Mandatory childhood vaccinations: Mistakes are costly. Alena Alekseyonok: “Any vaccine is more dangerous than the disease against which it is designed to protect The most dangerous vaccinations

Vaccination of children is currently one of the most controversial topics for discussion. If a few decades ago, parents boldly trusted the life of their children to the local pediatrician, firmly believing that a healing injection would protect a small body from all kinds of infections, today most adults treat immunization with caution, eating in every possible way to avoid it. What was the reason for changing the situation? Is it true that vaccinations are not the safest way to prevent infectious diseases?

Unconditional belief in favor of vaccinations was shaken by their numerous complications and side effects from the immune system. It has been proven that vaccination is one of the reasons for the development of atypical forms of infectious pathologies, deafness, paralysis, bronchial asthma, autism and other ailments. Post-vaccination deaths are recorded annually in the world, especially in preschool children.

The question also remains relevant, if vaccinations are so safe, then why has not a single doctor or scientist-inventor dared to drink the standard set of supplements that are part of various vaccines for children under the age of six. But for such actions, a considerable reward in the amount of 100 thousand US dollars was promised.

Some undeniable facts that confirm the harm of vaccines

A person will not be warned about the dangers of vaccination at the clinic. Such information can be obtained exclusively from sources on the Internet. Among the most well-known facts that refute the harmlessness of modern vaccinations, the following should be highlighted:

  1. Numerous scientific studies confirm that vaccinations are one of the main causes of sudden death syndrome in children during the first months of life.
  2. According to the instructions for vaccination, the dose of the vaccine for a child 1-2 months old weighing 5-6 kg should be the same as for a baby 5-6 years old weighing 18-20 kg. Accordingly, a monthly infant receives five times more drug than older children.
  3. Scientists do not have sufficient evidence that vaccinations actually help prevent infections. As a rule, injections are given during periods when the disease is on the decline, that is, at the end of the epidemic process.
  4. Children's infections almost always have a benign course and can go away on their own without complications. In addition, having had such a disease, the child acquires lifelong immunity from it, while after vaccination only temporary protection and the need to re-vaccinate.
  5. Naturally developed immunity is passed from mothers to offspring, while vaccinations do not protect newborns.
  6. There are no studies that would confirm the long-term efficacy and safety of vaccines in two groups of test people (vaccinated and unvaccinated).
  7. As a result of independent studies, scientists were able to confirm that children without vaccinations get sick much less often than their vaccinated peers. If the child is not vaccinated, his health improves several times.
  8. In most cases, young children are given combined vaccinations, the effect of which on the body has not been fully studied.
  9. The inventor of the first vaccines never recommended mass vaccination, but only offered vaccinations to representatives of certain castes of the population in the presence of strict indications.
  10. Vaccine production is the most profitable branch of the pharmaceutical industry. Therefore, it is beneficial not so much for patients as for their producers and doctors.
  11. All vaccines contain heavy metal salts, formaldehyde, live or weakened viruses, dangerous pesticides and carcinogenic compounds, foreign antigenic material, dubious antibacterial components, each of which can cause irreparable harm to human health.
  12. The vaccines contain the blood serum of most known species of primates, poultry, pigs, cows, horses, which is a serious allergen for the human body.
  13. Up to six months, the child does not need to be vaccinated, as it is protected by the immunity transmitted to it from the mother.
  14. Many pediatricians do not vaccinate their own children, as they clearly see that vaccinated crumbs get sick more often than unvaccinated ones.
  15. In developed countries, where mass immunization is promoted, the number of children with autism and diseases associated with lesions of the central nervous system has increased significantly.
  16. In recent years, the number of recorded deaths and permanent disability has increased significantly after the introduction of vaccinations to patients.
  17. Most of the vaccines our government buys in, where only a quarter of the population is vaccinated with them. Why is that?
  18. Almost all infectious diseases in children in the modern world proceed without complications. Those that are severe help to form a strong immune response, allowing in the future to resist not only viruses and bacteria, but also prevent the occurrence of tumors, degenerative changes, and systemic pathologies.
  19. Vaccination potentiates the development of autoimmune processes in the body, namely, diabetes mellitus, thyroiditis, systemic lupus, arthritis, which today have become widespread.
  20. In Europe and America, it is recognized as absolutely ineffective, so it has long been abandoned. Why, then, does such a vaccine continue to be administered to all newborn babies in our country, despite its many pathological reactions?
  21. As practice shows, the most common complications after vaccination occur against the background of the introduction of measles vaccine or combined preparations containing a component from measles infection.
  22. () in some cases is the source of symptoms of polio infection, disorders of the nervous sphere or digestive organ structures.
  23. Tetanus serum, containing tetanus toxoid, mercury and aluminum salts, is one of the most dangerous mixtures not only for children, but also for adults. Such a vaccination can cause convulsions, complete or partial paralysis, and the child's lack of speech.
  24. Today it is carried out for children still in the maternity hospital. Are such actions justified? The risk of contracting this disease occurs through sexual contact with a patient or transfusion of infected blood. The vaccinated immunity lasts no more than 5 years. So, what are the chances of a baby getting hepatitis B? It is clear that they are minimal. The introduction of the hepatitis vaccine is a measure to prevent pathology among people who have promiscuous sex.
  25. The production of vaccines is the most profitable pharmaceutical business.

Parents should also pay attention to the fact that, unlike in capitalist countries, in our country no one will compensate them or cover the costs of treating vaccine-induced adverse reactions. Although the responsibility for the quality of vaccines lies on the shoulders of government agencies that are engaged in the purchase and testing of drugs for routine vaccination.

Why you should not vaccinate the smallest family members and postpone vaccination for a while

It is no secret that the entire period of breastfeeding, along with milk, the baby receives the mother's immune complexes, which protect him from diseases. Does it make sense to give vaccines to children at this time? There are no clear indications for vaccination of infants. If desired, you can vaccinate an already grown child with strengthened immune organs. Before vaccination, it is always recommended to do an immunological analysis for the presence of antibodies and to vaccinate only against those pathologies for which there are no protective factors.

Vaccination is a gross intervention in the work of the whole organism. Therefore, it is better to vaccinate at the age of six, when the organs and systems of the child are formed. Early immunization is likely to provoke the development of severe consequences and change for the worse all subsequent life.

Today, many experts talk about the risks of developing undesirable effects from vaccinations. On the Internet, you can find a lot of video materials where well-known virologists, immunologists and physicians of other specialties convincingly insist on the importance of refusing to introduce most vaccinations, which can do much more harm than good.

