The child throws up yellow water. Vomiting of bile in a child. What causes this condition

Nausea combined with vomiting is an alarming signal of health problems. And if a child vomits bile, parents always have cause for concern, since the condition is associated with pain in the abdomen, a bitter taste in the mouth and an increase in body temperature. Gastric masses are yellow, green or yellow-green in color. They cannot be left unattended. The child needs to be given all possible assistance, and then consult a doctor.

Why does a child vomit bile

Before taking any action, parents should know exactly what they are dealing with. Yellow vomit has several serious causes.

  1. Diseases of the gallbladder. With cholecystitis, biliary dyskinesia and cholelithiasis, the organ functions poorly. If bile enters the stomach, the child first feels sick, and then vomiting opens.
  2. Intestinal infections. Vomiting in this case acts as a kind of protection of the body against bacterial damage. Repeated emptying of the stomach leads to a re-entry of bile, and the circulation continues.
  3. Viral hepatitis. Damage to the liver and bile ducts entails vomiting with the release of bile. The baby has a broken stool and a stomach ache. It's all due to viruses.

If the child vomited in the morning, this indicates an overeating of fatty, spicy or fried foods consumed during dinner. In adolescence, a yellow gastric mass can stand out against the background of severe alcohol intoxication. In newborns, regurgitation of bile is a symptom of intestinal obstruction or pylorospasm.

Among these reasons, pediatrician Komarovsky considers the most common diseases of the gallbladder and the early transfer of the child to a common family table. The enzyme system under 7 years of age in children is still poorly developed, so the adult diet is not suitable for them. Also, vomiting with bile can be a harbinger of appendicitis.

Neurogenic factors can provoke a gag reflex with the release of bile in children. These are abnormal blood circulation of the brain, acute emotional disorders, psychosomatic diseases. Gastric masses with strange impurities can be excreted in renal pathologies and sexual disorders. In childhood, the described case occurs with diseases of the pharynx, pharynx, root of the tongue.

How to alleviate the condition of the child

What should parents do when such a nuisance happens as vomiting of bile in a child? First, do not panic yourself and calm the frightened child. Perform the following steps according to the diagram below:

  1. Induce a gag reflex by first giving the child 2 to 3 glasses of boiled water to drink.
  2. Reduce intoxication with Smecta or Activated charcoal. Smecta's solution is prepared at the rate of 1 sachet per 1 glass of water. From coal tablets, you can make a suspension, guided by the ratio of 1 tab. x 10 kg of the child's weight.
  3. Put the patient to bed so that the head is placed higher, and preferably on its side.
  4. If the child is concerned not only with vomiting, but also with temperature, it is necessary to eliminate the fever. Have the patient take Ibufen or Paracetamol.

And here is a short list of activities that experts strongly advise parents not to do.

  • Until the doctor arrives, leave the patient unattended.
  • Arrange gastric lavage with a solution of potassium permanganate.
  • Attempt to do flushing in the unconscious state of the baby.
  • Give plenty of food or water to a child who has recently vomited bile.

Principles of pathology therapy

If vomiting of bile was single, you can do nothing - the condition stabilizes on its own. But if the attacks become more frequent, it is necessary to visit a doctor and go through the recommended examinations with the child. According to their answers, the specialist diagnoses a functional disorder of the digestive organ. For treatment, the child will be prescribed suitable choleretic medications:

  • Holaflux;
  • Flamin;
  • Holagogum;
  • Berberine and others.

From folk remedies, children are recommended to make herbal teas, the components of which have choleretic properties. Immortelle, mint or angelica should be taken in the amount of 1 tsp, pour 200 ml of boiling water and cover for 15 minutes. Means water the child 4 r. a day before meals. Single dosage - ½ cup. Course - 10 days.

How else can you help a child? Nutritionists advise giving the patient cool lime and cranberry juices. With frequent episodes of bilious vomiting, tea with ginger and cinnamon is useful. Foods with caffeine during the period of therapy should not be fed to the baby. It is also necessary to refrain from tomatoes and citrus fruits - they irritate the gastric mucosa.

Daily meals should be portioned, that is, the child should eat little and often. You can’t have dinner just before bedtime, drink black tea, soda, coffee - too. It is important to eliminate spices from the diet. Sleep preferably on your side.

The appearance of nausea and vomiting signal a violation of the child's body, but they are usually protective reactions, helping to get rid of harmful substances or bacteria. Most often, when vomiting occurs, partially digested food is released, which the child ate shortly before the onset of the symptom. It may also contain various impurities, such as bile. Why is it possible for bile to enter the vomit and how to help the baby with bile vomiting?

What does it look like?

The secretion of bile with vomit gives them a yellowish or greenish color. The contents of the stomach are thrown out through the mouth due to a sharp contraction of the muscles of the diaphragm, the stomach itself and the abdominal wall.

Before the onset of vomiting, the child usually feels an attack of nausea, turns pale, and may have chills. The more episodes of vomiting that a child has, the more he weakens and the higher the risk of dehydration.

Possible reasons

Most often, vomiting of bile is a symptom of food poisoning or another disease of the digestive tract that causes repeated bouts of vomiting. Often, such vomiting is accompanied by other symptoms of gastrointestinal damage - diarrhea, severe pain in the abdomen, chills, fever.

The causes of vomiting, in which bile impurities are determined, are called:

  • Intestinal infection.
  • Diseases of the gallbladder.
  • Pylorospasm.
  • biliary colic.
  • Intestinal obstruction.
  • Food poisoning.
  • Congenital narrowing of the upper digestive tract.
  • Renal colic.
  • Thrombosis of vessels in the intestine.
  • Brain damage.

Among the non-dangerous factors that cause bile to reflux into the child's stomach and excrete it with vomit, one can name mental overload, active games, and the use of very fatty and spicy foods. In such cases, vomiting often occurs once or twice, and the general condition of the child is almost not disturbed.

Should you call a doctor?

Since the appearance of vomiting with bile impurities can be a sign of quite serious illnesses, a doctor's call is recommended in all cases of such a symptom in childhood.

It is especially urgent to call a doctor in such situations:

  • The child complains of severe abdominal pain.
  • The baby has a high temperature.
  • The child vomits multiple times and is joined by diarrhea.
  • The child ate spoiled food or took any medication before vomiting.
  • Have you noticed signs of dehydration in your child?

First aid

  1. First of all, parents should calm themselves and calm the child, as episodes of vomiting are always alarming. You need to call a doctor and wait for him, without leaving the baby for a minute.
  2. To prevent the contents of the digestive tract from entering the child's respiratory system, make sure that the baby does not lie on his back. The optimal position after vomiting is vertical. If the child is lying, turn his head to the side.
  3. It is important to start giving your child fluids right away to prevent dehydration. The best option for drinking is considered solutions of glucose and salts, which are made from pharmacy powder preparations. You can also prepare similar solutions at home using sugar, soda and salt. Such solutions are given in small portions (a teaspoon) every five to ten minutes.
  4. No medicines, especially antibiotics and antiemetics, should be given until the baby is examined by a doctor.

If the child is an infant, he can continue to be fed with mother's milk or formula, and complementary foods are temporarily canceled when vomiting occurs.

- this is a protective function of the body, acting reflexively. Usually, at first vomiting is preceded by nausea, spasms in the stomach begin, and increased salivation appears. The exit to the intestines closes, but the esophagus expands and the inlet opens.

The stomach pushes the contents out through the esophagus and mouth. This process is regulated by the vomiting center located in the medulla oblongata. In the process of vomiting, the remnants of food, gastric juice, mucus, and sometimes bile are ejected from the stomach. Even less often - blood or purulent discharge.

