What does it mean if you sleep on your stomach. The best positions for sleeping at the end of the term. What does psychology say

Each person uses different positions for sleeping, changing them repeatedly during the night. This is the most favorable sleep, when the position of the body constantly becomes different, there is no stagnation of fluids in the tissues.

But there are lovers to sleep only in a certain position. And if sleeping on your back or side does not cause negative reactions on the part of physicians, the position on the stomach is considered uncomfortable for the body. In young people, this usually leaves no consequences, but such a rest for many years can be harmful to health and cause dangerous complications.

Quite a lot of children, teenagers, and adults like to sleep in a pose on their stomach. Some prefer to rest without a pillow or put it under the stomach, limbs, hug it. There are cases of bending the legs, arms to the chest.

The head is uncomfortably turned to the side to allow breathing, which can cause the neck to become swollen and sore. Often this position is preferred by people suffering from bouts of snoring at night, the nature of which leads to sleep apnea. With this position of the body, omission does not occur. soft palate and breathing passes without noise, which helps to sleep.

Pose Benefits

Finding out whether it is possible to sleep on your stomach, you should note the cases when this is necessary. In newborns, this pose relieves colic well, the gaziki go better. You can’t just lay the baby in this position without supervision, especially if he is already six months old and can spin on his own. The pillow in this case should be removed.

It's important to know! Facilitates sleep on the stomach discomfort in girls, women during menstruation. In this position of the body, the uterine cavity is cleared faster, its walls are reduced, it is easier to fall asleep. At renal colic, poor urine output, this posture helps a better outflow, the release of the body from toxins.

Negative points

If there are no contraindications, then doctors do not prohibit sleeping on the stomach, but do not call it correct. This position of the body is unnatural for almost all organs.

Their functioning becomes difficult, stagnation occurs, various pathological processes. In this position, the joints of the knees, elbows, and feet can turn out incorrectly.

Deterioration of appearance in women

The presence of the face on the pillow causes circulatory disorders in subcutaneous layers. This leads to pastosity, edema. Squeezing, stretching the dermis reduces skin turgor, it becomes less elastic.

As a result of this, the creases that appear in a dream are not smoothed out, wrinkles appear faster. The same changes occur in the tissues of the breast, it loses its shape, becomes covered with small folds, sags.

bad dreams

People who sleep on their stomachs very often suffer from various sleep disorders, see disturbing dreams, nightmares. This is caused by oxygen starvation of the brain.

In this position, the person's head is forced to turn in right side or to the left. This causes squeezing of the carotid artery, as a result, less blood enters the vessels of the head. The result of this is a state of weakness, poor rest, decreased efficiency and concentration.

Effect on internal organs

Gastroenterologists explain why it is harmful to sleep on your stomach on a full stomach, otherwise bile reflux may occur, which leads to very unpleasant sensations, provokes the development of gastritis, ulcers.

squeezing chest interferes with full lung function. Part of the exhaust air remains inside, oxygen-enriched air is not supplied enough. This leads to hypoxia of the organs, nightmares may occur, and other health problems may arise.

Problems with the spine

The answer to the question why you can’t sleep on your stomach can be the following fact: the spine is located in an anatomically wrong position. The least that appears after being in such a position is morning stiffness, backache. Further, protrusions, disc herniations may develop.

This posture increases the load on the lower back, the paravertebral muscles are forced to shorten. In the region of the neck and shoulders, movement is limited, stiffness, squeezing of blood vessels and nerve endings, which can lead to irreparable consequences.

Exacerbation of diseases

The exacerbation of various chronic diseases is the reason why it is harmful to sleep on your stomach. The presence of a history of heart pathologies during such a dream causes additional load tachycardia, arrhythmias, arterial pressure rises.

Stagnation occurs in the pelvic organs. In men, prostatitis can worsen, worsening the outflow of urine, will have negative impact on potency, libido. For women, this position also causes trouble, which is manifested by adnexitis, inflammation Bladder, decreased sex drive. Religion islam taking care of sexual health, prohibits its adherents from sleeping in a pose on the stomach.

