreover, the further the study of herbs and preparations takes place, it becomes clearer how accurately everything is chosen. For example, Sichuan lovage. The root of this grass was studied up and down, and it chemical composition divided into 4 pages of text. It is part of the "Bolus huato" and "Crown terra". And there are about 10 such "hit" components in China. These include false ginseng, boletus and a number of others. And there are about 1000-1500 on the way, who have studied well and identified the main active components. That is, we went by the method of dismemberment. And this method made it possible to find in the same lovage a component that has a completely unique effect on cardiovascular system: on the lumen of the arteries (if they are tinted, it expands them, if they are narrowed - expands), restores the destroyed epithelium of blood vessels.

What is Traditional Chinese Medicine? It is a school and transmission from generation to generation medical experience when the student first looks at the work of the teacher for several years, and then begins to do something himself. By the way, according to the rules of this medicine, the medicine is prescribed by a traditional Chinese doctor every three days. After the patient drinks a bag of drugs that he was prescribed, he goes for a new one. This is expensive medicine, it is not available to everyone in China.

What do we have? We have a permitted method of reflexology from Chinese medicine. To this end, there are even guidelines and instructions of the Ministry of Health, there is a specialty reflexologist. It is a part of Chinese medicine that is legalized in Russian market medical services. But it has the same relation to Chinese medicine as cooking has to ballet. When applying this method, a Chinese doctor uses his system of making a diagnosis and prescribing a method, where to inject and how much. This is not the case in Russian medicine. There are diagnoses (according to ICD-10), neuralgia or sciatica, for example. There are meridian names. But they play with dots, rearrange them in different ways. But if a Chinese doctor examines, interrogates the patient and chooses the treatment very carefully (in acupuncture it is usually 1-2 points, it is important to get to where the node is really, the block of the disease), then our patient is a needle pad. pure water Acupuncture, no matter where you go, the reaction will be...

What else do we have in the country from traditional Chinese medicine? These are body-oriented practices and spiritual practices. The latter live quietly with us (tai-chi, chi-gun) in the form of gymnastics, which works great. And if people do not go into the depths of religion and do not go crazy, then this is good.

Approved drugs

REGISTRATION of the drug as a medicine imported from abroad to Russia has undergone the most severe changes today. Currently, documents are being submitted that include all the permits of the manufacturing country (the drug must be registered and produced and freely sold in the manufacturing country as a medicine), and the enterprise must have a license for the production of pharmaceuticals. It is desirable that the company has a GMP certificate (standards of pharmaceutical manufacturing practice). It is necessary to present documents describing how the animal studies were carried out, plus the results of clinical studies. Based on these studies, instructions for use and indications are made. In medicines, each batch of drugs is checked. A mandatory scheme is attached on how to conduct analyzes and control the quality of the drug. And we do this examination to make sure that these drugs work. That is, when the documentation is studied, the drugs go to 2 centers. In one center of the Federal State Institution Scientific Center for Expertise of Medical Devices of the Federal Service for Surveillance in Health of the Russian Federation, they study chemical and pharmaceutical analysis (authenticity and quality), and then - at the Institute of State Control medicines(it is included in Science Center). And after that, at the Institute for Preclinical and Clinical Expertise of Medicines, they go clinical researches, where first the drug is studied by toxicologists, then the drug is considered by a special commission. Examines the results of the trial, and in 100% of cases new clinical trials are assigned. After all, some drugs created for the Chinese may not work here. For example, the registration of the drug "mammoleptin" was from 2001 to 2006. Since mastopathy is a complex problem, there are many different views on it.

Officially approved for sale Chinese medicines a little. Their registration period is 5 years. Medications who have registered here and clinical trials are practically safe.

How to check if a drug is allowed to be sold in Russia? It's simple. In pharmacies there is a reference book "State Register of Medicines". If it is registered there - everything is in order.

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