A healthy child will not vomit!

Vomiting occurs in the following cases:

  • Inflammatory process in the stomach caused by infection.
  • liver, gastrointestinal tract.
  • Increased intracranial pressure due to birth trauma.

Vomiting can occur in both an adult and a small child. She doesn't just show up. There are always reasons, and this is a serious cause for concern. Especially if the child is vomiting.

Vomiting with bile in infants

The cause of vomiting in infants is often the wrong grip on the breast when sucking. The baby swallows air, which causes a similar reaction in the stomach. Vomiting in babies who are, provokes overeating with an incorrect calculation of the feeding rate. Often on the packaging, the feeding rate is overestimated. Therefore, it is necessary to carry out such calculations together with the pediatrician.

But if in the first 2-4 weeks the baby vomits like a fountain, if the vomit content has a bile-greenish color and exceeds the amount eaten, if the baby has blood-red urine, and the stool is extremely rare, there is every reason to be wary. There are all signs - pathology of the outlet of the stomach. This outlet, which connects the stomach to the intestines, is so narrow that even the baby's liquid food is unable to pass through it.

Sometimes hospitalization is indispensable

The pathology is very life-threatening for the baby, so you should immediately contact a children's medical facility. Because this pathology can be corrected only by surgery. Another, not so dangerous, but extremely unpleasant problem in infants, pylorospasm, or pyloric spasm, can also cause frequent bouts of vomiting and regurgitation in infants, especially in girls.

The cause of this pathology is the immaturity of the neuromuscular ligaments, which lead to premature muscle relaxation after feeding. In the vomit contents there are food residues with bile. These little ones gain weight very slowly. The only measure to prevent pylorospasm may be frequent feeding, but reduced portions. And constant supervision at the pediatrician and the children's neurologist.

Another serious pathology that occurs in infants, accompanied by vomiting with bile, lack of stool and bleeding from the anus, is intussusception. In other words, obstruction. At the first sign of such a pathology, the baby should immediately be taken to the hospital and operated on. You can also understand that the baby has intestinal obstruction, by the fact that the child turns pale, does not allow touching the tummy, peristalsis is not audible.

Every mom should know that vomiting in a baby does not occur just like that. A healthy baby usually does not vomit. Vomiting in a baby is an SOS signal of his body, and urgent action must be taken.

Do not self-medicate, do not experiment on the baby. Babies are very delicate creatures, not all the organs of babies are fully formed, so you can only raise a healthy child in close alliance with the district pediatrician.

It’s great if a mother has the telephone number of a district pediatrician in the first positions in her phone book, and in such cases she will consult first of all with her doctor, and then only look for answers on forums on the Internet.

Vomiting of bile in young children and adolescents

Fever during vomiting - an alarming symptom

Vomiting with bile is accompanied by bitterness in the mouth. The content is greenish in color. Occurs in the following cases:

  • Abuse of fatty, fried foods;
  • Develops or pancreas;
  • Gastric pathologies;
  • Acute intestinal infections;
  • Liver disease;
  • Chemical poisoning, and even alcoholic beverages.

If an infection is suspected, the mother is often given tetracycline antibiotics. But the drugs of this group of antibiotics often provoke nausea and vomiting themselves. This must be known and taken into account in the process of treating a child.

What to do?

Did the child throw up bile? First of all, you must not panic. If you suspect the cause of vomiting and suspect poisoning, do a gastric lavage. And then give him If you are sure that poisoning could not be, then it is better to give cool boiled water with mint drops. Put the child to bed. Give him an antipyretic if he has a fever. At such moments, usually, people do not want to eat.

Do not insist, let the patient's stomach clear, do not feed for 5-6 hours. If vomiting continues frequently, let the child drink warm, boiled water to avoid dehydration. It is also possible, and this is recommended by folk healers, to dilute orange juice with boiled water, and give the child such a drink. Do not leave your child alone, unsupervised, while he is sick. If within 12-18 hours the condition of a small patient does not improve, or begins to worsen, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Do not refuse to put the baby in the hospital if the doctor recommends a hospital. In a hospital setting, the correct diagnosis will be made, and the doctor will prescribe treatment.

Bend of the gallbladder

The gallbladder concentrates a substance called bile and takes an active part in digestion, and in particular, in the breakdown of fats. Through the common bile duct, bile enters where it performs its functions.

Often the cause of vomiting with a small amount of bile is the bending of the gallbladder. In recent years, this pathology has become more common in children aged 6-10 years. Often asymptomatic, but if the bend completely blocks the biliary tract, then the disease may be accompanied by acute pain, loss of appetite, and vomiting. When a complex of such symptoms appears, you should immediately go to the hospital. The doctor will prescribe treatment, determine the diet. If a child has been diagnosed with a bending of the gallbladder, you should not panic.

As a rule, the child outgrows this pathology. Internal organs also grow and usually level off. Diet is important so that the gallbladder does not overwork, does not produce more bile than it can dump into the intestines, and that stones do not form.


Do not leave a child unattended when he is vomiting

Poisoning can be caused not only by accidentally drunk chemicals, but also by corny stale foods. Therefore, when buying products in the store, always check the expiration dates and product release dates. Before giving something to a child, make sure they are of good quality. The younger the child, the more care must be taken when choosing food.

Keep chemicals and medicines away from the eyes of the child. And it is better if the cabinet with chemistry is locked with a key. Having barely learned to crawl, young children strive to explore the world. And the only source of such knowledge for them is the mouth. Everything that falls into their hands, they strive to taste. Remember this, and choose safe toys for babies. Wash them often. Keep everything out of your sight that could harm your baby.

The menu of the child should be as little as possible fried, smoked and fatty foods. Children's digestive system is not adapted to frequent stress.

Feed your children soups in meat or chicken broth, fish soup. Give more fruits, boiled or raw vegetables. And dishes such as meatballs, fried fish, or even fried fish, let them pass into the category of Sunday delicacies. For children who have problems with the gallbladder and pancreas, these products should be excluded altogether.

Traditional healers recommend giving a child prepared at the rate of 1st as a therapeutic and prophylactic agent. a spoonful of crushed rose hips in 1 cup of boiling water. This infusion must be boiled for 2-3 minutes, poured into a thermos, where it will be infused for 3-4 hours. Drink half a glass 3 times a day.

Vomiting, regurgitation in a child of the first month of life, what diseases should be excluded? Answers in video consultation:

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What to do if the child vomits bile? Only a pediatrician can answer this question. Problems with the stomach and digestive system are among the most common in childhood. Toddlers pull everything into their mouths, they can react negatively to various types of food. Most often it is spicy, salty and fatty foods. Therefore, bile, although sometimes it can be a sign of the development of serious diseases.

1 Why can a child vomit bile?

Recognizing vomiting is easy, the main symptoms of this condition can be:

  • stomach urge;
  • contraction of the esophagus;
  • nausea;
  • all content will be released last.

He says that the following organs are affected in the baby:

  • pancreas;
  • liver;
  • bile ducts.

Bile has a yellow-green color, and a bitter taste is constantly felt in the mouth, which cannot be interrupted and eliminated. Therefore, if the kids begin to vomit bile, you need to find out the cause of this condition in order to adequately respond to it. It is better not to self-medicate, but to call a doctor, especially if vomiting does not go away for a long time. Only a specialist is able to determine what to do if vomiting occurs.

2 Causes of vomiting

First of all, parents should calm down in order to correctly determine the cause of the appearance of bile. The main reasons include the following.

