Mri of the brain of intracranial vessels. MRI of the vessels of the brain: what does it show? Is an MRI done during pregnancy?

Symptoms of circulatory disorders of the brain can be varied, but their cause is found in disorders of the vascular system. MRI is performed to diagnose the pathology of the vessels of the head. The examination reveals structural changes in the walls of the arteries of the brain, as well as the consequences of a violation of their integrity. The images show both large vessels and a small capillary network.

Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of brain vessels using a modern device with a capacity of 1.5 Tesla is carried out at the Vernadsky Medical and Diagnostic Center. The price of the examination does not exceed the average cost of a similar examination in Moscow clinics. The use of such a device is the "gold standard" in diagnostic procedures. Lower power settings produce blurry images, while higher power increases contrast to the point where a straight line looks jagged.

If necessary, an MRI of the brain vessels with contrast is performed. The pictures do not become distorted, but allow you to see the places of damage to the vascular walls and microscopic hemorrhages in the tissue of the central nervous system.

Service cost

Service price, rub. Share price, rub. Recording
MRI - angiography of cerebral vessels 5000 rub. 2500 rub.
MRI - venography of the brain 5000 rub. 2500 rub.
MRI of the brain + arteries of the brain 8000 rub. 5200 rub.
MRI of the brain + venography 8000 rub. 5200 rub.
MRI of the arteries and veins of the brain (angiography + venography) 8550 rub. 5000 rub.
MRI of the arteries of the neck + arteries of the brain 8900 rub. 5000 rub.
MRI of the brain + arteries + veins of the brain 11400 rub. 6600 rub.
MRI of the brain + arteries + veins + cervical spine 13750 rub. 9000 rub.

MRI of cerebral vessels in the clinic "MDC on Vernadsky"

Magnetic resonance imaging in the "Treatment and Diagnostic Center on Vernadsky" is carried out both at the direction of the doctor and on the patient's own initiative. The price for research in both cases is the same. The cost increases only in cases where the need for a procedure with contrast arises.

Patients who undergo MRI of cerebral vessels in our center have the opportunity to receive not only descriptions of the study, but also images on any electronic medium (for a separate price). In addition, with detailed descriptions, you can contact our neurology specialists on the same day for advice and treatment.

Indications for carrying out

An MRI of the brain vessels is necessary in the following conditions:

  • frequent headaches;
  • dizziness, fainting;
  • disorders of coordination and gait;
  • weakness in the legs and arms;
  • changes in skin and proprioceptive sensitivity;
  • suspicions of a volumetric process of the brain (appearance and growth of a tumor of the central nervous system);
  • to confirm the congenital pathology of the cerebral vessels;
  • for the differential diagnosis between ischemic and hemorrhagic stroke.

Also, MRI of the brain vessels is necessary before surgery.


Contraindications are divided into absolute and relative. With absolute contraindications, the procedure is strictly prohibited. If the patient has a pacemaker, exposure to the MRI can disable it and cause cardiac arrest. This happens regardless of the field of study: the vessels of the brain or the knee joint.

Relative contraindications include:

  • the presence of metal stents, vascular clips, Elizarov devices;
  • an insulin pump;
  • patient weighing more than 130 kilograms.

The presence of ferromagnetic implants during MRI of brain vessels does not disable them and does not affect the operation of the device, but can contribute to an extensive field of noise in the image.

The presence of dental crowns, bridges, implants is not a contraindication.

Procedure and preparation

The study does not require special preparation. But for the procedure, you must follow some rules. It is important to remove all ferromagnetic metal objects: rings, chains, clips, buttons. If you have hearing aids, they must be removed. The same goes for an insulin pump.

The MRI procedure of the brain vessels takes no more than 30 minutes. The patient is placed on a gurney, which is brought into the hemisphere, after which the apparatus is turned on. After the end of the procedure, within 30-40 minutes, the doctor prepares a conclusion, with which the patient goes to see a doctor. In the "Treatment and Diagnostic Center on Vernadsky" diagnosis and treatment can be obtained within one day.

Advantages of the equipment used

- to study the anatomical features and functionality of the arteries and veins of the area under consideration. The procedure is carried out exclusively with contrast. The use of special substances makes it possible to obtain detailed images of vessels of any diameter and to identify pathologies at an early stage of development.