Breast cancer: degree of risk

With a long stay lying on the stomach, there is a constant squeezing, stretching of the woman's breasts. soft tissues, glands are under increased stress.

This leads to congestion, mastitis may occur, a cyst may form. When genetic predisposition such a posture is able to provoke tumor growth.

Sleeping on your stomach during pregnancy and after childbirth

Since the onset of pregnancy, the question is often asked: is it harmful to sleep on the stomach for a woman in position. Doctors see no particular contraindications for early dates, in the first trimester. The embryo is reliably protected by muscles and goes beyond the contours of the small pelvis only after 12 weeks. Most often, discomfort at this time delivers the chest. It increases, becomes sensitive, painful, pressing it against the mattress causes discomfort.

Unpleasant sensations can occur due to the deviation of the uterus forward, which is caused by softening of the cervix. This is one of the signs, the presence of which means the onset of pregnancy. For more later dates it becomes difficult to lie on the stomach, the fetus is already too large not to feel it. Despite the amniotic fluid, membranes, this position puts pressure on the fetus in the womb in the second trimester, which can be detrimental.

Advice! But after childbirth, in the absence of contraindications, sleeping on the stomach is useful, the uterus is cleansed faster, contractility improves the characteristics of its walls.

Thus, you can tighten the press, during this period you can not do physical exercises, such a resting position is the only possible training. Previously squashed internal organs begin to take their former places, intestinal motility improves and the problem of many young mothers - constipation - easily disappears, the process of losing weight is activated.

But some women in labor complain: “I can’t sleep on my stomach.” The sensation occurs at the beginning of lactation, milk comes strongly and interferes with a comfortable rest. Through certain time with the normalization of the feeding regime, the condition stabilizes.

  • bending of the uterus;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • overweight;
  • soreness of the lower abdomen after childbirth;
  • spine problems.

Contrary to popular belief that after delivery by means of abdominal surgery caesarean section the position for resting on the stomach is unacceptable, doctors see it as a benefit. The fear that the seam may open, bleeding will occur, is groundless. If you have not previously had the habit of sleeping like this, you should lie down for at least 2 hours a day for better contraction of the uterus and abdominal muscles.

Baby rest belly down

Doctors and parents have noticed that the baby sleeps better in a back-up position. It would seem that this gives an unequivocal answer to the question of whether it is good for a baby to sleep on his stomach. But there is also sad statistics: a considerable percentage of sudden infant mortality has been revealed, when a child under one year old dies in his sleep without visible reasons and diseases. These data fall just on the share of children sleeping belly down.

Therefore, it is still better for a child of the first year of life to rest only on their back or side. If parents allow a different position, Dr. Komarovsky recommends adhering to the following rules:

Failure to comply with at least one of these points poses a threat to the life of the baby. Children of the first three months from birth they do not make attempts to free the nasal passages, a crust that appears in the nose even from dryness of the mucous membrane can lead to fatal consequences.

It's important to know! It is impossible to allow the baby to turn over on the tummy in a dream with various colds, stuffy nose.

Breaking the habit of sleeping on your stomach

Given the various Negative consequences, which sleep on the stomach can contribute to, you should try to get rid of such a habit. Sometimes there are situations that this dream categorically contraindicated or impossible. Therefore, it is better to worry about changing the resting posture in advance.

It can be various diseases and not only. Upcoming endoprosthetic surgery hip joint suggests the inability to sleep on the stomach for at least 6-12 months. This is due to the limitation of its rotation, which is necessary for tissue healing. After laparoscopy, it is allowed to rest with your back up no earlier than after 10-12 days.

You need to try to wean yourself from the habit of sleeping on your stomach. The most effective method is when a roller is sewn to the pajamas on the chest, which causes significant inconvenience when turning the back up and forces the person to take a different position. It is not recommended to take different sleeping pills, they make sleep deeper, reduce control over the sleeping posture. Getting used to a new position takes at least a few weeks.