The use of the so-called "adult" food, which usually includes foods that are inappropriate for age, fatty and spicy foods. For example, chips, snacks, crackers, etc. Parents, wanting to transfer babies to a more adult diet, do not take into account the characteristics of each age and the body's ability to digest enzymes. For some products, the enzyme system in the body may not be sufficiently developed, so as early as eight or nine years old, a child may experience vomiting, accompanied by bile.

Disease of the gallbladder. It can be cholecystitis or cholelithiasis, which are provoked by improper functioning of the stomach. The release of a large amount of bile into the stomach can provoke a gag reflex, nausea and an attack of vomiting.

The presence of viral hepatitis in the acute stage. That is why the baby vomits bile, the stool is disturbed, the liver and bile ducts are damaged. This is due to the virus that enters the body, begins to act actively in the body of children.

Children often have indigestion due to intestinal infections caused by bacteria and viruses. Due to intoxication, the body puts up a protective barrier and begins to react to the presence of irritants with the help of vomiting. With repeated emptying of the stomach, bile begins to flow into it, which begins to come out with repeated vomiting.

Foods that the child's body cannot digest enter the stomach. Therefore, food begins to gradually accumulate, linger in the body. As a result, leftover food can ferment and rot, and the body must get rid of these toxins. The consequence of such processes is vomiting with the release of bile.

Sometimes vomiting is a symptom of more serious diseases, when the body has been poisoned, a viral and bacterial attack is observed. In such cases, only doctors can provide qualified assistance, who without fail wash the stomach in various ways.

3 What should be done?

Children whose bodies are affected by infections, bacteria, toxins, or other substances that provoke vomiting and bile secretion should receive first aid. First, parents should call a doctor who will help, and before that, the following medical measures should be taken.

You need to calm the child, cheer up so that he stops crying. Rinse the stomach, but not with potassium permanganate. Its use is strictly prohibited. You need to heat the water, cool it and let the child drink two or three glasses. This will trigger the gag reflex and help empty the stomach. The child should drink quickly, while in a sitting position, without taking long breaks between sips. But it is worth remembering that it is possible to induce vomiting only when various diseases and pathologies are not diagnosed in children.

Give children smecta and activated charcoal, given their age and weight. Smecta needs to be dissolved in warm water and make sure that the kids drink it in small sips. Activated charcoal is given at the rate of one tablet per ten kilograms of weight. Put the baby on its side, and under the head - a high pillow. Measure the temperature, and if it is above normal, then give Ibufen or children's Parcetamol to drink.

In order to avoid dehydration, you need to give to drink mineral, but always non-carbonated water. And it is better to brew wild rose, which is very effective for vomiting and bile. You need to drink liquid every fifteen minutes, you need to drink in small sips, very slowly.

A few hours after washing, eating is prohibited. It is better that the baby falls asleep and sleeps for several hours. When he wakes up, you need to drink a small portion of chicken and beef broth. The diet is expanded gradually and only with the permission of the doctor. It is strictly forbidden to eat spicy and salty foods, it is worth limiting the consumption of sweets.

A doctor should be called if vomiting continues for a long time and does not stop. It is not necessary to stop a single attack of vomiting, the body copes on its own in such situations. The doctor should prescribe tests to determine the cause of vomiting and bile secretion. If these signs are caused by a certain disease, then a course of drug treatment will be prescribed.

Medicines are selected in order to eliminate the release of vomiting, prevent the development of the disease, so that the vomiting is completely gone. Various choleretic herbs will help relieve seizures.

4 What can not be done?

It is strictly forbidden to wash the stomach with a solution of potassium permanganate or to wash if the baby has lost consciousness. Do not leave children unattended until an ambulance and a doctor arrive.

You should not indulge the desires and whims of babies, who in this state will want to eat and ask for sweets.

After gastric lavage and a visit to the hospital, you need to follow a proper diet, avoiding low-quality foods and forbidden foods. To prevent recurrence of vomiting with bile, it is necessary to take babies twice a year for preventive examinations by a pediatrician.

The appearance of vomiting with bile in a baby causes concern for parents. To help the child, you need to understand the causes of the disease.

The reasons

What to do if the baby suffers from regular vomiting, which contains a large amount of bile? First, understand the causes of this pathology.

The gag reflex may be associated with the presence of cholecystitis. This disease is accompanied by a violation of the gallbladder. Bile enters the stomach and the baby has a gag reflex.

Advice from the chief gastroenterologist!

Vomiting can provoke infection with viral hepatitis. In humans, the liver and bile duct are affected.

Of particular danger to the baby are intestinal infections. The child can be poisoned by food containing pathogenic bacteria. After eating expired products, vomiting begins. The protective reflex leads to repeated emptying of the stomach. In this way, the body tries to get rid of toxic components.

Vomiting with bile may appear due to malnutrition. This may be due to eating food that is not suitable for the child.

Do not rush to transfer the baby to adult food. The body needs time to adapt to the new menu.

A child under 9 years of age has not yet formed a digestive system. Enzyme deficiency results in poorly digested food in the stool. In the intestines, the processes of putrefaction and fermentation begin. With the help of the gag reflex, the body tries to get rid of the contents of the stomach. In this case, a large amount of bile is secreted.

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What should parents do if their baby vomits with bile?

Most parents do not know how to act correctly when a child has vomiting attacks. First you need to calm the baby. Try not to worry, as emotional stress can be transferred to the child.

Perform gastric lavage with boiled water. To do this, let the child drink 2 glasses of water and induce vomiting.


The presence of symptoms such as:

  • Diarrhea or constipation
  • Belching and bad breath
  • Heartburn or increased gas production (flatulence)
  • Feeling of heaviness and pain in the abdomen

If you have at least 2 of these symptoms, then this indicates a developing gastritis or ulcer. These diseases are dangerous for the development of serious complications (penetration, gastric bleeding, etc.), many of which can lead to FATAL outcome. Treatment must begin immediately! Read the article on how to get rid of these symptoms and defeat the root cause with folk remedies.

In case of poisoning, adsorbents help. Dissolve a sachet of Smecta in a glass of water. Do not exceed the dose indicated in the instructions.

Lay the child on a bed with a high pillow. At high temperature, you can give a Paracetamol tablet.

Constant bouts of vomiting deprive the baby's body of fluid and trace elements necessary for the normal functioning of the body.

Fluid deficiency causes dehydration. When signs of dehydration appear, it is necessary to give the baby water with rehydration solutions (Oralit, Hydrolit).

Pay attention to the following signs:

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  • a child suffering from dehydration has sunken eyes;
  • the baby loses interest in toys;
  • the child's skin loses elasticity and becomes dry.

Do not force the child to drink the solution in large sips. This will only make the vomiting worse. It is better to drink the baby from a spoon. So you can control the amount of the drug that the newborn drank.

What can not be done when a child vomits?

  1. In no case should you wash the stomach with a solution of potassium permanganate.
  2. flushing while unconscious can lead to serious consequences.
  3. Do not leave the baby unattended until the doctor arrives.


Treatment options depend on the cause of the vomiting. In case of poisoning and infection with intestinal infections, it is necessary to give the baby adsorbents (Smecta, Polysorb). They will help remove toxins from the body.

In diseases of the digestive system, the baby is sent for examination. Experts study the composition of vomit, their color and texture.

Thanks to ultrasound, you can get information about the state of internal organs. If necessary, the baby is prescribed gastrofibroscopy.

Vomiting may be the result of birth trauma. If damage is suspected, the baby is referred to a neurologist. To improve the digestion of food, the doctor prescribes preparations containing enzymes (Mezim, Festal).

