Fear of attention. Symptoms of impaired concentration. What is attention

Attention is the selective focus of our consciousness on a specific object, the focus of a person on some object. Attention is involuntary and arbitrary. Involuntary (passive) attention occurs regardless of a person's consciousness, if some object is too strong an irritant (loud, sharp, unexpected) or corresponds to the interests and motives of a person. To improve concentration and increase efficiency, you need to develop voluntary attention. It is, by its nature, much more complex than passive. human will must be applied to it.

Attention and memory

Attention and memory are very closely related, because we improve concentration of attention precisely in order to focus, comprehend and remember material without undue effort. We remember an object the better, the longer and stronger we concentrate our attention on it.

1. You need to set yourself up for the fact that the material being studied will definitely come in handy in the future, i.e. motivate yourself. You can think of a couple of examples where having this information would be a big advantage.

2. Make the learning process more emotional, more vivid and exciting for yourself. This can be done by finding interesting and even exciting facts for yourself in the material, creatively approaching the design of lectures, encouraging yourself for achieving the next goal. This is also a kind of motivation, only external, aimed not at the subject of study itself, but at the positive emotions associated with it.

3. Often during work or study we cannot concentrate because of noise, conversations, sounds from the street. To focused work, regardless of external stimuli you can train yourself. Try reading a book with the music or TV turned on, or study a poem in some noisy, crowded place. After a couple of workouts, you will notice how much easier it has become for you to ignore extraneous sounds.

4. Do only one activity at a time. Don't try to do everything at once. By doing several things at once, we not only overload our brain, but also do not really concentrate on each of these things. If you expect productive results from each case, do one thing first, then another.

5. As mentioned above, concentration is very closely related to memory. Now there are thousands of games and exercises on memory development. Improve it, it will help you a lot in all activities.

6. Lead healthy lifestyle. Oddly enough, but this also applies to concentration. If the body lacks nutrients and sleep, then you will feel tired, and there can be no talk of any concentration. Control your diet, make sure you get all the vitamins and minerals you need, eat plenty of fruits and vegetables, and get enough sleep.

please help me to solve the problem. Under the cut a lot and messy.
I am terrified of being the center of attention. To say toasts, congratulate, perform on stage, solemnly present gifts - all possible situations when the attention of all those present is directed at me, be it 15 close friends and buddies or 90 people at a wedding. The last time an attempt to get me to say a toast after graduation ended in hysterics for 2 hours. Recently, at a wedding, I persuaded the host not to touch me in advance, and while I was persuading me, I almost burst into tears. On the DR of a friend, everyone presented gifts, leaving the circle to the birthday man one by one. I was thrown into heat and cold, I could hardly force myself to hand over a gift at the most hectic moment, since it could not be avoided.
Strangely, this doesn’t apply to presentations (perhaps because I make presentations for work, in English. And since I speak a non-native language, it’s kind of like it’s not me, but someone else. Probably.), on conversations with strangers - too. Only for congratulations, toasts and creative performances. I don't go dancing with rare exceptions, I don't participate in competitions, I can hardly be a "model", although I used to be constantly photographed both in the studio and outdoors. Terribly shy, afraid and worried.
The phenomenon intensified after the hysteria in the pulpit, because now I know how it will end, and I am even more afraid. I tried to drink a sedative before an event where increased attention is possible, but this is somehow not good, it does not combine with alcohol and generally interferes with fun. Alcohol does not help me not to be afraid. I tried to imagine that it was not me and there were not people around - it did not help. The mantra that all around are my friends, adequate people and will not laugh does not work.
It turns out that I trust fellow scientists, because I think that in the international scientific environment there are more polite and tolerant people than those with whom I meet here. I don’t know, maybe if I have to be in an informal company abroad, I will also be attacked by terrible shyness, but so far we have not gathered there for more than 5 people and there have been no problems.
As a result, we have a vicious circle: I am shy of increased attention, I panic and "fail" just when all the attention is on me. The failure makes me even worse and scarier, because I worry that they are all laughing to themselves. Therefore, next time I'm even more scared ... And at the same time I start to get very worried before some especially important conversation with the authorities, for example. I also blush, turn pale, stutter, I speak very quietly and inconsistently, and tears well up.
Where it came from, I don't know. I've always not really liked going on stage, but I don't remember ever failing with particular bang.