Choosing the right sleeping position

Each sleeping position has its positive and negative properties. They should be taken into account if various pathologies in the body. Here is some of them:

  1. Sleeping on the back, especially with raised legs, is the most favorable for the spine, wrinkles and swelling of the face appear less, but it increases snoring, a person may suffocate.
  2. Rest on the left side reduces the manifestations of heartburn, does not feel so sick, helps to lose weight, but nightmares are much more common in this position.
  3. The "embryo" pose improves breathing and flexibility of the spine, but adversely affects its cervical region.
  4. The right side is convenient for normalization blood pressure, reduces the likelihood of Alzheimer's disease, but is strongly discouraged in the third trimester of pregnancy due to the threat of problems in the fetus.

By accustoming yourself to sleep in a certain position, you can avoid the occurrence of feeling unwell, headaches, swelling of the face, premature aging. Existing pathological processes are easier to treat with the correct position of the body during rest. Prevention of exacerbations of diseases optimal conditions for sleep is a completely doable task.

About a third of our lives each of us spends in a dream. During sleep, our body rests, recovers, gains strength for the future period of wakefulness - without proper rest, it will not be able to function at 100%.

However, it has long been noticed that the state of human health is influenced not only by the duration and regularity of sleep, but also by the position in which we sleep. Some people like to sleep on their side, some like to sleep on their back, and some like to sleep on their stomach. Most doctors argue that sleeping on your stomach can harm a person's health. In this article, we will try to figure it out together: why you can’t sleep on your stomach, why it can be dangerous, is it possible to sleep on the stomach of a pregnant woman, a newborn baby, a woman after childbirth, etc.

Psychological aspect - who likes to fall asleep on his stomach?

It is almost impossible to control the position of the body during sleep. Even just turning over means waking up for a short time and falling asleep again (during sleep, a person can change body position up to 25 times). But here's a favorite sleeping position can tell a lot about a person's habits, his character and lifestyle:

  • Falling asleep in the “fetal” position (on the side, arms bent, knees stretching to the chin), it is difficult to adapt to the changed conditions, does not like to change the line of behavior, needs a fulcrum, support.
  • Sleeping on his back - a straightforward person who loves to achieve everything on his own, has leadership qualities, strong-willed, stubborn, independent.
  • Sleeping on your side with straightened legs is a sign of openness, sociability, a person does not close from anyone in a protective position, knows how to listen to others.
  • People who prefer to fall asleep on their stomach are usually reserved, who love to control their surroundings. They do not climb into someone else's life, but they do not let anyone into their own.
  • Frequent change of position during sleep is a sign nervous tension and psychological discomfort. Consciousness, even during the rest period, tries to find a way out of difficult situation, good rest in this case practically impossible.

Reasons why sleeping on your stomach is bad for your health

With prolonged lying on the stomach, the main load of body weight falls on the chest and abdominal cavity and all the organs that are in it. The enormous pressure of the body leads to squeezing of the internal organs, disruption of their blood circulation, which makes the heart work with increased load, and internal organs become more prone to chronic diseases. This can lead to the following dangerous consequences:

  • Compression of the chest leads to difficulty breathing, which reduces the supply of oxygen to the heart and brain. Sleep becomes disturbing, you may have nightmares or just unpleasant things. Over the course of several weeks (or months) there is fatigue, irritability, apathy, reduced immunity, which can lead to the development of a variety of pathologies.
  • squeezing blood vessels increases the workload on the heart. To normalize blood flow, the heart has to increase the number of contractions. People who are used to sleeping on their stomachs are more likely to develop arrhythmia and hypertension.
  • Violation of the organs digestive system- squeezing the stomach and duodenum affects the process of digestion of food (especially at a late dinner). It - increased risk gastritis and even stomach ulcers. The work of the intestines slows down, which is fraught with the appearance of constipation.
  • In women who sleep on their stomach, the mammary glands are squeezed. This leads to the appearance of stretch marks, folds, wrinkles on the chest, as well as sagging breasts. Squeezing the mammary glands is fraught with the appearance of seals or even tumors in them.
  • In men, falling asleep in this position is fraught with problems in sexual life. Prolonged lying on the stomach slows down blood circulation in the pelvic area, which leads to a decrease in potency, libido, sperm quality decreases, and increases the risk of prostatitis. Yes, and the male genital organ is also directly squeezed by the weight of the whole body, therefore better for men change your sleeping position.
  • Problems with the spine and posture - when falling asleep on the stomach, the neck turns to the right or left and long time is in an unnatural position. Nothing bad will happen in a couple of nights, but over time cervical vertebrae become fragile, and the spine is bent. In addition, often squeezed carotid artery which slows down the blood supply to the brain. This is especially dangerous for the elderly and those suffering from atherosclerosis.