MR angiogram of the head vessels

On an MRI without contrast, only brain tissue is visible. Occasionally, small fragments of large vessels that cannot be fully assessed get into the sections. If the doctor suspects an aneurysm, atherosclerosis, angiopathy or other pathology, an examination of intra- and extracranial vessels is performed using a contrast method.

MRI scans of the brain and blood vessels

What is the difference between an MRI examination of the brain and an MRI of the vessels of the head?

On a magnetic tomogram, brain structures are visible as numerous areas of dimming and enlightenment, which form certain signs. Normal MRI shows:

  • soft tissues - are visualized in the pictures in gray;
  • sinuses - appear as black cavities;
  • cerebral fluid inside the ventricles and in the subarachnoid space (on T1 - dark, on T2 - white).

Magnetic resonance imaging of the brain allows you to study in detail the structure and localization of tissues, as a result of which you can identify:

  • neoplasms (MRI detects tumors larger than 1 mm);
  • necrotic areas;
  • inflammatory processes;
  • dystrophic, degenerative changes;
  • congenital malformations (MRI reveals abnormalities of the brain and skull);
  • concussions resulting from injuries;
  • consequences of epileptic seizures;
  • hydrocephalus (the pictures show a pathological accumulation of fluid in the cerebrospinal fluid system);
  • diseases of the pituitary gland;
  • dysfunction of the inner ear;
  • strokes, etc.

If the task of scanning is to visualize the vascular system, angiography with contrast is performed. Then the images will not show soft tissues, but veins, arteries and capillaries.

MRI scan of the brain (left image) shows the focus of ischemic stroke. MR angiography (right image) confirms the diagnosis: the image shows that the stroke was caused by stenosis of the branch of the left middle cerebral artery

MRI of the brain vessels allows you to diagnose:

  • malformations - congenital anomalies of the connection of arteries and veins;
  • thrombosis - the formation of blood clots in the vessels;
  • intracranial hemorrhages in the chronic stage as a result of trauma, oncological or other processes;
  • aneurysms - bulging of the walls of blood vessels (most often arteries);
  • areas of narrowing, bends, looping;
  • atherosclerotic changes - deposition of plaques from a fatty substance in the arteries;
  • indirect signs of venous and arterial hypertension - increased blood pressure in the vessels;
  • angiomas and brain tumors;
  • stratification of the walls of blood vessels;
  • venous congestion;
  • embolism - blocking of the vascular bed by various substrates (air bubbles, blood clots, etc.);
  • vasculitis - inflammation in the walls of blood vessels;
  • angiopathy - pathology of the structure of the walls of blood vessels;
  • strokes - ischemic (almost immediately after an attack), hemorrhagic (in the long-term period).

MRI of tissues and brain vessels complement each other, so they are usually performed in combination.

Indications for MRI of the head and cerebral vessels

The study of cerebral vessels is carried out with the following symptoms:

  • recurring loss of consciousness;
  • dizziness;
  • sudden deterioration in hearing, vision;
  • signs of increased intracranial pressure (repeated headaches in the morning, nausea, vomiting, palpitations, fatigue, etc.);
  • occasional nosebleeds;
  • noise, ringing, hum, whistle, buzzing in the ears;
  • previous head trauma;
  • loss of sensation in the limbs, convulsions;
  • epilepsy and epileptic syndrome;
  • memory disorder, sleep;
  • problems with concentration;
  • deterioration in coordination of movements;
  • imbalance.

Regular headaches in the morning is one of the indications for magnetic resonance imaging of the vascular system of the brain

MRI of the head and cerebral vessels is necessary at the stage of planning operations (to assess the state of blood flow, analyze the localization of tumors), after surgical interventions, chemotherapy, radiation therapy, when monitoring the identified pathology in dynamics.

The study of cerebral vessels on MRI: how is it performed?

MRI of cerebral vessels is performed with contrast agents based on gadolinium salts. Unlike iodine-containing products used for CT scans, they rarely cause side effects and are considered safe.