The urge to vomit in many people is due to motion sickness. To avoid motion sickness, you can not feed the baby before the trip. Pay attention to the diet of the child.

With constant motion sickness during the trip, you will have to give up fatty foods that take a long time to digest in the stomach. Dramin is considered an effective remedy for motion sickness, which can be given to children up to a year. However, after taking this drug, the baby may experience drowsiness.

Features of the diet for vomiting

There are several important principles of nutrition that must be observed during vomiting:

  1. You can cope with constant vomiting if you reduce portions.
  2. Too hot or cold food makes digestion difficult
  3. Chopped food is absorbed faster in the body.
  4. Instead of goulash, it is better to feed the baby with meatballs or meatballs. All dishes are recommended to be boiled or stewed.
  5. Fried food is prohibited, as it creates an additional burden on the digestive organs.
  6. Do not give your baby large pieces of vegetables and fruits. They need to be crushed in a blender. Therapeutic starvation is unlikely to help the child get rid of vomiting. A hungry baby may eat too much food at a time.
  7. Be sure to include dairy products in the menu.
  8. For cooking, you need to use low-fat varieties of meat and fish.

During bouts of vomiting, the baby should not be given:

  • wheat bread;
  • fresh fruits and vegetables;
  • canned food and sweets.

Folk methods

When treating with herbs, you need to consider the possibility of an allergic reaction. If a rash and redness of the skin appear, stop using the product immediately.

You can get rid of regular bouts of vomiting if you use proven folk recipes:

Put a crushed peppermint spoon into a container and pour a glass of boiling water over it. Pass the decoction through a piece of cheesecloth to remove pieces of leaves. The drug should be given to the baby 3 times a day.

To cope with bouts of nausea and vomiting, you can use lemon balm. Brew Art. a spoonful of crushed leaves in a glass of boiling water. The drug should be taken before meals 3-4 times a day.

Dill seeds contribute to the normalization of the digestive system. The decoction will help eliminate vomiting and nausea.

bile poisoning

The largest organ inside a person is the liver, its duties include cleansing the blood of poisons, accumulating the necessary substances for further use by the body, producing proteins and fats. The liver produces bile to help digest food. Bile accumulates in the bile ducts. In the process of digestion of food, it passes from the gallbladder to the duodenum, where, thanks to acids and enzymes, the work of proenzymes stops and fats combine. But if for some reason bile enters the bloodstream (obstruction of the ducts due to the presence of tumors, growths, a foreign body), this can lead to large-scale poisoning of the body, which is dangerous for the further life of a person.

The reflex can occur with various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Causes of vomiting with bile

The presence of bile in vomit can occur for various reasons:

  • With pancreatitis, Crohn's disease, cholecystitis, intestinal adhesions, volvulus or peritonitis, other diseases with intestinal obstruction.
  • With pyloric stenosis, which is characterized by vomiting in the morning. This disease is characterized by the inability to get food from the stomach to the intestines, which leads to stagnation of the stomach. The person begins to feel sick and vomiting approaches, which begins to gradually intensify. In this case, the patient needs first aid and emergency treatment. Otherwise, cancer or an ulcer of the internal organ may occur, the danger of death.
  • Due to the effect of drugs on the human body.
  • With diseases of the stomach, pancreas, bile ducts. An acute or chronic form of pancreatitis can provoke vomiting with the presence of bile in them. Involuntary eruption of contents from the stomach through the oral cavity occurs with a 30-minute interval. Vomiting in the morning speaks of gastritis.
  • Gallstone disease is accompanied by vomiting attacks with excessive consumption of fatty, fried foods that overload the esophagus. Vomiting with bile may indicate that the patient has biliary colic, which is a symptom of cholecystitis or cholelithiasis. The interval between attacks reaches two hours.

An important reason for the presence of bile inclusions in vomit is psychosomatics, which includes brain diseases and emotional disorders. In addition, bile may occur during vomiting during poisoning, burns, diseases of the female genital organs, kidneys, and intoxication. Basically, intoxication is associated with excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages. Bile may also appear in the vomit during pregnancy in the first months, which indicates toxicosis.

The occurrence of vomiting with bile in children

In children, a gag reflex with an admixture of bile occurs when the gallbladder malfunctions.

The child may also have bile in the vomit, which occurs when the gallbladder ceases to function normally. The baby is prescribed a strict diet, which excludes the use of fatty, spicy, fried foods, does not allow eating before bedtime.

Poisoning with toxic substances causes poisoning, and as a result, a vomiting attack on an ongoing basis, until first aid is provided to him. Appendicitis also poses a great threat to the little man, so at the first symptoms of this disease, you should immediately contact a medical facility or call an ambulance.

Vomiting with bile and diarrhea

Intestinal disorders and vomiting attacks in which bile is present are more common in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. This is due to the consumption of low quality food and excessive alcohol consumption. The constant eating of foods that do not benefit, but only harm, can provoke bile blotches in vomiting attacks, which are the result of a malfunction of the digestive system.

Poisoning with poor-quality products leads to nausea, weak stools, vomiting and is accompanied by painful aching sensations in the abdomen. In addition, the patient may observe an increase in body temperature, weakness and deterioration of the general condition. All these symptoms indicate violations of the functioning of the organs of the gastrointestinal tract, which require prompt examination and immediate treatment. In no case should you self-medicate, so as not to aggravate the situation even more.


After washing the stomach, you can restore the acid-base balance of the patient with rosehip infusion.

Nausea, vomiting attacks with the presence of bile require urgent action. First of all, the patient needs to wash the stomach with a large amount of liquid. The patient should take a sitting position and drink in one gulp 1.5-2 liters of preheated water. You need to swallow the liquid as quickly as possible and do not make long pauses. This procedure is allowed for people who do not have cholelithiasis, ulcers and gastritis.

When gastric lavage is done, acid-base balance should be restored and dehydration prevented. The patient is soldered with wild rose decoction or mineral water without gas. In this case, you need to drink the liquid in small sips.

In case of alcohol poisoning, toxins should be removed, for which activated charcoal or another sorbent is taken. When the patient's condition has more or less returned to normal, he should be provided with rest. After sleep, he is given freshly prepared lean meat broth to drink and gradually begin to expand the menu, excluding fried, salty and fatty foods.

Meals should be carried out in small portions and five times a day, excluding a meal before bedtime. The diet of proper nutrition of the patient should not consist of alcoholic beverages, tea and strong coffee.

If vomiting attacks happened once, it is not worth taking any special measures, but in case of repeated vomiting, you should urgently consult a doctor who will examine the patient, write out referrals for the necessary tests and, based on their results, prescribe therapy.

Drug therapy of vomiting attacks with bile is based on the elimination of the primary disease. You can get rid of vomiting by eliminating the underlying disease, which must be identified by a specialist. But in order to alleviate the patient's condition, you can drink fees with a choleretic effect, which reduce the level of pain during involuntary eruption of the contents of the stomach through the mouth and contribute to the removal of excess bile. Do not forget that medicines have side effects, so it is important to consult a doctor before use.


Preventive actions are based on the elimination of vomiting attacks with bile by adjusting the diet and getting rid of bad habits. Before you start drinking alcohol-containing drinks, you need to take activated charcoal. It is important to follow the diet and use only fresh products. You should not buy vegetables and fruits out of season, as they contain a lot of nitrates, which are detrimental to healthy organs of the digestive system.

Enterocolitis in an infant

A child's stool is one of the important indicators of his health, proper nutrition and well-being. That is why mothers study the contents of diapers or a potty with trepidation. How to recognize dangerous symptoms from the digestive system in an infant?