Yulia Viktorovna Andronnikova, head of the pediatric department of the Center for Traditional Obstetrics (Moscow), a pediatrician of the highest category, shares her knowledge and experience on the issue of vaccination.

Yulia Viktorovna, the topic of vaccination, one might say, has split our society into two camps - supporters of being vaccinated exclusively according to the national calendar and ardent opponents of vaccination as such. Which camp do you belong to?

I definitely don't consider myself anti-vaccination. Rather, I am opposed to the vaccination system that we have today. Dissatisfaction with this system is not unfounded. Our leading immunologists, vaccinologists, for example, N.V. Medunitsyn, say that vaccination will become safe when it becomes personalized, individual.

I personally really want her to become individual. Not being anti-vaccination, I share some of the positions of the anti-vaccinators. First of all - in not vaccinating newborns. This is one of the highlights. Babies must be treated with the utmost care.

The second point is the use of live vaccines. Unfortunately, in my practice, back in the days when I worked as a district doctor (it was 1997), there was a case when a one-year-old child died after being vaccinated with live polio. It was very difficult to prove any connection with the vaccine then, although that day in the morning the child and mother were at the medical examination, they went through all the specialists, passed the tests, that is, there were all the documents confirming that the child was healthy. They made a live polio vaccine - and by the evening the child was gone. According to the forensic experts, it was some kind of fleeting flu, although the child did not have any signs of flu, the tests were in order.

I always treat this issue very carefully - although I vaccinate a lot.

What is the mechanism of action of the vaccine? What types of vaccines are there?

Vaccines are antibacterial, antiviral and antitoxic - depending on which component is contained in the composition. For example, vaccines containing processed toxins are used against those diseases in which toxins have the main damaging effect, such as diphtheria, tetanus.

Why are vaccines administered? To get an immune response. To develop specific antibodies to a given bacterium, virus, or toxin. When we say that with the help of vaccination it is possible to defeat the disease forever, we must understand that this happens very rarely - only when the vaccine is used against a bacterium or virus, and when everyone is vaccinated against a specific infection. Theoretically, this is possible, as was the case with smallpox.

We will never defeat diphtheria and tetanus, because in this case we vaccinate not against the disease, but against complications - from the toxin. The mechanism here is this: a vaccine - an organism - an immune response, and the most important thing in this chain is the body of a particular person. The body has to give this immune response, so it has to be healthy, mature enough for that.

As you know, in our country there is a national vaccination calendar, according to which the first vaccinations (against hepatitis B and tuberculosis) must be given to a newborn already in the maternity hospital. What is your position on this issue?

My position is very tough: I do not recommend vaccinating newborns, because, firstly, when the child was just born, we still do not know anything about him: neither the state of his immunity, nor any possible deviations. And, secondly, as I said, I am a supporter of an individual approach to vaccination.

An absolute contraindication for live vaccines is an immunodeficiency state. What if the child has it? At the hospital, we don't know that yet.

At what age can a child be accurately diagnosed with an immunodeficiency state?

After the first month of a child's life, it is already clear whether there are any purulent manifestations in his body or not. Partially, this process can veil the process of breastfeeding. But by about 3 months, we can already guess about it.

There are situations when a child was born, and in the morning he is in good condition, and by the evening it has worsened - this often happens. And now, he is already being treated for pneumonia, for something else, and during this time we manage to get vaccinated. This is a factor that can worsen the course of the underlying disease or partly become a trigger for the disease.

The production of IgG immunoglobulins, which have immunological memory, reaches an optimal level at 6-8 months of age. And for most children, this is a good time to start vaccinations. We already know the child, we can normalize some aspects of the baby's health and get an immune response, which we count on when vaccinated.

The content of immunoglobulins in the blood serum of a child Vaccination is always a weighing of the risk from the vaccine and the risk from the disease. Now we live in a situation of epidemiological well-being for major diseases (diphtheria, tetanus, poliomyelitis) and therefore we can afford to postpone vaccination a little, choose a good vaccine, and watch our child. If the epidemiological threshold is different - for example, an outbreak of diphtheria threatens - then we will rely on other immunoglobulins (IgM, which do not have immunological memory, but are produced earlier and can protect a young child) and vaccinate at an earlier date.

Is the hepatitis B situation in our country good now?

Not bad.

In this case, at what age is it better to vaccinate against it?

A teenager must be vaccinated against hepatitis B - this is not discussed at all. It is possible earlier. Situations are different: there is a risk, albeit a very small one, that the child will go outside and meet with a syringe thrown by a drug addict. This is also a risk.

There are accidents, surgeries, blood transfusions. When the body has matured and gives a good immune response, we can be vaccinated. After 8 months, you can safely be vaccinated against hepatitis B, especially since now there is a good recombinant vaccine against this virus and a combined vaccine Infanrix-Hexa.

Should I be vaccinated against tuberculosis (BCG) at the maternity hospital? Many parents refuse to vaccinate against hepatitis B, but they do BCG, explaining this, among other things, by the fact that later you can’t put this vaccine anywhere ...

There is such a moment. It is due to the fact that BCG should be done by those specialists who have been trained, who have extensive experience. BCG is the only vaccine that requires a very serious administration technique. It is done intradermally, and the skin of a child is very thin, it is very difficult to get into the desired intradermal layer, you need to hold the needle at a certain angle - that is, this is a technique that you really need to master. An ordinary intramuscular injection can be given by a person who does this infrequently, and he will not miss, but there is a certain difficulty with BCG. And, unfortunately, the possibility of complications may depend on the technique of administration. However, it can be quite easy to put in a regular clinic. There is no choice of TB vaccines.

As for my position, I am not a supporter of BCG vaccination at all. I always cite as an example the WHO documents of recent years (2011, 2013, 2015), which are aimed at combating tuberculosis as a disease in general, at combating child mortality from tuberculosis. There are no recommendations for BCG vaccination. On the contrary, the 2011 document clearly states that the BCG vaccine, created in 1921, has shown to be ineffective.

And at the same time, in no case do I want to relax my parents about the fact that there is no tuberculosis, and we will never meet with it. But there is a paradox here: people (including children) who have an individual predisposition get sick with tuberculosis, and they can also get complications from a live vaccine, especially if it is administered at an early age. This is a very difficult period when there is very little self-protection - and if there is a predisposition, then the child may get sick. On this issue, I always recommend reading V.P. Sukhanovsky - I agree with every word he says regarding the BCG vaccine.

Do you think that in principle it is not worth getting vaccinated against tuberculosis during life?