The procedure is absolutely painless. During the scan you can:

  • a feeling of warmth, tingling in the body - disappear immediately after the end of the examination;
  • discomfort from the sounds emitted by the device - to muffle the noise, patients are offered earplugs or headphones (in some diagnostic centers they turn on music);
  • panic attacks in people with claustrophobia - in such cases, it is recommended to take a sedative drug before undergoing an magnetic resonance imaging (after discussion with the attending physician).

Preparing a patient for an MRI of the cerebral vessels

On the eve of the examination, preparation is usually not provided. Diet, fasting, drug withdrawal are not needed. Only nursing mothers need to express milk in advance, since after the introduction of a contrast it becomes unusable. A day after the procedure, the child can again be applied to the breast. Until the contrast is completely out of the body, the milk is decanted and poured.

Before starting the MRI procedure, the clinic draws up documents. For this you need:

  • the passport;
  • direction for diagnosis;
  • outpatient card or an extract from it;
  • results of previous studies of the vascular system of the head and neck.

The patient must inform the doctor about existing diseases, allergies to medicines, fear of closed or cramped spaces and the presence of metal objects in the body: a pacemaker, a gynecological coil, a joint implant, etc. It is necessary to warn about tattoos, in the dyes of which iron compounds are present.

Before the procedure, they remove from themselves:

  • clothing and accessories with metal elements;
  • bijouterie;
  • Jewelry;
  • glasses;
  • dentures.

All electronic devices are left outside the door of the diagnostic room.

Scanning of the vessels of the brain lasts 30-90 minutes, which must be carried out without movement, so as not to spoil the quality of the images. After a brief briefing, the patient lies down on the machine table. The head, and in some cases the limbs, are fixed, and a “panic button” in the form of a rubber pear is given to the hand. The conveyor is pushed into the tunnel-shaped capsule of the tomograph and a native (contrast-free) scan is performed. After a series of images has been taken, the study is suspended. A contrast agent is injected into the vein and the procedure is resumed. At the end of the MRI, the table is pulled out of the chamber and the machine is turned off.

MRI image of the vessels of the child's brain

It can take the radiologist between 15 minutes and half an hour to interpret the acquired images. Based on the results of the examination, the attending physician makes final conclusions and determines the tactics of treatment.

Contraindications for MRI of the brain and blood vessels

MRI of cerebral vessels with contrast is not performed for everyone. There are a number of contraindications to the use of this method:



  1. Availability:
  • cochlear implants (electronic or metallic);
  • pacemaker of the heart;
  • clips on vessels;
  • large fragments, metal shavings, bullets, etc.;
  • endoprostheses;
  • various surgical devices made of metal (staples, pins, plates, etc.).
  1. Allergy to components of the contrast agent.
  2. Terminal renal failure.
  1. Availability:
  • insulin pump;
  • non-metallic and non-electronic cochlear implants;
  • prosthetic heart valve;
  • nerve stimulants;
  • infusion system for the introduction of drugs into the body.
  1. Pregnancy (due to the toxic effect of the contrast agent on the fetus).
  2. Severe forms of bronchial asthma.
  3. Severe liver failure.
  4. Severe form of anemia.
  5. Acute heart failure.
  6. Claustrophobia, mental disorders and illnesses that interfere with maintaining a fixed position during the study.
  7. Early childhood.
  8. Body weight over 120 kg.

To avoid unwanted effects of contrast, an allergy test should be done before the MRI. In case of suspected or previously diagnosed diseases of the kidneys or liver, it is recommended to evaluate the functionality of the organs with the help of additional laboratory tests.

Fear of enclosed spaces is a relative contraindication to MRI

If the patient is not sure about the presence of metal objects in the body, an x-ray should be taken before undergoing magnetic resonance imaging.

In modern diagnostics, MRI is one of the most popular and accurate methods for studying cerebrovascular pathologies. Due to the absence of radiation exposure and the ability to obtain informative data without contrast enhancement, MRI of cerebral vessels can be performed on patients of all ages.

MRI of cerebral vessels - indications

Consider when an MRI of the vessels of the brain is performed and what the examination shows. MR angiography of intracranial vessels makes it possible to determine the width of the vascular lumen, evaluate the characteristics of blood flow, symmetry, size of the vessels, and other parameters by which a conclusion is made about the state of the cerebral blood supply.