Causes of intestinal inflammation in newborns

Enterocolitis - an inflammatory process of the large and small intestines - is a fairly broad concept, since inflammation of the intestinal mucosa can be provoked by a variety of reasons.

Bacterial flora - staphylococcus aureus, streptococcus, Klebsiella, Escherichia coli are the most common causative agents of intestinal infections in children. "Adult" pathogens such as Salmonella, Shigella can also occur in infants, but much less frequently.

Viruses with selective intestinal damage are a group of rotaviruses, enteroviruses.

Allergy. Most often, infants experience episodes of allergy to cow's milk proteins from infant formula or when the mother consumes large amounts of whole cow's milk.

enzyme deficiency. The most common manifestation of a lack of digestive systems in children is a lack of the enzyme lactase, which is responsible for the breakdown and absorption of the sugar in breast and cow's milk - lactose. This phenomenon is called "lactase deficiency". Its importance in modern pediatrics is clearly exaggerated. Congenital or genetically programmed lactase deficiency is very, very rare. Most often, pediatricians deal with a secondary enzyme deficiency, for example, against the background of overfeeding a child, improper dosing of the mixture, or after suffering an intestinal infection of any other etiology.

Toxic enterocolitis associated with the intake of toxic substances in infants is rare, which cannot be said about older children (about a year old), who, learning the world, actively reach out to various household chemicals, vinegar essence and other household poisons. Toxic enterocolitis in infants can be caused by an overdose of drugs, such as antibiotics or antipyretics.

Neonatal necrotizing enterocolitis, or NEC, is a separate group of intestinal lesions. This type of inflammation occurs in premature babies or newborns who have undergone intrauterine or birth hypoxia or oxygen starvation. The reason for the destruction of the intestinal mucosa here is ischemic, that is, against the background of oxygen starvation, sections of the intestinal mucosa die off - necrosis occurs. And the accession of pathogenic flora occurs a second time. Necrotizing enterocolitis in newborns is a very dangerous situation that requires intensive care, because among premature babies, mortality reaches 80%. Fortunately, premature or hypoxic children are in the intensive care unit under the vigilant supervision of neonatologists.

It's important to know!

Breastfed newborns rarely suffer from intestinal infections, that is, enterocolitis, caused precisely by bacterial flora or viruses. Mother's milk in most cases is sterile, always at the right temperature and consistency, and is also rich in various immune defense factors. This fact can become another argument in support of breastfeeding.

Formula-fed babies are more likely to contract intestinal infections when bottles, nipples, and other formula-making utensils are not properly processed.

The main share of infectious enterocolitis falls on the period from 6 months to a year. This is due to three main factors. Firstly, by this period, various complementary foods are actively introduced, with improper storage or preparation of which microbial contamination is possible. Secondly, by this age, most women stop or significantly reduce breastfeeding, and immune defense factors disappear in breast milk. Thirdly, a child of this age learns the world very actively and pulls various objects into his mouth.

Symptoms of enterocolitis in infants

Regardless of the causes of intestinal inflammation, enterocolitis in infants will be accompanied by a number of common symptoms:

  • Stool disorders, more often by the type of diarrhea. Here I would like to make a small remark: the stool of breastfed children can have a completely different color, frequency and consistency. In the absence of other complaints and the normal state of health and development of the child, an “unusual” stool in a baby is not a reason to sound the alarm!

We list the most significant threatening symptoms that should worry mom:

  • Foamy chair.
  • Lots of mucus, streaks of blood.
  • Bad smell.
  • The color and frequency of stools in breastfed babies are not the most significant indicators, while in "artificial" ones they will differ significantly from the usual ones.
  • Vomiting or frequent, profuse regurgitation.
  • An increase in body temperature above 37.5 degrees. Young children have an imperfect thermoregulation system, so lower temperature numbers are usually not indicative.
  • Weakness, lethargy of the child. This symptom is one of the key not only in intestinal disorders, but also in any other disease. If the child becomes lethargic, drowsy, does not want to eat and play, this should worry the parents, regardless of any other symptoms.
  • Loss of body weight. Weight loss occurs both against the background of poor absorption of nutrients and against the background of dehydration.
  • Dehydration or dehydration is a very dangerous phenomenon for young children, which most often accompanies acute enterocolitis in children. It is characterized by severe dryness of the skin and mucous membranes, lethargy, fever, retraction of the fontanel and convulsions.

Treatment of enterocolitis in children

Only a doctor should treat enterocolitis in an infant! In no case should you engage in any self-treatment such as enemas, soldering the baby with decoctions of herbs, rice water and other folk methods. Without proper professional treatment, infants very quickly become severely dehydrated and toxic, which can cause kidney and liver failure, seizures, and coma.

Before prescribing treatment, the doctor must understand the cause of enterocolitis. Most often, of course, in the case of an acute process, it is an infection. Therefore, it is important to take an analysis of feces for bacteriological analysis, to identify the pathogen and its sensitivity to antibiotics.

Allergies or enzyme deficiencies rarely give an active clinical picture, but there are always possible features in a particular child. For any suspicion of such causes, allergic testing, fecal analysis for acidity, enzymes and other indicators are carried out.

What should be done before going to the doctor?

The only thing that parents can and should do on their own before the arrival of a doctor or hospitalization is to endlessly water the child. To make up for fluid losses, you can use ordinary boiled warm water. The ideal option would be to use special pharmacy products for oral rehydration such as Regidron, Orolit, Gastrolit and others.

Of course, it is very difficult to imagine how you can force a baby to drink. In most cases, inevitable violence has to be used. A good way to force water a small child is to use a regular syringe without a needle, which is inserted behind the baby's cheek.

Vomiting is an unpleasant condition for any person. And her appearance in a child makes parents worry and worry about the baby. There are many reasons for the occurrence of vomiting with bile: from harmless functional disorders to serious diseases, sometimes requiring emergency medical care. It may be accompanied by fever, diarrhea, or these symptoms, on the contrary, are absent. Understanding what provoked the eruption of the contents of the stomach in the baby, you can help him in a timely manner.

What is vomiting with bile

Vomiting is a complex reflex process aimed at removing gastric contents to the outside. This condition occurs, as a rule, involuntarily. It is not difficult to understand the mechanism for the appearance of this symptomatology.

Vomiting in a child can be caused by various factors.

The center of vomiting is located in the area of ​​the medulla oblongata. His irritation is caused by impulses.

The latter are most often provoked by such factors:

  1. The impact of toxins on the sensitive area in the region of the bottom of the 4th ventricle of the brain.
  2. Irritation of the organ of balance (labyrinth of the inner ear).
  3. Influence on the digestive system (with overstretching of the stomach, from the peritoneum, pancreas, biliary tract).
  4. Irritation of the retroperitoneal organs (kidneys) and chest cavity.
  5. The action of psychogenic provocateurs (type of food, unpleasant smell).

When the vomiting center is irritated, signals from the brain go to the muscles of the abdominal wall, stomach, small intestine, and diaphragm. Such impulses cause tissue contraction. There is an ejection of the contents of the stomach, duodenum and the initial section of the small intestine. That is why vomit contains fragments of food, bile, gastric juice, and sometimes blood.

Emergency care for poisoning from Dr. Komarovsky - video

Causes and development factors

Vomiting is not an independent disease, but only a manifestation of any pathology.