Theoretically (precisely theoretically), the BCG vaccine protects against severe forms of tuberculosis, tuberculous encephalitis, tuberculous meningitis, etc., which, according to statistics, fall ill with 1 person in 5 million cases. Therefore, I believe that massively vaccinating all children with a live vaccine, which disrupts their immunity formation, which can cause complications, is, in general, inappropriate. Tuberculosis is a social disease, its socio-economic growth and improvement in the quality of life will win. Unfortunately, we are not at that level of well-being now.

On the other hand, early, high-quality and reliable diagnosis of tuberculosis can improve the situation, but it also suffers in our country, in general. If tuberculosis had been detected early and treated on time, the situation would have been different. Now the main diagnostic method is still the Mantoux test, which has many false positive reactions, and this entails going to the TB dispensary with the child, additional studies, sometimes X-ray, and so on. Appeared 8-10 years ago diaskintest, unfortunately, has a small percentage of false negative reactions, but still more reliable.

Thus, the BCG vaccine stands apart from other vaccines. If with other vaccines, due to the favorable epidemiological situation, we can wait, because there is no risk of getting sick, then the situation is different: there is a risk of getting sick, but there is no effective vaccine, the current vaccine does not protect, and sometimes it itself gives complications in the form of BCG.

What can parents do to prevent tuberculosis, apart from vaccination?

First, the minimum number of contacts of the child with potential carriers is important. Usually we say this: a healthy newborn - in a healthy family. When doctors get a job, they take x-rays, take a smear for staphylococcus aureus, not to mention HIV, syphilis and so on. Why not make such an examination for the parents and the closest environment of the child (grandparents, nannies), who are constantly in contact with him? Mom needs such an examination to a lesser extent, since she is examined during pregnancy, but the rest ... An elementary swab from the throat can show us the presence of various adverse threats. In an adult, unlike a child, tuberculosis is always in the lungs. Why not do those who go to the house, fluorography?

Next moment. Mycobacterium tuberculosis does not like ventilation, fresh air. If these elementary conditions are observed, then people do not get sick even with close contact. Although newborns, in principle, are more predisposed to this, since their immune system is still weakened. Nevertheless, if there are no sick people in the close environment, then the child, in general, has no chance of getting sick either.

Why is a live vaccine bad?

A live vaccine retains some of its properties: it can multiply, it can be stored in the body for a long time. A killed vaccine, even if it does not work, will simply be excreted from the body. And living - especially Mycobacterium tuberculosis - can enter the cells and remain in them for quite a long time. Therefore, for example, complications to the BCG vaccine can occur after a year and a half. That is, bacteria dormant in the body for a year and a half, and then cause a difficult process.

And what could it be?

It may be tuberculous osteomyelitis, a generalized BCG infection. But this is not tuberculosis in its purest form, it is BCG. There is a slightly different kind of bacteria, but nevertheless, the process is very similar and very difficult to treat. This, again, affects children who have an individual predisposition, they have their own problems with immunity, and if they get sick, the treatment process is long and difficult. Fortunately, such complications are rare.

In general, live vaccines can multiply in the body. The polio vaccine is also live. One of the places where it multiplies is the intestines, so it is very easily released into the environment. Standing out in the environment, he can either immediately infect someone (although this happens very rarely), or he can live in the sewers, change his properties and begin his path of "feral".

In this case, are the unvaccinated at risk?

Yes, of course, mostly unvaccinated. If a person is vaccinated, he does not care what kind of polio he will meet - with wild or vaccine. He won't get sick from either one. And if the unvaccinated meets with the vaccinated or wild, then an unfavorable situation may arise.

Is it better to vaccinate at 7-8 months or the later, the better, for example, at 3 years? At what age is the immune response best?

At 3 years old, he is also very good, another thing is that the usual reaction to the vaccine may be more pronounced. The immune response matures by 6-7 months, and, starting from this age and up to 1.5-2 years, sometimes 3 years, the child perceives vaccination well. His body is tuned to perceive and respond. And after 3 years it becomes strong and can already give more pronounced normal reactions. These are not pathological reactions, that is, they do not harm the body, but the body's response may be more violent, brighter - the temperature will rise, the local reaction will be more pronounced. But this is a common reaction to vaccination.

If it were possible to check everyone individually, probably, in such a situation, not three vaccines, but two, would be enough for a particular child, and he would already have a good immune response. But for this there should be some kind of guideline: how many antibodies should there be in order not to give the child a third vaccination? Unfortunately, there is no such data yet, so there is nothing to focus on.

Professor Medunitsyn also speaks about this: “ Immunological personalization of vaccination can be carried out by selecting a vaccine among similar vaccines, choosing doses, vaccine administration schemes, using adjuvants and other immunomodulating agents. Naturally, each vaccine has its own characteristics, and each vaccine preparation requires its own tactics of immunological correction”; “Immunity assessment can be done before and after primary immunization or at any stage of the vaccination cycle. This allows you to determine the need for further immunization, cancellation of vaccination, or, conversely, the adoption of measures to enhance the immune response of the vaccinated. Correction of the level of immunity by antibody titers in high-risk individuals is available and real».

There are also people whose body, in principle, does not give an immune response, no matter what vaccinations they are given. It is believed that they are 5-7%. This does not mean that when they meet with an infection, they will definitely get sick - their immunity works a little differently, and maybe they are just the most protected in this regard. There are people who give a hyperimmune response, and perhaps a lower dose of vaccine multiplicity is enough for them. There are even situations when the third vaccination inhibits the action of the previous ones. This is just a question of the future individual approach. So far, unfortunately, we do not have this.

Are there absolute contraindications for vaccination?

Now the only contraindication for which vaccination is not carried out, and then only with live vaccines, is congenital immunodeficiency syndrome. Acquired too: HIV-infected people are not vaccinated with live vaccines. And killed vaccines can be vaccinated, but with certain conditions.

In general, now there are practically no contraindications to vaccination. Previously, pediatricians had the opportunity to give a medical exemption: for example, a child has atopic dermatitis - we gave him a medical exemption for a week, for two, for a month. Now, when parents come and ask to write a medical certificate, they complain that the child is sick all the time, we cannot do this. We must cure the child and vaccinate him within two weeks.

And who should not be vaccinated until 7-8 months and should be given earlier?

There are such situations. We definitely vaccinate at the newborn age those children whose father or mother is a carrier of the hepatitis B virus. Since this disease is still very dangerous, we vaccinate such children.