Other unpleasant consequences:

  • Swelling of the face in the morning after a night's rest on the abdomen.
  • The appearance of wrinkles on the face (most often near the nose and mouth).
  • Squeezing of the bladder - appear frequent urges to urination up to urinary incontinence.
  • Pinching of the muscles of the neck, shoulder, cramps.

Often, when such ailments appear, a person begins to puzzle over what could be the cause, and all the fault is just the constant falling asleep on the stomach. An ordinary trifle eventually becomes a cause serious problems with health.

Can pregnant women sleep on their stomach?

During pregnancy, sleeping on your stomach is highly discouraged. Gynecologists allow a pregnant woman to fall asleep on her stomach only in the early stages, and even then not constantly. The most recommended position is on the left side.

In the second trimester of pregnancy, sleeping (and just lying) on ​​your stomach becomes simply uncomfortable, so women rarely have such problems. The best option there will be sleep on your side, for convenience and comfort, you can use a special pillow for pregnant women. This pillow can then be useful to mommy for feeding the baby.

It is especially harmful for a pregnant woman to sleep on her stomach in late pregnancy - this is very dangerous for the baby. In this case, the weight of the mother's body presses on the stomach, the placenta, through which the child receives oxygen, can be pressed down. There is a risk of intrauterine asphyxia. As you can see, such a sleeping position during pregnancy can lead to tragic consequences.

But after a caesarean section, sleeping on your stomach is highly recommended. The baby is no longer in the tummy, and you probably already missed this position for falling asleep. Sleeping in this position strengthens the muscles abdominals after surgery, uterine contraction also improves. It is allowed to fall asleep in this position after natural childbirth.

When breastfeeding, sleeping on your stomach becomes uncomfortable. The chest is poured, it can ache, so its squeezing is accompanied unpleasant sensations. It can also lead to milk loss. Therefore, doctors do not recommend sleeping in this position.

newborn babies

Can a newborn baby sleep on their stomach? This issue has been discussed for many decades and often becomes the subject of quarrels between the baby's parents and grandmothers. Children's doctors say that sleeping in this position is safe for a child: the baby improves bowel function, strengthens back muscles, and is less worried about colic. In addition, this position will protect the baby from possible suffocation with vomit when spitting up or vomiting. A newborn child is forbidden to put a pillow - he must sleep on a flat surface.

But for children older than 3 years old, it is not recommended to fall asleep on the tummy - this can lead to a violation of posture and curvature of the spine. To prevent the child from constantly striving to fall asleep like this, teach him to go to bed with soft toy, which he will hug at night and which will prevent him from lying on his stomach for a long time.

Thus, in most cases, sleeping on your stomach is not an option. This is especially dangerous for the elderly and pregnant women. But for young mothers after childbirth and newborn babies, sleeping in this position is very useful.


A person can roll over overnight, change the position of the body. But awakening usually occurs in the position that is most preferable and natural. Look after yourself, look after your loved ones. What posture do they and you have during sleep most often precedes awakening?

If a person sleeps on their back

If a person likes to sleep on his back, this speaks of his calm, confident strength, reliability. Such people tend to patronize the weak, merciful to enemies, indulgent. New information, new contacts and acquaintances do not frighten them, and thanks to their innate sociability, they easily solve their own and other people's problems.
In any life situation, you can rely on such people, they are not prone to betrayal, commercialism. However, they are characterized by a slight arrogance, excessive self-confidence. If a person takes up a lot of space (spreads his legs, arms) - this speaks not only of strength, but also of selfishness, and also that the personal space of such people is a very concept. Sometimes so extensible that the other person's place may be secondary. In any case, a person who likes to sleep on his back is distinguished by independence, such people are leaders by nature.