The causes of this symptom, depending on the mechanism of its development, can be divided into the following groups:

  1. Central (with a direct effect on the brain):
    • meningitis;
    • epilepsy;
    • migraine;
    • motion sickness, motion sickness;
    • increased blood pressure;
    • traumatic brain injury;
    • cerebrovascular accident.
  2. Toxic (action of toxins on the vomiting center):
    • poisoning (drugs, alcohol, household chemicals, etc.);
    • infectious diseases;
    • metabolic disease:
      • diabetes;
      • thyroid pathology;
      • chronic insufficiency of the kidneys, adrenal glands.
  3. Diseases of the digestive system:
    • gastritis, peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum;
    • biliary dyskinesia;
    • cholecystitis;
    • pancreatitis;
    • acute conditions (obstruction, peritonitis, appendicitis).

Vomiting can provoke motion sickness in transport

Severe pain of any origin, as well as a cough, can cause an attack of vomiting.

Vomiting with bile can appear in any of the above conditions as a result of the reflux of bitter contents from the duodenum. But the most common causes of such an admixture are dysfunction of the biliary tract and gallbladder, cholecystitis, pancreatitis, duodenal anomalies.

Symptom Features

Vomiting in a child can be accompanied by various clinical manifestations. They depend on the source that provoked an unpleasant state.

  1. An increase in body temperature accompanies vomiting in acute infectious diseases, inflammatory pathologies of the abdominal organs (appendicitis, cholecystitis, pancreatitis, peritonitis). Such conditions require mandatory medical treatment.
  2. The combination of the following symptoms is quite dangerous: vomiting, fever, headache, drowsiness, photophobia, neck muscle tension. These clinical manifestations may signal meningitis (inflammation of the lining of the brain) and require emergency medical attention.
  3. Vomiting may be accompanied by a violation of the stool (diarrhea). Typically, these symptoms indicate intestinal infections. In this case, the child may have a fever. Repeated vomiting and diarrheal syndrome are characteristic signs of rotavirus infection.

Sometimes vomiting may be accompanied by fever.

It is important to pay attention not only to clinical manifestations. The consistency and shade of vomit may indicate a pathology occurring in the child's body.

So, depending on the disease, vomiting has the following distinctive features:

  1. Pathologies of central origin. Vomiting is scanty, it does not depend on food intake and is often accompanied by a headache. An unpleasant symptom is not preceded by nausea. And vomiting itself does not bring relief.
  2. Diseases of the stomach. As a rule, painful symptoms occur after eating. Vomiting brings relief and is usually associated with abdominal pain. With chronic gastritis, the child has morning vomiting.
  3. Esophageal disorders. In this case, the masses contain little-modified food with an admixture of saliva. Such vomiting is not accompanied by nausea, contractions of the abdominal muscles.
  4. Exacerbation of peptic ulcer. This pathology is indicated by profuse vomiting with a sour smell.
  5. Dyskinesia, inflammation of the gallbladder. Vomit contains bile. The child experiences cramping pains in the right hypochondrium, radiating to the shoulder and under the shoulder blade.
  6. Pancreatitis. The pathology is characterized by repeated vomiting. It is exhausting and brings no relief. An unpleasant symptom is accompanied by girdle pain.
  7. Pathology of the biliary tract, duodenal ulcer. In this case, the child is tormented by persistent, prolonged vomiting with bile. In this case, the masses have a yellow or green color, may be accompanied by white foam.

With pancreatitis, vomiting is accompanied by girdle pain


If the child is tormented by vomiting, the fight against it must begin with a visit to the doctor. After all, quite serious pathologies can lie at the heart of a painful condition.

First aid

  1. Don't feed the baby.
  2. Drink actively and plentifully, preferably with oral rehydration solutions: Regidron, water with soda. The temperature of the drink is close to 36.6 C.
  3. Since overdistension of the stomach provokes vomiting, it is necessary to offer to drink often, but in small portions.
  4. With an increase in body temperature (even a slight one), give an antipyretic: Paracetamol, Ibuprofen.

The child needs to drink plenty of fluids so as not to provoke dehydration.

Severe cases

You need to see a doctor urgently in situations where:

  • the child fails to drink;
  • in vomit admixture of blood;
  • the main symptom is combined with high fever, headache, rashes, signs of dehydration (dry tongue, mucous membranes, skin, no urine for 6 hours, crying without tears).

Medical therapy

If vomiting is not associated with a situation where the child needs emergency help, then to stop it, use such means as:

  1. Prokinetics. Drugs that promote the coordinated work of the digestive system: Domperidone, Motilak, Motilium, Gastrosil, Cerucal.
  2. Receptor blockers. These drugs are used for motion sickness: Aviomarin, No-spasm, Riabal, Dramina.
  3. Antispasmodics. Drugs that reduce the contraction and tone of the smooth muscles of the digestive tract: Spazmol, Drotaverine, No-shpa.
  4. Sedative drugs. They have a sedative effect: Persen, Valerian, Fitosed.

Drug therapy - gallery


Physiotherapeutic methods are used to improve the contractile activity of the biliary tract, stomach and intestines.

For this apply:

  1. Applications with paraffin and ozocerite. Such heat treatment allows you to activate blood circulation, eliminates inflammation, and relieves spasms. In addition, exposure to paraffin and ozocerite helps to strengthen the immune system.
  2. Inductothermy. The method is based on treatment with a high frequency magnetic field. This procedure normalizes the functioning of the digestive, nervous system, improves metabolism, stimulates the endocrine glands.
  3. Electrophoresis with Papaverine, Platifillin, Magnesium. Under the influence of an electric field, deep penetration of medicines into tissues is achieved. The procedure allows you to relieve spasms, pain.
  4. Baths are fresh and coniferous. Hydrotherapy favorably affects the functioning of the nervous and digestive systems. Such activities relieve spasms, eliminate pain, promote the activation of metabolism.
  5. UHF currents. With the help of an ultra-high-frequency electric field that affects the body, they provide an anti-inflammatory and anti-spastic effect. The procedure enhances lymph flow and stimulates blood circulation.
  6. Magnetotherapy. The action of the magnetic field allows you to relieve pain, eliminate inflammation, and activate blood circulation. The procedure enhances the synthesis of enzymes, stimulates the process of restoration and nutrition of tissues.
  7. Mud treatment. During the thermal procedure, useful substances enter the body, which can significantly reduce inflammatory reactions and activate metabolism.
  8. Balneotherapy. For such treatment, heated alkaline waters of low mineralization are used.

It is very useful to take therapeutic baths

After vomiting with bile, you need to feed the child in small portions, and only according to appetite.

It is forbidden to receive:

  • cold food;
  • carbonated, tonic drinks;
  • fatty, salty, fried, smoked and canned;
  • food that disgusts the child.

After the end of the attack, you can offer rice water, dried fruit compote (raisins, dried apricots, prunes).


This method is used only in extreme situations when drug therapy is powerless to bring relief.

As a rule, surgical treatment is indicated in the following cases:

  • abnormal development of the biliary tract;
  • cholelithiasis;
  • acute surgical conditions (appendicitis, peritonitis).

Surgical treatment is indicated only in special cases.

Folk remedies

Traditional medicine recipes are quite widely used for bile vomiting. But the reception of any herbal remedy should be initially agreed with the doctor. Especially when it comes to younger children.