Next, take, for example, pneumococcus. This disease exists in nature, but most children get sick absolutely calmly, rarely anyone develops pneumonia and some complications. But children with serious illnesses, such as heart disease, can get pneumonia or other complications that can greatly worsen the condition of the heart or even be incompatible with life.

The same with bronchial asthma. When I started working, asthmatics were almost never vaccinated, it was believed that this was an allergic disease, and they should not be vaccinated. Then we actively got acquainted with foreign experience and saw that in the West asthmatics are vaccinated very actively and have good results. In my practice, when I was still working in a polyclinic (approximately in 2002-2004), there was an experience when children with bronchial asthma were actively vaccinated against pneumococcus. Children got sick much less, their asthmatic attacks became more rare.

Therefore, the approach here may vary. But there are children who definitely need to be vaccinated, because any disease - even chickenpox - can be dangerous for them. Although I don't like being vaccinated against chickenpox.


The chickenpox vaccine is a live vaccine. It hasn't been used for a very long time. If we weigh the danger from the disease and the danger from the vaccine, I prefer in this case that the children get sick. Firstly, children receive stable lifelong immunity, and there is a guarantee that they will not get sick in adulthood and old age. Secondly, chickenpox is not a very serious disease. Yes, now they are writing that there are adverse outcomes of chickenpox, but this is not chickenpox itself, but again, background conditions suggesting the presence of the herpes simplex virus or cytomegalovirus. When they are combined with chickenpox, they can cause complications, but this is a very small percentage.

Therefore, my position is that the child must be ill with chickenpox. Still, there are things that a child should be sick with. The child must develop this immunity, have the opportunity to develop it. If he has not been ill before adolescence, it makes sense to vaccinate him, because with age, the course of chickenpox worsens.

What other diseases are among those that are better to get sick in childhood?

Chickenpox, rubella, and even measles and mumps (mumps) if the child is generally healthy. These are children's infections, which in childhood get sick quite safely.

There has always been a lot of rubella in our country, they began to vaccinate against it not so long ago, and in children this disease has always flowed quite easily, sometimes even imperceptibly. But the girls received stable lifelong immunity and were no longer afraid of rubella by the time they became pregnant.

Now in our country, since 2010, there has been an increase in the incidence of measles. Pediatricians do not really like to put it, because it requires a double test of blood from a vein for antibodies. However, it is very difficult to force a mother 2 weeks after the child's illness, when he is already absolutely healthy, to send blood from a vein. And the diagnosis must be confirmed by an increase in antibody titer. If the first analysis of the mother is still being passed, then the second one, which should confirm the growth of antibodies, is no longer there. Therefore, most district doctors do not like to put measles and, in order to avoid trouble, they put, for example, urticaria instead. But we see this disease, and children get sick with it quite safely. My patients tolerated measles very easily, without any adverse effects.

From all of these diseases, it makes sense to be vaccinated in adolescence, starting at 12 years old. We look at the level of antibodies in adolescence, and if they are not, then we are vaccinated.

Should children be vaccinated against pneumococcus and Haemophilus influenzae?

If the child is healthy, then I also do not recommend vaccinating against pneumococcus and hemophilic infection. But I recommend vaccinating against pneumococcus for frequently ill children, adults, the elderly and children with complicated background conditions. As for hemophilic infection, in adulthood it does not have such a negative effect on the body as pneumococcus, from which, unfortunately, people die, for example, those receiving chemotherapy, limited in movement after a stroke or heart attack, injuries, etc. In many countries, this vaccine is mandatory for the elderly.

Yes, definitely. I cannot afford to leave children without vaccinations against these infections, because serious diseases that give a fairly large percentage of complications, a fairly high mortality and disability. I would especially focus on meningococcus, which is not even included in our national calendar, but it is from it that we most often lose children.

As you know, the situation with vaccines in our country has not been the easiest since last year, although now it seems to be improving. I recommend vaccines Tetraxim, or Pentaxim, or Infanrix Hexa. I have been working with them for a long time, about 10 years, and I see a good effect, minimal negative reactions from the body.

I repeat: the state of the body at the time of vaccination is the most important component of this process. You can take the best vaccine and put it in the most unfavorable period - and we will get complications. At the same time, if everything is fine in the body, then even a vaccine that is not the best will not give serious complications.

For example, DTP?

Yes, including. For 10 years, until 2004, I worked in a state clinic and vaccinated with the domestic DTP vaccine, because there was no other choice. And I think that if you approach the child carefully and carefully, then in general it does not give a huge number of complications. But if you miss something somewhere: do not take tests, do not look at the state of the body, miss the contact of the child with sick family members, then there is a risk that the child will tolerate the vaccine much worse. The main thing is still the state of the body, the vaccine is secondary.

I say this also because for many years we lived in conditions of a sufficient number of vaccines of good quality. There were a lot of them, now there are difficulties with them. But this does not mean that if diphtheria comes tomorrow, then we will wait for the French vaccine: no, if diphtheria comes, we will be vaccinated with what we have. Probably, it will be easier for me to vaccinate with the ADS vaccine, without the pertussis component. But what will be, we will be grafted on.

There is a Russian vaccine Meningo, A, it is used only during the rise of the disease. There is a French Meningo vaccine, A + C, it is well absorbed from a year and a half. Before a year and a half, it makes no sense to do it, because we will not get that good immune response that we want. There is a Menactra vaccine, it can be done from the age of 8 months, it is quite effective.

This year in Moscow and the Moscow region there is an unfavorable situation with regard to meningitis. The media is silent about this, although there are cases of the disease, including fatal ones.

Meningococcal infection is different in that a person (child or adult) can be a carrier, and at the same time he will not have any pain, or there will be a normal cough and runny nose (nasopharyngitis), caused just by meningococcus. In young children, meningococcemia can develop - this is a severe form of the disease that develops very quickly and can end quite unfavorably. Therefore, this is a rather serious disease. Of all the severe childhood infections, I most often encountered it in my medical life, so I fear it the most.

And if a child was vaccinated with Pentaxim, and then he disappeared, is it possible to be vaccinated with another vaccine?

Yes, they are all interchangeable.

What vaccination schedule should be after a break due to the lack of a foreign vaccine?

Look at the break. If two vaccinations were made on time with a difference of 1.5–2 months, then we calmly do the third, and then we do revaccination a year later. Thus, we did two vaccinations, got a certain level of immunity, the third one will strengthen us, and revaccination in a year will help us. If there was a very large gap between the first and second vaccination, then the second and third vaccinations are given and a revaccination is given a year later. That is, the effect of the delivered vaccinations is preserved.

To date, only the hepatitis B vaccine is lost: if the second vaccination was not done on time, after 4 months, then you need to start all over again.