The main indications for vascular screening are the patient's complaints about:

  • regular or severe headaches;
  • loss of consciousness, dizziness;
  • symptoms of increased intracranial pressure;
  • noise in ears;
  • constant weakness;
  • blurred vision;
  • past traumatic brain injury.

The survey is carried out when choosing treatment tactics and evaluating the results of therapy.

MRA-study of GM in the vascular mode diagnoses:

  • inflammatory processes of blood vessels;
  • rheumatic changes;
  • anomalies in the development of arteries and veins, in particular, hypoplasia (congenital narrowness);
  • strokes;
  • thrombosis, stenosis, aneurysms, arteriovenous vascular malformations;
  • tumors of the vascular system;
  • infectious disorders;
  • areas of vascular compression and other results of traumatic injuries;
  • hemorrhages, etc.

Magnetic resonance angiography of the vessels of the head - what is it

MR angiography (or MR tomography of the brain with a vascular program) is synonymous with the name MRI of vessels. Depending on the types of vessels examined, it can be arteriography (emphasis on the study of arteries) and venography (focus on the diagnosis of veins).

How is an MRI of the brain vessels done?

Most often, the data obtained as a result of native scanning is sufficient. However, with a more in-depth screening for suspected neoplasms, their differentiation, strokes, the doctor prescribes an MRI with contrast. The drug is injected into the patient's cubital vein as a single injection or drip throughout the study.

The process of examination of MRI of the vessels of the brain and contraindications do not differ from other types of MRI of the head.

The procedure of non-contrast scanning takes about 15-20 minutes, the examination of MRI of cerebral vessels with contrast usually takes 10-15 minutes longer. A complex MRI of the veins, arteries of the head and neck is often performed, which takes from 30 minutes.

Deciphering MRI of cerebral vessels

The images show the following vessels:

  • intracranial sections of the internal carotid arteries;
  • segments of the vertebral arteries;
  • main artery;
  • cerebral arteries, their distal branches;
  • posterior and anterior communicating arteries of the circle of Willis;
  • large cerebral vein;
  • occipital, parietal, frontal cerebral veins;
  • internal jugular veins;
  • straight, transverse, sigmoid and other venous sinuses.

On the obtained images, the doctor evaluates the size, boundaries, bends of the vessels, the symmetry of the blood flow, the narrowing of the diameter of the vessels and other parameters, on the basis of which a conclusion is made about any violation.

The images obtained during the study are recorded on a disk or printed on film, and their decoding is drawn up by the doctor on paper in the form of a detailed description. After deciphering the images for the final diagnosis and treatment, the patient should contact a neurologist or other specialist.

Where to do an MRI of the vessels of the brain in Moscow time

When looking for a diagnostic center, patients should be aware that the accuracy of the examination will depend on the technical capabilities of the equipment and the qualifications of the doctor and laboratory assistant. MR angiography of the head should be performed on modern high-field equipment, as it provides unblurred and clear images. You can find a clinic located in a convenient area for the patient, clarify the parameters of tomographs, the cost of the study on our service.

The article was prepared Recording service for MRI and CT.

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Services are completely free for patients.
The service operates every day from 8 am to 24 pm.

Find out the minimum cost for your study by calling:

To determine the pathologies of the human head, the doctor may refer the patient to an MRI diagnosis of the brain or an MRI of the vessels of the brain. What is the difference between the two procedures is not clear to most patients.

Despite the fact that the scan is carried out using an MRI scanner, the sessions are different because they provide non-identical result information. To determine the difference between the diagnostics, it is worth delving into the details.

Magnetic tomography of cerebral vessels

This type of diagnosis demonstrates exclusively the vascular structure of the organ (arteries, veins) - the brain itself is not visualized.

MRI of vessels

MRI helps to study in detail the physiology and anatomy of the circulatory system, to determine the course of biological and physico-chemical processes occurring in the brain.

Indications for MRI diagnostics of blood vessels can be:

  • frequent migraines of unclear nature;
  • dizziness;
  • ear noise;
  • vegetative-vascular dystonia;
  • ischemia.

The result of the scan is a three-dimensional demonstration of the process of blood supply to individual areas of the brain in a given projection.