Often, a failure in concentration is caused by a low level of oxygen saturation of the brain. Hypoxia, as this disorder is called, entails dysfunction. In view of this, all medications are aimed at ensuring that the concentration of attention only returns to its original state.

What is given by nature with the help of medicines cannot be improved. Therefore, for those who have a question to increase the level of concentration to improve work and lifestyle, this material will be useful.

First of all, we emphasize that attention is not a process, like, for example, thinking. Attention is a state in which there is excitement in one or more areas of the cerebral cortex.

When there is a need to maintain attention for a long time, a person often feels tired, and attentiveness decreases. A person cannot even remember what exactly he heard, for example, at a lecture.

Types of attention

There are two types of attention: slow and immediate

There are two types of attention that depend on time:

  • The immediate type of attention, i.e., rapid concentration, allows you to instantly respond to the surrounding reality, analyze information and, accordingly, concentrate on one task or event.
  • A slow kind of attention is necessary for a person during training or work. This ability makes it possible to slowly reflect on a problem or assimilate information during the educational process.

The ability grows up to 25 years and up to 45 years remains stable and can even improve. After 50 years, gradual degradation begins. And this leads many people to start taking drugs to treat attention deficit disorder. Such medications belong to the nootropic type. Note that the activity of the psyche is also affected by lifestyle (addictions), the development of tumors and diseases in a chronic form.

Reasons for poor concentration

In addition to the aforementioned hypoxia, there are a number of other reasons that cause impaired concentration in children and adults. Let's try to figure out what factors affect the decrease in attention and, if possible, quickly eliminate them.

Stress, poor sleep and bad habits can lead to impaired concentration

  • Bad habits. Smoking, alcohol abuse and much more not only reduce concentration, but also impair memory.
  • Information overload. If the brain has to process a large amount of material, then the focus of attention on one source is disturbed and the information is perceived superficially.
  • Wrong nutrition. To stimulate the work of cells and accelerate the biochemical processes in the brain, a set of vitamins and microelements that enter the body with healthy food is necessary.
  • Stressful state. A person who is troubled by stress, depression, or feeling unwell often cannot concentrate on information.
    Sleep deficiency. The fast pace of modern life often interferes with healthy sleep. Lack of sleep is one of the dominant causes contributing to the deterioration of attention.
  • Disease symptoms. The deterioration of concentration can be a harbinger of diseases of the central nervous system. To exclude complications, it is worth contacting a specialist.

How to Increase Concentration Levels in Adults

The level of concentration of attention depends on the ability to focus on the desired stimulus. With good concentration, a person is able to block distractions - extraneous sounds and even his thoughts.

Drugs that improve memory and concentration

Nootropics can stimulate brain activity

Nootropic drugs are prescribed if medical treatment is required. Their name suggests that they are designed to stimulate brain activity. Most often they are recommended to schoolchildren or students in the process of intensive learning that requires constant concentration.

However, not only schoolchildren complain: “I can’t concentrate!”. A similar problem occurs in older people, whose brain activity needs regular stimulation.

Video: drugs that improve blood circulation and metabolism

We list the medicines that can be purchased in pharmacies without a prescription:

  • Noben. This drug is based on synthetic coenzyme Q10. The main ability of the drug is to increase the concentration of this substance in the brain, stimulate memory and improve concentration.
  • Bilobil. This drug is based on the extract of ginkgo biloba. This plant is known for its positive effect on the performance of small vessels, also stimulates nerve cells and has a slight antidepressant effect. Before use, it is recommended that you at least carefully read the instructions.
  • Glycine. Quite popular pills and refers to safe nootropics. The drug has a sedative effect on the nervous system, reduces the effect of stress, increases concentration. The main active ingredient is the amino acid glycine. The advantages include a quick elimination from the body in a natural way and the absence of addiction.
  • Aminalon. Tablets that have the main active ingredient gamma-aminobutyric acid. The drug promotes optimal acceleration in the absorption of glucose. Often prescribed after a stroke, because glycine helps to speed up the rehabilitation period.
  • Biotredin. A complex vitamin preparation consisting of B6 and the amino acid threonine. By acting on the nervous system, it strengthens it, thereby improving memory and attentiveness.
  • Intellan. Drug to reduce nervous tension and fatigue. As a rule, they are prescribed to children as a treatment for physical and mental fatigue. Doctors recommend taking the medicine in the form of a syrup.
  • Extracts of Eleutherococcus, Rhodiola rosea, Schisandra chinensis. They are general tonic not only for the nervous system and brain, but also for the immune system. Before use, consultation with a doctor is necessary, because. there are contraindications.

Some drugs can be purchased at a pharmacy without a special prescription from a doctor.

Now about the drugs that the doctor should prescribe so that you can concentrate:

  • Piracetam. (other names are lucetam, memotropil, stamin, nootropil, escotropil). Available in tablets or solutions for injection. Treatment can last from several weeks to several months.
  • Encephabol. Tablets that improve memory. They can even be given to newborns.
  • Phenotropil. The main form of release is tablets. Indications - treatment of problems of cerebral circulation, has a pronounced restorative effect, is not prescribed for children. Helps those who complain "I can't sleep".
  • Phezam. Not to be taken by children under the age of six. With its help, therapeutic measures are carried out with irritability, mental retardation and with a decrease in concentration.
  • Picamilon. Efficacy has been proven in the treatment of acute circulatory disorders in the brain. As a rule, they are prescribed to patients with vegetovascular diseases and anxiety attacks. When used correctly, it increases the endurance of the body, and is also aimed at stimulating mental activity.
  • Memoplant. A drug for stimulating blood circulation throughout the body, including blood supply to the brain and small vessels. Recommended for patients with memory impairments and low development of intellectual abilities.
  • Phenibut. A drug for insomnia. It also improves physical and intellectual activity. Reduces anxiety attacks and panic attacks.
  • Vitrum memory. The vitamin complex is designed for the elderly. Can improve memory and concentration. Assign in the form of a course of three months. It is necessary to consult with a medical specialist.

Before you start taking medications, you can try exercises that develop the ability to concentrate, as well as simple remedies, the use of which gives a good result.

A balanced diet will help improve brain function

These include some foods, as well as herbs:

  • caffeine products. Develop a fast type of concentration. But with prolonged use, the effect is significantly reduced. Consult your doctor before taking, because there are a number of contraindications.
  • The daily diet should be enriched with healthy products: dairy, grains, as well as fruits and vegetables. Foods such as banana, potatoes and wholemeal flour 3rd grade can not only improve short-term memory in case of impaired concentration, but also help to wake up faster in the morning.
  • Sweets. Note that dark chocolate is a powerful antioxidant, and sugar in sweets quickly saturates the energy reserve during mental processes. However, one should be guided by the rule: everything is good in moderation.
  • Nuts and seeds are an excellent source of vitamin E, as well as antioxidants that improve brain activity, making it easy to concentrate on pressing tasks.
  • Fish. It is recommended to include in the diet at least 2 times a week, because. the fatty acids contained in it improve the blood supply to the brain, stimulating intellectual activity.
  • Spices and aromatic oils such as saffron, mustard, paprika, lavrushka not only add flavor to dishes, but also improve memory, mental activity, fight insomnia and calm the nervous system.
  • Blueberries and other vitamins. Note that before taking vitamins, you need to consult a doctor and undergo a diagnosis, because. An excess of certain vitamins can lead to various consequences.
  • Herbs. Traditional medicine says that elecampane and pine buds are the best remedies for attention disorders. Both aqueous infusions and alcoholic extracts can be used. Both those and others improve memory and attention.

Video: How to improve concentration

Is it possible to do without drugs

You can get rid of attention disorders without resorting to the help of specialists in other available ways.


Meditation will improve concentration

A simple practice of 5 minutes will help develop concentration.