If a person sleeps in the fetal position

If a person sleeps on his side, pulling his legs to his stomach, putting his hands under his head or hugging his shoulders - this indicates that he is experiencing tightness in certain situations, various phobias, afraid of difficulties, hard going through problems and not inclined to solve them on their own. Note: a person sleeping in such a position, as if “squeezing” into a corner, tries to take up as little space as possible. This suggests that he values ​​his personal space, but is ready to "compress" it in order to give way to another - in his personal space, in his career, in his personal life. Such people need protection, guardianship, care, a patron, they are used to following the leader and are not able to take responsibility for themselves. difficult situations.

If a person likes to sleep on his stomach

If a person likes to sleep on his stomach, "hugging" a pillow or a bed, this indicates that he likes to make decisions himself, tends to be independent and is not afraid to overcome obstacles. Such a person is used to "taking the heights" alone, has patience and the ability to achieve his own. These people are characterized by such qualities as secrecy, and in unexpected situations they are "on their minds" and can make unexpected decisions. They do not accept criticism addressed to them, they do not take into account the authority of their opponents, they behave as if they alone are authority for themselves. Perseverance and determination in such people make them indispensable in cases where a good performer is needed. But in a favorable situation, they can easily change their habitat, leader, project - in the name of more favorable conditions, therefore they are often careerists.

If a person likes to sleep on his side

This pose resembles the "" pose, but more relaxed,. The legs are not tucked up to the stomach, the arms are spread freely near the body. Such people adore comfort, have an analytical mind, strive to remain calm and adequate in any situation. Reliability, the ability to adapt both to people and situations, a high level of survival in everyday difficulties, independence and the ability to work in partnership are far from complete list their merits. Not possessing high level energy and psychic power, these people, nevertheless, know how to rationally spend their inner potential, do not like fuss, are not prone to euphoria. negative quality there may be slight indifference, selfishness and overly developed pragmatism - they will not go out of their way to help their neighbor, but rather take advantage of the situation to improve their lives.

The waiting period for a child includes a lot of nuances. Every detail of life organization future mother It has great importance. Have to pay increased attention daily activities and rituals that used to happen automatically. Eating, sleeping, work-life ratios all change during pregnancy. Every moment of the daily routine is considered through the prism of the impact on the health of the woman and the embryo. Carrying a child is often accompanied by physical and psychological discomfort. It is worth getting pregnant and immediately appear various violations in the process of dreaming. As the fetus develops, it often takes a lot of effort to sleep.

A full sleep for a pregnant woman becomes "worth its weight in gold." A comfortable posture during rest can provide good dreams. But the birth of a new life inside the womb also introduces a number of restrictions here. The question arises about the position of the body in a dream, because many women love the so-called "rich man's position." Can pregnant women sleep on their stomach? Will it harm the unborn baby?

At the beginning of pregnancy, the choice of sleeping position is wide. Sleeping on your stomach can be painful hypersensitivity and changes in breast size. In this case, it is recommended to change the position of the body, as there is a risk of bad consequences for the chest. How long can you sleep on your stomach?

Advice! Some researchers do not recommend such sleep at the beginning of pregnancy. This is due to pressure on the diaphragm, the regularity of which leads to respiratory failure. Lack of oxygen plus increased uterine tone can have sad consequences. Therefore, it is better to gradually unlearn this habit.

Toxicosis - common cause bad sleep in early period pregnancy. Experts advise in this case to sleep in an elevated position. A high pillow is the best solution.

How long to sleep on your stomach

A frequently asked question is: up to how many weeks. Gynecologists answer: at the beginning of the period (up to about 12 weeks), rest is allowed in any position. During this period, the stomach is small, the size of the uterus does not go beyond the pelvis, which allows you to lie with your back up without consequences. Inside the womb, the fetus is reliably protected by a water "cushion". So nature took care of the safety of the embryo, so moderate pressure from the outside will not cause any harm. Try an experiment: fill a balloon with water, place an object inside, tie it tightly. Now try to put pressure on the outer shell with your hands (without fanaticism, of course). An object in a liquid medium will remain unchanged.