The advantage of such an MRI is the possibility of not only visualizing the structure of blood vessels, but also assessing the level of functionality.

Magnetic tomography of the brain

The procedures take about 20 minutes. In some cases, a combination of diagnostics is justified, in which it is possible to conduct a complete assessment of the state of health.

Lists of diagnosed pathologies

MR-tomography of the brain is "responsible" for the structure of the anatomical unit and helps to diagnose a number of the following diseases:

MRI of the cerebral vessels is performed using the same equipment, only in the angiography mode.

The method helps to see the arterial and venous walls and to assess the speed and volume of blood flow over time.

The procedure helps to diagnose the following pathologies:

Therefore, an additional difference between the procedures lies in the indications for their implementation. It is also important to note that the two types of MRI diagnostics are not interchangeable.

Contraindications for examinations

The choice of a specific technique is preceded not only by an assessment of the list of indications, but also by familiarity with the limitations of scanning.

Among the absolute contraindications for both types of examinations is the 1st trimester of pregnancy.

Devices and metal elements implanted in the patient's body can become an obstacle for scanning:

The list of contraindications in the case of contrast scanning has been expanded. Such a diagnosis is not carried out for women in position throughout the entire period of pregnancy. The procedure is also prohibited for persons suffering from renal insufficiency.

Among the relative restrictions on the appointment of MRI diagnostics:

  • the weight of the patient is more than 120 kg (it is possible to use specialized equipment);
  • neurotic disorders (the use of sedatives is not excluded);
  • claustrophobia (diagnosis is shown in an open-type tomograph);
  • children's age up to 7 years (if necessary, the study uses anesthesia).

Analyzing scan results

After an MRI of the vessels of the brain or magnetic tomography of the organ, the resulting images are deciphered by the radiologist. Then the doctor analyzes the information, draws up a conclusion, which he hands over to the patient.

Even if we take into account the fact of the maximum informativeness of the procedure, after the transfer of the conclusion of the study, the attending physician often requires the results of additional diagnostics.

In some cases, the images may be of poor quality - a re-examination is required (sometimes using contrast).

Duplication of scanning may be necessary if it is necessary to control the patient's condition and evaluate the ongoing therapeutic course.

Is it possible to diagnose children

With regard to the limitations for examining pediatric patients, different types of MRI do not differ. Each of the diagnostics can be carried out for children in the presence of the following medical indications:

MRI diagnostics is safe for the health of children. When examining small patients, anesthesia can be used. In some cases, the use of sedatives is justified.

Preparing a child for examinations does not differ from a number of identical ones. Subject to the use of a contrast agent, the patient should not be fed 5-8 hours before the procedure.

Attention should be paid to preparing the child for the upcoming event: to explain what will happen in the doctor's office, how to behave during the scanning process.

The appointment of an MRI of the brain or vessels of an organ is preceded by ultrasound diagnostics. In case of insufficiency of the data obtained, they resort to the use of a magnetic resonance tomograph.

Magnetic tomography of the brain and MRI of the vessels of the anatomical unit do not differ for the patient. The essence of the method remains identical. The basic difference is the result of the scan and the indications for the examination.

Diagnosis of the vascular system of the brain is necessary when planning the treatment of migraine, the presence of aneurysm and other pathological phenomena.

This technique assesses the state of the arteries, veins of the organ, the nature of the blood flow in dynamics.

MRI of the brain does not visualize the vascular system of the anatomical unit, but it helps to assess the structure of the brain tissue. Such a diagnosis is indispensable for suspected tumors, neoplasms, stroke, head injuries.

The limitations for conducting surveys are the same in both cases. The procedures are safe for the health of adults and children, so there are no restrictions on scanning small patients.


Diagnosing diseases of the brain is quite difficult, especially those associated with blood vessels. There are a lot of such diseases and often their symptoms appear in different parts of the body. To detect violations and abnormalities in the work of this area of ​​the human body, there is a modern and very effective method - magnetic resonance angiography of the veins and arteries of the brain. This method is the most commonly used due to its high efficiency.

With its help, you can literally see and study the state of the brain stem, cerebellum, paranasal sinuses, exclude or confirm the presence of pathologies or tumors. This advanced diagnostic method can identify a wide range of problems, from congenital to post-traumatic. The method allows you to quickly identify the cause of the disease and make the correct diagnosis.

