Creation of an accessible living environment for disabled people. Requirements. Documentation. Distance course of advanced training. Training of experts on accessibility for people with disabilities

Refresher courses “Creating an accessible living environment for disabled people. Requirements. Documentation"

Enterprise management (management), open

About the program:

Since 2016, in accordance with federal law No. 419-FZ, all organizations providing services to the population are required to ensure the availability of facilities and services to citizens with limited mobility. In order to carry out mandatory activities, prepare internal documents of the organization and improve the qualifications of an accessibility specialist, we invite you and your employees to take part in the course.

You will receive answers to questions:

  • How to fill out the object accessibility passport correctly?
  • How to provide services to people with disabilities in facilities that cannot be fully adapted to their needs?
  • What documents need to be drawn up on the phased bringing of objects and services to the requirements of accessibility?
  • What are the features of the commissioning of facilities after July 1, 2016?
  • How to conduct training, instructing employees of the organization?
  • Checklist for object preparation, etc.


    Upon completion of training, a certificate of advanced training is issued (40 hours). The lectures are accompanied by templates of mandatory internal documents, methodological materials and a selection of current regulations.

    Why choose our course:

  • The course covers successful case studies from other organizations
  • You get ready-made document templates and a complete selection of legal acts
  • Lecture material can be downloaded and studied at a convenient time
  • You can get expert advice on your situation

    Osinovskaya Vera Borisovna - an expert in the field of organizing an accessible environment, deputy head of the department for adapting urban infrastructure of the State Institution "Directorate for ensuring the activities of organizations for social protection of the population of Moscow", a member of the team of authors for processing SP59.13330 and amending SP136.13330 and SP137 .13330.

    Order of study

    The training takes place remotely and consists of lectures in PDF format. Lectures are sent to the email address specified in the application. Each lecture is accompanied by questions for self-examination, the answers to which listeners receive with the next lecture. At the end of the course, a mandatory final test is conducted. Without successfully passing the test, obtaining a document on education is impossible.

    During the training, students have the opportunity to ask the expert questions on lecture materials and situations from their practice.

    The application form for training that you send us is both an application and a letter of guarantee. It is only necessary to put on it the signature of the responsible person and the seal of the organization. By sending such an application, you will be able to complete the training even before paying for the course. The course of lectures will be sent according to the schedule indicated in the form.

    We offer you a unique opportunity to gain knowledge in the course you are interested in without urgent prepayment.

    Learn now - pay later!


    In accordance with the requirements of Federal Law No. 273-FZ of December 29, 2012 "On Education in the Russian Federation" for enrollment in advanced training courses NECESSARILY the presence of secondary vocational or higher education, confirmed by the appropriate diploma.

    Duration: 15 days | 40 hours

    Event dates:(not specified)

    Price: 14160 rub. (per person)

  • The Russian Federation has a law on the social protection of people with disabilities. It spells out the measures that are important to follow in order to obtain the necessary infrastructure that allows the use of facilities by persons with disabilities. The law lists the persons responsible for resolving such issues. In order to properly comply with this law, it is necessary to undergo training, pass a qualifying examination and obtain an expert certificate.

    How to become a Certified Professional

    At the Center “A World Accessible to All”, you can obtain the necessary certificates at the courses “Activities of enterprises in adapting services and facilities to the capabilities of people with disabilities”. They are held according to a specially developed program, which takes into account all the requirements and European standards, in full-time and part-time (including remote) form.

    The course program allows you to get the necessary information on the following issues:

    • Requirements set out in the documents of regulatory organizations for assistance to persons with disabilities. Courses on the accessibility of the environment for the disabled allow you to learn about what measures can be taken to help this segment of the population.
    • Providing opportunities for improving the infrastructure of the facility at the stage of its construction. The erection of the necessary structures should be carried out taking into account the future use of the facility by persons with disabilities. All course participants will receive the necessary regulatory documentation and illustrative examples of the implementation of the conditions described in it.
    • Appropriate organizations need to be involved to ensure an accessible environment. You can learn how to do this in these educational courses.
    • Organization of conditions and infrastructure for everyday problems of persons with disabilities. A list of signs of an accessible environment for the disabled is given. They must be used to indicate to the persons to whom they are intended, about where and how it is best for them to use this object.
    • How to maintain reporting documents and create availability passports. These courses provide practical exercises on how to improve the facility for the above needs.