Expecting twins and resting with your back up

Carrying twins is a separate feat for a woman. Double "happiness" increases the load on the body. In the distant past, the number of future children could only be dreamed of. Today, you can find out about multiple pregnancies already at the 7th week of the term, thanks to ultrasound examination and listening to heartbeats.

Pregnancy with twins is an earlier toxicosis and heightened danger development of varicose veins. In this case, the rest of the expectant mother is also desirable to "double". Especially on Thursday, when weekly fatigue at work accumulates and the overall tone of the body decreases.

It's important to know! Sleeping on your stomach is not acceptable even at the initial stage. Two embryos inside the placenta take up a lot of space. As a result, it decreases total weight amniotic fluid. The size of the uterus during a "double" pregnancy is large even in the first trimester. Therefore, the implementation of rest "back up" is physically impossible. The optimal sleeping position is "half-sitting" with an elevation in the legs.

It is not possible for several reasons:

Pregnancy with twins is typical increased activity during a woman's sleep. "Dividing the territory" in the womb is a favorite pastime of intrauterine toddlers. Violent activity often falls at night, prevents the expectant mother from falling asleep. Therefore, it is important to find the most comfortable position (using pillows or other improvised means), to monitor the air temperature in the bedroom.

Why you shouldn't sleep on your stomach while pregnant

The first weeks of conception are characterized by minimal outward signs. Doctors do not prohibit sleeping on the stomach in given period if the woman does not experience any particular discomfort. Another thing is the second and third semesters. The "rich man's pose" is not only harmful, but also physically uncomfortable.

And you try to lie on a big ball. Can you sleep well in this position? As the fetus develops, the embryo occupies everything in the womb more space. The ratios of "amniotic fluid" - the embryo are changing in favor of the baby. Is it comfortable for the expectant mother to lie on own child? Any sane woman will make the right conclusion - you can not sleep on your stomach during pregnancy.

The best positions for sleeping at the end of the term

Poses for dreams in the second and third trimester of pregnancy do not differ in their diversity. The main thing is to leave in the past the postures “on the back” and “on the stomach”. A woman will return to them with pleasure after childbirth. Doctors recommend certain body positions depending on the placement of the fetus in the uterus:

Advice! If the pregnancy proceeds smoothly, without special “surprises”, the “on the side” position is considered the universal sleeping position. In this case, priority is given to the left side of the body. Doctors say that thanks to this position, the liver rests from excessive pressure. In addition, the functions of the heart muscle are normalized. In order to avoid leg diseases, it is advised to put under lower limbs pillow.

Use of special pillows

Women all over the world do not get tired of sending grateful vibes to inventors. There was such a "joy" relatively recently. The L-shaped innovation was introduced in 2004 by Jami Leach. The invention instantly "blew up" the orthopedic goods industry, opening up a new area for the production of accessories for pregnant and lactating mothers. Special fixtures repeat the outline of the body, prevents the "wrong" posture during sleep, has a healing effect.

When purchasing this "device" it is necessary to take into account consumer reviews. They all boil down to certain nuances:

  • Huge size. As a result, it takes up a lot of space, it is processed in dry cleaning (hand washing is prohibited, in washing machine does not fit).
  • Specific filler: electrified, can "rustle" during sleep, does not absorb moisture. Not recommended for use in hot climates.
  • A disgruntled husband who is forced to "move" to the sofa due to lack of sleeping space.

Those who are not afraid of the listed shortcomings will easily find their favorite pillow. The choice is very extensive. Depending on the shape, the ways of positioning the body also change.

This table will help you navigate the variety of offers:

Pillow shapeHow to get a jobFor whom
GHead - top part, the abdomen is lower, the back fits snugly against the inner surface.For late pregnancy. The pillow will eliminate "harmful" positions.
UThe head is based on the letter, the body is between two parallel ones.For those who love comfort and sleep "in a house" from a blanket.
CThe belly is in the middle of the base, the head and legs are at the edges.Open back option. Takes up less space than previous types.
GThe upper part is for the head, the belly is on the base. Optionally, you can clasp the upper leg.The best option for a double bed.
IMinimalism in design gives freedom of location.For the economical. Because it's usually the cheapest option.

