On the dangers of excess polyunsaturated fatty acids. Polyunsaturated fatty acids - biological significance

I am glad to welcome dear readers of my blog! Today my news is not very good. The skin became very dry, even irritation and peeling appeared. As it turned out, I need polyunsaturated fatty acid where do you know? Let's figure it out together: what is their role in the body, as well as the benefits and harms.

Vitamins, fats, proteins, carbohydrates and trace elements are essential for our body. Many of the substances we need are found in food. Polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) are no exception. The name comes from the structure of the molecule. If an acid molecule has double bonds between carbon atoms, it is polyunsaturated. Please do not confuse PUFAs with polyunsaturated fats. The second - fatty acids paired with glycerol, they are also called triglycerides. They are the source of cholesterol and excess weight.

Often in the composition of dietary supplements and vitamins, you can see alpha-linolenic acid. Docosahexaenoic and ecosapentaenoic fatty acids can be seen in such formulations. This is an omega-3 PUFA.

As part of the preparations, you can also see linoleic, arachidonic or gamma-linolenic acids. They belong to omega-6. These elements cannot be synthesized in our body. That is why they are so valuable. They can get to us either with food or with drugs.

The foods you eat must contain PUFAs. If they are not there, over time, symptoms of a lack of the necessary substances will appear. I think you have heard of vitamin F. It is found in many vitamin complexes. So here is the F vitamin contains omega-3 and omega-6 acids. If you take vitamins, be sure to pay attention to its presence.

What is the value of these substances:

  • normalize arterial pressure;
  • lower cholesterol;
  • effective in treatment acne, various skin diseases;
  • promote weight loss by burning saturated fat;
  • participate in the structure of cell membranes;
  • prevent thrombosis;
  • neutralize any inflammation in the body;
  • have a positive effect on the reproductive system.

Omega-6 and omega-3 are best taken not separately, but together. For example, Eskimos consume these fats in equal proportions. Proof of it low interest mortality from diseases of the heart and blood vessels.

Most scientists agreed that the optimal proportions of these fats are 5:1 (always less omega-3)

If a person is sick, then 2:1. But since everything is quite individual, the attending physician may advise another ratio just for you.

Foods rich in omega-3 and omega-6 fats

Omega-3 family acids, biological role they are very large, are involved in the construction of biological membranes of cells. Membranes serve to transmit signals between neurons. They affect the state of the retina, blood vessels and heart, brain function.

Flaxseed oil contains about 58% omega-3, soybean oil - 7%. This element is also found in tuna - 1.5g / 100g, mackerel - 2.6g / 100g. It is also present in the yolk, although it is not much - 0.05g / 100g.

Lots of omega-6s in vegetable oils. Most of all in sunflower oil - 65%, corn - 59%. As well as soybean oil - 50%. In linen only 14%, and in olive - 8%. In tuna and mackerel, 1g/100g of product. In the yolk - 0.1g / 100g. These fats warn multiple sclerosis important in the treatment of the disease. Relieve arthritis, regulate blood sugar. shown to people with skin diseases, liver diseases, etc.

These PUFAs are also found in tofu, soybeans, wheat germ, and green beans. In fruits such as apple, banana, strawberry. They contain walnuts, sesame, pumpkin seeds.

Omega-6 - benefit and harm

How to understand that you do not have enough PUFAs or vice versa in excess? Diseases inflammatory nature may indicate an excess polyunsaturated fats. recurring depressions, thick blood also indicate this. If an excess of these fatty acids is found, try to exclude from the diet: walnuts, vegetable oils, pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds.

It doesn't hurt to consult a doctor. After all, it may be that the above symptoms are not associated with omega-6. With a shortage of this substance, as well as with its excess, thick blood is observed. And also, high cholesterol. With an excess and with a lack of acids of this type, there may be similar symptoms. The lack of these polyunsaturated fats may indicate:

  • loose skin;
  • obesity;
  • weak immunity;
  • infertility in women;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • joint diseases and problems with intervertebral discs.

It is difficult to overestimate the benefits of fats of this type. Thanks to them, the elimination of toxins in our body is accelerated. The work of the heart and the condition of blood vessels improves. Reduced risk mental illness. Increases brain activity. Improves hair and nail growth appearance. An adult needs to consume at least 4.5-8 g of this PUFA per day.

What threatens the lack or excess of omega-3

Flaw healthy fats omega-3 is manifested in brittle nails, different kind rashes and peeling of the skin (for example, dandruff). The pressure increases and problems with the joints appear.

If there is too much of this PUFA in the body, then frequent diarrhea, digestive problems. Also, hypotension and bleeding may be associated with its overabundance.