Focusing. Select object - any object that you want to place in front of you. Take a comfortable relaxed position sitting with a straight back, put your hands on your knees, relax your shoulders. First you just need to look at the object that is in front of you.Distracting thoughts will appear very soon. Then you need to focus again on the object, without evaluating or analyzing. Now you can slightly expand the focus of attention, allowing you to get into it what surrounds the subject. Then again concentrate on the object. Repeat the above steps several times.

Active lifestyle

Dutch scientists held experiment with schoolchildren aged 10-13 and proved that sport increases concentration. Between lessons, students took breaks of 20 minutes for aerobic exercise and performed better on tests than children who worked out without a break.

Dynamic sports and outdoor games help develop attention, have a beneficial effect on our brain and can increase IQ.

The most useful of the available types of physical activity are:

  • Gymnastics. Even the most lightweight gymnastics, performed regularly, enhances the nutrition of the brain.
  • Swimming. The load on all muscle groups in combination with the respiratory load significantly improves the blood supply to the brain.

Several ways to collect your thoughts

Many people don't make progress in life just because they don't know how to collect their thoughts.

  1. Designate the desired result. Having determined the indicators of the completed task, you can be sure of the correctness of your actions in the implementation process.
  2. Set time frames. Setting a time limit for completing a task will help you work at your pace.
  3. Remove distractions. To maximize focus, you need to protect yourself from unnecessary objects and sounds.
  4. It's a big deal to break it down into several tasks and make a plan. For clarity, you can draw or write an action plan. This helps to see the situation more clearly.

Arrangement of the workplace

If you want to increase productivity, clean up your desk

A properly organized workplace helps to increase productivity and work efficiency.In order not to be distracted from the labor process, it is necessary to provide the workplace with the necessary tools and items.

Time management

The ability to effectively plan work time and prioritize correctly will help you focus on the essentials. Good time management allows you to:

  • see the big picture and feel whole;
  • correctly highlight the benefits;
  • avoid stressful situations;
  • improve performance.

Organization of healthy sleep

When sleep is disturbed, the cells of the nervous system and brain die. This leads to a drop in working capacity, concentration of attention, weakens thought processes, etc. The average sleep duration for an adult should be between 7 and 9 hours a day.

Scientists from the American National Society for the Study of Sleep after the study published the following data:

Exercises for concentration

  1. Point attention. In this lesson, you need to look at a point on a plain background, which should be located at eye level. Having taken a comfortable position on a sofa or in an armchair, you need to focus only on a point, freeing yourself from extraneous thoughts. As soon as thoughts begin to come to the brain, the exercise ends and the concentration time is fixed. The action is performed several times, each time trying to increase the focusing time.
  2. Watch. To complete the exercise, you will need a watch with a second hand. Place the clock so that it is convenient to keep track of the running time. It is necessary to follow the arrow until extraneous thoughts arise. Good indicators of concentration - 2 minutes.
  3. Line. The task is simple - on a blank sheet of paper, gently and slowly draw a line, focusing only on it. As soon as extraneous thoughts appear, a small peak is made, as in a cardiogram. Concentrating again, continue to lead the line. Not a single top in 3 minutes - a good level of concentration.
  4. Reflective reading. A person suffering from weak concentration often reads fluently, thinking about something extraneous. You can improve your attention with reflective reading. For training, you should choose worthy literature with a deep meaning. The essence of the exercise is to fully delve into the meaning of the text, reading each sentence. If you notice that you are distracted, gather your will and again concentrate on the main task.

Rest and walks

To replenish strength, you need to rest

Hiking down the street has a wonderful effect. Walking in the fresh air enriches the cells with oxygen. Oxygen starvation for the brain is tantamount to degradation. Without oxygen, the brain cannot live long. Often during such a promenade, new thoughts, ideas and insights come.


Concentration and retention of attention occurs due to strong motivation. If a person is guided by an individual need, there is an incentive, then this has a productive effect on activity and gives good results.

How to improve concentration in children and schoolchildren

Children, just like adults, can get tired. Loads at school, lessons, extra classes sooner or later can lead to overwork and, as a result, to a deterioration in brain activity.