All over the world, MRI is considered the best method for diagnosing vascular diseases. Due to its high efficiency in recent years, it has been recommended by therapists, neurosurgeons, neurologists and other specialists.

Exam duration: 20-30 minutes.

Preparation for the examination: not required.

Preparation of the conclusion: within 1 hour.

Weight limit: up to 170 kg.

Examination cost: from 3600 rub.

You can use on-line registration:


MRI of the vessels of the brain and MRI of the head is performed without the introduction of a contrast agent, since the method is highly accurate. Contrast is used only in some cases for a more accurate diagnosis. This decision is made by the attending physician or radiologist during the procedure.

Research by this method is prescribed in such cases:

  • headache;
  • head injury;
  • dizziness;
  • fainting;
  • circulatory disorders;
  • memory impairment;
  • numbness of the limbs;
  • high blood pressure;
  • violation of the heart rhythm;
  • disorientation;
  • impaired coordination of movements;
  • convulsions;
  • blurred vision;
  • chronic fatigue;
  • mental disorders, etc.

MRI of the brain vessels is prescribed for the diagnosis of diseases:

  • vascular atherosclerosis;
  • stroke;
  • thrombosis;
  • aortic aneurysms;
  • heart disease;
  • vasculitis;
  • aortic dissection;
  • brain tumor;
  • narrowing of the lumen of blood vessels.

Indications for MR angiography of cerebral vessels:

  • chronic headaches;
  • dizziness, tinnitus;
  • atherosclerosis of cerebral vessels;
  • cerebral ischemia;
  • vegetovascular dystonia;
  • vertebrobasilar insufficiency;
  • suspected aneurysm or malformation of cerebral vessels

Contraindications for MRI

  • installation of a pacemaker;
  • the presence in the body of metal and ferromagnetic implants.
  • installation of insulin pumps;
  • the presence of an artificial heart valve;
  • stop clips;
  • metal-containing prostheses.

Products or elements made of certain types of metal, such as titanium, are allowed for the procedure. To do this, you must have supporting documents. MRI is not performed in the first trimester of pregnancy, as well as in acute and severe pathological conditions.

Pregnant women at any time, as well as nursing mothers, are contraindicated in the introduction of a contrast agent. Without a contrast agent, an MRI procedure of the brain, cerebral vessels, and cervical vessels is allowed for pregnant women in the second and third trimester.

MRI of the brain and cerebral vessels allows you to get a complete picture of the state of the blood vessels, their physiology and deviation from the norm, to fully evaluate the processes occurring in this area.

Method safety

This method does not use ionizing radiation, therefore, if necessary, an MRI of the head can be done daily. The operation of the device is completely harmless to the human body, it can be used even for newborns.

How is an MRI angiography of the brain vessels performed?

In general, no preparation before the study is required, unless prescribed by the attending physician. All metal jewelry and accessories should be removed. Also, electronic devices are not allowed for the procedure.

An open-type MRI machine is a device that allows you to examine the patient's body according to the principle of a scanner.

The procedure takes 20 to 30 minutes, during which several series of images are taken. The doctor is in the next room. There is also a computer on which the images are processed. The patient does not feel pain during the procedure. The only discomfort may be associated with the immobility of the body for a long time.

After the examination is completed, the doctor makes a transcript of the images and gives the patient a conclusion. During the procedure, it is extremely important to remain still in order to prevent getting "blurred" pictures.

What can be seen with vascular MRI

The doctor can see on the pictures obtained with an MRI:

  • malignant and benign neoplasms;
  • vascular diseases;
  • internal bleeding;
  • sections of the vascular walls;
  • quality of blood circulation;
  • the presence of a thrombus, its localization;
  • morphological features of cerebral vessels.

Prices for MRI of cerebral vessels

Study price, rub. -10%*
MRI angiography of cerebral arteries 4000 3600
MRI angiography of the veins of the brain 4000 3600
MR angiography of the arteries and veins of the brain 7400 6650
MRI of the brain and MR angiography of the arteries of the brain 7400 6650
MRI of the brain and MR angiography of the veins of the brain 7400 6650
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