When vomiting with bile, you can use:

  1. Dill seeds. Dry raw materials (1 tsp) must be poured with a glass of boiling water. The mixture is boiled for 5 minutes. Then it needs to be filtered. The drink is recommended for use with nausea. With severe vomiting, they give to drink 1 tsp, but often.
  2. Peppermint leaf. Grass (1 tbsp.) Pour hot water (1 tbsp.). The remedy must be insisted for 2 hours. Take 1 tbsp. l. 3 times a day.
  3. Fresh potato juice. This remedy is very useful for nausea and vomiting. You need to chop the potatoes and squeeze the juice. Take it for 1 tsp. before every meal.
  4. Apple juice (natural) with honey. This medicine perfectly eliminates nausea and is very popular with children. Freshly squeezed apple juice (1 tablespoon), mixed with honey (1 tablespoon). It is recommended to take a drink of 0.5 cup 4 times a day.
  5. Rosehip decoction. Fruits, dried and crushed, in the amount of 1 tbsp. l., pour boiling water (1 tbsp.). Boil the mixture for 3 minutes. Then the drink is infused in a thermos for about half an hour. It is recommended to drink 1 tbsp. l. 3 times a day, you can with honey.

Folk remedies - gallery

Treatment prognosis

Predicting what vomiting will lead to is quite difficult. The prognosis of treatment depends on what cause caused the painful symptom:

  1. If vomiting was provoked by an acute illness, then it is necessary to take into account the neglect of the process and the amount of assistance provided. As a rule, an unpleasant phenomenon disappears after the treatment of the underlying pathology.
  2. In chronic diseases of the biliary tract, vomiting appears during an exacerbation or in case of a violation of the diet. But if the pathology is under control and all recommendations are followed, then the attacks pass very quickly.

Consequences of vomiting

Complications of a painful symptom can be conditions such as:

  1. Dehydration. This pathology leads to disruption of the cardiovascular system.
  2. Pneumonia. It is extremely dangerous for vomit to enter the respiratory tract with their blockage. This can cause the development of severe pneumonia or lead to a complete cessation of breathing.
  3. Mallory-Weiss syndrome. A dangerous condition in which a tear of the mucous membrane of the esophagus and stomach is diagnosed with the development of bleeding.
  4. Boerhaave's syndrome. Pathology, which is characterized by rupture of the esophagus.
  5. Weight loss. With regular vomiting, the child experiences weight loss.


In order to prevent the occurrence of vomiting in the future, you need to know the cause that provokes an unpleasant symptom. That is why, if a child has a painful condition, it is recommended to visit a doctor and go through the entire complex of the prescribed examination.

You can't force feed your baby

In addition, it is important to adhere to preventive measures aimed at preventing vomiting:

  1. Feeding the child only fresh and high-quality products.
  2. In the presence of chronic diseases of the digestive tract, in particular the biliary tract, regular intake of prescribed medications.
  3. If you have to travel by land or sea transport, you must take medications in advance that relieve the child of motion sickness.
  4. After eating, you can not immediately go to bed or get up abruptly. It is advisable to sit at the table for half an hour.
  5. The last meal should take place at least 3 hours before bedtime.
  6. Newborns and infants after feeding should be kept in a “column” for at least 20 minutes.
  7. The head of the bed should be raised 30 degrees.
  8. Babies benefit from massage and tummy time.
  9. Children of any age need to be fed only according to their appetite and in small portions.
  10. Reducing stressful situations.
  11. General strengthening activities (gymnastics, hardening, regular walks).
  12. Prevention of infectious diseases (including vaccination).

Features in premature and infants

Newborns, including premature ones, have features in the structure of the digestive tract that predispose to vomiting:

  • the baby's stomach is located almost horizontally;
  • the cardiac sphincter (transition from the esophagus to the stomach) is poorly developed;
  • and the pyloric section (exit from the stomach into the small intestine), on the contrary, is strong.

Such features lead to an easy ejection of the contents of the stomach.

In newborns, vomiting may occur as a result of imperfections in the digestive system.

In infants, in addition to anatomical features, another point predisposes to vomiting. The nervous regulation system is not fully mature, and the vomiting center is very excitable. For babies under 7 months, the presence of periodic regurgitation in small volumes is a physiological process.

It is important to be able to distinguish between vomiting and regurgitation. Vomiting is characterized by the release of stomach contents under high pressure (“fountain”) and this condition occurs in the intervals between feedings. At the same time, there is a high anxiety of the baby caused by muscle spasm.

In the neonatal period, vomiting may indicate pathological conditions such as:

  • increased intracranial pressure;
  • meningitis;
  • pyloric stenosis;
  • in the presence of bile in the vomit for intestinal obstruction;
  • congenital malformations.

If vomiting occurs in the baby, you should immediately consult a doctor. Self-treatment is strictly prohibited.

It is important to learn to distinguish between regurgitation and vomiting

The occurrence of vomiting in a child is always alarming for parents. In order to understand how to help in such a situation, you need to determine the causes of the pathology. A consultation with a doctor will help in this, who will prescribe an examination, and, based on its results, will determine the correct treatment tactics.

Vomiting is a protective function of the body that allows you to remove foreign bodies from the stomach or harmful substances that have been ingested with food. Initially, the patient feels nausea, then spasms begin in the stomach, the esophagus expands. The most dangerous is vomiting with bile. Such a symptom may indicate the development of serious disorders. If a child has problems, they should respond immediately.

Mechanism of vomiting

Vomiting is one of the manifestations of the motor activity of the gastrointestinal tract.. In the brain of each person there is a vomiting center, which gives the command to contract the muscles of the stomach. As a result of negative factors (poisoning, infection, ingestion of a foreign object, disturbance of peristalsis), food products are pushed into the oral cavity. In some cases, the food lump is mixed with bile. The vomit acquires a characteristic yellow tint.

Bile is a fluid produced by the liver and is involved in the digestive process.

Nausea and vomiting in a child is an alarming symptom

Normally, bile should not be in the intestines. Problems arise when the work of the gastrointestinal tract is disrupted. The sphincter does not contract, so the fluid produced by the liver freely enters the duodenum. The presence of bile in the vomit of a child is an alarming symptom that requires a thorough examination of a small patient.

Causes of vomiting with bile in children

Regurgitation in the first months of life is normal. This is due to the immaturity of the gastrointestinal tract of the baby. It will be possible to reduce the number of regurgitation if you hold the baby in a column after each feeding. This procedure allows you to release excess air that enters the stomach when the bottle or breast is not properly grasped.

You should be wary if the baby often has regurgitation with a fountain, and the color of the vomit has a yellowish or greenish tint. These symptoms may indicate a serious problem.

pyloric stenosis

The disease develops due to the narrowing of one of the sections of the stomach. As a result, the passage of food into the small intestine becomes more difficult. Pathology often develops in the first months of a baby's life due to intrauterine infections. Provoking factors are also endocrine diseases of the mother, the intake of certain medications by a pregnant woman.

If the child is constantly crying, spitting up a fountain, this may indicate the development of pyloric stenosis

As the disease progresses, gastric obstruction worsens. Over time, the body loses contractility. The baby is vomiting, he loses a large amount of fluid. Pyloric stenosis is a dangerous pathology that threatens the life of an infant.


Spasm of the pylorus (muscles at the exit of the stomach) can lead to violations of the digestive processes in a child. As a result, the baby spits up a sufficient amount of food (more than a tablespoon) even an hour after feeding. Bile is often present in the vomit.

Pathology is often observed in premature babies, and also in the event that the mother during pregnancy was often overworked, was in stressful situations.

Pylorospasm in older children is quite rare.

Bowel obstruction

Pathology can develop both in infants and in older children. The main reason is eating disorders. If we are talking about a baby, then the diet should be reviewed by the mother. Some food elements that get into milk can lead to the development of constipation. As a result, fecal masses accumulate in the intestine, obstruction develops.