Medicines for brain activity

For the successful development of the child requires attention and memory. When these indicators do not meet the standards, nootropics are prescribed.

Medicines to improve the stimulation of the nervous system are available without a prescription, but are taken strictly under the supervision of a doctor. Self-medication can adversely affect the health of the child. The most prescribed drugs are glycine, piracetam, phenibut, pantogam, tenoten.

Tips for parents

So that the child does not overwork, it is necessary to take breaks.

  • observe the norm of sleep;
  • reduce sugar intake and increase protein levels by eating meat, eggs and nuts;
  • organize breaks for physical exercises;
  • eliminate elements that affect concentration: loud speech, noise from household appliances, hunger and fatigue;
  • create a contemplative and calm atmosphere in the house. This is facilitated by quiet relaxing music or watching fish in an aquarium.


You can develop attention and increase concentration with the help of special exercises. Let's look at some of them below:

  • Tracking a toy. You will need a small toy for this activity. You need to ask the child to follow the object with his eyes, without turning his head. The speed and trajectory of movement can be changed, but do not overdo it. The child must have time to follow the movement of the toy.
  • New neighbor. Put three toys in front of the child and ask them to remember them. Then invite the child to turn away or leave the room, and at this time change the toys in places or add a new one. Then ask what has changed.
  • Remember items. Prepare several items for the exercise, such as stationery: a pencil, marker, eraser, ruler, etc. Give the child 3 to 5 seconds to memorize them. Then cover things with a dark cloth and ask them to name what is hidden. Each time you can add one new item.

Board games

Board games train perseverance and memory

Enlisting the support of board games and designers, you can have fun training your attention and memory.

  • A new version of the mosaic - the board game "Quants" trains attention and perseverance.
  • The game "Chameleon" for children aged 5-6 trains attention with the help of colors and numbers.
  • The family game "Headlegs" with simple rules develops not only attention and memory, but also imagination.
  • The game “Ratuka” is breathtaking for a cheerful company of children from seven years old.
  • A dynamic game with simple Dobble rules develops attentiveness and reaction.
  • The gambling and noisy game “Wild Jungle” has no limits on the number of players.


Creative and needlework classes have a positive effect on perseverance, develop fine motor skills of hands, attention, memory, and this is not the whole list of useful effects.

The fact of the positive impact of needlework on the development of both hemispheres of the brain is officially recognized by medicine.

Together with children, adults can be engaged in sewing, embroidery, knitting, beading, soap making, modeling from ordinary or polymer clay, decoupage, etc.

Presentation: Development of memory and attention

When the first signs of impaired concentration appear, you need to reconsider the mode, load and nutrition. Find time to rest, try to get enough sleep and be more in the fresh air.

Today we’ll talk about how to develop concentration of attention, about methods for improving it, the word “optimization” involuntarily comes out :), but, as you understand, this post is more about psychology and life hacking, although, of course, it also affects Internet marketing.

Did you know that while reading, a person’s attention is quite scattered and succumbs to external stimuli. On average, from 20% to 40% of the total time spent on this action, you are in a completely different place.

But if in the case of absorption of information there is always the opportunity to return and re-read the missed material, then in the workflow the negative effect of losing focus on a specific task is much more significant. How to develop concentration of attention to increase your efficiency?

Distracted attention negatively affects the quality of work and the time it takes to complete it. Consciously controlling attention to a specific goal is a rather difficult task and, as practice shows, exhausting, but knowing the principles of functioning and physiology of the central nervous system, and, in turn, concentration, you can easily cope with this problem.

2 parts of the brain responsible for controlling attention

Before we get straight to the question of how to train concentration, to the cause of absent-mindedness and reduced ability to concentrate on a particular task, we should understand how our brain functions. Daniel Kahnman in his book "Think Slowly, Decide Fast" divides the brain into 2 systems (conventional name: System 1 and System 2)

System 1—our subconscious mind—functions non-stop without our efforts; reacts to external and internal stimuli, as a result of which it generates a urge or impulse to a certain action - for example, turn around when you hear your name. System 2 (consciousness) is a critical, rational and conscious thought processes and is a kind of processor of urges emanating from System 1 - if we return to the example of a person’s reaction to turn around when they hear their name, then it is System 2 that decides to either respond or ignore a potential interlocutor .