You should consume at least 1-2.5 g of this type of fat per day.

Omega 3 have great value for our body because:

  • Strengthen blood vessels and improve heart function;
  • Normalize blood sugar levels;
  • Restore the nervous system;
  • Improve the functioning of the thyroid gland;
  • Take part in construction cell membranes;
  • blocking inflammatory processes.

If you are deficient in these fats, try to consume the listed foods daily.

Here are some of the most important proven useful properties foods rich in polyunsaturated fats and supplements containing PUFAs.

Potential Benefits of Eating PUFAs

According to preliminary studies, the omega-3 fatty acids present in algal oil fish oil, fish and seafood, reduce the risk of myocardial infarction. Current research suggests that the omega-6 fatty acids found in sunflower oil and safflower oil may also reduce the risk of developing cardiovascular disease.

Among the omega-3 fatty acids, none of their forms are associated with the risk of breast cancer in women. High level docosahexaenoic acid (the most abundant form of omega-3 PUFA in red blood cell membranes) has been associated with a reduced risk of breast cancer. Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), obtained through the consumption of polyunsaturated fatty acids, has been linked to improved cognition and behavior. In addition, DHA has a vital importance for gray matter human brain, as well as stimulation of the retina and neurotransmission.

Preliminary studies suggest that polyunsaturated fat supplementation is indicated to reduce the risk of lateral amyotrophic sclerosis(ALS, Lou Gehrig's disease).

The importance of the ratio of omega-6/omega-3 fatty acids, established by comparative studies, shows that the ratio of omega-6/omega-3 - 4:1, can contribute to health.

Due to the lack of eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) in vegetarian diet, high doses of alpha lipoic acid (ALA) provide the body of vegetarians and vegans limited number EPA, and very little DHA.

There are conflicting associations between dietary factors and atrial fibrillation (AF). In a study published in 2010 in the journal The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, the researchers found that consumption of polyunsaturated fats was not significantly associated with AF.

Reduce triglyceride levels

Polyunsaturated fats lower triglyceride levels. American Heart Association recommends people with high content triglycerides to replace saturated fats in the diet with polyunsaturated fats. Polyunsaturated fatty acids help detoxify the body of harmful fats such as saturated fat (only harmful if consumed in large amounts), cholesterol, and triglycerides. In a 2006 study led by researcher E. Balk, fish oil was found to increase levels of "good" cholesterol, known as high-density lipoprotein (HDL), and lower triglycerides. Another 1997 study led by William S. Harris found that taking 4 grams of fish oil daily reduced triglyceride levels by 25-35%.

Reduce blood pressure

Polyunsaturated fatty acids can help reduce blood pressure. Some studies show that people whose diets are rich in PUFAs, or who take fish oil and polyunsaturated fat supplements, have lower blood pressure.

consumption during pregnancy

The intake of omega-3 fatty acids during pregnancy is critical for fetal development. During the prenatal period, these fats are essential for the formation of synapses and cell membranes. These processes also play important role after birth, contributing normal reactions central nervous system on trauma and stimulation of the retina.

Cancer diseases

A 2010 study of 3,081 women with breast cancer examined the effects of polyunsaturated fats on breast cancer. It was found that getting a large amount of long-chain omega-3 polyunsaturated fats from food by 25% reduced the risk of developing repeated cases occurrence of breast cancer. It was also found that the women who participated in the experiment had a reduced mortality rate. Consumption of polyunsaturated fats in the form of fish oil supplements did not reduce the risk of breast cancer recurrence, although the authors noted that only less than 5% of women took supplements.

By at least one study in mice found that consuming high amounts of polyunsaturated fats (but not monounsaturated fats) could increase cancer metastasis in rats. Researchers have found that linoleic acid in polyunsaturated fats enhances adherence of circulating tumor cells to the walls blood vessels and distant organs. According to the report, "The new data supports early evidence from other studies that people who consume a large number of polyunsaturated fats can increase the risk of spreading cancer."

The tendency of polyunsaturated fats to oxidize is another possible factor risk. This leads to the formation free radicals and eventually to rancidity. Studies have shown that low doses of CoQ10 reduce this oxidation. The combination of a diet rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids and supplementation with coenzyme Q10 results in a longer lifespan in rats. Animal studies have shown an association between polyunsaturated fats and the incidence of tumors. In some of these studies, the incidence of tumor formation increases with increased consumption of polyunsaturated fats (up to 5% of general receipt calories from food).

Polyunsaturated fatty acids. Many of us think: “Why should I know anything about them?” But this wrong setting question. What are the rules in this context we need to know?