    We are accustomed to the fact that an accessible environment for the disabled is created in hospitals, state and municipal facilities. But you need to understand that such conditions must be created at all facilities used by people with disabilities - from the entrance of residential buildings to cultural buildings and entertainment centers. Refresher courses will help you obtain the necessary documents indicating your qualifications in this field.

    This continuing education course is for you if you: Heads of legislative and executive power in the field of social protection of the population, education, health care, culture, physical culture and sports, labor and employment of the population, public organizations of the disabled, commissioners for human rights

    The program of the advanced training course “Creating an accessible living environment for the disabled. requirements. formation conditions"

    1. Legal regulation of providing an accessible environment for the life of disabled people in the light of the provisions of international and Russian legislation.

    2. The main legal documents that determine the priorities of social policy in relation to the disabled. Analysis of existing legal and methodological documents.

    3. An integrated approach to the formation of an accessible living environment.
    ? Identification of priority facilities and services in the areas of life of the disabled.
    ? Formation of conditions for unhindered access to priority social infrastructure facilities and services in priority areas of life of the disabled (health, culture, transport, information and communications, education, social protection, employment, physical culture and sports, housing stock).

    4. Program "Accessible living environment for the disabled in St. Petersburg".

    5. Monitoring the accessibility of social infrastructure facilities and services in priority areas of life for people with disabilities and other people with limited mobility.
    ? Organization of certification and adaptation of objects.
    ? The system of documents and the procedure for their formation.
    ? The concept of AIS and Maps of the availability of objects and services.
    ? Organization of monitoring the availability of newly commissioned and existing social infrastructure facilities.

    6. Use of modern information technologies in the work on the formation of an accessible environment.

    7. Increasing the level of accessibility of IPOs and services for people with disabilities. Primary requirements.
    ? Recommendations for the design of the environment, buildings and structures for various purposes (residential, public, social, transport, sports).
    ? Requirements for the arrangement of living quarters for a disabled person with various restrictions.
    ? Requirements for the organization of jobs for a disabled person with various disabilities.
    ? Availability of education and employment of disabled people. Requirements for the organization of educational and working places for a disabled person with various disabilities.
    ? Use of modern information technologies.
    ? Accessibility of cultural services for the disabled. Accessible tourism.

    8. Issues of training and advanced training of specialists in the field of rehabilitation and the creation of an accessible living environment for the disabled.

    9. The procedure for organizing the activities of executive authorities in the field of creating an accessible environment for the disabled.
    ? Organization of interdepartmental interaction.
    ? Control and administrative responsibility in the field of creating an accessible environment.
    ? Administrative law-concept, types of legal liability.
    ? Initiation of a case on administrative liability for evasion of execution.
    ? The procedure for initiating an administrative case on offenses. Workshops.

    10. The role and participation of public organizations in the social integration of disabled people, in the work to create an accessible living environment for disabled people.

    11. Domestic and foreign experience in the formation of an accessible environment for the life of disabled people.

    12. Practical exercises. Surveys of social facilities (to determine accessibility and adaptation for people with disabilities). Drawing up a questionnaire (passport) of the object being examined.
    An example of a practical solution and registration of the results of the survey and decisions on the adaptation of the object.

    Refresher course “Creating an accessible living environment for disabled people. requirements. conditions of formation” in St. Petersburg

    Apply to reserve your spot. Submitting an application does not impose any obligation on you to attend this event.
    After receiving the application, we will contact you within one working day and provide all the necessary information about the event. Payment for tuition is made only after agreeing on all issues.

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