To summarize: System 2 is responsible for all processes that require awareness and application of willpower, while System 1 is a reflective, subconscious part of the brain that directly responds to external stimuli and creates certain urges to act. In this picture, you can quite clearly see the functions of both systems.

(System 1 is the red part of the brain; System 2 is the gray part of the brain.)

Causes of loss or deterioration of concentration

System 2 of our brain is responsible for thought processes, and it is with the help of our consciousness that we concentrate on a specific task or object. The fact is that our conscious mind is affected by many external sources of distraction or interference, which in turn makes the task of focusing quite difficult.

In his book Focus: The Hidden Power of Excellence, Daniel Goleman divides sources of distraction into two types: sensory and emotional.

While sensory stimuli—noise, visual stimuli, etc.—can be dealt with rather easily by physically eliminating them, the emotional causes of loss of concentration caused by System 1 of our brain are dealt with in a completely different way.

Emotional stimuli (internal dialogue, stream of thoughts about events in our lives) are caused by pressing problems, stresses, disorders, etc. - we all know how hard it is to get to work when the emotional burden of household problems completely occupies our mind, and you are tormented by the question of how to increase attention.

Attempts of will to forget about problems and concentrate on the task at hand will further deplete mental reserves and, most likely, will not be successful. In addition, our minds tend to focus specifically on negative and disturbing tasks and events, since they are extremely important, and System 1 strives to solve them as soon as possible.

In this case, you should not try to block the source of discomfort - quality recovery and rest are the best ways to regenerate mental abilities and improve concentration.

How to restore concentration?

Your brain needs recovery and rest in the same way as muscles after exhausting physical exertion; like the body, the mind cannot function fully when overworked and exhausted. But if the body needs a certain period of time to fully regenerate, mental resources are restored in simple, pleasant and effective ways. How to develop concentration of attention?

The exercises below should be incorporated into your daily routine to help prevent distraction and maintain healthy System 2 functioning.

1. Meditation

Since the purpose of meditation is to focus attention while realizing the very fact of your absent-mindedness, constant efforts will very quickly have a positive effect on the quality of concentration - soon it will be much easier for you to concentrate on a specific task and prevent loss of attention. In addition to improving concentration, meditation helps reduce stress levels, improves memory and creativity, and increases the amount of gray matter in the brain - which as a result has a positive effect on emotional stability and positivity of emotions.

How to increase concentration? Effective advice regarding meditation: do not assume that it takes several hours to spend out of this world - by devoting 10-15 minutes to meditation at work, you will be able to restore and clear your consciousness quite well.

2. Walks in nature

The author of the book "Concentration: The Hidden Ingredient of Excellence" Daniel Golman advises spending time in nature - walks help restore nervous processes through a kind of disconnection from the hustle and bustle; also during the experiment it was proved that a walk through the streets of the city is inferior in its usefulness to time spent in the park - a place more remote from irritants and less stimulating mental activity. The closer you are to nature and the farther away from the bustle of the city, the better you will be able to restore your "mental reservoir".

3. With your head in your favorite pastime

How to increase the level of attention while having fun? By immersing yourself in your favorite activity, you can easily restore the resources of your rational thinking system, while your attention is focused on a simple, non-mental task. For example, by playing the popular and well-loved Angry Birds app, you will give your full attention to a simple and fun game, while the internal dialogue that consumes mental resources will be stopped, allowing your mind to recover.

Instead of a conclusion

Both the quality of our work and the possibility of doing it at all depend on our ability to concentrate. In addition, the inability to focus and absent-mindedness not only negatively affect performance, but also emotional and mental health, which worsens even more as a result of attempts to concentrate by volitional effort.

Remember the ways of mental regeneration and the basic principles of the brain and how to improve attention. The exercises in this article may help you.

For the healthy and efficient functioning of consciousness, the well-being of mental resources should be monitored as carefully and carefully as the body. Keep your mind in good shape, and it will thank you for efficient work, good mood and creative ideas.

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