What examinations should be carried out on the eve of vaccination?

I want to note that in our country there is a very good standard for monitoring children in the first year of life. It is much more complete than in other countries where there is no such thorough examination of children under one year old. Sometimes they even laugh at it, they say, why is it necessary. So, if this standard is observed, then in principle we have an idea of ​​the state of health of the child at the time of vaccination.

The most unfavorable combination is vaccination and inflammatory processes in the body. It basically gives the most frequent complications - as well as the immaturity of the nervous system. Therefore, before vaccination, fresh blood and urine tests should be on hand (they should be perfect), and on the day of vaccination, a careful examination by a pediatrician. And mother's attention to the child for 3-4 days on the eve of vaccination (parents know the child best, they need to pay attention to everything that deviates from the norm and report it to the pediatrician), as well as the absence of any dangerous contacts in the immediate environment.

But what if the tests before vaccination showed low hemoglobin?

If hemoglobin is below 100, then this is anemia that requires treatment, and then there is no talk of any vaccination.

If a child has an allergy, then we also do not vaccinate?

Allergies should be approached differently. In general, the child must be healthy before vaccination. This does not mean that if he has an allergy today, and tomorrow it has passed, then we will calmly vaccinate him. No. We must understand what this process is. It is very rare for young children to be truly allergic to something. We must understand where the problem is: in the digestive system (intestines, liver)? Or is it a food problem? First you need to deal with the condition and remove it, and then go for vaccination.

Does it make sense to do tests like the "Eli-Vaccine-test" before vaccination, or is this an over-insurance?

The "Eli-Vaccine Test" shows the readiness of the immune system to respond so that the vaccination is not wasted, and also shows the possible risks.

I will express my personal opinion. I have many children. I don't do the "Eli-Vaccine-test" for everyone, because I know these children well. At one time I did it for everything, but then I realized that basically it confirms my clinical observations. If your child is observed somehow or not observed at all, and you yourself cannot assess the condition of the child, then it is better to do a test. He has meaning.

There are different situations. For example, I do not like to vaccinate three-month-olds, but, for example, the family leaves for India. If that's the case, I can't let them go without a shot, so we do the Eli Vaccine Test. It happens that parents are very worried before vaccination, and then we do it for reinsurance, so that they feel calmer. Or it seems to me that the child is not yet ready: he still has an immature intestine, lactase deficiency, and some other manifestations of immaturity. Then we do this test, and I understand that at least there are no risks. The immune system may not be ready yet, but at least there are no risks. Risks are very serious, especially from the side of the nervous system, especially in the current situation of an increase in the incidence of autism.

By the way, about autism. Anti-vaccinators cite the thesis of the link between vaccinations and autism as one of the main arguments against vaccinations. Is such a relationship really possible?

We now live in an era of evidence-based medicine. Evidence-based studies in the US and Denmark have not shown a link between vaccines and autism. But, nevertheless, autism is an autoimmune inflammation that is associated with endogenous (internal) intoxication of the body. And we live in a world where we can get intoxicated anywhere - and vaccination is not the primary (but possible) source here.

It doesn't matter where heavy metals come from in the body - from a vaccine or from somewhere else. I now have a child with incomprehensible anemia. We passed the analysis for trace elements, and it turned out that he had a lot of gallium in his body. Where did he get this gallium from? The child has no objective reasons for anemia: he eats well, from a good family, hemoglobin level is very good up to a year - and suddenly his hemoglobin drops. After additional research, we understand that he is intoxicated with a certain element, a fairly heavy metal, which is not clear where it came from. Out of the water? From the air? It remains only to guess. This is some kind of feature of the body: at a given moment in time to accumulate this heavy metal, which gave such a complication. So this is a very difficult question.

In general, the topic of autism is a separate big topic, you can talk a lot about it. In our country, children with autism are equated with children with mental illness, with mental retardation. They are not treated as they should, they do not undergo the necessary social adaptation, which includes certain medical and biological components (clean the intestines, remove toxins from the body, select the appropriate replacement therapy). Children with autism are treated by psychiatrists in our country, as patients with schizophrenia. Parents should be aware of the manifestations of autism, because cases of the disease have increased many times over.

What about mercury in vaccines?

There is very little mercury in vaccines. In more modern and purer vaccines, it is even less. But the younger the child, the less the possibility of removing heavy metals from the body, and also for this reason I do not recommend vaccinating newborns.

Sometimes the period of vaccination in a child coincides with the new pregnancy of the mother. What to do in this case - to vaccinate or not to vaccinate?

If we vaccinate non-live, inactivated vaccines, then they pose absolutely no danger to a pregnant woman. The question is only about live vaccines - in this case it is better to postpone them.

If a healthy child was born to parents who love to travel, what would you recommend to them - to go with a one-year-old baby, for example, to Thailand, or is it a crazy idea, and is it better to stay at home?

Southeast Asia is extreme. I would advise against going there. If you travel, then it is better to Europe, which, at least until the last influx of migrants, was as epidemiologically safe in terms of diphtheria and poliomyelitis as Russia. What will happen next is still unclear. But now - why not? Go. There is no diphtheria, no poliomyelitis. And in India there is polio, and diphtheria, and meningococcus, so it is better to refrain from traveling to this country. But staying at home is not necessary.

For a child up to a year, breastfeeding is very desirable, since it forms a serious defense of the body. In addition, children under one year old who go traveling with their mother in their arms, face to face, endure this much easier than one and a half or two year old children who have already separated from their mother and try to drag everything into their mouths, who no longer have such protection.

Should I get a flu shot before the cold season?

There are risk groups, for example, the elderly, they should be vaccinated. People who fly a lot on business trips and who have little time for illness are vaccinated. A healthy person who has the opportunity to get sick normally tolerates the flu. I would categorically not recommend vaccinating pregnant women - it is better to vaccinate the environment. Just like with a small child. As a preventive measure, you can use Nasaval plus, carefully following the instructions. A fabric mask, alas, does not help, on the contrary, it contributes to the accumulation and reproduction of microbes. And, of course, be sure to wash your hands after visiting public places.

Interviewed by Anastasia Hramuticheva

They remain the topic of fierce controversy between parents and pediatricians. There are many pros and cons of vaccinations, and in order to understand whether your child needs vaccination, you should look at the situation from different angles.