Fatty acids useful for the human body

Without polyunsaturated fatty acids (or PUFAs for short), our body will not be able to "work" efficiently. However, these substances are found only in products consumed by humans. They have another name: Omega number three and six. These acids are not synthesized by humans, and therefore each of us must carefully monitor our diet and control their intake into the body, and in enough. There is also a set of vitamins F, which includes polyunsaturated fatty acids in full.

What joy do we get from these fats? Experts, based on numerous studies, are sure that it is colossal: these elements are involved in the metabolic process of our body and, very importantly, they “work” at the cellular level. Polyunsaturated fats provide full protection to cells, prolong their life and include mechanisms to preserve the genetic information that they contain. So eat foods rich in omega number three to six - and premature aging will not threaten you. In addition, these acids optimize the metabolism of fatty elements and regulate the life of bacteria necessary for the human body.

The unique “abilities” of the above healthy fats do not end there. Firstly, despite the fact that these acids are not synthesized by our body, they themselves stimulate very important processes: for example, Omega types 3 and 6 are involved in the formation of hormone-like substances that help prevent internal inflammation and lowering blood pressure. Secondly, polyunsaturated fatty acids balance cholesterol levels in our body, which positively affects the state of blood vessels and heart muscle.

Where to find healthy fats?

In total, there are 5 essential polyunsaturated types of fats - these are the following acids:

  • linolenic,
  • arachidonic,
  • eicosapentaenoic,
  • docosahexaenoic,
  • linoleic.

They are present in many products. But there are also winners in their content. The main supplier of Omega three and six to our body are vegetable oils, especially soy, walnut and linseed. These substances can be found in other oils, as well as in soybeans, avocados, almonds and peanuts. All of the above products should be included in one way or another in your daily diet nutrition.

Do not forget that greatest benefit from vegetables will only be if you consume them in fresh. It must be remembered: useful substances are destroyed during refining or heat treatment. This occurs as a result of the oxidation of the substance. Also, this process “starts” when interacting with air. Therefore (with regard to vegetable oils) they are best consumed unrefined and stored in closed containers (bottles). But polyunsaturated fats are not recommended for frying. As a result heat treatment, after reaching certain temperature, carcinogenic substances are formed, which are very harmful to human body.

Be careful with linseed oil. It has very high oxidizing properties. Such oil after opening should be stored only in the refrigerator and no more than 30 days. Use in your menu flax seeds. It is enough to add 1 teaspoon of this product to food daily in ground form.

The need for polyunsaturated fats is covered by many people through the use of fish oil purchased in pharmacies. Is not the best option. Foods that contain beneficial substances such as Omega-3 and Omega-6 are more effective. They are more easily absorbed by our body, and their taste is much richer than that of fish oil capsules. It is much more pleasant to eat cauliflower and Chinese cabbage, broccoli, spinach, beans, salads seasoned with various oils, or juicy melon- all of them are rich in polyunsaturated fats necessary for the human body.

Omega-3 and Omega-6: intake per day

Measure is needed in everything, especially for the human body. He needs many useful substances, but their effectiveness is maximum if certain norm their consumption and the corresponding balance. It is a mistake to think that if you eat foods rich in Omega-3 and Omega-6 with "fanaticism", your body will be "delighted." On the contrary, an excess of these fatty acids will overload your liver and pancreas. It makes no sense to experience them, just as you should not ignore the benefits of polyunsaturated fats. You will feel their deficiency immediately. It is better to observe the principle of balanced and reasonable consumption.

Our body needs to receive approximately 2.5 g of fatty acids per day, which is almost 2 tablespoons. Naturally, this amount applies not only to oil, but also to all types of products that contain these substances. Thus, be sure to eat foods containing Omega-3 and Omega-6, do not abuse them, and nature will give you health in return, good health, high energy and long years life.

Many people who strive to eat right and therefore abstain from high-calorie foods react negatively to the word "fat". But if polyunsaturated fatty acids are meant, then they cannot be considered harmful. Without these, extremely necessary for the body substances, it is impossible to be healthy. Even those who are trying to lose weight should not refuse them. Yes, these are really fats, but not simple, but useful. They protect cells human body from premature wear and destruction, serve as the focus energy resources, help to synthesize other elements responsible for the composition of the blood, the state of the nervous system, muscles, skin. Rashes on the face, the appearance of acne and pimples, hair loss and exfoliation of nails, memory impairment, pressure surges, joint pain, intestinal problems are signs of a lack of polyunsaturated fatty acids, and where these substances are contained is useful to know for everyone who takes care of their own. health and intend to live life to the fullest.

Where are polyunsaturated fatty acids found?