Infants (more often boys) may develop intussusception. This is a pathological process in which one part of the intestine is introduced into another. Pathology develops due to excessive mobility of the caecum. Adenovirus infection can also provoke the disease. Patency disorders can develop due to polyps and tumors in the intestine.

Sharp pain in the abdomen may indicate inflammation of the appendix

If the child complains of bitterness in the mouth, and the vomit has acquired a green tint, this may indicate the following pathological processes:

  • diseases of the gallbladder or pancreas;
  • liver disease;
  • gastric pathologies;
  • poisoning with alcoholic beverages or chemicals;
  • acute intestinal infections;
  • appendicitis.
  • fold of the gallbladder

Pancreatitis is a dangerous disease characterized by inflammation of the pancreas. Vomiting with bile is one of the symptoms of pathology. In children, the disease can develop due to malnutrition, abuse of carbonated drinks, fast food, fatty and fried foods.

Fever, diarrhea and other accompanying symptoms

Vomiting with bile can occur with various pathologies. The specialist will be able to make a preliminary diagnosis by studying the accompanying symptoms.

According to the symptoms described, the specialist can only guess what disease he had to face. In addition, the child will have to pass a urine and blood test. For differential diagnosis, a consultation with a surgeon may be necessary.


Therapy of the described diseases differs significantly. In any case, the doctor should choose the method of treatment. Therefore, when unpleasant symptoms appear in a child, parents should immediately seek medical help. To alleviate the condition of the child before the arrival of the doctor, you must adhere to the rules:

  1. A small patient must comply with bed rest. Parents need to monitor the position of the child - he should lie on his side. This will help prevent vomit from entering the respiratory tract.
  2. To prevent dehydration, the child should be given plenty of clean water to drink.
  3. Food and medicine should not be given to the child until the ambulance arrives.

After establishing the cause of the pathological process, the doctor may prescribe drugs from the following groups:

  1. Sorbents. These funds help to eliminate harmful substances and toxins from the body. You can use classic activated carbon. Good results are shown by Enterosgel, Atoxil, Smecta.
  2. Antispasmodics. Drugs from this group relieve pain caused by spasm of smooth muscles. Children can be prescribed drugs No-shpa, Drotaverine.
  3. Antibiotics. Medicines from this group are prescribed for intestinal infections. Good results are shown by broad-spectrum antibacterial agents such as Cefixime, Azithromycin.
  4. rehydration drugs. Therapy using these funds is carried out to restore the body's water balance. Good results are shown by Regidron.
  5. Antiemetic drugs. Children can be prescribed Cerucal, Motilium.

It is impossible to use any medicines without making an accurate diagnosis. So, antispasmodics with intestinal obstruction will lead to the development of complications. And antiemetic drugs in case of poisoning will prevent the removal of toxins from the child's body.

Medicines for vomiting with bile in children - photo gallery

Nutrition Features

For a child who is breastfed, mother's milk is the best product. Feeding should be continued even when the child feels unwell. If the baby takes the breast, then the milk will not harm him.

More difficulties arise if vomiting with bile appears in older children who have long been eating the usual "adult" food. In the acute period, when nausea is present, it is better to refuse any products altogether. All you need to do is drink as much liquid as possible. Mint relieves nausea well. Therefore, a child over 3 years old can be offered herbal tea.

After vomiting, it is important to observe the correct drinking regimen.

After stopping the acute period of the disease, it is necessary to start giving the child food. After vomiting with bile, a special diet is required. At first, you can feed your baby with boiled rice. You will have to give up spicy and salty foods, fried and fatty foods, sweets. The diet of the child for several weeks after vomiting should contain:

  • boiled vegetables;
  • vegetable broths;
  • crackers;
  • baked apples;
  • dried fruits compote;

Gradually, it is necessary to return to the usual diet, add sour-milk products, lean meat, fresh vegetables and fruits.

Physiotherapy techniques

In combination with drug treatment of certain pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract in children, physiotherapy techniques can be used to relieve spasm of smooth muscles. The following procedures are considered the most effective:

  • electrophoresis using antispasmodics;
  • heat therapy (applications of paraffin or ozocerite).

Such techniques are especially effective for pylorospasms. In addition, the child may be assigned a course of breathing exercises, massage, physiotherapy exercises.

Surgical intervention

Some pathologies leading to the appearance of vomiting with bile impurities require immediate surgical treatment. Surgery is performed for diseases such as:

  • acute appendicitis;
  • pyloric stenosis;
  • intestinal obstruction (intussusception).

Any surgery is performed under general anesthesia.. With pyloric stenosis, the doctor dissects the narrowed pylorus, corrects the hole. If the operation is carried out correctly, the intervention does not affect the future life of the child.

Surgery is performed under general anesthesia

With intussusception through an incision in the child's abdominal cavity, the doctor straightens the intestine and assesses the condition of the strangulated tissues. If peritonitis has begun, the damaged areas are removed, washing is performed.

Pneumoirrigoscopy is an effective technique for the treatment of intestinal intussusception. With the help of a special apparatus, air is introduced into the intestines of the child, which straightens the bent areas. The technique is used in the early stages of the disease.

Removal of the inflamed appendix is ​​also performed through an incision in the abdominal cavity. The operation is not complicated and is performed in 20-30 minutes. After the intervention, the recovery period begins. The child needs to observe bed rest, eat only liquid food.

Folk recipes for vomiting bile

Any of the following methods has its own indications and contraindications. Therefore, the use of folk recipes for the treatment of a child should be after consulting a doctor.

beetroot juice

The product helps to eliminate stagnation of bile, improve well-being after vomiting. Beets must be boiled until half cooked, then grate on a coarse grater and squeeze. The resulting juice is recommended to take a teaspoon three times a day before meals.

Pumpkin seeds

The product also helps to normalize the production of bile. Children over 3 years old are recommended to give 5 seeds daily after meals. Such treatment will also help to cope with worms.


A tablespoon of crushed raw materials must be poured with a glass of boiling water and insisted for at least 2 hours. If you take a tablespoon of the product three times a day, you will be able to cope with nausea and vomiting.

Dill seeds

A teaspoon of seeds must be poured with a glass of water and brought to a boil. With nausea, you need to take a tablespoon of the remedy three times a day. This medicine also perfectly relieves intestinal colic.

vegetable juices

Flax seeds

The product allows you to normalize the function of digestion, improve the functioning of the pancreas. It is recommended to use a medicinal decoction. 80 g of seeds are poured with a liter of water and boiled over low heat for about an hour. The finished product is filtered and consumed every morning on an empty stomach (a teaspoonful).

Folk medicine recipes - photo gallery

Prognosis of treatment and prevention

If you respond in a timely manner to the appearance of unpleasant symptoms, the prognosis for the treatment of any disease accompanied by vomiting is favorable. In most cases, therapy for children is carried out in a hospital setting. Infants and premature babies should be under medical supervision around the clock.

The lack of proper treatment can lead to the development of serious inflammatory processes, in particular, peritonitis. Dehydration is also dangerous for babies. If adequate therapy is not started in a timely manner, a lethal outcome is not ruled out.

Proper nutrition is the main measure for the prevention of any diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Prevention of diseases accompanied by vomiting is the proper nutrition of children, the rejection of harmful foods. Parents of infants are advised to visit the pediatrician regularly for examinations, to report changes in the behavior of the crumbs.

Video: intestinal infections - Dr. Komarovsky's school

Vomiting with bile is a dangerous symptom that requires immediate medical attention. In no case should you start therapy on your own. Wrong actions can lead to irreversible consequences.

Good afternoon! My name is Elena. I am 29 years old.

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