The absence of a special pillow is not a problem. You can easily get by with improvised means (rollers, twisted blankets) for the most comfortable arrangement.

Proper organization of the rest of the expectant mother

During pregnancy, not only the “subject environment” during sleep plays a role, but also the quality of rest. Gynecologists agree on the need daytime sleep. The absence of annoying factors(bright light, noise) during the dormant period. It is required to exclude work on the night shift, it is forbidden to stay at the computer for a long time. A constant mode of awakening and falling asleep is vital. At the same time, the maximum bedtime should not be later than 22:00, even on Friday and weekends. All of the above measures can positively affect the well-being of the expectant mother and her fetus.


Expecting a baby imposes a great responsibility for their own health on a pregnant woman. Especially when it's the first life experience. Diet, sleeping position, clothes and shoes - all take on increased importance. It will be better if all these points are agreed with the supervisor. For the successful development of the child, it is important to strictly follow the recommendations of the doctor. And then the long-awaited trip to the hospital will be a wonderful beginning of a new period.

A significant part of the inhabitants of our planet feel most comfortable during sleep, lying on their stomach. How to be women of an expectant child: continue to sleep on their stomach, and will the favorite lying damage the health of the baby?

Can you lie on your stomach during pregnancy?

In anticipation of a child, women ask many questions: regarding the health of the unborn child, their well-being, changes in the body, body. Girls are overcome by a lot of fears and anxieties. Is it possible for pregnant women to sleep on their stomach does not belong to the category of issues of particular importance, but for some mothers it is very relevant.

In the dilemma of sleeping on the stomach, experts are divided. Some argue that sleeping on your stomach during pregnancy will not cause any harm to the child. But, what is very important, in the early stages - until the stomach is rounded.

Other experts are strongly against dreams on the stomach, urging expectant mothers from the first days of conception to get used to sleeping on their side. Since, such discipline will negate the possibility in the future, unconsciously roll over on the stomach and harm the child.

During the growth of the abdomen, you can forget about sleeping on it. A round belly will not allow you to do such manipulations. In addition, with an increase in the mammary glands, you can’t call it comfortable, sleeping on your belly, but rather unpleasant.

Why pregnant women shouldn't sleep on their stomachs

Lying on the stomach during active growth the child, which means an increase in the volume of the mother, can injure the child. On the one hand, amniotic fluid, uterine muscles, abdominal muscles protect the fetus from the inside. But on the other side - Great chance that pressure through your weight will harm the baby's health. This is why pregnant women should not sleep on their stomachs. In addition, what sane mother will calmly lie down on her little one ?!

How long should pregnant women not sleep on their stomachs?

Some doctors say that lying on your stomach in the early stages of pregnancy is allowed. The uterus is still small, the embryo is absolutely insured pubic bone, so the pressure of your body will not cause harm. Just do not experiment: if you feel the slightest discomfort, change your position.

When should moms stop sleeping on their stomachs during pregnancy? Starting from the 15th week, the volume of the woman's uterus increases significantly in size, respectively, the belly is rounded. From this period, lying or squeezing the stomach with tight clothing is prohibited.

In the equator of pregnancy, you can still pamper yourself by sleeping on your back. The weight of the child will not press down on the lower back and will allow blood to circulate fully.

With the beginning of the last trimester, it is absolutely forbidden to make any pressure on the stomach in the form of reclining or squeezing. Even if you wanted to pamper yourself on your stomach, the size of the belly simply will not allow it. The “asterisk” pose, lying on your back, will also fail. Firstly, the lower back will ache, and secondly, the mass of the child will “block” the blood flow, which will lead to oxygen starvation baby.

Sleeping on your side is an alternative. For comfort, under the belly, you can put a small pillow or purchase a special pillow for pregnant women, which in further operation can serve as a kind of playpen for the little one.

How much comfort means to a woman: cup strong coffee, hot tub, a glass or two of wine at dinner, a favorite dream on the belly. Unfortunately, with the onset of pregnancy, many weaknesses need to be put on a "pause". This is a temporary mode. With the advent of the child, after some time, the "start" will start again and you will not even notice how familiar things return to your life.

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