To begin with, let's try to figure out what a vaccine is, how it works. In a normal situation, when a microbe enters the body, it is attacked by the immune system, which perceives it as a foreign body, and therefore begins to produce antibodies corresponding to these antigens. It is due to this that the body begins to fight the disease. When vaccinated, weakened or dead antigens are artificially introduced into the body that could cause a disease - this avoids the disease itself, but causes the immune system to start producing antibodies.

Considering all the pros and cons of vaccinations, experts always note that the risk of developing symptoms of a particular disease is always present. However, a child is much less likely to get sick while vaccinated than if they were not vaccinated at all.

Vaccination advocates argue that regular vaccinations make it possible to protect not only a particular child, but also his immediate environment, including other children at school, kindergarten, etc. It is also important that it is mass vaccinations that help prevent epidemics. It is thanks to vaccinations that humanity has managed to defeat many dangerous and even that have threatened entire nations for centuries (among them diphtheria, measles, smallpox, polio and others). Many experts argue that the benefits of vaccination far outweigh any possible risks.

However, speaking about all the "pros" and "cons" of vaccinations, it would be impermissible not to look at the other side of the coin. So, what could be the reasons for your child?

First, many vaccinations can cause complications. For example, often three-month-old babies are very difficult to tolerate. They may have a fever (up to 40 degrees), swelling is observed. In this case, parents have to call a doctor.

Many vaccines, including the most common chickenpox vaccine, can cause allergic reactions. At a tender childhood, they are especially dangerous, and therefore even those parents who are supporters of vaccination should definitely consult with a pediatrician who observes the baby.

Discussing the pros and cons of vaccinations, it is worth noting another important nuance. It lies in the fact that in our country children are given too many vaccinations. In fact, the body is often exposed to a variety of viruses (albeit weakened ones). And this is what can cause unforeseen reactions of the body. In European countries, this was decided in a different way: children are given only basic vaccinations, and the rest - as needed (for example, in the event of an epidemic threat).

So is it worth it to do "For" and "against" in this regard can be very different. However, the wisest decision is to listen to the advice of two specialists: a pediatrician who constantly monitors the child, as well as an immunologist (he will be able to advise on when it is best to vaccinate).

Parents often wonder whether their child should be vaccinated, or whether it is better to refuse vaccination. Vaccinations act against dangerous diseases, which in some cases end in disability. Vaccination is carried out to develop immunity to a specific disease. It is important to properly assess how high the risk of not getting an injection is, and to understand that adverse reactions from vaccination may be less harmful than the consequences of the disease itself.

In addition, it is very problematic to send a baby to a preschool institution without a certificate of vaccinations. By the time of admission to kindergarten, it is desirable to have all the required vaccinations.

Why is vaccination carried out, is it mandatory?

Immunity protects the body from pathological microbes and viruses coming from outside. Distinguish between innate and acquired (adaptive) immunity:

  • Congenital is formed in the embryonic state and is hereditary. It is responsible for the immunity of the child's body to a specific type of virus.
  • Adaptive immunity develops as a child develops throughout life. The immune system is rebuilt, adapts to new viruses and protects a person from them.

The immune system recognizes the virus that has entered the body, and antibodies are produced that multiply intensively and absorb the viral cell, killing it. After such a struggle, several antibodies remain in the body. These are “memory cells” that instantly multiply and become active in the event of a repeated entry of the virus into the blood. Thanks to the "memory cells" the child does not get sick a second time, he has already developed adaptive immunity. Vaccination is aimed at the formation of acquired immunity in humans.

There are live (weakened virus is injected) and inactivated (dead virus is injected) vaccines. After both procedures, the mechanism for the development of "memory cells" is launched, which in the future protect the baby from the disease. When using inactivated vaccines, complications are excluded, because. the child is injected with a dead virus. After live vaccines, the baby may develop a mild form of the disease, which will avoid a severe course of the disease in the future.

In Soviet times, childhood vaccination was mandatory, and the choice was not so acute. Now vaccinations for babies are done with the written consent of the parents, and they have the right to refuse the procedure. At the same time, parents take responsibility for the risks associated with the likelihood of infection of the baby - the child will not have adaptive immunity to the virus.

List of vaccinations for children of different ages

There is a vaccination calendar according to which children are vaccinated (for more details, see the article:). However, strict adherence to all deadlines is not always possible. After a child has had a cold, a certain amount of time must pass before the pediatrician allows the vaccine to be given. In this regard, the dates indicated in the calendar may vary. However, if the plan is to revaccinate (re-vaccination to consolidate the acquired immunity), then you should not delay the timing.

When revaccinating, it is important to clearly observe the time between vaccinations, otherwise these procedures may be useless.

AgeName of vaccinationSerial number of vaccination
1 dayHepatitis B1
3-7 dayBCG (against tuberculosis)1
1 monthHepatitis B2
3 monthsDPT (whooping cough, diphtheria, tetanus)/ polio/ pneumococcal infection1/ 1/ 1
4 monthsDPT (whooping cough, diphtheria, tetanus) / polio / pneumococcal infection / hemophilia (children at risk) (we recommend reading:)2/ 2/ 2/ 1
6 monthsDTP (whooping cough, diphtheria, tetanus) / polio / hepatitis B / hemophilia (children at risk) (we recommend reading:)3/ 3/ 3/ 2
12 monthsMeasles, rubella, mumps1
6 yearsMeasles, rubella, parotitis (more in the article:)2
7 yearsMantu (see also:)2

A special place is occupied by the annual flu vaccination, which can be given to children older than 6 months. In the midst of an epidemic, the risk of catching the virus is very high, especially among children attending kindergarten and school. Influenza can give complications to the internal organs and the musculoskeletal system. In general, seasonal influenza vaccination is voluntary, but highly recommended. This vaccination must be done in advance. In the midst of an epidemic, it no longer makes sense to get vaccinated. When do doctors recommend influenza vaccination? It is optimal to administer the vaccine 3-4 weeks before the start of the epidemic.

Children attending kindergartens and schools are recommended to have an annual flu vaccination.

Another topical question - is it possible to vaccinate a child with minor symptoms of a cold? No, it is important to vaccinate only a fully grown baby after a thorough examination by a pediatrician.

Typical vaccine reactions

After vaccination, certain reactions may occur, which are acceptable: redness and swelling of the injection site, fever, headache, general malaise, capriciousness. These symptoms disappear within 2 days. The most severe side effects are noted after DTP vaccination: the temperature can rise to 39ºС and last up to 3 days. The baby should be given antipyretics (Nurofen, Kalpol, Cefekon suppositories) and provide him with peace.

What drugs can be given for redness and itching? Antihistamine drops Zirtek, Fenistil, Suprastin will help best of all.