For normal life, a person must take such acids at least twice a week, but the best option is to include these substances in the diet daily. Among the products containing polyunsaturated fatty acids, some varieties of fish occupy a leading position: herring, sardines, etc. Do not forget about fish oil, unloved by many since childhood. Today, this dietary supplement is available in a convenient form - in odorless and tasteless gelatin capsules, which are not at all disgusting to swallow. Polyunsaturated fatty acids are present in large quantities in other products: chicken eggs, red meat, seafood. They are also found in vegetarian foods: nuts, soybeans, pumpkin, leafy greens, vegetable oil.

To maintain health, we must receive unsaturated fatty acids in special proportions.

In nature, there are a number of compounds necessary for humans that our body is not able to synthesize, but without which we cannot do without. These include polyunsaturated fatty acids.

Unsaturated fatty acids contain a carbohydrate chain in which there is a double bond between carbon atoms. Polyunsaturated fatty acids have several such bonds.

Types of polyunsaturated fatty acids

Polyunsaturated fatty acids are divided into two groups:

    Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids

    Omega-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids

    docosahexagenic acid

    eicosapentaenoic acid

To the main omega 6 acids include:

    linoleic acid

    arachidonic acid

A complex of omega-3 and omega-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids is sometimes also called vitamin F.

Why does the body need polyunsaturated fatty acids?

Polyunsaturated fatty acids are necessary for our body and play an important role. In particular they:

    Influence metabolism, participate in metabolic processes fats.

    Improve the nutrition of tissues and cells.

    Support the immune system.

    Participate in synthesis needed by the body substances - prostaglandins.

In particular, Omega-3 polyunsaturated acids:

    Lower cholesterol levels and prevent the development of atherosclerosis.

    Reduce blood pressure, improve blood circulation and prevent arrhythmias.

    Reduce inflammation, prevent the development of arthritis and sciatica.

    have a positive effect on growth and normal development. Products with

    Beneficial effect on the functioning of the nervous system.

All these qualities make polyunsaturated fatty acids "strategically" important substances, the delivery of which we must ensure in the body.

Sources of polyunsaturated fatty acids

Polyunsaturated fatty acids can easily be obtained from food. Omega-3 polyunsaturated acids in small quantities contained in many products, but most of these substances in marine fish, namely fish oil.

To get omega-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids, you need to eat:

    vegetable oils sunflower, rapeseed, corn

    nuts, seeds

    poultry meat, eggs

It is important to know that polyunsaturated fatty acids are destroyed during heat treatment or refining of the product.

“With age, you need to reduce the amount of fat in food. Preference should be given vegetable oils. Highly a good productsunflower oil It contains omega-6 unsaturated fatty acids. Useful also linseed oil which contains omega-3 unsaturated fatty acids. These substances are very important for the normal functioning of our body. It is very useful to eat fatty sea ​​fish. A few small pieces of salmon or mackerel every day is enough to provide required amount unsaturated fatty acids, - He speaks Associate Professor of the Department of Gastroenterology and Therapy of the Dnepropetrovsk State medical academy Viktor Ivanovich Zalevsky

But it is important not just to consume these substances in food. In order for polyunsaturated fatty acids to be beneficial, they must be supplied in certain proportions. The correct ratio of polyunsaturated fatty acids in food is called from 1/1 to 4/1 omega-6 acids to omega-3 polyunsaturated acids.

If necessary, unsaturated fatty acids can be taken in capsules. But first, you must definitely consult a doctor, otherwise you risk harming yourself.

When polyunsaturated fatty acids can harm?

Research conducted by American scientists at the National Eye Institute (NEI) has shown that a diet high in omega-3 fatty acids can help prevent one of the leading causes of blindness among older people.

Scientists have proven that too large doses polyunsaturated fatty acids can harm the body. So, for example, an excess of omega-3 polyunsaturated acids increases the risk of developing prostate cancer.

It is also dangerous when there is a prevalence of omega-6 over omega-3, since the inflammation-causing substances released from omega-6 outnumber the anti-inflammatory components of omega-3 polyunsaturated acids. The optimal ratio is 1/1.

FROM too much omega-6 acids in relation to omega-3 acids contributes to the development of a number of diseases. Possible metabolic disorders, the development of atherosclerosis, arthritis and other violations.

In addition, polyunsaturated fatty acids perish quickly, so it is important that products containing them are stored correctly and within their shelf life.

If you don't have enough fish in your diet fatty varieties, it will not be superfluous in preventive purposes enter additional reception omega 3. Available in pharmacies a wide range of such means that can confuse the buyer. Recently "Test" conducted a comparative study of preparations containing omega-3 PUFAs, and their recommendation is SMART OMEGA® Q10.

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