Arguments for vaccination

Vaccinations protect children from many diseases for which there are no preventive drugs. Vaccination is the only possible way to prevent infection of the baby with whooping cough, tetanus, polio, tuberculosis.

According to experts, vaccination does not provide one hundred percent protection against the disease, but significantly reduces the risk of infection. A vaccinated child, if ill, will endure the disease much more easily, without dangerous complications.

Some vaccinations provide active protection in the first years after the introduction of the vaccine, and then their effect decreases. For example, adaptive immunity against whooping cough disappears as the child grows. However, it is dangerous to get sick with whooping cough up to 4 years. At this age, the disease threatens the baby with rupture of blood vessels and severe pneumonia. Only a vaccination made according to the plan (at 3, 4 and 6 months) will protect the child from a terrible infection.

Arguments in favor of vaccination:

  • formation of adaptive (acquired) immunity against pathogens of dangerous and fatal diseases;
  • mass vaccinations can suppress outbreaks of viral infections and prevent the development of epidemics of measles, rubella, mumps, poliomyelitis, tuberculosis, hepatitis B and many other diseases that can result in a child's disability;
  • an unvaccinated child is placed with unspoken "barriers" when entering a kindergarten, a trip to a country summer camp - registering a baby in any institution, including school, requires a certificate of vaccination and an immunization card;
  • vaccinations for children up to a year and older are done under the supervision of medical personnel who are responsible for this.

It is also important to vaccinate a completely healthy person. After suffering ARVI, an interval of 2 weeks should be maintained and the baby should be properly prepared for the introduction of the vaccine. It is necessary to carry out revaccination (re-immunization) in strictly established terms. These simple rules will allow you to achieve the maximum effect with a minimum of side effects.

Before vaccination, you must make sure that the child is completely healthy.

Arguments against"

Many parents believe that newborn babies do not need to be vaccinated, because they already have innate immunity, and chemical vaccine preparations will destroy it. However, the action of preventive vaccinations is aimed at the development and strengthening of adaptive immunity, and they do not affect innate immunity in any way. Therefore, understanding the principle of the immune system, we can safely refute this argument.

Opponents of vaccination cite side effects and possible complications. In some cases, newborns develop redness and suppuration at the injection site, allergic reactions, fever - this is the body's response to the introduced strains of viruses, which is an acceptable norm. Serious complications occur extremely rarely and are caused by a violation of the vaccination technique, poor quality of the medicine, and violation of its storage conditions.

The greatest danger is complications due to individual intolerance to the drug. It is almost impossible to predict such complications.

Why is it impossible to give prophylactic injections for serious diseases? Parents give a lot of arguments in favor of refusal:

  • the efficacy of vaccines has not been fully proven;
  • newborns do not undergo a complete medical examination;
  • the immune response in a newborn is very weak (especially in the first week, when 2 main vaccinations are given - BCG and hepatitis), so vaccination does not give the desired effect and will only bring harm;
  • diseases are easily tolerated in childhood and do not have serious consequences (rubella, measles) - this opinion of parents is erroneous;
  • the percentage of complications after vaccination is high, there is no individual approach to each baby;
  • inadequate quality of vaccines, unknown manufacturers, irresponsible approach of medical personnel to the storage of drugs.

The opinion of Dr. Komarovsky

Do I need to vaccinate my children? The well-known doctor Komarovsky answers this question in great detail. In his opinion, after any vaccination there is a small chance of getting sick. However, the outcome of the disease will not be so deplorable, and the baby will suffer the disease in a mild form. The main thing is to follow a certain schedule, which can be drawn up individually, taking into account the characteristics of the child's body.

The famous pediatrician E. O. Komarovsky is of the opinion that vaccination is a highly effective way to protect children from dangerous infectious diseases

In order for the immune system to respond correctly to the vaccine and be able to produce the right amount of antibodies, the baby must be completely healthy. What points should parents take into account? Komarovsky gives some useful advice:

  • do not experiment with new foods, do not introduce complementary foods a few days before vaccination;
  • the day before vaccination, keep the child on a diet so as not to overload the digestive tract;
  • do not eat food one hour before and one hour after vaccination;
  • ensure the correct drinking regime in the amount of 1-1.5 liters of water per day in order to flush toxins from the body from the vaccine;
  • after vaccination, you can not visit crowded places, do not be in the scorching sun and beware of drafts.

Possible consequences of not vaccinating

Refusal of vaccinations threatens with possible serious diseases throughout life. The child will be in contact with other children, attend children's institutions and mass events, and if a carrier of the disease is present nearby, he will certainly become infected himself. The consequences of diseases, which can be protected from only with the help of professional vaccinations, are extremely severe, up to death. An unvaccinated baby, in case of illness, will be a spreader of the disease and infect other members of his family. However, parents have the right to refuse vaccinations by signing the relevant documents in advance.

It was more than 20 years ago, but I still remember that this girl's name was Sveta and that she was 9 years old. I worked as a doctor in pediatric intensive care. Light was brought at 19 o'clock. She had Lyell's syndrome.
What is Lyell's syndrome? This is one of the options for skin allergies, which can provoke a wide variety of drugs. Why this happens, no one knows. Nobody knows how to predict this. Nobody knows how to prevent this.
There is probably no more terrible manifestation of drug allergy than Lyell's syndrome. A few hours after taking the medicine, the body temperature rises sharply, then the whole skin turns red and huge blisters begin to appear on it, as with a second-degree burn ... The blisters burst, the skin literally peels off a living person. The same thing happens with the mucous membranes ...
Without treatment, everyone dies. In the best clinics in the world, the mortality rate is 25-50%.
The girl Sveta had a runny nose, a temperature of 37.5 and a sore throat. They called the district pediatrician - not because the child is ill, but because a certificate to school will be needed. The pediatrician prescribed naphthyzinum in the nose, mukaltin for coughing and biseptol. Naphthyzin was dripped in, mukaltin was swallowed (it was in the home first aid kit), just then dad came home from work, and he was sent to the pharmacy for biseptol.
Biseptol tablet was eaten at 17.30, after 20 minutes the skin turned red sharply, an ambulance was immediately called; By the time we entered our intensive care unit, blisters had already appeared ...
Girl Sveta, 9 years old, died two days later. She was buried in a closed coffin...
Two episodes remained in my memory - they were imprinted like a photograph somewhere in the subconscious, but I see and remember as if it were yesterday:
- Svetochkin’s dad is a hefty man who stands in the corridor near the intensive care unit, he already knows that there are practically no chances, he doesn’t understand what I’m telling him, he just repeats the same phrase every minute: “if something happens, she don’t live either ”- and all of us who are nearby know that he means the local pediatrician;
- and then a clinical and anatomical conference - this is an event that is held in any clinical hospital: each death case is analyzed in detail with the participation of a pathologist and everyone who was related to diagnosis and treatment ... In the far and dark corner of the conference room, an inconspicuous woman sits in The little gray blouse is Svetochkin, a local pediatrician, she is no more than 30, but she seems like a small, unhappy old woman. And everyone present is trying not to notice her, we are all very uncomfortable, because we are lucky, but this woman is not!
Tens of thousands of doctors prescribe Biseptol. Millions of people swallow Biseptol. And then trouble happens to one person and one doctor.
Why this happens, no one knows.

But a person either dies or becomes disabled, and the doctor is tormented for the rest of his life and thinks that if he had not prescribed anything, or if he had prescribed something else, then how wonderful everything would be ...

Every time a doctor prescribes ANY drug, there is an element of risk involved. Risk for the patient and risk for the doctor. The more patients you have, the more severe these patients are, the more drugs you use, the higher the likelihood that someone will come to kill you, take revenge on you, sue you ...
Doctors resigned themselves to this ever-present risk. If every time I prescribe an antibiotic, I will think about how it could end, I will just go crazy ... This is the cross of the profession, there is nowhere to go from this.
I repeat once again: the doctor's sense of risk is in the subconscious. You can't put up with it - you can't be a doctor. The patient is unaware of the risk. Moreover, in most cases, he does not want to know anything. The patient wants the golden pill...
After the terrible and irreparable happens, the main slogan of the accusers sounds like this: why didn’t they tell us anything? Why did you doctors hide the truth from us?! Why didn't they explain that the use of this syrup, this pill, this vaccine can be dangerous?!
We want to know! Truth! We must be informed, we must decide for ourselves whether we risk the health of our children or not!

Do you really want to know?
Well, I'm not going to tell you about vaccinations now. I will tell you about a medicine that is available in almost every home where there is a small child.
Let's talk about paracetamol.
Paracetamol is a drug with antipyretic and analgesic effects, a medicine that is unique in its safety. The proof of this is that in almost all countries it belongs to over-the-counter drugs, it is freely sold in pharmacies.
Almost all major pharmaceutical companies produce paracetamol. Panadol, efferalgan, kalpol, dolomol, meksalen, tylenol are all paracetamol.
Do you have panadol syrup at home? Do you have efferalgan suppositories? So, you have a very effective and very safe antipyretic at home.
Now I'm telling you what can happen after taking paracetamol.
So, after taking paracetamol, Lyell's syndrome, as well as Stevens-Johnson syndrome, may occur. Stevens-Johnson syndrome is similar to Lyell's syndrome, only not all skin is affected, but 20-30 percent, so there are much more chances to survive. Skin lesions after taking paracetamol are very diverse: sometimes severe itching occurs without any external manifestations, but more often itching is combined with a rash, with reddening of the skin, with its swelling, often skin lesions are combined with lesions of the mucous membranes of the oral cavity, respiratory tract , eye.
The central nervous system can react to taking paracetamol with dizziness, disorientation in space, obsessive movements, behavioral and mental disorders are quite possible.
After taking paracetamol, blood sugar levels may drop sharply, and even hypoglycemic coma may develop.
The hematopoietic system can also respond to taking paracetamol. Anemia and hemolytic anemia are possible, i.e. anemia due to hemolysis (destruction, dissolution) of red blood cells. Under the influence of paracetamol, hemoglobin can change its properties and turn into methemoglobin - hemoglobin, in which iron is not divalent, but trivalent - as a result, hemoglobin cannot perform its main functions - quickly combine and quickly part with oxygen and carbon dioxide. The accumulation of methemoglobin leads to respiratory failure (shortness of breath, cyanosis of the skin, pain in the heart). Paracetamol affects not only erythrocytes, but also other blood cells. It is possible to reduce the level of platelets with the appearance of blood clotting disorders, the number of leukocytes may decrease and acute immunodeficiency may occur, sometimes the bone marrow completely stops producing granulocytes (neutrophils, eosinophils) ...
The kidneys, in turn, can react to paracetamol with the development of inflammatory processes, in particular glomerulonephritis, sometimes necrosis (necrosis) of certain anatomical structures of the kidneys (capillaries, papillae, kidney tissue itself) occurs, the kidney ceases to perform its functions, renal failure occurs ...
The impact of paracetamol on the digestive system is sometimes manifested by nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, a wide variety of liver damage is possible, up to its necrosis.
Please note: all of the above may occur in any person when using paracetamol in ordinary therapeutic dose.
Why this happens, no one knows for sure.
Nobody knows how to predict this.
Nobody knows how to prevent this.

Now, when you stick an efferalgan candle in a baby's butt, or offer him sweet Panadol, or personally swallow a Tylenol tablet, you are informed: there is a possibility that this candle, this syrup, or this pill may be the last candle, the last spoonful of syrup, or the last tablet in your life or your child's life. This probability is negligible - 1 in 10 million, but you really wanted to know about it.
Now you know!
Will you no longer use paracetamol?

Every time a doctor prescribes a medicine, every time you take a medicine personally or give it to your child, you are at risk. But by not taking and not giving, you are also at risk.
The art of treatment is that the treatment should not be more dangerous than the disease!!!
Scarlet fever. Without an antibiotic, the risk of rheumatism or glomerulonephritis is almost 50%. The risk of serious consequences of antibiotic therapy is 1%. Have you chosen?
Viral runny nose. With the right help (regime, diet, drinking), no medications are needed and the risk is zero. He has medicines. Have you chosen?
The risk of dying from a vaccine is 1 in 1,000,000.
The risk of dying from measles is 1 in 1000. True, there is still a risk of contracting measles, but it is not very high, because there are “a bunch of parents fooled by the medical mafia” who did not know the truth and still got measles vaccinations for their children.
And thanks to them, these fools, we can now afford to vehemently defend the rights, take care of the health of the nation, teach doctors how they should tell the truth, and not vaccinate their children. We are smart! We are anti-vaxxers!
And what is especially interesting: if 95% of supposedly fools choose to be vaccinated, then 5% of the “very smart” may not be vaccinated, because if 95% are vaccinated, then the measles virus will not be able to circulate in principle.

If the road is broken, the most primitive way to prevent accidents on this road is to put up a barrier.
This is essentially what anti-vaccination activists are demanding.
But there is no bypass! Therefore, we still need to put the road in order!

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